A Palm Sunday Prayer link
O Lord Jesus Christ,
when you entered Jerusalem,
great crowds waved palm branches and cried “Hosanna.”
Save us now from our sins,
and make us to rejoice in you,
our only Redeemer;
through your mercy, O our God,
you are blessed,
and live and govern all things,
now and forever.
Prayer for Palm Sunday link
Almighty God, we are continually amazed at how you turn the world upside down. For a Savior of the world, we would have chosen a powerful prince,
But you chose a carpenter’s son born under questionable circumstances.
For disciples to help Jesus through his ministry, we would have chosen well connected, wealthy people of the upper class to bankroll the operation,
But you chose fishermen, a tax collector, and other such outcasts.
For a grand entrance into Jerusalem, we would have chosen a white Stallion,
But you chose a donkey.
When riding high in the polls on Palm Sunday, we would have chosen to stay there as long as we could,
But you chose to clear the temple.
For a place of coronation, we would have chosen a palace with a wonderfully decorated royal throne,
But you chose a cross.
For those whom we would want to have included in the kingdom of God, we would have chosen those who look and sound like we do,
But you chose the world.
For people to show the love and grace extended to us in Jesus Christ, we would have chosen somebody else,
But you chose each of us. Use us today.
Prayer for Holy Week link
O Father, most merciful,
in the beginning you created us,
and by the passion of your only Son
you created us anew.
Work in us now, both to will and to do what pleases you.
Since we are weak and can do no good thing by ourselves,
grant us your grace and heavenly blessing,
that in whatever work we engage
we may do all to your honor and glory.
Keep us from sin
and empower us daily to do good works,
that as long as we live in the body
we may always perform service to you.
After our departure give us pardon of all our sins,
and receive us to eternal life;
through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
forever and ever. Amen.
Benediction link
May God, whose arms were spread on the cross to embrace the whole world,
help us this week to take up the cross and follow him.