Sovereign Grace Churches No Longer Believe in Apostles, But They Won’t Admit It

In today’s post I will be highlighting the nearly extinct role of apostles in Sovereign Grace Churches, but before I do so I will tell you a little about my life in  American “churchianity”. I was born and raised in Minneapolis, MN and, like the majority of Minnesotans back in the late 1950’s I was raised in the Lutheran Church. … Continue reading

Sovereign Grace Churches John Loftness is an Alleged Pedophile Yet Remains a Highly Praised Member in Leadership

“If being a “new creature” in Christ means anything, it means being significantly different from us old creatures. If Jesus really sanctifies we should see more than mere anecdotes about lost wretches getting found; we should see vast differences between God, Inc. and Tobacco, Inc.” -Steve Baughman, Cover-Up in the Kingdom: Phone Sex, Lies, And God’s Great Apologist, Ravi Zacharias … Continue reading