The Foursquare Denomination Has Been Hiding the GRACE Report for 1 1/2 Years. Looks Like the Leaders Are Afraid of Something.

Aimee Semple McPherson: National Photo Company, Public domain, Wikimedia 

“No one is going to be powerful in their ministry if they are hiding something that they are afraid people will find out at any moment.” David Jeremiah

Although the news on sex abuse and the church currently centers on the Southern Baptist Convention, it is essential not to forget that smaller denominations are experiencing abuse accusations and not dealing well with the matter.

The Foursquare Church

This was started by the flamboyant and controversial Aimee Semple McPherson. According to Wikipedia:

The Foursquare Church is an evangelical Pentecostal Christian denomination founded in 1923 by preacher Aimee Semple McPherson. The headquarters are in Los Angeles, California, United States.

…The church has its origins in a vision of “Foursquare Gospel” (or “Full Gospel“) during a sermon in October 1922 in Oakland, California by the evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson. [1]According to chapter 1 of Book of Ezekiel, Ezekiel had a vision of God as revealed to be four different aspects: a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle. It also represents the four aspects of the Department of Christ; Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer and Soon-coming King. This was the vision and name she gave at Foursquare Church, founded in 1923 in Los Angeles.[2] Despite some affinities with Pentecostals, her beliefs are interdenominational. [3] She opened the Angelus Temple in Echo Park in 1923, seating 5,300 people.[4] The attendance has become a megachurch with 10,000 people.[5] McPherson was a flamboyant celebrity in her day, participating in publicity events, such as weekly Sunday parades through the streets of Los Angeles, along with the mayor and movie stars, directly to Angelus Temple. She built the temple, as well as what is now known as Life Pacific Universityadjacent to it, on the northwest corner of land that she owned in the middle of the city.

McPherson’s celebrity status continued after her death, with biopics such as the 1976 Hallmark Hall of Fame drama The Disappearance of Aimee depicting her life, as well as the 2006 independent film Aimee Semple McPherson, which particularly focused on her month-long disappearance in May–June 1926 and the legal controversy that followed.[6][7][8]

…The church believes in the verbal inspiration of the Bible, the doctrine of the Trinity, and the deity of Jesus Christ.[21] It believes that human beings were created in the image of God but, because of the Fall, are naturally depraved and sinful.[22] It believes in the substitutionary atonement accomplished by the death of Christ. The church teaches that salvation is by gracethrough faith and not by good works.[23] Believers are justified by faith and born again upon repentance and acceptance of Christ as Lord and king.[24] Consistent with its belief in human free will, the Foursquare Church also teaches that it is possible for a believer to backslide or commit apostasy.[25]

The Foursquare Church teaches that sanctification is a continual process of spiritual growth.[26] Christian perfection and holiness can be attained through surrender and consecration to God. This spiritual growth is believed to be promoted by Bible study and prayer.[27] The Foursquare Church believes in the baptism with the Holy Spirit as an event separate from conversion that empowers the individual and the wider church to fulfill the church’s mission of evangelization. The Foursquare Church expects Spirit baptism to be received in the same manner as recorded in the Book of Acts, namely that the believer will receive spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues.[28]

Here is a link to the Foursquare statements of distinctive and beliefs. The following is a video from the Foursquare Church which explains their views.

Those of you who love mystery, especially mysterious behavior on the part of church leaders, might find reading about McPherson’s disappearance and reappearance interesting. According to Wikipedia:

On May 18, 1926, Christian evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson disappeared from Venice Beach, California, after going for a swim. She reappeared in Mexico five weeks later, stating she had escaped from kidnappers there. Her disappearance, reappearance, and subsequent court inquiries regarding the allegation that the kidnapping story was a hoax carried out to conceal a tryst with a lover precipitated a media frenzy that changed the course of McPherson’s career.

Also, she was married three times and divorced two times. In 2013, the Smithsonian wrote a fascinating article: The Incredible Disappearing Evangelist. I love stuff like this. It starts like this.

Along the Los Angeles beach between Venice and Ocean Park, a small group of mourners wandered aimlessly, occasionally dropping to the sand to pray—unable to stop their tears. “Aimee is with Jesus; pray for her,” they chanted. A Coast Guard cutter patrolled just offshore as deep-sea divers plunged into the water. Aimee Semple McPherson, evangelist, faith-healer, founder of the Foursquare Gospel Church and builder of the Angelus Temple, was believed to have disappeared during a swim on May 18, 1926. In the hours that followed, rescuers were sparing no effort to find her.

God wouldn’t let her die,” one of her believers told a reporter. “She was too noble. Her work was too great. Her mission was not ended. She can’t be dead.”

Already, one young church member had drowned herself in her grief. Soon after that, a diver died while trying to find McPherson’s body.

In the coming days, her followers would dynamite the waters of Santa Monica bay, hoping to raise her body from the depths. Yet the blasts surfaced only dead fish, and the passing time merely gave rise to countless rumors. She’d disappeared to have an abortion. Or plastic surgery. Or an affair. As the days turned to weeks, McPherson’s body, much to the chagrin of police and the California Fish and Game Commission, remained missing. Soon, witnesses were coming forward to contradict the report, given by McPherson’s secretary, Emma Shaeffer, that the evangelist had vanished shortly after entering the water.

Have I fried your brain yet?

Is there abuse in this denomination that believes in Christian perfection? It sure looks like perfection has not been attained by the leaders.

Short answer: Yes. GRACE did an investigation on behalf of the Foursquare church. Christianity Today posted Foursquare Abuse Response Ignites Fight over Transparency and subtitled “An investigation found a “culture of unchecked power” at a Virginia college. Denominational leadership has declined to speak about it publicly.”

The superficial problem appears that the Foursquare Church has not released the GRACE report. The far deeper problem is that, according to students and professors, there is abuse that has not been dealt with. Mike Larkin, the president of Ignite Life Pacific University, also known as Life Pacific University- Virginia. According to CT:
(GRACE) found that Mike Larkin, president of Ignite Life Pacific University, misused his authority and that Foursquare failed to set up adequate structures of oversight and accountability.
Also, CT explained the confusing name.

Then Larkin turned his attention to discipleship and education. He launched Ignite at the flagship Foursquare school in Southern California in 2008. He called it a “reproducible, hands-on ministry where discipleship, academics, global ministry and local community outreach are all synchronized together.”

In 2011, the program moved to Christiansburg, Virginia, and became Ignite Academy. It later became Ignite Life Pacific College, then Ignite Life Pacific University and, today, Life Pacific University-Virginia, a satellite campus for the California school.

According to the Radford News Journal, Mike Larkin stepped down in December 2019, and all seemed well. However, there was a backstory in abuse of office that would emerge.

The longtime president of Life Pacific University-Virginia, formerly known as Ignite Academy in Christiansburg, is stepping down. Dr. Michael Larkin made the announcement on Sunday. His resignation is effective December 15.

Life Pacific (LPU) officials praised Larkin for his work in establishing an east coast campus 11 years ago that was initially associated with the Foursquare Church.

LPU President Angie Richey said that Michael had been “an integral part of Foursquare education,” who had made valuable contributions as a faculty member and extension site director. “His catalytic leadership relaunched Foursquare education in the east and we are grateful.”

Enter a new problem. A safeguarding team was established to help students who believed they were bullied. According to CT:

They criticized board members for not taking abuse seriously enough and voted to recommend the 11-member safeguarding team be given more power and freedom from board interference. In late July, the board informed the team their work would be put on pause.

The response of the board was not what was expected. The board suspended the safeguarding team. There is no doubt in my mind that the board was naive to think this problem would go away.

The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel has suspended a safeguarding team that was working with students who accused a former college president of manipulation, bullying, and harassment.

And the next new problem…a GRACE report is not being distributed. It was finished in 2021

Members of the team—along with Foursquare ministers and former students at the affiliated school in Christiansburg, Virginia—were raising questions about how the Pentecostal denomination handled a third-party investigation into the allegations. Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE) found that Mike Larkin, president of Ignite Life Pacific University, misused his authority and that Foursquare failed to set up adequate structures of oversight and accountability.

At this point, the board was in real trouble, but perhaps they didn’t know it yet. CT says:

No. 1 on its list of recommendations: Foursquare should “respond to this report transparently and in a way that honors victims.”

Umm, it looks like that Number 1 is being deep-sixed. It seems like Mike Larkin was a golden boy and many members of the denomination are not pleased that he is no longer around.

There was a problem. Guess what the leaders did? They pulled a Baptist show and got down on their knees to beg forgiveness.

As we know from covering the SBC abuse mess, crocodile tears don’t work

And in one public session, recorded and posted online, the president and board members got on their knees on stage to ask God’s forgiveness.

Then there was the denominational statement about being super sorry, but it appears to be lip service.

But they still were not saying anything about Larkin, who appears to be “he whose name must not be spoken.”

The Foursquare Church board also released a statement of corporate repentance, saying, among other things, that the denomination “will not allow leaders to leave uncontested when there is clear evidence of abusive leadership.”

The denomination suspended the team, claimed they have a deep affection for the students and invited them to apply to meet with the board.

It looks like they are taking cues from the SBC. This is crazy-making.

Then in July 2022, the denomination’s board suddenly suspended the safeguarding team and sent former students an email inviting them to submit a request for a meeting with a board committee. The email said, “We hope that this serves as a tangible expression of our deep affection and genuine regard for the health and wellbeing of every person who lived, studied, or worked on the school campus.”

For the former students who spoke to CT, it did not seem like tangible evidence of genuine regard. It seemed like a new hurdle in an impossible process to get the denomination to care.

Students have allegedly been notifying the board of their problems with Larkin but have never received responses.

They have, over the years, reported Larkin’s behavior to Life Pacific University faculty and administrators, Ignite board members, Foursquare pastors, district supervisors, and national leaders. They never got anyone to open an investigation.

Here are some of the allegations the former students have alleged. I believe them, by the way.

Read the entire CT article to see the extent of the problem.

At the start of school, former students said, the president would pull new students into his office for a private conversation. He asked female students about their relationship with their fathers, their dating history, and whether or not they had had sex.

“He would always ask about your relationships, your history,” one woman said. “And he asked, ‘How far would you go?’ I remember thinking, I guess this is normal?

Another, asked whether she was a virgin by the college president, recalled wondering, Is he allowed to have that information?

Larkin, in addition to his responsibilities running the school, also involved himself in students’ current romantic relationships, former students said. He would tell them whether he thought they should break up or get married, and when they got married, how quickly they should have children. He told several female students he understood why their boyfriends were attracted to them and made suggestions for how they could be more attractive to him.

He urged some women to dye their hair blond so they would look like Foursquare founder Aimee Semple McPherson.

Transparency will not be happening soon.

I would imagine that the board believes that they are protecting the reputation of Foursquare. They will eventually understand the error of their ways.

In a letter to the Coopers obtained by CT, the board said it would have to “agree to disagree” with Foursquare ministers who believed transparency was an important part of fixing a culture of abuse.

“Publicly making a statement about specific people or situations is not the way forward for Foursquare,” the letter said.

Hagar’s Voice

In the meantime, former students and pastors are taking matters into their own hands. They have set up a website to tell their sexual harassment and bullying stories. I highly urge you to visit their site. In the meantime, here is a link to the first episode: Heidi’s story.

I predict that the Foursquare denomination will regret its lack of action in this situation. They must stop with the silly steps of getting down on their knees and suspending the safeguarding team. Do they realize how foolish they seem?

Until they change their actions, I believe the Foursquare denomination is dangerous for women and children.


The Foursquare Denomination Has Been Hiding the GRACE Report for 1 1/2 Years. Looks Like the Leaders Are Afraid of Something. — 47 Comments

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    “failed to set up adequate structures of oversight and accountability.”

    This, from the GRACE report in your post, flashed red lights and sirens.

    How many of us have been active in a church with the pastor “vision casting” as the spiritual leader, thus a man left unchecked and poorly supervised?

    It’s a formula for disaster.

  3. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Just as a infomration point… Chuck Smith, of Calvary Chapel fame was an trained, ordained minsiter of Foursquare…..

  4. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    “No one is going to be powerful in their ministry if they are hiding something that they are afraid people will find out at any moment.” David Jeremiah

    I’m sure collapse and misery are in the cards.

    but really, this notion of ‘be powerful in their ministry’, let alone ‘their ministry’ is as obnoxious as a brown leisure suit with white piping and white patent leather shoes.

    note to people ‘in the ministry’ who have ‘their own ministry’:

    i’m sick of you. go for anonymity instead.

    there’s no money, power, or fame in it, of course.

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    Aimee Semple MacPherson.
    Angelus Temple, Los Angeles.
    One colorful character; the Roaring Twenties equivalent of a Celebrity Televangelist.

    And in one public session, recorded and posted online, the president and board members got on their knees on stage to ask God’s forgiveness.

    i.e. Standard Christianese Pious BS Show. Probably with liveried flunkies blowing long trumpets before them to announce how Repentant they are.

    Assume Christians are Liars until proven otherwise.

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    elastigirl: i’m sick of you

    You are not the only one.

    Everything you noted: from white piping to “own ministry” reeks of wrong in so many ways.

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    Headless Unicorn Guy: Show

    Aimee Semple MacPherson. Vaudeville labeled as “church”. Her history is as suspicious (and guilty) as Peter Rabbit in Mr. McGregor’s garden.

    The megas today have followed a similar path: casino shows labeled as “church”. Worship bands worthy of a sultry nightclub.

    Clubs. Cults. Cabaret.

    Gives one pause to wonder if Aimee Semple MacPherson was the originator of church as entertainment to bring in crowds and fill clergy pocketbooks. It’s a formula. She definitely built the big building and put on a sensational show. In the end, it’s all so fake. So, fully in the mega tradition.

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    But those are the intrusive questions the dominionists Pope JP II and successors, and lookalikes such as Falwell Senior, got the new movements to ask us all.

    America and Britain were intended to be founded on good capitalism. But entrenched gender theology has turned our “safe” countries into a place for traducing our various privates.

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    > He urged some women to dye their hair blond so they would look like Foursquare founder Aimee Semple McPherson

    This has to be a misquotation. He surely meant that they should adorn themselves with good works.


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    Jeffrey J Chalmers: Chuck Smith, of Calvary Chapel fame was an trained, ordained minsiter of Foursquare…..

    I didn’t know that. Thank you.

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    elastigirl: note to people ‘in the ministry’ who have ‘their own ministry’:
    i’m sick of you. go for anonymity instead.
    there’s no money, power, or fame in it, of course.

    It is hard to find people who serve with that attitude. It took me a long time but I found a couple.

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    The “thread” of not being accountable, which is HUGE in Calvary Chapel, and “touch not my anointed”, clearly has roots in Foursquare…

  13. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Decades ago I attended a Foursquare church. Yes, there were older and godly people. There were many who were not. McPherson initially started her own ministry partially due to the Azusa Street revival with its emphasis on speaking in tongues. That organization had its own issues with questionable behaviors. The more things change, the more they remain the same. Sigh.

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    “He asked female students … whether or not they had had sex … ‘How far would you go?’ … asked whether she was a virgin … made suggestions for how they could be more attractive to him … urged some women to dye their hair blond …”

    Portrait of a sick man. So, let’s make him President of a “Christian” college!!

  15. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Old Timer: speaking in tongues

    Have you ever noticed how many who claim to have “the gift” don’t walk the straight and narrow?

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    Reading the part of the Grace report that is public (one of the victims made the section that deals with her case public), it is affirmed that Larkin prior experience, before becoming involved in ministry and then administration for the denominnation, was in law enforcement.

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    It just does not end, does it??? All “common sence” flies out the window..
    Just think what woudl happen to me, at my evil, secular humist, STATE insitution if I did that to students!!!

  18. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Jeffrey J Chalmers: evil, secular humanist, STATE institution

    … apparently have more rigorous accountability for their leaders than some religious institutions

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    Samuel Conner: Larkin prior experience, before becoming involved in ministry and then administration for the denomination, was in law enforcement

    Well, some denominations put women back under the Law (after they have been freed by Grace), so I guess having a background in “law” enforcement would be appropriate.

  20. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    At the start of school, former students said, the president would pull new students into his office for a private conversation. He asked female students about their relationship with their fathers, their dating history, and whether or not they had had sex.

    “He would always ask about your relationships, your history,” one woman said. “And he asked, ‘How far would you go?’ I remember thinking, I guess this is normal?”

    Another, asked whether she was a virgin by the college president, recalled wondering, Is he allowed to have that information?

    This is so obvious.
    Trying to get off vicariously by probing for the JUICY stuff.
    Either Grooming or too chicken to Do The Deed himself.
    Wonder if he had both hands visible during the process, or only one?

    He urged some women to dye their hair blond so they would look like Foursquare founder Aimee Semple McPherson.

    Why am I thinking Celebrity FETISH?
    Acting out his Fantasy of banging CELEBRITY Aimee Semple McPherson?
    Just have her look like Her, dress like Her, BE Her.

    Like Got Hard with the Denim Jumpers and Loooooong… Waaaaaavy… Haaaair….

  21. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Jeffrey J Chalmers: It just does not end, does it??? All “common sence” flies out the window..

    Don’t you know “common sense” is Of The Flesh and they are In The Spirit?

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    Max: Have you ever noticed how many who claim to have “the gift” don’t walk the straight and narrow?

    My writing partner says the reason Charistmatics tunnel-vision on Tongues Tongues Tongues is because “Tongues are the easiest Gift to fake”.

  23. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Old Timer: McPherson initially started her own ministry partially due to the Azusa Street revival with its emphasis on speaking in tongues.

    SHE started the whole mania for Tongues Tongues Tongues Tongues and Tongues?

    (Best description of Tongues I ever came across was “sounds like scat-singing in Hebrew”.

  24. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    Jeffrey J Chalmers:
    Just as a infomration point… Chuck Smith, of Calvary Chapel fame was an trained, ordained minsiter of Foursquare…..


  25. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    ‘He urged some women to dye their hair blond so they would look like Foursquare founder Aimee Semple McPherson.’
    You commented that it was crazy making and I was going to agree and comment that it shows churches have literally no idea what they’re doing when they copy churches whose safeguarding is terrible. What the hell kind of academic asks students if they’re virgins?
    And then it got to these words and it turned just plain crazy.
    Seriously this church is lighting up like a lighthouse to say, don’t come near!

  26. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    And I’ve just noticed that Aimee Semple McPherson is brunette in the picture you’ve used. And in fact, after a quick Google, in the majority of pictures online.

    Did she dye her hair to look like Aimee Semple McPherson???

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    Headless Unicorn Guy,

    Prophecy is super easy to fake, too, if you phrase it right.

  28. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    John Berry: And I’ve just noticed that Aimee Semple McPherson is brunette in the picture you’ve used. And in fact, after a quick Google, in the majority of pictures online.

    Apparently, Mrs. McPherson was known for changing her hair up quite a bit. Scroll down to the 4th picture and the caption reads: “Sister Aimee was known for her beauty (and her ever-changing hair color and styles)…”

  29. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    John Berry: What the hell kind of academic asks students if they’re virgins?

    A KINKY academic who gets off on that, of course.

    But then, in this blog we’ve seen a LOT of unwanted peeks into MenaGAWD’s Sexual Kinks.

  30. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    ES: Apparently, Mrs. McPherson was known for changing her hair up quite a bit. Scroll down to the 4th picture and the caption reads: “Sister Aimee was known for her beauty (and her ever-changing hair color and styles)…”

    That sounds like more of a personal quirk than anything else.

    But then the Faithful have to imitate their Leader in everything. Like North Korean haircuts exactly like Comrade Dear Leader, Objectivists taking up smoking exactly like Ayn Rand, shaved heads exactly like Chuckles Mahaney, bowlers/brollys/veddy veddy Brit accents in the Jerk’s Kirk in Moscow ID…

  31. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127


    This photo essay of Aimee Semple’s life and home was quite fascinating. Unfortunately, I have seen the Calvinista crowd use examples like this as absolute proof that women should never be allowed into ministry.

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    ES: Sister Aimee was known for her beauty (and her ever-changing hair color and styles)…”

    Thanks for the fascinating link!
    Although since it seems she wasn’t fixed on the idea of being blonde it suggests Larkin likes blondes and any connection with Aimee Semple McPherson is coincidental.

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    Headless Unicorn Guy,

    In all seriousness though, why are they so obsessed with virginity?
    When you (generic you) look at a woman’s overall resume of attributes, it makes no sense to give it such weight.

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    Muff Potter,

    It might matter a lot whether male students were similarly questioned — if they were then in that case one could argue that the intention was to enforce or at least promote a code conduct that reflected the institution’s (and denomination’s) stated values.

    If this was considered less important in male students than in female students, it suggests the possibility of something more worrisome, perhaps analogous to the idea of a “chain of custody” of valuable property.

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    Headless Unicorn Guy: That sounds like more of a personal quirk than anything else.

    I agree that she simply liked to change things up a bit, and that is simply a personal preference. Apparently there is a folk song about her that says she had red hair. I was just trying to figure out if the whole blond vs brunette thing was a quirk of black and white photography, plus lighting, or something else.

  36. Notice: Undefined variable: button in /home/guswo2wr8yyv/public_html/tww2/wp-content/plugins/quote-comments/quote-comments.php on line 127

    FreshGrace: I have seen the Calvinista crowd use examples like this as absolute proof that women should never be allowed into ministry.

    And John Piper tried to use ballet as an explanation of how men lead. To those of us who have practiced ballet for over 30 years, he just showed his ignorance. Men do not “lead” in that art form. The choreographer does all the “leading” and the dancers, both male and female practice extensively to make a very challenging art look effortless. The dancers themselves are a fantastic example of cooperation and two bodies working as one – not of one in charge and the other submitting.

    Just because someone uses something as an example of “X” doesn’t make it actually and example of anything.

    The idea of a woman on pointe having to just obey the male dancer hurts my ankles.

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    John Berry: Larkin likes blondes and any connection with Aimee Semple McPherson is coincidental.

    Yes… and making your personal esthetic preferences into theology is the epitome of “listening the teachings that tickle ones ears.”

    I wonder if Jesus ever saw a blond? This is how my historical rabbit holes begin.

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    HUGS–no, I don’t think ASM started the tongues movement. She was, best I know, holiness which usually is either strictly anti tongues or at mildest “do not seek do not refuse.”

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    Muff Potter:
    Headless Unicorn Guy,

    In all seriousness though, why are they so obsessed with virginity?
    When you (generic you) look at a woman’s overall resume of attributes, itmakes no sense to give it such weight.

    ‘Cuz some guys just have to be first ….. at everything.
    And even if they can’t, they can dream about it.

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    Linda is probably right. ASM didn’t start the tongues movement, from what I understand from the elderly Pentecostal people I met years ago, some who did get saved at Azusa Street revival. She did see the “shenanigans” going on at Azusa Street, and took things from there. And yes, she was a big fan of the holiness movement, although again, from what I heard from those older folks, she was far from holy herself. And yet, God did use these individuals to turn people’s hearts to Him.

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    Headless Unicorn Guy: A KINKY academic who gets off on that, of course.

    Apparently Christian institutions have their lonely hearts creepy old professors, too.

    Many students have stories of “that guy”… the professor who turned his Brit Lit or whatever class into the students’ Obscenity Class 101.


    Why? Because, he can. In teaching kids “of age”, he can do whatever he wants, his creepy ego tells himself.

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    ES: I wonder if Jesus ever saw a blond?

    He must have done when he came to England with his mum.

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    Ava Aaronson: Apparently Christian institutions have their lonely hearts creepy old professors, too.

    “Nice girl like you would save some soup for me…” My personal creepy old Professor who eventually had to be removed because he was stalking a student. It was blamed on dementia. But reality is he just lost the ability to keep it just this side of confrontable. Everyone knew he was a creep. At least in my case, he didn’t claim Christ’s name.

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    John Berry: He must have done when he came to England with his mum.

    I completely forgot about that part of his life!

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    There is much to lament in the Foursquare response to verifiable abuse,and the years of inaction, but there are a couple of things that need to be clarified. Ignite is an independent non-profit and the Foursquare board could only make suggestions to the Ignite Board. The Foursquare board could only deal with Larkin in terms of his pastoral credentials, which they did immediately following an outside ministry’s investigation report. The independent make-up of the original safeguarding team was in conflict with Board By-Laws. It was almost entirely male (not a good situation in that the victims were primarily female) and did not have any professional trauma-informed experts. The new safeguarding team under board by-laws has multiple women and trauma-informed personnel. It also has two members from the original team. It is regrettable that CT did not pursue the details on these issues, but obviously far more regrettable that the abuse occurred in the first place.

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    Not to mention that this is one of many abuse situations in the Foursquare Church that have been covered up for decades.