Open Discussion: No Post Today Due to Unexpected Life Which Includes Daffy


“A stampede of footsteps came pounding up, accompanied by the yodeling howls of two very excited pugs. They loved drama like blonde haired sorority sisters.” ― Ann Swan, Covened.


I am so sorry about this. I had a post planned on issues surrounding elder boards. Several things came up in the last two hours. Not the least of these is that we decided to adopt an elderly black pug dog pulled from a hoarding situation in the DC area. We will name her Daffodil aka Daffy. We will spend the day traveling to and from DC on Friday.

Tomorrow, I will write the Friday post about Christa Brown’s new book, Baptistland. I had a chance to interview her, and it was great!

If you want to get a head start on what prompted the coming elder post, you can read this: Elders in Baptist churches? The conference examines the idea.


Open Discussion: No Post Today Due to Unexpected Life Which Includes Daffy — 43 Comments

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    Aaaawwwwwweeee…. She’s cute!
    No apologies necessary, but thanks for letting us know about the soon to new family member.
    Safe travels for all of you. I hope Daffy is a good traveling companion, with no Uh-ohs on the way home!

    I wanna know – if you ever adopt a boy dog, whatcha gonna name him? Narcissus? There must be more flowers with male names!

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    so happy for you! a bundle of joy & excitement ready to give and receive love.

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    Oh my goodness! She’s so cute!

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    I talked to my daughter a little while ago. She had to have one of their dogs put to sleep today – Levi, a black Lab they adopted from the animal shelter in spring of 2014.
    He was 4 years old when they adopted him. He had been in the shelter a while and was one or two days away from being put down then. No one wanted him – until my son-in-law saw him.
    We all hate that Levi had to leave this world……. but, ahhh, he had it so good for 10 years!

    Levi was about as smart as a box of rocks. And, when they adopted him, he showed classic signs of having been abused, but he was a still such a good natured sweetheart!
    Even today, daughter and hubby do not regret the fact that they adopted him and made him a part of the family.

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    Nancy2(aka Kevlar),

    Sounds to me like your daughter and hubby practice real McCoy (Christianity).

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    Daffy is just too cute!!!

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    Nancy2(aka Kevlar): No apologies necessary, but thanks for letting us know about the soon to new family member.
    Safe travels for all of you. I hope Daffy is a good traveling companion, with no Uh-ohs on the way home!

    That. 🙂

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    Nancy2(aka Kevlar): I talked to my daughter a little while ago. She had to have one of their dogs put to sleep today — Levi, a black Lab they adopted from the animal shelter in spring of 2014.
    He was 4 years old when they adopted him. He had been in the shelter a while and was one or two days away from being put down then. No one wanted him — until my son-in-law saw him.
    We all hate that Levi had to leave this world…. but, ahhh, he had it so good for 10 years!

    Levi was about as smart as a box of rocks. And, when they adopted him, he showed classic signs of having been abused, but he was a still such a good natured sweetheart!
    Even today, daughter and hubby do not regret the fact that they adopted him and made him a part of the family.

    Thank you for sharing…. 🙂 and I’m so sorry for the loss of Levi.

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    Best wishes to the new dog and the whole household!

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    Nancy2(aka Kevlar),

    I have had to put several elderly pugs I adopted to sleep after years of a good life. I cry my eyes out for about a week and then do this. My husband asked if I was prepared to lose her in a few years. I told him the pain at the end was worth the joy of my love for my pugs.

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    Of course, if pug Daffy waddles a bit sometimes or acts wacky or looney, you can call her Daffy Duck. LOL

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    Congrats on finding him.

    We have a dog that now has cancer. Not sure how long he has, but we will get another pooch when the time is right.

    My sister is always so very desolate and distraught whenever she loses a pet. This last cat adoption was her last try. At age 4 after 6 months of the cat being with her, he was just getting over whatever abuse he had gone through and had gotten to the place where he was letting her pet him.

    It was about then that he started having major issues and she had to put him down.

    She says never again as the pain is just too great for her to go through.

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    Oops, finding her. :-;

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    Just like collecting “sea shells”, I think you have a “problem” that needs repentance…

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    Jeffrey J Chalmers,

    Well, she is a daughter of Stan, after all!

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    Jeffrey J Chalmers:

    Just like collecting “sea shells”, I think you have a “problem” that needs repentance…

    Plus, she needs to stop taking glory away from God by giving all that attention to the pugs. (tongue-in-cheek)

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    The pups and the kits, they manipulate us with their cuteness!

    If I can ask a sincere inquiry and start a completely different discussion: (hopefully this is the proper time and place): After being burnt by a church that you’ve put 100% of yourself into, what are the pros and cons of “reviewing” the church online (say like, Google reviews or Yelp)? I recently saw my previous woman-hating church being reviewed on Yelp by current members who wrote glowing reviews and how marvelous the church and pastor is, and it got me thinking, is it a good idea to post my own review? Maybe under a pseudonym? And I wouldn’t want to post something that made personal attacks on the pastor, and I wouldn’t want to say something that I don’t have evidence of, but maybe something that had more of a word of caution to those thinking about attending said church, as in, why does this pentecostal church not make it known on their website that they’re “complementarian” or announce that they’re part of calvinistic TGC? I’m mulling over my motives for doing this: is it a type of revenge on my part? Or is my motive really to warn others? I don’t know at this point. The thing is, you can be part of a church for quite a while before you figure out their theology isn’t what you thought it was, so why do they hide some things and fail to disclose it on the “OUR BELIEFS” tab on their website so that everyone can know up front? I think prospective attendees should get a clearer picture of the church before attending. I think about newcomers who would feel so welcomed by the over-the-top love bombing only to be used and controlled over time, and perhaps they should hear a word of caution. I also feel like I was reviewed and critiqued for years by this church, so maybe I should just return the favor and review them. Has anyone done this before? What are some possible negative consequences? I don’t believe I’m interested in “revenge”, I just don’t like that they’re operating “under the radar” and leading people to believe they’re something that they’re not.

    What does TWW community think?

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    Tough question.

    If you decide to post. Absolutely use a pseudonym.

    Post it from a library (not one you usually go to). Perhaps even use their computer.

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    Great question… One that all us that post on TWW should ask now and then….
    I am NOT at all telling you what to do, but I post my name realizing that I should “own” what I say…. It definitely helps keep me from saying things I could regret…

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    I dunno. Maybe you could sing the praises of how the church (ahem, cough, cough) patiently, graciously, and quietly give people time to slowly accept and adapt to complementarianism, Calvinism, and TGC…… although it’s not quite your cup of tea, so you moved on.

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    Even more Southern Baptist hypocrisy on women pastors: last year, Baptist Press trumpeted MBTS VP John-Mark Yeats securing the presidency of Corban University in Oregon:

    “His appointment follows a 7-month search conducted by the Presidential Search Committee comprised of select Corban University trustees, faculty, staff, alumni, and students. Dr. Yeats will step into this new role as president after having previously served in a multifaceted role as Vice President of Student Services, Dean of Students and Student Success, Title IX Coordinator, and Professor of Church History at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College in Kansas City, Missouri.”

    NOT reported was the embarrassing fact that the chair of Corban’s presidential search committee was a woman pastor!

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    Corban University Trustee, and Chair of the Presidential Search Committee, Pastor Valerie Webb:

    “Valerie Webb 
    Staff Pastor, Twin Lakes Church 
    Aptos, California”

    [this church is apparently neither SBC nor GARBC]

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    Corban University is historically related not to Southern Baptists, but to a northern Fundamentalist group, the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.

    The GARBC itself is on record strongly opposing women pastors, yet it held its 2023 national meeting at Corban University which has a woman pastor trustee. And the recently announced nominee to be the next GARBC National Representative, Clare Jewell [yes that is a man], “teaches Missional Living at Corban University in Salem, Oregon”:


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    John-Mark Yeats, Corban University’s new President, is the son of John L. Yeats, longtime Recording Secretary of the SBC. The elder Yeats had a stained glass portrait in Dorothy Patterson’s gallery of ‘Heroes of the Conservative Resurgence’.

    John-Mark is a 9Marksist, and co-wrote a book with disgraced Cedarville University President Thomas White.

    Jonathan Leeman: “white and yeats…are 9Marks friends…’9marks guys’ in every sense…have worked for 9M”

    MBTS: “Ecclesiology with Dr. Jonathan Leeman and Dr. John-Mark Yeats. This seminar is required”

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    Congratulations on Daffy! I’m looking at a bouquet of daffodils right here in the living room.

    Looking forward to the review/interview of Christa Brown. Baptist News Global is on top of this too, and has posted about her book and an upcoming interview.

    Christa’s website Stop Baptist Predators is still up, outdated but a good resource.

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    Jerome: John-Mark Yeats, Corban University’s new President, is the son of John L. Yeats, longtime Recording Secretary of the SBC. The elder Yeats had a stained glass portrait in Dorothy Patterson’s gallery of ‘Heroes of the Conservative Resurgence’.

    The elder Yeats was also Executive Director, Missouri Baptist Convention. The MBC has made a hard left turn toward New Calvinism in recent years. But, as usual, the pew in Missouri SBC churches ain’t got a clue what’s headed their way in changes to belief and practice. The MBC has been aggressive at new church (aka Calvinist) planting, as well as a number of traditional Missouri SBC churches taken over by the NeoCal dudebros through stealth and deception. The beat goes on …

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    Everything christianity bosses and their groupies say, they themselves disclaim as “only advertising”. Is some One going to say to them one day, “depart from Me ye who were only advertising”? The problem is in the doctrine because they blasphemed the Holy Spirit Who would be in each child, and too. away from This Boo..

    (Excuse .eyboard quir. – too much tea spilling – at least I’m ahead of the Christmas Angel who said Noel!)


    The turn to materialism in the Anglo-American “spiritual” ethos occurred around 1800 perhaps. The guilt of self-describing “conservatives” (deluded that they still “need” scramble for political power) derives from they and their fathers’ having literally wed to muscular christianity / john-wayne-jesus.


    Disgracing the name of Spurgeon.

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    Nancy2(aka Kevlar):
    Aaaawwwwwweeee….She’s cute!
    No apologies necessary, but thanks for letting us know about the soon to new family member.
    Safe travels for all of you.I hope Daffy is a good traveling companion, with no Uh-ohs on the way home!

    I wanna know – if you ever adopt a boy dog, whatcha gonna name him?Narcissus?There must be more flowers with male names!

    Cosmos. I had to find a tan flower name for a tan boy kitten. Good name for a boy pug

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    Proper Reformed: Arminius (honestly a proper calvinist), J .nox, Spurgeon, MLJ, D Pawson. Not so: Calvin (politician), J Edwards, R C Sproul, J Stott (insightless browbeaters)

    Wesley remar.ed to Wilberforce that humanitarian wor.s such as education, BY CHRISTIANS not centred in Holy Spirit strength will gradually wea.en because agnostics, who are sincere, sense subliminally the example of dumbing down, but are heartened when Christians don’t thieve reason and agency.

    Nancy2(aka Kevlar),

    “Grace” and “gracious” are unli.ely to be read as ironic red flag words; I suggest “erectly”. Quietly = rationing truth from needy ears: how about “sparingly”?

    Mentioning the TGC perspective is a good move and it implies (the true) bald objectivity on your own part as logical readers will spot.

    You’ve got to punch as hard as the ghouls do from their status, but so as they are left not .nowing whether they noticed, or not.

    If you professed to be “this humble reviewer” it would come over as a 100 % concession (copying the flun.eys) since that milieu doesn’t revolve around actual senses of words.

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    researcher: That.
    Daffy / Dilly / Ducky
    Did you see cherry blossoms on your way home?

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    For ‘patiently’ I thin. you need ‘redolently’.

    Use all different words on the next review site and put in ‘unctuously’ that time.

    And ‘winsomely’ is excellent for below the belt but only in combination with more theology-neutral choices.

    Most importantly, get yourself a life because no-one will need to read that in the next one! Some people told each other about Pascal’s wager to scare each other; I tell the whole gospel (Ascension and gifts unvetoed; the .ingdom of heaven as criterion of sin M. 9:39, I Pe 4) as simply an offer.

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    At least Dee (and millions of other dog owners) only put down their dog due to age, disease, and in the case of Old Yeller, rabies. And with extreme sadness and pain.

    Unlike the popular with Evangelicals governor of South Dakota (and potential GOP VP pick), Kristi Noem, who personally executed her 14 month old German Shorthair Pointer with a shotgun blast simply because she hated it and grew tired of it. The dog was too “aggressive” and she could not be bothered to properly train a dog that IS SPECIFICALLY BRED TO GRAB BIRDS. But when confronted on it, Noem and many so-called “Christians” defended her actions. I wonder if they would defend Ted Bundy the same way.

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    R’as al Ghul: But when confronted on it, Noem and many so-called “Christians” defended her actions. I wonder if they would defend Ted Bundy the same way.

    I have had nothing to do with their ‘religion’ for many years now.
    It’s sick, twisted, and based on control freakery.

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    R’as al Ghul,

    At least the CHRISTIAN Governor of the CHRISTIAN State of South Carolina Did the Deed herself.
    In a very direct (but very messy) way, with a 12-gauge.
    Not have the vet give the dog an injection and watch him go sleepy-sleep.
    When she killed, she KILLED!

    And besides, CHRISTIANS are the most gleeful of Gallows Groupies, the loudest fanboys of the death penalty.

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    R’as al Ghul: Unlike the popular with Evangelicals governor of South Dakota (and potential GOP VP pick), Kristi Noem, who personally executed her 14 month old German Shorthair Pointer with a shotgun blast simply because she hated it and grew tired of it. The dog was too “aggressive” and she could not be bothered to properly train a dog that IS SPECIFICALLY BRED TO GRAB BIRDS. But when confronted on it, Noem and many so-called “Christians” defended her actions.

    This surfaced today on Wondering Eagle’s blog:
    Seneca (you remember him) is trolling over there defending the CHRISTIAN Governor of SD; Jack and Ras Al’Ghul are counter-trolling him.

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    Sarah (aka Wild Honey): Of course, the book was originally published in 1914, when ideas of “manliness” were a bit different from today.

    i.e. Pre-Manosphere, Pre-PUA, Pre-ALPHA/Beta/Sigma/Omega, Pre-ALPHA Boot Camps, Pre-Andrew Tate.

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    Muff Potter:
    Daffy is just too cute!!!

    Alien Tongue in a Dog Suit!

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    Max: The MBC has been aggressive at new church (aka Calvinist) planting, as well as a number of traditional Missouri SBC churches taken over by the NeoCal dudebros through stealth and deception.

    “You cross sky and land to make ONE disciple, and when you do you make him twice the child of Hell as yourselves.”
    — some Rabbi from Nazareth

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    Headless Unicorn Guy: i.e. Pre-Manosphere, Pre-PUA, Pre-ALPHA/Beta/Sigma/Omega, Pre-ALPHA Boot Camps, Pre-Andrew Tate.
    Pre-Looksmxxing, Pre-Softmaxxing, Pre-Mewing, Pre-Gumming, Pre-GUA, Pre-Thumbpuling, Pre-Beltpulling, Pre-Carrotmaxxing, Pre-Hunter Eyes, Pre-Hardmaxxing, Pre-Leg Longing, Pre-Bone Smashing, Pre-Starvemaxxing, Pre-Gelling, Pre-Munting…but not Pre-Ropemaxxing.

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    Headless Unicorn Guy,
    For explanation of the above terms, this NSFW video by a “Papa Meat”:
    (NSFW/cussing; posted as separate comment in case it fails Moderation.)

    P.S. A couple weeks ago, The Algorithm hit me with a LOT of videos about Alpha Masculinity, and none of what’s covered in this video is made up. Especially look at the Ideal Alpha Male Mogging/Gooning look at 0:40 to 1:00.

    P.P.S. Be sure to skip the commercial from 3:30 to 5:00.