Finally, The Gospel Coalition hears the Gospel from good theologians outside of their ranks.
Continue readingSearch Results for: Ken Ham
There are no words…
Continue readingWe are devolving into an *us versus them* culture and we are acting just like political hacks who don’t give a damn about us.
Continue readingThis sort of baloney needs to stop. It is divisive.
Continue readingGet ready: The Calvinistas are creating a two tier class system.
Continue readingIt seems like the woman is always the problem, even when the guy suggests group sex. She might say “no” haughty-like!!!
Continue readingFor what did TVC apologize?
Continue readingCan you solve a science problem by using the Bible? A quiz presented by Old John J.
Continue readingTGC begins a new initiative in Australia – to develop and maintain real ‘gospel’ partnerships and unity throughout this vast continent
Continue readingWhy we believe that the science confirms an old earth and solar system.
Continue readingHow God speaks to us through His creation of light.
Continue readingA 5 part response to the statement that “science confirms a young earth.”
Continue readingFurther bizarre comments from Kevin Swanson and associated homeschooling groups. Police and janitors in high school are encourgaing “fornication” in high school girls? Why do some homeschool groups allow this nonsense to continue?
Continue readingWhy did Doug Phillips REALLY resign?
Continue readingIs the Creation Museum experiencing a decline in attendance?
Continue readingHomeschoolers Anonymous: The Duggar family is a myth.
Continue readingA series of stories: Schaap, Challies, Viola, Creationism, Bible discrepancies, 9 Marks and a beautiful mistake.
Continue readingKevin Swanson’s ridiculous, untruthful statement about The Pill causing embedded babies in the womb.
Continue readingA young earth scientist agrees to peer review and an evolutionary creationist explains his love of the faith.
Continue reading"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Courgeous – The Movie When the movie Courageous first hit theaters last October, I got what we call The Wartburg Tingle. It was a … Continue reading