Brian McLaren Responds, Julie’s In, and Mediation Will Be Moving Forward!

“Peace is the fruit of love, a love that is also justice. But to grow in love requires work — hard work. And it can bring pain because it implies loss — loss of the certitudes, comforts, and hurts that shelter and define us.” ― Jean Vanier, Finding Peace Link


After I spoke with Brian McLaren last Friday, my intent in posting was to portray him in a positive light, particularly since he said he was open to some form of mediation. I was excited about that possibility and conveyed that to Julie. Julie responded that she would like to seek peace with Brian and I sent Brian an email regarding her desire.

I took notes but I must have filtered those notes through my own faulty perceptions of the conversation. I was sad when I learned that there had been some miscommunication. I apologized to Brian for anything that I said that did not accurately reflect his words and thoughts.

My goal is to work with others to find a way to bring peace to this situation. In keeping with that desire, I asked him if he would like to respond to my post in any way that he thought would most accurately reflect his words and intent in the original conversation. Our mutual goal is reconciliation and I do want to work with Julie, Brian and others to make this happen.

The following is in Brian's own words. Please continue to pray for peace.


Dee, thanks for your willingness to be in conversation with me. We spoke by phone last Friday, February 6, and you wrote a post about our conversation on Sunday. On Tuesday morning, I emailed you about some areas where I felt your summary didn’t reflect our conversation, and we talked by phone later in the day.  All of our conversations have been characterized by honesty, cordiality, and openness, and for that I am grateful.

You asked if I would write a clarification for your readers.

When I told you I was not contacting you representing anybody’s camp, I was trying to make it clear that I was reaching out as an individual, a fellow Christian. I had no authorization to speak for anyone else in any "camp," nor had anyone else asked me to speak on their behalf. I was speaking for myself only, and I trusted you because I sensed that you share a similar desire, as a committed Christian, to be a peacemaker and, as far as it is possible, to “be at peace with all people,” as Paul said.

You said on your post, “He said he has a number of theological disagreements with Tony and does not know him well.” That wasn’t what I said. I do know Tony well, and never would say otherwise. What I did say is that I have had less contact with Tony over the last few years compared to, say, a decade ago. I mentioned the theological disagreements not to distance myself from Tony, but to say that for me, friendship is not dependent on theological agreement. 

You correctly said that I am eager for third-party review and mediation, but I did not say this couldn’t happen “until the current litigation was resolved.” I am happy to engage in third-party review and mediation whenever a fair and workable process can be mutually identified, agreed to, and arranged. In fact, that’s the reason I contacted you last week: in hopes that you would be willing to help such a process come to fruition.

You may have noticed that very soon after making your post, people seized on certain elements of it. For example, because you said that I claimed not to know Tony well, certain people were quickly calling me a liar, because they know that I in fact do know Tony well. I know you didn’t intend to put me in the position of being portrayed as a liar, but it quickly happened. 

Lamentably, miscommunications are often amplified on the internet, which provides all the more reason for responsible people to exercise care in jumping to conclusions, believing the worst, etc. Scripture has a lot to say about how we communicate, and for people who identify as Christians, I don’t think there’s an online exemption.

Perhaps if you and I publicly and consistently demonstrate sincere attempts to “speak the truth in love” and to make things right when we stumble, we can set an example for more people to do the same. Not one of us is perfect, and all of us need grace and humility as we seek truth, justice, peace, and love as followers of Christ.

Again, Dee, I appreciate your willingness to speak with me, and when I brought this problem to your attention, I appreciate your desire to make it right. I look forward to continuing to do the hard and delicate work of peacemaking with you, with God’s help.


Brian McLaren Responds, Julie’s In, and Mediation Will Be Moving Forward! — 1,363 Comments

  1. And this is how adults sort stuff out…. thanks Dee for providing a site where we can admit if we don’t get it quite right, & thanks Brian for clearing that up & working for peace. I so hope Julie & her children primarily can finally find some peace.

  2. Thank you for setting an example and for giving Brian McLaren the opportunity to speak for himself in his own words. That is not the norm, certainly. I hope that he proceeds with a mediation effort and is willing to apologize to Julie for his part in her abuse. For Brian, Tony, Rachel, Nadia, and the others, you need to realize that trust must be earned by your actions and your words. It’s easy to lose trust and very hard to earn it back.

  3. My thanks and appreciation to Brian for his willingness and taking the time to make sure we all understand what he means. All we ask is that people be willing to listen to Julie and discuss the issues in a Christian manner and I commend Brian’s and anyone else’s efforts to do so.

  4. To Dee and Brian – This is all good news and I appreciate how you two have interacted. I have seen enough witness testimony, participated in enough lawyer presentations, and read enough transcripts, to know that good people can and do inadvertently mishear, misremember, or misunderstand what they thought they heard, or misstate what they thought they were saying. Thank you for both for working it out. I pray that mediation can move forward on whatever part of this whole situation where it’s possible.

  5. In fairness to Dee, Brian could have corrected any mistakes within moments of the post going up. Brian has been blogging for years and knows how social media works.

  6. @ Bill Kinnon:
    Bill Kinnon wrote:

    In fairness to Dee, Brian could have corrected any mistakes within moments of the post going up. Brian has been blogging for years and knows how social media works.

    I think that would have limited the impact of his Wise Lesson To Us All. Everyone who knows how social media works knows that the body of the post is a better platform than the comment section.

  7. Bill Kinnon wrote:

    In fairness to Dee, Brian could have corrected any mistakes within moments of the post going up. Brian has been blogging for years and knows how social media works.

    I’m sure he does know how social media works, which is why he communicated directly with the person to try and work it out 😉

  8. Brian wrote: “Not one of us is perfect, and all of us need grace and humility as we seek truth, justice, peace, and love as followers of Christ.”

    Indeed. I’ve also had to apologize when the price of doing so was high. Excruciating!

    That’s why I will be so relieved if Brian would also tell us that he made a mistake with his all-or-nothing denigration of Julie on “WhyTony” scrib’d. That would do a great deal to bring things forward, here on out.

    It is not being wrong that is the biggest problem but rather our willingness to face it and work for restitution. I hope you can, Brian. It truly is worth it, over the long haul.

  9. Xianatty wrote:

    I have seen enough witness testimony, participated in enough lawyer presentations, and read enough transcripts, to know that good people can and do inadvertently mishear, misremember, or misunderstand what they thought they heard, or misstate what they thought they were saying.

    Yes, it is a human vulnerability. And I hope everyone in this woeful tale, beginning to end, can be willing to recognize this about themselves, no matter where it takes them.

  10. Thanks for this, Brian and Dee. Just goes to show how important it is to hear everyone’s story in their own words, eh? 😉

  11. Patrice wrote:

    That’s why I will be so relieved if Brian would also tell us that he made a mistake with his all-or-nothing denigration of Julie on “WhyTony” scrib’d. That would do a great deal to bring things forward, here on out.

    Exactly. The initial statement of support for Tony on the site you mentioned is still out there which if I remember correctly included threats of legal action against Julie. Is there no public apology to Julie for that? There should be. I don’t see that in his comments. She deserves that at the very least.

  12. There’s just too much double speak going on for me to feel this will bring true healing. A little humility and servant heartedness would be nice. Plus that scribd site should be taken down and some apologies are in order. It does take time for people to change their way of thinking, so I don’t expect it overnight, but this whole culture in Christendom is the problem. I see no reason to trust anyone who perpetuates politics in church.

    Amy Smith wrote:

    Patrice wrote:

    That’s why I will be so relieved if Brian would also tell us that he made a mistake with his all-or-nothing denigration of Julie on “WhyTony” scrib’d. That would do a great deal to bring things forward, here on out.

    Exactly. The initial statement of support for Tony on the site you mentioned is still out there which if I remember correctly included threats of legal action against Julie. Is there no public apology to Julie for that? There should be. I don’t see that in his comments. She deserves that at the very least.

  13. Patrice wrote:

    That’s why I will be so relieved if Brian would also tell us that he made a mistake with his all-or-nothing denigration of Julie on “WhyTony” scrib’d. That would do a great deal to bring things forward, here on out.

    I was having a similar thought. Actions speak louder than words.

  14. @ Melody:
    The “double speak” is the default mode when there’s more concern for image over people. That’s been what has hit me in the gut everytime there is a new statement released by these leaders.

  15. The question of who owes whom an apology and for what, along with all the suggestions for what “must be done” by either side to remedy which errors, are all matters to be worked out in mediation. Things are moving in the right direction.

  16. @ Xianatty:

    Sorry, disagree. Removing his statement on the scribd site should not be a point of mediation. The statement impugns Julie and contains the legal threat. Removing it would go a long way to put actions to the words here. You make it sound like removing it will be “negotiating” tactic reserved for mediation. If so, it is a cheap tactic.

  17. Agreed.

    Amy Smith wrote:

    @ Melody:
    The “double speak” is the default mode when there’s more concern for image over people. That’s been what has hit me in the gut everytime there is a new statement released by these leaders.

  18. Xianatty wrote:

    Lamentably, miscommunications are often amplified on the internet, which provides all the more reason for responsible people to exercise care in jumping to conclusions, believing the worst, etc. Scripture has a lot to say about how we communicate, and for people who identify as Christians, I don’t think there’s an online exemption.

    Yes, I agree. And we need to be patient. And this means hope.

    Moreover, Dee shows herself to be one of the best. She and Deb have proven themselves, again and again. People like them keep me from despairing of our species. I am very grateful.

    Thus, considering that Brian is merely another human among us, this gentle chiding for the children among us sounds a tad precious:

    “Lamentably, miscommunications are often amplified on the internet, which provides all the more reason for responsible people to exercise care in jumping to conclusions, believing the worst, etc. Scripture has a lot to say about how we communicate, and for people who identify as Christians, I don’t think there’s an online exemption.”

    It is vital that all adults involved recognize that we are peers in both sin and wisdom. Face-to-face openness without condescension. That is hard work and sometimes painful. But this won’t work unless it is done.

  19. Melody wrote:

    but this whole culture in Christendom is the problem.

    I don’t consider these people part of ‘Christendom’ – they are wacky undisciplined sects, typically founded by one man or small group of men with a schtick. Anyone, but anyone, can call themselves Christian and set up shop, and will likely find gullible followers.

    Christendom is a lot bigger than the ‘Emergent’ and ‘Progressive’ world, or even the Evangelical world .

  20. Would like a “like” button for these two comments. 😉

    Banannie wrote:

    @ Bill Kinnon:
    Bill Kinnon wrote:

    In fairness to Dee, Brian could have corrected any mistakes within moments of the post going up. Brian has been blogging for years and knows how social media works.

    I think that would have limited the impact of his Wise Lesson To Us All. Everyone who knows how social media works knows that the body of the post is a better platform than the comment section.

  21. I have no idea how the quote by Brian was made into Xianatty’s quote, which follows.

    Xianatty wrote:

    The question of who owes whom an apology and for what, along with all the suggestions for what “must be done” by either side to remedy which errors, are all matters to be worked out in mediation. Things are moving in the right direction.

  22. 😉 good point. I have decided to call myself an eclectic Christian because I’m tired of these other e’s. Lol! But I do believe this is a problem in Christianity because I believe there are believers involved… But your point is along the lines I think, I think.

    roebuck wrote:

    Melody wrote:

    but this whole culture in Christendom is the problem.

    I don’t consider these people part of ‘Christendom’ – they are wacky undisciplined sects, typically founded by one man or small group of men with a schtick. Anyone, but anyone, can call themselves Christian and set up shop, and will likely find gullible followers.

    Christendom is a lot bigger than the ‘Emergent’ and ‘Progressive’ world, or even the Evangelical world .

  23. Lydia wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    Sorry, disagree. Removing his statement on the scribd site should not be a point of mediation. The statement impugns Julie and contains the legal threat. Removing it would go a long way to put actions to the words here. You make it sound like removing it will be “negotiating” tactic reserved for mediation. If so, it is a cheap tactic.

    No, Lydia. That’s not what I suggested at all. My experience has been that once parties have agreed to move forward with mediation, it’s better to address any outstanding issues in that forum, not as a “negotiating tactic,” a term I never used or even implied, but rather because they have already established that they can’t resolve things on their own and trying to do so might just crater the whole idea of mediation before it gets started.

  24. Patrice wrote:

    Lamentably, miscommunications are often amplified on the internet, which provides all the more reason for responsible people to exercise care in jumping to conclusions, believing the worst, etc. Scripture has a lot to say about how we communicate, and for people who identify as Christians, I don’t think there’s an online exemption.”

    I lived in the mega church world where all the leaders communicated like this to the followers. People who had disagreements or uncomfortable questions were often told: Believe the best or trust positive intentions. As if questioning was some sort of character flaw of the person asking.

    These sorts of responses were condescending but because of the gentle chiding with a sincere smile, people often missed what they were really thinking of them. I knew because I was in the meetings. :o(

    I hope Brian realizes that he is the one who is honored to get to sit down with Julie as an equal. Finally.

  25. Xianatty wrote:

    they have already established that they can’t resolve things on their own and trying to do so might just crater the whole idea of mediation before it gets started.

    So gestures of good faith or goodwill are unpossible if mediation is possible? Really?

  26. roebuck wrote:

    I don’t consider these people part of ‘Christendom’ – they are wacky undisciplined sects, typically founded by one man or small group of men with a schtick. Anyone, but anyone, can call themselves Christian and set up shop, and will likely find gullible followers.

    Christendom is a lot bigger than the ‘Emergent’ and ‘Progressive’ world, or even the Evangelical world .

    Yah, a tempest in a teapot but no less able to hurt people for that.

    And like it or not, there is a broad range of ideas/movements in Christendom, some of them nearly contradictory. But generally speaking, the “no true Scotsman” argument doesn’t work.

    I feel the same way about much art that is sold as such. It’s more useful to say, “Well, ok, but that’s awful art” rather than debate whether it’s art at all.

  27. @ Xianatty:

    It is certainly ok with me if we disagree. I have personally seen good faith actions BEFORE mediation to show seriousness of purpose. So please don’t try and tell me otherwise.

  28.   __

    “What Is The Sign Of An Empty Sky?”


    Ultimately this is about salvaging the integrity of the emergence movement as a whole; remember those closest to JulieM gave personal testimony that this movement was not of God…


    …the world has certainly seen its underbelly, huh?

    comic relief: “The Hunting Of The Snark?”


  29. Lydia wrote:

    These sorts of responses were condescending but because of the gentle chiding with a sincere smile, people often missed what they were really thinking of them.

    There is nothing quite like condescension to make it clear that a real conversation is not taking place even though it might *look* like a conversation. Been in those meetings at churches, too, and not even just in megas. The best way to cause someone to default to “believing the best” is to act like you’re trustworthy over a period of time. The worst way is to use it as a question defense. Very bad tactic and even worse strategy.

  30. @ Xianatty:

    Xianatty, I have a couple of questions about the situation for you and I’d like to contact you privately. Dee has my email if that would be okay.

  31. Melody wrote:

    I have decided to call myself an eclectic Christian because I’m tired of these other e’s.

    I know a LOT of folks who call themselves “followers of Jesus”, or “followers of The Way” in order to avoid the baggage that has collected around the word “Christian”, particularly in this country (US).

  32. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    they have already established that they can’t resolve things on their own and trying to do so might just crater the whole idea of mediation before it gets started.

    So gestures of good faith or goodwill are unpossible if mediation is possible? Really?

    Which part of “might” sounds like I said something was “unpossible”?

  33. If this is on the up-and-up, it’s a Very Good Sign.

    However, if this is another chess move by ToJo using a plausibly-deniable pawn…

  34. @ Beth:
    Beth – I’d be happy to communicate with you privately. I’m assuming you’ll keep my contact information private. I will do the same for yours.

    Dee – You have my permission to share my email with Beth.

  35. Lydia wrote:

    I lived in the mega church world where all the leaders communicated like this to the followers….These sorts of responses were condescending but because of the gentle chiding with a sincere smile, people often missed what they were really thinking of them. I knew because I was in the meetings. :o(

    Yah, after I wrote the comment, I realized I was showing the length of time I’ve been away from the church. It was an attitude in which I was immersed, especially because I’m a woman. I am glad to be shed of the soft supercilious attitude which has always reminded me of the first verse of Jabberwocky—-just that smooth, nonsensical, and soporific:

    ‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
    All mimsy were the borogroves,
    And the mome raths outgrabe.


  36. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Beth:
    Beth – I’d be happy to communicate with you privately. I’m assuming you’ll keep my contact information private. I will do the same for yours.

    Dee – You have my permission to share my email with Beth.


  37. Lydia wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    It is certainly ok with me if we disagree. I have personally seen good faith actions BEFORE mediation to show seriousness of purpose. So please don’t try and tell me otherwise.

    Lydia – I never said that *couldn’t* happen. Of course one party can offer a gesture of good will. But that’s better left to the parties. I was addressing commenters here who are demanding that McLaren do this or that. If Julie and McLaren are on the path toward mediation we should recognize true progress and try to avoid creating and throwing obstacles in their way.

  38. Wow. Well done Brian McLaren and well done Dee and Deb and TWW…on many fronts. Happy to see this situation take this positive turn. I am so damn jaded with regards to “spiritual leaders” that I really didn’t see this one coming around to a more positive potential solution.

    I hope the mediation process goes well and I hope that Julie and Brian are able to reach a peaceful and mutually beneficial solution to the problem between them.

    I am also hopeful that Tony Jones will follow Brian’s lead and seek a peaceful solution with Julie as well.

  39. Xianatty wrote:

    Of course one party can offer a gesture of good will

    This is an opening for a demonstration of real leadership by McLaren if he is sincere. AFAIK no one is demanding anything.

  40. Amy Smith wrote:

    The initial statement of support for Tony on the site you mentioned is still out there which if I remember correctly included threats of legal action against Julie.

    Brian clarified in TWW’s last post on this subject, that he didn’t mean bringing Julie to court, but rather meant that he would find out the legalities of publishing documents to support his view.

    I haven’t been at WhyTony scrib’d for a few days, but last I looked, he hadn’t corrected that stumble in communication. I hope he has by now.

  41. @ Gram3:
    You wrote:
    “This is an opening for a demonstration of real leadership by McLaren if he is sincere. AFAIK no one is demanding anything.”

    Perhaps I am misreading them, but some of them sure sound like demands to me.

  42. Well, after reading a post from Reuben on Stuff Christian Culture Likes thread…I’m not so sure. Dang it. I really want to believe one of these situations and one of these Christian leaders can do better and smell more like the good Jesus of the Gospels…but unfortunately, it never seems to go that way and there always seems to be ulterior motives.

  43. Xianatty wrote:

    I was addressing commenters here who are demanding that McLaren do this or that.

    If you are speaking to me in this sentence, I demanded nothing. I merely pointed out what would make me very happy and would push the process along most beautifully, and then I followed it up with another comment about why I feel a little dubious about the humility quotient, and wished it for all of us.

    You are not an objective speaker here, either, Xianatty. It is also important for you to understand that and meet us as peers.

  44. Well, we’ll see how it shakes out.

    I guess I’ll be cautiously optimistic. I don’t want to be so jaded that I don’t give McLaren a fair shot at doing the right thing and helping bring some good to this tough situation.

    I also don’t want to let my guard down and blindly jump on a bandwagon without seeing a good result.

  45. I’m having a difficult time understanding how someone who hasn’t been in touch that much over the last few years comes to write such a strong public statement of support for Tony and requires mediation with Julie. Why does Julie have to mediate with him? I hope this isn’t further victimization. We have seen this happen unfortunately when survivors of abuse talk directly with or mediate with church officials. Is mediation required because McLaren has considered legal action?

  46. Xianatty wrote:

    Perhaps I am misreading them, but some of them sure sound like demands to me.

    Is the rule with you that you can imply something and then deny that you meant what you implied, but something no one actually said means whatever you infer from that statement?

    Can we agree that either party can make a gesture of goodwill, given the prospect of mediation, and that McLaren can demonstrate the leadership that many ascribe to him by taking the lead on reconciliatory measures? Is that reasonable?

  47. @ Patrice:
    No, Patrice, I wasn’t actually talking about you. I read some other commenters as making demands.

    You’re welcome to your own views about me and my comments and my objectivity, but that doesn’t make them right. If I didn’t think you and others here were peers I wouldn’t bother trying to have a discussion with you.

  48. 1. Brian McLaren posts on scribd site supportive of Tony and with implied legal threat.

    2. Brian McLaren is shocked, SHOCKED, that Dee could have possibly misunderstood him to be supportive of Tony (in his camp) or threatening legal action against Julie.

    3. Brian McLaren is shocked, SHOCKED, and deeply saddened and disappointed in us that we could so easily misinterpret what he said to Dee as implying he was distancing himself from Tony and that mediation between him and Julie must wait. HOW could we be so biased as to suspect he is lying? WHEN will we all realize how easy it is to misunderstand via the internet?

    Brian- you’ve tried three times now. You, the dude who communicates in writing for a living, have tried 3 times and failed 3 times to be clear. Maybe it’s not your audience. Maybe, just maybe, you’re equivocating and it’s more obvious than you would like.

    Come on dude. Come to the table like an equal, ready to hear.

  49. @ Gram3:
    I have already said “Of course one party can offer a gesture of good will.” Brian and Julie can make whatever goodwill gestures they feel called to make or wait to communicate in a mediated forum. I think the latter is better but YMMV.

  50. Xianatty wrote:

    You might try that.

    Here’s what I would like to try. There is no such thing as objectivity residing in a person. Let’s not pretend that either you or I are objective. I asked you whether we can agree that it is reasonable, in your view, for McLaren as a purported Christian leader to demonstrate that leadership by actually leading with a gesture of reconciliation. He is the more powerful person in this situation, and ISTM that a Kingdom ethic places the greater burden on the more powerful individual. Of course, you are not obliged to accept my view of Kingdom ethics.

  51. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Patrice:
    No, Patrice, I wasn’t actually talking about you. I read some other commenters as making demands.
    You’re welcome to your own views about me and my comments and my objectivity, but that doesn’t make them right. If I didn’t think you and others here were peers I wouldn’t bother trying to have a discussion with you.

    Ok, but I happened to start this one, and mostly others commmented with their versions of agreement, as far as I can see.

    Indeed we are both welcome to our own opinions. I merely pointed out that you aren’t objective, as none of us are. You would say you are?

    And no, sorry, commenting here doesn’t automatically mean that you think we are your peers.

  52. Alex wrote:

    Well, after reading a post from Reuben on Stuff Christian Culture Likes thread…I’m not so sure.

    Same here.

  53. Alex wrote:

    Well, we’ll see how it shakes out.
    I guess I’ll be cautiously optimistic. I don’t want to be so jaded that I don’t give McLaren a fair shot at doing the right thing and helping bring some good to this tough situation.
    I also don’t want to let my guard down and blindly jump on a bandwagon without seeing a good result.

    I don’t think being jaded would push McLaren to give up. I’m fairly certain that he is sturdier than that. In fact, it’s not impossible that it would propel him forward to prove himself. w00t

    So far, evidence and (our own experiences) are against him but I don’t see how facing that makes us jaded. I mean, we would all be very relieved and glad if he shows himself to be honest, humble, and compassionate. We wish for that, even if many of us can’t garner up hope for it.


  54. Dear Brian: I don’t think you’ve been misunderstood or misconstrued. I do think you have unfairly maligned Julie McMahon. If you had not posted that document to Scribd, it would be one thing. But you did, and it’s still there.

    It seems that you are saying one thing (wwhich keeps changing) to Dee, and another to Julie and to every person who reads your assertions about her on Scribd.

    It is not enough to try and put spin on it, or to try to make nice by saying that Dee misrepresented you.

    I would hope that you would be willing to not only apologize, but have the Scribd document taken down. That appears to be pretty clear-cut, to me, at least.

    You might feel a weight slide off your soul if you said and did those things and meant them sincerely. And you might just set an example for others to follow in so doing. I do not know if you will read this comment, but i hope you do. More important, I hope you will reach out to Julie, as well as removing that document from Scribd. Because all the nice-sounding words in your latest to Dee most assuredly do not cancel out the reality of the words you have posted on that sie, and the accusations you have made.

  55. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    You might try that.

    Here’s what I would like to try. There is no such thing as objectivity residing in a person. Let’s not pretend that either you or I are objective. I asked you whether we can agree that it is reasonable, in your view, for McLaren as a purported Christian leader to demonstrate that leadership by actually leading with a gesture of reconciliation. He is the more powerful person in this situation, and ISTM that a Kingdom ethic places the greater burden on the more powerful individual. Of course, you are not obliged to accept my view of Kingdom ethics.

    Kingdom ethics require Christians to do their utmost to reconcile. Here, Brian and Julie have agreed to move forward with mediation. As I understand it, they are just starting a process to work out the logistics (choice of mediator, location, parameters, etc). IMO, Kingdom ethics require them to conduct themselves in the lead up in ways that foster the likelihood of the mediation being successful.

    I don’t doubt that sometimes premeditation gestures of goodwill can enhance the likelihood of a successful mediation. And, Brian would not be unreasonable to make that gesture. But, as I’ve said several times now, once the parties agree in principle on mediation, I believe that a successful mediation is more likely if the parties defer all outstanding issues and all direct communication until they are actually in the mediation. So, in most instances, assuming the goal is a successful mediation and not just the show of agreeing to one, I believe Kingdom ethics would encourage the parties, and Christian bystanders, to let the parties focus on working out the logistics and to deal with all outstanding substantive issues in the mediation itself.

  56. @ Xianatty:

    I don’t believe you actually addressed the ethical question I put to you. What, if any, greater responsibility does a Christian leader have in a situation like this? Please answer not as an attorney but as a Christian.

  57. @ Patrice:
    As I said, ISTM that some of the commenters here are demanding things from Brian. I don’t think that’s helpful at this point. I may have misread what they intended to say, but that is the way it comes across to me. I don’t have anything else to add on this point.

    I never suggested that it was universally true that people who commented here believed that the other commenters were peers. I can say, definitively, that *I* would not come here to discuss these important matters with people I didn’t regard as peers.

  58. @ Xianatty:

    Just to clarify, I understand you stated that it is reasonable, though probably not advisable, for McLaren to make a gesture of goodwill. The ethical question is a different one, and I did not explicitly state that as a question to you. So, I’ll try again. Do you think that a Kingdom ethic places a greater responsibility on the one with greater power to lead in the process of reconciliation? I think Numo gives some excellent guidance on what that might or might not look like.

  59. @ Gram3:
    I didn’t see the point in trying to hash things out in comments. Might as well try to address McLaren directly and leave it at that. Since it isn’t my blog, and I’m not trying to do what Dee has been trying to do in her convos with him, i have a little bit more leeway to state what i think and leave it for him to mull over.

  60. numo wrote:

    Dear Brian: I don’t think you’ve been misunderstood or misconstrued. I do think you have unfairly maligned Julie McMahon. If you had not posted that document to Scribd, it would be one thing. But you did, and it’s still there.

    It seems that you are saying one thing (wwhich keeps changing) to Dee, and another to Julie and to every person who reads your assertions about her on Scribd.

    It is not enough to try and put spin on it, or to try to make nice by saying that Dee misrepresented you.

    I would hope that you would be willing to not only apologize, but have the Scribd document taken down. That appears to be pretty clear-cut, to me, at least.

    You might feel a weight slide off your soul if you said and did those things and meant them sincerely. And you might just set an example for others to follow in so doing. I do not know if you will read this comment, but i hope you do. More important, I hope you will reach out to Julie, as well as removing that document from Scribd. Because all the nice-sounding words in your latest to Dee most assuredly do not cancel out the reality of the words you have posted on that sie, and the accusations you have made.

    He has only unfairly maligned Julie if what he said isn’t true.

    He has been accused of some very serious things. I think he has every right to publish his version of what happened. His version does not make Julie look good. If it is inaccurate or untrue, then he absolutely should take it down and apologize. But if it’s true, he has been very poorly treated by her and I think he has as much right to tell his story as she does, especially considering how wide the audience is that has heard her side now.

  61. @ Gram3:
    That you don’t like my answer about Kingdom ethics does not mean that I didn’t answer you. The Christian leader, like the parishioner, has an ethical duty to conduct themselves in ways most likely to bring about a successful mediation. My legal experience leads me to conclude that a successful mediation is more likely if parties defer all outstanding issues and all direct communication until the mediation itself.

    I can no more separate my legal training from my Christian faith in this analysis than a physician would in dealing with a public health issue. The doctor might say that Kingdom ethics require us to love our neighbor as ourselves, that medical training teaches them that (absent a specific health issue) most all kids should be vaccinated, and so Kingdom ethics require parents to vaccinate most all kids.

  62. If you want to understand how to do shaming, you can’t do much better than this. I’m sure the graduate degree in English helps.

    You may have noticed that very soon after making your post, people seized on certain elements of it. For example, because you said that I claimed not to know Tony well, certain people were quickly calling me a liar, because they know that I in fact do know Tony well. I know you didn’t intend to put me in the position of being portrayed as a liar, but it quickly happened.

    Lamentably, miscommunications are often amplified on the internet, which provides all the more reason for responsible people to exercise care in jumping to conclusions, believing the worst, etc. Scripture has a lot to say about how we communicate, and for people who identify as Christians, I don’t think there’s an online exemption.”

  63. @ Beth:
    I have said all that i intend to say about this in the comment you referenced. It seems to me that debating the matters you raise is not helpful, whic is why i addressed the comment directly to Brian McLaren.

  64. numo wrote:

    @ Beth:
    I have said all that i intend to say about this in the comment you referenced. It seems to me that debating the matters you raise is not helpful, whic is why i addressed the comment directly to Brian McLaren.

    Fair enough. I respect that.

  65. @ Xianatty:
    Hey, Xianatty, I do not wish to argue more with you about this particular part of the subject, because it is obviously fruitless.

    I will say this and be finished. I agree that mediation needs to take its proper course, if a good one is set in place. We hope and will see.

    The commenters here are offering advice to Brian because he posted here, to us, and he chided Dee and us even while he himself needs even more chiding on the very same issue.

    We will also discuss this among ourselves because it is a combox, and we can discuss anything we want about it, will attempting to remain polite and kind to each other.

    So even if someone was actually demanding something of Brian, it matters not a whit. It could possibly be a good thing, even. We are observers to a familiar religious tale being acted out in front of us. Many of us have gone through similar situations, which have caused long-term damage. Because of this, we will not be acquiescent to presumption, pomposity, or condescension regarding what we know.

    I am glad to hear your expertise in law, which is a small but important part of the complete story. I hope you will understand.

  66. numo wrote:

    @ numo:
    Further, i do not like what McLaren said to Dee, but she’s not the one beingmharmed in all of this.

    I don’t either, and I think it gracious of her to acquiesce for the sake of the bigger picture.

  67. very good question:
    Curtis Griesel:
    It seems all Julie has ever really wanted is an apology. (That and Tony’s share of child support) They have to mediate saying “sorry”?

  68. @ Xianatty:

    So I’ll put you down on “the more powerful person does *not* have a greater responsibility” side of the Kingdom ethics ledger. Thanks for making that clear.

    I’ll also assume that your Christianity and your legal training inform your opinion on Christian questions in roughly the same measure.

  69. I went beck in my email and looked I emailed Brian 8 times in the 9 years of knowing him. I calked him once. One email bounced back because he was out of the country. I have been very hard on him, that is true. It is my perception he failed miserably in his position of authority with the Emergent church as it pertains to looking the other way about serious issues concerning Tony Jones. CLEARLY, Brian is conflict avoidant but that makes me question his leadership. That is my only issue with Brian. I feel he was in a very powerful position (still is) to admonish Tonys abhorrent behaviors and yet he defends him in the face of irrefutable evidence and chooses to stand by Tonys side. EVEN when sent doctors and hospital records detailing my torn shoulder. FOR THAT I am calling foul. Maybe this is no longer about you, Brian but about doing the right thing. 6 years too late but for the love of God stand up for the people you claim to stand up for. It’s getting a bit ridiculous. Seriously. It’s over. I mean that it’s just time. Enough is enough. You, Phyllis Tickle, Doug Pagitt, Danielle Shroyer, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Rachel Held Evans….just stop. No one with any sense is buying the bag of bull any longer. I messaged Rachel and said, “I come in peace….” She said, “Do not contact me again and stop threatening me.” Blocked me. It had become just way too much. Too disgustingly much. I forgive you, Brian. I do. I know you people are basically incapable of admitting any fault so let me be the one to say I am sorry for being too hard on you and holding you to a standard I misjudged you were able to be held to. I will mediate with you but you need to show up first authentically. Doug Pagitt, you too. You’re both enablers! I asked you both to help…you did nothing but enable…for years. Beth wrote:

    numo wrote:

    Dear Brian: I don’t think you’ve been misunderstood or misconstrued. I do think you have unfairly maligned Julie McMahon. If you had not posted that document to Scribd, it would be one thing. But you did, and it’s still there.

    It seems that you are saying one thing (wwhich keeps changing) to Dee, and another to Julie and to every person who reads your assertions about her on Scribd.

    It is not enough to try and put spin on it, or to try to make nice by saying that Dee misrepresented you.

    I would hope that you would be willing to not only apologize, but have the Scribd document taken down. That appears to be pretty clear-cut, to me, at least.

    You might feel a weight slide off your soul if you said and did those things and meant them sincerely. And you might just set an example for others to follow in so doing. I do not know if you will read this comment, but i hope you do. More important, I hope you will reach out to Julie, as well as removing that document from Scribd. Because all the nice-sounding words in your latest to Dee most assuredly do not cancel out the reality of the words you have posted on that sie, and the accusations you have made.

    He has only unfairly maligned Julie if what he said isn’t true.

    He has been accused of some very serious things. I think he has every right to publish his version of what happened. His version does not make Julie look good. If it is inaccurate or untrue, then he absolutely should take it down and apologize. But if it’s true, he has been very poorly treated by her and I think he has as much right to tell his story as she does, especially considering how wide the audience is that has heard her side now.

  70. @ Beth:

    What has he personally and specifically been been accused of by Julie?

    Beth wrote:

    especially considering how wide the audience is that has heard her side now.

    Her side has only ‘recently’ been widely heard and that is only because everyone shut her down when she tried to tell her side years ago. Other sides were heard years ago without her side being heard.

  71. @ numo:

    The Scribd document did not in any way represent a man or a group of people wanting to make peace with Julie.

    That was just proof that they wanted to shut down what was being said.

  72. If the issue is Julie’s complaints against Tony, why does Brian keep talking about himself?

  73. @ numo:

    Isn’t that Scribd document what RHE linked to in an email to Dee and said that she would have nothing further to say about this matter? And then she proceeded the next week to have something further to say…

  74. Curtis Griesel wrote:

    If the issue is Julie’s complaints against Tony, why does Brian keep talking about himself?

    Some of Tony’s friends believe that they have been hurt by Julie.

  75. Bridget wrote:

    Her side has only ‘recently’ been widely heard and that is only because everyone shut her down when she tried to tell her side years ago. Other sides were heard years ago without her side being heard.

    That sums it up perfectly.

  76. Banannie wrote:

    Brian- you’ve tried three times now. You, the dude who communicates in writing for a living, have tried 3 times and failed 3 times to be clear. Maybe it’s not your audience. Maybe, just maybe, you’re equivocating and it’s more obvious than you would like.

    Come on dude. Come to the table like an equal, ready to hear.

    Something else I’ve noticed is we never heard of “Xianatty” (at least under that handle) until the whole ToJo-vs-Julie thing hit the big time. While this may be a coincidence, a manipulator would also try to camouflage the timing of moving his chess piece as a Coincidence(TM) so for a third party like me there’s no way to be sure. And NPDs plan thirty chess moves ahead. Which way is up?

  77. Lydia wrote:

    These sorts of responses were condescending but because of the gentle chiding with a sincere smile…

    I have learned through experience that nobody is as Sincere or as Charming as an NPD/Sociopath/Manipulator. Until the instant you outlive your usefulness.

  78. Julie McMahon wrote:

    I went beck in my email and looked I emailed Brian 8 times in the 9 years of knowing him. I calked him once. One email bounced back because he was out of the country. I have been very hard on him, that is true. It is my perception he failed miserably in his position of authority with the Emergent church as it pertains to looking the other way about serious issues concerning Tony Jones. CLEARLY, Brian is conflict avoidant but that makes me question his leadership. That is my only issue with Brian. I feel he was in a very powerful position (still is) to admonish Tonys abhorrent behaviors and yet he defends him in the face of irrefutable evidence and chooses to stand by Tonys side. EVEN when sent doctors and hospital records detailing my torn shoulder. FOR THAT I am calling foul. Maybe this is no longer about you, Brian but about doing the right thing. 6 years too late but for the love of God stand up for the people you claim to stand up for. It’s getting a bit ridiculous. Seriously. It’s over. I mean that it’s just time. Enough is enough. You, Phyllis Tickle, Doug Pagitt, Danielle Shroyer, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Rachel Held Evans….just stop. No one with any sense is buying the bag of bull any longer. I messaged Rachel and said, “I come in peace….” She said, “Do not contact me again and stop threatening me.” Blocked me. It had become just way too much. Too disgustingly much. I forgive you, Brian. I do. I know you people are basically incapable of admitting any fault so let me be the one to say I am sorry for being too hard on you and holding you to a standard I misjudged you were able to be held to. I will mediate with you but you need to show up first authentically. Doug Pagitt, you too. You’re both enablers! I asked you both to help…you did nothing but enable…for years.

    What a horrid response from RHE. I was still holding out hope that with time she would consider both sides and be more neutral in the situation. I think it’s (finally) hit the point where I can’t support her anymore. I’m done with RHE and have lost all belief in her integrity.

    And since I kind of suspect she’s following this scandal closely, I’ve got this to say: No, Rachel. Julie did not do this to you. You did this to yourself by shunning and silencing a victim of abuse within your own “camp.” Your hypocrisy is why people are reacting poorly to you, so don’t blame Julie or us for it.

  79. By radar was tripped weeks ago by xianatty. Sorry, years of training have made my radar acute to these sort of behaviors. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Banannie wrote:

    Brian- you’ve tried three times now. You, the dude who communicates in writing for a living, have tried 3 times and failed 3 times to be clear. Maybe it’s not your audience. Maybe, just maybe, you’re equivocating and it’s more obvious than you would like.

    Come on dude. Come to the table like an equal, ready to hear.

    Something else I’ve noticed is we never heard of “Xianatty” (at least under that handle) until the whole ToJo-vs-Julie thing hit the big time. While this may be a coincidence, a manipulator would also try to camouflage the timing of moving his chess piece as a Coincidence(TM) so for a third party like me there’s no way to be sure. And NPDs plan thirty chess moves ahead. Which way is up?

  80. *my radar. Julie McMahon wrote:

    By radar was tripped weeks ago by xianatty. Sorry, years of training have made my radar acute to these sort of behaviors. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Banannie wrote:

    Brian- you’ve tried three times now. You, the dude who communicates in writing for a living, have tried 3 times and failed 3 times to be clear. Maybe it’s not your audience. Maybe, just maybe, you’re equivocating and it’s more obvious than you would like.

    Come on dude. Come to the table like an equal, ready to hear.

    Something else I’ve noticed is we never heard of “Xianatty” (at least under that handle) until the whole ToJo-vs-Julie thing hit the big time. While this may be a coincidence, a manipulator would also try to camouflage the timing of moving his chess piece as a Coincidence(TM) so for a third party like me there’s no way to be sure. And NPDs plan thirty chess moves ahead. Which way is up?

  81. @ Julie McMahon:
    We are all so glad that your story has finally been heard. We are here for you. We are all praying for peace in this situation. I am so sorry for the terrible trials of this week.

  82. Julie McMahon wrote:

    I messaged Rachel and said, “I come in peace….” She said, “Do not contact me again and stop threatening me.” Blocked me. It had become just way too much. Too disgustingly much.

    Oh h*ll, I was hoping your recent reference to being rejected by yet another mini-celeb wasn’t RHE. That’s just rotten and I am very sorry.

    You have many others who believe you, which you didn’t have before you told your story. That is not much solace, but it is something, I suppose.

    I am glad to be on your side, Julie McMahon.

  83. Julie McMahon wrote:

    I messaged Rachel and said, “I come in peace….” She said, “Do not contact me again and stop threatening me.”

    If a message like this is what RHE considers threatening, then she has no business saying that she supports victims who have really been threatened. She doesn’t know what a real threat is. I hope she has never and will never receive an actual threat.

  84. In fairness to Rachel it was more words than just my opener of I come in peace but nothing any rational person would deem a threat. I offered again for her to see the evidence I have. I offered that to Nadia also. Both declined. I reached out because honestly I think she is young and naive and was played by an NPD and I was offering her a way out. She has been a sad casualty in all of this like Nadia playing the victim to “digital pitchforks” when people called her out for refusing to hear the side of the abused person. They both decided I was disposable and went on the attack, so there is nothing else I can do there. They are left standing alone with their true colors shining brightly and ironically, Tony is no where to be found. That’s how they masterfully get others to do their bidding. NPD is serious and at times very scary. Unfortunately, unless you comprehend the complexities of it…you are likely to play right into the hands of the person. I believe many of the “supporters” are just that. Pawns. Bridget wrote:

    Julie McMahon wrote:

    I messaged Rachel and said, “I come in peace….” She said, “Do not contact me again and stop threatening me.”

    If a message like this is what RHE considers threatening, then she has no business saying that she supports victims who have really been threatened. She doesn’t know what a real threat is. I hope she has never and will never receive an actual threat.

  85. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Which way is up?

    For you and me, it is probably impossible to know what is up with XianAtty and Beth. They may be quite sincere. The problem is that they are making it look like they are playing the exact parts that a PR firm might design and assign on a forum like this to shape or change the narrative. Distract, deflect, diminish, dismiss, re-direct.

    I pay attention to what they draw attention to and ask myself why those issues and not some others? Why does the self-described “very busy” XianAtty have so much spare time to devote to matters which are so inconsequential? And he/she never has an opinion that doesn’t sound like it’s been run through a legal algorithm a few times.

  86. Yep. Yep yep. Stinks.
    Beyond that, I have a variety of friends I disagree with. But I don’t feel I have to side with abusers and I’m ok with losing friends if they wish to abuse. It is not true friendship to support a narcissist.

    It comes back to Tony’s diagonsis and these “friends'” lack of love for both parties as their marriage collapsed. They’ve clearly only cared to believe Tony yet ignore the factual diagnosis and the natural consequences of it for his previous marriage. These are the pertinent points.

    On top of that, the beginning of this blogpost reminds me of how I took the blame one time for someone else’s stuff when gaslighted. I think Brian is right to clarify if there is a misunderstanding but I also think Dee is pretty wise and tries to be fair. Personally, the way Brian clarifies this blames Dee when it sounds like he wasn’t clear. Taking full responsibility truly is difficult, and sometimes as Dee did, it is right to fix confusion. But this smells fishy and it would not be right to shut up about that.

    However the important truth to remember is Tony’s NPD diagnosis, extremely suspect quick new relationship regardless of whether it was an affair (which evidence suggests it was), and his powerful connections (I hesitate to call them friends) vs. Julie’s single mom status and expected amount of stress as her marriage fell apart and custody battles commenced. I’m not sure either Tony or Julie have true friends in the emergent movement and that is heartbreaking.

    Amy Smith wrote:

    @ numo:

    Isn’t that Scribd document what RHE linked to in an email to Dee and said that she would have nothing further to say about this matter? And then she proceeded the next week to have something further to say…

  87. Exactly! Almost as if they were teeing of a defamation lawsuit! Just think of the time, money and effort that goes into trying to by rationalization and justification for your abhorrent behaviors through the legal system instead of saying the two little words, “I’m sorry.” I always said my ex would sooner choke and die than say he was sorry. How pathetic is that?! That is no way to live a life. Let alone lead Christianity! Gram3 wrote:

    Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Which way is up?

    For you and me, it is probably impossible to know what is up with XianAtty and Beth. They may be quite sincere. The problem is that they are making it look like they are playing the exact parts that a PR firm might design and assign on a forum like this to shape or change the narrative. Distract, deflect, diminish, dismiss, re-direct.

    I pay attention to what they draw attention to and ask myself why those issues and not some others? Why does the self-described “very busy” XianAtty have so much spare time to devote to matters which are so inconsequential? And he/she never has an opinion that doesn’t sound like it’s been run through a legal algorithm a few times.

  88. @ Patrice:
    You wrote:
    “Because of this, we will not be acquiescent to presumption, pomposity, or condescension regarding what we know.”

    — Nor will I.

  89. @ Gram3:
    Since once again, and for the last time, I said no such thing, I’ll put you down on the “always reads the worst possible misinterpretation into everything you disagree with” side of Christian ethics. Good grief.

  90. @ Xianatty:

    I will admit I do have a talent for reading non-answers in the very worst way possible. So, are you saying that the more powerful person *does* have a greater responsibility to move toward reconciliation, according to Kingdom ethics?

    Are you saying that either your Christianity or your legal training *does* have greater weight when formulating your opinion on Christian questions? If so, then which has greater weight?

    As an attorney, do you routinely receive what your adversaries say uncritically and in the best possible way?

  91. Julie McMahon wrote:

    Unfortunately, unless you comprehend the complexities of it…you are likely to play right into the hands of the person. I believe many of the “supporters” are just that. Pawns

    I understand what you are saying about NPD particulars. What isn’t excusable, to me anyway, is the refusal to hear your side while at the same time supporting Tony Jones. You were deemed an untouchable for no reason. Everyone who posted to Scribd and RHE, since she directed others to the site, took a side – Tony’s.

  92. Amy Smith wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:

    Mine too, Julie. Also on Twitter. Sounds like the same one…

    Amy – That’s a pile of nonsense! You followed me on Twitter long ago when I was commenting on a case where you and I agreed. You even retweeted many of my comments. Dee has seen these. In Julie’s case I disagree with you. But my efforts to look at what the legal records show were the same in this case as in that other case. In both cases my first reaction was, as usual, to believe the victim. In this case, however, I found the appellate order that describes how Julie told the trial court one set of facts, and then told the appellate court the opposite. That, to me called into question the rest of Julie’s story. The more I looked, the more I found that didn’t, to me, jive with what the available court records show. Maybe Julie has valid explanations, but I haven’t heard her address the holding of the appellate court at all. Unfollow me, block me (just like Tony has), whatever, but you won’t stop me from searching for the truth or reporting what I believe the records show, regardless of whether the results were what I expected or wanted to find. Funny, I thought outing the truth was what SNAP stood for.

  93. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Patrice:
    You wrote:
    “Because of this, we will not be acquiescent to presumption, pomposity, or condescension regarding what we know.”
    — Nor will I.

    I don’t doubt for a second that you suffer deeply from others’ pomposity and condescension.

    Not only a legal expert but one with a sense of humor!

  94. @ dee:

    I just keep seeing a rewriting of the history as if this all started in the last few months when Julie was able to start telling her side. It also sounds like she tried to send emails and texts and make contact seven years ago, but got resounding nos from everyone. Well, there was one person who contacted her, her pastor I think, who wanted to get her committed to a psych ward. Oh, yes, the last or is also Tony Jones’ best buy Nd business partner.

  95. Bridget wrote:

    Oh, yes, the last or is also Tony Jones’ best buy Nd business partner.

    Pressed post by accident. Should read –

    Oh, yes, the pastor is also Tony Jones’ best friend and business partner.

    (Auto correct can be a pain.)

  96. Bridget wrote:

    Everyone who posted to Scribd and RHE, since she directed others to the site, took a side – Tony’s.

    And the Scrib’d statements not only sided with Tony wholeheartedly, but made no mention anywhere of the diagnosis Tony himself said he had, as well as delivering an almost point-by-point contradiction of the diagnostic characteristics of NPD.

    This proved to me, more than anything else, that Julie was correct. They defeated their own intentions by setting up that site, and they seem to be completely unaware of it.

    The mind boggles.

  97. Xianatty-You keep saying the same things while appearing to be not listening to anything. You have not read what all I have nor would I provide it to you. You are taking the direct stance and approach as Tony and Co. It seems to me very apparent you are aligned and proliferating that agenda. If you comprehend NPD as the serious personality disorder that it is…then we can have an actual dialogue. You continually want others to look at court documents. That is only one tiny fraction of this story. Who are you? And why do you refuse to factor in the main character has an illness where pathological lying, abuse, sadistic traits, and being devoid of empathy are present? You have been exposed. Who are you? Xianatty wrote:

    Amy Smith wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:

    Mine too, Julie. Also on Twitter. Sounds like the same one…

    Amy – That’s a pile of nonsense! You followed me on Twitter long ago when I was commenting on a case where you and I agreed. You even retweeted many of my comments. Dee has seen these. In Julie’s case I disagree with you. But my efforts to look at what the legal records show were the same in this case as in that other case. In both cases my first reaction was, as usual, to believe the victim. In this case, however, I found the appellate order that describes how Julie told the trial court one set of facts, and then told the appellate court the opposite. That, to me called into question the rest of Julie’s story. The more I looked, the more I found that didn’t, to me, jive with what the available court records show. Maybe Julie has valid explanations, but I haven’t heard her address the holding of the appellate court at all. Unfollow me, block me (just like Tony has), whatever, but you won’t stop me from searching for the truth or reporting what I believe the records show, regardless of whether the results were what I expected or wanted to find. Funny, I thought outing the truth was what SNAP stood for.

  98. Again- I find it interesting that XtianAtty refers, again, specifically to the only single document that is easily googlable, and only vaguely to the other documents that back up his/her claim. If we google, we find the doc XA is referring to and might accidentally forget we can’t find any others. That’s pretty good sleight of hand.

    I have yet to see XA refer to any other doc, provide any links to any docs, or respond to any explanations or alternate views that don’t expressly align with his/her take.

  99. It’s not a pile of nonsense to me Attorney. But it’s cute how you think you can tell me how to discern my feelings. That’s why I blocked you on Twitter. And I don’t regret it.

  100. Julie McMahon wrote:

    I went beck in my email and looked I emailed Brian 8 times in the 9 years of knowing him. I calked him once. One email bounced back because he was out of the country. I have been very hard on him, that is true. It is my perception he failed miserably in his position of authority with the Emergent church as it pertains to looking the other way about serious issues concerning Tony Jones. CLEARLY, Brian is conflict avoidant but that makes me question his leadership. That is my only issue with Brian. I feel he was in a very powerful position (still is) to admonish Tonys abhorrent behaviors and yet he defends him in the face of irrefutable evidence and chooses to stand by Tonys side. EVEN when sent doctors and hospital records detailing my torn shoulder. FOR THAT I am calling foul. Maybe this is no longer about you, Brian but about doing the right thing. 6 years too late but for the love of God stand up for the people you claim to stand up for. It’s getting a bit ridiculous. Seriously. It’s over. I mean that it’s just time. Enough is enough. You, Phyllis Tickle, Doug Pagitt, Danielle Shroyer, Nadia Bolz-Weber, Rachel Held Evans….just stop. No one with any sense is buying the bag of bull any longer. I messaged Rachel and said, “I come in peace….” She said, “Do not contact me again and stop threatening me.” Blocked me. It had become just way too much. Too disgustingly much. I forgive you, Brian. I do. I know you people are basically incapable of admitting any fault so let me be the one to say I am sorry for being too hard on you and holding you to a standard I misjudged you were able to be held to. I will mediate with you but you need to show up first authentically. Doug Pagitt, you too. You’re both enablers! I asked you both to help…you did nothing but enable…for years. Beth wrote:

    numo wrote:

    Dear Brian: I don’t think you’ve been misunderstood or misconstrued. I do think you have unfairly maligned Julie McMahon. If you had not posted that document to Scribd, it would be one thing. But you did, and it’s still there.

    It seems that you are saying one thing (wwhich keeps changing) to Dee, and another to Julie and to every person who reads your assertions about her on Scribd.

    It is not enough to try and put spin on it, or to try to make nice by saying that Dee misrepresented you.

    I would hope that you would be willing to not only apologize, but have the Scribd document taken down. That appears to be pretty clear-cut, to me, at least.

    You might feel a weight slide off your soul if you said and did those things and meant them sincerely. And you might just set an example for others to follow in so doing. I do not know if you will read this comment, but i hope you do. More important, I hope you will reach out to Julie, as well as removing that document from Scribd. Because all the nice-sounding words in your latest to Dee most assuredly do not cancel out the reality of the words you have posted on that sie, and the accusations you have made.

    He has only unfairly maligned Julie if what he said isn’t true.

    He has been accused of some very serious things. I think he has every right to publish his version of what happened. His version does not make Julie look good. If it is inaccurate or untrue, then he absolutely should take it down and apologize. But if it’s true, he has been very poorly treated by her and I think he has as much right to tell his story as she does, especially considering how wide the audience is that has heard her side now.

    I do sincerely hope you and Brian can reach a resolution. I applaud your willingness to mediate.

  101. Gram3 wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    I will admit I do have a talent for reading non-answers in the very worst way possible. So, are you saying that the more powerful person *does* have a greater responsibility to move toward reconciliation, according to Kingdom ethics?

    Are you saying that either your Christianity or your legal training *does* have greater weight when formulating your opinion on Christian questions? If so, then which has greater weight?

    As an attorney, do you routinely receive what your adversaries say uncritically and in the best possible way?

    I probably shouldn’t try this again, but here goes.

    Both the powerful and the powerless have the same Christian duty to move toward reconciliation. You speak of the duty of reconciliation like it’s something can fall more heavily on one person than another. I think it’s a non-divisible duty, like the duty of brotherly love. I don’t have less of a duty depending on whether I’m rich or poor. It’s all the same duty, but the rich person will likely be called on to honor that duty in some ways that are dramatically different than the poor person.

    At *this point* in the dispute between Julie and Brian, I believe both Brian and Julie honor Christian ethics best by deferring all substantive issues and all direct questions until he’s in a mediated forum.

    I’m saying your question about whether my Christianity or legal training trumps when “formulating [my] opinion on Christian questions” creates a false dichotomy. My Christian ethics help me understand my legal ethics. The legal system is set up (though certainly it often falls short of these goals) to provide a fair process for both sides to present their case. I chose early on not to work as a prosecutor since I am opposed to the death penalty. I have read of a few cases where I was very glad I was not the attorney, but I can’t remember ever having a legal obligation that I thought violated my Christian ethics. When, as here, I’m giving an opinion about how Christian ethics should apply to a matter that is or is becoming a legal dispute, of course I’m going to use my legal training. I can’t conceive of doing otherwise. Would you want the doctor giving an opinion on the Christian ethics of vaccination to ignore their medical training about the efficacy and safety of most if not all vaccines?

    “Uncritically” and “in the best possible way” are two different things. Actually, yes, I *always* try to understand what my adversaries are actually trying to say, to understand the internal logic of their argument, and to respond to that. Because that’s what the judge is going to do and I need to satisfy the judge, not opposing counsel. Why would I ever want an opponent to have the “out” of claiming that that’s not what s/he was arguing? There is nothing more likely to set a judge’s hair on fire than to have two attorneys arguing about what they really said and really meant rather than about the law.

    And when it comes to dealing with opposing counsel directly, as in discovery, where each side has to turn over all the relevant documents and take depositions, unless I’ve been bitten by a particular person, I always try to understand what they are seeking from my client and why, and to agree to it when I think the law requires it and the judge will grant it. I can zealously represent my client and negotiate in good faith with opposing counsel, only going to the judge when we have a true dispute. That’s the right thing to do and it’s good for my client.

  102. I’m a little uncomfortable with this whole thing.

    I do hope for some peace, as much as can be expected after a nasty divorce and ongoing custody wrangling.

    But I am very uncomfortable with Brian’s public threat to sue Julie, and I’m uncomfortable with Julie skewering Brian after he as agreed to some sort of mediation by a third party.

    I just don’t see where this is going unless someone agrees to put down the swords and come to the table.

    Just my two cents….

  103. @ Julie McMahon:
    Julie – How did Tony’s NPD “illness where pathological lying, abuse, sadistic traits, and being devoid of empathy are present” make you tell one set of facts to the trial court and the opposite to the appellate court? Yes, sometimes a party gets new information and has to ask the court to change one of their factual claims or defenses, but you apparently didn’t offer the appellate court any reason for changing your story and you haven’t explained it here. That Tony has NPD doesn’t explain why you changed your story.

  104. Bridget wrote:

    @ Beth:

    What has he personally and specifically been been accused of by Julie?

    Beth wrote:

    especially considering how wide the audience is that has heard her side now.

    Her side has only ‘recently’ been widely heard and that is only because everyone shut her down when she tried to tell her side years ago. Other sides were heard years ago without her side being heard.

    Her accusations are on the Naked Pastor thread.

  105. Banannie wrote:

    Again- I find it interesting that XtianAtty refers, again, specifically to the only single document that is easily googlable, and only vaguely to the other documents that back up his/her claim. If we google, we find the doc XA is referring to and might accidentally forget we can’t find any others. That’s pretty good sleight of hand.

    I have yet to see XA refer to any other doc, provide any links to any docs, or respond to any explanations or alternate views that don’t expressly align with his/her take.

    Actually, I’ve provided links, and they are also available as I’ve said on Brad’s site, @futuristguy, to the trial court docket, which lists everything that’s happened in the divorce case and when. It contains a wealth of information.

  106. Banannie wrote:

    1. Brian McLaren posts on scribd site supportive of Tony and with implied legal threat.

    2. Brian McLaren is shocked, SHOCKED, that Dee could have possibly misunderstood him to be supportive of Tony (in his camp) or threatening legal action against Julie.

    3. Brian McLaren is shocked, SHOCKED, and deeply saddened and disappointed in us that we could so easily misinterpret what he said to Dee as implying he was distancing himself from Tony and that mediation between him and Julie must wait. HOW could we be so biased as to suspect he is lying? WHEN will we all realize how easy it is to misunderstand via the internet?

    Brian- you’ve tried three times now. You, the dude who communicates in writing for a living, have tried 3 times and failed 3 times to be clear. Maybe it’s not your audience. Maybe, just maybe, you’re equivocating and it’s more obvious than you would like.

    Come on dude. Come to the table like an equal, ready to hear.

    That’s about how I feel. I don’t trust him anymore.

  107. Amy Smith wrote:

    It’s not a pile of nonsense to me Attorney. But it’s cute how you think you can tell me how to discern my feelings. That’s why I blocked you on Twitter. And I don’t regret it.

    Amy – I said nothing about your feelings.

  108. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    Julie – How did Tony’s NPD “illness where pathological lying, abuse, sadistic traits, and being devoid of empathy are present” make you tell one set of facts to the trial court and the opposite to the appellate court? Yes, sometimes a party gets new information and has to ask the court to change one of their factual claims or defenses, but you apparently didn’t offer the appellate court any reason for changing your story and you haven’t explained it here. That Tony has NPD doesn’t explain why you changed your story.

    Leave her alone. I am not an attorney and I fail to see the problem with this trivial issue so I am not surprised that Julie wouldn’t either. Your belaboring of the point over and over again on multiple threads is ridiculous and it makes me suspicious of you. Is that all you’ve got?

  109. Brian,

    I assume you’re reading this since you were allowed to post here. Frankly, I’m disgusted by you. I just checked and your statement that says, “I am pursuing legal action…” is still posted here.

    I wasn’t privy to your conversation with Dee, but I’m aware of how gaslighting and blameshifting works. That’s what today’s statement sounds like to me.

    Dee, if you ever have another conversation with Mr. McL, I’d suggest that you record it.

  110. Quick! Quick! Respond to Julie directly before anyone realizes Banannie was right! – XtianAtty


  111. @ Marsha:
    Why do you believe it’s trivial that Julie told one set of facts about a substantive issue to the trial court and a completely different set of facts to the appellate court? The appellate court found it serious enough that it prohibited her from arguing her new “facts.” That’s a serious penalty or punishment. What basis do you have for believing that the appellate court was wrong for penalizing her for her new and different story?

  112. @ Banannie:
    You wrote that you’ve never seen me “respond to any explanations or alternate views that don’t expressly align with his/her take.”

    That you haven’t read my responses to many, many purported explanations or alternate views doesn’t mean my responses don’t exist.

  113. Xianatty wrote:

    I was addressing commenters here who are demanding that McLaren do this or that. If Julie and McLaren are on the path toward mediation we should recognize true progress and try to avoid creating and throwing obstacles in their way.

    Demanding? You mean an opinion like this one:

    Xianatty wrote:

    The question of who owes whom an apology and for what, along with all the suggestions for what “must be done” by either side to remedy which errors, are all matters to be worked out in mediation. Things are moving in the right direction.

  114. @ Xianatty:
    Answer this, as a Christian, not a lawyer, because one day you will retire or fall into ill health and need to quit or whatever else happens in old age, and won’t be a lawyer any longer, but you will still be a Christian. Does is matter what Julie did wrong in the case for Tony Jones??

    Again, not interested in the legal stuff here, only the faith issues. He divorced her, if it was due to some marital trauma or breakdown, he spent virtually no time trying to heal, help of fix it. He remarried asap. He wrote a book more or less justifying leaving your legal marriage for another one (that is conveniently named something else, but really, is just another marriage). He didn’t write a book on how to cope with a mental illness in the family, or how to cope with broken people in marriages, nope, just a big excuse book for dumping whatever is not up to some delusional new standard (Spiritual Marriage).

    If that isn’t bad enough, next he spends six years in litigation. Even if his wife was a monster, why would he want to keep seeing her/ dealing with her in court? And his kids? He left them with this supposed monster? Why would he begrudge them child support? The least he could do really for running off on them and leaving them with a supposedly mentally ill wife.

    Forget if Julie lied, forget if she was mentally ill for a second. Is Tony Jones a competent Christian leader or does he have large issues he needs to fix first, before being restored to any position in the Church?

    And if it is all about “everyone’s a sinner”, try to remember that Tony called Mark Driscoll out on his leadership for incompetence. We have all seen other McLeaders try all the usual wiggle tactics. Don’t bother. Is it OK for a Christian leader to treat a wife he is choosing to divorce (and that alone is problematic) the way he has been treating his Ex Wife?

    Because, really, WHO CARES if Julie is bad????, Tony Jones is the public leader here. We need to undo his platform, that is the focus we must take. The Julie said/Tony said stuff is irrelevant if Tony is unfit for leadership and still a leader. Driscoll was sent packing, now Tony. OK, keep the focus here.

    (Side note: I really don’t think there is some magic card everyone is holding close that utterly condemns Julie here, I feel that if all these super-christian-heroes have a magic card, we should now force their hand to show it so the world can see they are bluffing. They are all writers and try to convince us we are missing some crucial, condemning evidence that they have – or Tony has convinced them he has, but hasn’t revealed it to them – gullible much?- but the case only grows against him with this tactic)

  115. Val wrote:

    @ Xianatty:
    Answer this, as a Christian, not a lawyer, because one day you will retire or fall into ill health and need to quit or whatever else happens in old age, and won’t be a lawyer any longer, but you will still be a Christian. Does is matter what Julie did wrong in the case for Tony Jones??

    Again, not interested in the legal stuff here, only the faith issues. He divorced her, if it was due to some marital trauma or breakdown, he spent virtually no time trying to heal, help of fix it. He remarried asap. He wrote a book more or less justifying leaving your legal marriage for another one (that is conveniently named something else, but really, is just another marriage). He didn’t write a book on how to cope with a mental illness in the family, or how to cope with broken people in marriages, nope, just a big excuse book for dumping whatever is not up to some delusional new standard (Spiritual Marriage).

    If that isn’t bad enough, next he spends six years in litigation. Even if his wife was a monster, why would he want to keep seeing her/ dealing with her in court? And his kids? He left them with this supposed monster? Why would he begrudge them child support? The least he could do really for running off on them and leaving them with a supposedly mentally ill wife.

    Forget if Julie lied, forget if she was mentally ill for a second. Is Tony Jones a competent Christian leader or does he have large issues he needs to fix first, before being restored to any position in the Church?

    And if it is all about “everyone’s a sinner”, try to remember that Tony called Mark Driscoll out on his leadership for incompetence. We have all seen other McLeaders try all the usual wiggle tactics. Don’t bother. Is it OK for a Christian leader to treat a wife he is choosing to divorce (and that alone is problematic) the way he has been treating his Ex Wife?

    Because, really, WHO CARES if Julie is bad????, Tony Jones is the public leader here. We need to undo his platform, that is the focus we must take. The Julie said/Tony said stuff is irrelevant if Tony is unfit for leadership and still a leader. Driscoll was sent packing, now Tony. OK, keep the focus here.

    Val – You have no idea whether Tony did any or all of those things. All you have is Julie’s claims. I wanted to believe her. I don’t care so much what she “did wrong” in the case against Tony. I care that the appellate court found her willing to tell one story in one place and a different story in another place on a substantive matter. That, to me, deeply undermined her credibility. So, yes, if Tony did all those things, and he may well have, then the consequences should be as you say. But, I’m no longer willing to take Julie’s word for it. She’ll have to earn that back.

  116. Xianatty wrote:

    So, yes, if Tony did all those things, and he may well have, then the consequences should be as you say. But, I’m no longer willing to take Julie’s word for it. She’ll have to earn that back.

    Which, in my opinion for what it’s worth, is why attempting to get objective mediation carried out by disinterested parties should be the goal, rather than trial by online combox, with its attendant dangers of speculation and having an axe to grind that may actually be based on issues that are nothing to do with the two parties involved (and I mean that generally, not having a dig at you personally).

  117. __

    “Leave It To Funny Farm (TM) ?”


    When does this “Emerged” ‘religion’ cross a line into cultic practice; when the leader apparently tries to get their wife declared “CRazzzy?


    (and every one ‘apparently’ covers his precious little donkey?!?)

    hee-honk !


    …sounds like another 
    particularly “healthy” ‘religious’ movement, dontcha think?

    Didn’t da Master sayz youze know them by theyz fruit?



    comic relief: The Cars – “You Might Think ?”


  118. numo wrote:

    I would hope that you would be willing to not only apologize, but have the Scribd document taken down. That appears to be pretty clear-cut, to me, at least.

    I agree.

  119. Xianatty wrote:

    That you don’t like my answer about Kingdom ethics does not mean that I didn’t answer you. The Christian leader, like the parishioner, has an ethical duty to conduct themselves in ways most likely to bring about a successful mediation.

    It seems clear to me that it’s not that she doesn’t like your answer, yean; it’s that you haven’t bothered to respond to her. Instead you’ve been engaging in the kind of weasel words that were made popular by a Certain U.S. President who ended his days in well-earned disgrace. (Of course, HE was a lawyer, too. Not a condemnation of the whole profession; just of its slimy underbelly).

  120. Gram3 wrote:

    Why does the self-described “very busy” XianAtty have so much spare time to devote to matters which are so inconsequential? And he/she never has an opinion that doesn’t sound like it’s been run through a legal algorithm a few times.

    Maybe he’s on retainer…….

  121. Xianatty wrote:

    Julie – How did Tony’s NPD “illness where pathological lying, abuse, sadistic traits, and being devoid of empathy are present” make you tell one set of facts to the trial court and the opposite to the appellate court? Yes, sometimes a party gets new information and has to ask the court to change one of their factual claims or defenses, but you apparently didn’t offer the appellate court any reason for changing your story and you haven’t explained it here. That Tony has NPD doesn’t explain why you changed your story.

    This is where you have no business going, particularly since earlier in the combox, you chided people for being “demanding” of Brian. At least be consistent.

    Asking Julie that question is plainly presumptuous. Why should Julie air, in a combox to an adversarial commenter, the long explanation about that one bit in 6 yrs’ worth of litigation?

    Moreover, this post is about mediation between Julie and McLaren et al, not about July and Tony.

    You belie yourself.

  122. I don’t know why people keep talking about legal issues. Julie’s primary complaints gave nothing to do with the legal system. It is very simple.

    1) Tony cheated on Julie and the kids while they were married.
    2) Julie is repeatedly disparaged as mentally I’ll when she us not.
    3) Tony repeatedly tried to reduce or renege on his child support obligations.

    All Julie is looking for is

    1) public apologies for 1) and 2)
    2) Tony pay Hus share of child support.

    That is it. Very simple. I don’t know why people keep wanting to drag this through the courts.

  123. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Marsha:
    Why do you believe it’s trivial that Julie told one set of facts about a substantive issue to the trial court and a completely different set of facts to the appellate court? The appellate court found it serious enough that it prohibited her from arguing her new “facts.” That’s a serious penalty or punishment. What basis do you have for believing that the appellate court was wrong for penalizing her for her new and different story?

    Because I don’t see it the way you see it. Here is how I read the situation from the judge’s decision. The parties agreed to a certain level of child support and it was incorporated into the divorce agreement. Then two years later Tony files for a reduction in child support. A referee reviews the petition and apparently concludes that according to some formula that Family Court uses, it was too high. So the referee calls Julie and asks why there is a discrepancy and she doesn’t know. Tony says it must be a clerical error. Julie concedes that if it was supposed to be something other than it was, it was a clerical error.

    So a year later, she appeals and points out that whether or not the figure fit the formula or was higher, they did bargain the details of the settlement and that amount was what they agreed to in the settlement.

    Now you think that makes her a liar but I think that makes her as confused as I would have been about the whole situation.

    I do not think Julie needs to or should respond here about this issue nor do I think she has to ‘earn back your trust’ which she obviously never has had to begin with.

    If you have to get outraged by something as a lawyer, why isn’t it that Tony didn’t return his son after visitation was over or don’t you care about THAT part of the agreement? To repeat, you are coming across to me as a person with an agenda.

  124. I still continue to not see in either Beth or Xianatty what many others are seeing here, and this focus on Xianatty being the enemy or aligned with the enemy is disheartening.

    I continually read Xianatty as asking reasonable questions, even if I don’t agree with some of his conclusions. For example, the simple answer as to why testimony can change for her is because an NPD screws up your world so much that you don’t know which way is up. I wasn’t even married to an NPD, but my recollection of things changed drastically as I got out of the “fog”. Is that what happened to Julie? I don’t know, but I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. But even with that, I don’t think it’s wrong to ask the question. It’s not like Xianatty has said that because Julie changed her testimony that he thinks there’s no issue and she should just go away (and be silent).

    It does seem to me that because he has questioned Julie, now everything he says is interpreted in the worst light possible. It grieves me to see this, because the voice of reasonable dissent on this blog gives it credibility. Voices like Beth or Xianatty prove that this blog isn’t just a mob bent on skewering Tony, and that’s important to TWW.

    I’ve worked behind the scenes on another blog where Xianatty and Beth would have been silenced and banned outright. And it would have been the right choice, because that blog was all about supporting victims and giving them a voice. Questioning victims in that context was counter to the mission. This blog is different, though, and because of that it has great power to make change happen. But it goes beyond Dee and Deb to do it- if Xianatty or Beth reveal themselves to be aligned with Tony, then that’s one thing, but I feel I’ve seen a lot of good and reasonable statements by them both get ignored our discounted in the goal to make sure everyone is on board with Julie.

    Here’s what I think: I think Julie has been maligned. I think she may have made some errors, but Tony clearly has. And I think wrestling with the messy truth will only benefit her in the long run, even those uncomfortable questions. Because no victim of an NPD will ever come out squeaky clean. NPDs will make sure of that. They will mess with their heads and then use their mistakes and missteps to control them. But in the end, the truth will show that Julie is the victim and has been mistreated by both Tony and those who support him.

    I would rather honestly engage the questions that Beth and Xianatty raise without assuming the worst and trust that the truth will prevail than spend a lot of time questioning their loyalties. And perhaps I’m out of my mind to suggest any of this, but I think every time that something Xianatty says is taken as the worst possible interpretation, it weakens the power of the comments on this blog to see real justice done.

  125. And I could be really wrong with everything I just posted. So I don’t know.

    I guess I just feel like the focus on a few commenters and their motives, whatever they are, is a distraction. I also feel like I can’t question any supporter of Julie without potentially incurring the ire of others. And that doesn’t feel like a safe environment to have positive discussions. Because even in our zeal to see her protected, we still have the ability to make mistakes.

  126. Xianatty:

    You seem very worried by the appellate court’s opinion. Fair enough – Julie provided different details about the child support agreement in two different court hearings.

    But consider her (documented) situation at the time:
    Several years of court cases.
    Struggling to fund her children’s lunches, let alone lawyers to represent her.
    Single mother of 3 children.
    Recently divorced acrimoniously, and still experiencing that acrimony.
    Years of marriage to an admitted diagnosed (but apparently untreated) sufferer of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, formerly known as megalomania. (Yes, Tony has admitted the NPD diagnosis.)

    In this context, isn’t it possible that she simply lost track of the details of the child support agreement?
    (Rather than, as you seem to be implying, deliberately lying to a court, and therefore forever impugning her credibility?)
    I honestly can’t say I’d do any better under similar circumstances – can you?

    And yes, we will probably disagree on this, and that’s ok. I view the situation through my experience of the legal system, and how easy it is to become confused when you’re inexperienced and it’s your first time facing particular legal issues. And you view the situation through your mastery of the legal system, and never making a mistake on such a critical issue as facts told before a court.

    But who is more likely to empathise with and understand Julie’s experience, in her context, and therefore be able to accurately assess her credibility? I think your sharp legal mind puts you at a serious disadvantage here. Because you could *never* make the mistakes that she did.

  127. Curtis Griesel wrote:

    I don’t know why people keep talking about legal issues. Julie’s primary complaints gave nothing to do with the legal system. It is very simple.

    1) Tony cheated on Julie and the kids while they were married.
    2) Julie is repeatedly disparaged as mentally I’ll when she us not.
    3) Tony repeatedly tried to reduce or renege on his child support obligations.

    All Julie is looking for is

    1) public apologies for 1) and 2)
    2) Tony pay Hus share of child support.

    That is it. Very simple. I don’t know why people keep wanting to drag this through the courts.

    Thank you for once again reminding us not to fall into the “arguing about private lives” trap.

  128. As long as Brian and Julie start mediation, I’d encourage them to put aside an awful lot of what has been said before (including documents on scribd, or blog posts, or whatever).

    Mistakes have been made.
    Things have been said.
    Comments have been misinterpreted.
    But let’s focus on moving forward.

  129. zooey111 wrote:

    Gram3 wrote:
    Why does the self-described “very busy” XianAtty have so much spare time to devote to matters which are so inconsequential? And he/she never has an opinion that doesn’t sound like it’s been run through a legal algorithm a few times.

    Maybe he’s on retainer…….

    Ding, ding, ding…
    I believe we have the answer.

  130. zooey111 wrote:

    Gram3 wrote:

    Why does the self-described “very busy” XianAtty have so much spare time to devote to matters which are so inconsequential? And he/she never has an opinion that doesn’t sound like it’s been run through a legal algorithm a few times.

    Maybe he’s on retainer…….

    And ToJo has Deep Pockets.

  131. Banannie wrote:

    Thank you for once again reminding us not to fall into the “arguing about private lives” trap.

    Public figures have limited private lives. That is the choice they make when they decide to make money by living publicly.

  132. R.L. Stollar as Bill mentioned above has a new post “The Evidence against Tony Jones” complete with documents from police reports to hospital records documenting Tony’s physical assault of Julie. There are also documents from Dr. Wilder’s psychological evaluations.

    Fact #4: The police report filed concerning Jones’s alleged assault against McMahon mentions the children testified that Jones did assault McMahon.

  133. @ Marsha:
    In order for the above-the-standard child support amount to have been “bargained for” there would have to have been some actual discussion of that term. Julie told the trial court that she had no idea how that amount was agreed to. To later say that it was actually bargained for is a change in her version of the facts, not simply a shrug that heh, that’s what’s in the paper he signed. I think it’s significant because the appellate court thought it was significant enough to penalize her for her change of story. It doesn’t mean that every single other thing she’s said is therefore false. It just means that, to me, to use the appellate court’s word, she’s “waived” (knowingly given up) her claim to credibility that I believe victims start out with.

  134. Xianatty wrote:

    That Tony has NPD doesn’t explain why you changed your story.

    That Tony has NPD doesn’t explain why you are so fixated on one thing rather than the big picture.

  135. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Marsha:
    In order for the above-the-standard child support amount to have been “bargained for” there would have to have been some actual discussion of that term. Julie told the trial court that she had no idea how that amount was agreed to. To later say that it was actually bargained for is a change in her version of the facts, not simply a shrug that heh, that’s what’s in the paper he signed. I think it’s significant because the appellate court thought it was significant enough to penalize her for her change of story. It doesn’t mean that every single other thing she’s said is therefore false. It just means that, to me, to use the appellate court’s word, she’s “waived” (knowingly given up) her claim to credibility that I believe victims start out with.

    There was a clerical error on the numbers in the original Marital Termination Agreement. Tony was $50,000 in arrears and about to be held in Contempt of Court. Rather than pay what he owed he hired a disgusting slimy (not my words but words of the professionals she works amongst) lawyer who argued and won lowering it retroactively to 2009. Tony makes a very nice living and chooses to pay a very small amount to keep his kids who love with me living below the line of poverty. The original amount set was based on financials that he himself provided and he could comfortably afford to pay back in 2008. I am certain he makes 2 or more times more now in a home his mother bought him with another working adult. I have no friggin idea what the xianatty is referring to but I never lied or changed my story. I may be a lot of things but a liar is not one of them. I grew tired of him back on Twitter when his agenda is so clearly over the top. What is your point?

  136. Xianatty wrote:

    It just means that, to me, to use the appellate court’s word, she’s “waived” (knowingly given up) her claim to credibility that I believe victims start out with.

    I think a victim of someone with a diagnosed NPD gets more credibility than your normal witness. Maybe not from a “law” standpoint, but from a human, empathy standpoint.

    This kind of a changing of story/recollections/whatever is completely consistent with coming out of the “fog” of abuse. At first you just kind of go with whatever is said and you don’t know what’s going on. Then, as you start to realize you are a real person who can trust your own judgement and memory, your recollections become a lot more solid and specific.

    Tony posted emails from her saying how much she regretted her actions and feeling a failure. That attitude is very different from what she exhibits today. There appears to be a progression from someone who is unsure about what was going on and her place in it to someone who has grown more confident and understand the situation better. With this can very clearly come a progression of “I don’t know how we came to that amount” to “this is how it happened”.

    Courts are what they are and contradicting statements look bad. But you are comparing statements made by a person who likely didn’t know which end was up vs a healthier person who is learning how to trust herself again. We can do better than the courts at understanding this.

  137. Beth wrote:

    Her accusations are on the Naked Pastor thread.

    This is not the right way to go about it, Beth. The NP thread occurred only years after the Emergent Leaders tattooed “Guano-Crazy” on her forehead and intimidated others into silence and shunning. You need to be more subtle to be effective, and avoid words like “accusation”, too.

  138. Marsha wrote:

    Your belaboring of the point over and over again on multiple threads is ridiculous and it makes me suspicious of you. Is that all you’ve got?

    It’s what they call in the legal trade “pounding the table.”


    I don’t think there is really anything left to say. I spoke my truth. I told my story. I am grateful for Ryan Stollar for telling my story with all corroborating evidence. I won’t hold my breath for ANY apologies from the likes of Brian, Doug, Rachel, Phyllis, Nadia, Danielle, Brad C. or Mark S., or Mike K. Or, the xianatty. These alleged Christian leaders were sent copies of evidence and did NOTHING. The truth is out there in black and white. It was kept silent due to GREAT effort and threats for too many years. I pray that others would be inspired to stand up for what is right, even when it’s scary and you are threatened with lawsuits and a fairly effective “bat shit” crazy campaign. Speak up anyway! I love that Ryan Stollar’s blog is called Overturning Tables. That’s the Jesus I want to follow. The one with the courage to flip a table and say, “No more!” I am prepared for what will surely be a lawsuit but I hold the truth and am prepared to walk through that too. If you feel inclined to help me fund my lawyer, I appreciate your kind generosity. Thank you to Dee for this safe place to speak. My faith has been restored through this process. There are really good Christians out there. Sadly, all outpouring of support has been exclusively OUTSIDE the Christian celebrity circles.

  140. Jeff S wrote:

    I would rather honestly engage the questions that Beth and Xianatty raise without assuming the worst and trust that the truth will prevail than spend a lot of time questioning their loyalties. And perhaps I’m out of my mind to suggest any of this, but I think every time that something Xianatty says is taken as the worst possible interpretation, it weakens the power of the comments on this blog to see real justice done.

    I agree almost totally with you on everything. This is where we greatly disagree. No one is silencing XianAtty or Beth. Speaking only for myself, what I am doing is pointing out that what XianAtty and Beth are both doing is exactly what a PR campaign on a forum like this would look like. I am probing them and testing their views. You think they have raised points that bear on the mediation question or on the overall picture, but if you notice they always focus on legal issues which were settled long ago or some other inconsequential matter when there are matters before us that are very consequential to many persons. That is not what I would expect a Christian attorney or a Christian therapist to do.

    Only when pressed will they say something like what would be expected. That is telling.

  141. Jeff S wrote:

    I guess I just feel like the focus on a few commenters and their motives, whatever they are, is a distraction.

    That’s the reason, IMO, they are here, the one place where these things are brought out and discussed. Tony and friends must change the narrative. No one is silencing them or even pressing them very much, actually. People disagreeing with them, even vehemently, is not silencing them. Lots of people having the same view of what they are doing is not mobbing them.

  142. Gram3 wrote:

    Do you think that a Kingdom ethic places a greater responsibility on the one with greater power to lead in the process of reconciliation?

    I really liked this question. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and went to the Cross yet He was the King.

  143. @ Jeff S:
    I left a comment earlier that was in mod, that might help a bit on why I’ve been pushing back on XianAtty:
    @ Patrice:

    Besides what I wrote in above comment, it’s important to remember that the main issue isn’t what happened between Julie and Tony in litigation, but why a certain group of people used their power to sideline and malign one person in their group, for years.

    I understand the unease caused by reading pushback. It’s no fun, really, and comments are tres easy to misinterpret, so one might be completely wrong.

    But getting pushback is not the same as being silenced and banned. And we do not want to leave everyone without pushback, yes? Conflict avoidance has entrenched corruption in institutional circles, again and again. It has contributed to the problems in this story, too.

    I’m almost certain that questions you might offer wouldn’t be seen as antagonistic. I wouldn’t see it that way, at all. You have proven yourself to be a person of good-will and honesty. And you have further earned the right to ask because you (far too well) understand the issues that arise with personality-disordered people.

    FWIW 🙂

  144. Xianatty wrote:

    The Christian leader, like the parishioner, has an ethical duty to conduct themselves in ways most likely to bring about a successful mediation.

    I love that phrase “successful mediation.” May it be so.

  145. @ Tim Wilson-Brown:
    You wrote:
    “In this context, isn’t it possible that she simply lost track of the details of the child support agreement?”

    — No. The child support agreement was in writing. She was represented by counsel when she made the representation in writing to the trial court. She also had counsel when she changed her facts that she presented in writing to the appellate court. If she had a good reason for changing her story, which people sometimes do, she could have explained that to the appellate court. It appears she made no effort to do so because, if she had offered an explanation, the appellate court would have had to deal with it.

  146. Bill Kinnon wrote:

    RL Stollar brings more light/clarity to the situation with The Evidence Against Tony Jones

    In light of all these facts and others, how in the name of Christianity can RHE remain passive-aggressively silent and NBW gush like a fangirl about this guy? It’s become clear that when you join a Christian Conference Cabal to hawk your books and collect speaking fees, you have made a Faustian bargain.

  147. @ Gram3:

    You may be better at parsing language than I am (as I’ve said before).

    I know in this particular thread it did seem to me (before I saw anything that Xianatty wrote) that people were demanding McLaren to take down his statement before engaging in mediation, and I felt that one of the goals of mediation would be to address things like that. Xianatty seemed to say exactly that, and got slammed for it. I thought the idea that Brian did this wrong thing, and it would be good if he righted it, but that it could be addressed in mediation made a lot of sense. But somehow that perspective (which I had before I say Xianatty put it out there) was anti-Julie.

    But anyway, I don’t want to further the discussion about who is on who’s sides. I feel I’m at risk myself of pulling away from the core issue, which is about supporting Julie and potential reconciliation for some part of this nasty business.

  148. Bridget wrote:

    What isn’t excusable, to me anyway, is the refusal to hear your side while at the same time supporting Tony Jones.

    This is what deeply disturbed me. This blog has posted countless stories of those who were sidelined by the church.

  149. dee wrote:

    Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and went to the Cross yet He was the King.

    Yes, that’s exactly what I was getting at. Christian leaders are to lead by their example of following Christ. Unfortunately, we seldom see that kind of leadership.

  150. I did not have a lawyer present when his lawyer found the “clerical error” two numbers were used in the original MTA doc and his lawyer argued and won to go with the lower number. Retroactively reduced back to 2009. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Tim Wilson-Brown:
    You wrote:
    “In this context, isn’t it possible that she simply lost track of the details of the child support agreement?”

    — No. The child support agreement was in writing. She was represented by counsel when she made the representation in writing to the trial court. She also had counsel when she changed her facts that she presented in writing to the appellate court. If she had a good reason for changing her story, which people sometimes do, she could have explained that to the appellate court. It appears she made no effort to do so because, if she had offered an explanation, the appellate court would have had to deal with it.

  151. @ Gram3:
    Sorry to overlap like that. I was composing when you posted. Well, now Jeff has it from two old ladies, the double wham lol

  152. Quote on SCCL page by KT Pridgen:
    Wow. Will the circled wagons start saying the kids were lying now? (I’m only to the part where the child affirms Tony’s physical abuse).)

    Sadly I wouldn’t be shocked if they did. I’ve seen it happen in other cult of personality cases like this. It’s still happening in the Fight for GK cult crowd, who after a conviction and sentencing plea, still are calling the now 5 year old boy survivors liars.

  153. @ Jeff S:
    I appreciate how you’re trying to work through the questions I’ve raised. I understand your concerns if Julie had been coming out of the fog. However, Julie was not making these statements to the court on her own. She had counsel both times. If Julie had a valid reason for changing her story, even if it was simply that Julie was confused earlier, the lawyer would have put that in the appellate briefs.

  154. The silence on the documented facts of Tony’s physical abuse of Julie by certain people in this thread and among the leaders like RHE is deafening.

  155. Jeff S wrote:

    I feel I’m at risk myself of pulling away from the core issue, which is about supporting Julie and potential reconciliation for some part of this nasty business.

    Yes, let’s focus on that and disregard the deflection and mis-direction.

    The “big picture” reason why I believe it would be wise for Brian to take down his threat of “legal action” is that it puts the matter back where it should be. A Christian leader has an opportunity to set an example for other Christian leaders of what Christian leadership looks like. Leaving that threat up is not what a Christian leader would do, even if he has no intention of actually suing her. He didn’t need to go there, and coupling “legal” with “action” does not mean consulting an attorney about whether he can release documents that support his position. Action means action against someone else. I think it would be a big step in the right direction if he would just take that down. It was a mistake.

  156. @ Tim Wilson-Brown:

    Your comment deserves its own post.

    Yesterday, I was thinking through some of the trials in my own life and my words and actions during those times. For example, when my daughter was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, I was in shock. Do you know it took me two weeks to realize that her tumor was malignant? I remember when it dawned on me and I said to my husband, “They never said it was malignant.” He put his arm around me and said they had told us that right from the start.

    I told Bill Wilson, (recently deceased) Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at Duke. He had come to hear a talk my husband and I gave some medical people about being on the other side of the bed as parents of a terribly sick little girl. He told me that my forgetfulness was a God designed defense mechanism which allowed me to slowly absorb the shock until I was ready to cope with it.

    I have many more stories of poor responses, forgetfulness, terrific anxiety, and tremendous pain. Sometimes I think back and think “I really said that?” Pain causes the brain to do weird things. To expect Julie to perfectly respond to such a situation would be naive and insensitive.

    Thank you again for this important comment. I may use it in a post one of these days!

  157. @ dee:
    Dee- I hadn’t seen the RL Stollar post until the links here. I haven’t finished reading through all that material, but the very first document he provides completely contradicts one of Julie’s key claims.

    Julie had repeatedly claimed here, and all over the Internet, that she sought sole physical custody of the children and that Tony had not wanted any responsibility for them. Apparently, to the contrary, the court ordered psych evaluator, in early 2009, before the custody & support agreement, reports that Tony was seeking sole physical and legal custody and Julie sought joint custody.

  158. @ Julie McMahon:
    You wrote:
    “I did not have a lawyer present when his lawyer found the “clerical error”

    — First, as both the trial court and the appellate court noted, it was the neutral referee who found and reported to the parties the error, which was an almost $600 per month difference that had persisted for several years. Second, it was your lawyer who submitted the proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law to the trial court agreeing that the support amount was in error and agreeing that it should be changed retroactively back to 2009.

  159. I am formally protesting Xianatty retrying Julie on past divorce proceedings between her and Tony. It is outside the parameters of both this post and any combox.

  160. @ Xianatty:

    I don’t know about her lawyer or what she had available to he. but you were questioning her credibility, and my point is that a victim like she is should get more leeway in my book that you appear to give her.

  161. @ Gram3:
    I agree he should take it down. I think he should have never put it up in the first place. I honestly think if he was acting as he should, mediation would not be required.

  162. __

    Dear Wartburg Reader,

    These faithful words bear repeating:

    “Our Lord warned: ‘Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit’ (Matthew 7.15-18).

    The Bible warns that false teachers will come into the Church…

    First, dear reader, all believers need to understand that false teaching is a major theme that runs throughout Scripture. As Christians, we must be aware of those who seek to destroy the Church from within. The following Scriptures are pertinent:

     Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves (Matthew 7:15).

    For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Mark 13:22).

    For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ (2 Corinthians 11:13).

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world (1 John 4:1).

    Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3)

     The warning is clear—the threat of false teachers is ever present and so the gospel of truth must be defended against the ministers of Satan. An essential attribute of false teachers is their ability to mix truth with falsehood. Another attribute is their moral laxity that often deteriorates into immorality. So false teachers, while appearing to preach sound doctrine, will often legitimize sinful, sensual conduct in the Church. Satan’s aim is that his ministers of light (false teachers) are able to convince believers that their sinfulness does not really matter. False teachers will frequently encourage an attitude of worldliness and a love for the things and attitudes of the world. The Church must expose false teaching and false teachers must be identified and put out of the Church.” ~ Dr ES Williams

  163. Patrice wrote:

    I am formally protesting Xianatty retrying Julie on past divorce proceedings between her and Tony. It is outside the parameters of both this post and any combox.

    Sounds like Xianatty is either a ToJo sock puppet or on retainer paid in Tithe money from ToJo’s pew sitters. Notice we never heard of him until the ToJo-vs-Julie/RHEGate thing broke, and since then he’s been on this blog in heavier rotation than Twisted Sister on 1984 MTV, questioning/undermining Julie’s credibility, gaslighting in legalese, and generally behaving like he’s another chess piece of ToJo’s. Can anyone else who’s dealt with this sort of thing analyze any other abuser/useful tool tricks/semantics/tactics from his postings?

  164. Xianatty wrote:

    I hadn’t seen the RL Stollar post until the links here. I haven’t finished reading through all that material, but the very first document he provides completely contradicts one of Julie’s key claims.
    Julie had repeatedly claimed here, and all over the Internet, that she sought sole physical custody of the children and that Tony had not wanted any responsibility for them. Apparently, to the contrary, the court ordered psych evaluator, in early 2009, before the custody & support agreement, reports that Tony was seeking sole physical and legal custody and Julie sought joint custody.

    Seriously, that’s all you came away with after reading that post?

  165. Xianatty wrote:

    I hadn’t seen the RL Stollar post until the links here. I haven’t finished reading through all that material, but the very first document he provides completely contradicts one of Julie’s key claims.
    Julie had repeatedly claimed here, and all over the Internet, that she sought sole physical custody of the children and that Tony had not wanted any responsibility for them. Apparently, to the contrary, the court ordered psych evaluator, in early 2009, before the custody & support agreement, reports that Tony was seeking sole physical and legal custody and Julie sought joint custody.

    Seriously, that’s all you came away with after reading that post?

  166. @ Xianatty:

    Yes, let’s ignore the professionals’ opinions in those documents and what that means to the big picture while you compile the timeline of when Julie asked for sole custody or joint custody or Tony asked for sole custody or joint custody and when each of them said what and when and where about custody. Because that is the really big question before us, isn’t it?

  167. Sorry for the double post, don’t know how I did that, feel free to delete this and the duplicate post.

  168. JeffT wrote:

    Seriously, that’s all you came away with after reading that post?

    “It all depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.”
    — William J Clinton

    Don’t ever let a shyster steer you into legal minutiae and parsing semantics.
    At that point, he has every home-field advantage and the only thing that matters is to WIN.

    “I pay a lawyer to tell me how to get away with what I want to do!”
    — one of the Gilded Age Captains of Industry

  169. From Matthew Paul Turner’s new post:
    He tweeted “I can no longer remain neutral.”
    Silencing tactics happen far too often in Christian circles. And I won’t play that game. I believe that we, members of the church, must stand up against abuse of any kind and never use our influence to silence people’s stories. So I want to publicly say that I believe Julie. And I feel, as the evidence suggests, that Tony has told untruths in his efforts to poke holes in Julie’s story.

  170. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Can anyone else who’s dealt with this sort of thing analyze any other abuser/useful tool tricks/semantics/tactics from his postings?

    I will merely make a general comment. The legal trade consists in large part, though not in total, of using persuasive speech and manipulating the facts available to reach a desirable end. That means emphasizing the more favorable facts while minimizing or ignoring more unfavorable facts. Note that persuasive speech does not necessarily mean logical or reasonable speech or even speech that is pertinent to the real issue in question. It merely means whatever speech will persuade the person who must be persuaded to believe or not believe what the persuader deems desirable.

    These same skills are useful in propaganda preparation, crisis PR management, and a host of other endeavors that require that attention to “bad stuff” or outrage about “bad stuff” be shifted to attention or outrage directed to something or someone else.

    I repeat, this is a general observation which each reader may apply as he or she sees fit.

  171. @ Xianatty:
    $600…really? She is essentially raising his children. I know that legal agreements must be upheld and all. However, this makes me very sad. That money is going to support his children and a household that he chose to leave. he should have let that one go. Surely a man with his education and taken could find a way to eat the $7200/year for sake of peace and his children.

    Stanley Hauerwas hired an excellent attorney for his wife who chose to leave him so that she could receive the benefit of a generous settlement. That is sacrificial. I hope to see more sacrificial moments in this saga.

  172. @ Headless Unicorn Guy:
    @ Gram3:
    I agree with Gram3 and add:

    As a child with an abusive father and as an adult with an abusive husband, I constantly ultra-scoured myself for “things I might have done wrong” in any given situation.

    It took me a very long time to realize that this was how it was set up and the intention was to keep me in a subservient and humiliated position.

    As I gradually began to see the bigger picture, I shed my super-conscience and developed a more balanced understanding, which was that I had been chronically abused and had done the best I could within that.

    Here, it seems to me there is a similar insistence on “majoring in the minors” so as to keep the full situation unseen. If we remain focused on the possibility of small wrongs, we might pass over determinative larger ones.

    Until the Stollar piece, it has worked well on some.

  173. @ Patrice:
    You wrote:
    “Why should Julie air, in a combox to an adversarial commenter, the long explanation about that one bit in 6 yrs’ worth of litigation?”

    I asked the question to point out that she and her attorney apparently failed to provide any explanation to the appellate court. So I wasn’t really expecting an actual explanation here because I don’t believe there really is one.

  174. @ Julie McMahon:
    You wrote:
    “Rather than pay what he owed he hired a disgusting slimy (not my words but words of the professionals she works amongst) lawyer who argued and won lowering it retroactively to 2009.”

    — Actually, I looked up Tony’s lawyer. Contrary to your claims about her reputation among her colleagues, she had repeatedly and consistently been judged by her peers as outstanding in annual awards and professional rankings. She’s also been on the Minnesota Bar’s committee on professional standards for many years.

  175. So, the initiation of the divorce by Tony was to take the children (who had been mainly raised by Julie due to Tony’s travel, school, and work), serve Julie with divorce papers, kick Julie out of their home, get a restraining order against her, and NOT explain anything to the children. Sure. (And who was going to care for these children when Tony continued his pursuits?)

    And this is a man who now claims to be concerned about a child and won’t return him to the custodial parent.

    And Julie is spreading lies all over the internet according to some.

  176. @ Xianatty:
    So why are you asking, then? You have no jurisdiction over the case and this is not a court. I can see you bringing it up, once or twice, as a conundrum presented by the legal doc, but you keep going on and on as if you are the prosecuting atty.

    By doing so, you have undermined your self-proclaimed disinterested observer status. Because of it, I can no longer give credence to anything you bring up.

    And that is made even more clear by you immediately starting in on the docs at RL Stollar. Without even going through them all first, you are prosecutin’ away.

    It is humbug, Xianatty.

  177. Jeff S wrote:

    @ Xianatty:
    This would be a good time to denounce Tony’s reprehensible behavior toward his wife.

    I agree, but that presumes that XianAtty’s intent is to analyze the facts as a neutral party. I think the evidence demonstrates that is not what he/she is trying to do. At all.

  178. Patrice wrote:

    @ Xianatty:
    So why are you asking, then? You have no jurisdiction over the case and this is not a court. I can see you bringing it up, once or twice, as a conundrum presented by the legal doc, but you keep going on and on as if you are the prosecuting atty.

    Or a ToJo attack dog on retainer.

  179. Thanks Jeff for your thoughtfulness. For the record, while I do feel a little ganged up on sometimes, I know it is par for the course. I understand that many here have experienced all sorts of things that someone who hasn’t experienced them would consider unbelievable. It’s not paranoid if they really are after you! I am questioning the story of someone who has said she was abused and I’m doing it on a blog that is devoted to shining a light on spiritual abuse. Of course I’m going to get pushback, especially since almost no one shares my concerns. It totally stinks to be victimized and then victimized all over again by people doubting your story. I get that.

    For myself, I see many red flags that don’t allow me to accept Julie’s word without credible evidence. My initial response was to accept what she said, but the more I read and observed what was happening, the more questions were raised in my mind. I hasten to say that I certainly don’t accept Tony’s word without credible evidence either. My doubts are raised by inconsistencies I see and by the fact that people who were directly involved and who normally would be on Julie’s side are behaving very strangely. I find McLaren’s statement sobering. I completely agree that people in power often behave badly when their neck is on the line and that might be happening here. Given my other concerns though, I want to maintain a wait and see when it comes to judging their behavior.

    I read Stoller’s statement. Some of it does support what Julie said. Some of it repeats her allegations without providing evidence. But my overall feeling was horror that something that private was made public. We did NOT need to know much of that. I wish so much that a trusted, independent third party could have been tapped to evaluate the evidence in private. Now that the accusations have been made public, the public deserves answers, but not like that. Ugh.

    Someone called me a Christian therapist and, for the record, I am not a Christian. I used to be, but am no longer. Also I am a therapist but am not currently practicing as I am home with my children. FWIW, I don’t want misunderstandings.

  180. Xianatty wrote:

    she had repeatedly and consistently been judged by her peers as outstanding in annual awards and professional rankings.

    Which is not necessarily inconsistent with being slimy in the human sense.

  181. I will add that I’m not impressed by the courts- I know why the issues are there and they are a necessary evil, but seeing a friend go through a custody battle and seeing how much of it is about your image and how you look/can prove, it makes me sick. I don’t like living life that way. I prefer to focus on being a good man and treating my family well.

    Seeing my friend being admonished by the judge to “be a good co-parent and work together” was insulting after she went to her ex to try and work things out only to be told he “had no choice but to sue”.

    So, honestly, what happens in a court transcript doesn’t hold much weight with me. It may be our best approximation at justice, but it certainly doesn’t have any solid claims on the truth.

  182. Xianatty wrote:

    Actually, I looked up Tony’s lawyer

    I don’t have any stake in this, I don’t even live on the same continent (I sometimes wonder if I’m living on the same planet).

    Can’t you let go of the legal niceties or the fact that Julie might have lost the plot a couple of times? Even if you are right, it’s no way to treat anyone (and I’ll risk being old fashioned and say no way to treat a lady). Do you tithe your home-grown carrots and potatoes?

  183. Gram3 wrote:

    @ Headless Unicorn Guy:
    Remember those Colombian drug lords/gangs who killed Nicole and Ron?

    And how OJ was going to Find the Real Killers?
    (The same OJ who was suddenly dirt-poor penniless the instant he lost the civil trial and had seven figures of Weregild assessed against him.)

  184. Jeff S wrote:

    but seeing a friend go through a custody battle and seeing how much of it is about your image and how you look/can prove, it makes me sick.

    And while Julie’s been defending and getting hammered over & over, ToJo has been Cultivating his Image, Looking Good, and Grooming Allies.

  185. @ dee:
    You wrote: “To expect Julie to perfectly respond to such a situation would be naive and insensitive.”

    True, but that’s what her lawyers are for — to advocate on her behalf when she can’t. She may have been confused, but her lawyers apparently submitted written materials to two different courts that said two different sets of facts. It was the lawyer’s responsibility to provide an explanation for the change if there was a viable explanation. It appears there wasn’t any explanation, even one that claimed the client had been confused or had simply misremembered.

  186. Beth wrote:

    But my overall feeling was horror that something that private was made public

    Um, this public posting of documents is very appropriate given the public Why Tony support site (I’m good enough, smart enough and doggone it people like me site) that reads like something from The Onion.

  187. Jeff S wrote:

    after she went to her ex to try and work things out only to be told he “had no choice but to sue”.

    Almost word-for-word what my Sweet Innocent Angel of a Widdle Bwudder said to me when him and his previously-retained shysters rooked me out of my share of an inheritance. By the time I even knew what was happening, all his ducks were in a row and it was all over but the screaming and begging. (It was All My Fault, of course. “If YOU had only been Reasonable, I wouldn’t have to play hardball like this.”)

  188. @ Xianatty:
    You tell me I have no proof if Tony “did all that” Stop playing dumb and answer the question. From the COURT DOCUMENTS you and I and EVERYONE else, so quit pretending there is wiggle room here, we see a prominent Christian writer/speaker 1) Ged divorced 2) quickly hook up with a divorcee, or quickly shack up (in my province, shacking up reverts to common law status after 12 months of cohabitation, not sure what the time laws are where Tony was, but enough time in a common law for it to be recognized by IRS I bet) plus, HE was public about it – it was Tony who announced this relationship to the world (not Julie). 3) There are court documents detailing the constant returns to court year after year after year.

    That is enough proof even for you, now answer the question: Is a Christian leader fit to lead if he cavalierly gets divorced – no stated mental health reasons are on the COURT DOCUMENTS that TONY filed (stop trying to call this unknown, if it isn’t public I’m not considering it), takes no time trying to get help or tend to his now broken family (court documents on custody show that he even shirked visitation rights of his own kids – capital L LOOSER), quickly publicly co-habits (again, not following Christ, nothing to do with what Julie has said, notice?), at this time writes a book trying to redefine marriage to suit him and convince others he is following Christ (you aren’t a Christ follower if you are NOT taking Christ’s commandments on divorce seriously, he should not be married to Courtney – common law or otherwise -because Courtney is ineligible for remarriage also, since her husband didn’t run off on her, if you can find any reason for remarriage she definitely doesn’t qualify, she ran off on her husband – check court documents, not random blog comments -, so twice the sinner there Tony).

    So I am absolutely leaving anything Julie has said on blogs out of this. Julie has no court documented serious mental health issues either, so there was no reason for Tony to leave, he just ran off with a younger woman, left behind three kids and thanks to PUBLIC court documents has painted a public picture of himself as a jerk (even if Julie went off on the mission field to Timbuktu and never posted another comment and all her former comments were somehow wiped out Tony is a grade A JERK towards his family according to the public record).

    So, knowing his PUBLIC record, do you claim he is fit for Christian leadership – answer that it is very clear and very factual, this isn’t a hard question, and if you reply with an insult or ignore it, I will take it as consent – have fun.

  189. @ JeffT:
    You wrote: “Seriously, that’s all you came away with after reading that post?”

    — No, as I said, that’s what I came away with after reading just the first document linked in that post. Again, I haven’t gotten through the rest of it all.

  190. Beth wrote:

    Someone called me a Christian therapist and, for the record, I am not a Christian. I used to be, but am no longer. Also I am a therapist but am not currently practicing as I am home with my children. FWIW, I don’t want misunderstandings.

    Thank you for correcting my misunderstanding, and I apologize for assuming that. I do find your extraordinary efforts at portraying neutrality interesting in light of the evidence.

    I suppose this is when you will reiterate that of course you are horrified by any domestic abuse, but we need to remain cautious until we receive all the information which should never have been made public in the first place. I get that, and, if this were 2007-2008, I would agree with you that all this should remain private and that powerful influencers should have intervened in a Christ-like way. Unfortunately, a lot of crazy guano has passed under that bridge since then, and in 2015 we no longer find ourselves in a private situation.

    Why is it so difficult for you to say something is wrong without a string of concerned “buts” following it? That is what diminishes your credibility as a neutral observer.

  191. Xianatty wrote:

    It was the lawyer’s responsibility to provide an explanation for the change if there was a viable explanation.

    Now, I could buy that the lawyer made a mistake.

  192. @ dee:
    Dee –

    Maybe he should have just agreed to keep paying the higher amount. I’m not privy to his financials. But Julie, with the advice of counsel, agreed to give up that $72K per year, and to have the amount due her be recalculated going back 2-3 years, and then filed an appeal of that same order.

  193. @ Headless Unicorn Guy:

    As a matter of fact, Gramp3 and I were discussing O.J.’s attorneys a few nights ago because none of them seem to want to just go away and keep popping up on TV. Their tactics like throwing out the Colombian drug lords/gangs red herring were very effective, and so they were good attorneys in that sense of the word “good.” Putting forth an outrageous proposal to deflect from the brutal murder of two people by their client is not what I would call good in the moral sense of “good.” In fact, Ron and Nicole’s family probably thought it was rather slimy.

  194. Jeff S wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    This would be a good time to denounce Tony’s reprehensible behavior toward his wife.

    Tony engaged in some pretty reprehensible behavior toward his wife. Full stop.

    The further I get into Stollar’s documents, it’s pretty clear that Julie also engaged in some pretty reprehensible behavior toward Tony.

  195. Xianatty wrote:

    The further I get into Stollar’s documents, it’s pretty clear that Julie also engaged in some pretty reprehensible behavior toward Tony.

    Moral equivalence.

  196. Xianatty wrote:

    @ dee:
    Dee –
    Maybe he should have just agreed to keep paying the higher amount. I’m not privy to his financials. But Julie, with the advice of counsel, agreed to give up that $72K per year, and to have the amount due her be recalculated going back 2-3 years, and then filed an appeal of that same order.

    Could she have misunderstood or been misinformed by her counsel? And then went to undo what had been done? If so, how would you describe what she did? Not trustworthy?

  197. @ Beth:
    If you don’t mind my asking, what kind of therapy did you offer? I also wonder if you’ve ever provided therapy to someone with diagnosed Narcissistic Personality Disorder. If so, have you found the person(s) tractable? Have you found reliable the tests that are given to determine such a diagnosis? Or perhaps do you think the whole idea of personality disorders to be a misnomer? I agree that it is a very strange corner of the field.

    I ask because it seems to me that you have taken little account of the diagnosis, and I’d like to understand why.

  198. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    she had repeatedly and consistently been judged by her peers as outstanding in annual awards and professional rankings.

    Which is not necessarily inconsistent with being slimy in the human sense.

    Julie claimed that her professional peers found her to be slimy. To the contrary, they do not. Whether you might find her that way “in a human sense,” isn’t the point. Julie made another claim that is apparently untrue.

  199. dee wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    It was the lawyer’s responsibility to provide an explanation for the change if there was a viable explanation.

    Now, I could buy that the lawyer made a mistake.

    Yes, that’s possible. But, then Julie could just say so. Instead, she’s refused to offer any explanation at all, now claiming she had no “friggin” idea what I’m even referring to.

  200. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    The further I get into Stollar’s documents, it’s pretty clear that Julie also engaged in some pretty reprehensible behavior toward Tony.

    Moral equivalence.

    Yes, when I read that Julie, in her own words, reports hitting and shaking Tony in a separate physical altercation from the one she’s always talking about, I believe Julie’s admitted conduct is just as reprehensible as Tony’s would be.

  201. @ Xianatty:

    Oh, I understand the legal stuff. A legal contract is a legal contract. Perhaps I am a fool but I am looking for a willingness to sacrifice and give more than expected. I know-this doesn’t sound realistic but then again, Jesus’ grace was unexpected as well.

    I remember one time I wanted to teach my children this lesson. They had not done their chores as they had agreed to do. So, I told them I would not take them to a movie that they really wanted to see. I told them to get in the car and come with me to do some grocery shopping which they despised. i surprised them and brought them to the movies.

    i explained to them that grace is a thing that is unearned and unexpected. To this day, as adults they remember that day. Perhaps I am looking for some sacrificial and extravagant grace in this situation.

  202. Xianatty wrote:

    dee wrote:
    Xianatty wrote:
    It was the lawyer’s responsibility to provide an explanation for the change if there was a viable explanation.
    Now, I could buy that the lawyer made a mistake.

    Yes, that’s possible. But, then Julie could just say so. Instead, she’s refused to offer any explanation at all, now claiming she had no “friggin” idea what I’m even referring to.

    It was discovered that a paralegal actually drafted the MTA to save money. She put two different amounts. I had no lawyer. Tony’s lawyer argued and won so it went to the lower amount. Any other questions xianatty? What are your thoughts on my torn shoulder? Would you like clarification or details of that? Or am I lying? I cannot help but see you are clearly a sent detractor using the same smoke and mirrors tactics as Tony and Co. has for years. Isn’t is MORE plausible wrong doing actually did occur? You would like the focus on the “messy divorce” I know I have heard this song and dance for years. However, the blight it actually the abuse of power, privilege and platform by minor Christian celebrities with followers and blogs. Are you really not getting this? Or playing stupid to detract?

  203. Bridget wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    @ dee:
    Dee –
    Maybe he should have just agreed to keep paying the higher amount. I’m not privy to his financials. But Julie, with the advice of counsel, agreed to give up that $72K per year, and to have the amount due her be recalculated going back 2-3 years, and then filed an appeal of that same order.

    Could she have misunderstood or been misinformed by her counsel? And then went to undo what had been done? If so, how would you describe what she did? Not trustworthy?

    If that had happened, that would have been a very valid reason for changing her story, but she apparently didn’t offer that explanation to the appellate court. Nor has she offered it in response to any of my comments. Now she claims she has no “friggin” ideas what I’m even talking about.

  204. Xianatty wrote:

    Yes, when I read that Julie, in her own words, reports hitting and shaking Tony in a separate physical altercation from the one she’s always talking about, I believe Julie’s admitted conduct is just as reprehensible as Tony’s would be.

    It’s not, and it seems to me you have to try very hard to be willfully ignorant of that fact.

  205. Xianatty wrote:

    Jeff S wrote:
    @ Xianatty:
    This would be a good time to denounce Tony’s reprehensible behavior toward his wife.
    Tony engaged in some pretty reprehensible behavior toward his wife. Full stop.
    The further I get into Stollar’s documents, it’s pretty clear that Julie also engaged in some pretty reprehensible behavior toward Tony.

    I find it interesting that you keep making your appearances here about the divorce details, and not about the fact that Julie has been upset about being shut down and unsupported by the Emergent crowd. That was the main issue between Julie and McLaren and the others she has named. And about being labeled guano crazy by her ex and no one from the group willing to listen to her side. That is what this post was mainly about. Divorce can be messy. (Although it doesn’t have to be, as my nonChristian parents’ divorce years ago attests to. Still painful. Maybe not fair. But children in mind always.)

    For seven years Tony has been supported, remarried, and encouraged. Julie has been taken to court over and over while raising children alone, going to school, and with NO support from these people who were supposed to be her friends and her Church community.

  206. Xianatty wrote:

    Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    The further I get into Stollar’s documents, it’s pretty clear that Julie also engaged in some pretty reprehensible behavior toward Tony.

    Moral equivalence.

    Yes, when I read that Julie, in her own words, reports hitting and shaking Tony in a separate physical altercation from the one she’s always talking about, I believe Julie’s admitted conduct is just as reprehensible as Tony’s would be.

    A tactic of manipulator abusers is to indirectly/passive-aggressively provoke the victim into “snapping” and losing it in front of third-party witnesses. A favorite tactic of my brother, this makes the victim the aggressor and the abuser the Poor Innocent Victim. And the acts of covert provocation are custom-tailored to the victim’s past traumas to the point that the third-party witnesses (pre-groomed or not) cannot recognize them as provocations or insults. To them, the abuser is being Sweet and Innocent and Considerate and Sincere until the EVIL victim snaps and goes ape all over them.

  207. dee wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    Oh, I understand the legal stuff. A legal contract is a legal contract. Perhaps I am a fool but I am looking for a willingness to sacrifice and give more than expected. I know-this doesn’t sound realistic but then again, Jesus’ grace was unexpected as well.

    I remember one time I wanted to teach my children this lesson. They had not done their chores as they had agreed to do. So, I told them I would not take them to a movie that they really wanted to see. I told them to get in the car and come with me to do some grocery shopping which they despised. i surprised them and brought them to the movies.

    i explained to them that grace is a thing that is unearned and unexpected. To this day, as adults they remember that day. Perhaps I am looking for some sacrificial and extravagant grace in this situation.

    What a great and tender lesson for your kids!

    And yes, if Tony had the resources, maybe he just should have paid the higher amount. He’s certainly doesn’t come out looking like a saint. But in my view, Julie has seriously damaged her own credibility.

  208. Marsha wrote:

    If you have to get outraged by something as a lawyer, why isn’t it that Tony didn’t return his son after visitation was over or don’t you care about THAT part of the agreement? To repeat, you are coming across to me as a person with an agenda.

    That is what I do not get.

  209. Xianatty wrote:

    Julie claimed that her professional peers found her to be slimy.

    Is it inconceivable that attorneys who know that attorney could simultaneously applaud her legal skills while also viewing those same legal tactics as slimy? Because I actually know some attorneys who admire the effectiveness of other attorneys while deploring their tactics.

  210. @ Julie McMahon:
    You wrote:
    “It was discovered that a paralegal actually drafted the MTA to save money. She put two different amounts.”

    –So, now you’re back to the version of the facts you told the trial court?

  211. Xianatty wrote:

    Gram3 wrote:
    Xianatty wrote:
    she had repeatedly and consistently been judged by her peers as outstanding in annual awards and professional rankings.
    Which is not necessarily inconsistent with being slimy in the human sense.

    Julie claimed that her professional peers found her to be slimy. To the contrary, they do not. Whether you might find her that way “in a human sense,” isn’t the point. Julie made another claim that is apparently untrue.

    I’m sorry…..actually COUNTLESS professionals involved in supporting the children over the years (there have been 17 professionals involved) have used the following words to describe Tony’s lawyer…..which you very well may be…”harms children” “pitbull” “rabid litigator” “when is she going to retire?!” “winning at all cost no matter how it harms the family” “lines her pockets with broken families” “I’m staying on the case to save you from her ripping the kids from your arms” “Tony’s litigation hammer to punish Julie” “bad for families” “nightmare” “she should be disbarred” I think you have now been exposed. You are a nightmare and you do harm families. You do need to retire. I went to a Co-Parenting with a Narcissist weekend workshop where you were discussed by name. A group organized themselves and decided to send you Congratulations on your Retirement cards. Why? Because these people care about children!! The scorched earth left behind by Narcissist and their lawyers whom they ironically hire with matching pathologies is reprehensible.

  212. Xianatty wrote:

    I believe Julie’s admitted conduct is just as reprehensible as Tony’s would be

    Really? You have a conveniently atomistic view of things, ISTM.

  213. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    You wrote:
    “It was discovered that a paralegal actually drafted the MTA to save money. She put two different amounts.”
    –So, now you’re back to the version of the facts you told the trial court?

    That is what happened as it was explained to me as why it was ordered by the Judge as an error. Hey, xianatty? I’m really sorry your client is a dirt bag. You never did address my torn shoulder. Don’t want to talk about that? Just want to focus on a clerical error? I’m done dancing the smoke and mirrors dance with you. Peace, out.

  214. Julie McMahon wrote:

    Are you really not getting this? Or playing stupid to detract?

    I’m certain he/she gets it and gets it very well. That much is quite clear. Other things, well, not so much.

    Straining at gnats entails swallowing some camels, it seems.

  215. Jeff S wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Yes, when I read that Julie, in her own words, reports hitting and shaking Tony in a separate physical altercation from the one she’s always talking about, I believe Julie’s admitted conduct is just as reprehensible as Tony’s would be.

    It’s not, and it seems to me you have to try very hard to be willfully ignorant of that fact.

    If a woman resorts to physical violence in anger against her spouse (as opposed to in self defense, which Julie didn’t claim in her documented admissions to the psych evaluator), she is just as morally and legally culpable as when a man does it.

  216. @ Headless Unicorn Guy:

    Yes, and XianAtty knows that quite well, but that is irrelevant to the Alternative Narrative he/she is trying mightily to construct. Actually he/she is quite skilled at what he/she does. No doubt he/she earns kudos from his/her professional peers.

  217. I think that xianatty has officially forgotten the victim here. That is the prime directive, isn’t it? Remembering the victim. And not engaging in re-victimizing.

  218. Xianatty wrote:

    If a woman resorts to physical violence in anger against her spouse (as opposed to in self defense, which Julie didn’t claim in her documented admissions to the psych evaluator), she is just as morally and legally culpable as when a man does it.

    I didn’t claim otherwise (though I would argue that a woman can rarely terrorize a man the way a man can a woman). But it seems there were plenty of things that he did to her that she never did back. One physical outburst is not equal to the sustained emotional abuse he inflicted on her leading up the incident.

  219. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Julie claimed that her professional peers found her to be slimy.

    Is it inconceivable that attorneys who know that attorney could simultaneously applaud her legal skills while also viewing those same legal tactics as slimy? Because I actually know some attorneys who admire the effectiveness of other attorneys while deploring their tactics.

    No, the awards and professional rankings include an evaluation of their ethics. It’s not just about whether their tactics are effective. Plus, the professional standards committee, is, by definition, all about professional ethics.

  220. Does @xianatty have a job? Or is this is? I gotta go to mine. Ask yourself this xianatty….how are you helping the conversation? What is your point? Are you just trying to discredit the victim and victim blame? This is the exact treatment I have received for years by those in the Christian Industrial Complex which apparently you are their attorney? That would explain much. Here’s the deal. I told my story. I told the truth. It’s ugly in parts…lots of parts. I asked for an apology for their collective abuses years ago. I am asking again. I won’t get one. they can’t. Their collectively sick with a enmeshed dysfunctional interlocked system. Sorry, your team lost. I’m going to go live my Tony-free life now and enjoy it fully. This has been cathartic and liberating. I wish this for all victims and I will do whatever and wherever I can to help expose scumbags standing under the banner of Jesus Christ.

  221. Xianatty wrote:

    If a woman resorts to physical violence in anger against her spouse (as opposed to in self defense, which Julie didn’t claim in her documented admissions to the psych evaluator), she is just as morally and legally culpable as when a man does it.

    Again, that is a convenient reading of the totality of the facts. However, you do earn points for parsing “moral” and “legal” and additional points for using “culpability.”

  222. Gram3 wrote:

    @ Headless Unicorn Guy:
    Yes, and XianAtty knows that quite well, but that is irrelevant to the Alternative Narrative he/she is trying mightily to construct.

    Paraphrase of Mythbusters re Alternative Narrative:

  223. @ Julie McMahon:
    You wrote:
    “I’m sorry…..actually COUNTLESS professionals involved in supporting the children over the years (there have been 17 professionals involved) have used the following words to describe Tony’s lawyer…..”

    Any documentation for that?

  224. Xianatty wrote:

    No, the awards and professional rankings include an evaluation of their ethics. It’s not just about whether their tactics are effective.

    So an individual’s character is measured by their adherence to ethical guidelines? No, I don’t think so.

  225. @ Xianatty:
    So What? Tony is the public figure here. If this gets uncovered (and it has) he is the one who stands to lose. So, who has more motive to try and paint the other person as a “problem”?

    Tony is the media darling here, not Julie. Tony is the one “on trial” all this deflection to Julie just makes everyone see this for what it is, a giant blame and deflect tactic to (in their minds) exonerate Tony. The problem is, we are on to Tony and no matter how bad/good Julie is or isn’t, Tony is unfit for leadership due to his public (court documented and seemingly endless litigation) actions.

    I really don’t care if Julie is bad, she isn’t mentoring people at Fuller Seminary, she isn’t writing books and blog posts and calling out other public leader’s behaviour on the internet (beyond how they treated her, she never called out Mark Driscoll in a public post). She isn’t hosting famous Christian writers who claim to support justice and Christlikeness, nor is she shutting down any dissent. (I do care that Julie, as a person gets fair justice (financially, emotionally, etc.)=, I hope her kids can get some peace and they can move on, but I never heard of Julie or the fact Tony was divorced until all this came to light).

    Your diversion from Tony to Julie is speaking volumes about Tony’s innocence (or lack thereof). If Tony has despicable behaviour why aren’t you helping remove him from public Christian leadership? We don’t need any more self-serving leaders in Christianity. Driscoll is gone, Mahaney should be, Tony can vamoose. If a leader can’t live his/her life in a Christ-like way, they shouldn’t expect Christian support, especially if it drags on and on for six or seven years. Again, who cares about Julie’s innocence or not? Tony is the problem being addressed here.

  226. Thanks to Sopwith for reminding us what this situation is all about….false teachers. Thanks to Gram and Patrice for their discernment. I am thankful for TWW for their compassion and tenacity in covering this story and for helping Julie both financially and spiritually. One can almost hear the relief in Julie’s “voice” because she has finally been heard and loved by her brothers and sisters in Christ.

  227. @ Julie McMahon:

    Julie, XianAtty is baiting you and attempting to evoke an emotional response from you which might help him/her advance the Guano-Crazy Alternative Narrative. Take some advice from someone who has been in a double-bind situation. You cannot win playing XianAtty’s game. And you need to recognize that we are really talking about someone who is playing a game rather than trying to have a rational discussion about the real issues. Or someone who has demonstrated the least concern with the Christian issues at hand. Blessings to you and the children.

  228. Julie McMahon wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    You wrote:
    “It was discovered that a paralegal actually drafted the MTA to save money. She put two different amounts.”
    –So, now you’re back to the version of the facts you told the trial court?

    That is what happened as it was explained to me as why it was ordered by the Judge as an error. Hey, xianatty? I’m really sorry your client is a dirt bag. You never did address my torn shoulder. Don’t want to talk about that? Just want to focus on a clerical error? I’m done dancing the smoke and mirrors dance with you. Peace, out.

    No, the trial court docket and the appellate court order make clear that the trial judge’s order was based upon your written proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law.

    No, I don’t have a client in any part of this dispute.

    Regarding your alleged torn shoulder, Stollar’s document indicate that neither an X-ray nor an MRI showed any injury.

  229. Julie McMahon wrote:

    Does @xianatty have a job? Or is this is? I gotta go to mine.

    Julie, I have seen a similar dynamic in various fandoms (including online presence/Social Media). The most famous Big Name Fans and Big Name Netizens are often no-lifes in their Mommy’s basement or similar parasiting off others for support. Without any job or life to take time away from Building Their Brand, Constructing their Alternative Narrative, Schmoozing the Social Media, and Promoting Themselves until they are Famous for Being Famous. Those of us who have jobs & lives cannot put the time and energy into countering them that they can put into promoting themselves without any job or life. Because such Self-Promotion and Substituting My Own Reality and Gaming the System IS their entire being. “The constant, sleepless, unsmiling concentration upon Self which is the true Mark of Hell.” — C.S.Lewis, Preface to Screwtape Letters.

  230. Gram3 wrote:

    Julie, XianAtty is baiting you and attempting to evoke an emotional response from you which might help him/her advance the Guano-Crazy Alternative Narrative.

    Just like my brother did to me for over 10 years constant.

  231. At any rate, at what point do we send Xianatty packing? Perpetually antagonizing Julie doesn’t count for me as constructive contribution.

  232. Xianatty wrote:

    Any documentation for that?

    I think you have tried this line before a couple of weeks ago. Unless you are privy in some way to the documents or have knowledge than none exist, it might be prudent to avoid asking a question unless you are certain about the answer. But, I will award you some more points for yet another smelly red herring.

    Do you have personal access to the documents?

  233. Gram3 wrote:

    So an individual’s character is measured by their adherence to ethical guidelines?

    Letter Of The Law. Q.E.D.

    “But everything we did was LEGAL!”
    — that local law firm who all got disbarred years ago for running an OSHA-compliance extortion game

  234. Jeff S wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    If a woman resorts to physical violence in anger against her spouse (as opposed to in self defense, which Julie didn’t claim in her documented admissions to the psych evaluator), she is just as morally and legally culpable as when a man does it.

    I didn’t claim otherwise (though I would argue that a woman can rarely terrorize a man the way a man can a woman). But it seems there were plenty of things that he did to her that she never did back. One physical outburst is not equal to the sustained emotional abuse he inflicted on her leading up the incident.

    I didn’t say one physical outburst was as bad as years of psychological abuse. I said they both appear to have done reprehensible things to each other. Her own psych evaluation seems to indicate that she gave a pretty fair share of psychological abuse back to Tony.

  235. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Any documentation for that?

    I think you have tried this line before a couple of weeks ago.

    I know the drill. It’s an old one.
    No matter what documentation is produced, it won’t be “real”. (Remember Truthers & Birthers?)
    No matter how much documentation is produced, it will NEVER be enough. (Again, remember Truthers & Birthers?)

  236. Xianatty wrote:

    Any documentation for that

    I have some documentation:

    For you hate discipline,
    and you cast my words behind you.
    If you see a thief, you are a friend of his;
    and you keep company with adulterers.

    Lines two and four. And what I am getting at is constantly banging on about Julie could be interpreted as trying to exhonerate her former husband. Surely that is not the sort of company you would want to keep?

  237. J Pow wrote:

    At any rate, at what point do we send Xianatty packing? Perpetually antagonizing Julie doesn’t count for me as constructive contribution.

    He’s already between 30-50% of the comments here.

    And nobody ever heard of him (at least under that handle) until the ToJo-vs-Julie/RHEGate situation hit the big time.

  238. Gram3 wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    Yes, let’s ignore the professionals’ opinions in those documents and what that means to the big picture while you compile the timeline of when Julie asked for sole custody or joint custody or Tony asked for sole custody or joint custody and when each of them said what and when and where about custody. Because that is the really big question before us, isn’t it?

    As I’ve said before. Julie explains that the custody evaluator recommended sole/sole for Julie, and that at that time TJ did not contest that. Rather, Julie offered joint legal custody.

    Subsequently, Tony has allegedly filed for full custody several times.

  239. @ dee:
    Dee, bless you for sharing this little story. And of course, for your humble, strong heart in coordinating all this. I need to hear that people care, that Jesus really cares.

  240. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Gram3 wrote:
    Julie, XianAtty is baiting you and attempting to evoke an emotional response from you which might help him/her advance the Guano-Crazy Alternative Narrative.
    Just like my brother did to me for over 10 years constant.

    Yes, exactly. The problem that people who attempt to reason Christianly have with lawyers is exactly the same problem that Jesus had when he conversed with lawyers. We need to keep that in mind. Lawyers are trained to elicit the desired response. Narcissists are masters as designing and playing their Game. Their entire life is a fantasy Game.

  241. Beth wrote:

    My doubts are raised by inconsistencies I see and by the fact that people who were directly involved and who normally would be on Julie’s side are behaving very strangely.

    Only proving that you do not understand NPD. Julie married, had three children soon after and lived in HIS world. His ministry, His church, His police chaplaincy world, etc. She was at home with the kids. So who would “normally be on Julie’s side” in that situation? And who in that situation understood the deceptive tactics of an NPD. Seriously, if a therapist does not get it, that is pretty bad.

  242. Xianatty wrote:

    I didn’t say one physical outburst was as bad as years of psychological abuse. I said they both appear to have done reprehensible things to each other. Her own psych evaluation seems to indicate that she gave a pretty fair share of psychological abuse back to Tony.

    So are we now back to the Implication-Inference game we were playing last night?

  243. I am not going to do what RHE and others have done which is to get rid of comments that make me feel uncomfortable. One thing this blog is known for is being open to radically different opinions. I think I have banned no more than 11 people in 6 years of blogging. (One guy went with about 6 different identities but i am only counting him as one.)

    Julie knowns that I am an advocate for her situation. She is also aware that I have my reason for allowing comments to proceed. I am engaged in trying to understand all the arguments surrounding those involved in this situation. I plan to attempt a mediation and I need to gain understanding, quickly.
    As someone said on another blog, Julie now has a virtual army standing behind her. I am part of that army for sure.

    if you disagree with a commenter, please feel free to express that clearly and loudly. It is also quite helpful to me to see all the ways our readers defend Julie-what it is that convinces you, etc.

    Normally, we enforce the prime directive which is to show compassion for someone who is hurting. I now plan to address Xian atty in my next comment.

  244. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    He’s already between 30-50% of the comments here.

    Wait, XianAtty is a man? I thought all this time I was dialoging with a woman. I must have missed that detail somewhere.

  245. I’m fascinated that XtianAtty has double stepped up the efforts with the small red herrings as soon as this piece came out by stollar. It’s almost like a coordinated attempt to distract and redirect. Also interesting is the increased direct aggressive challenging of Julie.

    I agree with gram3, better not to respond to him/her, Julie. I’m sure whatever impolitic and non-vetted-by-a-lawyer thing you say will be hoarded and shoved in your face at a later date. Hissing snake gonna hiss. Better to stay away.

    Notice XtianAtty notes the MRI doesn’t show an injury, but has nothing to say about ongoing treatment of inflammation and tendonosis to shoulder joint, NOR about the kids affirming TJ shoved her and feeling upset that he continues to lie about.

    (As a practicing occupational therapist in a rehab setting, I can confidently say that not all injuries show up on X-rays or MRIS. Yet no physiatrist in their right mind would take that as 100% diagnostic. Swelling, reduced movement in certain planes, pain, those all indicate injury if a specific type. As the doc noted: impingement. Better stick to the lawyering, you’re out of your depth in the medical – and human decency- arenas).

  246. Gram3 wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    Yes, let’s ignore the professionals’ opinions in those documents and what that means to the big picture while you compile the timeline of when Julie asked for sole custody or joint custody or Tony asked for sole custody or joint custody and when each of them said what and when and where about custody. Because that is the really big question before us, isn’t it?

    No need for a complicated timeline. Julie has repeatedly claimed that Tony never wanted custody or responsibility. That appears to be incorrect.

  247. Gram3 wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:

    Julie, XianAtty is baiting you and attempting to evoke an emotional response from you which might help him/her advance the Guano-Crazy Alternative Narrative. Take some advice from someone who has been in a double-bind situation. You cannot win playing XianAtty’s game. And you need to recognize that we are really talking about someone who is playing a game rather than trying to have a rational discussion about the real issues. Or someone who has demonstrated the least concern with the Christian issues at hand. Blessings to you and the children.

    this is exactly right. He is also trying to advance the “she has no credibility” tactic. xtianatty is smart enough to know that baiting you into playing defense is a losers game for you.

    After all the litigation and and legal threats from ministry quarters, I am proud of you if you can even remember your address in court. Everyone wants the victim of an NPD to be perfect. But they are often in a PSTD fog for years. IMO, when they get finally get angry it is a healthy sign after years of gaslighting and their byzantine world of smoke and mirrors NPD deception.

  248. Lydia wrote:

    Seriously, if a therapist does not get it, that is pretty bad.

    I think this therapist gets it quite well, but it certainly looks like she is adept at ignoring the elephant in the room as well as its guano.

  249. Xianatty wrote:

    No need for a complicated timeline. Julie has repeatedly claimed that Tony never wanted custody or responsibility. That appears to be incorrect.

    Thank you for emphasizing my point!

  250. Banannie wrote:

    I’m fascinated that XtianAtty has double stepped up the efforts with the small red herrings as soon as this piece came out by stollar. It’s almost like a coordinated attempt to distract and redirect. Also interesting is the increased direct aggressive challenging of Julie.

    I agree

  251. Xianatty wrote:

    No need for a complicated timeline. Julie has repeatedly claimed that Tony never wanted custody or responsibility. That appears to be incorrect.

    Um. No. She hasn’t claimed that. She said he didn’t at the time. She’s actually said, multiple times, that subsequently he filed for custody on several occasions. Are you slipping? Mixing up your details?
    Or intentionally obfuscating? If you’re lying then is that defamation? I have no idea how this lawyering works.

  252. Val wrote:

    @ Xianatty:
    You tell me I have no proof if Tony “did all that” Stop playing dumb and answer the question. From the COURT DOCUMENTS you and I and EVERYONE else, so quit pretending there is wiggle room here, we see a prominent Christian writer/speaker 1) Ged divorced 2) quickly hook up with a divorcee, or quickly shack up (in my province, shacking up reverts to common law status after 12 months of cohabitation, not sure what the time laws are where Tony was, but enough time in a common law for it to be recognized by IRS I bet) plus, HE was public about it – it was Tony who announced this relationship to the world (not Julie). 3) There are court documents detailing the constant returns to court year after year after year.

    That is enough proof even for you, now answer the question: Is a Christian leader fit to lead if he cavalierly gets divorced – no stated mental health reasons are on the COURT DOCUMENTS that TONY filed (stop trying to call this unknown, if it isn’t public I’m not considering it), takes no time trying to get help or tend to his now broken family (court documents on custody show that he even shirked visitation rights of his own kids – capital L LOOSER), quickly publicly co-habits (again, not following Christ, nothing to do with what Julie has said, notice?), at this time writes a book trying to redefine marriage to suit him and convince others he is following Christ (you aren’t a Christ follower if you are NOT taking Christ’s commandments on divorce seriously, he should not be married to Courtney – common law or otherwise -because Courtney is ineligible for remarriage also, since her husband didn’t run off on her, if you can find any reason for remarriage she definitely doesn’t qualify, she ran off on her husband – check court documents, not random blog comments -, so twice the sinner there Tony).

    So I am absolutely leaving anything Julie has said on blogs out of this. Julie has no court documented serious mental health issues either, so there was no reason for Tony to leave, he just ran off with a younger woman, left behind three kids and thanks to PUBLIC court documents has painted a public picture of himself as a jerk (even if Julie went off on the mission field to Timbuktu and never posted another comment and all her former comments were somehow wiped out Tony is a grade A JERK towards his family according to the public record).

    So, knowing his PUBLIC record, do you claim he is fit for Christian leadership – answer that it is very clear and very factual, this isn’t a hard question, and if you reply with an insult or ignore it, I will take it as consent – have fun.

    Much of what you claim isn’t actually documented in the records. Nevertheless, as I’ve said, Tony has engaged in some pretty reprehensible conduct. There should be appropriate consequences for that. But, since we still don’t have all the facts, I’m not in a position to decide what that should include.

  253. @ Xianatty:

    i would like to request something of you. I think you are trying to do what I am going to request but I was wondering if you could do it a bit more clearly?

    We do have a prime directive at this site. We are first and foremost victim advocates. Now, we have some people who come on this blog who do not believe the victims in various situations or believe there is another victim. I learned this well in dealing with the SGM situation.

    My guess is that you want people to listen to your perspective. I have learned much from reading your comments which have caused me to do further research. I readily admit that I do not know everything but i am doing my darndest to do so. I have appreciated your kind comments towards me.

    Now, to the difficult part. What we have asked in the past is this. Please express concern for who we (at TWW) believe is a victim even if you do not. I am trying to do that with Brian, attempting to affirm him even as I am obviously disagreeing with some of his perspectives.

    Could you please find a way to more clearly affirm Julie in some fashion? I believe that we are all called here to learn from one another as well as to grow in love and understanding.

    “Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised.

    But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of – throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.”
    ― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

  254. It is also curious why XtianAtty chooses to dispute stollar here rather than…say in the comments on stollar’s blog.

  255. Banannie wrote:

    Gram3 wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    Yes, let’s ignore the professionals’ opinions in those documents and what that means to the big picture while you compile the timeline of when Julie asked for sole custody or joint custody or Tony asked for sole custody or joint custody and when each of them said what and when and where about custody. Because that is the really big question before us, isn’t it?

    As I’ve said before. Julie explains that the custody evaluator recommended sole/sole for Julie, and that at that time TJ did not contest that. Rather, Julie offered joint legal custody.

    Subsequently, Tony has allegedly filed for full custody several times.

    No, Banannie, read the documents. The report states that, prior to the evaluations and reports, Tony had been seeking sole custody. That completely contradicts Julie’s claims.

  256. Xianatty wrote:

    No need for a complicated timeline. Julie has repeatedly claimed that Tony never wanted custody or responsibility. That appears to be incorrect.

    You’re the one that wants documentation for everything and every word said. But no need for a timeline now????

    Maybe we should document how many times you have brought this point up? Maybe you have now said it more times than Julie.

    BTW – you are the one who is bringing issues to the internet by continually bringing up all things you deem as strikes against Julie that concern the divorce. You say nothing about how Julie has been treated by the Emergent leaders, or the lies that were spread about Julie in her church community, or Tony’s fitness to continue as a leader.

  257. @ Xianatty:

    What you are engaging in is sin-leveling, blame-the-victim’, ‘surely you must have done something to invite it’ that is always trotted out to take the scrutiny off an abuser and place it on the victim. Nowhere have I seen you parse out the details of Jones’ claims in light of contrary evidence, particularly to the degree you have regarding McMahon.

    The real issues involved as far as we are concerned in discussing their relationship are:

    1. Did Tony Jones have an affair while married to another? Has Tony Jones physically, psychologically, and/or spirituality abused his ex-wife?

    2. If so, do these actions call into question his fitness as a progressive Christian leader?

    3. Did Jones’ associates and/or followers engage in behavior to paint his ex-wife in a negative light, such as claiming she was mentally unstable, and/or act to silence her voice to keep the issues of Jones’ behavior from coming to light?

    I have yet to see you weigh in on any of these issues.

  258. Xianatty wrote:

    The report states that, prior to the evaluations and reports, Tony had been seeking sole custody.

    Is this what you are referring to:

    Bridget wrote:

    So, the initiation of the divorce by Tony was to take the children (who had been mainly raised by Julie due to Tony’s travel, school, and work), serve Julie with divorce papers, kick Julie out of their home, get a restraining order against her, and NOT explain anything to the children. Sure. (And who was going to care for these children when Tony continued his pursuits?)
    And this is a man who now claims to be concerned about a child and won’t return him to the custodial parent.

    Are we supposed to believe that this is a man who is concerned for his children’s well being?

  259. Banannie wrote:

    It is also curious why XtianAtty chooses to dispute stollar here rather than…say in the comments on stollar’s blog.

    I don’t know, obviously, but if TWW gets a lot more traffic, then it would make more sense to blow smoke….I mean raise really important issues….here rather than there.

  260. Bridget wrote:

    You say nothing about how Julie has been treated by the Emergent leaders, or the lies that were spread about Julie in her church community, or Tony’s fitness to continue as a leader.

    Well, of course not. That would undermine the Alternate Narrative. Also, it is not germane to any legal delicacies.

  261. Kelly wrote:

    I need to hear that people care, that Jesus really cares.

    before this blog I knew that Jesus cared. After I started this blog I found many people who do care. Welcome to TWW.

  262. JeffT wrote:

    I have yet to see you weigh in on any of these issues.

    It’s obviously outside the scope of work of a Christian Attorney to comment on the Christian aspects of a matter involving the church. We must keep focused on the gnat-straining.

  263. I skip over everything Xianatty writes because it’s a constant attack on Julie. Whoever this person is, s/he is quite obsessed with the Jones-McMahon situation. Having dealt with Scientology for 20 years now, I actually have to ask if Xianatty is getting paid to do this. Because I’ve seen it before, tiresomely so.

  264. dee wrote:

    I am not going to do what RHE and others have done which is to get rid of comments that make me feel uncomfortable. One thing this blog is known for is being open to radically different opinions. I think I have banned no more than 11 people in 6 years of blogging. (One guy went with about 6 different identities but i am only counting him as one.)

    Julie knowns that I am an advocate for her situation. She is also aware that I have my reason for allowing comments to proceed. I am engaged in trying to understand all the arguments surrounding those involved in this situation. I plan to attempt a mediation and I need to gain understanding, quickly.
    As someone said on another blog, Julie now has a virtual army standing behind her. I am part of that army for sure.

    if you disagree with a commenter, please feel free to express that clearly and loudly. It is also quite helpful to me to see all the ways our readers defend Julie-what it is that convinces you, etc.

    Ok, Dee, I can understand that, as long as Julie doesn’t waste precious energy defending against him/her. Julie, I recommend that you no longer respond to Xianatty; the rest of us can do that.

    I will occasionally still make a formal protest, if that’s ok, not to you but to the situation. The method and content of this person’s comments are mean-spirited, and if not ignorant, then conniving. It is not his/her legal knowledge that I protest but retrying Julie on past divorce proceedings. It is outside the parameter of a combox and his/her jurisdiction.

    And because it is outside those parameters, prosecution can continue without end, because full info can’t be brought to it and is then demanded of Julie, and because there is no formal structure by which to bring it to closure.

    So the rest of us will have to provide that structure for him/her.

  265. @ dee:
    I understand what you’re saying. I’m sorry I haven’t been clearer.

    It’s clear Julie has suffered a lot. As I’ve said a few times now, Tony has engaged in some pretty reprehensible conduct toward her. I’m glad that she had the opportunity to tell her story. That I don’t believe all of her story doesn’t mean there aren’t important parts of her story that I do believe. As I said, I hope and pray any mediation with McLaren is successful. I hope and pray she and the children get the help and support they need.

    As I said a couple of times on one of the earlier posts, I understand that many folks here have suffered abuse that I cannot even begin to imagine. I wish there was something I could do to change that. As an attorney, I came to this issue believing that one thing an ally can do is to try to bring the truth to light. That has been my only goal here. I’m sorry for any hurt I’ve caused in that process.

  266. mirele wrote:

    Having dealt with Scientology for 20 years now, I actually have to ask if Xianatty is getting paid to do this. Because I’ve seen it before, tiresomely so.

    yeah, me too. There are mega churches who have people who do nothing but search for negative media and devise strategies to deal with even the most miniscule negative report. They even do this on Amazon reviews of books! (And are often able to get them deleted unless the negative reviewer goes to the trouble to pitch a fit)

    These are very thin skinned types who depend on a crafted public image for a living and they have plenty of followers to help. You start to recognize certain things for what they are.

  267. Xianatty wrote:

    As an attorney, I came to this issue believing that one thing an ally can do is to try to bring the truth to light.

    The truth isn’t always found written on paper with many witnesses.

    One’s own healthy Christian conscience is the best truth revealer.

  268. Xianatty wrote:

    As an attorney, I came to this issue believing that one thing an ally can do is to try to bring the truth to light.


  269. Patrice wrote:

    Ok, Dee, I can understand that, as long as Julie doesn’t waste precious energy defending against him/her. Julie, I recommend that you no longer respond to Xianatty; the rest of us can do that.
    I will occasionally still make a formal protest, if that’s ok, not to you but to the situation

    Oh please do raise a protest. You are even welcome to protest to me. I truly understand what you are saying and I would be feeling and doing the same thing if I were in your position. I will not delete any comments that speak strongly about this situation.

    This awful mess has been allowed to fester for many years. Now, the infection is surfacing and it is time for that to be treated. Please believe me that I am working hard to reach into this group and do my part in bringing some resolution. I want these conflicts to stop. It hasn’t helped anyone, just caused the situation to escalate. I want some people to get together and exhibit Christlike sacrificial love.

    I still do not know why I am in the middle of this but God is the conductor and I am trying to follow His lead.

    Please, please, please express yourself honestly. You are even welcome to get mad at me. I get mad at myself about 5 times a day! And if you have any thoughts that might help me, express them or send me an email. I promise i will not get mad at you. I know you want to help Julie and I am profoundly grateful for that.

  270. Gram3 wrote:

    JeffT wrote:

    I have yet to see you weigh in on any of these issues.

    It’s obviously outside the scope of work of a Christian Attorney to comment on the Christian aspects of a matter involving the church. We must keep focused on the gnat-straining.

    And yet, after you repeatedly demanded that I do so, I responded to you with a lengthy post last night about Christian ethics. You never even acknowledged it. Rest assured I won’t take that bait again.

  271. Xianatty wrote:

    It’s clear Julie has suffered a lot. As I’ve said a few times now, Tony has engaged in some pretty reprehensible conduct toward her.

    Here is an alternate way of putting it without all the “mistakes were made” phrasing:

    Tony Jones has clearly caused much suffering in the lives of Julie McMahon and his children including neglect, physical abuse, and emotional abuse. Tony Jones is responsible for the destruction of his marriage and the suffering his first wife has endured. Tony Jones should not be in a position of Christian leadership because Tony Jones’ actions have disqualified him. Julie McMahon Jones is not a perfect human being, but in no way do any of her failures or mistakes justify Tony Jones’ actions which are reprehensible with respect to her and to his children. Tony Jones recruited others to slander the reputation of Julie McMahon Jones, and those whom he recruited have not repented of their participation.

    That’s a start, anyway.

  272. Xianatty wrote:

    And yet, after you repeatedly demanded that I do so, I responded to you with a lengthy post last night about Christian ethics. You never even acknowledged it.

    IIRC I did acknowledge it. I think you are very clever, and I think your view falls short of the Kingdom ethics portrayed by the Jesus in the Gospels and also those advocated by Paul in the NT. I think you are straining at gnats and swallowing (or asking us to ignore) camels. I find the locus of your focus a little odd for a Christian.

  273. Xianatty wrote:

    I responded to you with a lengthy post last night about Christian ethics.

    More like a lecture. I have a family member who is an atty on retainer with some megas. s/he talks just like you do concerning “Christian ethics”.

  274. “Gram3 wrote:
    @ Julie McMahon:
    Julie, XianAtty is baiting you and attempting to evoke an emotional response from you which might help him/her advance the Guano-Crazy Alternative Narrative.”

    Julie: My hope is that you don’t take the bait, and let your strong virtual army handle this. Many are more than capable and willing. Whether or not XianAtty is related to Tony, Brian or other Emergent leaders, those people can use your reactions to this baiting out of context. Not meaning you should be silenced! But hoping you keep yourself fee of the trap of XianAtty’s comments here.

    As for me, I’m new to this blog, and all of this is pretty triggering. I appreciate the posts and discussions, but I’m mostly staying quiet while I process.

  275. Lydia wrote:

    There are mega churches who have people who do nothing but search for negative media and devise strategies to deal with even the most miniscule negative report.

    Just like North Korea!

  276. @ Xianatty:

    What I read she did to him isn’t close to what I read him doing to her. If you are serious about getting to the truth, then you need more education on the dynamics of abuse.

    And if you are serious about getting to the truth, you need to spend more time pointing out the discrepancies in Tony’s statements, not just Julie’s.

    Your moral equivalation of their two behaviors has convinced me I was wrong to give you the benefit of the doubt.

  277. Lydia wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:
    As an attorney, I came to this issue believing that one thing an ally can do is to try to bring the truth to light.


    Freudian slip there.
    Time for the “clarification” to Spin, Spin, Spin.
    Where “It all depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.”

  278. Dee, thanks for not banning XianAtty’s comments. I believe that, unlike THC, XA’s comments are purposeful. The purpose is in question, but there is a point being made. In that case, I think it is good to allow the comments and the refutations and challenges. IMO it helps to clarify the issues.

  279. Bridget wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    As an attorney, I came to this issue believing that one thing an ally can do is to try to bring the truth to light.

    The truth isn’t always found written on paper with many witnesses.

    One’s own healthy Christian conscience is the best truth revealer.

    But sometimes the documents reveal that one’s heart is leading one down the wrong path.

  280. Julie, I want to echo what others have said. Please do not respond to XianAtty. There is something very wrong with his prosecution of you. It goes far beyond someone having a different opinion and expressing it and alarm bells are going off in my head. I have learned to pay attention to them.

  281. Gram3 wrote:

    and those whom he recruited have not repented of their participation.

    That is wrong. Some have repented on the Naked Pastor thread. I apologize for that error respecting those individuals. For the others who have not repented, it is time to step up and do the right thing.

  282. Xianatty wrote:

    Much of what you claim isn’t actually documented in the records.

    Russian/Soviet Bureaucratic Tradition, based around Plausible Deniability. Where you CYA by never writing anything down (and Stalin took it one step further by liquidating(TM) any & all witnesses). Because “If it isn’t written down, It Never Happened And You Can’t Ever Prove It Ever Did!”

  283. JeffT wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    What you are engaging in is sin-leveling, blame-the-victim’, ‘surely you must have done something to invite it’ that is always trotted out to take the scrutiny off an abuser and place it on the victim. Nowhere have I seen you parse out the details of Jones’ claims in light of contrary evidence, particularly to the degree you have regarding McMahon.

    The real issues involved as far as we are concerned in discussing their relationship are:

    1. Did Tony Jones have an affair while married to another? Has Tony Jones physically, psychologically, and/or spirituality abused his ex-wife?

    2. If so, do these actions call into question his fitness as a progressive Christian leader?

    3. Did Jones’ associates and/or followers engage in behavior to paint his ex-wife in a negative light, such as claiming she was mentally unstable, and/or act to silence her voice to keep the issues of Jones’ behavior from coming to light?

    I have yet to see you weigh in on any of these issues.

    Actually- I don’t think they are engaging in sin-leveling. I suspect they are trying out their case here to see how it plays, how different points may be refuted or argued. Basically practicing their court arguments.

    So, I apologize to all here for giving XA any assistance with this project whatsoever.

    Moving on. Your comments re “the real issues” are spot on and absolutely worth any Christian’s consideration.

  284. Devil’s advocate anyone? 😉

    (Had to be done…)
    Gram3 wrote:

    Dee, thanks for not banning XianAtty’s comments. I believe that, unlike THC, XA’s comments are purposeful. The purpose is in question, but there is a point being made. In that case, I think it is good to allow the comments and the refutations and challenges. IMO it helps to clarify the issues.

  285. Beakerj wrote:

    Who is Xianatty?

    That’s what a lot of us would like to know.

    AnAttorney? LawProf? Care to analyze & grade XianAtty’s statements & arguments & tactics?

  286. Xianatty wrote:

    But sometimes the documents reveal that one’s heart is leading one down the wrong path.

    And sometimes people use particular documents to justify being on the path they want to be on.

  287. I have been commenting rarely lately, because I’ve needed to focus my limited time and energy on other writings. But I felt I needed to speak up and add something timely here.

    Xian Atty, I do try to take people at face value, and some of your observations have been helpful. I recently incorporated several of your corrections and suggestions into my website on Diagnosing the Emergent Movement.

    And yet, I will also admit that I find myself agitated by the wrangling I believe you’ve sparked here over numerous specifics of past legal details. It’s not because they are irrelevant to the overall picture, but because they seem to me to overfocus on that one element in that picture. It seems you’re trying to find the holes; I’m trying to see the whole.

    Some similar scenarios happened at the lengthy post on David Hayward’s nakedpastor blog in September 5 thru December 15, 2014, where Julie McMahon shared vignettes of her overall story. Here is an excerpt from something very wise that David said in one of his occasional comments. I think it well captures the push-back you are receiving here on The Wartburg Watch and why. Here’s what David noted in the next-to-last paragraph of the link:

    “I’m thinking of an analogy. Let’s say we are in a room listening to the harrowing stories of war rape victims. But someone in the room keeps demanding pap tests results, police reports, photos, documented rapist’s confessions, and an objective, unemotional, orderly account of the events, etc… can you see how destructive that would be to the conversation, but also to the spirits of those victims? Plus, can’t you see how people might even suspect that person was some kind of an official plant, sent there to disrupt the narrative, infuse insecurity, doubt, and fear in the victims, maybe even arouse sympathy for the rapists, and somehow dismiss their experience? In most cases like this the victims, more than wanting justice (which is often impossible), just want to be heard so they can integrate their trauma into their lives and move on.”

  288. Exactly. These are the real issues Christians might be expected to weigh in on since we are not to have close fellowship with abusers. The legal issues won’t matter in eternity.

    JeffT wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    What you are engaging in is sin-leveling, blame-the-victim’, ‘surely you must have done something to invite it’ that is always trotted out to take the scrutiny off an abuser and place it on the victim. Nowhere have I seen you parse out the details of Jones’ claims in light of contrary evidence, particularly to the degree you have regarding McMahon.

    The real issues involved as far as we are concerned in discussing their relationship are:

    1. Did Tony Jones have an affair while married to another? Has Tony Jones physically, psychologically, and/or spirituality abused his ex-wife?

    2. If so, do these actions call into question his fitness as a progressive Christian leader?

    3. Did Jones’ associates and/or followers engage in behavior to paint his ex-wife in a negative light, such as claiming she was mentally unstable, and/or act to silence her voice to keep the issues of Jones’ behavior from coming to light?

    I have yet to see you weigh in on any of these issues.

  289. Gram3 wrote:

    Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    He’s already between 30-50% of the comments here.

    Wait, XianAtty is a man? I thought all this time I was dialoging with a woman. I must have missed that detail somewhere.

    Classical English defaults unknown/mixed/indeterminate gender to masculine.

  290. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    That’s what a lot of us would like to know.

    I think XianAtty is either an “ally” of Jones/McLaren/Evans or is playing that role for whatever purpose. Regardless, the issues get exposed. If XianAlly thinks that his positions are helpful to Jones’ case with onlookers, I think that XianAlly is mistaken.

  291. And saying that is not to minimize the importance of the legal process in bringing justice and protecting Julie and her children. Which said process can indeed be abused by narcissistic abusers.

    Melody wrote:

    Exactly. These are the real issues Christians might be expected to weigh in on since we are not to have close fellowship with abusers. The legal issues won’t matter in eternity.

    JeffT wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    What you are engaging in is sin-leveling, blame-the-victim’, ‘surely you must have done something to invite it’ that is always trotted out to take the scrutiny off an abuser and place it on the victim. Nowhere have I seen you parse out the details of Jones’ claims in light of contrary evidence, particularly to the degree you have regarding McMahon.

    The real issues involved as far as we are concerned in discussing their relationship are:

    1. Did Tony Jones have an affair while married to another? Has Tony Jones physically, psychologically, and/or spirituality abused his ex-wife?

    2. If so, do these actions call into question his fitness as a progressive Christian leader?

    3. Did Jones’ associates and/or followers engage in behavior to paint his ex-wife in a negative light, such as claiming she was mentally unstable, and/or act to silence her voice to keep the issues of Jones’ behavior from coming to light?

    I have yet to see you weigh in on any of these issues.

  292. This whole series of exchanges is beginning to sound like something from Franz Kafka’s “The Trial.” (meaning XianAtty, not the rest of us.)

  293. The problem with lawyering from my outside perspective is that they have to slant the truth in favor of their clients and figure out how it could be slanted in disfavor of their clients.

    The justice system doesn’t work because lawyers are good at slanting the truth or getting clients off on technicalities. Justice is only served and the system works when the truth is exposed and wrongs are made right.

    To an outsider, the legal system is intimidating. And I guarantee that abusers will make sure they manipulate that fact to their advantage.

    Gram3 wrote:

    Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    That’s what a lot of us would like to know.

    I think XianAtty is either an “ally” of Jones/McLaren/Evans or is playing that role for whatever purpose. Regardless, the issues get exposed. If XianAlly thinks that his positions are helpful to Jones’ case with onlookers, I think that XianAlly is mistaken.

  294. Ha! Agreed.

    numo wrote:

    This whole series of exchanges is beginning to sound like something from Franz Kafka’s “The Trial.” (meaning XianAtty, not the rest of us.)

  295. Yep. Let’s get back to the point. TJ claims there was no affair, yet two marriages ended around the same time and a new relationship was formed. That’s just one issue that points to crazy-making behavior from Tony and allies towards Julie and none. I feel for her children.

    brad/futuristguy wrote:

    I have been commenting rarely lately, because I’ve needed to focus my limited time and energy on other writings. But I felt I needed to speak up and add something timely here.

    Xian Atty, I do try to take people at face value, and some of your observations have been helpful. I recently incorporated several of your corrections and suggestions into my website on Diagnosing the Emergent Movement.

    And yet, I will also admit that I find myself agitated by the wrangling I believe you’ve sparked here over numerous specifics of past legal details. It’s not because they are irrelevant to the overall picture, but because they seem to me to overfocus on that one element in that picture. It seems you’re trying to find the holes; I’m trying to see the whole.

    Some similar scenarios happened at the lengthy post on David Hayward’s nakedpastor blog in September 5 thru December 15, 2014, where Julie McMahon shared vignettes of her overall story. Here is an excerpt from something very wise that David said in one of his occasional comments. I think it well captures the push-back you are receiving here on The Wartburg Watch and why. Here’s what David noted in the next-to-last paragraph of the link:

    “I’m thinking of an analogy. Let’s say we are in a room listening to the harrowing stories of war rape victims. But someone in the room keeps demanding pap tests results, police reports, photos, documented rapist’s confessions, and an objective, unemotional, orderly account of the events, etc… can you see how destructive that would be to the conversation, but also to the spirits of those victims? Plus, can’t you see how people might even suspect that person was some kind of an official plant, sent there to disrupt the narrative, infuse insecurity, doubt, and fear in the victims, maybe even arouse sympathy for the rapists, and somehow dismiss their experience? In most cases like this the victims, more than wanting justice (which is often impossible), just want to be heard so they can integrate their trauma into their lives and move on.”

  296. @ dee:
    See, that is why you are so lovely, Dee.

    I understand your position and what you are attempting to do. It is smart and wise, IMO.

    But yes, we will also take our allotted positions, and if they also prove useful, well…w00t

  297. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    And yet, after you repeatedly demanded that I do so, I responded to you with a lengthy post last night about Christian ethics. You never even acknowledged it.

    IIRC I did acknowledge it. I think you are very clever, and I think your view falls short of the Kingdom ethics portrayed by the Jesus in the Gospels and also those advocated by Paul in the NT. I think you are straining at gnats and swallowing (or asking us to ignore) camels. I find the locus of your focus a little odd for a Christian.

    No. Dee acknowledged it. You did not. I responded at length to a couple of other of your posts demanding I justify myself and my ethics. You didn’t acknowledge those either. Your only response is to claim my ethics “fall short” without any explanation. In my book, that falls short of constructive dialogue.

  298. Lydia wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    I responded to you with a lengthy post last night about Christian ethics.

    More like a lecture. I have a family member who is an atty on retainer with some megas. s/he talks just like you do concerning “Christian ethics”.

    Yes, it’s clear you hate lawyers. In my experience, it’s usually the I-hate-lawyer-types who, when *they* need a lawyer are the ones who want me to be as needlessly aggressive as possible or to even violate my own Christian and legal ethics.

  299. brad/futuristguy wrote:

    (op cit Naked Pastor – HUG)

    “I’m thinking of an analogy. Let’s say we are in a room listening to the harrowing stories of war rape victims. But someone in the room keeps demanding pap tests results, police reports, photos, documented rapist’s confessions, and an objective, unemotional, orderly account of the events, etc… can you see how destructive that would be to the conversation, but also to the spirits of those victims? Plus, can’t you see how people might even suspect that person was some kind of an official plant, sent there to disrupt the narrative, infuse insecurity, doubt, and fear in the victims, maybe even arouse sympathy for the rapists, and somehow dismiss their experience? In most cases like this the victims, more than wanting justice (which is often impossible), just want to be heard so they can integrate their trauma into their lives and move on.”

    Official Disinformation Plant or just a total Correct Legal Procedure wonk with Aspergers-Hyperfocus tunnel vision on legal-technicality trivia? Both would express the same behavior (from different motives), and I’ve seen a lot of wonks like that in IT and/or Fandoms.

  300. numo wrote:

    Matthew Paul Turner (after reading the R.L. Stollar post): I believe Julie.

    Yes, gladdening, isn’t it? Hope for more, too. And that’s the thing, I know that most of us will be glad to welcome back people who’ve been bamboozled and are now not.

    As Julie keeps saying, it is a sincere apology that is wanted and needed.

  301. Xianatty wrote:

    I responded at length to a couple of other of your posts demanding I justify myself and my ethics. You didn’t acknowledge those either. Your only response is to claim my ethics “fall short” without any explanation. In my book, that falls short of constructive dialogue.

    Your fallback position is that I didn’t respond to you. That is very uncharacteristic, and I have been known to be positively vexatious about responding to comments. I distinctly remember responding that you are very clever.

    Nevertheless, as I understand it, your position WRT Kingdom ethics is that the stronger or more powerful person does *not* have a greater responsibility and I disagree based on the example of Jesus, the Christ. I thought we got to that point last night. Customarily, I do not make demands though I understand that a strong challenge might feel that way. IRL I am one of the gentlest people imaginable. Except when the weak are harmed or threatened by the strong.

  302. Xianatty wrote:

    Yes, it’s clear you hate lawyers.

    Wait. I missed the part where Lydia said she hates lawyers. You are not reading her comment nearly as carefully as you read the court documents.

  303. Jeff S wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    What I read she did to him isn’t close to what I read him doing to her. If you are serious about getting to the truth, then you need more education on the dynamics of abuse.

    And if you are serious about getting to the truth, you need to spend more time pointing out the discrepancies in Tony’s statements, not just Julie’s.

    Your moral equivalation of their two behaviors has convinced me I was wrong to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    Jeff, I haven’t said their conduct was morally equivalent. If I were the trial judge and had access to every fact both sides wanted to present, I might well come down on Julie’s side. But we don’t have all the facts.

    We know that Tony has done some pretty reprehensible things. We know Julie has done some pretty reprehensible things. Julie wants us to believe her as to the rest of what happened.

    When I started looking at what Julie said about the litigation I thought it would be an easy way to corroborate her story. But, as it turns out, I was surprised to find that the court records contained information that called her account into question. Tony’s statement about what happened in the litigation is much closer to what the record, IMO, actually says.

    As painful as it will be, a full scale trial on the current custody dispute might be the best and most appropriate place for each side to prove, if they can, who did what to whom, and who’s conduct is harmful to the kids. When the facts are established, I hope appropriate consequences follow. Regardless of where that all comes out, I hope they all have the support and help they need.

    (Still think mediation with Brian as a separate matter is a good idea and praying that will be successful and bring peace to that situation.)

  304. Xianatty wrote:

    Jeff, I haven’t said their conduct was morally equivalent. If I were the trial judge and had access to every fact both sides wanted to present, I might well come down on Julie’s side. But we don’t have all the facts.

    We know that Tony has done some pretty reprehensible things. We know Julie has done some pretty reprehensible things. Julie wants us to believe her as to the rest of what happened.

    Appeal to what is unknown so that we can avoid or diminish what is known and which may yet vindicate our position! HUG, let’s play Fallacy Fun.

    Also, is it not true that Tony “wants us to believe [him] as to the rest of what happened” or did I miss that part of the comparison you were drawing?

  305. Xianatty wrote:

    In order for the above-the-standard child support amount to have been “bargained for” there would have to have been some actual discussion of that term. Julie told the trial court that she had no idea how that amount was agreed to. To later say that it was actually bargained for is a change in her version of the facts, not simply a shrug that heh, that’s what’s in the paper he signed. I think it’s significant because the appellate court thought it was significant enough to penalize her for her change of story.

    Good points, but wasn’t Julie represented by an attorney when the above-the-standard child support amount was determined and shouldn’t such questions about the amount be addressed to the attorney who represented her? But if she appeared pro se, then that’s a different situation.

  306. @ Xianatty:

    I’m going to say it again, you need more education about the dynamics of abuse.

    It doesn’t matter how believable she is- that’s the part you keep missing in your statements.

    You are focusing on her trustworthiness and calling her actions into question when she was clearly living with a devil. She could have been a devil herself and it wouldn’t absolve him of anything. It certainly wouldn’t be OK for him to say what he has about her and continue in any kind of ministry.

  307. Xianatty wrote:

    When I started looking at what Julie said about the litigation I thought it would be an easy way to corroborate her story. But, as it turns out, I was surprised to find that the court records contained information that called her account into question. Tony’s statement about what happened in the litigation is much closer to what the record, IMO, actually says.

    I find this difficult to believe. Your motivation in combing the court record with a legal lice comb was to corroborate what she said? Not buying that story.

  308. Boz commented on Matthew Paul Turner’s facebook:
    “ This paints a pretty darn clear picture of a dangerous and traumatized home where the wife was repeatedly victimized and the children were traumatized. It is also a tragic example of how both the justice system and the church often fail when confronted by abuse within the home.”

  309. @ brad/futuristguy:
    Brad –

    I appreciate the pleasant interactions we’ve had and your willingness to update your reports.

    From my perspective, I went into this assuming I could find some things in the litigation records to corroborate Julie’s story, but instead, what I found raised some pretty significant questions to me about Julie’s credibility. I stated those concerns. While there were some who appreciated that I raised the questions, a bunch of folks went right into the “anyone who raises questions is part of the enemy conspiracy” mode. Some of Julie’s supporters even trashed Boz!

    In your analogy to the war rape victims, they didn’t affirmatively do anything that would warrant the offensive questions. Here, Julie has repeatedly made claims about the litigation that appear to be contradicted by the litigation records. Even if they were on trivial points, which they are not, the multiplicity of them, IMO, call into question her credibility on the rest of her story and she needs to earn that back.

    I’ve seen cases where people with serious, substantive claims feel like they need to exaggerate those claims in order to be believed, or are so angry they can’t be rational about what actually happened. Maybe that’s what’s happened here and Julie will be vindicated. But when a victim gets caught making a series of statements that appear to be incorrect, it’s not the fault of the person who discovered their incorrectness.

  310. Xianatty wrote:

    Lydia wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    I responded to you with a lengthy post last night about Christian ethics.

    More like a lecture. I have a family member who is an atty on retainer with some megas. s/he talks just like you do concerning “Christian ethics”.

    Yes, it’s clear you hate lawyers. In my experience, it’s usually the I-hate-lawyer-types who, when *they* need a lawyer are the ones who want me to be as needlessly aggressive as possible or to even violate my own Christian and legal ethics.

    bwahaha. So, if I recognize certain strategies and tactics then I “hate” all lawyers and would then insist the lawyer I retained (but hated in advance) violate legal ethics, to boot? Is that a lawyerly argument?

  311. Xianatty wrote:

    Some of Julie’s supporters even trashed Boz!

    Yeah, I saw that. Like with all commenters, we need to consider the source. In this case, it was two agnostics at SCCL who didn’t know the position that Boz has taken in the institutional church, and couldn’t believe that anything good could come out of the church.

    At any rate, xianatty, what do you say, now, about Boz’ comment?

  312. Gram3 wrote:

    Except when the weak are harmed or threatened by the strong.

    Me too. And that seems to be the default position in celebrity Christendom.

  313. Xianatty wrote:

    Even if they were on trivial points, which they are not, the multiplicity of them, IMO, call into question her credibility on the rest of her story and she needs to earn that back.

    There’s the bait. Now it is multiple.

  314. Lydia wrote:

    @ Gram3:
    Yet failed to use the lice comb on Tony’s 12 page document.

    Odd, isn’t it? It’s suggestive of the possibility that there may be some subtle bias.

  315. Patrice wrote:

    At any rate, xianatty, what do you say, now, about Boz’ comment?

    I would appreciate xianatty first responding to my question above.

  316. Xianatty wrote:

    I’ve seen cases where people with serious, substantive claims feel like they need to exaggerate those claims in order to be believed, or are so angry they can’t be rational about what actually happened. Maybe that’s what’s happened here and Julie will be vindicated

    And here we have the old broken record narrative implying that Julie is not rational and needs to vindicate herself.

    You are tenacious, I will say that about you.

    xtianatty, do you believe NPD’s are “rational”? It is an interesting question to consider.

  317. Lydia wrote:

    There’s the bait. Now it is multiple.

    I’ve seen this kind of logical math before. There are ten reasons for male headship. Each of them means nothing. But ten times nothing is something!

  318. @ Gram3:
    I saw where you said I was “clever,” without any reference or explanation but had no idea what you were responding to. IMO, that kind of response isn’t really helpful to constructive dialogue.

    Suffice it to say that you’ve misrepresented what u said about ethics. But, I’m not taking the bait again.

  319. @ Lydia:

    Oops. Forgot XianAlly’s point about Julie needing to rebuild trust but conveniently forgetting to use his/her equivalency tool when it might mean that Tony needs to rebuild some trust, too.

  320. Julie McMahon wrote:

    She has been a sad casualty in all of this like Nadia playing the victim to “digital pitchforks” when people called her out for refusing to hear the side of the abused person. They both decided I was disposable and went on the attack, so there is nothing else I can do there. They are left standing alone with their true colors shining brightly and ironically, Tony is no where to be found. That’s how they masterfully get others to do their bidding.

    You don’t suppose that was Tony’s purpose all along? What I mean is, One sentiment I have heard frequently is, Why would RHE and NBW partner with JoPa productions for their conference, when either of them are WAAAAY bigger deals than JoPa? Maybe Tony saw RHE and NBW as threats to his stardom and this was his means to get them out of the way?

  321. Xianatty wrote:

    Suffice it to say that you’ve misrepresented what u said about ethics

    I misrepresented what I said or what you said? I restated my understanding of our respective positions. If I misstated something, then just correct it.

  322. Lydia wrote:

    xtianatty, do you believe NPD’s are “rational”?

    If they’re paying his retainer, they are.

  323. Boz Tchividjian chimed in on the SCCL thread.


    “This paints a pretty darn clear picture of a dangerous and traumatized home where the wife was repeatedly victimized and the children were traumatized. It is also a tragic example of how both the justice system and the church so often fail when confronted by abuse within the home.”

    I hope RHE sees Boz’s comment. I wonder if it – or the documents released earlier today – will cause her to reconsider and take a different stance toward Julie.

  324. Bridget wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    The report states that, prior to the evaluations and reports, Tony had been seeking sole custody.

    Is this what you are referring to:

    Bridget wrote:

    So, the initiation of the divorce by Tony was to take the children (who had been mainly raised by Julie due to Tony’s travel, school, and work), serve Julie with divorce papers, kick Julie out of their home, get a restraining order against her, and NOT explain anything to the children. Sure. (And who was going to care for these children when Tony continued his pursuits?)
    And this is a man who now claims to be concerned about a child and won’t return him to the custodial parent.

    Are we supposed to believe that this is a man who is concerned for his children’s well being?

    I don’t see the dissonance here, honestly. A dirty dealing blind-side is far different that what may have been actually written in the petition when it was filed and served. I haven’t seen that petition, but I really don’t see the two as equivalent – that is the blind siding vs the petition to the court for dissolution. The planned blind side, given the diagnosis, can very simply be an act of cruel vengeance. I would never count it as equal to legal intention or filings.

  325. Marsha wrote:

    We do NOT know that Julie has done reprehensible things.

    She, herself, reported to the psych evaluator that on one occasion when they were traveling and after arguing she put his suitcase out in the hall, and when he returned and did not give the response she wanted, “she said, she grabbed his neck and shoulders and shook him, asking if he realized what he was doing to their family.” She did not claim this was in self defense or defense of her kids. Read the Stollar documents themselves, not just his description of them.

  326. @ Jeff S:

    It is all a strategic deflection, Jeff. To get the focus on Julie and NOT on Tony. And Tony has star power backing him up from the progressive wing of Christendom. You know, the folks who care about the oppressed and making a living speaking on behalf of the oppressed.

    Kind of strange considering Tony is currently violating a LEGAL agreement. Crickets from xtianatty on that one.

  327. Joe2 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    In order for the above-the-standard child support amount to have been “bargained for” there would have to have been some actual discussion of that term. Julie told the trial court that she had no idea how that amount was agreed to. To later say that it was actually bargained for is a change in her version of the facts, not simply a shrug that heh, that’s what’s in the paper he signed. I think it’s significant because the appellate court thought it was significant enough to penalize her for her change of story.

    Good points, but wasn’t Julie represented by an attorney when the above-the-standard child support amount was determined and shouldn’t such questions about the amount be addressed to the attorney who represented her? But if she appeared pro se, then that’s a different situation.

    Julie **was** represented by counsel when the child support agreement was reached. (It was an agreement. The court didn’t “determine” it.) Julie and her lawyer had the opportunity to explain it twice: once to the trial court and once to the appellate court. She and her lawyer(s) apparently gave two opposite stories. The appellate court responded by making her abide by what she told the trial court.

  328. @ Gram3:
    Gram3, I’m not thinking that XianAtty is going to change his/her stance on this; maybe better to just let it rest for awhile? Otherwise, they are getting ammo to keep commenting and keep contradicting others and it becomes self-perpetuating without ever going anywhere.

    That’s why I wrote a comment addressed directly to Brian McL. and told Beth I would not engage in discussion with her when she challenged me on it. The person who needs to read what we have to say (at least, insofar as this post is concerned) is Brian McL. It does not matter what anyone else who’s being a gadfly has to say, really.

    My .02-worth, anyway…

  329. @ Karl: Boz Tchividjian expresses concern for the way Julie was victimized and the children were traumatized at home. There is support continuing to build for Julie.

  330. @ Xianatty:

    This is the same argument used for rape victims who are not Snow White prior to be raped. It is called moral equivalency. He did 20 million bad things, she did 3… so she is just as bad or she deserved it because she embarrassed him. We get it.

  331. To our readers

    My husband and I and a few others are doing a presentation and dinner for students at UNC Dental school this evening. This was planned 2 months ago before the tragic shooting of 3 students-one of whom was a 2nd year student at the dental school and his wife who was slated to start in the school next year. This shooting has garnered international concern. Please pray that we can be a sensitive and compassionate voice in the midst of this tragedy.

  332. numo wrote:

    The person who needs to read what we have to say (at least, insofar as this post is concerned) is Brian McL. It does not matter what anyone else who’s being a gadfly has to say, really.

    I agree with you WRT McLaren, and your comment to him is very helpful. If XianAtty wants to comment here, then I think that he/she is subject to challenge. He/she may be a troll who should be ignored. I’m not sure that what he/she says is unimportant. But I think I understand your greater point.

  333. Jeff S wrote:

    @ Xianatty:

    I’m going to say it again, you need more education about the dynamics of abuse.

    It doesn’t matter how believable she is- that’s the part you keep missing in your statements.

    You are focusing on her trustworthiness and calling her actions into question when she was clearly living with a devil. She could have been a devil herself and it wouldn’t absolve him of anything. It certainly wouldn’t be OK for him to say what he has about her and continue in any kind of ministry.

    Jeff –
    Thank you for your courteous responses even when you disagree.

    I have never, ever said that her conduct did or could absolve him of his own bad acts. If I was unclear, I apologize. We’re each responsible for ourselves.

    The report available at Stollar’s site says the psych evaluator concluded that neither caused the other’s behavior but their “pre-existing tendencies” exacerbated each other’s toxic (my word) attributes. But, if he did in fact shove or push her, unless it was in self defense, he deserves to face whatever consequences can be meted out to him and nothing, nothing, Julie did or said could absolve him of that.

  334. Xianatty wrote:

    Dee- I hadn’t seen the RL Stollar post until the links here.

    Also by Xianatty:

    Apparently, to the contrary, the court ordered psych evaluator, in early 2009, before the custody &

    I’m afraid that Xianatty has lost all credibility with me, because he (or she) did not put a space between the word “Dee” and the hypen in the sentence he typed.

    In addition, Xianatty used an ampersand (&) rather than type out the word “and.”

    This action of using the ampersand is inconsistent with other posts Xianatty has made where he has typed out the word “and.”

    I also am having trouble believing anyone who would type out the phrase “Christian Attorney” as “Xianatty.” Is he hiding something? After all, he’s chosen to omit, or “hide,” if you will, the “Christ” part of “Christian,” to go with “Xian.”

    I can’t take Xianatty’s word for anything. If he wants my trust now, he’s going to have to earn it.

    I strongly suspect that this man is Xianatty’s close relative:
    The Anal Retentive Chef, video on NBC site

  335. Patrice wrote:

    @ Patrice:
    Boz is a lawyer too, xianatty.

    Yes, I know that. I have great respect for him. He has a sterling reputation and those who thought that trashing him was a good idea should be ashamed of himself.

  336. @ Gram3:
    Yeah, I think, though, that this might be a case of spinning one’s wheels. Jeff S is doing a great job of addressing this person; otoh, they seem to be coming back at you on everything you say, which is nitpicky and just… I dunno. It’s just my take. I personally don’t want to engage in the back-and-forth, as I don’t think it’s doing anything productive, but that’s just me.

  337. @ dee:
    Yes, and he also made clear that both the justice system and the church have failed here. Which I find fascinating, esp considering that it is this justice system’s documents over which Xianatty is kvetching at Julie.

  338. Lydia wrote:

    @ Gram3:

    Yet failed to use the lice comb on Tony’s 12 page document.

    I used the lice comb on the section of Tony’s document that related to the litigation. His explanation tracks what the litigation records appear to say.

  339. Patrice wrote:

    he also made clear that both the justice system and the church have failed here.

    Yes, he was very succinct, to the point, and, imo, accurate in his assessment.

  340. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Can anyone else who’s dealt with this sort of thing analyze any other abuser/useful tool tricks/semantics/tactics from his postings?

    I think Xianatty may also be related to Rain Man

    See this video on You Tube:
    Rain Man (4/11) Movie CLIP – 246 Toothpicks (1988)

    I am a detail-oriented person, but even I sometimes step back from the trees to see the whole forest.

    Xianatty is still standing between the big oak and the pine tree, comparing and contrasting the two, while pontificating on their bark and number of leaves or pine needles.

    However, if Xianatty stepped back, he would see that the entire forest is on fire and deer and squirrels are running past him to get to safety.

    But no, wait, what’s that? It’s a pine cone at the foot of the pine tree; must investigate that.

  341. Patrice wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Some of Julie’s supporters even trashed Boz!

    Yeah, I saw that. Like with all commenters, we need to consider the source. In this case, it was two agnostics at SCCL who didn’t know the position that Boz has taken in the institutional church, and couldn’t believe that anything good could come out of the church.

    At any rate, xianatty, what do you say, now, about Boz’ comment?

    I’m not sure what Boz comment you’re referring to? I haven’t seen one from him since the other day about a potential role for GRACE in a mediation.

  342. Xianatty wrote:

    Marsha wrote:

    We do NOT know that Julie has done reprehensible things.

    She, herself, reported to the psych evaluator that on one occasion when they were traveling and after arguing she put his suitcase out in the hall, and when he returned and did not give the response she wanted, “she said, she grabbed his neck and shoulders and shook him, asking if he realized what he was doing to their family.” She did not claim this was in self defense or defense of her kids. Read the Stollar documents themselves, not just his description of them.

    I knew you would say this so I asked my husband about this in case I was not seeing this correctly. I asked him what he would think if I did this to him following futile attempts to get him to see that he was neglecting me and our young children (we are in our sixties now so this is hypothetical) by traveling five months out of twelve. He said he would not consider it abuse (he is much stronger than me) nor reprehensible but rather an act of despair and frustration.

  343. Karl wrote:

    I hope RHE sees Boz’s comment. I wonder if it – or the documents released earlier today – will cause her to reconsider and take a different stance toward Julie.

    The first rule of holes is that, should one find oneself in one, STOP DIGGING.

    RHE has been busy blocking and unfriending anyone who might be seen as supporting Julie. She has also flatly refused to hear Julie’s side of the story. I’m saddened by her response. If this was Mark Driscoll, she’d have 10 posts on it up by now.

  344. Lydia wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Even if they were on trivial points, which they are not, the multiplicity of them, IMO, call into question her credibility on the rest of her story and she needs to earn that back.

    There’s the bait. Now it is multiple.

    It was always multiple.

  345. Xianatty wrote:

    Patrice wrote:
    @ Patrice:
    Boz is a lawyer too, xianatty.

    Yes, I know that. I have great respect for him. He has a sterling reputation and those who thought that trashing him was a good idea should be ashamed of himself.

    A more pertinent idea is to take a personal lesson from Boz’ comment—that a xianatty with a sterling reputation has found the justice system lacking in this situation. Following that, you could find that justice would be better served by simply backing off until you’ve checked in with Boz on why he thinks this.

  346. Joe2 wrote:

    Patrice wrote:

    At any rate, xianatty, what do you say, now, about Boz’ comment?

    I would appreciate xianatty first responding to my question above.

    I’ve lost track of it. If you ask it again I will try to respond.

  347. Patrice wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Some of Julie’s supporters even trashed Boz!

    Yeah, I saw that. Like with all commenters, we need to consider the source. In this case, it was two agnostics at SCCL who didn’t know the position that Boz has taken in the institutional church, and couldn’t believe that anything good could come out of the church.

    At any rate, xianatty, what do you say, now, about Boz’ comment?

    Really? That was all XA had to say about Boz??!! Don’t hold your breath, Patrice. XA won’t give a straight answer to that question, not when s/he deflected so hard on their first response.

  348. Boz:
    “This paints a pretty darn clear picture of a dangerous and traumatized home where the wife was repeatedly victimized and the children were traumatized. It is also a tragic example of how both the justice system and the church so often fail when confronted by abuse within the home.”

    On both Matthew Paul Turner’s FB page and on the SCCL FB page.

  349. There is a higher law to consider- something like not dealing treacherously with one’s wife of their youth and all that. I think that’s the point Christians are concerned with.

    You can argue all day about the legal backs and forths and mistakes and misconstructions and what “that woman” could have done better or even what she did wrong, but the issues of justice in the church and in the eyes of God are what matter to people who walk in love.

    The 12-page document by TJ may have been legally above reproach, but the reality of how he has treated Julie is that he has dealt treacherously and that document contains certain half-truths (otherwise known as lies) that may not matter in court, but speak to TJs qualification for Christian ministry and perhaps that of his enablers.

    Xianatty wrote:

    Lydia wrote:

    @ Gram3:

    Yet failed to use the lice comb on Tony’s 12 page document.

    I used the lice comb on the section of Tony’s document that related to the litigation. His explanation tracks what the litigation records appear to say.

  350. And yes, I read the documents, XianAtty. Do not I didn’t just because I reject your view of Julie.

  351. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Suffice it to say that you’ve misrepresented what u said about ethics

    I misrepresented what I said or what you said? I restated my understanding of our respective positions. If I misstated something, then just correct it.

    Sorry for the typo. You misstated what I said. Not going to take the bait again.

  352. No one should be ashamed of doubting those with power within Christendom. No one. Boz, if he is respectable, will over time show that to be the case. People with histories of pain and abuse at the hands of those with power and standing have every reason to be concerned and cautious when a person with power seems to be doubting a victim’s story.

    Shame on XA for deflecting from the actual discussion, Tony’s dishonest and disqualifying behavior, by attempting to shame survivors. Every comment reveals you to be an even more terrible follower of Christ.

    In practice, obvs. Can’t speak to your heart.

  353. Xianatty wrote:

    You (Julie) wrote:
    “Rather than pay what he owed he hired a disgusting slimy (not my words but words of the professionals she works amongst) lawyer who argued and won lowering it retroactively to 2009.”

    (Xianatty wrote)
    — Actually, I looked up Tony’s lawyer. Contrary to your claims about her reputation among her colleagues, she had repeatedly and consistently been judged by her peers as outstanding in annual awards and professional rankings. She’s also been on the Minnesota Bar’s committee on professional standards for many years.

    In the particular post you cite, Julie is not the one who said that TJ’s lawyer is slimy. Julie specifically said that TJ’s attorney’s professional associates made that claim.

    Julie wrote, “(not my words but words of the professionals she works amongst)”

    Whether those professionals actually said any such thing is beside the point. Julie says she is quoting others on that one, but you are wording it to appear that Julie herself made that claim.

  354. Marsha wrote:

    He said he would not consider it abuse (he is much stronger than me) nor reprehensible but rather an act of despair and frustration.

    Yes. That is also how I finally understood my throwing things at my husband after he repeatedly turned his back on me after saying cruel things.

    Your husband sounds marvelous, Marsha.

  355. Jeff S wrote:

    This would be a good time to denounce Tony’s reprehensible behavior toward his wife.

    But Jeff S., don’t you understand? Can’t you see?

    Nobody here can trust anything Julie says or does, nor can anyone denounce angelic Tony (who is above reproach and question), because five, ten or some odd years ago, some lawyer on Julie’s behalf incorrectly stated a $600 financial differential on some court document thingy.

    Why, why, do you insist on discussing Tony’s behavior or any abuse that occurred, when some appellate court got the wrong number in some document or in testimony?

    FOCUS MAN! Keep sight of the big picture. 😆

  356. Xianatty wrote:

    You misstated what I said. Not going to take the bait again.

    Then please correct my misstatement. That is what I asked to you do. It is not bait to ask someone who presents himself/herself as a *Christian* attorney to offer their view of what that might entail, including an ethic which goes beyond the letter of the law or the letter of legal ethics statements.

    You have endless repetitions of legal trivia, yet you will not offer specificity regarding my alleged misstatement of your view of Kingdom ethics? Really?

  357. brad/futuristguy wrote:

    I have been commenting rarely lately, because I’ve needed to focus my limited time and energy on other writings. But I felt I needed to speak up and add something timely here.
    Xian Atty, I do try to take people at face value, and some of your observations have been helpful. I recently incorporated several of your corrections and suggestions into my website on Diagnosing the Emergent Movement.
    And yet, I will also admit that I find myself agitated by the wrangling I believe you’ve sparked here over numerous specifics of past legal details. It’s not because they are irrelevant to the overall picture, but because they seem to me to overfocus on that one element in that picture. It seems you’re trying to find the holes; I’m trying to see the whole.
    Some similar scenarios happened at the lengthy post on David Hayward’s nakedpastor blog in September 5 thru December 15, 2014, where Julie McMahon shared vignettes of her overall story. Here is an excerpt from something very wise that David said in one of his occasional comments. I think it well captures the push-back you are receiving here on The Wartburg Watch and why. Here’s what David noted in the next-to-last paragraph of the link:
    “I’m thinking of an analogy. Let’s say we are in a room listening to the harrowing stories of war rape victims. But someone in the room keeps demanding pap tests results, police reports, photos, documented rapist’s confessions, and an objective, unemotional, orderly account of the events, etc… can you see how destructive that would be to the conversation, but also to the spirits of those victims? Plus, can’t you see how people might even suspect that person was some kind of an official plant, sent there to disrupt the narrative, infuse insecurity, doubt, and fear in the victims, maybe even arouse sympathy for the rapists, and somehow dismiss their experience? In most cases like this the victims, more than wanting justice (which is often impossible), just want to be heard so they can integrate their trauma into their lives and move on.”

    I think this was an important reply to XA.

  358. @ Beth wrote:

    For myself, I see many red flags that don’t allow me to accept Julie’s word without credible evidence.

    Then you said,

    I wish so much that a trusted, independent third party could have been tapped to evaluate the evidence in private.

    We did NOT need to know much of that. I wish so much that a trusted, independent third party could have been tapped to evaluate the evidence in private. Now that the accusations have been made public, the public deserves answers, but not like that.

    You say you want to see credible evidence but then say that the whole thing should be kept private. Those sound like mutually exclusive propositions to me.

    How else are you going to see or find credible evidence about any of this, unless some of it is posted in public?

    Are you expecting Tony Jones or someone to drop in at your home in person and mime the story to you, act it out in charades, or send you a snail mail letter?

    It’s my understanding that Julie spent years contacting some of these individuals in private (e-mails and phone calls), they kept telling her to buzz off and leave them alone, so her only outlet was to start telling her story on blogs.

  359. @ Xianatty:
    You did not catch the Axis 1 deflection or was it a typo? Or perhaps it did not pertain to “litigation” so not important.

  360. Marsha wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Marsha wrote:

    We do NOT know that Julie has done reprehensible things.

    She, herself, reported to the psych evaluator that on one occasion when they were traveling and after arguing she put his suitcase out in the hall, and when he returned and did not give the response she wanted, “she said, she grabbed his neck and shoulders and shook him, asking if he realized what he was doing to their family.” She did not claim this was in self defense or defense of her kids. Read the Stollar documents themselves, not just his description of them.

    I knew you would say this so I asked my husband about this in case I was not seeing this correctly. I asked him what he would think if I did this to him following futile attempts to get him to see that he was neglecting me and our young children (we are in our sixties now so this is hypothetical) by traveling five months out of twelve. He said he would not consider it abuse (he is much stronger than me) nor reprehensible but rather an act of despair and frustration.

    You and your husband are entitled to your opinions. If Julie did what she claimed, a court might find it to be assault/battery depending on the particular laws of whatever state where it occurred.

  361. @ Lydia:
    XA also obviously missed the “she initiated the divorce right up until the moment I served her with divorce papers (paraphrased)” part of TJ’s 12 page statement.

  362. On Stephanie Drury’s
    Stuff Christian Culture Likes Facebook page

    Boz Tchividjian
    This paints a pretty darn clear picture of a dangerous and traumatized home where the wife was repeatedly victimized and the children were traumatized. It is also a tragic example of how both the justice system and the church so often fail when confronted by abuse within the home.
    14 · Hide · 1 hour ago

  363. @ numo:
    OK. I found Boz’s comment:
    “This paints a pretty darn clear picture of a dangerous and traumatized home where the wife was repeatedly victimized and the children were traumatized. It is also a tragic example of how both the justice system and the church often fail when confronted by abuse within the home.”

    I agree with almost all of it. I think the Stollar documents also make other points, as I’ve already said.

  364. Xianatty wrote:

    Julie claimed that her professional peers found her to be slimy. To the contrary, they do not. Whether you might find her that way “in a human sense,” isn’t the point. Julie made another claim that is apparently untrue.

    You’re distorting what Julie wrote above. Julie specifically said she was relaying what the professional associates said to her. Lawyers who know TJ’s lawyer may very well have told Julie that TJ’s lawyer is pond scum. That they may run about on public sites giving TJ’s lawyer five gold star ratings doesn’t mean they don’t talk shop about her behind her back with others.

  365. Patrice wrote:

    Marsha wrote:

    He said he would not consider it abuse (he is much stronger than me) nor reprehensible but rather an act of despair and frustration.

    Yes. That is also how I finally understood my throwing things at my husband after he repeatedly turned his back on me after saying cruel things.

    Your husband sounds marvelous, Marsha.

    He is and I am so grateful to be married to him. I was abused in my first marriage through no fault of my husband who was a kind and loving Christian who developed a disease that slowly destroyed his brain. It was awful and it went on for years. My second husband is the kindest man I have ever met and the most ethical. We are together 24/7 and never get on each other’s nerves. We have issues from time to time but we talk them out successfully. We are partners, something I did not have before. I really feel that God has restored the years the locust has eaten.

  366. Boz Tchividjian
    This paints a pretty darn clear picture of a dangerous and traumatized home where the wife was repeatedly victimized and the children were traumatized. It is also a tragic example of how both the justice system and the church so often fail when confronted by abuse within the home.
    14 · Hide · 1 hour agoXianatty wrote:

    Patrice wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Some of Julie’s supporters even trashed Boz!

    Yeah, I saw that. Like with all commenters, we need to consider the source. In this case, it was two agnostics at SCCL who didn’t know the position that Boz has taken in the institutional church, and couldn’t believe that anything good could come out of the church.

    At any rate, xianatty, what do you say, now, about Boz’ comment?

    I’m not sure what Boz comment you’re referring to? I haven’t seen one from him since the other day about a potential role for GRACE in a mediation.

  367. Now that Boz has, in a general way, put the kibosh on xianatty’s complaints, I am wondering about mediation.

    Such as how many people will be involved in the process. I would feel uncomfortable if I were Julie facing a number of mini-celebs across the figurative table.

    And I am wondering what we can reasonably hope for in this mediation. I don’t know how they work and goals are foggy to me.

  368. @ Daisy:
    Julie has made the “slimy” comment else where.

    Over at the Naked Pastor blog thread some time ago, she said:

    “He also hired literally the slimiest lawyer he could find (people hire lawyers like themselves)…. But as I said, he hired someone who is honestly (and this is not just me speaking but the entire professional family law community chiming in)….an utter disgrace to the family law profession and she is harmful to children.”

    I never commented on that before, though out of curiosity when I read her ad hominem I googled Tony’s lawyer to see if she really was as slimy as Julie claimed. It appears Julie is mistaken about Tony’s lawyer’s reputation among her peers.

  369. Gram3 wrote:

    Yes, and XianAtty knows that quite well, but that is irrelevant to the Alternative Narrative he/she is trying mightily to construct. Actually he/she is quite skilled at what he/she does. No doubt he/she earns kudos from his/her professional peers.

    Is anyone actually falling for Xianatty’s tactics, though, or agreeing with his/her arguments?

    I don’t think many in this thread have, one person asked everyone to play nice with Xianatty, and possibly, the Beth person would agree with Xiantty(?), but nobody else has bought Xianatty’s points.

  370. Patrice wrote:

    Marsha wrote:

    He said he would not consider it abuse (he is much stronger than me) nor reprehensible but rather an act of despair and frustration.

    Yes. That is also how I finally understood my throwing things at my husband after he repeatedly turned his back on me after saying cruel things.

    Your husband sounds marvelous, Marsha.

    That it was an act of despair and frustration does not make it not an assault/battery.

  371. Apparently he didn’t want people to point to the opening wherein he claims “I have never once physically assaulted Julie McMahon. I say this unequivocally, without reservation, and in the strongest possible terms.”

  372. Lydia wrote:

    @ Xianatty:
    You did not catch the Axis 1 deflection or was it a typo? Or perhaps it did not pertain to “litigation” so not important.

    That it didn’t pertain to litigation doesn’t make it “not important.” It just makes it something on which I’m qualified to opine. Also, the Axis I/II issue was well covered in earlier posts by others who do have expertise.

  373. Carl A wrote:

    Apparently he didn’t want people to point to the opening wherein he claims “I have never once physically assaulted Julie McMahon. I say this unequivocally, without reservation, and in the strongest possible terms.”

    Taking the page 404 right out of the Gospel Glitterati playbook, too. Thanks for the tip.

  374. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    I agree with almost all of it

    With what parts do you disagree?

    I said I think the Stollar documents provide additional information.

  375. dee wrote:

    if you disagree with a commenter, please feel free to express that clearly and loudly. It is also quite helpful to me to see all the ways our readers defend Julie-what it is that convinces you, etc.

    This is interesting, because as I was just saying in a post above to someone else, I don’t find Xianatty’s anal retentive nit picking or constant hounding of Julie convincing.

    He (or she) seems to want to give Tony Jones the benefit of the doubt but hold Julie accountable and to higher standards (‘where’s yer documents!! prove I can trust you’) up the yin-yang.

    There seems to be one standard for Tony Jones but another for Julie with this Xianatty person. Which I know he will likely deny in a reply to this post, but it’s as plain as day to me.

  376. @ Carl A:

    I noticed. He also took down the conference greeting video where he told conference goers he was not there because he had to stay home with his child—- when he was actually breaking the legal agreement to return him from visitation.

  377. Carl A wrote:

    Apparently he didn’t want people to point to the opening wherein he claims “I have never once physically assaulted Julie McMahon. I say this unequivocally, without reservation, and in the strongest possible terms.”

    Well, he is right in his own mind. NPD’s get to define.

  378. Xianatty wrote:

    I said I think the Stollar documents provide additional information.

    Actually, using your own standards, that isn’t what you said. Can we say that you agree with Boz’ statement without reservation?

  379. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Daisy:
    Julie has made the “slimy” comment else where.
    Over at the Naked Pastor blog thread some time ago, she said:
    “He also hired literally the slimiest lawyer he could find (people hire lawyers like themselves)…. But as I said, he hired someone who is honestly (and this is not just me speaking but the entire professional family law community chiming in)….an utter disgrace to the family law profession and she is harmful to children.”
    I never commented on that before, though out of curiosity when I read her ad hominem I googled Tony’s lawyer to see if she really was as slimy as Julie claimed. It appears Julie is mistaken about Tony’s lawyer’s reputation among her peers.

    Which lawyer are you referring to? He goes through them like a bag of chips. And they quit. So, since you are unsure of which one I am referring to, I am not sure how you “looked her up.” Rest assured, family law conferences in Minnesota have actually done whole skit parodies about this woman and how she harms families and makes matters 1000 times worse.

  380. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    I said I think the Stollar documents provide additional information.

    Actually, using your own standards, that isn’t what you said. Can we say that you agree with Boz’ statement without reservation?

    You can say what I actually said in response to Boz’s comment.

  381. @ Gram3:

    This question is for anyone, not just Gram in particular, but I was wondering something.

    Does XianAtty go to blogs that are sympathetic to Tony Jones and grill everyone there about Tony Jones’ behavior, inconsistencies, and timelines, and demand documented proof from Jones defenders and make claims and comments such as, “Tony Jones will have to earn my trust back,” etc etc?

    If not, why not?

  382. Lydia wrote:

    I have a family member who is an atty on retainer with some megas. s/he talks just like you do concerning “Christian ethics”.

    I am so sorry. Holiday dinner conversation with this person must be so heart warming and delightful. Not.

  383. Jeff S wrote:

    …then you need more education on the dynamics of abuse.

    One good book about that is,

    “Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men” by Lundy Bancroft

    Another one that may be somewhat helpful:

    “The Sociopath Next Door” by Martha Stout

    You said,

    And if you are serious about getting to the truth, you need to spend more time pointing out the discrepancies in Tony’s statements, not just Julie’s.
    Your moral equivalation of their two behaviors has convinced me I was wrong to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    I totally agree.

  384. Xianatty wrote:

    You can say what I actually said in response to Boz’s comment.

    You said you “agree with almost all of it [Boz’ statement].” I asked you which parts of Boz’ comment you found objectionable and you replied with an answer which referred to the Stollar post but not to Boz’ statement.

    Just so we are clear and so I don’t misstate what you think, what parts of Boz’ statement do you find unacceptable/objectionable?

    And you never said how I allegedly misstated your view of Kingdom ethics.

  385. @ Lydia:

    That video was up and taken down in a fee hours.


    It also when people write to you and sign off by saying the document is only for your eyes — please do not share it with anyone. It is especially concerning when this is a pastor. Why is he writing something that he doesn’t want anyone else to see? Is it something he shouldn’t be saying or others would refute? Just not good. I quit communicating with a pastor who kept saying this to me.

  386. @ Julie McMahon:
    You wrote:
    “Which lawyer are you referring to? He goes through them like a bag of chips. And they quit. So, since you are unsure of which one I am referring to, I am not sure how you ‘looked her up.'”

    — According to the trial court docket, he’s had the same lawyer going back almost 4 years. The appellate court order and docket list the same attorney for him throughout that part of the litigation as well. I simply googled her name.

  387. Lydia wrote:

    @ Carl A:
    I noticed. He also took down the conference greeting video where he told conference goers he was not there because he had to stay home with his child—- when he was actually breaking the legal agreement to return him from visitation.

    And the story of him being in Oregon in that video and missed when his 5 year old was being wheeled into major surgery to have his arm re-broken and set….and I had a 4 and 1 year old at home. He said he could NOT possibly come home. He was “working.” I called him and he was at the airport. I found out weeks later he and his equally narcissistic brother (also divorced with 3 kids) had hired a fly fishing guide and were on the River Gorge. Yes, he took that video down right after someone posted his blog post about him fly fishing that date. Yes, he still has my 14 year old illegally picked him up from an event and refuses to bring him home. He has him thoroughly convinced his poor dad is a victim to internet bullies. I am working through the courts to get him home. It will be okay but no thanks to his mentally ill father who needs his son as his narcissistic supply right now as he has undergone significant narcissistic injury. He has absolutely used our son and it is disgusting. Doug Pagitt?! Where are you? Why are you not demanding he return him home immediately?

  388. Xianatty wrote:

    are the ones who want me to be as needlessly aggressive as possible or to even violate my own Christian and legal ethics.

    Why are you being needlessly aggressive as possible on this blog about Julie?

  389. Julie- I bet you get hit by a defamation suit against his lawyer just for this thread! Julie McMahon wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    @ Daisy:
    Julie has made the “slimy” comment else where.
    Over at the Naked Pastor blog thread some time ago, she said:
    “He also hired literally the slimiest lawyer he could find (people hire lawyers like themselves)…. But as I said, he hired someone who is honestly (and this is not just me speaking but the entire professional family law community chiming in)….an utter disgrace to the family law profession and she is harmful to children.”
    I never commented on that before, though out of curiosity when I read her ad hominem I googled Tony’s lawyer to see if she really was as slimy as Julie claimed. It appears Julie is mistaken about Tony’s lawyer’s reputation among her peers.

    Which lawyer are you referring to? He goes through them like a bag of chips. And they quit. So, since you are unsure of which one I am referring to, I am not sure how you “looked her up.” Rest assured, family law conferences in Minnesota have actually done whole skit parodies about this woman and how she harms families and makes matters 1000 times worse.

  390. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    You can say what I actually said in response to Boz’s comment.

    You said you “agree with almost all of it [Boz’ statement].” I asked you which parts of Boz’ comment you found objectionable and you replied with an answer which referred to the Stollar post but not to Boz’ statement.

    Just so we are clear and so I don’t misstate what you think, what parts of Boz’ statement do you find unacceptable/objectionable?

    And you never said how I allegedly misstated your view of Kingdom ethics.

    I’m not sure why you can’t read my actual response to Boz’s comment. That’s what I’ve said. I don’t have anything else to add. Whatever else you’re trying to twist and distort is on you.

  391. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    You wrote:
    “Which lawyer are you referring to? He goes through them like a bag of chips. And they quit. So, since you are unsure of which one I am referring to, I am not sure how you ‘looked her up.’”
    — According to the trial court docket, he’s had the same lawyer going back almost 4 years. The appellate court order and docket list the same attorney for him throughout that part of the litigation as well. I simply googled her name.

    Look again. xianatty with all due respect. You don’t know what you are talking about.

  392. Xianatty wrote:

    In your analogy to the war rape victims, they didn’t affirmatively do anything that would warrant the offensive questions.

    Neither did Julie. The points you keep raising are yes minor ones.

  393. Lawyer #1 said he settled and proposed that I have sole/sole as the courts custody evaluator also recommended. She quit after finding out he was a liar. Before she quit I countered with shared legal to keep him on the hook for being a dad. I think you think that reading dockets gives you all of the information. But it doesn’t. In fact, As Boz and expert on abuse unlike you has just said, the courts in fact fail victims.


    1. Are you a practicing attorney? You seem to have been free all day.
    2. Do you represent any of the people who have been discussed in this thread? Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rachel Held Evans, Brian McLaren, or Nadia Bolz-Weber?
    3. What is your area of law?
    4. Are you trolling here now on the day Ryan Stollar wrote an article, to try and build a case? Baiting a victim?

    These are 4 very simple yes or no questions and because this is supposed to be a safe place for people I demand you answer the above questions or excuse yourself.

  395. Lydia wrote:

    This is the same argument used for rape victims who are not Snow White prior to be raped. It is called moral equivalency. He did 20 million bad things, she did 3… so she is just as bad or she deserved it because she embarrassed him. We get it.

    This is similar to what some Christians believe or argue: we are all sinners, so all sins are equally bad.

    You may be upset at a grown man who fondles five year old girls, but how dare you say anything since you stole a box of pencils from your job ten years ago?

    I see this sort of thing come up on Christian blogs and sites quite often. The Neo Calvinist guys seem pretty fond of it, too.

  396. Xianatty wrote:

    I have never, ever said that her conduct did or could absolve him of his own bad acts.

    Yet you have implied that in several of your posts or use it as a method to cast doubt on Julie and her trustworthiness or reliability.

  397. Xianatty wrote:

    Whatever else you’re trying to twist and distort is on you.

    Please show me the twist or distortion in a straightforward question. What part of Boz’ statement do you find objectionable? You made the statement, I didn’t. I quoted your comment using the reply function. How can I twist a quote that everyone can verify?

    You are evading a very simple question and attempting, once again, to deflect from a subject you don’t want to discuss.

    What is your disagreement with Boz’ statement, if any?

  398. Ken wrote:

    appellate court has been mentioned separately 23 times so far in the thread.

    🙂 That’s because when you are an American lawyer, appealing to an appellate court ruling means never having to say you’re sorry.

  399. Gram3,

    You have a great brain! Xianatty has made his/her points enough times already and has shown that s/he is very good at stonewalling. May I suggest it’s time to ignore him/her?…


    If Xianatty answers appropriately, good. If not, your questions make a point by themselves. May I suggest it’s time to ignore him/her? It’s really not his/her business… (unless it’s his/her business) and you are not obliged to convince him/her. Plenty of reasonable folks believe you. Blessings.

  400. XA, the word “almost” in your post about Boz’s statement is the word that jumped out to many of us. You qualified your agreement with Boz. If you agree with “almost” all of what Boz said, then what did Boz say that you DISagree with?

    Pointing to the Stollar documents and saying they add more info? I would move to strike that answer as not being responsive to the question asked.

  401. Xianatty wrote:

    I’m not sure why you can’t read

    I believe you have provided inconsistent responses which I have highlighted. The problem is not with my reading comprehension or some alleged twist, distortion, or misstatement, but with your own inconsistent statements and/or non-response responses. You make allegations, but don’t back them up except with ad homs.

    By your own standards, we are entitled to assume your credibility is seriously called into question.

  402. Marsha wrote:

    He said he would not consider it abuse (he is much stronger than me) nor reprehensible but rather an act of despair and frustration.

    But that does not fit “Julie’s Version Of Events Can Never Be Trusted Or Taken At Face Value” meme.

    All benefit of doubt and assumption of all innocence must go to Tony Jones! Always!

    Tony Jones saves puppies from burning buildings.

    I will not provide consistent court documents for that last statement about rescuing puppies; you will just have to take my word for it, because it makes Tony Jones look good.

  403. @ Karl:
    For instance XA, you could say you agree 100% with all that Boz says. But, you might add, the Stollar documents add info and raise other questions for you.

    But you didn’t say that. I don’t mean you used different words to say the same thing. I mean you used words that mean something entirely different. Maybe you are tired after dominating this thread all day and just got sloppy and you really meant you agree 100% with Boz. If so, you can clarify that to be so. But don’t pretend that what you actually said, says that you agree 100% with Boz.

  404. Julie,
    As a father of two girls who are 14 months apart in age, I know exactly how hard it can be to raise them at an early age. It pained me greatly to read about your struggles with essentially being solely responsible for the kids. It’s been nearly five years now, and although my wife and I work well as a team, we still feel a bit overwhelmed by it all (and we only have 2!). You’ve obviously put a lot of work into it, I’m sorry that it has been such a challenge.

  405. Xianatty wrote:

    It was always multiple.

    Are you sure about that?

    Because the last thread or so and most of this one, you kept harping upon one statement at one court differing from another at an appellate court, and this had something to do with a disagreement or difference concerning $600.

    I think you only contested other points, such as who had custody of the kids and when, after someone else touched upon that topic.

  406. dainca wrote:

    May I suggest it’s time to ignore him/her?…

    I appreciate the compliment. XianAtty has said I misstated his/her view of Kingdom ethics but refuses to offer any correction but instead chooses to leave the implication out there. I believe I have demonstrated a desire to be clear and have tried to correct and apologize when I have misunderstood or misstated. In keeping with the Fallacy Fun with HUG, XianAtty has made comments which are basically one giant appeal to his/her own authority.

    There is no reason why even a non-Christian attorney cannot answer a straightforward question without deflecting on to someone else. I see a pattern of double standards and diversionary rhetoric which to me, at least, has been evident from early on.

  407. Xianatty wrote:

    Julie has made the “slimy” comment else where.

    I’m not addressing it elsewhere, I am talking about you quoting Julie on this blog in this thread.

    Judge Tim?

  409. Lydia wrote:

    Carl A wrote:

    Apparently he didn’t want people to point to the opening wherein he claims “I have never once physically assaulted Julie McMahon. I say this unequivocally, without reservation, and in the strongest possible terms.”

    Well, he is right in his own mind. NPD’s get to define


  410. I ask publicly for a second time:


    1. Are you a practicing attorney? You seem to have been free all day.

    2. Do you represent any of the people who have been discussed in this thread? Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rachel Held Evans, Brian McLaren, or Nadia Bolz-Weber?

    3. What is your area of law?

    4. Are you trolling here now on the day Ryan Stollar wrote an article, to try and build a case? Baiting a victim?

    These are 4 very simple yes or no questions and because this is supposed to be a safe place for people I demand you answer the above questions or excuse yourself.

  411. Anyone notice how XianAtty has hijacked this comment thread completely?

    If he’s whoring for attention, he sure got it. Now the thread revolves completely around XianAtty’s comments and responses and responses to responses and responses to responses to responses in one big Game of Uproar.

    Instead of Julie’s grievance and/or the McLaren/Julie mediation, it’s now all about legal minutiae and XianAtty and what the meaning of “is” is. The original subject of this thread — how Julie was wronged by her NPD ex and his Fellow Travellers — has joined Julie under the bus.

  412. Unless he answers whether or not he is in fact a retained attorney trolling here to bait for content I propose he be blocked.

    Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Anyone notice how XianAtty has hijacked this comment thread completely?

    If he’s whoring for attention, he sure got it. Now the thread revolves completely around XianAtty’s comments and responses and responses to responses and responses to responses to responses in one big Game of Uproar.

    Instead of Julie’s grievance and/or the McLaren/Julie mediation, it’s now all about legal minutiae and XianAtty and what the meaning of “is” is. The original subject of this thread — how Julie was wronged by her NPD ex and his Fellow Travellers — has joined Julie under the bus.

  413. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Anyone notice how XianAtty has hijacked this comment thread completely?

    That is one way of looking at it. Another way of seeing it is that XianAtty has possibly presented the best case that Jones’ enablers and apologists have. Facts are stubborn things and really throw sand in the gears of their narrative. Everyone who reads this thread (!) can see what is going on.

    It is time for Brian and Rachel and Nadia and the others to reconsider their course and decide to move in a redemptive direction for all, including them and Julie and the kids and the Emergent movement and the church.

  414. @ Julie McMahon:
    I second this question.

    I beleive others have asked or hinted at this being the case, and Xanity has not answered.

    Xanity? Care to address the room?

  415. I ask publicly for a 3rd time:


    1. Are you a practicing attorney? You seem to have been free all day long!

    2. Do you represent any of the people who have been discussed in this thread? Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rachel Held Evans, Brian McLaren, or Nadia Bolz-Weber?

    3. What is your area of law?

    4. Are you trolling here now on the day Ryan Stollar wrote an article, to try and build a case? Baiting a victim?

    These are 4 very simple yes or no questions and because this is supposed to be a safe place for people I demand you answer the above questions or excuse yourself.

  416. I ask publicly for a 4th time:


    1. Are you a practicing attorney? You seem to have been free all day long!

    2. Do you represent any of the people who have been discussed in this thread? Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rachel Held Evans, Brian McLaren, or Nadia Bolz-Weber?

    3. What is your area of law?

    4. Are you trolling here now on the day Ryan Stollar wrote an article, to try and build a case? Baiting a victim?

    These are 4 very simple yes or no questions and because this is supposed to be a safe place for people I demand you answer the above questions or excuse yourself.

  417. Beakerj wrote:

    Who is Xianatty?

    I suspect female. Lives in South Florida. Democrat. Unemployed. (Because nobody who has a job can post over 4,000 tweets on Twitter in just a year.)

  418. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    The original subject of this thread — how Julie was wronged by her NPD ex and his Fellow Travellers — has joined Julie under the bus.

    I’m going to disagree here, HUG. Maybe it is like the threshing and chaff removal process. It is messy and dirty and tiresome but necessary to get to the grain. I hope and I pray that people will see through all the chaff that is being thrown– shifting the metaphor here–and will be able to see the signal of a woman and her children who have been abused first by a man, then by the man’s friends, and then by those in his wider circle of influence. It is those people who need to see the truth of what we have been endlessly discussing. If that happens, it would be a wonderful thing.

  419. Gram3 wrote:

    It is time for Brian and Rachel and Nadia and the others to reconsider their course and decide to move in a redemptive direction for all, including them and Julie and the kids and the Emergent movement and the church.

    Brian seems willing to meet with Julie and work towards resolution. RHE and NBW seem to be sticking to their guns, so to speak. The image in my mind is the “you choose poorly” scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade…

    Clock’s ticking, RHE & NBW.

  420. Bridget wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:
    As an attorney, I came to this issue believing that one thing an ally can do is to try to bring the truth to light.
    The truth isn’t always found written on paper with many witnesses.
    One’s own healthy Christian conscience is the best truth revealer.

    Bridget, this is an important point. And one I think most any decent lawyer would recognize. You can have a truck-load of documented facts and land nowhere near the truth. This is especially relevant when dealing with someone who has NPD (reiterating that Tony has himself written that he was diagnosed as such).

    As several other have noted (HUG, Lydia, Patrice, and others), it is a narcissists stock in trade to manipulate facts to fit their narrative. It should come as no surprise that court documents can be used to paint more than one narrative on this. A narcissist will pre-plan every legal move for the express purpose of building a picture that makes them look good. But that is not enough. They will also feel compelled to make the other look really bad. And this is where the facts start getting twisted. It is also the point where a narcissist is most likely to overplay their hand….take it a couple of steps too far and expose themselves to any who have seen it before.

    A general observation. It is the stock in trade nature of an attorney to be a debater/arguer. It is what they train for. It is what they are paid for. As has been noted, also, by others, engaging in that sort of arguing with them on minutea and side issues will easily side-track the convesation from the main point. I also agree with others that it would be safest for Julie to not engage in this debate.

    A final thought: the truth lies not in the written pages of court documents, but hidden between the lines of those documnets and is not usually as plainly visible as we would all (well, most) like to see.

  421. Gram3 wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    I’m not sure why you can’t read

    I believe you have provided inconsistent responses which I have highlighted. The problem is not with my reading comprehension or some alleged twist, distortion, or misstatement, but with your own inconsistent statements and/or non-response responses. You make allegations, but don’t back them up except with ad homs.

    By your own standards, we are entitled to assume your credibility is seriously called into question.

    Boz was referring to the information at Stollar’s site. In response, I said: “I agree with almost all of it. I think the Stollar documents also make other points, as I’ve already said.” One can disagree with a statement if one believes it would have been better to have referred to additional information. As I said, I have great respect for Boz and I’m not implying any ill will or any other negative thing. Contrary to the practices of some here, people of good will can disagree without believing the other is evil.

  422. Julie McMahon wrote:

    I ask publicly for a second time:


    1. Are you a practicing attorney? You seem to have been free all day.

    2. Do you represent any of the people who have been discussed in this thread? Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rachel Held Evans, Brian McLaren, or Nadia Bolz-Weber?

    3. What is your area of law?

    4. Are you trolling here now on the day Ryan Stollar wrote an article, to try and build a case? Baiting a victim?

    These are 4 very simple yes or no questions and because this is supposed to be a safe place for people I demand you answer the above questions or excuse yourself.

    Yes, no, civil litigation (including appellate), no, no.

  423. doubtful wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    I second this question.

    I beleive others have asked or hinted at this being the case, and Xanity has not answered.

    Xanity? Care to address the room?

    I’ve answered this question multiple times. I have no personal, legal, business, or any other type of relationship with Tony, Julie, Brian, Rachel, Nadia, Boz, any of the bloggers or tweeters, or any of their friends, families, businesses, churches, attorneys, pr firms, or anything else I can think of. There’s no connection at all. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

  424. @ Xianatty:

    That is not what happened, and if you check back our comments around 5:30 you will find your comment and see that you have misrepresented yourself. You said you had found Boz’ statement, then you quoted Boz’ statement and said that you agreed with almost all of it. *Then* you made the comment about additional information at Stollar’s blog. That, IMO, is because it was a very inconvenient thing for Boz to say from the POV of your narrative, but you needed to say something which appeared reasonable while still reserving total agreement.

    I am not the one distorting what you actually said. Does the standard you are applying to Julie apply to you? Why is it reasonable for you to find inconsistencies in her actions during a traumatic time and insist we conclude that her actions are somehow egregious? Yet you, as a professional wielder of words, should not be held to the same standard, if not a higher one, in a combox when you are not under stress of any sort?

    Why is it so difficult for you to plainly acknowledge the overarching moral and Christian issues here and abandon your tactic of smearing Julie?

  425. Xianatty wrote:

    @ numo:
    OK. I found Boz’s comment:
    “This paints a pretty darn clear picture of a dangerous and traumatized home where the wife was repeatedly victimized and the children were traumatized. It is also a tragic example of how both the justice system and the church often fail when confronted by abuse within the home.”
    I agree with almost all of it. I think the Stollar documents also make other points, as I’ve already said.

    Just for the sake of convenience and to demonstrate I have not distorted, twisted, or misstated what you said.

  426. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote:

    Judge Tim?

    I’m an ex-attorney. Xianatty is reminding me of why I gave up the practice of law. To put it in Scientologese (you’d appreciate this, HUG): She’s restimulating my engrams.

  427. Xtianatty has been blowimg up Twitter with his/her Javert styled single minded legalese minutia. I am not a follower but others I follow engaged him/her. Oh my. Busy bee!

    I don’t think the timing is a coincidence even going back to the first thread about this issue on this blog. Xtianattys word and actions don’t match up very well.

    Of course xtianatty just looks for truth in legal documents concerning an NPD. Can the irony get any thicker?

    Are NPD’s rational, xtianatty?. You seem to think so.

  428. lydia wrote:

    Are NPD’s rational, xtianatty?. You seem to think so.

    XianAtty is very bright and surely knows everything we have been saying. And that is all beside the point which is to deflect dishonor from Tony onto Julie. Things got a little dicier today. XianAtty has tried arguing the law and tried arguing the facts. That pretty much blew up today, hence all the table-pounding and spittle flying.

  429. Yeah, this thread has been hijacked. People, please don’t pay any h3ed to the threadjacker. It’s pointless.

  430. numo wrote:

    Yeah, this thread has been hijacked. People, please don’t pay any h3ed to the threadjacker. It’s pointless.

    Pretty pointless indeed now that said threadjacker has discredited himself/herself by his/her own exacting standards which turn out to be remarkably flexible when convenient.

    Now, back OT, how best to encourage Brian and Rachel and the others to move forward? How about this for a reboot:

    numo wrote:

    Dear Brian: I don’t think you’ve been misunderstood or misconstrued. I do think you have unfairly maligned Julie McMahon. If you had not posted that document to Scribd, it would be one thing. But you did, and it’s still there.

    It seems that you are saying one thing (wwhich keeps changing) to Dee, and another to Julie and to every person who reads your assertions about her on Scribd.

    It is not enough to try and put spin on it, or to try to make nice by saying that Dee misrepresented you.

    I would hope that you would be willing to not only apologize, but have the Scribd document taken down. That appears to be pretty clear-cut, to me, at least.

    You might feel a weight slide off your soul if you said and did those things and meant them sincerely. And you might just set an example for others to follow in so doing. I do not know if you will read this comment, but i hope you do. More important, I hope you will reach out to Julie, as well as removing that document from Scribd. Because all the nice-sounding words in your latest to Dee most assuredly do not cancel out the reality of the words you have posted on that sie, and the accusations you have made.

  431. lydia wrote:

    Xtianatty has been blowimg up Twitter with his/her Javert styled single minded legalese minutia. I am not a follower but others I follow engaged him/her. Oh my. Busy bee!

    I don’t think the timing is a coincidence even going back to the first thread about this issue on this blog. Xtianattys word and actions don’t match up very well.

    Of course xtianatty just looks for truth in legal documents concerning an NPD. Can the irony get any thicker?

    Are NPD’s rational, xtianatty?. You seem to think so.

    LOL! I had one polite exchange today with one person (we each sent a handful of polite tweets to each other). Other than that, I had a polite exchange with @futuristguy the other day about some clarifications and one correction to his report. You call that “blowing up Twitter”? That’s hysterical!

  432. I sent this to Brian McLaren and copied Dee for accountability and as a witness. I’d like to wrap this up and make peace and reconcile with those who have hurt me in the past. I spoke up and told my story and now it is up to each individual involved to make things right or they may choose to dig in even deeper and try and spin their way out of this.


    It saddens me that my abuse story has had to go viral to be heard. I would like to believe in a better path. One in which the Tony’s and Doug’s of the world cannot go because it requires them saying I am sorry for my part.

    I have blamed you for not doing more to help an impossible situation with an abusive narcissist. Was that fair of me? I don’t know. I just know I looked to you for guidance and wisdom and because I truly believed you could help.

    Maybe it isn’t fair to put people on pedestals. We do put our religious leaders up above us and we do hold them to a higher standard.

    Now that this is all dragged out into the open….do you still stand beside Tony and not the victim?

    Maybe we can mediate peace and forgiveness but not if you are stuck on remaining blameless and victim blaming.



  433. Now that we are finished with that deep dive down a dead-end alley, I’m wondering about mediation.

    Will this be only between Julie and Brian? Brian has made it clear that he represents only himself and not anyone else in the Emergent group. If some peace is attained between them, will that do anything for the larger group, or will others need to be invited too, in order to accomplish broader purpose?

    And what is the purpose, exactly? I am foggy on the whole concept of what mediation might be in this situation.

  434. Xianatty wrote:

    Lydia wrote:

    @ Xianatty:
    You did not catch the Axis 1 deflection or was it a typo? Or perhaps it did not pertain to “litigation” so not important.

    That it didn’t pertain to litigation doesn’t make it “not important.” It just makes it something on which I’m qualified to opine. Also, the Axis I/II issue was well covered in earlier posts by others who do have expertise.

    …something on which I’m *not* qualified to opine…

  435. Xianatty wrote:

    Julie McMahon wrote:
    I ask publicly for a second time:
    1. Are you a practicing attorney? You seem to have been free all day.
    2. Do you represent any of the people who have been discussed in this thread? Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rachel Held Evans, Brian McLaren, or Nadia Bolz-Weber?
    3. What is your area of law?
    4. Are you trolling here now on the day Ryan Stollar wrote an article, to try and build a case? Baiting a victim?
    These are 4 very simple yes or no questions and because this is supposed to be a safe place for people I demand you answer the above questions or excuse yourself.
    Yes, no, civil litigation (including appellate), no, no.

    Sorry for the deposition speak…but one last line of questions (if you don’t mind).

    Have you had any contact (conversations, email, phone calls, etc..) with the aforementioned authors/ speakers that you do not currently represent?

    Are you related to, friends with, or ever had any professional relationship/ personal relationships to the previously mentioned folks?

    Thanks in advance for your willingness to answer my queries. 🙂

  436. Patrice wrote:

    If some peace is attained between them, will that do anything for the larger group, or will others need to be invited too, in order to accomplish broader purpose?

    I can see a couple of possible paths, though others like Brad no doubt have better ideas since he is more familiar with the people involved. But, ISTM that one path might be for the the top leader in the group of those who have been most adamant against Julie step forward and take the mediation lead with someone of like stature whom Julie trusts standing beside her through the process. Would that leader be Brian or is somebody bigger in that group? I don’t know.

    Another path might be someone like Matthew Paul Turner, but not necessarily him, who has had a change of heart but who is not so closely identified with either Julie or Tony or Brian (AFAIK anyway) to act as an informal go-between. Personally, I would love to see RHE do this.

    Another path might be several of those on Brian’s “side” getting together on their own and deciding how to take the initiative toward peace and contacting someone who has been sympathetic to Julie. The initiative would be a group effort.

    The important thing is that a lot of people need to realize this has all been badly, badly handled from the very beginning. There needs to be some deep repentance and meditation on the big issues at stake here for the people involved on all “sides” and for the church and for the name of Christ. I believe that as awful as this is, it can still be redemptive if everyone involved is willing to face the reality of what has happened and is *more* concerned about bringing light and healing than about their personal or brand reputations. I actually think that their “brand” would be enhanced by facing the debacle squarely and behaving as people expected them to behave in the first place.

  437. Gram3 wrote:

    Another path might be several of those on Brian’s “side” getting together on their own and deciding how to take the initiative toward peace and contacting someone who has been sympathetic to Julie. The initiative would be a group effort.

    Should probably add that if these folks are true friends of Tony, then they will want to help him to do the right thing by his children and Julie and the name of Christ. There is a big difference between being an ally in a political fight and being a true friend and brother or sister in Christ who seeks the best outcome for all. Hopefully Julie has friends like that as well.

  438. @ Carl A:

    That is such a great document to save. Great thinking. Tony Jones yet again caught by, his own words.

    It is time for Tony Jones to set down from ministry. Can I get an, amen?

  439. @ Julie McMahon:
    Mediation only happens when both parties are willing to listen to one another. Are you willing to talk to Brian as he has asked previously to speak to you?

  440. I really appreciate Dee humbly opening up the post to Brian. It demonstrates a sincere interest in listening to all parties involved, not just the ones that most closely resonate with us.

    It’s disappointing to see some questioning Xiantty in contrast. Clearly he/she is asking questions from a different angle than others here, which makes sense to me if he/she’s been trained to look at things with a legal eye. But there are plenty of other people who interact in comments here that are equally devoted to advancing their points of view. He/she seems to be drawing scrutiny because of a willingness to depart from the perspective of the majority.

    I’d like to think we could model respectful listening like Dee has done with Brian. That’s really inspiring to me and I think if everyone involved in this scenario originally had been willing to be respectful and entertain dissenters, Julie wouldn’t have felt dismissed years ago.

  441. The comments chain has further convinced me that Tony Jones should be disqualified from his role in ministry.

  442. @ Beth:
    I didn’t like the facts around Tony during this divorce, but I also noticed ppl in the emergent movement behaving strangely. Through a friend, I have knowledge that one of them was acting very odd a week or two ago. Said friend linked to a David Hayward post the emergent person didn’t like (wan’t mentioned in the post, just didn’t like it). Said emergent unfriended my friend on Facebook for simply linking to David Hayward’s site a second time.

    I had no idea who Julie was or that Tony was divorced until this blew up here. I was scratching my head on certain emergent’s reactions too. I dug in and found everything I dislike about American pop Christianity – people with few credentials rising higher than their earned status because they are held aloft by people who do have earned credit. Said people behaving badly, yet high up buddies protecting them. All the stuff the emergent group called the Gospel Coalition out for when they protected Mark Driscoll’s antics now came home to roost.

    No one called Tony Jones out on his behaviour towards his ex wife and the mother of his children. Instead they launched “it’s private” bombs, triggering many who had been silenced, then complained they felt attacked! Yikes, how do they think Julie felt for all those years? Accused of being insane (and where was the compassion if she really were mentally ill???), without a shred of evidence. Too bad many of them didn’t think to check if Julie really was insane, or just really broken over the whole divorce experience. Too bad none of them felt any compassion for a woman who had been left by her husband when said husband was being presented to the world as a competent Christian theologian, and she asked them to what? help her, assist them in letting it be known things were very, very wrong. His divorce was now known, His NPD was now known, but that didn’t set off any red flags?!?

    In the end, Jesus teaches, many will come to him saying “Lord, Lord I cast out demons in your name” and he will not acknowledge them, instead, he will turn to those who visited him in prison, visited him when he was poor, and broken, and destitute. And that will confuse those people, until it dawns on them, those who stand up for the maligned and unjustly accused, the silenced, is where you will find Jesus.

    The American (and much of the western) business world admires narcism and sociopathic tendencies, they benefit a cutthroat environment and give businesses an edge over competition. Unfortunately, the church has jumped on this bandwagon and is looking at successful leaders as somehow “godly” leaders. But scratch that surface and see if there is anything there. In the end, right theology isn’t what Jesus is looking for, it is right actions.

    The western church needs to stop raising media savvy, ambitious young men up into the stratosphere. England, at least, gets it right, NT write wrote volumes and volumes. He worked his way up from a common vicar to a bishop to an archbishop, he earned his status and reputation. The Driscolls and Tony Jones brought in the numbers, but Jesus isn’t about numbers. He is about integrity.

    So, regardless of how right or wrong Julie is in this. Tony was wrong, and as long as all the other emergents continue to circle the wagons and try and defend him, the further down the path they once condemned Driscoll’s supporters for they too will travel. You can’t love God and the world. You will eventually hate one and love the other. There is a fork developing here. It will remain to be seen who will go which way.

    Until Tony apologizes for silencing Julie, until Tony apologizes for fighting tooth and nail to avoid paying full child support, until Tony apologizes for convincing people his ex wife was mentally ill from his position of power, when no documented evidence existed of such a diagnosis, he is best avoided in Christian circles. If he is waiting for an apology from Julie for her sins, he can go wait on the sidelines, we don’t need his “leadership”. As Dee has pointed out many times before, Evangelicalism is shrinking by each demographic. There is less need for Spiritual big-wigs or leaders of movements. If the emergent is down by one leader, it isn’t like there is an overwhelming need, as the numbers aren’t growing these days, other leaders can fill in that gap. Tony can go do something else and heal. He is a mess and incapable of Christian leadership right now. If Brian and Rachel and Nadia and whoever else can’t see that, that is too bad. That said, it is time Tony moves on. The sun is setting and his ship has sailed.

    And Rachel, many women hold conferences and speak in the Christian church. They speak in the Charismatic world, where they have always been welcomed. Jesus doesn’t need you to align with those who choose to mock the high call of Christ to follow him and refuse to repent of going their own way. If you want women’s voices to be heard, don’t align yourself with with a silencer. Let Jesus be the one to open doors for you. Wait if you must. When it is time, the door will open. If not you, then to someone who follows Christ alone will be given that chance.

    Thousands of years ago God put several men to a test. First, he gave Adam a chance to redeem himself in a beautiful garden. Adam blamed his wife. Next, he gave Moses a chance to defend the many wicked men around him. He didn’t care when God said they’d die, he just happily built his boat. Next, God gave Abraham a chance to save Sodom and Gomorrah, he only bargained for the “righteousness”, but they were all fallen men and women, so he didn’t save them. Finally, God told Moses he would wipe out these idolatrous Israelites and start a new nation with Moses as the father of them all. Moses, a true leader, said No Way God, you started with the Israelites, you will not wipe them out but continue with them (despite their wickedness). For this reason, the Jews view Moses as the true leader.

    A true leader is not caught up with the blame-game of the world. A true leader stands up for the marginalized, even if they don’t deserve it. A true leader does not allow rumours or insinuations about his ex wife’s mental health to percolate, even if it is mighty convenient. Church, we waste our time with less than leaders and Christianity continues it’s downward spiral. God is patient. He doesn’t care if we need to wait 6 more generations, or 20 before the right leader arises. You can’t make a Spirit filled event happen by sheer will or booking the right speaker. God needs to be the Spiritual leader of the event. God chooses who to give leadership to carefully. He tests leaders all the time. Beware of non-signs of good leadership, like mass followings. Good leadership does not malign people, even if they are bad. It does not seek to destroy others to maintain itself. It rests confidently in the knowledge that Christ is King and he alone appoints the person he wants to lead. God doesn’t need us, he asks us to join him. He takes who he wants, and his ways aren’t our ways. A cool goatee, hipster jeans and thick dark ‘nerd’ glasses aren’t part of the test. Nor is hip theology. Just actions.

  443. This post is about Brian and Julie reconciling not Tony. Let’s encourage both of them to do that.

  444. I remember reading a book in the 1970s about a
    man who tried to intentionally drive his wife crazy.
    Anyone know the name?

    One of the ways i believe the devil works is
    to try and torment someone until they become a monster.

    If i were younger I’d ask you for a date.:-)
    I am so sorry all of this has had to be made public.
    Both for you and for your children’s sake as this is
    going to be on the internet forever.
    (Keep that in mind folks as you post)

    I think you are a troll.
    Anyone experiencing severe emotional abuse is going to
    do things they’d probably not otherwise.
    Whats the point of all the legal wrangling?
    Do you really believe TJ is the victim here?

    From what I can gather julie has not been perfect in this.
    But I think she has done MUCH better than I would have.

    As for TJ being “shaken” by his wife and wanting gay (you know)
    Where is mark driscoll when you need him. hehe

    Dont’t think your are immune.

    You have handled this admirably.
    But I wish it were not so public.

  445. @ Gram3:
    @ Gram3:

    As I understand it, a mediation team will be hired. It has been suggested, I think by Boz, that it be a group from outside Evangelical (or Christian?) circles.

    The mediation will be between Emergent leaders (but not Tony) and Julie. It would be self-defeating to have RHE as go-between. She’s been complicit with the “Tony Tale” and has shut down Julie. If she has any involvement, it will be as a member of the bunch on the other side of the table from Julie.

    I doubt it would be helpful to involve Matthew Paul Turner, except maybe as a messenger to the other leaders involved. Even though he has been courageous to state support, he remains a bit waffled, and I suspect he needs time to set up.

    Besides, even if these individuals had more accurate/sturdy senses of reality, they have no competency in mediation, as far as I can tell. I mean, they have been bamboozled by a narcissist; their wisdom obviously needs further development.

    Yeah, things have been going badly for a long time, against all common sense. Which is why mediation. And yeah, it can be made redemptive if people were just willing. But that’s the point, isn’t it, that they haven’t been?

    So what can be done to make willingness most likely? What is the procedure if they never become fully willing? How “willing” is enough? Is there such a thing as “agree to disagree” in this situation?

  446. @ Patrice:

    Those are some good points. There will definitely need to be professional involvement. What I had in mind was the informal dynamics that are necessary for the professional(s) to be effective. I guess I’ve been behind the scenes at too many church “conflict resolution” things that have been torpedoed by the informal structures and dynamics. It really takes both, IMO.

    Thanks for that info on the particular people because I’m totally in the woods here. The reason I mentioned Rachel is that I think that *if* she comes to her senses that she could be valuable in the process as a woman who has made her reputation standing against the powerful but who, for some reason, seems to have lost her way. So, if she repents, then perhaps she could show others the way. And also, personally, she was the only one from the emergent/progressive world that I had read beyond one or two random posts.

    Still looking for the redemptive way forward. What do you think that might look like given the people who would need to participate? Who is the informal leader in the group?

  447. Patrice wrote:

    And yeah, it can be made redemptive if people were just willing. But that’s the point, isn’t it, that they haven’t been?

    So what can be done to make willingness most likely? What is the procedure if they never become fully willing? How “willing” is enough? Is there such a thing as “agree to disagree” in this situation?

    Well, I’m a Christian, and that means that I have a fundamentally redemptive outlook. So, I’m trying to find what that might mean in this situation. As for how to encourage that to happen, I have no idea beyond encouraging the people involved to reach out to the most centrist people on their “side” and pursue peace. I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. Are all of these folks believers? I don’t know, but that is where my hope is.

    Now, as a practical matter, it would serve their career interests, IMO, to figure out a way to bring some peace and reconciliation, and that means humbling themselves. Yeah, I heard that facepalm. 😉 By peace, I don’t mean total agreement because that is unreasonable to expect. I have in mind something more like an acknowledgement by the responsible individuals that certain things have been way out of bounds, to say the least. I know he’s not all the way there, but MPT has made a move that seems significant. I was pretty miffed at his prior position of “neutrality,” and I wasn’t expecting a change. But he did recognize his error and named it. Maybe that will happen with some others.

  448. doubtful wrote:

    Xianatty wrote:

    Julie McMahon wrote:
    I ask publicly for a second time:
    1. Are you a practicing attorney? You seem to have been free all day.
    2. Do you represent any of the people who have been discussed in this thread? Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones, Rachel Held Evans, Brian McLaren, or Nadia Bolz-Weber?
    3. What is your area of law?
    4. Are you trolling here now on the day Ryan Stollar wrote an article, to try and build a case? Baiting a victim?
    These are 4 very simple yes or no questions and because this is supposed to be a safe place for people I demand you answer the above questions or excuse yourself.
    Yes, no, civil litigation (including appellate), no, no.
    Sorry for the deposition speak…but one last line of questions (if you don’t mind).

    Have you had any contact (conversations, email, phone calls, etc..) with the aforementioned authors/ speakers that you do not currently represent?

    Are you related to, friends with, or ever had any professional relationship/ personal relationships to the previously mentioned folks?

    Thanks in advance for your willingness to answer my queries.

    No and no.

    I’m not Emergent or Emerging. I’m not even sure what that means. I’ve never read any of their books except one by Rachel, which I bought on my own initiative through Amazon. I did not finish it. I’ve never been to any of their conferences or heard any of them speak in public.

    I’m a mainstream progressive. I’ve witnessed spiritual abuse (a cult of personality) in a former mainstream progressive congregation. I have no problem calling out abuse in a liberal setting, as well as in a conservative setting.

    I don’t know how much more broadly I can say it. I have and have never had NO. CONNECTION. WHATSOEVER. to any of those people.

  449. Praying for this. As it stands I do not trust Brian M. However someone else who disappointed me has taken a stand I respect after taking the time to be sure of themself. So there is hope. Even for XianAlly might I suggest. 😉 this whole mess just proves that the justice system can be manipulated by abusers because people’s natural emotions in reaction to abuse are seen as suspect, not only in the church.

    Julie McMahon wrote:

    I sent this to Brian McLaren and copied Dee for accountability and as a witness. I’d like to wrap this up and make peace and reconcile with those who have hurt me in the past. I spoke up and told my story and now it is up to each individual involved to make things right or they may choose to dig in even deeper and try and spin their way out of this.


    It saddens me that my abuse story has had to go viral to be heard. I would like to believe in a better path. One in which the Tony’s and Doug’s of the world cannot go because it requires them saying I am sorry for my part.

    I have blamed you for not doing more to help an impossible situation with an abusive narcissist. Was that fair of me? I don’t know. I just know I looked to you for guidance and wisdom and because I truly believed you could help.

    Maybe it isn’t fair to put people on pedestals. We do put our religious leaders up above us and we do hold them to a higher standard.

    Now that this is all dragged out into the open….do you still stand beside Tony and not the victim?

    Maybe we can mediate peace and forgiveness but not if you are stuck on remaining blameless and victim blaming.



  450. It is, in my reading of his scribd-sure statement, amongst other public statements, the meaning he has communicated.

    Margaret wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    You are assuming something that Brian has not said.

    Maybe we can mediate peace and forgiveness but not if you are stuck on remaining blameless and victim blaming.
    Julie’s comment

  451. *scribd-site

    Melody wrote:

    It is, in my reading of his scribd-sure statement, amongst other public statements, the meaning he has communicated.

    Margaret wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    You are assuming something that Brian has not said.

    Maybe we can mediate peace and forgiveness but not if you are stuck on remaining blameless and victim blaming.
    Julie’s comment

  452. Actually it’s apparent with the simple fact that he hasn’t acknowledged his threats and side-taking with the post on the WhyTony scribd site.
    Margaret wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    You are assuming something that Brian has not said.

    Maybe we can mediate peace and forgiveness but not if you are stuck on remaining blameless and victim blaming.
    Julie’s comment

  453. Brian has asked Julie to speak to him before, he wrote this on the scribd site and Julie refused. Now he is willing with a mediator to meet with Julie. What more can you ask of a person?!

  454. I do not personally know Julie, Tony, or Brian. My personal response is to what I have read. Yes by all means my heart goes out to Julie. My heart breaks for her and her children, however, for the mediation process to work both parties must be willing. God willing both Brian and Julie will reconcile and will forgive one another. This is my prayer. Please Lord Jesus help Julie and Brian to forgive one another.

  455. Thank you!
    Scribd site post by Brian is extremely inappropriate.

    Furthermore, Julie’s reactions need to be put into the context of being constantly shut down by narcissistic “leaders”. That tends rather to push people to paranoia and frustration. I’m not sure that the law recognizes that nor does it care.

    Getting back to the real Christian issues here, Tony Jones dealing treacherously with his wife and Courtney Jones leaving her husband. Whether or not there was an affair, there is something seriously wrong with writing a manifesto on marriage while living in a way previous generations would perhaps slightly quaintly call “in sin”.

    These are pertinent issues. Not the court documents. No amount of legal documentation or mishandling can change that narcissists lie and manipulate and that Julie was not the diagnosed narcissist. That she has not been believed from the start as should have happened, and that her normal frustration has been framed as craziness, are the pertinent issues.

    Everything else is deflection. Any leaders or people with influence engaged in covering themselves from facing these issues are not dealing justly, loving mercy, nor by any means walking humbly with the God I love nor the Jesus I know.

    Banannie wrote:

    Actually it’s apparent with the simple fact that he hasn’t acknowledged his threats and side-taking with the post on the WhyTony scribd site.
    Margaret wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    You are assuming something that Brian has not said.

    Maybe we can mediate peace and forgiveness but not if you are stuck on remaining blameless and victim blaming.
    Julie’s comment

  456. I would never meet with a powerful person on their terms. There is much mediation that can do more damage than good, especially if “mediation” is really code for “shut up already”.

    Margaret wrote:

    Brian has asked Julie to speak to him before, he wrote this on the scribd site and Julie refused. Now he is willing with a mediator to meet with Julie. What more can you ask of a person?!

  457. I think the conversation needs to return to the fact that people with influence have shown disdain for people without as much, and have had no qualms silencing them.

    People of influence do not get a pass for their behavior nor do they have the right to discredit people without influence when we all stumble in many ways. People of influence are far more open to scrutiny than the relatively powerless.

    No one should feel powerless in God’s church. That is the one place all people are truly created equal – because of Christ. These are the pertinent issues.

    Abuse dynamics in the world is one thing; to be expected. Abuse tolerated in God’s church is an entirely different matter. Any of us who are not consistent in dealing with it need to be called out.

    Julie deserved the freedom to make mistakes, but that freedom has instead been granted by people of influence to narcissistic people of influence.

    That is evil and wrong. That is the heart of what needs to be rectified here.

  458. @ Melody:
    Wow, all we are doing here is saying Brian would tell Julie to shut up already when he is willing to meet with a mediator! Do you have any idea how many victims of Spiritual Abuse from Mark Driscoll, C. J. Mahaney etcetera would love to have mediation??? Brian is willing to meet with Julie he has not stipulated who the mediator will be. How wonderful for Julie, wish this was true for all how have felt abused.

  459. Margaret wrote:

    @ Xianatty:
    Thank you for giving another perspective to this issue. Anyone notice that Dee is not shutting Xianatty down? Wonder why?

    She has said why. She never shuts people down unless they are obnoxious to victims. She has banned under 10 commentors in the 6 years this blog has been up. She let’s people be heard, unlike other blog owners who shut people down if they don’t agree with a commentor. She tries her utmost to be fair. This doesn’t mean she agrees with all the comments, but she let’s them stand.

  460. I am signing off but will quickly respond because I think you have misunderstood my points.

    To clarify, I can see many good reasons why Julie refused mediation with Brian in the past. She has currently agreed to it and so has Brian, which is a step in the right direction.

    I have not said Brian is a narcissist. I do think many people of influence tend to be narcissistic and we all have elements of narcissism on a spectrum. That is what I was hinting at in my comments above.

    Tony Jones is a diagnosed narcissist (NPD) per his own admission. That is a pertinent fact.

    The fact that Brian supported Tony Jones despite that diagnosis without understanding Julies frustration over how she was being treated by several notables, is pertinent. That Brian more recently wrote that statement on scribd, with the wording he used about legal action, as well as the way in which he spoke of Julie therein, I do not currently trust him.

    There is certainly a need for neutral mediation precisely because of elements of his thinking, as it is revealed in that statement. True reconciliation would indeed mean accepting Julie’s natural emotions, however badly expressed, at being shut down.

    It makes sense she might have thought everyone was against her and that Brian was too. That needs to be understood by him as much as she might need to continue to process forgiveness.

    There are some interesting blogposts on A Cry For Justice regarding one woman’s experience with mediation, albeit through Peacemakers, if my memory serves me correctly. That may frame what I am saying about mediation not always being in the best interests of the less powerful person in the equation.

    I’m sorry for long sentences and any ensuing confusion. I’m beat. Heading to bed.

    Good night and God bless all, M

    Margaret wrote:

    @ Melody:
    Again Melody Brian is willing to meet with Julie with a MEDIATOR! He is not saying who the MEDIATOR has to be!

  461. Just to clarify: no one has said Brian is a narcissist as far as I know.

    Tony Jones unfortunately however has been diagnosed as a narcissist (NPD) per her own admission.

    And so, for realz this time, good night!

    Margaret wrote:

    Brian has not been diagnosed as narcissistic! This is mediation with Brian not Tony Jones.

  462. *his not her

    Durned autocorrect

    Night 😉

    Melody wrote:

    Just to clarify: no one has said Brian is a narcissist as far as I know.

    Tony Jones unfortunately however has been diagnosed as a narcissist (NPD) per her own admission.

    And so, for realz this time, good night!

    Margaret wrote:

    Brian has not been diagnosed as narcissistic! This is mediation with Brian not Tony Jones.

  463. @ Melody:
    You wrote this Melody and I thought you were referring to Brian, sorry I misunderstood

    Julie deserved the freedom to make mistakes, but that freedom has instead been granted by people of influence to narcissistic people of influence.
    That is evil and wrong. That is the heart of what needs to be rectified here.

  464. I hope this all works out, the theology I was raised with was basically this, God hates, no, He loathes you with an eternal loathing and He cant wait to drop the eternal hammer on you. In fact you will go to spiritual hell, then God will resurrect you in an eternal body only to be cast into an enteral furnace so you can be tortured both spiritually and physically, and the people in heaven get to watch and praise the eternal prince of peace for His love. Thats psychotic. You through in Rapture theology, billions dying for the glory of God and being sent to an eternal torment for God’s glory etc. I do not get it, then you put in rapture theology and end time nuttery and you get folks that think aids is a God ordained disease, well if it is, God is a very bad aim and unworthy of any worship if he is taking out entire people groups who are not the theological targets because of what others may do with their privates etc. I cant even believe adults believe such nonsense.

    I dont mind pushback to this but this is what I see, a group of evangelicals that hold to a particular theological bent saying some virus is God’s wrath. Earth to church, virus’s don’t know nor care if there’s a God, they are what they are. I am hamstringed here because confidentiality precludes me from producing other issues. This is nonsense on its face and these people get to tout their theology outside of any oversight. Dr. White is correct theology matters, if we held to the true believers we would not have any vaccines, any antibiotics, and antivirals, no blood transfusions, no germ theory, no fill in the blank. Oh Dr. White you’re big on debate Behe’s irreducible complexity was utterly decimated on cross

    And this one is a kind article, Dr White if you would put in as much time as you did to learn Islam into understanding the opposing side of Evolution it would really be helpful. Read the transcript your side folded, big time.

  465. @ Patrice:
    So? that is the Christian call. If we are to take Tony as a spiritual leader, we need to see a leader that aligns with that style of leadership – Christ as King means the leader isn’t focused on business style leadership, but on what it means to be a Christian, a totally different style of leadership. You don’t have to believe a word of the Bible to know how a Christian should be acting.

    The problem I have is Beth is being swayed by the emergent’s reaction to Julie (like RHE refusing to hear her side of the story and blocking her from contacting her?!?). Forgetting that, in the end, their reaction is likely not based on anything profound or more wise than the rest of us. They are blinded by Tony, turning away from his fall from any further qualifications for leadership, regardless of what Julie said, did, thought, acted. Brian needs to realize this too. Beth may not be a Christian, as she said, but she used to be and she likely knows what is required of a Christian.

    I am just pointing out Tony isn’t up to all that right now (hasn’t been for a while, apparently) and she need not be alarmed by other emergent’s reaction to Julie. Their desire to defend Tony is what is utterly misguided here. It is why Julie and Brian need reconciliation, why RHE cut her off, etc. If Julie was just some woman with a sad divorce story, these guys would likely be all over it, sympathetic, supportive, etc. But now it is about Tony and suddenly they all go into Bazaaro mode and start acting as if she is the Great Satan, slamming commenters on their blogs, or others, cutting off contacts, writing letters about how much they love Tony, from a few posts Julie made on David Hayward’s blog??

    I am just pointing out, there are massive issues with defending Tony as a Christian leader. As a business leader I am sure he is admirable, but that isn’t what Christians are supporting him for. If they wanted internet advice or how to influence others advice, they could get that from anyone successful. They have been looking at Tony as a spiritual leader, but according to the Bible, he doesn’t cut it. He’s bombed the test and other leaders need to be aware.

    Plus, they have absolutely no justification for acting this way towards Julie. Refusing mediation, threatening lawsuits, refusing to communicate with her? The reaction is ridiculous, and defiantly NOT private. You can’t treat people this way and then say “oh, it’s private”. No, you can’t treat people that way period. If she really is mentally ill and a chronic liar, all that will be revealed, but as it stands, the court records and respond to her on blogs doesn’t prove Julie wrong.

  466. @ Margaret:
    Right, because if Julie had never met Tony, Brian and her would have had a huge falling out…oh, wait… Of course it is about Tony, and Brian being hoodwinked somehow by that younger guy.

  467. Val wrote:

    I am just pointing out, there are massive issues with defending Tony as a Christian leader

    I know you know this, but Tony isn’t a Christian leader. To the extent a Christian leader is someone you follow, to follow him would be to allow him to lead you into the same deception that he is in himself. And isn’t deceit/deception the elephant in the room, the underlying problem of what is going on here? It’s not just him, deception is spreading among his supporters like a black light.

  468. @ Margaret:
    Oh, Driscoll’s church was offering mediation in it’s last hours, but after everyone signed nondisclosure statements. All Melodie is saying is: no mediation on Brian’s terms. Just mediation. One of the first requests she should make is for Brian to take down that *Scribd post pronto! Sort of impossible to have true mediation with a declared lawsuit hanging over the whole affair. Really, what is worse here (and I am not a TGC fan by any means whatsoever)? Driscoll demanding everyone sign gag orders or Brain threatening a lawsuit against Julie mostly over “reputation”?

    Here is a snippet of Brian’s letter: “..and when the character of religious leaders are involved, allegations should be handled with the greatest possible diligence and care. But allegations should not be considered facts until they are verified in light of all available evidence through responsible processes.”

    Yeah, the court documents detailing Tony’s divorce and his remarriage to a divorcee aren’t proof enough? They think blaming Julie will exonerate Tony.

    Maybe the emergents forgot they call themselves Christians? But Christians aren’t big on divorce. Less so on remarriage and certainly not on bashing up other people’s marriages (Courtney’s). Yeah, there is no real proof Tony bashed up Courtney’s. But again, optics. And, even if Julie was sent to an insane asylum, dumping her and marrying a divorcee is not OK, in sickness and in health, remember? There is just too much concern for Tony’s reputation in this letter, and not enough for Julie’s well being.

    So she phoned you a lot? What sort of a leader are you not to call out Tony’s behaviour in those years? Forget Julie’s lies or accusations. You let the ball drop when it came to Tony because why? His reputation? What reputation? Does Jesus even care about reputation?

    I too would want Christian leaders to call out my ex’s behaviour if it was like Tony’s. You don’t divorce, run off with anther woman, write a book excusing yourself from your first marriage, marry someone else who gets a divorce and not get called on it. Brain’s refusal to admit Tony shouldn’t have done that is the problem here. Now, Julie can’t force Brian to do this, but she can ask him to. There is nothing scary or problematic with asking for that. Any wife of a pubic Christian figure in that situation would expect at least that.

  469. Banannie wrote:

    Shame on XA for deflecting from the actual discussion, Tony’s dishonest and disqualifying behavior, by attempting to shame survivors. Every comment reveals you to be an even more terrible follower of Christ.
    In practice, obvs. Can’t speak to your heart.

    “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh”–Very Smart Man That XA Claims To Know.

  470. Xianatty wrote:

    doubtful wrote:

    @ Julie McMahon:
    I second this question.

    I beleive others have asked or hinted at this being the case, and Xanity has not answered.

    Xanity? Care to address the room?

    I’ve answered this question multiple times. I have no personal, legal, business, or any other type of relationship with Tony, Julie, Brian, Rachel, Nadia, Boz, any of the bloggers or tweeters, or any of their friends, families, businesses, churches, attorneys, pr firms, or anything else I can think of. There’s no connection at all. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

    Purely out of humanitarian concern, you really need to put out that fire in your pants.

  471. @ BethanyAnn:
    Do you really believe Julie and Brian have been on equal footing for all these years? Do you think that power imbalance is meaningless?

    This entire issue is about abuse of power. Spiritual abuse.

  472. Patrice wrote:

    Besides, even if these individuals had more accurate/sturdy senses of reality, they have no competency in mediation, as far as I can tell. I mean, they have been bamboozled by a narcissist; their wisdom obviously needs further development.


  473. @ Margaret:

    some of us are wondering why he is leaving his statement up at the whytony site. in that statement he implies legal action against Julie.

    however he has told the blog owner here he has no intention of suing her. so why does he leave up a statement that even implies legal action? Brian’s words and actions are not matching. But he is a clever wordsmith.

    I am wondering how that builds trust and good faith for the process. I really hope Julie does not agree to any sort of silencing. The progressive/emergent leaders built their brand on authenticity and transparency. we have found out that was not the case.

    celebrity Christians are notorious for only thinking of their public image and income from that image.

  474. @ Margaret:
    But SGM did mediation with victims. some of us remember it well. it was a total sham. even after everything that happened at SGM, people believed those Christian leaders had their best interest at heart. They did not. the reason for mediation was to save the leaders and shut the victims down.

    so how one goes about this mediation business in Christendom is very important.

  475. @ Val:
    I understand. Just meant a heads-up that Beth will not find Christ-the-King arguments convincing because she isn’t a believer. But as you say, one doesn’t need to be a believer to know how a person in leadership, Christian or not, should be acting.

    I suspect that Beth has been blasé about the Tony Tale because she’s not experienced someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I am curious about that since she says she used to be a therapist. I asked her about it but haven’t heard back yet.

    Narcissists should not be given positions of leadership, no matter what field, because they cannot think outside themselves and a good leader needs to be able to focus/evaluate what’s going on in the organization, as well as the relationship of the organization to the larger community. I wish we humans would finally come to terms with this and at least put some screening in place.

    Yep, I agree that narcissists have a marvy ability to snow those around them, to the point that their friends/followers will leave reality in order to defend them. It’s very weird to me, but I suppose I have the “advantage” of being raised by one and thus can spot them from a mile away. 🙂

  476. Melody wrote:

    There are some interesting blogposts on A Cry For Justice regarding one woman’s experience with mediation, albeit through Peacemakers, if my memory serves me correctly. That may frame what I am saying about mediation not always being in the best interests of the less powerful person in the equation.

    From what I understand, Peacemakers is overly concerned about keeping established structures in place. If I remember correctly, Boz has suggested finding a mediation group from outside the Evangelical (or Christian?) circles, to minimize these kinds of biases.

    I too have qualms about the process. Julie wants apologies and I think she’s right, but there is a lot of ego going on here. Maybe mediation is the best venue for greatest chance of that happening? I’m not feeling much hope but would love to be proven wrong.

  477. @ Margaret:

    Margaret- I think you’re mixed up somehow. Julie has generally been the more willing to meet party. Within that context she has been wary of meeting on Brian’s terms. Completely reasonable. When the idea of GRACE. getting involved was floated, she was the first yo enthusiastically respond.

    Also, your shamey finger wagging is kinda creepy.

  478. @ Patrice:
    I am a big believer that people have a right to tell their story. As we can see from the responses of celebrity Christianity, that can be a dangerous thing for victims of spiritual abuse. And I do think Julie was spiritually abused by that movement and continues to be.

    Most are not strong enough for a long time to even attempt it.

    this also causes a lot of problems because at the time victims had no idea what they were really dealing with. they were drinking the kool aid too. they believed they could work within in the culture and trust the people around them. Big mistake made over and over.

    They are often aware they will not be believed. people tend to love their christian celebrities and give them the benefit.

    and the victims do not have power on their side or the platform that a christian celebrity has.

    It is a scary and lonely business. I admire those who tell their stories. It takes courage.

  479. It bothers me that people keep asking Xiantty personal questions. No one else who has expressed a strong opinion has been interrogated about all their affiliations and experiences. No one is asking Julie’s most devoted supporters if they are her sister, or if they are employed by her, or if they are part of her church tradition.

    The idea isn’t to squelch or dismiss EITHER side of the story; it’s to allow Julie to have a public platform and be heard widely. That is happening. Good. If we really hold that value up, then we need to extend the willingness to listen to every human being who has personal experience or story to share, even if they are offering pushback or a different point of view.

  480. Xianatty wrote:

    Jeff –
    Thank you for your courteous responses even when you disagree.
    I have never, ever said that her conduct did or could absolve him of his own bad acts. If I was unclear, I apologize. We’re each responsible for ourselves.
    The report available at Stollar’s site says the psych evaluator concluded that neither caused the other’s behavior but their “pre-existing tendencies” exacerbated each other’s toxic (my word) attributes. But, if he did in fact shove or push her, unless it was in self defense, he deserves to face whatever consequences can be meted out to him and nothing, nothing, Julie did or said could absolve him of that.

    Let me lay my perspective out as clear as I can.

    The point isn’t about what Julie has or hasn’t done wrong, and this is why it is getting people’s ire up that you focus on her. If her trustworthiness is an issue at all, it would only be if there was an issue trying to determine the truth of his treatment of her. But now we know she isn’t lying and he really did mistreat her.

    Tony is in a leadership position that has influence over people. People are partnering with Tony and supporting this ministry. And Tony has enlisted others to slander his ex-wife (he said she had mental illness she does not have- and no one should call anyone else “bat $%$ crazy”, especially encouraging others to do so).

    What Julie has done or hasn’t done doesn’t matter one bit to the above, and the above is the important part. This isn’t a public judgement we’re all making about a man and a woman’s marriage. It’s about the decision a narcissistic man made to use his position and influence to terrorize a woman, and then presume to lead others and teach them about Jesus.

    This is why it is upsetting for you to pick at nits with regards to Julie’s credibility. And yes, you make take the discrepancies seriously, but they are not related to the public ministry and abuses by Tony. If we were discussion who is right and who is wrong, then yes, those things you bring up matter. But again, this is about whether a Christian leader should get away, for any reason, with using is power and influence to mistreat is ex-wife.

    Tony abused Julie. It doesn’t matter whether he shoved her one time or not. It’s clear from reading the documents that he systematically controlled her with a sense of entitlement that he must be the center of her world and she must fulfill his narcissistic supply. Some people focus only on physical abuse, but at the end of the day, the only real abuse is emotional. Or rather, it’s only the emotional component of all abuse that matters. Whether it is financial, sexual, physical, or whatever, at the end of the day wounds heal, finances can be addressed, and all of the “secondary” aspects to these forms of abuse can usually be dealt with. But what persists is the emotional effects: the betrayal of trust and the realization that you are a “thing” to someone else, used for their pleasure, rather than a person. It is destructive beyond belief when the person you are designed to trust with the ultimate vulnerability betrays you like Tony did Julie.

    Did you read the part about how everything she did was subject to Tony’s direction? And only when he wasn’t home (which wasn’t frequent). Do you have any idea what it’s like to rarely see your partner, and then when you do see him be constantly controlled by him? To realize that you only exist in his world to prop him up and be a toy he can play with for his enjoyment? That other people in his world are more important that you are and you can never measure up to his approval?

    This stuff is way more damaging than his one-time physical abuse, though physical abuse is easier to understand and relate-able to the common person. For her, the physical abuse was likely just one more brick in the wall of being shut out of this man’s life and being used as a fuel for his narcissistic supply. It might be the only form the outsiders see, but it’s a follow up to years of destructive behavior.

    I don’t know Julie. I can’t say if she’s a safe person or not. What I can say is that Tony is not, and that he is a dangerous person for anyone to be around. Courtney is probably to be pitied, though I can understand if Julie doesn’t feel that way about a homewrecker. And all of those who would partner with such a man should wake up and realize he is not the kind of person they want to do business with, especially ministry business.

    *THAT* is the point. *THAT* is why we are having a public discussion about this. TWW doesn’t deal with every domestic fight that happens (though there are other sites that can help victims of abuse). It deals with public ministers who behave badly and seeks to warn others when this happens.

    Julie is not on trial here. Her choices and actions can be accurately assessed outside the court of public opinion once there is an equalization of the power balance. However, Tony is in a place of power and influence, and people are standing by him to keep that power imbalance in his favor.

    I have tried to be open minded and understanding of questions. I know that not everything said or done in Julie’s favor is necessarily good. But I will draw a firm line in the sand when it comes to moral equivalence in this discussion. Because this isn’t a conversation about which of them was right. It’s a conversation about how one man has used his power and influence to destroy another human being.

  481. At the beginning of these posts , someone asked what was the mediation for, and there were lots of posts about peace and forgiveness between Julie and Brian, not Tony, someone said. I do not understand how emotions can be mediated. Usually papers are drawn up, signed after agreement, and are binding. What are the objectives that can be sworn to and binding, in this case? THe divorce is over but child custody battles are not,that would be a good topic for mediation. It seems that many want Tony to be stripped of his “ordination,” which is reasonable. I doubt that a mediation will happen, public apologies will probably abound instead. Add far as Tony goes, he is being tried in a much higher court, the Court of Public Opinion, and that is how it should be, IMO.

  482. Margaret wrote:

    @ Xianatty:
    Thank you for giving another perspective to this issue. Anyone notice that Dee is not shutting Xianatty down? Wonder why?

    I don’t think she typically shuts people down for dissenting views. I’ve only seen it happen when people act in an abusive manner. What are your thoughts on the reasoning?

  483. @ Jeff S:
    Jeff – Julie wanted to tell her story and be heard. And she had and she was. That’s a very good thing. But she was also asking us to believe her. And to disbelieve Tony.

  484. I have been watching the conversation unfold here for a few days. It’s scary to try to say anything when you know that many of the people who are voicing their opinions share the same side. I hate to donate more blood to the water.

    But I’d like to say something.

    To start with, I respect this forum. I have seen TWW engage abuses in very admirable ways in the past. While it isn’t a site I frequent every day, I do check here periodically to see how you all are weighing in on abuses that reach the public eye.

    It’s very hard to watch sometimes, particularly this time though, because a few (NOT ALL) of the people commenting speak as if they are experts on Tony and Julie’s history. They reference others’ testimony who agrees with them as if it is fact, and they ignore the testimony of others who disagree with them.

    IMHO, the only expert on Julie’s personal history, what happened behind the closed doors of her life, is Julie. The rest of us can say, we find Julie credible, but we can’t say speak as if we ourselves are eyewitnesses. The same is true of Tony. Those who support him can say they find him to be honest, but they can’t claim to know things they weren’t there to observe personally. An equal standard has to be applied to both.

    I actually know this family. While I like many others who had spoken out wanted to jump in earlier back when the Naked Pastor post went up, I refrained out of an effort to protect their family from the sorts of analysis that is happening here (not by everyone, as some are trying to stick to silencing issues, while others are repeatedly revisiting the details of the divorce).

    As someone who has observed this for a long time, it’s so hard to sit back and watch while some who don’t know either of these individuals outside social media and online interactions. Some of the most vocal speak as if they have 100% certainty about the most private details from their positions hundreds and thousands of miles away.

    But the truth of it is, many of us who are in it and who have been in it just can’t have certainty about some facets of this which people here (far removed from the situation) are portraying as certain. All any of us can credibly do is lift up our own stories, we can speak from what we have seen in our personal observations and listen well and look at documents on both sides. And that is all anyone else can speak from too. Those documents agree and give us a clear picture about some things. On other things, a fuller look at documents show there are additional details or disputed details. And in most of the personal matters raised here and elsewhere on the internet, they don’t give us a clear picture about every matter being raised here.

    I appreciate the chance to speak. It has been hard to feel like anywhere I speak up, I will be pounced upon and be putting new blood in the water just because I know Tony and am not willing to crash a gavel online based on hearsay. I am hoping this is a place where I can speak safely.

  485. Jeff S wrote:

    Tony abused Julie. It doesn’t matter whether he shoved her one time or not. It’s clear from reading the documents that he systematically controlled her with a sense of entitlement that he must be the center of her world and she must fulfill his narcissistic supply. Some people focus only on physical abuse, but at the end of the day, the only real abuse is emotional. Or rather, it’s only the emotional component of all abuse that matters. Whether it is financial, sexual, physical, or whatever, at the end of the day wounds heal, finances can be addressed, and all of the “secondary” aspects to these forms of abuse can usually be dealt with. But what persists is the emotional effects: the betrayal of trust and the realization that you are a “thing” to someone else, used for their pleasure, rather than a person.

    Yes. BTDT.

    And Tojo has not quit abusing Julie through the court system to this day.

    What most people don’t realize is that a narcissist gets PLEASURE from abusing others.

  486. Although it’s not my primary career, I have a concentration in Journalism.

    I think there are a lot of brave people speaking their truths in this comment section. It takes a certain bravery to speak, especially when your truth might be uncomfortable or when it might be the lone voice of dissent. And as we say in the writing industry, it takes a lot of bravery to listen too. I see a lot of both bravery in speaking and bravery in listening here and I wanted to say that is rare. I applaud it.

    There’s a few things rolling around in me to say, but I wanted to start with this. A few people here have pointed out some discrepancies in Julie’s stories vs. documents. That’s fair. Based on my read of everything available, the questions raised are mostly reasonable and they aren’t worded with malice. HOWEVER, I want to remind people that it’s natural for certain smaller facts, whether it was a Monday or a Tuesday, whether they said “make them pay” or “I’ll sue you”, to become fuzzy over time. We tend to remember the core/heart/feel of things and not always every exact word or note.

    To really talk about credibility, it’s important to get into the much larger picture. To really know the stories that are out there. And not just think because you can fact check someone on a tiny piece of the story that this proves an account to be credible or false. That’s just not the way it works with human memory over the course of years.

  487. BethanyAnn wrote:

    He/she seems to be drawing scrutiny because of a willingness to depart from the perspective of the majority.

    Actually, no. It is because he/she holds Julie to a standard he/she has failed. It is because he/she cannot or will not acknowledge the overarching Christian issues at hand. It is because he/she continues to deflect the dishonor which Tony owns onto Julie, his victim. That is victim blaming, and that is not OK at all. Let me repeat: Victim blaming, even while striking the pose of a neutral legal observer, is Never OK.

  488. I sent in a comment a little while ago and it hasn’t posted despite many other comments posting since. I see from the other comments that are present that Dee has a high degree of trustworthyness when it comes to not silencing voices. Someone even said she has only banned 10 people in the course of this site’s history.

    I am trying to share some heaviness that I experience as I watch this conversation unfold as someone who has been closer to the situation than many here. Can someone help me understand why my post is not appearing?

  489. @ BethanyAnn:
    I don’t view XianAtty that way at all. He is devoting all energy and time to nit picking at Julie’s actions or comments and no energy doing the same with Tony Jones. He seems to have a vendatta or grudge against Julie for some reason.

  490. Patrice wrote:

    I too have qualms about the process. Julie wants apologies and I think she’s right, but there is a lot of ego going on here. Maybe mediation is the best venue for greatest chance of that happening? I’m not feeling much hope but would love to be proven wrong.

    I agree about an unbiased mediation group. Perhaps they would go to both “sides” and compile their grievances. Having a go-between who is truly neutral might help mitigate the ego factor. In a Christian leader, ego should not be the main thing, but it seems to be. Leaders who call themselves Christian should look and lead like Christ. If they are not willing to do that, then they should drop “Christian” as an adjective.

  491. @ Gram3:

    I think I understand what you’re saying. You’re saying that you believe Xiantty is demanding Julie be a “perfect victim” which I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree is not acceptable.

    I don’t think Xiantty has crossed the line here though. He/She (Do we know? I just don’t know who he/she is so I don’t know what gender pronon is appropriate.) has not spoken with disrespectful tones or attitudes in my mind. But his/her questions are an annoyance because they seek more information rather than taking everything spoken here as verifiable. While we might not like their personality in that they require more evidence, the fact they are asking questions or looking at it from a different point of view, doesn’t qualify as victim blaming.

    It’s okay to ask people questions about their stories, otherwise we would never have any way of sorting out fabrications or falsehoods from Tony or anyone else either. That’s part of honoring their platform is saying their story is taken seriously and thoughtfully and they are engaged in conversation to be heard.

    I have seen some victim blaming on a social media page that was not pretty and I privately contacted the person responsible and asked them to reframe what they’re saying or realize they are being silencing. I am just saying I think there’s a difference between asking questions and looking at things from different angles vs. putting down a victim.

  492. BethanyAnn wrote:

    It bothers me that people keep asking Xiantty personal questions. No one else who has expressed a strong opinion has been interrogated about all their affiliations and experiences. No one is asking Julie’s most devoted supporters if they are her sister, or if they are employed by her, or if they are part of her church tradition.

    If it makes you feel any better, I was shouted down on one of the earliest threads for being part of an antiRHE conspiracy plot (which I am not), or for hating RHEr because I pointed out that she gets speaking gigs, published on mainstream sites (such as CNN I think), and she is a published author.

    (I said this in reply to someone who was wondering why RHE gets more attention than Nadia, not from “anti RHE” motives).

    I am not related to Tony Jones or Julie or RHE or anyone else in this, nor have I worked with or for any of them.

  493. @ Gram3:
    I think you’ve made some importanGram3 wrote:

    Patrice wrote:
    I too have qualms about the process. Julie wants apologies and I think she’s right, but there is a lot of ego going on here. Maybe mediation is the best venue for greatest chance of that happening? I’m not feeling much hope but would love to be proven wrong.
    I agree about an unbiased mediation group. Perhaps they would go to both “sides” and compile their grievances. Having a go-between who is truly neutral might help mitigate the ego factor. In a Christian leader, ego should not be the main thing, but it seems to be. Leaders who call themselves Christian should look and lead like Christ. If they are not willing to do that, then they should drop “Christian” as an adjective.

    I think your comments about an unbiased mediation group that would listen to all parties is one of the wisest things that has been said and repeated in this forum. That suggestion doesn’t sound like manipuation or PR of fear tactics. It sounds like people saying they aren’t afraid of truth and are willing to turn over everything available to shed all the light they can. More light, as I’ve seen people say it, more light! We will not fear the light.

  494. BethanyAnn wrote:

    It bothers me that people keep asking Xiantty personal questions.

    That’s because XianAtty was presenting himself/herself as a neutral observer when he/she clearly had an agenda of victim blaming. He/she is quite good at it, but nevertheless, that was apparent from the beginning. A Christian does not focus on legal proceedings that are years in the past when there are pressing Christian issues in front of us now. No one silenced anyone except the Emergent/Progressive leaders. Let’s be clear about that.

    Julie is the victim. Brian is not. Brian is the leader. Julie is not. Brian and Tony need to man up and step up like Christian men. I have hope.

  495. lydia wrote:

    @ BethanyAnn:
    It is because of the legal aspect because that is very serious business right now. you do realize that Tony has filed suit,?

    I know there are ongoing court cases. Do you believe Xiannty is party to one of them? I don’t think legal proceedings should prevent anyone from asking questions. Otherwise none of us could question anyone’s public statements on account of their being charges filed or cases in court etc.

  496. Xianatty wrote:

    But she was also asking us to believe her. And to disbelieve Tony

    She was asking people to listen to her story after seven years of only hearing Tony’s story. Tony’s was a one sided story as much as Julie’s would have been IF that was all anyone was allowed to hear. Tony forced his story and shut up Julie’s story for seven years. And many people in public places helped him. Tony asked people to believe him for long enough.

  497. BethanyAnn wrote:

    While we might not like their personality in that they require more evidence, the fact they are asking questions or looking at it from a different point of view, doesn’t qualify as victim blaming.

    I have no idea what his/her personality is. What we have learned about him/her is that he/she is perseverating on some legal issues that he/she finds compelling enough to impugn Julie’s integrity. He/she is demanding perfection from Julie while Julie was under extreme emotional and financial stress. Meanwhile, XianAtty, a trained professional, cannot meet that same standard in a combox when he/she has absolutely nothing at stake and can pick and choose when and how and if to reply.

    My entire purpose of engaging his/her nonsense yesterday and the day before that was to expose clearly the agenda he/she was/is working. He/she is quite determined to shift the blame from Tony to Julie. Again, that is Never OK.

  498. Gram3 wrote:

    BethanyAnn wrote:
    While we might not like their personality in that they require more evidence, the fact they are asking questions or looking at it from a different point of view, doesn’t qualify as victim blaming.
    I have no idea what his/her personality is. What we have learned about him/her is that he/she is perseverating on some legal issues that he/she finds compelling enough to impugn Julie’s integrity. He/she is demanding perfection from Julie while Julie was under extreme emotional and financial stress. Meanwhile, XianAtty, a trained professional, cannot meet that same standard in a combox when he/she has absolutely nothing at stake and can pick and choose when and how and if to reply.
    My entire purpose of engaging his/her nonsense yesterday and the day before that was to expose clearly the agenda he/she was/is working. He/she is quite determined to shift the blame from Tony to Julie. Again, that is Never OK.

    Okay, I appreciate you staying away from speculating about the person’s personality. I guess you’re right. We don’t know that. I guess I just am okay with someone persevering regarding their questions or point of view. The idea of welcoming Julie’s voice and platforming it isn’t to just blindly declare everything that comes out of Julie’s mouth is true (even if we think her case is compelling). The idea is that we engage Julie as an equal and seek to fully understand her story. This gives Julie the opportunity she has wanted, to show everyone the details that have been silenced and to let her account speak for itself.

    I don’t think anyone here should seek to shift the blame or assign guilt to anyone. This isn’t a court of law. We should seek to understand the stories being told here. To hear Julie. To welcome her voice. This does not exclude other people from their hearing or questions in my mind though. I appreciate the dialogue, Gram. It helps us all be more compassionate listeners and participants.

  499. BethanyAnn wrote:

    I don’t think legal proceedings should prevent anyone from asking questions.

    Questions about what happened in the course of a divorce case are not the issue we are discussing which is prospective mediation between Brian McLaren (and hopefully some others who have enabled Tony) and Julie.

    Please understand that we are standing against XianAtty’s attempt to push his/her Alternate Narrative and to shift the discussion to What a Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Person Julie is.

  500. @ Bridget:

    And honestly, why has he tried so hard and engaged so many people to help keep Julie’s story quiet IF he is such a stand up guy and did nothing wrong in his treatment of Julie before, during, and after the divorce? He asked the public to believe he was an upstanding leader for seven years while he was spiritually, emotionally, and physically abusing his wife.

  501. @ lydia:
    Definitely not. I see the imbalance of influence. I think it is heartwarming and setting-right for Julie to be able to communicate in so many online forums using the platforms of more visible watchdogs of the church. It has been great to see that when I google this information, Julie’s story is often appearing in the search results more than anyone else’s. This doesn’t retroactively change the past or reverse any silencing, but it’s great to see that both stories are out there now and everyone has the opportunity to listen to either and both parties without one party being able to shut down the other. We’re moving in the right direction, people! More light!!

  502. BethanyAnn wrote:

    I don’t think anyone here should seek to shift the blame or assign guilt to anyone. This isn’t a court of law. We should seek to understand the stories being told here. To hear Julie. To welcome her voice.

    You think that Tony is blameless? I don’t understand that at all. Do you think the ones who silenced Julie are blamelesss?

    I actually said that XianAtty is perseverating, not persevering. He/she is irrationally focused on trivial matters that occurred years ago while ignoring huge issues with Tony’s credibility. His/her double standards are quite impressive, I must admit.

    Blaming the victim is Never OK. I’m going to perseverate on that.

  503. @ BethanyAnn:
    Thank you for trying to understand my perspective. It’s refreshing.

    It’s my understanding from Dee’s posts that, though GRACE could not do the mediation itself, Boz, who is an attorney, has offered to (and may have already) provide names of neutral, professionally trained mediators for Brian and Julie to select from. Dee is helping facilitate movement toward an understanding on logistics.

    When refer to “mediation,” it’s my understanding they are referring to formal mediation pursuant to the applicable laws and professional standards. As I understand it, it’s not an informal get together with the parties and their supporters all sitting around, and it’s not something that’s going to be run by church leaders or others who are not trained mediators. I hope and pray that this will be successful.

  504. Xianatty wrote:

    @ Jeff S:
    Jeff – Julie wanted to tell her story and be heard. And she had and she was. That’s a very good thing. But she was also asking us to believe her. And to disbelieve Tony.

    I give up. If you cannot understand what is going on here after reading Jeff’s wonderful post then there is no hope that you ever will. I just do not know what is the matter with you.

    Do you know where you are? You are at a blog that exists to support the victims of spiritual abuse.

    Tony IS a liar. He has maintained his position as a Christian leader by convincing others that his exwife was batshit crazy and that he was a good husband and father. That is not true. He says he never cheated on her with Courtney and it was a sign of her mental illness that she thought so. That is not true. He says he never abused her, not once. That is not true. He says Julie never once told the court he did in all the years of litigation. That is not true. Every blog owner until The Naked Pastor this fall has been threatened by Tony’s camp to take down any post of Julie’s to protect Tony and they did so for years. The Naked Pastor won’t. Wartburg Watch won’t. SCCL won’t. R Stollar won’t.

    A woman’s marriage was in trouble. She goes to her pastor. What was the response? He sides with her husband abd tells her she is mentally ill and there is no affair. He supports the divorce and remarriage. He shows no concern for the children. That is spiritual abuse not pastoral care.

    Once Julie can tell her story years later, Tony’s fellow celebrities double down on their support for Tony and their maligning of his first wife. That is spiritual abuse.

    We know Tony was diagnosed with NPD and look at what is happening now! Julie got to tell her story on the Naked Pastor. It is a great blog but it’s not the New York Times. Nevertheless it is being treated as a narcissistic injury by Tony and Julie has to pay. He won’t return one of the children and I gather he is in the process of tormenting her with another round of litigation.

    This is wrong. This is appalling. And your response? Oh, Julie is not a perfect victim! Look, look, everybody, she admits shaking him! Look, look, her attorney made inconsistent arguments! I don’t care. Nobody cares but you and Beth. Julie cannot be a perfect victim because we are none of us perfect. That does not justify abuse in any form – spiritual, physical, emotional, or legal.

  505. Here is a question I have. I feel like a lot of things have changed in Canada, where I live, which has changed the balance of power.

    The people have more power over giant corporations now because they can go online and publicize when a company tries to cheat them and so on. And the same goes with people in public office. We can put out our knowledge about their misdeeds in online forums where they cannot control what is being said.

    Given this, I notice that the court of public opinion always has both a corporate and a personal expression. A politician may come to be seen as unfavorable morally (such as your Bill Clinton), but may still be deemed competent in a political position. He may still hold office, but each person can choose whether or not they will deem him worthy of admiration, following, and so on.

    Don’t we think this is true here too? My grandma used to always say, “You can claim to be a leader if you want, but if you look around and no one is following you, then it’s just hot air.” I think Tony is claiming to be a leader in the religious ideas sector. Some will allow him to share his political ideas, based on his skill sets, even if they don’t approve of his divorce etc. But in the end, each of us has the choice to turn away and not follow/admire anyone who maintains any public visibility. And if they are truly leaders to some group of people who can relate to their story, then they will only maintain influence over that group, not everyone.

    I think the balance of power is shifting here. Conservative camps won’t be admiring or following Tony. People who are against divorce won’t either. People who are pro-Julie won’t. People who don’t like his personality won’t. The natural re-balancing of power is taking place. Time will tell and the point here isn’t to try to convince every person on the planet that Tony’s work or being has no worth to anyone. Of course our understanding of faith is more redemptive of that. We don’t need Tony to be made into a universally vilified person in order for Julie to be heard as she deserves. So if Tony is able to produce something of value, and some people want to receive it, let him be allowed the chance to speak to those who will listen and exercise your right/freedom to not be one of those people if you don’t want to be.

    The Christian spirit isn’t to ruin. Or to celebrate someone’s demise. It’s to equalize.

  506. Gram3 wrote:

    BethanyAnn wrote:
    I don’t think anyone here should seek to shift the blame or assign guilt to anyone. This isn’t a court of law. We should seek to understand the stories being told here. To hear Julie. To welcome her voice.
    You think that Tony is blameless? I don’t understand that at all. Do you think the ones who silenced Julie are blamelesss.

    I actually said that XianAtty is perseverating, not persevering. He/she is irrationally focused on trivial matters that occurred years ago while ignoring huge issues with Tony’s credibility. His/her double standards are quite impressive, I must admit.
    Blaming the victim is Never OK. I’m going to perseverate on that.

    No. I think anyone who thinks Tony is completely blameless would not be trying to exercise any objectivity. That’s unrealistic.

    My personal opinion is just that I don’t think Xiannty is blaming the victim in the same way you see it. I don’t think asking questions of legal matters is blaming the victim. I think it is honoring the speaker by taking their story seriously and trying to fully understand.

    The point is not to force agreement on every angle. The point is to honor Julie’s story and to platform it and give it as much visibility as it can. And then to receive and interact with it without silencing it. I see Xiannty as operating within the bounds of that.

  507. @ Gram3:

    I do understand this and I appreciate you reiterating your commitment.

    This is all very delicate and no one has a script to guide their every move. I think we’re all doing the best we can to wade through inter-connected stories.

    The stories about the divorce and alleged affair which keep repeating through this thread and elsewhere come up (even if they are a bit peripheral) because the overall perspective needs to be true in order for there to even be the possibility of someone silencing them.

    So in this way I think it CAN be helpful, if done respectfully, to establish credibility as much as one can or to ask questions as much as one can so that the whole picture can be taken seriously. I don’t know Xiattny. Perhaps they are just showing off for this space because they have some advantage in being educated in the legal field, but they don’t come off that way TO ME. They come off as a sincere asker of questions who is asking questions others in this forum don’t feel the need to ask, but are still legitimate given that not everyone comes to the table with the same experiences/background/trust and people require different kinds of information to understand. It might irritate some and be exhausting at times, but there’s no crime in that. It’s part of them being honored and their voice not being silenced.

  508. Xianatty wrote:

    @ BethanyAnn:
    Thank you for trying to understand my perspective. It’s refreshing.
    It’s my understanding from Dee’s posts that, though GRACE could not do the mediation itself, Boz, who is an attorney, has offered to (and may have already) provide names of neutral, professionally trained mediators for Brian and Julie to select from. Dee is helping facilitate movement toward an understanding on logistics.
    When refer to “mediation,” it’s my understanding they are referring to formal mediation pursuant to the applicable laws and professional standards. As I understand it, it’s not an informal get together with the parties and their supporters all sitting around, and it’s not something that’s going to be run by church leaders or others who are not trained mediators. I hope and pray that this will be successful.

    You’re welcome. I’m not sure we see eye to eye on everything, but I will fight for the values of safe space which allow any respectful party to be themselves and have their voices heard as well even if they choose a different point of view.

    I hope as you say that the mediation is conducted by professionals, but I have to say, I would also like to see a qualified agency (if they exist) or a well-known national journalist do an investigative report. I also will be watching the outcome of the ongoing court cases which are sure to make more details public as well.

  509. I just want to say that even though I agree in principle, I find the level of prodding people like Xiantty want to do into the divorce proceedings etc. to be unnecessary for my personal understanding.

  510. BethanyAnn wrote:

    So in this way I think it CAN be helpful, if done respectfully, to establish credibility as much as one can or to ask questions as much as one can so that the whole picture can be taken seriously.

    That might be true *if* the person/s who are questioning Julie’s credibility had nearly the same concern for Tony’s credibility. That condition, however, does not exist with the person/s who are questioning Julie’s credibility.

    When someone questions the credibility of Julie based on Julie’s performance under stressful conditions which conditions were caused by Tony, as documented yesterday, while that questioner simultaneously studiously ignores the huge and ongoing credibility problems with Tony, then I think it is safe to assume the questioner is not acting as a neutral observer and seeker of light, as you put it.

    Meanwhile, said questioner is unable to meet his/her own exacting standard for credibility. Now, you are perfectly free to regard that questioner who failed their very own test as a reliable neutral party. Why are you so concerned about XianAtty not being heard? I think we heard loud and clear what XianAtty has been communicating.

    Blaming the victim is Never OK.

  511. BethanyAnn wrote:

    They come off as a sincere asker of questions who is asking questions others in this forum don’t feel the need to ask, but are still legitimate given that not everyone comes to the table with the same experiences/background/trust and people require different kinds of information to understand

    An attorney who cannot discuss both sides evenhandedly is most likely not neutral. XianAtty understands things perfectly well, and his/her view is not driven by concerns of fairness. If it were, he/she would be equally concerned with Tony’s manifest credibility problems on substantive matters. Like physical abuse, for example, which he committed in the presence of his children. Like his clinical diagnosis of NPD. Things like that.

    Blaming the victim is Never OK.

  512. Gram3 wrote:

    BethanyAnn wrote:
    So in this way I think it CAN be helpful, if done respectfully, to establish credibility as much as one can or to ask questions as much as one can so that the whole picture can be taken seriously.
    That might be true *if* the person/s who are questioning Julie’s credibility had nearly the same concern for Tony’s credibility. That condition, however, does not exist with the person/s who are questioning Julie’s credibility.
    When someone questions the credibility of Julie based on Julie’s performance under stressful conditions which conditions were caused by Tony, as documented yesterday, while that questioner simultaneously studiously ignores the huge and ongoing credibility problems with Tony, then I think it is safe to assume the questioner is not acting as a neutral observer and seeker of light, as you put it.
    Meanwhile, said questioner is unable to meet his/her own exacting standard for credibility. Now, you are perfectly free to regard that questioner who failed their very own test as a reliable neutral party. Why are you so concerned about XianAtty not being heard? I think we heard loud and clear what XianAtty has been communicating.
    Blaming the victim is Never OK.

    I agree that we should have the same standards and questions about credibility for each person involved. And I agree blaming a victim is never, ever okay.

    There are a lot of people in this forum who are questioning Tony’s credibility (including me) and many of them fully accept Julie’s account, so there is a good healthy balance of power and platform here, which is a tribute to Dee.

    It is wonderful and inspiring in my opinion to see people who support or question both sides be able to speak in a place where neither is AUTOMATICALLY given more weight because of their influence or perceived “accomplishment”.

    I think the things you are saying are extremely important. And I think that Xiannty’s voice belongs here too. Xiannty doesn’t have more power than anyone else, which has seemingly been the case with Julie’s supporters in the past, so I for one am thrilled with Dee providing an equal and respectful playing field.

    Lastly, I agree with you again. Blaming the victim is NEVER OK.

  513. Hi BethanyAnn,

    I’m wondering what unanswered questions/remaining issues do you have about Tony? About Julie? About Brian? Maybe you said them already and I missed them …

  514. BethanyAnn wrote:

    My personal opinion is just that I don’t think Xiannty is blaming the victim in the same way you see it. I don’t think asking questions of legal matters is blaming the victim. I think it is honoring the speaker by taking their story seriously and trying to fully understand.

    And XianAtty might just be a wonk who tunnel-visions onto legalese minutiae.
    (I remember some reference to a Victorian novel where one minor character was always lecturing everyone he spoke with about “how many times the word ‘whip’ is mentioned in the Bible.” That sort of thing.) That would be the most charitable/sympathetic interpretation.