Todd Wilhelm discusses what happened at his former 9Marks church
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Something to make you smile.
Continue readingMark Driscoll uses a woman missionary to complete his agenda.
Continue readingWomen badly treated by the church
Continue readingDomestic violence: Shame on many churches! #WhyIStayed
Continue readingJD Hall and Dee speak about repentance.
Continue readingGRACE and Boz Tchividjian start a petition. TWW fully endorses this effort.
Continue reading"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 (NASB) One of our primary goals here at TWW is to detect trends within Christendom and then alert our readers with our findings. In early January we posted an article entitled: "Al Mohler's Young Earth Rhetoric Heats Up". (link) In that post we made the following statement: … Continue reading
"Old is authentic. Old is genuine. Old is valuable." Billy Graham Just as I began typing this post on my Mac laptop, I discovered the sad news that Steve Jobs has passed away at the age of 56. He was stricken with a rare form of pancreatic cancer over seven years ago and survived longer than most … Continue reading
Shame on the SBC Shame on Warren Community Church Shame on those in the church who do not protect children from predators Shame on those in the church who knowingly hire pedophiles This story has to be one of the most disgusting examples of complete disregard by the church for the safety and well-being of children that I … Continue reading
Clarifying my thoughts on Graham.
Continue readingDecrying the salaries of some Christian leaders
Continue readingFranklin Graham+salary-over 1 million dollars
Continue readingKeeping secrets and not allowing full transparency
Continue readingKen Ham+creationism
Continue readingThe creationism debate and disagreement with Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis
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A close encounter with a young earth creationsit teacher who got 18 years for child molestation.
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Great video on why you can’t win an argument with conspiracy theorists. Rejoicing that the vaccine is here.
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