Former ARBCA Chairman and pastor Earl Blackburn Wins Seat on Elkin School Board

In addition, this document further proves knowledge of Chantry’s crimes by Earl Blackburn, the most powerful leader in ARBCA over the past 20 years.  He has been at the center of the cover-up.  He is the senior pastor of Heritage Baptist Church in Shreveport,  Louisiana.  He should be removed from ministry.  His church should also be removed from the Southern Baptist … Continue reading

Pastor-Pedophile Sentenced to 16-84 Months For Attempting To Hire Hitman to Murder Judge

“Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.” -Matthew 7:20 NLT So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless. Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me … Continue reading

The Village Church “Giving Units” Commission Two “Missionary Units”

“What can you do, thought Winston, against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself; who gives your arguments a fair hearing and simply persists in his lunacy?” -George Orwell, 1984 Hello and good afternoon Reader Units. This is the Writer Unit bringing you a quick update on some double top-secret information from TVC. I was conducting some research Tuesday … Continue reading

My Visit to The (it takes a) Village Church

9/11/2022 The Wartburg Watch, sparring no expense to bring you, our readers, the latest news and insights sent me on assignment to Flower Mound, Texas in an attempt to discover how Matt Chandler and The Village Church are coping with their latest scandal. Enjoying a short, two-week sabbatical in lovely Oklahoma City I decided to make a short, 2 1/2 … Continue reading

Bruce Ashford Finds it Hard to Move on From SEBTS

I included this video because it allows you to verify that J.D. Greear and Bruce Ashford are good friends and roomed together in college. I think it is also useful to display another passionate rant by a celebrity Christian against “discernment bloggers.” Ah yes, it’s old “Ahab” Greear who, when he reads another blog article revealing he has hired a … Continue reading

Julie Roys or J.D. Hall & David Morrill: Who Are You Going to Trust?

I recommend everyone read Julie Roys’ article, “EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser” as background for my article below. “Great things are accomplished through the little ones, the weak ones, the vulnerable ones. When those cries for seeking, saving, protecting, and refuge are heard and honored, then our enemy is silenced. What power … Continue reading

Morales Pleads Guilty to Sexual Abuse Charge Previously Vacated By Judge, Effectively Receives No Penalty For the Crime

“Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” Genesis 18:25, NIV Judge McGann didn’t buy what the former minister was preaching either, saying: “You can’t even bring your despicable self to admit your crime.  So, you hide behind your phony self-diagnosis of amnesia.  Mr. Morales, you are one pathetic human being. August 14, 2014 “I am pleading guilty … Continue reading

Former Sovereign Grace Ministries Employee Nathaniel Morales Has One Conviction and Ten Year Sentence Set Aside – New Trial To Start February 28, 2022

“I don’t believe your insatiable appetite for boys can be cured.  Your wires are permanently twisted.  Your conduct has had a profound and lasting deleterious effect.  A long sentence is the only way to adequately punish you, protect society from you and deter other potential boy molesters. …  You can’t even bring your despicable self to admit your crime.  So, … Continue reading

Marybeth Arnold and Amanda Hodson Are Rewarded in Their Courageous Quest For Justice

  I have never met Marybeth Arnold or Amanda Hodson, but I have followed their story since 2018 and admire them greatly. They have waged an arduous battle in an attempt to bring Ben Cole to justice for sexually abusing them and also to keep Cole from sexually abusing other young girls. While both of their lives have been permanently … Continue reading

Sovereign Grace Churches John Loftness is an Alleged Pedophile Yet Remains a Highly Praised Member in Leadership

“If being a “new creature” in Christ means anything, it means being significantly different from us old creatures. If Jesus really sanctifies we should see more than mere anecdotes about lost wretches getting found; we should see vast differences between God, Inc. and Tobacco, Inc.” -Steve Baughman, Cover-Up in the Kingdom: Phone Sex, Lies, And God’s Great Apologist, Ravi Zacharias … Continue reading

Update on Two Former Baptist Predator Pastors – Tom Chantry and William Milam

This will be a short post. My intent is to simply update the readers on two former Baptist predator pastors that are currently in prison. Tom Chantry For the most complete collection of documents on the Thomas Chantry criminal cases I refer you to Cheryl Watson’s blog, Ephesians511. Watson’s blog is where I gathered much of the factual information below. … Continue reading