An image of Jupiter is set against the blackness of space. NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSSImage processing by Prateek Sarpal, © CC NC SA
“I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.” Rita Rudner
All of the articles and videos from News Channel 5 written by Phil Williams are worth watching and reading. He is truly a long-time expert on this cult. I have included just 3 videos, but there are more worth watching in the linked article.
This one came as no surprise. In November, TWW looked at Gwen Shamblin with the help of some former members, Stephen and Kristy Hord, and two documentaries linked in the following posts.
- Weighing In on Gwen Shamblin Lara’s “Cult:” What Went Down With Weigh Down.
- Weighing in on Spiritual and Emotional Abuse in Weigh Down’s Cult-like Remnant Church: It’s the Same Old, Same Old.
- The Way Out to Freedom: Help for Those Abused in Cults and Churches by Stephen and Kristy Hord, Former Members of The Remnant
Elizabeth Hannah
When I spoke with the Hords, I remember feeling dissatisfied with one missing piece of the puzzle. Where were her kids in all of this? Her daughter, Elizabeth Hannah, lost her husband in the plane crash that took Shamblin and her husband. She is now stragely the de facto head of the Remnant, which appears to be puttering along. According to the Hords, Elizabeth seemed missing in action and but is now featured on the Remnant website. I highly recommend that you read her rather bizarre letter. Elizabeth continues to appear emaciated in the pictures I see of her, but I bet her mother would be proud.
In Elizabeth’s theology, the followers of Shablin’s theological meanderings are doing just fine.
Leaders are pure, husbands are kind like Christ, women are respectful to their husbands, and children obey their parents and find happiness in doing so. A place where members could lay down any sins, any addictions, or any worldly desires and have hearts free to love only God. We pulled out to see if that kind of Christ-based church could really exist… and we found that not only could it be done, it is continuing to be done here at Remnant Fellowship, over twenty years later.
…The families are strong, and the children could not be happier and more joy-filled! (And praise God, the children in our church families will not be trapped by worldly addictions that our generation fought to come out of.) We have actually found freedom
And as if that wasn’t enough, she believes they have no pride or gossip in their assembly of the pure.
People in our church have laid down anger, drugs, anxiety, cigarettes, anti-depressants, gossip, pride, over-shopping, over-drinking, over-eating, over-gaming, sexual lusts—any addictions in the heart that separate us from putting God first in our lives.
Yeah, right…No anxiety or pride? I believe that is a lie which makes me believe she is either delusional or out of touch. Oh, that ‘s right. She only phones in her talks…
Michael Shamblin tells his side of the story, which isn’t pretty.
Michael Shamblin said:
‘I look back on my life and go, ‘What were we doing? What was I thinking?
You must link to YouTube (Click on the line that says to Watch on YouTube) to watch this next video Please do it if you want to understand the total weirdness of Shablin’s divorce and remarriage to “Tarzan.”
News Channel 5 posted, ‘What were we doing?’ Gwen Shamblin’s son breaks silence about life inside her Brentwood ‘cult.’ This was written by Phil Williams, who followed this group for over twenty years.
Gwen Shamblin, who began her career with a diet program that she called the Weigh Down Workshop, was the focus of NewsChannel 5 investigations in 2001 and 2004.
Two years ago, an HBO Max documentary series — “The Way Down: God, Greed and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin” — suggested, “how members of Remnant behave is a bit like Handmaid’s Tale.” The series also explored her controversial marriage to actor Joe Lara.
Yet, throughout all the controversies, Michael Shamblin was the one person who I firmly believed would one day have a story to tell.
Michael told Williams that the Remnant viewed him to be the ‘devil incarnate’ as he pursued this story for two decades.
Michael began to move away from the Remnant. He finally left after his mother’s death According to Williams:
Michael and I had connected on Twitter more than a year ago when he followed me from an account in the name of Michael S. Black. That’s an identity he’s now trying to establish professionally, creating profiles on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
“The Michael S. Black type of thing is more of me. It’s a person who’s tired of being used and abused from Gwen Shamblin.”
Why Michael came to believe he was in a cult and exposed the underbelly?
Phil Williams wrote Secrets of Remnant Fellowship: ‘I’m going to say this, and the people of Remnant are not going to like this.’ Based on the previous interview, here are some allegations that Shaamblin kept notes on her followers.
- A “guidance stats” sheet that tracked the marital situations of certain members, how they were doing on their weight, and personal issues with which they were dealing (including lust).
- Instructions that certain members needed to “have their weight reported once a month” and entered into the guidance system.
- Dates and times that members signed onto Remnant webcasts — in one case noting that a member “usually has it going in the other room type thing and not necessarily listening.”
- A text noting that a member would need leadership permission to have a Facebook account, while another suggested the need to check a woman’s Instagram.
- Gwen Shamblin notifying her team that a female had been “monitored” by fellow members and Gwen was “saying yes to her request to return to church.”
- Documentation that a Remnant wife was “not completely under the authority and questions” her husband, that she had confessed to being “anti-authority and always having a better idea.”
- A note that another Remnant wife had been counseled to “STOP controlling and driving her husband insane,” that she needed to “just put the jeans on that he wants her to wear.” The woman was told that her husband “was starting to look at other women” and that “she’s making that happen.”
What does he say about his sister?
As for his sister, that was the one area where he was very protective.
He said he has enormous compassion for his sister — after all, she lost both her mother and husband in the plane crash.
Remnant still talks about her as their leader, although she only phones in her messages — instead of delivering them in person.
That is the most interesting part of this interview, in my opinion. Apparently, Elizabeth doesn’t come to the church. She merely phones in her messages. So, let’s all guess how long it will be before she leaves the church. It is my opinion that she is in a state of shock since she never expected to be the heir in such a swift manner. If she is still getting money from the church to maintain an upscale Nashville lifestyle (and I bet she is), she will keep making those ‘godly’ phone calls and ensuring she is underweight on the BMI scale until the dollars dry up. Then, she will earn more money “telling her weighty” story, which will involve a stay in a clinic for those with eating disorders.
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I saw part of this story when it first broke on WTVF…. then I forgot!
Just read (skim) and scroll down the News Channel 5 WTVF link:
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^ 5 part interview with a link for more on each part
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Cult, pure and simple. With a touch of charisma, a gift of gab, and a bag of gimmicks, anyone can be a successful cult leader … there are millions of gullible followers just waiting for you!
How many one-and-only-true-way churches are there out there?! The Great Deceiver is out and about in America … and doing quite well in the American church.
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“Michael began to move away from the Remnant. He finally left after his mother’s death.”
You can be too close to see it. You have to go out to get out. You can’t help others out if you are still in.
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Beware of “diet prophets” …
“The Holy Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits … liars whose consciences are seared as with a branding iron … who advocate abstaining from certain kinds of foods” (1 Timothy 4:1-5)
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Other than the weigh-ins, the rest of this just sounds like what many pastors are calling “shepherding” these days. I distrust anyone who uses that word.
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It’s not going to fly if someone standing before God says, “But I know I’m saved, because I lost 30 pounds and kept it off! Oh, and I’m doing well financially, too!
Avoid any “prophet” who uses God and abuses His Word to push a brand and or control the sheep.
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I watched all 3 parts of the interview. and how bizarre the story is. How many people know that little Joe’s parents were convicted of murder?
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= the subject of many TWW posts
The American church is replete with false prophets … who manipulate, intimidate, and dominate God’s children while masquerading as angels of light.
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There ain’t no diet plans in Hell
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On a slight tangent, does anyone else think the fotie of Jupiter looks a bit like a plush toy with a smiley face?
I don’t know anything about Shambling House, btw.
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Totally with you.
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So, I googled “plush toy jupiter”, and indeed you can get wee Jupiter plushies. Although they’re coloured to match Jupiter’s visible-spectrum appearance (the Juno probe, IIRC, took infra-red foties).
I’d rather like a plush Jupiter! I’d probably call him Kevin, though.
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You should see My plush planet collection!
Best regards,
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On another tangent…. 🙂
I’ve just made a combined reply to Nick Bulbeck’s three comments — it’s currently (as I expected 🙂 ), being held in customs. 🙂
Unfortunately — and I didn’t notice this until AFTER I posted my comment 🙂 — and for some reason — the first reply (of my combined reply) seems to have put in Dee’s name (from the comment after Nick Bulbeck’s first comment) instead of Nick Bulbeck’s name.
My apologies to Dee and Nick Bulbeck…. 🙂
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I look forward with great excitement!
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From the OP, Dee wrote:
From the OP, Dee wrote:
After reading Elizabeth Hannah’s letter, I didn’t think Elizabeth Hannah’s letter was bizarre — I wondered if she was brainwashed.
After reading Dee’s opinion (prediction?), perhaps what Dee’s describing is the common path and process of a brainwashed member of a cult leaving a cult.
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does anyone else think the fotie of Jupiter looks a bit like a plush toy with a smiley face?
Nick Bulbeck,
Well, our dogs used to have this plush, smiley faced chew toy and this photo of Jupiter does bear an uncanny resemblance to that chew toy….. shortly before I sent it to it’s final resting place.
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Back to verified vs false credentials debate, from Harvard to Boston to Ravi in Thailand and Ravi global, everywhere:
“SBC Executive Committee met in Nashville on Sept. 18-19 on heels of resignation of former president & CEO Willie McLaurin over falsified academic credentials.” Tennessean noted.
It’s a thing. Churches beware, be aware.
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Meanwhile, in other news:
“The Happy Hour” Christian SBC author podcaster influencer Jamie Ivey halted her book tour and scrubbed her online social media presence one day after appearing on the morning network shows to jumpstart her new book marketing: “Why Can’t I Get It Together?”
Guess she’ll have to answer her own question.
Her husband, Worship Pastor Ivey was just fired after the reveal of his longtime pursuit history – grooming- of young men, sometimes minors, with drugs and alcohol involved, for you-know-what.
The Iveys published a book entitled “Complement” about “Christian” complementary marriage.
Doubt this is what Pastor Ivey’s wife had in mind for complementary.
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There’s a lot of cults that have no religious overtones.
Diet cults, business cults, sports cults, sci Fi cults, fitness cults.
The common thread is the methods of control. One is to keep people on a treadmill (using this as a metaphor but in this cult it could be literal) so they’re too think freely.
Any organization that takes all your time and effort but rewards you negatively is bad Voodoo. The kicker is these folks aren’t stupid or defective. The psychology behind cult devotees is complicated but the upshot is anyone can get sucked in.
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Too tired to think freely. Small phone screen, clumsy fingers.
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Oh yeah, we’ve probably all fallen for one or more during our lifetimes.
… and money!
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Little cults everywhere, people. Little cults everywhere.
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Actually, Max, there’s St Thomas Aquinas’s term “Gluttony of Delicacy”.
Gluttony isn’t just the 800-lb Mr Creosote from Monty Python’s Meaning of Life”.
That’s “Gluttony of Volume”.
Gluttony of Delicacy is an Orthorexic who has to eat Politically Correct foods prepared Properly Woke.
Gluttony of Delicacy is a Weigh Down diet fanatic who Virtue Signals what they DON’T eat.
In both Gluttony of Volume and Gluttony of Delicacy, their bellies and appetites completely control their life. The difference is one is all about what they DO eat and the other is all about what they DON’T eat.
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Actually, Max, there’s St Thomas Aquinas’s term “Gluttony of Delicacy”.
Gluttony isn’t just the 800-lb Mr Creosote from Monty Python’s Meaning of Life”.
That’s “Gluttony of Volume”.
Gluttony of Delicacy is an Orthorexic who has to eat Politically Correct foods prepared Properly Woke.
Gluttony of Delicacy is a Weigh Down diet fanatic who Virtue Signals what they DON’T eat.
In both Gluttony of Volume and Gluttony of Delicacy, their bellies and appetites completely control their life. The difference is one is all about what they DO eat and the other is all about what they DON’T eat.
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You forgot POLITICAL cults.
Type examples are the Nazis and Communists of the last century.
Both functioned as Fundamentalist state religions, political systems elevated to Godhood.
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i.e. Widdle Chrsitian Wifey stays properly submissive (“What is Thy Will, My Lord Husband? How might I better Submit?” while Alpha Christian Male Hubby chases and bags more boys than Jimmy Saville.
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FIFTY years ago, I was involved in a Shepherding Fellowship(TM).
Even though I was never fully involved (though they kept love-bombing me to enter their Compound),the damage is still there.
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As always dee, love the space pic up-top.
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I think most of us have fallen for a fad, but when thinking of a cult in the modern vernacular there’s usually an authoritarian leader or leadership that always wants more and more. They corrupt something that could be good or even fun into a never ending stair climb. You’re never good enough.
You’re a means to someone else’s end.
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You’ve hit the target with a Norden bombsight.
That’s exactly what they are.
They live fabulous lifestyles off the shekels extracted from devotees by guilt and fear.
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Nick Bulbeck,
“I’d rather like a plush Jupiter! I’d probably call him Kevin, though.“
Lexie, if you need a girl name.
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Nowhere in the Bible does it state you have to be a certain size to enter Heaven. NOWHERE!!!!!!! What Bible are Remnnat followers reading? There are also no “levels” and if there are….Gwen isn’t at the top….if she even made it there…..??
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This will sound shallow, but how could anyone even take one look at this grotesque, gaudy styled woman and not be turned off from considering her *any* kind of spiritual shepherd?? Im not saying a woman of God must be beautiful. But this woman’s very fake look….yikes. And horrific attitude and spirituality
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And phoning in her sermons and teachings like QAnon breadcrumb drops makes me wonder if she’s really losing it (as in really off the deep end) and hiding in a bunker.
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Especially if they have awarded themselves the title “Prophet”.
Or “Apostle”.