“I finally figured out that not every crisis can be managed. As much as we want to keep ourselves safe, we can’t protect ourselves from everything. If we want to embrace life, we also have to embrace chaos.”
― Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Breathing Room
Well, the cat is out of the bag. This situation has been going on behind the scenes for a very long time and has now become public, so Todd and I thought we would use this as an opportunity for readers to understand what can happen in blogging.
The history of John Langowrhty, Amy Smith, and her father, Allen Jordan.
Darrell Lucus, writing on Subsstack, posted that A former Southern Baptist deacon is harassing those exposing sexual assault. It is subtitled:
A former deacon at a Southern Baptist megachurch is peddling a false narrative about the scandal rocking the SBC and has no qualms about harassing those turning the hot lights on the scandal.
In 2015, I received a call from a local physician with the same last name. He had received a packet of information on the Laangworthy situation at Prestonwood Baptist Church. He had opened the mailing, confused. He saw my name and called me since he knew my husband. The rest is history. The Wartburg Watch and Amy Smith: Anonymous Manifestos and Prestonwood Baptist Church.
Unfortunately, it involved Amy Smith of Watchkeep. Her father, Allen Jordan, was sending me, and many other folks, “proof” his daughter was lying about the Langworthy situation. Amy exposed what happened. This molester was quietly sent away from Prestonwood Baptist Church. He went on to molest others, was caught, confessed, and avoided prison. It’s frustrating, but that is not what this post is about.
Amy Smith’s father refuses to see Amy, her husband, or her children. He believes Amy lied and does not believe that there is a sex abuse crisis in the SBC. I thought the 2015 packet was it. That physician who received the packet is a friend and has teased me about receiving weird stuff whenever he has seen me.
We are so sorry for Amy Smith, who has dealt with this publicly for years.
Amy has expressed frustration regarding her father’s odd behavior. She is the victim here.
Back to Darrell Lucas’ post, which discusses the extreme behavior many of us have dealt with.
Jordan does not believe that there is any sex abuse crisis in the SBC. He thinks there is no evidence against Pressler. This is due to the many, many emails that we have received.
He discussed Amy Smith’s plight.
Jordan had cut off contact with Smith in 2012 when—wait for it—she refused to apologize to Graham and Langworthy. He was also angered that Smith had uncovered evidence that he had not only helped hustle Langworthy out of town, but had intimidated one of his victims into keeping quiet. Suddenly, out of nowhere he began carpetbombing Smith with emails about his “research,” and continued doing so even when Smith told him to stop. Jordan claimed that he would only let up if Smith told her daughters “the truth about why your mother and I have not been part of their lives for 14 years.”
…He apparently felt that proving that Graham and Langworthy had been railroaded was so important that it justified behavior any reasonable person would consider to be criminal harassment.
…Even if Jordan were telling the truth, would it have been worth condoning his harassment of his own daughter and granddaughters? Hell no!
Lucas was apparently a victim of Jordan’s incessant emails and contacts, so he blocked his number and email and asked him “never to contact him again.” I, too, took similar actions. I no longer receive his emails, although he attempts to send me his interminable emails. Todd continues to get his emails, along with an incredibly long list of contacts that also reportedly received these emails, including the SBC Executive Committee, the DOJ (so he claims), all sorts of reporters at Baptist News Global, etc.,
He insisted that I believe him because he has “proof.”
According to Smith, Jordan has tried to bully Parsons into retracting her posts about Smith from 2012. Never mind that the one-year statute of limitations for filing a defamation action in Texas has long since run out. He has also threatened to send things to Smith’s family and friends unless Parsons retracts her previous stories.
He attacked Christa Brown, claiming she was not telling the truth and that I must not support her.
Finally, Lucas says:
If you’re wondering why survivors of sexual assault don’t come forward, this campaign of smears and harassment by Jordan is part infinity.
…And that’s why no journalist with an iota of decency should deal with Jordan. Criminal charges for this clown are long overdue.
Frankly, I am tired of being harassed and am saving his interminable emails for my lawyers. I feel threatened by Jordan and believe that those of us who attract his attention may not be safe. He appears to be escalating his attacks, and that makes me worried. I have expressed my concerns to Jordan, who doesn’t seem to understand how his behavior affects his daughter and her family and many others. I just wish he would stop.
In the meantime, our love goes out to Amy Smith.
Todd here.
I have a different take on Mr. Jordan than most. I don’t mind receiving his emails. I read them all. Most come with multiple attachments. I read some, but not all of the attachments. If the title grabs my attention I will look at it. Mr. Jordan began including me in his mailing list in September 2023. There was approximately a two-month break from his emails in November and December. He wrote that he was very ill in December and almost died. Over the five-month period that I have received Mr. Jordan’s emails, I would estimate that he has sent me 150.
Based on the emails I have read, I believe I can make a few observations about Mr. Jordan. He is 79 years old, which places him squarely in the middle of Donald Trump (77) and Joe Biden (81). He seems to spend much of his time reading and researching those of us who write to expose CSA by members of the Evangelical clergy class. Nothing wrong with that. I spend much of my time researching abusive pastors.
Jordan has gathered a lot of background material that he sends out to those whom he’s attempting to convince “that there is not now, nor has there ever been, a crisis of [CSA/SA] in the SBC.” He firmly believes his research and writings are the unassailable truth and can’t seem to fathom how anyone could question him or his material. In other words, two-way dialogue is great, right up to the point you question any of his conclusions. I will give you a few examples.
In an email, Dee questioned Mr. Jordan’s proof. Here is his reply:
“As far as your last sentence, I don’t have to show you proof of anything and I don’t give a damn who is listening to and or posting about my proof. I just know that my research or evidence that I provided you documents that Amy’s Story is not credible and that both the AOF and the GP report are both false, misleading and deceptive.”
Mr. Jordan also tends to bully people, as witnessed by this Dallas Observer article published in 2015. He warns the family whose son John Langworthy abused not to call the police. He then goes on to warn Amy Martyn, the journalist who wrote the story that “You better be careful about what you write.” Jordan’s tactics seem more in line with a thug from La Cosa Nostra rather than a deacon from Prestonwood Baptist Church.
The other day I published this Tweet:
The next morning I had this email exchange with Mr. Jordan:
Todd, just saw your tweet about me from last night. Had not seen it when I sent you my info last night on PP. By the way, you misspelled sleuth. And the meaning of the word means a very successful detective. And, by the way, none of what either you or Dee wrote in this PP article appears to be true. And I’ll ask you again Todd, who paid the $6 million dollars in legal fees to keep this dubious case active for six years?
Thanks for correcting my spelling on sleuth, Allen. Here is one of your sentences that could use a correction:
Boy, the CB crowd sort of lost it on twitter yesterday. I don’t have CB’s email address but please let her know that I stand by my claim that her story is completed fabricated.
Todd, I don’t have her email address and everything about her story is a complete fabrication.
So what about that sentence needs a correction?
“her story is completed fabricated.”
Catch the grammatical error?
Big F…..ing deal Todd. Now address the substance of the sentence. You know the part where I state unequivocally that her story is completely fabricated. What is your problem Todd with just telling the truth about CB’s story? And I guess now PP’s? I will ask you again, . Who paid the $6 million dollars in legal fees? Surely, your Part 2 will ask that question?
Big effing deal that I spelled sleuth wrong, Allen. You corrected me so I did the same to you. You can’t handle your errors being pointed out, can you, Allen?You need help Allen.
Grow up Todd. I have no problem with you correcting any grammatical or spelling error that I may have made. You used the word sleuth in a mocking way about me so felt maybe you needed to know how to spell it. The real issue is for you and Dee to publish the FACTUAL TRUTH about CB’s story or any other story that TWW writes about the CSA issue in the SBC.
That’s the end of our little dialogue on spelling and grammar. I think it’s fairly clear Allen likes to dish it out, but he can’t take a dose of his own medicine. He ends the dialogue by telling me what the real issue is for Dee and I. In his previous statement, he asks me “Who paid the $6 million dollars in legal fees?” In some other communication, he said that is the story we need to write about. I guess Mr. Jordan thinks he should be the Editor of The Wartburg Watch. He corrects my spelling and attempts to assign us stories to write about. Frankly, I don’t care who paid for the attorneys. I am interested in exposing Pressler the pedophile.
Interestingly, one of the documents Mr. Jordan attached in his emails, which I guess he believed was proof “that there is not now nor ever has been a CSA crisis in the SBC” actually proved the opposite. This case was an appeal, decided in favor of Rollins by a 2-1 decision. The dissenting Justice, Richard Hightower, stated that “the allegations of sexual abuse in this case are undeniably horrific.” Sounds like a crisis to me.
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Over my many years in various churches, I have noticed there are always individuals, including “leaders” than seem “off”…. A common one is being just to “angry” about a “pet thing”
You pick your “cause”, I have probably seen it…
These types also seem to have all the answers, and can not take contrary information/discussion..
For some reason religion and politics seem to attract them..
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There’s one truth that no one wants to point out. Allen Jordan has spent his adult life as Jack Graham’s little lap dog. The SBC, Prestonwood Baptist Church, and Jack are more than willing to let this mentally ill MAGA deacon do their dirty for them. Sad, in a way, that this old guy doesn’t realize he’s someone else’s puppet.
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This dude is really ignorant. How can he say he does any research, when the answer to his “$6 million” question is answered with a single Google search?
Baker Botts, a respected law firm, “devoted more than $6 million in billable hours” to the case. They “devoted” those hours, not expecting to get paid back. It is a testament to the BB attorneys that they believed in justice for Paul Pressler’s victims so much, that they spent so much time taking down this sicko. Does Allen Jordan have a computer?
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Good point, Jimmy. I have some emails between Graham and Jordan and you are exactly right. Jordan craved Graham’s approval.
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Cockroaches hate it when lights are switched on too.
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Thanks for the information, Cordell.
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Buzz Lighthear said it best when it comes to people like Allen Jordan: “You are a sad, strange little man. You have my pity.”
(Actually, while I stand by the sentiment, maybe not the best example. Since in the context of that conversation Woody turned out to be the sane one and Buzz the deceived. Anyway, moving on…)
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Speaking of grammar, you wrote “for Dee and I”. Me and us are used after a preposition. “For us” or “for her or me”.grammar Crank
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It sounds as though Mr. Jordan is bonkers.
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Mr Jordan sounds like someone in my very close circle (whose emails about various conspiracy theories I have had to block) who is a Vietnam vet and very likely suffering mental effects of agent orange exposure. So, and this is no way excuses Mr Jordan, I am wondering if he may also be a veteran and had exposure.
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p.s. I’m sure there were grammatical errors in my previous comment. But I just wanted to add a thank you to Dee and Todd for the abuse they expose. Keep up the good work.
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Mr. Jordan and Amy seem to have some real problems. My heart goes out to them. I think we all know how family can be very trying. Gracious Father, please help them.
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He’s not their puppet. At least not in his own eyes.
He is their champion of truth.
He’s superman.
He stands for truth, justice, and the American way.
Yes, it really is sad how screwed up and askew this man is in his head.
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Come after me, now, Allen Jordan.
If you can find me.
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Dr. Les Carter says the number one clue that tips him off to a narcissist is, “high persuasion mode”. Jordan fits that bill.
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With the right connections, anyone (anyone!) can be a Southern Baptist deacon! In my long SBC tenure, I knew some pretty scary ones that didn’t have a spiritual bone in their bodies. Most SBC churches (particularly rural congregations) have a strange way of tapping Biblically-unqualified deacons: buds with the pastor, popular high school sports star, prominent businessman, wealthy donor, member of a ruling family in the church, etc.
Scripture warns the church about such characters:
“Do not be in a hurry to lay hands on anyone, ordaining and approving someone for ministry or an office in the church, or in reinstating expelled offenders, and thereby share in the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.” (1 Timothy 5:22)
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Loyalty to a man, ministry, or method … without a lick of wisdom.
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Cordell Walker,
Thanks for the link! If further confirms, with a further indepent piece of info (i.e. why would a law firm donate that much time for false cause) that PP is a pervert, and SBC does have a hugh crisis.. And just think, we can also thank Mr. Jordon!!!
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You can find lots of typoes in my posts!
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First post!
I am a grammar nerd, so typos bug me. One or two I can overlook…hello humanity. If I see a whole bunch of them, I figure that you don’t really care about your message, and I shouldn’t either. Maybe I need to chill out a bit.
But when I see abusive cuss words, especially in a Christian context like above, I figure you have run out of facts and switched to emotional argumentation, and angry unwholesome argumentation at that. This Allen Jordan guy is proving Todd’s point.
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Why don’t people get restraining orders and no-contact orders from a court against this sociopath? That way if he persists, they can lock him up (I don’t care how old is). He is a bully and a narcissist like Al Capone.
And to quote Sean Connery as Malone in The Untouchables:
“You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That’s the *Chicago* way!”
No mercy, no compassion, no forgiveness, no understanding with people like these. You stand up to the bully, knock him on the rear, put a boot on their neck and leave it there (no matter how much they beg or plead for mercy).
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Though I think cockroaches in this case are a higher form of life than people like Jordan, Graham, and Pressler.
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That is SO sad that you believe those men and are willing to fight for their right to abuse over and above a relationship with your daughter and her family. I can’t even wrap my mind around that. I don’t agree with everything my child and their spouse does, but I can’t imagine not seeing my grandkids. Sounds like this 79 year old has a lot of free time spent unwisely. Thank you Todd and Dee for taking (more than one) for the team.
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It is more than a “lack of wisdom”…. sigh, sigh, sigh..
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To piggyback on someone else’s comment:
I triple-dog dare you to come after me now, Allen Jordan.
Even if you can find me, may whatever God you serve (which is not the God of the Bible) have mercy on you.
As I will not.
Keep in mind that I metaphorically put down my own sociopath bully close relative like a Walker from the Walking Dead without even flinching or showing remorse.
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a potty-mouth deacon certainly doesn’t meet the Biblical qualification “above reproach”
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Wow. This guy is not ok. If he is out smearing his own daughter, Christa Brown, TWW and who knows who else for years on end, it’s a wonder he hasn’t been charged with harassment yet.
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Something about Al Capone that is little-known:
The king of Roaring Twenties Chicago was a much younger man than people think.
When he inherited the Chicago Outfit from his mentor Torrio, he was in his early Twenties.
When that Federal tax evasion charge finally stuck, he was around 30.
So in a way he was a young dudebro with a young dudebro’s sense of his own Importance and immortality.
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I can.
Take Luke 14:26 and apply it to being a disciple of “those men”.
It all depends on the Object of Worship.
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There are far worse things than a potty mouth.
California Redwood-sized logs to which a potty mouth is but a mote in the eye.
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The SBC, Prestonwood Baptist Church, and Jack are more than willing to let this mentally ill MAGA deacon do their dirty for them.
Jimmy MacElroy,
It seems to me that Graham and crew have kicked back and lived large on the admiration and financial donations from their adoring fans, while they’ve watched a truth-denying Jordan destroy his family and harass others (do the work of the devil?)
Graham, Jordan..….. they do not emulate Jesus, in any way shape or form.
(Compared to the words that are going through my mind, this statement is quite mild.)
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Todd stated: Over the five-month period that I have received Mr. Jordan’s emails, I would estimate that he has sent me 150.
Uhmmmm, minus the two month break for the health crisis, this joker (Jordan) has been sending Todd an average of 50 emails – most with large attachments- per month!!!
Is this what Jordan’s live revolves around ??? I think Jordan needs to find a hobby and get his head examined (and some prescription tranquilizers?)!!!
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
HUG, agree. No sin leveling here.
I do however take it as a red flag that they’re frustrated that they can’t control the narrative, and may be hiding something that might actually be as big as a redwood log. It is a pattern I have observed.
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Church bullies have drone trauma. Too easy and it’s morally crippling them by the hour. They are shrivelling up inside and out. They are exemplars of religion. They think it’s right that young men should be violated because that is standard in the establishment in society (and like in the army here).
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Half these people Amy and Dee have written about eventually confessed to the things they did. I knew some of them personally. I’m going to take them at their own word.
So many of the leaders who made themselves famous judging the morality of others were found to be the most terrible person in the room. Often, they just get worse, instead of repenting or leaving the situation alone. That’s why the SBC is failing and will fail.
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Yep. Christians, no cursing substitutes necessary. And, old boys clubs support each other’s sins to the death. My relatives are experts at this. Jesus, so different.
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If they can’t keep butts in the seats, they can’t shovel dinero into the coffers.
So yeah ishy, it’s pretty academic from here on out.
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Yup… I have seen it to many times to count…..
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Evangelicalism on steroids is the “Christian” hubris of believing that “God” will smother grace over any sin, any criminality, and instantly everything’s all right. The bigger the crime, tne greater the grace, and boy oh boy, folks, we have a grand gig going here. Our Christian Evangelical Magic reigns supreme. Aren’t we great! Barabbas is our man, while Jesus is voted for execution.
Travesty. But it’s what the people want. In the Gospel narratives, in church leadership, in civic leadership, in families.
We “save” the deadly grotesque criminal con liar while we silence victims to take one for the team.
Our Evangelical loud crass big fat cheap grace flash mobs save the day for many a criminal abiding in church leadership, and my oh my we are so proud of our snake oil genius. Our “god” works miracles. Our “god” being the power of us, we the mob pronouncing our mega measures of Evangelical grace for the grand criminals in our midst.
Aren’t we amazing! Doing miracles. In the name of god.
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When I started this gig 15 years ago, I had no idea how many Redwood logs there were. It is bigger than the Redwood National Park!
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Deacons in SBC churches are ordained for a lifetime. Most of them get so caught up on power and control that they go stark raving mad with narcissism after awhile.
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No offence intended against Dee or Todd intended….what you wrote, R’as al Ghul, was what I thought as I was reading through Dee and Todd’s OP and the OPs links.
And I’m concerned that Allen Jordan will become physically violent towards anyone who “stands in his way”.
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I know what you mean. 🙂
I oftentimes use the words “expletive deleted” when I write my comments — what I speak out loud to my computer, the TV, a book, etc., are usually MUCH less polite. 🙂
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Something I thought about as I was reading through the comments….
This is the first time I’ve seen so many grammar and tone police comment — and I’m NOT talking about regular TWW commenters’ 🙂 — so early on in the comments.
And I wondered how many trolls Dee and Todd’s OP would attract….the usual kind of trolls, commenting to defend” whoever or whatever.
It would seem that — once again — Dee and Todd have hit a few nerves. 🙂
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Ooops. Typo. 🙂 (I’m being my own “police”. 🙂 )
I meant to write commenting “to defend”. (I had accidentally missed am opening “. 🙂 )
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Yeah, but the really sad part is that the weeping and gnashing of teeth are coming from church folks who ought to have more sense!
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My apologies for the extra comment and indulging in my own sense of humour…. 🙂
Ooops. Another typo. 🙂 (I’m being my own “police”. 🙂 )
I meant to write missed an opening. (I had accidentally made a typo — the letter “m” should have been the letter “n”. 🙂 )
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And for those you familiar with fantasy literature (like Tolkien), trolls turn to stone when exposed to sunlight. So completely exposing them in the most public and revealing ways is the sunlight in this case. And once exposed and turned to stone, they are very easy to dispatch with a hard blow from an axe.
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One comment not allowed since it involved guns.
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It was Allen that used the cuss words, not Todd – so yeah I guess the point is proven.
Good on grammar, little less so on reading comprehension.
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Should that happen, then the intended victims would be well within their right to exercise self-defense in whatever manner and instruments they choose. Many states including Texas have the “Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” Laws.
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And roses?
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Serious legitimate question here.
What is ‘sin leveling’?
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Dee. Any harassment you get or any threats you endure….are part of the suffering God will reward as you strive to help abuse victims.
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Hi Muff! I have been lurking here a while, always appreciate your comments.
As HUG said, there are far worse things than a potty mouth. I think that admits that potty mouth is not good; sexual assault really bad. That’s what I was getting at with sin leveling. Taking a more serious sin and reducing it’s badness to make it just as bad as a less serious sin. It purposefully ignores that some sins are worse than others. To use the redwood example, the speck of redwood in the eye and the entire redwood tree are both redwoods. So don’t call me out for the log, ’cause you’ve got a spec. And a socially acceptable one at that.
As applied to this conversation, I am not condoning a Baptist deacon cussing at Todd in an email. But the consequences for SA should be vastly greater. Or to keep it in the same sin category, lust is bad; adultery is vastly worse. Same with Raca / murder. Well, that was a bit longer than intended. Hope that makes sense.
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This guy Allen Jordan is one of those guys that is never at peace. Every church has a couple of them. They think everything on their mind is so important they just cannot rest until everyone hears it and everyone agrees with them. Allen most likely spends his entire day getting worked up reading posts and then writing emails. He is probably reading these comments.
I came to a conclusion about life a while back: At any given time someone somewhere is doing or saying or writing something that I would not like or agree with. I am not going to look for that stuff. And the stuff I stumble upon I can just let go.
Allen cannot do that. It is a sad life.
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Muff Potter,
You are a favorite nut!
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It does make sense.
I remember back in the day, I heard one fundagelical pastor say that all sin is the same to God. Over the years, I came to realize that it just ain’t so.
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I first heard about sin-leveling in reference to Sovereign Grace. I also heard it in conjunction with the phrase “I’m the worst sinner I know. It seemed to be an attempt to equate sexual abuse of a child with someone lying about their age. That since all people are supposedly sinners, all sins are equal.
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Also,the Apsolte Paul called himself that… BUT, remember Paul persicuted the early church, and probably took part in stonings, maybe even Stephen…
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I was wondering how long it would be before violence, or indirect violence, would show up…. Given how serious the perversion/corruption being discussed, AND the power that the higher ups have/had, threats of violence should be expected..
And, it further underscores the importance of exposing this corruption….
I, for one, am willing to stand up for these types of abuse victims….
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Understand that these so-called “Christian Leaders” are in reality thugs, criminals, and mobsters. And they should be treated with the same contempt. The SBC has become a wretched hive of scum and villainy and is no different than an organized crime family. Unfortunately it will take people leaving in droves as well as criminal/civil action against the leaders (the godfthers), their subordinates (capos), and the organization itself to deal with it. My fondest wish is that all federal and state RICO laws be used against the Catholic Church, the SBC, and others. The sooner people understand and treat the SBC as a criminal organization instead of a church, the better.
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Worse than Mos Eisley?
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I think Mos Eisley was better in many respects. At least the music there didn’t suck, unlike all the praise band junk that sounds the same with every song.
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Muff Potter,
Then again, Pressler does kinda’ look like Jabba the hut.
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The parallels are there.
Pressler (and other SBC Senior Pastors) = Jabba the Hutt
Deacons like Jordan are his enforcers like Greedo.
But unlike the movie, we can’t do what Han Solo did to Greedo (at least not since the days of the Wild West).
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“How enriched you are when persecuted for doing what is right! For then you experience the realm of heaven’s kingdom!” Matt 5:10
Thanks Dee and Todd, for being on the frontlines. You provide a forum for some of us to try to process what happened to us.
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As the non believer here, I call bs. why does your supposedly loving doG want you to suffer?
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I don’t believe that God wants anybody to suffer.
We’re just captive on a big giant roulette wheel that has its own whim and fancy.
Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose.
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“What do you want, you little f*cker? We’re gonna cut off your head.”
Instantly, I deleted the anonymous comment from my blog site, hoping to spare
other survivors from seeing it. But I marveled at how the sender apparently saw
no obscenity in threatening to cut off my head— that was within the bounds of
the acceptable—but saying “fucker” without an asterisk would have been a step
too far.
“Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation” By Christa Brown, page 236
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Though threatening your life is extremely serious and troublesome. You may want to read my earlier comments regarding your right to self-defense and take whatever actions/make whatever purchases of self-defense items you deem appropriate.
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Just now catching up on all this. I did some web surfing and found that Amy, on her own “watchkeep” site, has already posted Allen Jordan’s research. Ironic that the only person to put his goofyness out there is the one person he seems hell-bent on bringing down. After reading it, I can see why she was okay putting it out for everyone. Allen thinks he can write a Pulitzer Prize-winner by Googling stuff. Dumb.
But more horrific, i read the transcript of a phone call Allen had with Amy’s husband. Amy also posted this on her website. In it, Alen recoils at concepts of “age of consent”, and never says anything negative about the now-convicted child molester. My husband said there’s only one conclusion: Allen doesn’t believe adults having sex with minors should be a crime. If they grab them in an alley at gunpoint, maybe. But if some youth pastor uses his magnetic personality and theological lies to get a kid alone, well that’s just…what? Horrible. It’s why he believes there’s no crisis. Not because sexual abuse isn’t happening at all, but because (he thinks) it isn’t “abuse”. It turns my stomach in general, but horrifies me that he may have other grandchildren that he’s trusted with.
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Allen may very well be a closet pedo himself.
I’ve always had that suspicion about Pastors with Pet Pedos.
ManaGAWD’s one himself, but too chicken to Do The Deed himself – Must Stay Respectable, you know.
So he does “counseling” and gets it off secondhand by having the Pet Pedo tell him everything in JUICY detail. Just like that secular counselor in that one South Park episode (the Children of the Corn parody).
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Cursing is a SIN, you know…
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There have been many cases where getting a Restraining Order against an abuser enrages the abuser, ending in a “How DARE She!” Murder.
A piece of paper can’t stop a bullet.