Category Archives: Sovereign Grace Ministries

“Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” Genesis 18:25, NIV Judge McGann didn’t buy what the former minister was preaching either, saying: “You can’t even bring your despicable self to admit your crime. So, you hide behind your phony self-diagnosis of amnesia. Mr. Morales, you are one pathetic human being. August 14, 2014 “I am pleading guilty … Continue reading

“I don’t believe your insatiable appetite for boys can be cured. Your wires are permanently twisted. Your conduct has had a profound and lasting deleterious effect. A long sentence is the only way to adequately punish you, protect society from you and deter other potential boy molesters. … You can’t even bring your despicable self to admit your crime. So, … Continue reading

“Every compulsion is put upon writers to become safe, polite, obedient, and sterile.” -Sinclair Lewis, Letter Declining the Pulitzer Prize, 1926 “Fanaticism can often be a normalized phenomenon, and the unwritten recipe suggests that it starts and ends with absolute certainty. If you are always certain about everything, you might just live in an echo chamber, or there might be … Continue reading

So, what’s going on in Sovereign Grace today? Looks like Mahaney’s Pastor’s College is still up and running. It would be smarter to get a seminary degree.
Continue readingKeith Daukas speaks out strongly regarding the spiritual abuse he suffered while an intern at Grace Community Church, a member church of the Sovereign Grace Churches denomination.
Continue readingAn incredible women tells her extraordinary story of abuse and long awaited justice.
Continue readingPioneer Drive Baptist Church Abilene causes an uproar when responding to Jeff Berry’s Arrest. John Piper lives in La La land; and Sovereign Grace Churches are as weird as ever
Continue readingCJ Mahaney’s Sovereign Grace and Tom Chantry’s ARBCA: the beginning of the end?
Continue readingIs T4G fracturing?
Continue readingWhy did Mohler avoid mentioning Harris’ years with Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries?
Continue readingSovereign Grace Churches kicks back at Papa Bear Moher and friends.
Continue readingWhat constitutes a biblical apology?
Continue readingToo many interesting and important stories and too few hours to tell them.
Continue readingCalling all SGM victims. The media needs your help. The story has yet to die.
Continue readingI find it interesting that Sovereign Grace pastors would write a letter of recommendation for a couple about to receive sentences (felony) for brining their foster child.
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