Category Archives: Church discipline

There are so many problems with membership contract and so many pastors who like to have legal authority over you. Be smart!
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“The voices in this article should be heard as a warning sent from God, calling the church to repent,” Greear tweeted. “As Christians, we are called to expose everything sinful to the light. The survivors in this article have done that — at a personal cost few of us can fathom.” -J.D. Greear, February 10, 2019 “And what sort of … Continue reading

Just some rambling thoughts on the inequities of the application of church discipline.
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It is only true if Jesus spelled it out in detail. If it isn’t in Scripture, it isn’t true unless it is the commandment to vote for my candidate. In the meantime, women can get smacked around.
Continue readingPastor Anthony Moore of The Village Church Forth Worth committed a grievous sin which was reported to the police. He is now a professor and special advisor to the president at Cedarville University.
Continue readingMark Dever and his keys to the kingdom *rules* for church membership and the assurance of salvation.
Continue readingThis is a story about an elder who loves having lawyers around so discipline can be a priority. Caveat Emptor, folks.
Continue readingCave City Baptist Church and Pastor Boers: Just another Calvinista church takeover .
Continue readingAn insider look at the United Church of Christ of Dubai (UCCD)
Continue readingWhat your church won’t tell you. How to get our of a church contract. Never forget….you hold the power, not your celebrity pastor.
Continue readingDo we know what Matthew 18 is NOT saying?
Continue readingThe Abuse of Church Discipline
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