Friday’s Here But Sunday’s Coming



Jesus. He, Who was there at the Beginning, came to Earth, a seemingly insignificant planet located in the Orion Spur off the Perseus Arm in the Milky Way galaxy.  Yet, this planet was particularly blessed for this place was the home of those created in the image of the Creator. These were a special people, dearly loved. 


Enjoy this video called The Mountain by Terje Sorgjerd,  which was filmed  April 4-11, 2011at El Teide which is Spain´s highest mountain. It is one of the best places in the world to photograph the stars and is also the location of Teide Observatories, considered to be one of the world´s best observatories. You will see stunning views of the Milky Way.



Yet, these unique and beloved people of God were strangely rebellious. They grew tired of their King and His rules. They turned from Him and a darkness settled over the planet. That is why the Light came. And so, on a day called Good Friday, a strange name for a day of execution, He was crucified by the very people He created, loved and came to redeem. The angels gasped in confusion.  How does one execute the Eternal? And why?  But, there was a plan. There had always been a plan.





So, they laid Him in the ground. Death and sadness consumed them. The Light of the world seemingly had been extinguished. But, just before He died, He said something curious to the thief. "Today you will be with Me in paradise."  Paradise? He was dead, wasn't He? Perhaps they could not see it in the midst of their grief and disappointment, but soon they would learn a deep truth. In darkness there is always the Light of the World, always!  But, they would have to look into the darkness to really see it.


Watch "The Aurora" by Terje Sorgjerd. He spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora borealis shows in recent years.  This video was shot in and around Kirkenes and Pas National Park bordering Russia, at 70 degree north and 30 degrees east. Temperatures around -25 Celsius.






Then, on Easter morning, death lost it's final shot at victory. The Light entered the Body and He once again walked amongst His people who were no longer lost but had been found. Unburdened by their sin, they started to dance and continue to dance because Sunday has come and the Lord of the Dance will be with them, always! 


Rejoice with our brothers and sisters in Budapest, Hungary who, for many years, had to practice their faith in the dark. I visited this very square years ago as a high school student, never imagining that faith would one day be openly celebrated here. On April 4, 2010, over 1,300 young people, all of them members of Faith Church, celebrated Resurrection Sunday.






Friday’s Here But Sunday’s Coming — 10 Comments

  1. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127


  2. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Glory to God!!!

  3. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Here’s another non-negotiable tenet of the faith for me (in addition to not being a product of human male DNA), Yeshua’s physical resurrection from the dead.

  4. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Anybody here like J.S. Bach’s oratorio “The Passion of Saint Matthew” ?

  5. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Old Papa Bach was a good Lutheran ya know.

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    You are a man after my own heart. Bach would have been thrown out by the Conservative Resurgence along with Luther, Lewis, and Wesley.

    Muff, you are doing just fine in the nonnegotiable department. Happy Easter

  7. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Happy Easter!

  8. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127


    Praise God for the Resurrection! Happy day to you as well.

  9. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    I have recently learned that “Easter” is a word derived from the name of the German goddess of the Dawn, and came to be associated with the month of April, sort of a celebration of spring and fertility. There is some evidence that the German name for the goddess has its roots in Astaroth, the fertility goddess of the ancient Babylonians and other Middle Eastern peoples, and referenced in the Old Testament.

    Perhaps we should rename the Christian celebration. Perhaps Resurrection.

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    The famous sermon, which I have heard several times, is titled “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming!”