“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo” Ambrose Bierce
Once again, your glamorous blog meisters have to deal with pull of schadenfreude when it comes to Paige Patterson. Patterson has a long history when it comes to the conservative Resurgence in the SBC. Claiming it was to get rid of the liberals who infected the Convention and seminaries, Patterson, along with buddy Paul Pressler, orchestrated the coming decades while enjoying beignets at Café Du Monde in New Orleans in the late 1960s. This coup d’état , however, took out more than just liberals. The SBC graveyard is littered with the bodies of honest Christians felled by the crusade for Baptist purity.
Paige, along with his wife, have always loved the spotlight and never shrink at calling attention to themselves. So, it can be somewhat interesting when, in so doing, Patterson inadvertently spotlights a problem in his own life. He wants public consideration, well, here it is. We thank Tom Rich of the fabulous FBC Jax Watchdog blog, Link, for calling attention to this public striptease by Paige Patterson. Pay particular attention to the picture and Patterson’s physique.
Patterson Strip-Tease from FBCJax Watchdog on Vimeo.
Patterson appears to have eaten one too many beignets on his way to the Conservative Resurgence. He decries pornography and then displays food porn for the audience to have a good-natured laugh. Ha,ha. We can laugh off our sin of gluttony but let someone take a sip of wine and all hell breaks lose.
Folks, obesity is not a nice sin. Many people who come to see my husband for serious heart disease need to lose weight. By their indulgence and/or lack of exercise, they are shortening their lifespan, a gracious gift given to them by God. Each day, families lose a dad or a mother to diseases caused by obesity. Somehow, though, it is Biblically OK to kill ourselves with food but not OK to kill ourselves with alcohol.
Oh, granted, steroid usage and a few conditions can make one appear to be fat. If one is unable to exercise due to a medical condition, it is hard to keep weight off but it can be done with proper counseling. I have a friend whose daughter plays in a wheelchair basketball league. There is nary an obese teen present. It is important to note that there were no fat people found in the horrific concentration camps, which starved their prisoner population and overworked them.
American Christians have a particular penchant for getting on their high horse and condemning those who struggle with alcoholism and drug addiction. They really enjoy excoriating those who struggle with same sex attraction. Here is their simplistic solution. If only these sinners would come to Jesus, He would take away the addiction or attraction. They view these fellow strugglers as deviants with no will power. Interestingly, there are some Christians who specifically point fingers at the atheists and call said atheists, “obese.” Such claims have come back to bite them right in their pudgy gut. Here is the proof.
The well-known atheist website of PZ Meyers, Pharyngula, published a commentary entitled “Fat Christians Are a Lie.” Link.
“That paragon of scienciness, Conservapædia, has been arguing that atheism leads to obesity, and for proof, they have photos of grossly pig-like PZ Myers (author of Pharyngula) contrasted with slim, muscular Christian Chuck Norris. This is, of course, also evidence for their claim that "excess weight impairs brain function."
Is this true? Embarrassingly so!!
In an article entitled "Atheism and Obesity", Link, Conservapedia writes the following:
“According to the Gallup Organization, "Very religious Americans are more likely to practice healthy behaviors than those who are moderately religious or nonreligious."
At this point, Conservapedia inserts a picture of an overweight PZ Myers (author of Pharyngula) along with the following commentary.
“A 2010 picture taken in Australia shows PZ Myers drinking ale/beer and he had excess weight in his abdominal area. A 2009 picture of a significantly overweight PZ Myers can be found HERE. In 2010, PZ Myers had health problems related to his heart.”
Unfortunately, the article does not stop there. It goes on to “prove” the premise by listing other “fat” atheists along with their pictures. Then, as proof that Christians are more healthy, this source puts a picture of Chuck Norris. Proof made. Case closed. Dee commences to bang her head against the wall.
Conservapedia bills itself as “The Trustworthy Encyclopedia”. Well, it isn’t and I think of myself as conservative. Here is the “rest of the story.”
Pharyngula goes on to report “MSNBC is reporting a correlation between religiosity and obesity, which simply can't be true. Aside from the difficulties of going from a correlation between two complex phenemona to an assumption of causality, we have it from an unimpeachable, objective source that the opposite is true.”
Here is an excerpt form that MSNBC article entitled Praise the Lard. Link.
“It might be the potlucks, it might be those long hours sitting in pews, but whatever the cause, a new study presented this week shows a link between religious activity and weight gain.
“Our main finding was that people with a high frequency of religious participation in young adulthood were 50 percent more likely to become obese by middle age than those with no religious participation in young adulthood,” says Matthew Feinstein, the study’s lead investigator and a fourth-year medical student at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.”
Here is our dirty little secret. Christians are just as likely to be as fat, if not fatter, than non-Christians. However, evangelicals in America are known for pointing out the sins in others. Somehow, gluttony is the “nice” sin. We can’t help those extra pounds, can we, especially with all those homemade goodies at Sunday School?
True confession: I need to lose 10 pounds and I pretend like I am trying. If only I would cut down on eating and exercise more, the weight would come off. Isn’t this what we say to the alcoholic, “Just stop drinking?” And we show our disgust if they slip once or twice while the majority of us slip up every day of our lives in trying to lose weight?
Ah, we are all such a bunch of judgmental hypocrites and Paige and Dorothy Patterson are our patron saints. Patterson did a marvelous job shining a light into our darkness, albeit inadvertently, and he did so in a very public setting.
So, to honor Patterson’s faux pas and to help Paige and Dorothy lead the way to Baptist health, we offer our
Top Ten Suggestions to Lose Weight
- No more top secret meetings and beignets at Café Du Monde
- On your next safari, haul your own carcass.
- Give up bacon and eggs for Lent (or do Baptists do Lent)?
- No more sampling delicacies in Dorothy’s BA degree in Homemaker classes.
- Enroll Dorothy in an American Heart Association nutrition course and make her cook for you. She is, after all, the homemaker role model.
- Train for WWE SmackDown, wrestle “Stone Cold” Al Mohler and solve both the weight and the Calvinism problem like manly men.
- Fire the pastry chef at Pecan Manor.
- Start chapel service with 10 minutes of calisthenics.
- Commence the Daniel Fast as written about by your good friend, Elmer Townes. Link.
- And, to show we have learned a thing or two from Mark Driscoll, sign Dorothy up for salsa classes while you train for Dancing with the Stars. It will bring "spice" to your marriage.
Nuff said.
Lydia’s Corner: Deuteronomy 32:28-52 Luke 12:35-59 Psalm 78:56-64 Proverbs 12:24
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“And, to show we have learned a thing or two from Mark Driscoll, sign Dorothy up for salsa classes while you train for Dancing with the Stars. It will bring “spice” to your marriage.”
Dee, what were we thinking? Dancing is strictly forbidden in the SBC – no foolin’ !!! I guess Patterson’s swagger in chapel threw us off.
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Your hubby’s a cardiologist, right? He might know my in-laws. If he’s well known in the field, they probably at least know of him.
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He did write some papers and do research.He was faculty at UT SW and Duke However, he is just a lowly private practice guy now. Are your in laws in the field? I write this as I watch Fringe.
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lol if he did that in the bedroom he might lose some weight as well huh?
Wonder if Dorthy would go for it?
lolol (Yes sarcasm)
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“The SBC graveyard is littered with the bodies of honest Christians felled by the crusade for Baptist purity.”
The very young Al Mohler (he was 33 when he became President of SBTS) fired a man who was 6 mos away from retirement. His sin? He had the nerve to correct someone who preached in chapel who said that SBTS had not had a conservative chapel speaker in so many years. This man, Paul Desbusman, the librarian/historian for SBTS wrote the speaker and listed the conservative chapel speakers. The speaker sent the letter to Al Mohler because he was offended and that was grounds for the firing.
So, he did not get his full retirement.
These “great men of God” in the SBC are petty, mean and self absorbed. I would not follow them out of a parking lot.
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Other SBC casualties..
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One more…sorry bout that
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Thanks for that link Karlton. I could not remember the name of the Chapel speaker.
Tom Elliff
Current pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Del City, OK. Brother-in-law of Bailey Smith. Asked bond holders to forgive the church’s debts. Elected President of the SBC in 1996 and 1997. Registered a complaint with Southern Seminary President Al Mohler that resulted in the dismissal of Paul Debusman, the Seminary’s reference librarian. (After 35 years of service, he was dismissed 10 months before full retirement)
Guess who has just been appointed as International Mission Board President of the SBC? Tom Eliff.
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the answer is. No, most Baptist do not even mention or want “LENT” to be a protocol in the Baptist world.
LENT is a bad word to Baptist.
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“2. W. A. Criswell – A co-architect of the of the takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention. Was a harsh critic of “Higher Criticism” and loathed the fact that it was being taught in Southern Baptist seminaries. He was a two-time president of the Southern Baptist Convention. He grouped “liberals” with “moderates” in the SBC, saying, “A skunk by any other name still stinks.” He wrote the popular book, Why I Preach That the Bible Is Literally True. Was a strong proponent of biblical inerrancy. In 1987 he labeled any who opposed his views as being, “infidels and half infidels.” At the 1988 SBC Convention in San Antonio, a resolution was passed critical of the cardinal Baptist belief in the “priesthood of the believer” and “soul competency” and elevated the pastor to the position of authority in the church he serves. Criswell told a group of pastors that “the man of God who is the pastor of the church is the ruler.”
Read this about Criswell, the great “father” of the SBC. Does anyone wonder why I spend so mucb focus on the sin of “authoritarianism” in Christendom? Because one has to do away with the biblical principle of the Priesthood in order to teach authoritarianism in the Body.
BTW: The deacons at FBC Dallas where Criswell was pastor, tried to get Patterson fired as president of Criswell College because he was never there doing his job. he was out hunting liberals with Pressler. But the big names in the SBC at the “famous airport meeting” kept him from being fired. Those big wigs were: Adrian Rogers, Ed young Sr, Charles Stanley, etc.
In fact, at this meeting, reported by Joel Gregory, also pastor of FBC Dallas, Charles STanely made the statement that “anyone in his church who went against him either got cancer or lost their jobs”. NO kidding.
These men are sicko.
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OK- he can give up bacon and eggs for Advent. That one, I know, is a part of some SBC churches.
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“LENT is a bad word to Baptist.”
Not it’s worse. It’s a Catholic word. Not a greater curse can be spoken in SBC circles.
When this church building was proposed to the congregation the biggest complaint was that it looked like a Catholic church.
And a few people left over it. And others complained about it for years. While sitting in the pews.
Oh, well.
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Yeah, they own a small company that makes ECG-related systems. They’re in New Orleans this weekend at the American College of Cardiology convention.
I thought Fringe wasn’t on last night. Was it a repeat?
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I am one of those bodies littering the graveyard of the SBC.
As for Paul Debusman, I don’t know him, but I imagine he was very angry and in my experience, they flip that on you and make you the bad guy. They do something totally wrong and you are the one with anger issues.
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“As for Paul Debusman, I don’t know him, but I imagine he was very angry and in my experience, they flip that on you and make you the bad guy. They do something totally wrong and you are the one with anger issues.”
From what I can gather he went quietly and never sought any type of revenge at all. Not even justice. Several have tried to get him to tell his story now there are blogs but he is a gentleman of the old school who did not want to stir things up.
But it gives you some insight into how the very young Al Mohler treated his elders when he took over the seminary. And this was over a FACTUAL disagreement. See,. truth really did not matter in the campaign for the CR. It was only about winning. Remember that next time you are listening to Al Mohler.
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This post brings back a lot of memories for me and my wife. I was in the convention in 1985 which was held in Dallas. It is said to have had the largest attendance by far (45,000). The hunt for “liberals” had been going on for several yrs. I graduated from a different seminary, one not one of the six seminaries supported by the s.b.c. even though I was pastoring a church associated with s.b.c. Ralph Elliot who had been a professor in California wrote a book majoring on Genesis. He said that the first eleven chapters of Genesis were mythological or at least metaphorical. Well, this was major ammo for Pressler and Patterson. The mantra became you had to pledge allegiance to the fact that you believed the “orignals autographs” uniquically no other chice would be given. Now i am a senior minister and i notice some of our younger ministers are beginning to want more lattitude in Biblical interpretation. Patterson seems to want to connect with the younger folk so he does his burlesque act. I must admit in some ways I feel like a mis-fit, but I still pastor an s.b.c. church but have with drawn from the politics involved with what is happening today. I still support our mission program but am selective there. Disgruntled yes, but my faith is in Christ and I try to over-look things that might cause me to become bitter.
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Inerrancy, YE, etc., patriarchy, pastoral authority, etc., are all tied together and all are derived and or were modified to support the takeover of the SBC. One of the long cherished Baptist distinctives was the idea of freedom of conscience, tied to the idea of free will and that Jesus died for all of us and we must choose. Well the right wing does not like that idea, and so built an entire theology and doctrine of the Bible to sustain it. NO where does the Bible claim to have be dictated by God, as an example.
The history of the SBC is repeated attempted takeovers by the right wing, all of which failed, until the one in the 80s, which is the one that followed the further development of the fundamentalist stuff with a more intellectual sounding theoretical basis to back it up.
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The biggest mistake many made who went along with the CR was thinking it was about inerrancy as in conservative vs liberal. It wasn’t. It was about power. And those who took over used many of the tactics they had studied from the democrat party on strategies to win. They even copied some of Alinsky’s rules. To the point of busing in votes to the convention (now that they have won, they don’t want all those people there and convention attandance is about 7000)
In fact, the original planners of the CR were all free will people who loved power. Pressler, Patterson, Criswell, Adrian Rogers, Ed Young Sr, Charles STanely and many more were all free will. And they were the ‘right wing’. Al Mohler was about 19 when the CR was being planned. He came in later. In fact, Mohler worked as a fundraiser for one of the liberal leaders! (Mohler is quite adept at seeing where the wind blows. He is a culture warrior now because it is the best way to get fame)
It was not long before many started turning on each other as is the usual way it works out. Patterson could not stand Criswell. Patterson tried for years to get rid of Jerry Rankin, president of the IMB. A lot of leaders could not stand Patterson but he knew too much and had to be placated so he was moved around a lot in cushy job after cushy job.
There are many more but I contend had there been an internet, we would have known about it at the time and it would have hurt their cause.
But they would not have had a cause to begin with if there had not been a handful of professors teaching there was no virgin birth or that the Bible was not Inspired. There were and they had to go because the seminary’s are subsidized by the churches. Thing is, they took these handful and made it into something that it was not and the witch hunts grew to nothing but B issues.
Later the Calvinists and Free will folks made common cause for power. But now they are starting to eat each other up for the same power.
Such is the case when men crave power.
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Tom Elliff
Current pastor of First Southern Baptist Church in Del City, OK. Brother-in-law of Bailey Smith. Asked bond holders to forgive the church’s debts. Elected President of the SBC in 1996 and 1997. Registered a complaint with Southern Seminary President Al Mohler that resulted in the dismissal of Paul Debusman, the Seminary’s reference librarian. (After 35 years of service, he was dismissed 10 months before full retirement)
Guess who has just been appointed as International Mission Board President of the SBC? Tom Eliff.
A couple of synapses just fired there. Duh.
Here’s the Joel Gregory quote describing the infamous airport meeting he chaired where the SBC big wigs had gathered to try to convince the Criswell College BOT to not fire Paige Patterson:
After opening the meeting I let the visiting dignitaries have their say. And have it they did. These pastors were not in the habit of interference from laymen in their churches. They ruled like kings. They proceeded to lecture the trustees [of Criswell College] at length concerning the person and value of Paige Patterson. Jerry Vines and Charles Stanley were clearly hot. Stanley recounted his own battles at First Baptist, Atlanta. On his accession to the pastorate, an oligarchy of laypersons opposed him. He then spelled out to Bo Sexton [trustee chairman] and the trustees the horrible things that had happened to the families of those who opposed him: disease, death, divorce, etc. The implication was clear: if you touch Paige Patterson, God will get you. I was sitting next to Bo and thought he would explode.