Mark Dever Doubles Down on 9Marx Rules While Mark Driscoll Suddenly Remembers That Sex Sells.

Exploring space with Webb feels like you’re entering a different dimension. 💫
A deep dive into the data of this Carina Nebula image has newly revealed a hotbed of young stars in an elusive stage of development. James Webb/NASA

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.” –Laozi

Mark Dever, 9Marx Guru, Combines Communion “Rules” with Church Discipline and Membership.

Of course, he did. This guy really loves his rules and regulations. To all those stuck at Capitol Hill Baptist Church: you can have a life in good churches outside of this pressure cooker. I found this statement on Wikipedia about this church amusing.

has been described as the “epicenter of the new Calvinism“.

Dever takes Calvinism to a whole “nutha” level. I have written of his refusal to give communion to old and dying people who are homebound or in hospice or assisted living. Mark Dever/9Marks View on Communion: Too Bad, So Sad for Those Disabled, in Hospice, and In Nursing Homes.

Dever appears to ‘consider himself a guardian of the purity of baptism, communion, church membership, and church discipline. Take baptism. He does not believe that a young person can be baptized until they leave their parents’ home. Find this in Scripture.

Here is a tweet where Dever doubles down and ties the celebration of the “proper” administration of communion to bolstering church membership and discipline. Sadly, people practice his “suggestions” and can quite possibly be fooled into thinking they are checking off all the right boxes so God will view them as “good” Christians.”

I have a suggestion that I’ve made before. If one must believe that Dever has it right, then members need to get off their duffs and go visit the elderly and dying in enough numbers that Dever will be forced to “administer” communion to those who can’t get to the church building. After all, even Dever might agree that the church is made up of the people who are members. So, everyone should act like it and go to those who should be able to celebrate communion in their waning years. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

Darn: Mark Driscoll Just Remembered That Sex Sells

The Roys Report posted Mark Driscoll Says He Wants to ‘Heat Up Your Marriage’ in Billboards & Mailers Around Phoenix. At first, I thought the article was referring to Driscoll’s frequent mention of oral sex in his sermons at Mars Hill, his infamous Song of Solomon presentation, or the breathless discussions about his infamous style in seminaries and churches, or his appearance on The View regarding his book, Real Marriage.

I’ve been blogging for so long that I see stuff that was stupid the first time being tried again, especially when stupid people pay money for stupid advice from stupid pastors. I cannot believe I am again discussing Driscoll pulling his nonsense, this time in Phoenix, the home of Todd Wilhelm, who gets to endure Driscoll’s antics and billboards.

According to the post by Sarah Einselen, these billboards have messages such as:

“The same God who heats up our valley wants to heat up your marriage!” one billboard shouts. That’s the same message on a mailer for the series and in its promotional video online.

Another billboard urges: “Married? Stop being cellmates and start being soulmates!”

The article says that Driscoll will do a new sermon series on romance and sex at his current church, The Trinity Church in Scottsdale. Guess what? He has written a new book that appears to combine all the nonsense from ten years ago. So many of us out here who watch this stuff are begging him to reconsider. The only good thing about this is all the posts I wrote so many years ago can be reused with only minor edits. For example, do you think he’ll try this one again? Did Mars HIll Pay $200K to Get Mark Driscoll’s Real Marriage on NYT Bestseller List?

 The eight-week series precedes the release of Driscoll’s newest book, “Real Romance: Sex and the Song of Songs,” co-authored with his wife Grace.

Todd, living at ground zero for the Driscoll sex campaign, found a way to express his frustrations humorously.

Quick question for readers:

Were you around during the first Mark Driscoll meltdown in Seattle? Did you know about the Real Marriage nonsense? Were you aware that a number of seminary leaders supported both his presentation in the pulpit and his book? Are you aware of his history of plagiarism? I’m trying to figure out how much background I need to do when I write about this guy.


Mark Dever Doubles Down on 9Marx Rules While Mark Driscoll Suddenly Remembers That Sex Sells. — 75 Comments

  1. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    First. But these two dudes are in last place in my book.

  2. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    I’ve never noticed his constant eye blinking and weird facial expressions when he speaks. As a therapist, it’s a little unsettling to watch it.

  3. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    We talked about Dever and communion a month or two ago. Dever’s right-hand-man, Jonathan Leeman, disagrees with Dever about shut-ins receiving communion. I agree with Leeman on that, but it may be a case of good-cop/bad-cop, trying to assure their followers that they’re not ALL that bad. This is an important topic, even if you’re not Catholic.

    I don’t even wanna discuss Driscoll. I couldn’t look at his face when this story came up on the Roys Report.

  4. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Dee, welcome back, hope you’re feeling better.

    Ick. What goes around, comes around–again and again? I’m appalled (but not surprised) at the “resurrection” of this nonsense. What does amaze and sadden me is that people are willing to spend money for this. Questions: is it for a younger generation unfamiliar with the earlier versions? Is Driscoll hurting for money and hopes to generate a few bucks? As you said, sex sells.
    Condolences to Todd at being forced to see the billboards.

  5. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Dear Mark Dever,
    Jesus and the disciples did not partake of the first Lord’s Supper in a local church. They went to some dude’s house and ate in an upper room there. Maybe you ought to set those guys straight and show them how it’s done. Amen?

    Dear Mark Driscoll,
    I have a question for you and wife:
    How can a subordinate possibly be a soulmate to her commander? I mean, does the commander order it so, and the subordinate obeys? I don’t understand. How’s that work, exactly? Do you have any sermons on that???

  6. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    You would think that even New Calvinists would be sick of these clowns by now. The only way that they can both stay in the spotlight is to say something sensational, even if it is not Scriptural.

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    Ahhh … the “matching gift” gimmick … a mysterious deep-pocket donor standing ready to match your gift to the ministry dollar-for-dollar. “Hurry, Hurry, Hurry, Step Right Up To The Greatest Show on Earth!” shouts the carnival barker.

  8. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    I wonder how much it costs to rent billboard space in the Phoenix area? Is that money coming out of the church coffer? Is Driscoll using the church coffer to line his personal coffer.

  9. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Nancy2(aka Kevlar): how much it costs to rent billboard space

    Marketing campaigns paid for by churches … by donors, of the “non-profit” …

    Money-changers in the Temple: Jesus was not entertained by them. Angry moment in the NT.

  10. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Yeah, it involved ResultSource. Which, oddly enough, came up a week ago when I watched a video about how ResultSource was used in 2017 by the author of “Handbook for Mortals” to pretty much do the same thing as Driscoll. The difference is there was an outcry and the New York Times removed “Handbook for Mortals” after 23 hours on its bestseller list. Remember, with Driscoll, it took *months* for it to come out. (Handbook for Mortals bestseller list placement)

    I guess we should be alert to Driscoll pulling a similar stunt in 2023?

    I would also like to know how much money he’s paying to run the advertising for his new book. Depending on its frequency and how many signs it’s running on, it’s a minimum of ~$1500/week. He has three different messages, so probably a lot more. He also sent out a postcard mailer, which could run around $35K for 75,000 pieces. (Not sure what all services that includes.) The person on Twitter who reported getting the mailer said they lived 7 miles as the crow flies from Driscoll’s church. I did not receive one at my house, but I live in a downmarket city as opposed to Scottsdale.

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    can’t imagine a ‘Christian’ religion that would refuse to take holy communion to the sick and to pray with them – 90% of the Catholic clergy during the time of the Black Death perished because they TOOK CARE OF the ones who were infected – the 10% of the clergy who lived were either resistant to the plague OR not worth their calling

    Dever doesn’t sound like he’s read the Holy Gospels – his ‘priorities’ sound strangely out of sync with the teachings of Our Lord Himself –

    oh, please – still can’t get over him throwing his wife’s reputation under the bus, no – who does that? why his own wife (?) And the Driscoll’s have children!!!

  12. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    christiane: can’t imagine a ‘Christian’ religion that would refuse to take holy communion to the sick and to pray with them – 90% of the Catholic clergy during the time of the Black Death perished because they TOOK CARE OF the ones who were infected – the 10% of the clergy who lived were either resistant to the plague OR not worth their calling

    Actually the estimates of clergy death during the first wave of the Black Death (1346-53) is more like 40% which may be more than the percentage of the total population who died (these are all estimates).

    I suspect one should look to how ministers treat those who have less power than them. Dever would probably show up pretty quickly if a sick but very rich person was asking for him. In contrast I know a minister who arranged a quiet memorial service for a homeless nameless man who died in the church’s neighborhood (the man had lived on the streets in the area for years and was well known to the locals though he always refused to give his name). Almost all the attendees were from the neighborhood but not members of the church. No offering plate was passed.

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    Erp: Dever would probably show up pretty quickly if a sick but very rich person was asking for him.

    I don’t know much about Mr. Dever, but his ‘words’ (his own words) are revealing of someone who may not understand how ‘healing’ works in ‘the Church’. Perhaps someday, when he is old and sick, a minister will visit with him and pray with him, and then, he will ‘see’ that to which he is now blinded.

    Sounds like he needs prayer as much as the old and the sick that he has denied to visit and bring communion. Not too late to change for the better,
    but so sad for all the ones he might have helped but for his present woundedness and inability to love.

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    > After all, even Dever might agree that the church is made up of the people who are members.

    Not sure about this. I have seen (in more conventional Reformed circles), that “the Church” is thought of as:

    the assembled believers gathered around the Elders and the Sacraments.

    The argument for this, I think, is something along the lines of the idea that a mere gathering of members (“two or three”) is not properly “in Jesus’ name” if Elders authorized to administer the Sacraments are not present and in charge of the meeting.

    This is not to agree with Dever, just to note that his approach is not without some precedent in the history of Ecclesiology.

    Regarding the issue of baptizing the young who have not left their parents’ home, I suspect that it has something to do with a number of texts that mention baptism of households, starting with the head of household. I believe that within Reformed thinking, if a head of household is baptized, the whole household under his authority should also be baptized, including unbelieving children of any age. I haven’t previously thought of this, but I suppose that similarly, if a head of household is not baptized and does not grant permission, it might be considered improper to baptize an adult believer who was still under the authority of that head of household.

    I once asked a conservative Presbyterian minister if it would be proper to baptize an 80-year-old unbeliever who was living in the home of his 100-year old parents who had just converted and asked for baptism. He affirmed that this would be proper.

    I don’t have strong opinions about paedobaptism, but this seems a bit “over the top” for me.

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    Muslin, fka Dee Holmes: I live in a downmarket city as opposed to Scottsdale.

    Pastors choose their markets, their base, all to pay their salary and fund a lifestyle. As Christiane notes, who gets communion and who is overlooked or ghosted.

    This probably figures into Denhollander’s situation: hubby needs a paycheck and he’s a theobro in a field of career predators, same denom. that is being investigated now by DOJ and featured by the Houston Chronicle.

    Notably, attorney Jeff Anderson does not represent RCC nor does he take $$$ from them, except via a lawsuit.

    With regard to pastoring as a salaried position versus the gift of pastoring given FREE by the HS to the church … the salaried career pastor needs his paycheck and therefore enters into marketing, complicity, cullusion, and choosing constituents based on how he’ll get paid.

    It’s either a goldmine for a pastor who comes up with a marketing formula (Olsteen), or a hand-to-mouth paycheck to paycheck burden (Olsteen’s dad? Francis Schaeffer according to his son Frank).

    The salaried pastors don’t have a good track record of policing their preacher predator colleagues, misogynist theology and all that, holding up a poisoned system, the church as Hunting Ground and the spiritual Epstein Island.

    These clergy predation cases hit the news and the Courts daily … youth pastor’s bodily fluids on the church youthroom couch, etc.

    The clergy cohort is deafeningly silent.

    Until this evil propagated by the pulpit is addressed by the pulpit, what’s the point of the pulpit? Nothing to listen to there. As minors are violated, dogma means nothing.

    Where’s the PhD on keeping minors safe in churches? Is this too mundane for stately noble revered published conference-speaking media-savvy clergymen?

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    Ava Aaronson:
    It’s either a goldmine for a pastor who comes up with a marketing formula (Olsteen), or a hand-to-mouth paycheck to paycheck burden (Olsteen’s dad? Francis Schaeffer according to his son Frank).

    Dunno about Frank Schaeffer’s father Francis, but Joel Osteen’s father was John Osteen. And before Lakewood Church moved into the Summit (basketball arena), it was a 15K megachurch that advertised all over Houston. I knew who John Osteen was, everyone who lived in Houston in the 1980s did, because he advertised his church on billboards. So Joel is a second generation megachurch pastor.

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    Mark Dever will not minister to members of his own church who are homebound or must live in assisted living facilities. Mark Dever will not baptize people who live with their parents regardless of their age, or the reasons.
    …….people with physical or mental disabilities; military veterans with debilitating injuries; people who lose their independence due to injuries or illnesses; college students who still have to live with their parents…..
    the list goes on.

    Mark Dever’s “Jesus” condemns people with financial difficulties. Mark Dever’s “Jesus” condemns people with physical and/or mental disabilities. Mark Dever’s “Jesus” wants nothing to do with the “least of these”.

    I think Mark Dever wants nothing to do with anyone who is not in a position to put some cash in the coffers.
    Mark Dever came not to serve, but to be served.

  18. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    What is it that attracts people to these “ministers.” I just do not understand it.

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    Tom Parker: What is it that attracts people to these “ministers.” I just do not understand it.

    Strange, isn’t it? I suppose some of it has to do with the NeoCal promotion of their message as the one true gospel … that they alone hold truth. After all, regular church is so dull. And then there is Driscoll’s macho-man image which attracts like-minded weirdos .. and Dever’s beat you up with the Bible appeals to a certain breed of churchgoers. But after a while, everyone who sits under this aberration of faith go stark raving mad, losing all their spiritual brain cells, if they are not fortunate enough to get excommunicated first.

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    Tom Parker and Max, ditto. I don’t understand it either. At the same time, most people don’t hear preaching that encourages them to read and study the Bible itself, rather than relying on church entertainment each week. Reading and studying are too difficult to sustain on a consistent basis, except by the power of God and the Holy Spirit.

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    The thing is, these preacher boys cannot bring Christ to the people anyway. Christ is already there with them. Once enough people really understand there is no “God store” to go get a dose of God, and no “God pharmacy” to dispense it to the shut ins, they will realize shut ins are being denied nothing of God. Of human contact and fellowship, yes, and that is very important also. But no one need go without contact with the Almighty no matter if they are shut in or sick and in the hospital.

    Of course, those shut ins if unbelievers need evangelizing, and if believers are already “on assignment” where they are shut in. They do need their brothers and sisters in Christ, which needs no seminary degree or ordination.

    So the theo dudes can be safely dispensed with themselves. No one is under their authority, and no one needs to care what they teach, pay their salaries, or give them money. Move on with Jesus and ignore their childish chatter.

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    The article says that Driscoll will do a new sermon series on romance and sex at his current church, The Trinity Church in Scottsdale. Guess what?


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    Max: And then there is Driscoll’s macho-man image which attracts like-minded weirdos .. a


  24. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Ava Aaronson: These clergy predation cases hit the news and the Courts daily … youth pastor’s bodily fluids on the church youthroom couch, etc.

    The clergy cohort is deafeningly silent.

    “All these pervs say one to another:
    Perv Unto Perv O’er the World is Brother!”

  25. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Old Timer: most people don’t hear preaching that encourages them to read and study the Bible itself, rather than relying on church entertainment each week

    Yep, no doubt about it. The Great God Entertainment sits on the throne in much of the American church. Big screens, fog machines, and skinny jeans rule the roost. Folks fall for it because they don’t read and study the Bible themselves … relying only on the pulpit to do that for you is risky business these days.

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    To answer Dee’s original question.. I found TWW by first reading about the disgustingness of Driscoll, which I found from reading about the abuse in Calvary Chapel…..

  27. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Driscoll: “Married? Stop being cellmates and start being soulmates!”

    Sorry, Driscoll. But Narcissists can’t be Soulmates. They can be soul suckers and soul destroyers. But they can’t be soulmates.

    My ex talked about needing to find his ‘soulmate’ in the last years of our marriage. You see, he had already sucked me dry without giving anything in return. And once he had sucked my life and soul out of me, he needed a new source for his narcissistic supply. He needed a new soul-supply that he wrongly labeled “Soulmate”, cause he already used up his last soul-supply.

    I’m just adding this to all the other reasons Driscoll has no business teaching anyone anything, especially about sex. Cause he’s a soul-sucker/destroyer who throws people under his bus when they are no longer of any use to him. He can’t help it. He’s a Narcissist. This is what they do.

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    And to answer your question.
    I was around for it all.
    I was glad that they caught him on the plagiarism and Result Source stuff. However they stopped him, he needed to be stopped.

    But I’m still salty that Male Church leaders were far more concerned over plagiarism and Result Source than the abuse of women.

    After Watching parts of the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, someone addressed that elephant in the room.

    Kyle J. Howard talks about how Driscoll abused women in this youtube video:

    for those who haven’t seen it yet.

  29. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Mara R: However they stopped him, he needed to be stopped.

    These guys never really get “stopped” … they just get restored and resurface again to work their charms somewhere else. What else are they going to do for a living?

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    Mara R: He can’t help it. He’s a Narcissist. This is what they do.

    It really is a sickness … mentally and spiritually.

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    Tom Rubino,

    “I’ve never noticed his constant eye blinking and weird facial expressions when he speaks. As a therapist, it’s a little unsettling to watch it.”

    i’m sure this is old news – per psychologytoday,

    “Research also shows that when we are nervous or troubled our blink rate increases, a phenomenon often seen with liars but also frequently seen with people under stress.”

    or maybe the skin on his face is too tight making it hard to close his eyes which then induces a sort of panic feeling and he ends up overcompensating with lots of blinks

  32. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Nancy2(aka Kevlar),

    “I wonder how much it costs to rent billboard space in the Phoenix area?”

    if there’s a wealthy benefactor in our midst we could have some fun…

  33. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Someone should rent billboards right next to Driscoll’s sex billboards and put up his most egregious quotes – like God blessing his church when they “run over” people with the Mars Hill bus, and how women are penis homes for men. Include a link to the Rise & Fall of Mars Hill podcast.

  34. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Tom Parker,

    “What is it that attracts people to these “ministers.”

    wanting someone else to do the thinking for them?

    wanting to be part of something bigger than themselves?

    the feeling of safety and security aligning with a God-thing seemingly legit enough & organized enough to have its own public figures?

    …because when other God-public figures sing their praises it has to be legit, and it’s so great to not have to think?

    (scathing ironic facial expression)

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    elastigirl: or maybe the skin on his face is too tight making it hard to close his eyes

    One facelift too many, like Liberace?
    (Though that might also be the reason for Kenneth Copeland dropping into the Uncanny Valley…)

  36. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Kyle J. Howard talks about how Driscoll abused women in this youtube video:

    for those who haven’t seen it yet.

    Thank you for the link with Kyle Howard! It was wonderful!

  37. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Yes, yes, no, yes. I’m a Catholic, so I didn’t know that Protestant seminaries were teaching Mark Driscoll-ism.

    We Catholics take Communion to the homebound. Most, if not all, parishes have commissioned lay ministers for this purpose. Some receive Communion at home every day.

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    Max: These guys never really get “stopped”

    This is true. But at least he is now known as the disgraced pastor who fled Seattle and is trying to build a church in Scottsdale now.

    This is better than before when he was once known as one of the top 50 pastors in the U.S.

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    Victorious: Thank you for the link with Kyle Howard! It was wonderful!

    More people need to see this video and deal with the fact that Driscoll was grooming women to accept marital rape as ordained and ordered by God.

    Whether he is doing this in Scottsdale, I don’t know. But I’m sure he hasn’t recognized his sin of taking the Lord’s name in vain to promote marital rape, let alone repent of it.

    I don’t know how he plans to teach The Songs this time. It may be toned down from his cussing pastor days. But I have no reason to believe that it won’t be as rotten to the core as his Peasant Princess series or his William Wallace II rampage.

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    Tom Parker,

    They mistake confidence for character.

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    Tom Parker:
    What is it that attracts people to these “ministers.”I just do not understand it.

    Wild Honey:
    Tom Parker,

    They mistake confidence for character.

    The Overconfidence Game. It’s a thing.

    Overconfidence, when there’s no there, there, is another snake oil marketed by pastors, as well as other riffraff (some politicians, some salespeople, all Ponzi schemers, Bernie Madoff, Inventing Anna, Elizabeth Holmes with Theranos, etc.).

    You can fool some of the people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all the time. Madoff, Anna, and Thernos all eventually got caught with their pants down or skirts up.

    Fake can’t do real. Jesus was/is real. The religious elite were/are fake. Nothing about Mary, Joseph, Nazareth, and the stable in Bethlehem cultivated overconfidence. Nothing about Jesus spoke plush, wealth or posh. Like Abraham said he’d accept no gifts from the neighboring kings so none of them would take credit for his success, Jesus took nothing from the offerings proposed in the Wilderness at the start of his ministry.

    Unlike the beggaring grifting pastors, Jesus did not do pledge campaigns. Jesus builds relationships, not dynasties.

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    Mara R: he was once known as one of the top 50 pastors in the U.S.

    That speaks volumes about the spiritual condition of Christians in America … to put Driscoll at the top of the heap of church leaders. That also points to the spiritual immaturity of New Calvinists … to idolize a potty-mouth from Seattle.

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    The topic of Mark Dever’s views on private communion were covered here in November 2022 and I gave my opinion that Mr Dever was wrong, adding for fairness the view of Heinrich Bullinger who agreed with him.
    This time, in order to give a bit of historical context to Mr Dever’s view, I’ve collated some statements from some early Reformed Confessions, which show why he might think the way he does, as well as showing why he is still wrong, in my opinion. This is fairly lengthy and if it’s too large to be included in this discussion, that’s okay.

    From the Commentary of Zachariah Ursinus’ on the Heidelberg Catechism

    II. What is the design of the Lord’s Supper?
    The Lord’s supper was instituted:
    1. That it might be a confirmation of our faith, or a most sure proof of our union, and communion with Christ, who feeds us with his body and blood unto everlasting life, as truly as we receive these signs from the hands of the minister. This object is attained by all those who receive these signs in true faith: for we so receive these signs from the hands of the minister, as if the Lord himself gave them unto us with his own hand. It is in this way that Christ is said to have baptized more disciples than John, when he, nevertheless, did it through his disciples. (John 4:1.)
    2. That we may by the observance of it make a public confession of our faith, acknowledge our gratitude, and bind ourselves to constant thankfulness, and to the celebration of this benefit. Hence it is said: “This do in remembrance of me.” “For as often as ye eat of this bread, and drink of this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.” (Luke 22:19. 1 Cor. 11:26.) This remembrance, or commemoration of Christ precedes and is taken for faith in the heart; after which we make public confession, and acknowledgements of our thankfulness.
    3. That it might be a public distinction, or badge, by which the true church may be known, and recognized from the world. The Lord has instituted this supper for none, but those who are his disciples.
    4. That it might be a bond of love, declaring that all who partake of it aright, are made members of one body whose head is Christ. “For we being many are one bread, and one body; for we are all partakers of that one bread.” (1 Cor. 10:17.) Those now who are members of the same body have a mutual love one for another.
    5. That the people of God who assemble in a public manner might be united together in the closest fellowship; for it was instituted to be observed in the congregation, whether there be many or few present. Hence Christ says, “Drink ye all of it,” and Paul says, “When ye come together to eat tarry one for another.” (Matt. 26:27. 1 Cor. 11:33.)
    That the Lord’s supper ought not to be celebrated privately, by one person alone may be proven; 1. Because it is a communion, and is the sign of our communion with Christ: but a private supper is no communion. 2. Because it is a solemn thanksgiving; and we ought all to render thanks unto God. Hence he who regards himself as unworthy to communicate with others, declares that he is not fit to give thanks unto God. 3. Because Christ, with all his benefits, is not the property of one, but belongs to all in common. A private communion would, however, make a private good out of that which is common. 4. Because Christ admitted all his disciples, yea even Judas, from which it is easy to see that a private communion is contrary to the appointment of Christ. 5. That some neglect the communion or defer it even until death, arises no doubt from some wrong notion, or influence, either because they will not commune with others, or because they think that they are not worthy. But all who believe that they are delivered from eternal condemnation by the death of Christ, and desire to advance in holiness, are worthy. Briefly, when the Lord’s supper is observed by one person alone it is done contrary to the design, name, institution, and nature of the sacrament.

    From The Hungarian Confession Catholica h1562)

    “The meaning of the word ‘supper’, as the words koinonia, synaxis and agape show, teaches that we should come together to receive the Lord’s Supper, not privately. As the apostle says, the church is one bread, one mystical body; we all share in one bread. Although each receives his own part, nevertheless they ought to receive it in the congregation. We administer it to the sick by assembling two or three of their relations for a congregation in the house, if the sick person did not despise it in the time of health, if they are feeble, and if they do not receive it unworthily in the superstitious belief that receiving the signs will save them, as many papists unworthily imagine. However, if the sick are dissatisfied with eating in spiritual fashion, we distribute the Lord’s Supper to the others by dispelling the superstition (if in fact the sick are of a sound mind, believe and are not yet deprived of their senses). Thus the fathers teach.”

    From the Documents of the Debrecen Synod (1567)

    “But as concerns the sacred mystery and communal significance of the Lord’s Supper, it must be communally distributed and received in the congregation…..Therefore they act wickedly that administer it privately to one person, outside the public congregation, as do the Mass-manufacturers, donkeys, devil’s scum. We do not deny that it is permissible to distribute the Lord’s Supper in the homes of the sick outside the congregation, as the lamb too was eaten in private houses, and the apostles gathered in houses and so broke bread. Only let their be a congregation, regardless of number and size: where two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus, Christ is present among them.”

    From the Synod of Piotrkow (1578)

    “Should the Holy Supper be offered to the sick and to those about to die? The conclusion is as follows: All pastors ought to teach and accustom each of their listeners not to neglect going to the Lord’s Table as often as it is provided for all the believers in the public assembly……Nevertheless, even in this situation, so that we do not lord it over the consciences of men, the Supper is not to be denied to a sick man who requests it for valid reasons, and who is in full possession of his mental and rational faculties – provided that his conscience has been diligently examined and prudently instructed, and that, as far as possible with respect to circumstances of time and place, some of the believers are gathered together and participate along with him.”

    From the Bremen Consensus (1595)

    “On this topic we have furnished a specific and detailed treatise in which all and each remonstrance and further justifications for a private Supper are considered and with good grounds refuted….But though a separate Supper is not to be carried to the dying at home, nevertheless, either they or their friends should request the minister of the church to be ready to visit and so to instruct and comfort from God’s Word and to pray to God with them, which the sick should discern and hold to be no small service, but the gift of God…..The ministers of the church should diligently instruct the sick and bystanders that, in the event that one can no longer have the ordinance instituted by Christ, it is not the case that one cannot be saved without the sacrament.”

    (All taken from James T Dennison’s Reformed Confessions of the 16th and 17th Centuries in English Translation)

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    Max: That also points to the spiritual immaturity of New Calvinists … to idolize a potty-mouth from Seattle.

    Absolutely. Back in the day, I’d get into heated discussion with some of these guys. I called them Driscollites.

    They thought they knew their Bibles and that Driscoll was an elite well-read, Bible scholar and that I was just jealous of his wisdom, charisma, and popularity.

    When I was done with them, I had convinced them of very little. Except that I knew the Bible better than they did and had way better answers against their off-balanced theology than they thought possible for a lowly female.

    But I wasn’t arguing with them just for themselves. I was arguing with them for the sake of the lurkers who needed to see that it can be proven the Driscoll and New Calvinism really wasn’t ‘all that’. That Driscoll wasn’t a Bible scholar but rather a Bible user who made it say what HE wanted it to say rather than what was actually there.

    It was hard watching the deception. I commiserated with a fellow blogger back in 2012 over it in this blog post.

    Those were hard times, watching Driscoll being heralded as a great leader and teacher in Christianity. It’s still hard that he won’t shut up, go away, and quit troubling the Body of Christ with his Narcissism. But it’s better then back in 2012.

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    Mara R: I called them Driscollites.

    Yep, they are definitely a tribe of their own. Unfortunately, Driscollites, Mohlerites, and Piperites have darn near taken over the SBC – changing the message and mission of the denomination I spent 70+ years in (I’m in the “Done” ranks now). While there is a lot which ails the SBC these days, it’s been sad to see it fall into the NeoCal hole.

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    Ava Aaronson: The Overconfidence Game. It’s a thing.

    Isn’t that part of the dynamic of “Harley Quinn Syndrome” (women who are head-over-heels attracted to a user and abuser)? The user and abuser radiates this Alpha Male Confidence?

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    Mara R: Those were hard times, watching Driscoll being heralded as a great leader and teacher in Christianity. It’s still hard that he won’t shut up, go away, and quit troubling the Body of Christ with his Narcissism. But it’s better then back in 2012.

    Agreed. His influence on the American church and young believers has greatly diminished. Folks don’t take him as seriously as they did in his glory days. This must be extremely frustrating for him.

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    Mara R: Absolutely. Back in the day, I’d get into heated discussion with some of these guys. I called them Driscollites.

    They thought they knew their Bibles and that Driscoll was an elite well-read, Bible scholar and that I was just jealous of his wisdom, charisma, and popularity.

    WOO. During and after the COVID lockdown, I remember enduring long lectures about the Wisdom, Genius Intelligence, and Popularity of Donald Trump. Same dynamic at work – projecting all your dreams and desires upon a Celebrity Who Can Do No Wrong.

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    Max: olks don’t take him as seriously as they did in his glory days. This must be extremely frustrating for him.

    The worst thing you can do to a Egomaniac is make him a running bad joke.

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    Mara R: More people need to see this video and deal with the fact that Driscoll was grooming women to accept marital rape as ordained and ordered by God.

    As well as providing another unwanted peek into a ManaGAWD’s Sexual Kinks and Fantasies.

    Whether he is doing this in Scottsdale, I don’t know.

    With or without the New Improved Guaranteed Spot-Changing Fur Dye for Leopards?

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    Someone should rent billboards right next to Driscoll’s sex billboards and put up his most egregious quotes – like God blessing his church when they “run over” people with the Mars Hill bus, and how women are penis homes for men.

    Don’t forget the Godly BJs in Song of Solomon.
    Or the one about her duty to offer the other end of her alimentary canal. On demand.
    “Just like Andrew Tate, Except CHRISTIAN(TM)!”

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    Mara R: I’m just adding this to all the other reasons Driscoll has no business teaching anyone anything, especially about sex. Cause he’s a soul-sucker/destroyer who throws people under his bus when they are no longer of any use to him. He can’t help it. He’s a Narcissist. This is what they do.

    All you (generic you) have to do is give it a coat of ‘Biblical’ paint and you can sell em’ just about anything.

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    Muff Potter,

    They have no desire to think for themselves.
    Nor will they dare and question what their shaman tells them.

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    Muff Potter: All you (generic you) have to do is give it a coat of ‘Biblical’ paint and you can sell em’ just about anything.

    The gullibility of American pewsitters is at an all-time high considering the success of Mark Driscoll, Mark Dever, John Piper, Ravi Zacharias, and a host of other celebrity pulpiteers. A touch of charisma, gift of gab, and a bag of gimmicks will take you a long way in the American church.

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    Headless Unicorn Guy: The worst thing you can do to a Egomaniac is make him a running bad joke.

    Ignoring and rejecting narcissists like Driscoll drive them insane.

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    Muff Potter:
    Muff Potter,

    They have no desire to think for themselves.
    Nor will they dare and question what their shaman tells them.

    Even when he sics them on Heretics, Apostates, and Traitors.

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    Headless Unicorn Guy: Even when he sics them on Heretics, Apostates, and Traitors.

    The Lord is my pitbull
    I shall not be kind

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    Nancy2(aka Kevlar): I think Mark Dever wants nothing to do with anyone who is not in a position to put some cash in the coffers.
    Mark Dever came not to serve, but to be served.

    “Most cults are started so the Cult Leader can (a) Get Rich, (b) Get Laid, or (c) Both.”

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    Muff Potter,

    I wish that was NOT so funny…..

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    Muff Potter,

    We have a pitbull. He’s a real sweetie pie! Loves everybody, especially our mail carrier.

    But…….., he’s been neutered.

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    So obviously EVERYONE in the local church must be present for Communion to take place.
    There, that should stop people just doing it when they feel like it. Or ever, in fact.

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    Headless Unicorn Guy: The worst thing you can do to a Egomaniac is make him a running bad joke.

    They don’t need help with that. They makes themselves a running joke.

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    Erp: I suspect one should look to how ministers treat those who have less power than them. Dever would probably show up pretty quickly if a sick but very rich person was asking for him.

    This. And it isn’t only in certain Reformed or non-denominational/mega churches. I was a member of a country club-like church for a while. Anyway, my late mother was in a hospital and we thought she might be dying, and she wanted a pastor to pray with her. I called my church. They put me through an interrogation. “Is she a member?” “No.” “Are you sure she is dying today?” “I don’t know but she is in bad health and asked for a pastor to pray with her.” And so on. I called twice and got a run-around. I asked for someone to call me back and no one did. But my mom had family to pray for her. Also, my sister had a friend who drove 40 miles to visit my mom throughout her illness and pray with her. Oh, my sister’s friend walked painfully with a cane but could drive all those miles and do all that walking in a hospital. I guess this was something beyond the ability of the mostly healthy young men who were pastors.

    For me, it was like a light switch went off – I knew I didn’t belong at that church. I wasn’t a big enough donor. I stopped going there and tried to put it out of my mind. Oh, a few months after I quit there, there was a church scandal in the news – the details aren’t relevant. I felt relieved that I was no longer going to the church that was going through a stressful time – I felt sorry for the good people who were there. I can understand how some people feel they are “Done” with church but I try to keep an open mind while being cautious.

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    Nancy2(aka Kevlar): We have a pitbull. He’s a real sweetie pie! Loves everybody, especially our mail carrier.

    “A mail carrier that good you don’t eat all at once!” 😉

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    Dever seems to embody the memorial view of the Lord’s Supper. If he had any inclination towards “real presence” (which does not require a belief in transubstantiation), he wouldn’t be so quick to restrict the distribution of the elements.

    Ironically, for a purported biblicist, his view on baptism cannot be justified in Scripture.

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    Headless Unicorn Guy: New Improved Guaranteed Spot-Changing Fur Dye for Leopards

    Sounds like some of the goods a character from Mark Twain would be colporting, along with tracts.

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    On Driscoll’s popularity:
    When I was in seminary, one of my professors assigned one of Driscoll’s books, and we were to write a reaction paper to it. I read it and noted the seeming “anger issues” that Driscoll had. This was pre-meltdown when he was the darling of the yrr folks.

    My reaction paper reflected my concerns about his anger and concerns that he wasn’t modeling Christ-like leadership. My professor said that I should take the good parts and ignore the rest. I thought that he was heading for a major PR crash and didn’t think the book contributed anything positive to our experience at the time. Now, I think the book might be useful as an example of abusive church leaders.

    It wasn’t at all surprising when his abuse came to light a few years later.

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    That was insightful of you, Micah. I would be interested in your former professor’s reaction to the revelation of Driscoll’s true character. You can only “eat the meat and spit out the bones” so long before you begin to choke.

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    Burwell Stark: You can only “eat the meat and spit out the bones” so long before you begin to choke.

    Exactly. I didn’t find any meat in the book at the time. I have no idea what the professor’s reaction was when it came to light or even now.

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    Burwell Stark: “real presence” ( … does not require a belief in transubstantiation)

    Jesus doesn’t believe in transubstantiation which subtracts FROM His Presence because He never overrules the identity, of anything or anyone. He never has been and never shall be a pantheist – even selectively.

    This is why to say “I am nothing” like certain cynical nuns (whom it is implied, we should emulate) is a very bad metaphor indeed.

    ESS = melodrama = foreordained designer frisson. Garnished with faux gormlessness.

    Is being “allowed” to transubstantiate, Jesus’ booby prize for being eternally subordinated? Anyone claiming a “memorial” concept is dishonest if they hold to ESS.

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    Has anyone been following Driscoll’s fake romance, real p@rn sermon series?
    Anything to report or have you heard any reports anywhere concerning it?

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    Burwell Stark:

    That was insightful of you, Micah. I would be interested in your former professor’s reaction to the revelation of Driscoll’s true character. You can only “eat the meat and spit out the bones” so long before you begin to choke.

    Whenever someone scolds you to “eat the meat and spit out the bones”, they’re usually trying to unload a bag of dry bones on you.

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    Mara R: Has anyone been following Driscoll’s fake romance, real p@rn sermon series?

    You mean the latest unwanted peek into the ManaGAWD’s Appetites?
    (Guy must be an Exhibitionist, too, he shouts it all from the rooftops…)

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    Micah: my concerns about his anger and concerns that he wasn’t modeling Christ-like leadership. My professor said that I should take the good parts and ignore the rest

    Ignore the fact that a “pastor” was not modeling Christlike leadership?! Not very good counsel from a seminary professor.