05.04.24 EChurch@Wartburg Naghmeh Panahi: Surviving Persecution From the Church for Exposing Abuse


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Prayer of Ambrose of Milan, c 339-397

O Lord, who hast mercy upon all, take away from me my sins,
and mercifully kindle in me the fire of thy Holy Spirit.
Take away from me the heart of stone,
and give me a heart of flesh,
a heart to love and adore thee,
a heart to delight in thee,
to follow and to enjoy thee,
for Christ’s sake.

Prayer to God the Father — St Ambrose of Milan (337–397 AD)

O Lord, who has mercy upon all, take away from me my sins,
and mercifully kindle in me the fire of Your Holy Spirit.
Take away from me the heart of stone,
and give me a heart of flesh,
a heart to love and adore You,
a heart to delight in You,
to follow and to enjoy You,
for Christ’s sake.

Prayer to God the Father — St Ambrose of Milan (337–397 AD)

O Lord, who has mercy upon all, take away from me my sins,
and mercifully kindle in me the fire of Your Holy Spirit.
Take away from me the heart of stone,
and give me a heart of flesh,
a heart to love and adore You,
a heart to delight in You,
to follow and to enjoy You,
for Christ’s sake.


The Lord give us peace in our going out and our coming in,
in our lying down and in our rising up, in our labor and in our leisure,
in our laughter and in our tears;
until we come to stand before him on that day to which there is no sunset and no dawn,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


05.04.24 EChurch@Wartburg Naghmeh Panahi: Surviving Persecution From the Church for Exposing Abuse — 6 Comments

  1. I read Naghmeh Panahi’s book this fall, and couldn’t put it down.

    The hardest part for me to process was seeing her husband truly transform & become more Christlike while being tortured for his faith in prison, and yet still remaining an abuser. I found myself so into her story that I read along, so much wanting him to change, even though I already knew while reading that he had not.

    The most heartbreaking part was the way other Christians turned against her, so badly wanting to believe in her hero husband. Not to mention the way Franklin Graham bullied her to try to make her stay in an abusive marriage. Sadly so typical.

    Naghmeh is such a Spirit-filled Christian, and has so much to teach the church.

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  2. Elizabeth Klein: The most heartbreaking part was the way other Christians turned against her, so badly wanting to believe in her hero husband. Not to mention the way Franklin Graham bullied her to try to make her stay in an abusive marriage.

    As long as she stayed in that marriage to a CHRISTIAN Hero, she was a Valuable Asset for The Cause.
    Once she broke the script, she was a Useless Liability that had to be Disposed Of.
    (With Long Prayers and much SCRIPTURE for Justification.)

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  3. Elizabeth Klein: The most heartbreaking part was the way other Christians turned against her, so badly wanting to believe in her hero husband. Not to mention the way Franklin Graham bullied her to try to make her stay in an abusive marriage. Sadly so typical.

    Anybody else notice how fundamentalist Christianity differs little from fundamental Islam with regard to the status of women?

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  4. Let us not forget that various politicians (especially GOP ones) also used this to make political hay to cudgel the Obama administration. And of course various “Evangelical” leaders did the same. Remember Franklin Graham genuflects to his real lord and savior, TFG. Once Naghmeh was no longer useful and went off-script, she was not only a liability to “Evangelicalism”, but also useless to help score political points for the GOP.

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