EChurch@Wartburg: 04/18/2020: Wade Burleson: All Things For Good

Sun After Storm

Easter Prayer of St. Hippolytus of Rome (AD 190-236) link

Christ is Risen: The world below lies desolate
Christ is Risen: The spirits of evil are fallen
Christ is Risen: The angels of God are rejoicing
Christ is Risen: The tombs of the dead are empty
Christ is Risen indeed from the dead,
the first of the sleepers,
Glory and power are his forever and ever

Music For Hope (Live From Duomo di Milano) During Covid-19: incredible views of the famous cathedrals empty

Lutheran Prayers for Easter posted by the Catholic Church link

HE is risen,Hallelujah!
Why seek ye the Living among the dead? Hallelujah.
Remember how He spoke unto you, Hallelujah
the Son of Man must be crucified, and the third day rise again. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
You crowned Him with glory and honor;
you made Him to have dominion over the works of your hands.
Glory be to the Father

An Easter Prayer link

Loving Lord,
today we remember the veil of darkness transforming to the brightest light.
The most dreadful end becoming the most beautiful beginning.
We remember with trembling hearts the depths of despair fading to reveal hope everlasting.
The curse of death defeated by eternal life.
Today we remember with thankfulness your willingness to be pierced for our sins.
We sing with abounding joy of your miraculous rise, from death’s tomb to resplendent life.
Thank you for the promise of heaven and your generous invitation of eternal life for all.

Romans 8:28 NIV link

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,
who have been called according to his purpose.


Easter Benediction link

May the loving power of God,
which raised Jesus to new life,
strengthen you in hope,
enrich you with his love,
and fill you with joy in the faith

He is risen! He is risen indeed!


EChurch@Wartburg: 04/18/2020: Wade Burleson: All Things For Good — 2 Comments

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    Your comment was not approved. My own church is posting from the church building as are many others. My church building is open as usual although there are not gatherings. I don’t know what’s wrong with you but you need to rethink you paradigm.