EChurch@Wartburg 10.23.21 Wade Burleson: Daniel 8- Part 1 | The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible’s Trustworthiness

Gelasian Sacramentary link

O God of hope,
you are the true light of the faithful,
the perfect brightness of the blessed,
and the true light of your Church.
Grant that our hearts may humbly pray to you
and always offer you our praise
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Gallican Sacramentary 8th century link

O Lord,
give me
purity of lips,
a clean and innocent heart,
and rightness of action.

Give me
humility, patience, abstinence,
chastity, prudence, justice,
courage and self-control.

Give me
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and strength,
the Spirit of knowledge and godliness,
and of your fear.

Always lead me to seek your face
with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind.
Let me have a contrite and humble heart in your presence—
to prefer nothing to your love.

Most high, eternal, and ineffable Wisdom,
drive away from me the darkness of blindness and ignorance.
Most high and eternal Strength, rescue me.
Most high and eternal Courage, help me.
Most high and incomprehensible Light, illuminate me,
Most high and infinite Mercy, have mercy on me.

A Prayer from the Venerable Bede  link

O Christ, our Morning Star,
Splendor of Light Eternal,
shining with the glory of the rainbow,
come and waken us
from the greyness of our apathy,
and renew in us your gift of hope.

Link to Daniel 8 NIV


A German Benediction from the 1700s link

The Lord bless us with wisdom,
with courage and strength to do his will!

The Lord keep our souls pure,
our consciences at peace,
our hearts content!

The Lord grant us a portion
of his blessing in this life,
and one day,
the higher joys of eternal life!


EChurch@Wartburg 10.23.21 Wade Burleson: Daniel 8- Part 1 | The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible’s Trustworthiness — 2 Comments

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    I have been (1974) to the Dead Sea and seen the cave(Qumran)where the scrolls were recovered. I have also seen the scrolls at the Jerusalem Museum (Shrine of the Book)