TWW visits America’s Got Talent. Mark Driscoll is searching to be “the” leader when it comes to demons.
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He is like the third grade class bully who didn’t realize the other kids grow up and can punch back.
Continue readingWell, one thing I can say, there is a certain amount of consistency with these guys.
Continue readingHe’s baaaack. Is this 2009 or 2021? It seems like nothing has changed with Driscoll over the last 12 years. except he seems to be getting worse.
Continue readingDriscoll emphasizes charisma and forgiveness in his new ministry
Continue readingMDM, which got its tax-exempt status in 2015, is already raking in the BIG BUCKS!
Continue readingHE’S B-A-C-K!!! WONDER WHAT HAS PO$$E$$ED PATHEOS ???
Continue readingSo Driscoll taught good theology and only made mistakes? Yeah, right!
Continue readingDriscoll makes an appearance on Life Today
Continue readingPastor Mark Driscoll 2.0. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss?
Continue readingHow have Mark Driscoll and his current followers been able to acquire such a pricey facility in Scottsdale BEFORE its ‘official’ launch?
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