Search Results for: Johnny Hunt

This sort of hacking is not Biblical or endorsed by super dee dooper Reformed groups. I bet some leaders know who is doing this stuff.
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It is time for the SBC to tell the truth about how they are spending the money! Grannie Smith should think twice about leaving her hard-earned money to be spent by the likes of Johnny Hunt
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Would it surprise you that an SBC megachurch pastor is controlling? What about another SBC megachurch pastor who molested a woman. Could both of these be accomplished liars?
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Former SBC President, Johnny Hunt, was a big supporter of Ravi Zacarias. Could that be a problem?
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“God makes it very clear that the true church is to bring light into darkness. That means seeing what things really look like and calling them by their right name. I fear that a portion of Christendom today has become less interested in truth and more interested in power.” -Diane Langberg, PhD What does it mean if something is systemic? … Continue reading

Do you think that the SBC will do something to address the sex abuse crisis in 2024? Probably not. Let’s speak of other things.
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Updated (twice) on 7/4/2023 My earliest recollection of Todd Pruitt was when I stumbled across “The Mortification of Spin,” a podcast hosted by The Allegiance of Confessing Evangelicals. The title was a takeoff on Puritan John Owen’s book, The Mortification of Sin. I am unsure of when the podcast started, but I believe I started listening in 2011. The podcast … Continue reading

I think many people are disappointed in the SBC. But it should not have come as a surprise.
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