EChurch@Wartburg – 10.9.16

Welcome to a Gathering of EChurch@Wartburg

mountain-sunset-behind-cloudsSun Setting Behind Clouds in Haiti

Here is our Order of Worship

This post is dedicated to the residents of Haiti who have been utterly devastated by the wrath of Hurricane Matthew.  With the death toll rising to nearly 1,000, the Haitians need our prayers and support more than ever. 

In the Face of Disaster

Lord God, we don’t know how to pray.
This immense disaster feels overwhelming.
We can only imagine how the victims feel,
and we are so many miles away that we feel helpless.
Surround those directly involved with your loving presence.
Comfort the families of the dead and injured,
Sustain those waiting for word of those they love.
Protect, strengthen, and uphold
the rescuers and emergency personnel.
Help all of us to remember that your love
is bigger and stronger than despair and destruction.
Guide and strengthen us to reach out to those affected
in ways that will bring healing.
Give them and us a sense of your peace and hope.
In the name of Jesus, our friend and healer. Amen.

From Prayers for Life’s Ordinary and Extraordinary Moments (Upper Room Books, 2012)

The Lord's Prayer

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Matthew 6:9-13 (KJV)

Scripture Reading: Luke 12:51-53 (NASB Bible Gateway)

Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

Our EChurch speaker is Abraham ("Abe") Wright who recently joined the staff at Emmanuel Enid as the Community Evangelist.  Born in Tulsa, Abe excelled in football and was drafted by the Miami Dolphins in 2007.  His career with the Dolphins was short-lived due to injuries.  Several years later he signed a practice roster agreement with the British Columbia Lions but was released in 2010.  Despite these professional setbacks, Abe has emerged as a warrior for Christ, and Emmanuel Enid is blessed to have him on staff. (link)


EChurch@Wartburg – 10.9.16 — 16 Comments

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    Prayer Requests:

    *For peace in war-ravaged countries around the world. Syria. Colombia and the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the President Juan Manuel Santos for trying to bring the country’s 50-year civil war to an end.

    *Hurricane. For Haiti, the Bahamas, Florida, South Carolina and other areas and all of the people who’ve lost loved ones, homes, businesses, and been impacted. For help and rebuilding.

    *Uncle Dad (aka Wayne) who comments here. His niece was murdered in Maine by her husband. They just had a funeral in South Carolina. Pray for her parents and family members.

    *Venezuela. For a miracle regarding their hospital system. They are completely out of everything in their hospitals and it is quite critical and they can’t treat people.

    *Harley in Texas. Recovering from foot surgery/bone fusion surgery. Please pray for her healing and her pain level. She is progressing.

    *For NMGirl. She hasn’t commented in awhile and I have been quite concerned about her.
    She was struggling with finances, driving for Uber, and various emotional struggles.
    She needed a new roof for her home which she couldn’t afford.

    *For Billy and his Mom Marquis in Texas. For his healing from being abused by a church member. He is doing well in his first year of high school. Please pray for him and his Mom and their financial provision. The GoFundMe campaign is open on the Open Discussion thread for them.

    *For Jeanette Altes in Colorado. She is being treated for a tumor, lost her job, is looking for another job. She also needs help with finances and the GoFundMe Campaign is open on the Open Discussion thread. (She has bills coming due $450, needs more food, and gas for her car.) Jeanette’s brother-in-law died this past week. Please pray for her sister and family.

    *Nick in Scotland. He hurt his finger and he has some discomfort and pain.

    *Ishy. Sale of home and new home.

    *For the people in the stories that have been featured lately here on TWW.
    -LaVonnne Pfeil, widow in Minnesota who was excommunicated from her church on some trumped up charge involving coffee grounds.
    -For Kim R. who is a survivor of clergy sexual abuse and other survivors of it and these wolves in sheeps clothing
    -Naghmeh Abedini in Idaho. Her husband Saeed, a pastor, is divorcing her and he has refused to seek help for his issues related to domestic violence and pornography.
    For peace, healing, and provision for her and her children.

    *For all of those dealing with Comp teachings, Patriarchy, excommunications/shunnings, spiritual abuse, child abuse, and other abuses in our churches.

    *For Tim Fall in California’s 92-yeard old father recovering from a head injury, surgery, hospitalization, and move to a care facility near Tim and his wife. For Tim and his wife’s emotional stress load.

    *For Dee and Deb, our blog queens. Thank you ladies for all you do. We pray for your burdens, whatever they may be, that they are eased.

    *For any other prayers that I have omitted from this list, please add.

    Thank you all.

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    We close on both houses on Friday! I go up there Wednesday. I don’t move in to the new house until Monday, but I’m staying in a RV park in our travel trailer.

    Appreciate the prayers so much! I will be adding these to my prayer list.

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    ishy wrote:

    We close on both houses on Friday! I go up there Wednesday. I donโ€™t move in to the new house until Monday, but Iโ€™m staying in a RV park in our travel trailer.
    Appreciate the prayers so much! I will be adding these to my prayer list.

    That’s great to hear, Ishy.

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    Velour, my friend, thank you for your prayers. I am doing better. Still a long ways to go. I was able to go down from the high powered pain pills to a lower one this week.

    My family and I went thru Hurricane Ike, 8 years ago in Galveston, TX. The songs here are so appropriate. I know the devastation of your home being flooded. Ours had between 4 to 5 1/2 feet of water in it. I know the pain of seeing all your belongs and furniture out on the street along with those of all your neighbors. We lived between the Gulf of Mexico and the Bay, so we got a double dose. The type of emotional pain you go thru in situations like this is horrendous. I would call it PTSD. I still find it hard to watch news reports of severe flooding and devastation. It brings up so many memories. If you have friends or family that is going thru, just be there for them. Listen to them. Offer what help you can. Send gift cards to them. Be a shoulder for them to cry on or vent on. My family and I were so fortunate. We lived off Galveston Island in a rental home for the next 18 mos or so. God blessed us time and time again. We now live in Tyler, TX. God gave us back the “years the Locusts” had stolen from us. What we lost we got back in double. So even though I am struggling in physical pain, I still praise God for what he brought us through. I have family in Florida. Don’t know how their homes fared. A second cousin who goes often to Haiti to minister to people and help out. I’m sure he is already working and setting up funds to go back again. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask.

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    @ Velour:
    thank you for this, VELOUR

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    Harley wrote:

    I am doing better. Still a long ways to go. I was able to go down from the high powered pain pills to a lower one this week.

    Great news, Harley, about your healing foot and reduced pain level!

    Yes, I remember you told me before that you lived through the trauma of a hurricane and damaged home. Thank you for sharing your story and offering first-hand tips to folks on how to help. Invaluable.


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    Christiane wrote:

    @ Velour:
    thank you for this, VELOUR

    Thank you, CHRISTIANE, my fellow prayer warrior. I love you!

    Hugs from California,


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    @ Velour:
    hugs to you, too, and I’m glad you are out of all of this heavy weather we are having in the East ๐Ÿ™‚

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    Christiane wrote:

    @ Velour:
    hugs to you, too, and Iโ€™m glad you are out of all of this heavy weather we are having in the East

    Me too. It’s sunny and about 78 degrees, dry heat.

    I’m praying for all of you.

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    Here is the link for the GoFundMe account for Marquis (Shauna) and her son Billy in Texas.
    Their situation is quite critical according to her most recent post on the Open Discussion forum. Their various services will be cut off at the end of the week for non-payment.

    They need help with all bills, rent, food, car insurance, and gasoline.

    Thank you.

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    Velour wrote:

    Here is the link for the GoFundMe account for Marquis (Shauna) and her son Billy in Texas.
    Their situation is quite critical according to her most recent post on the Open Discussion forum. Their various services will be cut off at the end of the week for non-payment.
    They need help with all bills, rent, food, car insurance, and gasoline.
    Thank you.

    Note: If you would like to help them tangibly, like a gift card for Wal-Mart or
    a gas card for a station in Texas, please email Deb and Dee for Shuana’s mailing
    address in Texas. (Top of the page here under the Contact section of the website.)

    Thank you.

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    Jeannette Altes’GoFundMe link is here:

    She has about $450 of bills coming due. And the need for food and gas for her car.

    Thank you.

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    I forgot to say thanks for E church it really helps.

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    @ brian:
    We are so glad! ๐Ÿ™‚