TWW wrote two posts, here and here, about the trial and conviction of a pedophile, Greg Kelley, an admired high school football star. The testimony of one little boy led to his conviction. Kelley is now in prison, serving a lengthy sentence. However, there are a group of local people who have accused the children of "making up their stories." The parents have been accused of coaching them. Imagine living in a community in which people call small children liars.
Kim Williams Frank, a wonderful woman, who has stood supported the children and their families, started a Go Fund Me account: Hope for Children. We have followed her efforts to defend these children on Twitter and admire her steadfast support in the face of serious pushback by those in the community who consider themselves "Christians." Frankly, we have been shocked by the language and accusations aimed at those like Kim and Amy Smith, who supported the little boys.
TWW's good friend, and activist against child sex abuse, Amy Smith, is supporting this effort. 100% of all money raised will go directly to the children and their families. She explains the effort below.
TWW supports this effort and asks that our readers consider Kim's plea. Imagine how wonderful it would be for them to know that people from around the country support them!
GoFundMe: Hope for Children link
If you live in Leander, Cedar Park, or other surrounding areas, you've no doubt heard the protests of the #FightForGK supporters regarding a very publicized trial. This trial involves two young boys (only 4 years-old at the time of the abuse) who clearly shared detailed information about sexual abuse by Greg Kelley, a high school student living at the in-home daycare where the boys were being cared for.
The facts in the case (which can be found on numerous sites if you do a search) clearly indicate Greg Kelley's guilt, and he was ultimately convicted of super aggravated sexual assault in a unanimous decision made by a jury of 12 of Greg's peers. A good place to find information is through Amy Smith, child advocate, who has a very informative blog called WatchKeep. Read Chief Mannix's letter regarding this case and the public fight against the families on Amy's blog here: WatchKeep .
Greg accepted a deal, sentencing him to 25 years in prison with no right to appeal, and he's required to register as a sex offender for life. Yet despite Greg's acceptance of guilt through this deal, a group of supporters rallied around him insisting on his innocence and vowing to clear his name. They've made numerous claims of having proof of Greg's innocence, yet even with an attorney they hired, they have been unable to produce any such proof.
As the group grew in numbers, like a dark fog creeping over our community attempting to hide the light of truth, the families of two precious little boys tried to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on. But the fog turned into thundering storms as the media attention on the #FightForGK side made moving on very difficult.
Imagine, if you can, the devastation this type of abuse must have on the children and their families. Then imagine their community, who is supposed to look out for each other, especially for children who can't look after themselves, turning against them. Imagine them turning on their TV to watch the local news and seeing these people, who live all around them, fighting to free their child's abuser. This is what has happened to these innocent children and their families. The children have been accused of "making up" these stories. The parents have been accused of coaching their children to falsely accuse an innocent man…for what reason I can't even fathom. They've been dragged through the mud and back again, and for what?
This group of approximately 100 active members continue to blindly march onward behind a leader who has vowed to "never stop fighting" to free the man who sexually assaulted of these young boys, without so much as a second thought for the children's lives they continue to trample on. And all the while they point their fingers at the families and mock those who dare go against them and support the children, saying things such as, "God will rub your face in your lies." This is how they treat people who cry out against sexual abuse. They weave a thick fabric of misinformation and lies and toss it over every last ounce of truth, smothering hope and healing.
But we have a chance to change that. We can make a difference starting now. I've been where these families are and I'm telling you, they need us. They need our love and our support, and they need to know we believe them. Let's stop allowing this to be about Greg Kelley. I'd love to never have his name reach my ears again. Let's reach out to these sweet families and show them that their community DOES care about them. Let's show them that no matter who stands against them, truth is on their side and so are we, and we won't allow one of our own to be abused. Let's show them the face of God through our love and support. Let's break the chain of silence, rip away that blanket of lies and allow hope and healing to pour down on them.
I've started this GoFundMe campaign for the two families affected by the story I've just shared. Please know that after the GoFundMe fees, every penny will be split equally among these two families. I will deliver two money orders to Myrna Fuentes of Cedar Park Police Department, Victim Services, and she will get the checks to the families.
I don't know what, if any, financial needs they may have, but I just ask that you give from your heart. They can use the money for counseling, mortgage payments, groceries, Christmas gifts, or even a vacation if that's what they decide. Goodness knows they deserve a nice vacation!
Thank you for caring and for showing these families that they are not alone.
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Thank you! With much love and joy for you sweet TWW ladies and community this Christmas and every day, Amy.
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Great cause! 🙂
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Great cause, I’ve never done one of these GoFundMe things, but this pushes me off the fence.
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Excellent cause!!! Planning to be a first time contributor to a GoFundMe account!!
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I always look for ways to help specific individuals in addition to organizations, especially at this time of year, Thanks Deebs, it’s sometimes hard to know which appeals are real.
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Why is it that in many such cases the reactions of churches and thise who say they are christians are not only no better, but indeed much worse than we are used to from secular institutions?
It’s not only abuse – although in child abuse cases it it is particularly worrisome and disturbing – it’s also about manipulation and lying, financial shenanigans (from total intransparency up to fraud and theft), abuse of power, etc.
It’s gone so far that in many cases I automatically distrust those who demonstrate their religion too much.
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@ Gus:
I had the *opportunity* to speak to Pastor Brydon whose son is coordinating this effort. He blessed me out from one Sunday to the next. i have never been shouted at like that in my life. He claimed that he and his cohorts would have the real perp behind bars in 30 days. Of course, Kelley is still behind bars so maybe he was correct.
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Gus wrote:
There’s a Christian comic on YouTube that calls it “over-saved”.
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dee wrote:
Some 20 years ago, a certain O.J.Simpson made the same claim.
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“Over saved!,” love it HUG.. We always called them “pious prunes.”
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Gus wrote:
Agree. We have a building contractor up here who advertizes his business as a “Christian-based company”. After having the bad judgement to do business with them, we found out that they are anything but.
Now, when I see a business advertizing that they are “Christian”, I run the other way.
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Hanni wrote:
Here’s the YouTube clip:
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Doug wrote:
Same here! My impression of businesses that do that are that they are shysters looking to attract the most trusting and gullible people they can.
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“Yankee Doodle Blogger”
—> Due to Christmas and health problems at the Parsons, Sopy will be commenting a bit less and ‘praying’ a bit more in the next week. However, humor and good cheer will proceed as usual.
Eat, Blog, And be Merry…  🙂
Happy Holidays!
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