Matt Chandler Took Nepotism To New Levels- Hired His Pedo Dad To Keep “The Village Church Denton” Clean!

“It is not grace to shield people from the consequences of their actions, to allow men or women who have been proven unsafe to have free access to vulnerable communities. It is not the gospel to treat abuse unseriously. Today’s story is filled with tension, grief, and uncomfortable truths.” From Bodies Behind The Bus: “Whistleblowers: The Village Church Denton” w/ … Continue reading

March 27, 2024 Episode of “Life Today” Host James Robison Speaks With Guests Robert and James Morris, Reveals Gateway Church Leadership to Remain in the Family

“God’s purpose is not to build up spectacular ministries, or display brilliant minds, or articulate tongues or pleasing, arresting personalities. God’s purpose is to make us, you and me like His Son. It is the only outcome that brings glory to the Father.”  -Diane Langberg, PhD “I usually lump organized religion, organized labor, and organized crime together. The Mafia gets … Continue reading

Gateway Scheduled Speaker Albert Tate is Replaced at the Last Minute by Staffer Kemtal Glasgow

Screen Shot from Twitter Account

In a summer series titled “Let’s Dive In!” Gateway Church has scheduled a slate of guest speakers to preach every Saturday/Sunday beginning June 8-9 and continuing through August 3-4. This covers a nine-week period, one slot remains to be filled. Lisa Harper spoke last week. Albert Tate, Senior Pastor of Fellowship Monrovia in the Los Angeles area, was scheduled to … Continue reading

SGC “Historical Allegations” Document Quietly Removes False Information In Response To Russell Tusing Arrest

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984 … Continue reading

DOJ Investigation of the SBC Results in its First Indictment – Matthew Queen

“If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” ― Will Rogers Nearly two years ago, on Friday, Aug. 12, 2022, the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention said that several of the denomination’s major entities are under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice. On Tuesday, May 21, 2024 the first indictment stemming from the investigation was handed … Continue reading

All That Glitters is Not Gold – Revelations about John Ortberg’s Alleged Abuse While at Willow Creek Church

Editorial Update 5-31-2024 I have received the Police Report filed by Sahaab Jauhar-Rizvi in March 2021 and I wanted to include the relevant pages for your review. The redactions were all made by the South Barrington PD with the one exception of my address, which I made. Based on this Police Report, Dee’s talks with the women accused of having … Continue reading

Sovereign Grace Churches Sexual Abuse Coverups Continue

Note from the editor: Brent Detwiler is a friend of mine and the former number two man in the leadership of Sovereign Grace Ministries (now Sovereign Grace Churches). He has permitted me to reprint this article in its entirety. I have made only three editorial changes which are contained within brackets. -Todd Convicted Child Molester Vince Sievert Allowed to Serve … Continue reading

Sovereign Grace Pastor Arrested For Sexual Battery & Child Molestation of 13-Year-Old Girl

Russell Tusing II, 44, Senior Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange, GA was arrested and charged with sexual battery (FVA) and child molestation (FVA). Tusing was booked into jail on Friday, March 15. According to LaGrange Police Public Information Officer Lt. Chris Pritchett, the charges stem back to a report made in February with allegations dating back to 2022 … Continue reading

Anthony Moore is Back in the Pulpit!

“It is my view that the #1 problem in the evangelical church does not revolve around gender issues, nor financial issues, nor doctrinal issues. The #1 problem in the evangelical church revolves around the desire of evangelical men to grab hold of spiritual authority in the church. Jesus Christ said the pagans “bestow titles and give positions of authority,” but … Continue reading

IHOPKC Spokesman Eric Volz – Who is He?

There have been so many sexual abuse scandals that have come to light within the last few years that it’s hard to keep up with them all. One of the most recent scandals involves the International House of Prayer, Kansas City (IHOPKC). IHOPKC has been one of the better-known organizations within the Charismatic wing of American Christianity. IHOPKC is known … Continue reading

ACME Association Appears to be a (Not So) Stealthy 9Marks Association

Dee received an email a few weeks ago that said, in part, the following: I am a long-time lurker and seldom commenter at TWW. I left a spiritually abusive church after 15 years.  They are Mohler/T4G/Gospel Coalition/CBMW sycophants, chock full of male headship and church discipline.  I was dug deep in at church for a time, drinking the Kool-Aid and thinking … Continue reading

Prayer for Dee and Her Family

Dear Readers, Dee has asked me to inform you that her mother is about to pass away and therefore Dee will not be posting Part 3 of the Waydown Workshop this afternoon. Your prayers for Dee and her family are greatly appreciated in this, their time of sorrow. Update: It has been about 90 minutes since I posted the above … Continue reading

Accused of 3 Counts of Criminal Sexual Conduct it Appears Former Lutheran Minister Nathan Luong Will Accept a Plea Bargain and Receive 60-120 Days in Jail

I have written about Nathan Luong in the past. You can view the story I wrote on August 18, 2023, here. I wanted to provide the readers with an update as Nathan Luong had a Pre-trial hearing today. I was able to observe the hearing via Zoom.   Present in the Zoom call were Judge Robert Docherty, Defense Attorney Scott Lewis, … Continue reading

A Glimpse of my Days Among the Middle East 9 Marks Contingency

“Compliance is another characteristic of abusive discipleship. Submission is equated with compliance with leaders; disagreement and dissent are rarely tolerated. Disciples who speak critically about leaders are frequently labeled as rebellious, divisive, factious, or slanderous. For you to be counted as a slanderer in an abusive discipleship, your words don’t have to mean anything false or malicious. In these groups, … Continue reading

Sovereign Grace Churches No Longer Believe in Apostles, But They Won’t Admit It

In today’s post I will be highlighting the nearly extinct role of apostles in Sovereign Grace Churches, but before I do so I will tell you a little about my life in  American “churchianity”. I was born and raised in Minneapolis, MN and, like the majority of Minnesotans back in the late 1950’s I was raised in the Lutheran Church. … Continue reading

Government Bureaucrat Becomes a 9Marks Pastor

“The people of God want pastors, not clergy acting like bureaucrats or government officials.” -Pope Francis Pop quiz – Who is Riley Barnes? I don’t expect most to know the answer to that question, so allow me me fill you in. As you can see below, Riley Barnes had a great education, graduating Cum laude from Washington and Lee University. … Continue reading