We are only about 2 weeks away from “Cross Con 2025” – an annual cash-cow for those fortunate enough to be members of the Evangelical Industrial Complex Conference Speakers Circuit. Cross Con speakers consist of mainly Baptist luminaires of the Calvinist and Complimentarian persuasion. Those who pony up the $149 entrance fee to attend Cross Con are mainly college … Continue reading
Tag Archives: John Folmar

Consider this post to be an extension of my post from last Friday. I had more information that I wanted to share, but I thought Friday’s post was long enough! Friday’s post had a few comments about John Folmar’s experience level when he went to Dubai. The audio clip below was taken from an interview of John Folmar by David … Continue reading

“Compliance is another characteristic of abusive discipleship. Submission is equated with compliance with leaders; disagreement and dissent are rarely tolerated. Disciples who speak critically about leaders are frequently labeled as rebellious, divisive, factious, or slanderous. For you to be counted as a slanderer in an abusive discipleship, your words don’t have to mean anything false or malicious. In these groups, … Continue reading