Russell Tusing II, 44, Senior Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange, GA was arrested and charged with sexual battery (FVA) and child molestation (FVA). Tusing was booked into jail on Friday, March 15. According to LaGrange Police Public Information Officer Lt. Chris Pritchett, the charges stem back to a report made in February with allegations dating back to 2022 in regard to a 13-year-old female victim. Investigators said a report was filed in late February kickstarting an investigation into the allegations against Turing.
Source:LaGrange Daily News
Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange is a member church of the Sovereign Grace Churches denomination. The denomination has long been dogged by a sexual abuse scandal which occurred while C.J. Mahaney was the Executive President. Mahaney and his group of churches has long been defended by Christian celebrities such as Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever and Al Mohler. To date the only leader who has apologized for supporting Mahaney is Al Mohler.
Since the sexual abuse scandal Sovereign Grace Churches has implemented a standing committee called the “Committee for Sexual Misconduct.” The committee is made up of only men. They would be well advised to add some women to the committee because it appears to me that the only thing Sovereign Grace pastors have learned since the formulation of this Committee is how to quickly scrub their websites when one of their boys is arrested!
Such is the case with Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange. The image below has been scrubbed from their website, but once something is added to the Web it generally can be located!
Scrubbing a website is no easy job, especially when one is attempting to do so quickly to avoid pesky bloggers from getting information. While the image above is no longer on SG LaGrange’s website, images like the one below remain, tying the alleged pastor-pedophile to the church. (I wonder who is “setting the vision” now that Russell is in jail?)
Below is a partial statement on Child Sexual Abuse found on their national website. It sounds good on paper, but it appears that Russell Tusing is yet another Sovereign Grace pastor living a double life.
Sovereign Grace Church of LaGrange has also scrubbed all of Tusing’s sermons from their website. Judging from the creepy clip I recorded from a Tusing sermon I managed to locate from February 25, 2024, I can understand why they don’t want bloggers to find this stuff. One thing I will always wonder about is how these (alleged) pedophiles can preach every week while abusing children.
Another thing I have alway found creepy, and one finds this occurring in many Evangelical churches, is fathers taking their daughters on dates and to dances. Note the photo below of Tusing dancing with his daughter. Admittedly, I am a bit of a curmudgeon but I don’t get it. I am not saying every dad that participates in these things is a pervert, but sorry, can’t we think of something better to do? Take your daughter on a hike, or to an art gallery, or to a bookstore.
I also recall that when I was a member of Sovereign Grace Gilbert (name now has been changed to “Center Church” to keep the unsuspecting from Googling Sovereign Grace) they demanded that if you had a child in the nursery both parents had to serve once a month. Not me. I refused. I am not about to change the diapers of kids that are not mine. Sorry, not sorry.
I have sympathy for Sarah Tusing and her four children. Their lives have been irreparably changed. I also have deep sympathy for the 13 year-old victim who was allegedly raped by pastor Russell, and her family. The damage to them is undoubtedly terrible. Let’s hope Sovereign Grace Churches does the right thing and pays all legal fees and counseling fees this family needs. If SGC has to forgo their annual Pastor’s Conference to afford paying for this, so be it. If Russell Tusing is found guilty of the charges I pray he spends the rest of his life in prison.
One more hypocritical thing I would like to point out that Sovereign Grace Churches has on their website, that being their statement on Brent Detwiler. They formulated this statement in 2013 in response to Brent Detwiler publicly exposing the sexual abuse that had occurred within their denomination. As far as I know, Detwiler is the only man who was a member of the SGC leadership team (formerly known as apostles) to boldly speak the truth about abuse and coverup within SGC. Sovereign Grace Churches Council of Elders wants Detwiler to repent! Unbelievable! The ones who need to repent are the ones who have remained in leadership and refuse to acknowledge their sins. That they have refused to do so is, IMO, the reason God continues to discipline them and expose their filth.
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Apparently “going into the ministry” means something different for some “pastors.”
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???? Why ????
Married with 4 kids?
I cannot even begin to imagine how immense the trauma is for the victim and her immediate family.
13 year old and family, both immediate and extended, friends and friends of friends. Future husband and their kids (if that is in her future). For a reference point, my brother’s marriage ended in divorce primarily because of the trauma his first wife endured as a child. Something like this can just be too difficult to overcome and it affects *everything*.
His wife and family, both immediate and extended, friends and friends of friends.
Church members. Some of the members will likely lose their faith which will also affect their families.
The ripples of something like this are immense in scope.
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Wait a sec.
I just Googled (FVA) which stands for “Family Violence Act”.
Another hit from Google:
“Georgia defines “family violence” as any felony crime or a misdemeanor crime for battery, assault, stalking, criminal damage to property, unlawful restraint, or criminal trespass, when the crime involves: current or former spouses. persons who are parents of the same child. parents and children.”
I am sure they are not naming the victim, but I can’t help but wonder, was this *his* daughter – or a niece? Rhetorical question. Not asking to get an answer (and not really wanting one either).
Again, I am just left scratching my head.
???? Why ????
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“I also recall that when I was a member of Sovereign Grace Gilbert (name now has been changed to “Center Church” to keep the unsuspecting from Googling Sovereign Grace) they demanded that if you had a child in the nursery both parents had to serve once a month. Not me. I refused. I am not about to change the diapers of kids that are not mine. Sorry, not sorry.”
You made the right call. I know at our church nursery, if the child is in need of a diaper change, we go get the parent. But that rule has only been in place for the past few years. Is the SGC bros holding their collective breath waiting for an apology from Brent? I hope so because they desperately need to pass out.
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>Afterburne: I am sure they are not naming the victim, but I can’t help but wonder, was this *his* daughter – or a niece?
I didn’t pick up on this, thanks for checking into it. The truth will all come out eventually. Thanks for both of your comments.
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From my own web searches today, and Todd from your post here (thank you), this guy seems to be overly concerned with his looks, fitness, posing for pictures. A narcissist in my opinion.
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Darn, Todd. Was that audio clip a confession? He claims he “let the inner animal out.” He then appears to be trying to get other people to confess having done so. And guess what he is accused of doing? It sure sounds animalistic to me. What a clip!!
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I hope the “for” stands for “for the prevention of”
Was the perp a member of said committee?
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I doubt it, but do not know. SGC seems to keep a tight lid on who serves on what committee. It’s probably done that way for just such cases.
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Another leader in the Cult of Pedophile Pastors and Priests, exposed. It’s all one racket: guys (mostly, almost always guys) who go for the gig with pay for anything goes (profits, perverts, power) while the sheeples have their back and pay their paycheck (and legal fees). And a standing ovation to boot. Some gig.
Unlike you, Todd, I withhold sympathy for the wife until she shows her cards: Stand by Her Man? … then prosecute her too, as complicit.
One can line these macho guys and their princess gals up from here to the moon and back. There’s a neverending supply.
Pullease, no hearkening back to the Good Ole Golden Days when pastors and priests were supposedly all saintly. Christa Brown and Jules Woodson were not born yesterday. This has been a silent holocaust in churches for a looooong time. It was 2017 MeToo’s Predator Matt Lauer’s exposure that incited Ms. Woodson to address the violator Savage’s evil of decades ago. Predator pedophile pastors and priests go way back: the sons of Prophet Eli were actively evil using their position as opportunity.
The key is to hold every leader accountable for every moment they have on public platforms and every shekel going into their pockets. Are they the real deal, i.e. righteous? Or, simply real evil with church as their cult con gig?
The question. For all times, all places, and all people with positions. Pose the question. And hearken to voices like Ms. Woodson and Ms. Brown. There are many voices not heard, over decades, centuries, and millennia. Way back.
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Ava Aaronson,
Unfortunately, your summary is pretty consistent with my observations…. Sigh
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There is a reference in the above article to “pastor” Russell that grates on me when I read it. He isn’t a pastor in the Biblical sense of the word. It reminds me of God’s judgment against the false shepherds in the Old Testament as found, for example, in Ezekiel 34. No true pastor harms the sheep that belongs to Christ who purchased the “flock” with His blood. I’m not particularly calling for the term to be removed, but do want to seek to make clear he is not a Biblical pastor. The apostle Paul in Acts 20 also warns the Ephesian elders of individuals such as this.
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Paul warned the church “Do not hurry to lay hands on anyone ordaining and approving someone for ministry or an office in the church, or in reinstating expelled offenders, and thereby share in the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.” (1 Timothy 5:22)
Be careful who you lay hands on, lest law enforcement authorities end up laying hands on them too.
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You will look long and hard in the New Testament to find a true pastor with a mug shot at the local police station. Oh, you will locate, in the NT, some bad boys who became church leaders (e.g., Paul), but they were bad actors ‘before’ they confessed Christ and became church leaders. And, you don’t to dive into the Old Testament to drag David into this mess … he was in the military, not the ministry.
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“Don’t long for “the good old days.” This is not wise.”
— Ecclesiastes 7:10 — (from the New Living Translation)
Basically, there never was any ‘good old days’.
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Turning the clock back 20 years, there was a book that IIRC was something of a fad among Evangelical men (well, from my observation it was a fad among the men of a group I was associated with that, it seemed to me, tended to take cues from what was happening in the wider Ev movement)
I never read the book. Perhaps TWW people who have read it could comment whether there might be some overlap with RT’s rhetoric.
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Moral of the story: Beware of “pastors” who have inner animals waiting to get out.
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Really horrific. Maddening and hearbreaking.
Re the diaper thing when your children were small and in church nursery, did you come in and change them if needed? Im assumming if you weren’t willing to care for someome else’s child in that way, that you were consistent re your own?
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Perhaps we could get “animal control” to put down those “inner animals” that come out of the restraints.
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Russell Tusing’s blogging:
Check out this one:
“I was recently engaged in an ordeal that effected [sic] the entire congregation”, over “a position I had asserted regarding a passage dealing with elders and accusations…”
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Chris Webster,
He does have the requisite hot wife. Nothing wrong with that it’s just that so many pastors these days mention how hot their wives are.
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Nostalgia for a past that never existed on land nor sea makes you stupid. (As we have daily proof.)
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Of course if said “pastor” is convicted of these crimes, he may not last too long in prison given how much offenders like are despised. Not that I would shed a tear if something like happens, mind you.
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Statistically speaking….i think we would eliminate a lot of sex abuse in churches by simply having only women with the small children.
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Like Shahanshah Xerxes parading Shahbanou Vashti before the Persian court.
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Like Amleth in The Northman?
(Though technically these are Ulfhethnar – Wolf-totem Berserkers instead of the better-known Bear.)
Reason for that is obvious — “EVERYBODY’S DOING IT! SEE? SEE? SEE?”
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In this day and age, stupid is a way of life in Amerika.
Sad, but it’s true.
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“He does have the requisite hot wife. Nothing wrong with that it’s just that so many pastors these days mention how hot their wives are.”
it’s a reflection of how insular the church industry and pastor industry each are, and how homogeneous the bubble is.
…and how much middle school it all is…
reality is limited to a very small world (although certainly an exciting step up from elementary school!), where people copy each other in the early stages of forming their self-identity.
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the point is that statistically it could be a safeguard against child sexual assault in a church environment.
(since the rate at which it happens in churches and the protect-the-institution/non-response of many churches are both remarkable and repulsive)
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Amen to that Max..
And, a 13 year old?? This guy is a pedo…. But, given Sovereign Grace history…
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Yes, the Sovereign Grace outfit has a track record of turning their pulpits over to just anybody! Sovereign and Grace can’t be blamed for what happened to this young victim … it was all flesh and no Spirit.
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You are a lawyer (or have a lawyer’s education/background), as I understand it. In any of these various abuse cases, has anyone tried to pierce the corporate veil (as it where) of the organization, local church (which are set up as corporations, LLC, etc.) and such to go after the pastors’ and leaders’ personal assets? If so, how successful has that been (I know piercing the corporate veil in general is tough to do)?
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I wish I had. I was a nurse and have an MBA, There is much going on in the SBC. Usually these things are handled by a settlement and an NDA.
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While abuse can happen in any organization, God and the bible are the ultimate force multiplier when it comes to the potential for damage.
All of these religious orgs – we’re focused on Chritianity so I’ll use the term churches – have ancient “scriptures” that contain some of the most barbaric ideals. Women and children are on the same level as cattle – in some cases less.
Slave girls, concubines, Lot’s daughters, head shavings – no wonder these pastors become entitled power junkies, look where they get their “divine inspiration” from.
Then there’s weaponized forgiveness and throw in predestination – yes, you were abused for the glory of god – it was orddained before time began! No high school coach or scout leader can claim such a divine mandate. Heck, these clowns probably think God’s ok with it – I mean he didn’t stop it did he? And we know from the bible that he can so therefore….
Ultimately when it comes to abuse the only way is to seek secular justice- remove god from the equation. He’s not helping.
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Thanks for the links, Jerome. I found this one very interesting. It appears Russell Tusing is telling on himself. Here is a quote from his article:
“What B. B. Warfield was speaking to was the presence and impact of “wolves” within (Peter speaks of false teachers and false prophets arising from “among” the people, II Peter 2:1-3) the church who would ravenously tear, shred and mutilate the sheep (see God’s characterization of Israel’s religious leaders as wolves in Eze. 22:27), around them through the effects of their actions and pontifications as well as the implications of their hidden agendas. This is done through the guise of Christian verbiage and orthodox rhetoric. Of late and recent this has been coined as the “conservative drift.” Ministers who fit this mold ostensibly appear to be orthodox and have conceivably accrued some “trust capital.”
However, this is a convincing masquerade used only to lull his/her environs into complacency. Their positions and esteem are used as leverage to infiltrate the minds and hearts of those in the same flock. Their orthodox language serves as a serpentine riddle of sorts to veritably hypnotize his/her prey; much like the Siren’s song of Greek mythology. Truth be known though no matter how much you disguise or beautify manure it is still manure. A wolf remains a wolf despite their empirically disguised subterfuge.
Christ’s admonition is just as relevant to our day and to the Church as it was during His epoch.
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly
are ravening wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits…A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit,
nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit,” (Matt. 7:15-20).
The operative phrase in this pericope is the one I bolded. Regardless of what the wolf claims to stand for or the alluring usage of orthodox and biblical phraseology the FRUITS of its actions are to be evaluated. Many a sheep fall prey to the wolf’s hollow persona. Persona by definition has the following meanings: 1.) The aspect of a person’s character that is presented to or perceived by others. 2.) A role or character adopted by an author or actor. Recall the devil taking on the persona so to speak of the serpent in Genesis 1. Paul also describes false apostles promoting a certain persona. The true apostle opens chapter 11 of II Corinthians by saying, “I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and loving devotion to Christ.” He was expressing concern that false apostles had cast a deception over the Corinthians in much the same way the devil did through the serpent. Shortly after Paul describes the characteristics of such malevolent interlopers; otherwise known as wolves.
12 “And what I do I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.”
Paul provides another characteristic or fruit that wolves, false apostles, false teachers, et cetera engender. While they disguise themselves as apostles, they are braggadocios. Wolves will invariably boast on what they have done or what they have not done in order to garner veneration and trust. But to whom does their boasting point? Does it promote themselves and magnify their “persona” or does it promote Christ? In the chapter before the one cited above Paul opines, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends,” (II Cor. 10:17-18). “
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Todd Wilhelm,
There’s also a simple folk observation:
“Those that Can don’t need to brag about it.”
And an observation from my writing partner (the burned-out preacher-man):
“If you encounter anyone who titles himself ‘Apostle’, RUN!”
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Or it’s Truth in Advertising for once.
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This is straight from the Sovereign Grace Churches BCO:
10.2 Response Committee for Sexual Misconduct
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R’as al Ghul,
This man has done nothing by sorry his family. The so called biblical wife has planned this for years. She has been the abuser in family, yet everyone is do afraid of her violent outbreaks they look other way. She has been the aggressor for last 5 years, and since I have absolute proof of this a and documents to back up… well she has managed to tear her family apart… she slowly pushed her daughter against him while she was in bed with their 13 year old daughter every night for at least 1/12 hours.. so way is that not abres
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Mommas don’t let your babies grow up to be pastors…
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Todd Wilhelm,
While we are noting this with some humor/saracism, it in many ways is much more serious.. Do they not have “professional” people looking over their documents?? A “normal” edit would catch such things.. but, given old CJ was not very “educated”, one wonders about Sovereign grace..
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But, but, all these Sovereign Grace boys attended their 9-month “Pastor’s College!” (Although Russell never did.) If you look back at Russell’s bio he seems to be intentionally vague about his education at Reformed Seminary. He doesn’t state that he graduated, just that he “moved into his Masters in Theology.” I’ve never heard it expressed like that before. Russell’s church was adopted into the Sovereign Grace “family of churches” in 2014. This was well after the denomination’s sexual abuse coverup scandal had received all its negative press coverage, but apparently Russell didn’t enough good sense to steer well clear. (Or maybe he figured he had finally found some kindred spirits!)
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Todd Wilhelm,
This current back and forth is hitting on a theme that I am far from the first to express, but which, I believe, flows through Evangelicalism, and is a key part of Fundamentalism… Which is: “anti-intellectualism”…
This is a part of the current dust-up at Park Street Church as well…
“anti-intellectualism” presents itself in many forms, and has many “motivators”, a number of which has “Biblical” basis; never-the-less, it is a “major” tool that is exploited, dare I say used to “abuse” others…
I know I have been on the receiving end of “anti-intellectual” “Biblical piousness” to many times to count…
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I just published “Russell Tusing, Lead Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in LaGrange, GA, Arrested for Sexual Battery & Child Molestation “wtih additional information.
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Brent Detwiler,
A very interesting, and depressing, link…..
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I learned many years ago when I left the Calvary Chapel cult, that those people DO NOT speak for Jesus, no matter how much they claim they do through the Bible.
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Thanks for your work, Brent.
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I agree, Jeffrey. How else can you explain nuts like this having followers?
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Let’s give her a hot minute to process what just happened to her family, and focus on being the mother she needs to be for her kids, and perhaps, per DVA implications, her daughter. It will often take an adult 2 weeks post event to start to think about things more logically.
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The “Pastors College” is management training. It is no different than Starbucks or Chick Fil A where you have multiple outlets and you need a uniform culture. Anyone that shows up to church regularly (a good one) and supplements it with their own personal study can accomplish more than what they get at the Pastors College. I think Brent would attest to that.
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Jeffrey Chalmers,
““anti-intellectualism” presents itself in many forms, and has many “motivators”, a number of which has “Biblical” basis; never-the-less, it is a “major” tool that is exploited, dare I say used to “abuse” others…”
no disagreement here.
stupid and embarrassing and pretend magic is one thing. but i also observe that my religion is anti-ethical.
unethical. immoral. cruel.
it’s the darnedest thing.
i mean, what does one do when they realize their religion is unethical?
it’s so darn bewildering.
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I do not think it has to be too “bewildering”…. In fact, the NT warns about false teachers, and wolves, etc…. I think so much of Christianity gets polluted by typical human nature….
So, what is “pure christianity”… sigh..
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This is almost hilarious. Not the SGM situation in this story, but dropped by for first time in years and a quick scroll thru doesn’t show any mention of the IHOP- KC scandal. I mean seriously, the biggest SA scandal for years in the church and no mention? Maybe I missed it, but certainly it’s HUGE news Not sure why… charismatics get a pass here?
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And the grand irony is that Jesus taught ethics to anyone who would listen.
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I wrote a post about it here:
I mainly was looking into who Eric Volz was – The Minister of Truth as he was called!
I actually put out much more information on Twitter than The Wartburg Watch. I Tweeted about the IHOPKC scandal quite often:
Just to name a few.
And no, Charismatics don’t get a pass here. Sovereign Grace still calls themselves Charismatics, but they have tamped that down pretty well – but when I attended they still claimed to have apostles.
I have written about the Peeing Pastor (from Bethel and Catch the Fire) several times, here is one:
And my personal favorite is when I poked fun at Liberty Turnipseed, a Charismatic quack that talks to God more than Moses did!
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There is a dynamic in some corners of the American church where the pew prefers bad-boy pastors who walk and talk no differently than they do … it makes them feel better about their sinful selves. Bad actors would have no stage if it weren’t for an audience willing to buy tickets to the show.
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That whole mess in KC began with the “Kansas City Prophets” years ago. Bickle was in that group before he launched IHOP … his mentors were “Prophets” Bob Jones and Paul Cain, who both fell from ministry due to moral failure. Sadly, many IHOP followers have good hearts, but no discernment. My daughter has a friend whose family sold everything they owned and joined IHOP, trusting that Bickel was the real deal.
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Muff Potter,
I am really contemplating only referring to myself as a follower (or attempted follower) of Christ…no other labels…. I am so disgusted with American Christianity..
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I really like my Celebrate Recovery group, like a 12-step program but Christian. We don’t identify like I did in AA – “I am Chris, an alcoholic.” Instead we identify by our faith – “I am Chris, a follower of Christ.”
But I struggle with even saying that, so I may take your lead – “I am Chris, attempting to follow Christ.”
I am 56, and have found myself just about done with saying words about myself.
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Brent Detwiler,
Brent – this incident is unfathomable to me. Sovereign Grace has zero margin for error. They appear not to have a culture of proactive risk management. This guy gave off all sorts of signals he needed to he watched. Yes, it is predictable Mahaney and his wife will blame Satan but they have created a culture which encourages abuse.
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Scripture says that folks who call themselves Christian have three primary enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil. We too often blame the devil when we have allowed the world and the flesh to trip us up before the devil gets a chance.
“The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.” (Galatians 5:19-21)
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Standard Geralding Defense.
And don’t forget the WITCHES hiding in every closet and under every bed.
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Liberty Turnipseed huh?
I wonder if I could get away with changing my moniker to ‘Injun Joe’?
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Becky Thatcher?
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Those guys would still burn ‘Witches’ if they could.
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What are you talking about? What proof and documents do you have? You’re saying Sarah Tusing pushed their daughter on Russel during the night while they were all sleeping together? Your comment doesn’t really make sense. Please explain more and where you’re getting this information.
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What are you talking about? What proof and documents do you have? You’re saying Sarah Tusing pushed their daughter on Russel during the night while they were all sleeping together? Your comment doesn’t really make sense. Please explain more and where you’re getting this information.
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Transitioned! Therapeuticaly converted! Segued (“service” allusion)! Powerfully shapeshifted!
A parishioner rightly told off my old parish priest in public, for saying in public that he was very nearly as totally depraved as us. The Rev. also explained this to my group in some more detail. That priest is now 10,000 miles away (beach preaching) and not everybody over here misses him. I ceased to believe in the basis of the group or the bad interpretation the parish gave the creed, but in the nature of things it took a total of 28 years for me to drop out and a further 10 years after that to detach.
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ad feminem thinking
no principle of principle
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I’m glad someone else noticed this comment too. It reads like someone was intoxicated while writing this. And it has to be someone close to the family, because the victim was never named.
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Things keep getting weirder and weirder…
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Showing them off like Padishah Xerxes showing off Shabanou Vashti.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
The plot thickens, I’ve been waiting for a response from Michele with one L, but it seems she has deleted her comment. Fortunately I have a screenshot of the comment if anyone needs it. It seems she was the lone defender of Russell Tusing in the chat, so it will be interesting to hear more of her perspective if she comes back.