A prayer of Anselm (1033-1109) The Complete Book of Christian Prayer
“O merciful God
Fill our hearts, we pray, with the graces of Your Holy Spirit;
With love, joy, peace patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control.
Teach us to love those who hate us; to pray for those who despitefully use us;
That we may be the children of Your love, our Father,
Who makes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.
In adversity, grant us grace to be patient; in prosperity keep us humble;
May we guard the door of our lips;
may we lightly esteem the pleasures of this world,
And thirst after heavenly things;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Amen “
Prayer attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi link
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
where there is injury, pardon
where there is doubt, faith
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
and where there is sadness, joy
O, Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console
to be understood as to understand
to be loved as to love
for it is in giving that we receive
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life
Prayers for those who have suffered abuse link.
Almighty God & Everlasting Lord,
You are the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.
We pray this week for those who have been abused within our churches and the wider communities across our nation.
Have compassion upon all who have suffered the injustice, humiliation and pain of abuse
– sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual and all other forms of sinful conduct.
In the midst of their distressing circumstances, give them courage to speak.
May your perfect love drive out fear and anxiety.
In your mercy, create opportunities for these men, women and children to share their pain,
reveal their struggles and expose the hurtful actions of others.
Give grace, sensitivity and wisdom to all who will minister to the victims and survivors of abuse.
Strengthen those who have been abused with the certainty of your love for them.
In all things, we ask that your name be glorified and that we – your people –
do justice, love kindness and walk humbly before you.
We humbly plead these things in the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ,
who died and rose and now sits at your right hand in glory.
(The videos placed on this blog in no way means the speaker is endorsing TWW.)
Seven Minute Seminary with Scot McKnight
Benediction: An ancient folk blessing link
May there always be
work for your hands to do.
May your purse always
carry a shilling or two.
May the sun always
play on your window pane.
May a rainbow chase after
each spot of rain.
May the hand of a friend
always be near you.
May God fill your heart with
gladness and cheer you.
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Number1 on my Birthday!
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Thanks, Dee; this is thought-provoking.
Yes, “resurrection” is at the center of Paul’s thinking. It’s right there in Paul’s Romans 10:10 summary of “how to be saved.” Hmmm — “kingly rule” is right there, too.
Speaking of Romans, if you can find a Scott M talk that summarizes his book “Reading Romans Backwards”, that might be a useful (and again, somewhat controversial or provocative) topic for a future e-church theology talk.
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“(The videos placed on this blog in no way means the speaker is endorsing TWW.)”
Good to see the disclaimer.
I don’t agree with everything posed by McKnight, and if it were my blog, I’d put up a disclaimer too.
It’s just ideas, that’s all, and not everybody is gonna’ agree on everything.
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Well dang dr steve, you can write something.
For awhile there, I thought you might be like one of those poor devils in the day room in the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
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Thank you Dee for posting audios of passable length.
McKnight is trying to awaken our interest, and I hope my further explorations of these series will show belief in the same things I now by sweat and tears believe.
The reason the story of Jesus culminating in His Ascension is saving is because it gets authenticated by the gifts Jesus distributed, unvetoed, which shall be our providential perseverance.
The Kingdom of Heaven means spiritual heart economy of talents, works of mercy as per James and Is 55, 58, 61, life in the Spirit as per St Paul, communal enterprise as per Prov 21: 10-31 and the feedings of the Thousands . . .
The Sermon on the Mount was intended as advanced catechesis and is satirical in any cultural context.
It is not intended by God that we should be saved without the Kingdom of Heaven though some bad religious leaders risk that at least.
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The point about “Land” is very poignant and vivid.
Does what gets called Christianity have ANY decent relating space, at all?
In a lonely world we have nothing to say about Jesus if we are determined to “fit in” by enforcing loneliness, ourselves.