Sunset over Lake Superior link
Mozarabic Morning Prayer link
Let our morning prayer rise to you, O Lord.
Since you receive our praise and have compassion on our weakness,
grant that this day may be one of joy, peace, and quietness and without stain of sin,
so that being delivered from temptation, we may glorify you in the evening as our eternal King.
Mozarabic Collect link
O Lord,
even though many say
there is no help for us in our God,
you are our defender.
You lift up our heads.
Increase our hope
and surround us with your perpetual mercy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Mozarabic, 7th-century link
You have freed us from evil
and strengthened us in what is good.
Grant that we may serve you,
our God and Lord.
Put away our sins.
Give joy to those who mourn.
Give freedom to the captive.
Give health to the sick.
Grant us peace and safety all our days,
and hold back the strength of our enemies.
Hear, O God,
the cry of all your faithful Christian servants
now and at all times,
for the sake of your Son
Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God,
now and forever.
Link to Daniel 9 NIV
Benediction link
The Lord bless us with wisdom,
with courage and strength to do his will!
The Lord keep our souls pure,
our consciences at peace,
our hearts content!
The Lord grant us a portion
of his blessing in this life,
and one day,
the higher joys of eternal life!
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