Gateway Scheduled Speaker Albert Tate is Replaced at the Last Minute by Staffer Kemtal Glasgow

In a summer series titled “Let’s Dive In!” Gateway Church has scheduled a slate of guest speakers to preach every Saturday/Sunday beginning June 8-9 and continuing through August 3-4. This covers a nine-week period, one slot remains to be filled. Lisa Harper spoke last week.

Albert Tate, Senior Pastor of Fellowship Monrovia in the Los Angeles area, was scheduled to speak this week. Surprisingly, as you will see in the video clip from this weekend’s sermon, Kemtal Glasgow was a last-minute fill-in for Tate.

Dee and I can only speculate on the reason for Albert Tate being replaced so late in the game, but we figure there’s a whole lot of confusion amidst the damage control taking place at Gateway HQ since Dee broke the story of Morris’ sexual abuse of Cindy Clemishire.

When I went to YouTube to watch the recorded service from Saturday, they advertised the video as Albert Tate speaking but it was Glasgow.

For those unfamiliar with Albert Tate, he’s got a lot of baggage in his own life and it wouldn’t be wise to platform him in the middle of the Robert Morris scandal. That Kemtal Glasgow was given only ten minutes notice that he would be speaking at Saturday afternoon’s service speaks to the fact that confusion rules the day at Gateway.

Julie Roys has covered the problems with Albert Tate extensively.

Screenshot from

Another speaker that Gateway has lined up is Dr. Tony Evans. He is scheduled for July 13-14. Evans will also need to be replaced as he has recently stepped down from his role of senior pastor because of unspecified disqualifying sins and is taking part in a restoration process.

Meanwhile, Morris has been taking a lot of heat in response to his posts on social media and I noticed he is now limiting comments on many of his posts.  I’m not sure what that means, but guessing he only allows the positive comments to be posted.

All I can say is the Evangelical Church in the United States is a dumpster fire. Stay tuned!


Gateway Scheduled Speaker Albert Tate is Replaced at the Last Minute by Staffer Kemtal Glasgow — 98 Comments

  1. “the Evangelical Church in the United States is a dumpster fire”

    The charismania fringe of it has always been trying to put out a fire.

    To be a successful preacher in that world, all you need is a touch of charisma, a gift of gab, and a bag of gimmicks. A working knowledge of the Bible helps, but is not necessary.

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  2. Looks like Morris had every weekend between now and the second week in August booked up. I doubt he was going on vacation all that time. I’m sure he had himself booked in to preach about “The Blessed Life” (aka “make money ran out of the giving units’ wallets on the church”).

    Oh, and I notice that the speaker for the first week of August is Chris Hodges. You know Chris, the head of the ARC and pastor of COTH, the ARC mothership in Birmingham. Oh, yeah, and ARC is about to open a restoration facility for pastors, you know, kind of like Robert Morris.

    Let’s keep an eye on this.

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  3. “Evans will also need to be replaced as he has recently stepped down from his role of senior pastor because of unspecified disqualifying sins and is taking part in a restoration process.”

    This word “restoration” needs to be scrubbed from the lexicon of churches that honor Jesus. There is no restoration for these men. Repentance? Yes. Fellowship? Yes/maybe. Prison? As needed. Get a regular job (if they legally can)? Yes.

    Restoration? NO.

    Restoration: “A bringing back to a former position or condition.”

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  4. Chris Webster: Restoration? NO.

    Child abuse should be a permanent disqualifier from ministry. The Shady Grove elders did the wrong thing to “restore” Morris … the Gateway elders did the wrong thing to accept that restoration (this was a crime!). Forgive the truly repentant? Certainly! Restore them to the pulpit? Absolutely not!! There are other places to serve the Lord than in the pulpit – he forfeited that sacred office years ago, IMO.

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  5. Hello. I want to remain anon.

    I have received info about Gateway. They have invested 30 million into a series called “House of David”. It will be on Amazon. You can google “house of David” and Variety mag has an article that just came out 4 days ago about them hiring the main cast. It will be a more mature show.

    The congregation has zero idea the money they tithe or give as an offering is being used so Morris can pretend he’s famous and get his name into Hollywood as a producer on the series (why would they know when it’s also being used to pay off those who were sexually abused and get them to sign an NDA for 25k?). Robert and Debbie either are still abroad in Greece (or abroad in general bc they may still be gone) or just got back from a trip to Greece where they were on a 100 foot yacht touring around seeing where it will be filmed. All the while his minions do his biddings for him back in Texas for the crimes he committed. Cool. The douchy get douchier

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  6. Wade Burleson has posted today about this: “ My friend, Cindy Clemishire, has accused Robert Morris of sexually predatory behavior against her, beginning at the age of twelve, predatory behavior that continued for nearly five years until Cindy was 17.”. More in the article.

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    The Oklahoma woman, now in her 50s, said Morris abused her on multiple occasions from 1982 to 1987. The allegations, first publicized Friday in the religious watchdog blog Wartburg Watch, said the abuse happened in Oklahoma and Texas between 1982 and 1987. The Christian Post published a story Saturday about the allegations.

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  8. Anon: invested 30 million into a series called “House of David”

    David is their guy. Millions galore of parishioner tithes for chollywood filming to stage the scandalous king in all his glory, produced by a scandalous clergyman.

    Hollywood film production, leaving no scandal to the imagination.

    Their church association built a “restoration” retreat vacay lodge for scandalous pastors quick fix to get them back in the pulpit. Will this retreat center for men evolve into the Playboy mansion for the clergymen crowd?

    This group likes money, celebrity, Hollywood, and scandals involving women and girls, occasionally boys and young men. Seems fitting this would turn out to be their Playboy mansion. A retreat for pastors to get their fix before going back to the boredom of wife, kids, job, and supporting community. Yawn.

    Maybe an annual or biannual retreat would be appropriate for men to be able to not fall off the wagon by going after churchkids in their parish back home. A Bohemian Grove for church leaders.

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  9. Anon: I have received info about Gateway. They have invested 30 million into a series called “House of David”.

    Thanks for the tip. I have been looking into it. The article linked to below was published on June 12th.

    “Production on “House of David” is currently underway in Greece.”
    (This would give credence to your statement that Morris is currently in Greece.)

    “The series is based on an idea by director Jon Erwin, who executive produces alongside Jonathan Walker, Jon Gunn, Justin Rosenblatt, Chad Oakes and Mike Frislev. Rosenblatt serves as the executive in charge of production on behalf of the Wonder Project, for which “The Chosen” creator Dallas Jenkins is a large shareholder and special advisor.

    In association with the Wonder Project and Amazon MGM Studios, “House of David” is produced by Nomadic Pictures and Argonauts along with Kingdom Story Company and Lionsgate Television.”

    Do you know if any of the individuals named above attend Gateway? Also, do you know who the $30 million invested by Gateway went to? I would guess either Kingdom Story Company or Lionsgate Television.

    The tithing units of Gateway church should definitely have been advised of this use of their money.

    Any help you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  10. “If a “minister” abuses a child, institutional religious leaders should remove him.” (Wade Burlison)

    There should be no ifs, ands, or buts about it! There should be no reservations, restrictions, or excuses … no restoration process … no more pulpit … PERIOD! Sexual abuse of a child should be a permanent disqualifier from ministry. Those who attempt to restore such a person to ministry should also be permanently disqualified from ever being an elder/deacon. Indeed, Scripture warns church leaders who restore bad actors to Christian ministry:

    “Do not hurry to lay hands on anyone ordaining and approving someone for ministry or an office in the church, or in reinstating expelled offenders, and thereby share in the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.” (1 Timothy 5:22)

    God takes these things seriously. So should we.

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  11. Anon: I have received info about Gateway. They have invested 30 million into a series called “House of David”. It will be on Amazon. You can google “house of David” and Variety mag has an article that just came out 4 days ago about them hiring the main cast. It will be a more mature show.

    First Impression:
    “Just like Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon, Except CHRISTIAN(TM)!”

    Yet another Christian Counterfeit for those Forbidden under Pain of Eternal Hell to watch the real thing.

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  12. Max: = personality cults, not Christianity as it’s meant to be

    And as we’re seeing with Calvary Chapel Woodlands, personality cults rarely survive their founder/cult leader.

    That’s also why Communism demonstrated more staying power than Naziism, and the Unarians more staying power than other flying saucer cults — both had philosophical underpinnings beyond the founding personality.

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  13. I am not surprised that Morris and Driscoll were BFFs. And why Morris was the spiritual advisor to another degenerate pagan abuser, criminal, and Epstein buddy (Trump). Umpteen photo collages of her sitting on his lap, kissing her, touching her, well into her teens. Listen to TFG talk about her on Howard Stern (he had 15 hours of interviews from roughly 1993 when she was 12, to 2015). He also talked about her on the Letterman show, calling her a ‘great piece of **s’, talking about her br**sts, and after naming some of the most beautiful celebrity women at that time, he said they were ‘7’s’, but Ivanka was a 10.

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  14. Muslin fka Dee Holmes:
    Looks like Morris had every weekend between now and the second week in August booked up. I doubt he was going on vacation all that time. I’m sure he had himself booked in to preach about “The Blessed Life” (aka “make money ran out of the giving units’ wallets on the church”).

    Oh, and I notice that the speaker for the first week of August is Chris Hodges. You know Chris, the head of the ARC and pastor of COTH, the ARC mothership in Birmingham. Oh, yeah, and ARC is about to open a restoration facility for pastors, you know, kind of like Robert Morris.

    Let’s keep an eye on this.

    Morris never preaches during the summer. That’s been his MO for years now; he takes some family vacations, but he also goes on the speaking circuit.

    Last year, he didn’t do as much speaking, as he had three major surgeries, including open heart surgery. (He has a history of major surgeries, most notably in 2018 when he was near death the week after Easter.)

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  15. Max,

    Absolutely agree- a person can be forgiven, but should not be restored to his position

    If truly repentant & humbled, that person should not try to put himself in that same/leadership position.

    A local NC pastor, when asked about a Family Ministry Deacon’s history of indecent liberties with a child conviction at the church we attended at that time said “God has forgiven him. How can we do any less?” Those in charge went along with that mindset, especially since it came from the Pastor.

    Then later, when at that same church, a staff member’s son allegedly raped a barely 13-year-old girl at the church and leadership knew we had heard of it two years later, we were the ones that were ostracized and evicted from the church.

    The question we were asked repeatedly was “Didn’t God want us to follow the leadership of the church”?
    My husband‘s response was “when a young girl is raped at the church and the leadership does nothing about it, I don’t believe he’d want me to follow that kind of leadership”.

    When we first learned of it, we said “if it’s true, some parents and kids need help-if it’s not true some parents and kids need help”.

    The parents had spoken with the leadership of the church concerning this incident and were assured that they would do something about it. The young family later went onto another church and did not want to follow it up with anymore of the local authorities. The girl and her grandmother had gone to the local serve social services office where her story was told and was repeatedly the same. No follow up action was taken.

    How much of this goes on behind-the-scenes?

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  16. Debby: The question we were asked repeatedly was “Didn’t God want us to follow the leadership of the church”?

    Never … no never! … submit yourself to illegitimate authority. The days of blind trust of church leaders are over … just look at the recent swarm of bad-boy reports on celebrity “pastors” (Hybels, Bickle, Zecharias … now Morris). If those in the spotlight can’t pass the test, what about those hidden in obscure ministries across America. Never let your guard down … that’s why Scripture exhorts us to test and try the spirits … because, believe me, they need to be tested and tried like they never have been before for the enemy has come in like a flood! Don’t get me wrong, there is a multitude of pastors who have been faithful (if you have one, count it a blessing), but their talk and walk need to be examined closely nevertheless.

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  17. Debby: How much of this goes on behind-the-scenes?

    “Son of man, do you see what the elders … do in the dark (behind the scenes) … For they say, ‘The Lord does not see us'” (Ezekiel 8)

    Yes, elder, He sees you … yes, pastor, He sees you. “What is done in the dark will come to light” (Luke 12). You will reap what you sow, more than you sow, later than you sow.

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  18. Kate Shellnutt wrote a piece regarding the Gateway response for Christianity Today.

    She highlighted a statement by Bob Hamp, who set up the Freedom Ministry at Gateway Church and worked there from 2005-2014.

    He has a lot to say, and as Cindy continues to speak out, I encourage all of the sons and daughters of Stan to read it.

    “…The labels common in church culture (inappropriate relationship, and “moral failure”) both minimize what is really happening and deceive every other person about what has really happened. People hear these phrases as descriptive of mutual relationships and so respond as if the abuse was actually a mutual relationship. Two people are blamed for one person’s sickness.

    This is how victims get blamed.”

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  19. Headless Unicorn Guy: personality cults rarely survive their founder/cult leader

    When Driscoll fell, Mars Hill closed up shop … when Hybels fell, the Willow Creek model of doing church fell out of favor … when Bickle fell, IHOP was thrown into confusion … when Zecharias fell, his TV ministry went black … when MacDonald fell, Harvest Bible Chapel became a mere shadow of its former self, etc. etc. etc. Followers of those personality cults are scattered across the landscape – depressed, disillusioned and in despair. They may never try church again. Whose plan would that be?

    On the other hand, Jesus is still alive and well … the Kingdom of God on earth in the here and now is still expanding. Praise His Holy Name!

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  20. “… The labels common in church culture (inappropriate relationship, and “moral failure”) both minimize what is really happening and deceive every other person about what has really happened …” (Bob Hamp quote, Christianity Today)

    Morris was in his 20s … Cindy was 12. He was a traveling evangelist … she was a child. Child sexual abuse is not inappropriate behavior or moral failure … it’s a crime in all 50 states.

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  21. Max: They all do.The problem with deception is that you don’t know you are deceived because you are deceived.

    But they always say “I Am Not Deceived”.

    “If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.”
    — some Rabbi from Nazareth

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  22. Robert Morris’s account of “inappropriate sexual behavior” is just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, while Bob Hamp and Alan Smith were on staff as pastors at Gateway it was discovered that they both had been involved in extra marital sexual relationships with several women they were in counseling/pastoral roles thru ministry classes called Kairos and Freedom Ministry. The church did not report the incidents or file any charges even though it is considered sexual assault under Texas penal code. Instead, they were quietly terminated 15 months later. Bob Hamp divorced his wife Jackee Hamp, married one of the women who had attended his Kairos classes and opened a counseling office in Grapevine, Texas. Alan Smith started a new church, Catch the Fire and later was found to be having a sexual relationship with someone at his new church. He was again quietly released from ministry, divorced his wife Nancy Routzon Smith he is now a realtor in Burleson, Texas

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  23. Chris Webster: Restoration: “A bringing back to a former position or condition.”

    100% agree for perpetrators.

    Restoration: “Bringing back to a former position or condition” should be the goal for survivors of these predators. Every kind of support that can be given: spiritual support, emotional support, therapeutic support, social support. Restoration, inasmuch as it is possible, should be the wholehearted response of the church to abuse.

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  24. Bene D: he highlighted a statement by Bob Hamp, who set up the Freedom Ministry at Gateway Church and worked there from 2005-2014.

    He has a lot to say, and as Cindy continues to speak out, I encourage all of the sons and daughters of Stan to read it.

    “…The labels common in church culture (inappropriate relationship, and “moral failure”) both minimize what is really happening and deceive every other person about what has really happened. People hear these phrases as descriptive of mutual relationships and so respond as if the abuse was actually a mutual relationship. Two people are blamed for one person’s sickness.

    A G: Robert Morris’s account of “inappropriate sexual behavior” is just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012, while Bob Hamp and Alan Smith were on staff as pastors at Gateway it was discovered that they both had been involved in extra marital sexual relationships with several women they were in counseling/pastoral roles thru ministry classes called Kairos and Freedom Ministry. The church did not report the incidents or file any charges even though it is considered sexual assault under Texas penal code. Instead, they were quietly terminated 15 months later. Bob Hamp divorced his wife Jackee Hamp, married one of the women who had attended his Kairos classes and opened a counseling office in Grapevine, Texas. Alan Smith started a new church, Catch the Fire and later was found to be having a sexual relationship with someone at his new church. He was again quietly released from ministry, divorced his wife Nancy Routzon Smith he is now a realtor in Burleson, Texas

    Wait. The same Bob Hamp?

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  25. Eyewitness: The same Bob Hamp?

    I was young and now am old … my journey through the American church has spanned over seven decades. I’ve witnessed the good, the bad, the ugly, and the very ugly in evangelicalism. I’ve observed a strange dynamic taking place in the hallowed halls of “church” … that church leaders who preach the hardest against a certain sin are often found to be living it. It’s a deceptive technique intended to distract folks from looking too closely at “Pastor” and his inner ring.

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  26. Off-topic alerts:

    #1: Pressler dead at 94
    #2: Dr. Ben Carson is to be a speaker at Gateway, and I really wish he had remained in the field of pediatric neurosurgery. A surgeon friend of mine has first-hand knowledge that Dr. Carson is brilliant in that field. Politics, history, archaelogy, not so much. I think he gets all that from Facebook. And Housing and Urban Development? Really?

    Sorry, Dee. Burnt out on sex scandals. A friend of mine just got a divorce from one of those, and we’re hoping to turn a page on that one at least. Until the guy is out of prison.

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  27. A G: In 2012, while Bob Hamp and Alan Smith were on staff as pastors at Gateway it was discovered that they both had been involved in extra marital sexual relationships with several women they were in counseling/pastoral roles thru ministry classes called Kairos and Freedom Ministry. The church did not report the incidents or file any charges even though it is considered sexual assault under Texas penal code. Instead, they were quietly terminated 15 months later. Bob Hamp divorced his wife Jackee Hamp, married one of the women who had attended his Kairos classes and opened a counseling office in Grapevine, Texas. Alan Smith started a new church, Catch the Fire and later was found to be having a sexual relationship with someone at his new church. He was again quietly released

    Good grief.

    5 questions about Bob Hamp on Twitter:

    1. He boasts a looong gig at Gateway but Why did he leave? Now we know.
    2. Why is his today-wife fawning over him in his website photos?
    3. Why would anyone listen to a serial philanderer counselor go on and on advising – about his pedo pastor and the victim – to look at all sides & “look deeper” beneath the surface? (Crime is crime. That simple. Nothing more.)
    4. Why would Julie Roys then repost the serial philanderering counselor’s verbose “advice”? (Good grief, Julie Roys. Do you jump on board everything you read from “experts” with pedigree? Pedigree crucified Jesus; never forget.)
    5. Why is this serial philanderer counselor therapist not in jail or denied his license for having affairs with his church counselee clients?

    Finally, does “Gateway” indicate the entrance to h3ll? In any case, their gig may or may not be up, but it’s certainly gaining traction in the public eye for all to see what they are really about. The trifecta: $117M, Image (NFL players, actors, Hollywood = Power), and all the women that millions can buy (after violating minors with impunity). Now we know what Freedom Ministry is all about: the freedom to take whatever you want, from whomever you want, any time or place you want. Your Freedom Ministry delivers.

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  28. A G: The church did not report the incidents or file any charges even though it is considered sexual assault under Texas penal code. Instead, they were quietly terminated 15 months later.

    The prosecutor has to press charges and that requires a victim willing to testify.

    recently a female professor instigated a sexual relationship with our friends son.

    They were ready to go with the charges against her, but the young man backed out.
    No willing witness, no charges.

    And, are you saying that these affairs were known and tolerated by gateway church staff for 15 months?

    Because I know the guy who would have ultimately dealt directly with this and theres no way in Hades he would have sat on it for five minutes.

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  29. Max: Is that where Pastor James was arrested for allegedly assaulting a lady in a parking lot?

    Yup. Though MacDonald is also lucky to be alive, considering the lady’s husband could put MacDonald in a body bog without breaking a sweat (he is a former Navy SEAL). If that had happened, I of course, would not shed a tear for MacDonald and would buy the husband a drink.

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  30. A G,

    Ava Aaronson: 2. Why is his today-wife fawning over him in his website photos?
    The way Mr Hamp tells it: ‘After I transitioned back into practice, an old friend of mine attended one of our training events. It didn’t take us long to discover we had both been through painful divorces since the last time we saw each other. We reconnected in a whole new way as we began to date and Polly began to be an active part of our counseling center.’
    I’m not doubting AG’s assertions about the reasons for the transition and painful divorce— but sources would be nice here. “It was discovered” by whom?
    If Julie were able to verify these assertions, she might take down the article.

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  31. Max: Muff Potter: Last we heard, MacDonald was prospecting some mighty rich diggins’ on Coronado Isle (San Diego).

    Is that where Pastor James was arrested for allegedly assaulting a lady in a parking lot?

    You mean the Godly Road Rage incident where ManaGAWD came out roaring after a parking fender-bender (leaving behind his 9mm Emotional Support Companion) and beat the crap out of the other driver while forgetting to set his parking brake and ManaGAWD’s jacked luxury truck rolled away on its own until it hit yet another car?

    i.e. THIS ManaGAWD?

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  32. Max: Morris was in his 20s … Cindy was 12. He was a traveling evangelist … she was a child. Child sexual abuse is not inappropriate behavior or moral failure … it’s a crime in all 50 states.

    — Stan from South Park, end of the “Cartman Joins NAMBLA” episode

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  33. You all need to read the words of Jesus in John 8:7, KJV ”
    He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” And read Mark 11:25-26 KJV
    “And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. [26] But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

    The Bible commands us in Matthew 18:15-17 to go to the person who has sinned privately, if they don’t listen to take witnesses, if they still don’t listen to go to the church. It never says to spread the gossip about them to the whole world, especially after they have confessed and submitted to correction under the Church elders.

    This site and this ” ministry” has the appearance of a gossip rag like those sold by the checkout stand. You are not helping anyone other than Satan by the divisiveness you are promoting within and outside the church. Very sad that you are re-victimizing the victims and refusing to follow the commands of Jesus and others in restoring those who have fallen into Satan’s traps. And you are making money, gaining power & prestige in the world for spreading gossip & doing Satan’s bidding while claiming to be Christians trying to help the Church. I’m praying the Holy Spirit convicts you of this sin and you beg for forgiveness.

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  34. Stupid comments are not allowed. These involve
    Why after 35 years. Do yourelf q favor and read. and pay attetion to the next post.
    Trump- who the heck cares. She was molested at 12.
    Why didn’t they go t o the police. Try harder.

    You lost your man. Get over it. He molested a 12 year old girl. Does he have a paraphila? Read about that as well.

    Two stupid comments not allowed.

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  35. Grateful to see that Pastor Tate is not allowed to preach at this gathering…as a former member of Fellowship Monrovia and a viewer of the Town Hall where the “Board” was supposed to address the issues/allegations…it was a complete joke and the only thing more apparent than Mr. Tate’s ignorance is his arrogance…the whole thing was a sham ans he’s back in the pulpit moving on…it has been 7 months since he was put on “leave” yet was back in the pulpit less than 3 months later…a sucker is born every minute and sadly there are plenty of people who want a “show” on Sunday mornings…not hearing the Word Of God….smh…

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  36. Max: Jean Cloke,

    “For what business is it of mine to judge outsiders (non-believers)? But we are to judge those who are within the church to protect the church as the situation requires.” (1 Corinthians 5:12 AMP)

    By all accounts, Mrs. Clemishire attempted for decades to get the church to address this. Church leaders largely ignored her. Christians stepped in via the blogosphere to bring a resolution to the matter “as the situation required.” These things affect the whole Body of Christ … behavior like this by church leaders has to stop!

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  37. Max: An odd addition to the slate of speakers, but this whole saga has been odd and depressing.Such an awful hit on the church at large.I hope Dr. Carson cancels his engagement there, considering the change in the atmosphere at Gateway.

    He spoke at Prestonwood not too long ago. His “sermon” quoted ZERO Scripture (very odd for anyone in the Prestonwood pulpit to do – disagree with them if you must, but usually their speakers will quote numerous Bible verses) and sounded more political than religious (he was promoting his latest book).

    He will probably keep his engagement – “in support of the congregation” – as part of his book promotion tour.

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  38. Mark R: He spoke at Prestonwood not too long ago.His “sermon” quoted ZERO Scripture (very odd for anyone in the Prestonwood pulpit to do – disagree with them if you must, but usually their speakers will quote numerous Bible verses) and sounded more political than religious (he was promoting his latest book).

    He will probably keep his engagement – “in support of the congregation” – as part of his book promotion tour.

    That is because Carson is more a politician than a Christian. But then Prestonwood, like FBC Dallas under Jeffress is more a political hall and convention than a church….

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  39. Headless Unicorn Guy: You mean the Godly Road Rage incident where ManaGAWD came out roaring after a parking fender-bender (leaving behind his 9mm Emotional Support Companion) and beat the crap out of the other driver while forgetting to set his parking brake and ManaGAWD’s jacked luxury truck rolled away on its own until it hit yet another car?

    i.e. THIS ManaGAWD?

    That MANAGAWD beat up a woman whose husband is a former Navy SEAL. Mac is lucky to still be breathing or lucky be able to walk and eat solid foods for the rest of his life. Think Mr. Clark from Tom Clancy’s “Without Remorse”. His little 9mm Emotional Support Companion would not help in any case…

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  40. Ava Aaronson,

    Bob Hamps counseling license was on probation for 2 years for unethical relationships. Not for the instances stated previously in 2012, but for a relationship that was unprofessional with a client from 2014-2016. While he hasn’t been denied practicing completely, he was on probation and his license is now active again without holds. Below is that case.

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  41. Considering the current implosion of Gateway, it is entirely possible this series will be cancelled. But then it is a rogue’s gallery of frauds, con artists, unqualified pastors, and prosperity hucksters. Thick as thieves, birds of a feather, that sort of thing. The show must go on, if only to keep the mind-numbed sheep at Gateway fat, dumb, and happy.

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  42. “All I can say is the Evangelical Church in the United States is a dumpster fire. Stay tuned!”

    Indeed it is a dumpster fire. In my view, this is largely due to most of the evangelical leaders being ambitious and corrupt, seeking earthly wealth, rewards, fame, and status, instead of seeking to emulate Jesus Christ.

    I also feel that the evangelical church has become deeply corrupted and debased by selling itself out to the heretical and antichrist ideologies of zionism, remnant theology, and dispensationalism.

    The evangelical church has severely vitiated itself by pledging its allegiance to the evil and depraved ideology of zionism.

    The modern evangelical church reminds me of the prostitute in Revelation 17.

    I don’t mean to offend anyone, but that is my view.

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  43. SP:
    Dave A A,

    According to public divorce records and Mr Hamps Facebook page, his divorce was finalized in March 2016 and they began dating it seems in April 2016 and according to his Facebook page there was no training happening at that time..? Timing seems questionable there

    Seems like he dumped his wife, trading her in for a newer model.

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  44. R’as al Ghul:

    I attended the same Freedom ministry where the new and current Hamps met and started dating. Yes they were both married to other people at the time. Yes Bob was on staff at Gateway and began dating someone he was entrusted to be counseling Yes the Ex discovered the extra marital relationship and confronted pastor Bob Yes Bob claimed he was repentant and that he would end the relationship. No The relationship did not end. Yes this resulted in two divorces. Becoming a “Facebook Official” couple does not always coincide with the real date two people start dating. Smiling fawning faces don’t show the destruction to exes and children. Seems like Robert Hamp consistently lacks ethical boundaries when it comes to relationships but he wants to start a new online church and counseling group.

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  45. AG,

    Thanks so much! Seems like Mr Hamp is playing fast and loose with the facts in his bio. Julie Roys has pulled the article:
    ‘We have pulled this article due to concerning allegations about the author, Bob Hamp, and confirmation that Hamp was censured by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists. According to the state board, Hamp engaged in “unethical conduct,” including providing therapy outside of a “professional relationship,” engaging in activities to meet his “personal needs instead of the needs of the client,” and failing to “set and maintain professional boundaries with a client and former client.”’

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  46. AG,

    The new online church and their online “academy” seems like he is wanting to be a pastor and counselor/ teacher without any leadership above him for accountability. Which is reckless. The wife does that too as a “trauma recovery coach” which has no accountability or oversight. I wonder why so many people choose to still follow him/them. It will be interesting to see if he forfeits his counseling license as well to not have to get in trouble by the state again.

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  47. AG,

    The hubris and lack of shame is appalling. You would have thought he would have at least had the judgement to keep a low profile knowing the license discipline could so easily be found let alone the GW stuff. Too bad none of the victims at GW ever reported to the state licensing board (I’m assuming since the discipline in 2018 was for actions subsequent to that).

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  48. Max: church leaders who preach the hardest against a certain sin are often found to be living it. It’s a deceptive technique intended to distract folks from looking too closely at “Pastor” and his inner ring.

    A defense mechanism to deflect suspicion and/or a secret way to self-medicate so nobody can ever find out.

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  49. Max: I think we need to be careful accepting any statements

    It’s not just from Gateway, of course. Any time I hear someone “transitioned” I automatically think “got fired”. Even in small churches in small communities like mine, it’s the whole “mixed bag”. My neighbor Mike lived with his wife or girlfriend, and then she just vanished. Maybe they’d gotten divorced. Then I started attending a local church, and there was Mike attending with a new improved lady friend.
    After a few months a fellow pewsitter told me they’re moving out of town for a fresh start, since her divorce is about to go through. Oh, I thought, she’s married! But no qualms about going to church together.

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