The John Piper Video Is Gone!

Just a quick note to let you know that Cross Conference appears to have removed the John Piper video. 

Alert reader "Bridget" was the first to report this. This is a link to the Cross Con site. This is a link to our updated post. I have removed the words from the top of the post in keeping with our concerns.


The John Piper Video Is Gone! — 49 Comments

  1. You mean they finally realized that it was NOT a good idea in the first place? Kinda sorta like that yay-hoo pastor down in Florida who was going to burn Qu’rans in public on the 9/11 anniversary?

  2. Now if his peeps will just get rid of that self-aggrandizing “The Calvinist” video they will really earn my respect! :^) I’m getting cranky in my mid-40s.

  3. @ William Birch:

    I was perusing TGC site the other day and found a poem by the same name “The Calvinist.” I believe it was writtwn by Piper and recorded by several different men. It did not make my day.

  4. Deebs!!!! Proud of you gals!!! You gals represent the best that Christendom has to offer!! If there were more people like you the Richard Dawkins would not exist, because they would lose a lot of their ammunition. 😀

  5. All the stories have really made me very sad about how we divide ourselves in so many different groups. My home church actually solicited support for a mission group to go to “convert” Greek Orthodox Christians. I reminded my church that they believe in the same Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior as we do. Just because they celebrate Christmas on a different date does not make them heathen.

    I thought Julie Anne’s tweet earlier today about Wayne Grudem tying himself into knots about what women can & can’t do hilarious. God knows we need more strong godly women in this world. Wasn’t it strong godly women that started the Temperance Movement – particularly a woman named Carrie Nation that put the fear of God in many, many men? Google her name & you may be shocked at how many men ran away from her in fear.

    Anyways…all the divisions reminded me of this story:

    “Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, “Don’t do it!” He said, “Nobody loves me.” I said, “God loves you. Do you believe in God?”

    He said, “Yes.” I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?” He said, “A Christian.”

    I said, “Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?” He said, “Protestant.” I said, “Me, too!

    What franchise?” He said, “Baptist.” I said, “Me, too!

    Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?” He said, “Northern Baptist.” I said, “Me, too!

    Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”
    He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist.” I said, “Me, too!

    Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region.” I said,
    “Me, too!”

    Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?” He said, “Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.”

    I said, “Die, heretic!” And I pushed him over.”

  6. Tall Skinny Kiwi posted about it yesterday without naming the video or what was in it, calling it ‘unfortunate.’ Andrew said;

    “Hopefully it has been taken down by now or at least will be in the next few hours.”

    I think the Jones family is still in NZ, so account for time zones.:^)

  7. That is a good thing! I am glad someone gave it some thought and had it removed. Thank you for bringing it to our attention, TWW,

    Sorry, “John Piper: “We Serve an Omnipotent God; We Have an Unstoppable Gospel.”” was deleted at 6:21:02 Mon Dec 9, 2013.

  8. William Birch wrote:

    Now if his peeps will just get rid of that self-aggrandizing “The Calvinist” video they will really earn my respect! :^) I’m getting cranky in my mid-40s.

    Hmm, I’m even crankier. (in my 60’s)

    The poem is an insult to the body of Christ. As if only Calvinist MEN embrace a full, god scented/breathed life.

  9. Bridget wrote:

    @ William Birch:

    I was perusing TGC site the other day and found a poem by the same name “The Calvinist.” I believe it was writtwn by Piper and recorded by several different men. It did not make my day.

    It is a truly obnoxious production. No tears of sentimentality here for it’s elevation of the Calvinist MAN.
    I believe, Sproul, Alistair Begg, and others beside Piper, recited it.
    These MEN, make me sick… full of manhood.

  10. Eagle wrote:

    Deebs!!!! Proud of you gals!!! You gals represent the best that Christendom has to offer!! If there were more people like you the Richard Dawkins would not exist, because they would lose a lot of their ammunition.

    Yes ladies…..well done!!!

  11. __

    “The Only Way To Win Is To ______________.” (fill in the blank)




    who is this?







    No, thanks. (Click)

  12. @ Eagle: There is a guy who write an atheist blog called Civil Commotion. He will routinely post how this blog goes after problems in the church. We are two Christians, along with all of you (never forget that it is important that you come here), that say we are believers and we don’t like this stuff.

  13. @ Bene D: All I can say is Yay! They took it down and did not bow to Piper’s reputation. Piper sent out a tweet at the end of last week pointing people to the video. I immediately responded and asked him to take it down. So did Julie Anne and then others did as well. I am amazed at the effectiveness of both blogging and twitter.

    Blogging has also turned into a groups effort. We could not find half of this stuff with our readers. We just need to find each other and start speaking. Sometimes there will even be a success!

  14. @ dee: Also, the worst thing the “gospel” boys can do is to make sarcastic comments about our faith. The world is watching. If they deem as “vile” and “not Christian” they leave little hope for those who are truly outside the faith.

  15. Nick Bulbeck wrote:

    Heather wrote:
    We Serve an Omnipotent God; We Have an Unstoppable Gospel.
    Dead right, Heather!
    (That would probably be “darn straight” in Americanish.)

    “Sorry, “John Piper: “We Serve an Omnipotent God; We Have an Unstoppable Gospel.”” was deleted at 6:21:02 Mon Dec 9, 2013.”

    This was from I thought it was a good idea to document that the video was removed in case it appears again.

  16. @ William Birch:

    I’ve tweaked the poem a bit. Thought this seemed a bit more relevant (starting at the 3:00 mark):

    See him in lament.
    Should I now repent?
    And then proclaim:
    “That video was LAME!”

  17. Thus is a false teacher, false leader warning:

    John Piper is focusing his energy on appealing to young people to give up everything and follow his personal call for them to go into dangerous places.

    Piper himself won’t be there, at least not for any length of time. But he will be safely ensconced behind a podium, on stage, at the Cross Conferences, calling upon others to give up everything for the sake of what John Piper is telling them to do.

    Referring to the death of Ronnie Smith in Libya just this past Thursday Piper said,

    Ronnie is not the first person who has died doing what I have encouraged them to do. He won’t be the last.

    There’s something dangerous and misleading about John Piper. He is giving unhealthy advise and is preying upon the minds of vulnerable young believers who he wants to recruit and send into places where their lives will at risk. While missionary work has always involved an element of sacrifice and risk, John Piper is not a seasoned Missionary. I would warn all parents against sending their children to attend these Cross Conferences and to encourage their kids away from listening to any advise John Piper wants to give them.

    Beware of this man!!

    Also, I’d bet Piper was miffed about his video being removed. My guess is he will show no signs of either repentance for his remarks in the video or any sense of a willingness to yield and submit to the other men he is associated with in ministry, or who are involved with this Cross Conference.

    Instead, I predict he will continue to speak and act in defiance and independently of any advise that contradicts what he thinks and will take hold of his muscular Christianity ideas and push forth in his own might with his agenda and continue to call young people to their deaths by encouraging them to go into dangerous foreign lands to “serve the Lord and save others from imminent destruction.

    The man has no moorings. He is not tied to or submitted to the larger Body of Christ. He’s a renegade and should not be trusted, despite his appearance to the contrary. He is a man, by nature and in practice, like CJ Mahaney. Another false teacher and false leader.

    Danger, danger, warning, warning. It’s only going to get worse unless he’s stopped!!!

  18. Evie wrote:

    @ William Birch:
    I’ve tweaked the poem a bit. Thought this seemed a bit more relevant (starting at the 3:00 mark):
    See him in lament.
    Should I now repent?
    And then proclaim:
    “That video was LAME!”

    If only.

  19. @ William Birch:
    I’ll see what I can come up with. Maybe shoot a video and invite others to read selected stanzas? I starring think it should star someone who vaguely reminds me of myself, walking along in the emotional introspection the poem inspires; a quiet tribute to myself.

    Such a soothing thing, isn’t it? Listening to John Piper wax poetic on John Piper? So soft. So humble. So weird.

    Snore Zzzzz

  20. William Birch wrote:

    @ Lin:
    I vote for a revision of the poem, and have it read by Rachel Held Evans, Julie Anne Smith, Dee and Deb. Who’s with me? :^)


    Likey……all strong women!

  21. Evie wrote:

    Instead, I predict he will continue to speak and act in defiance and independently of any advise that contradicts what he thinks and will take hold of his muscular Christianity ideas and push forth in his own might with his agenda and continue to call young people to their deaths by encouraging them to go into dangerous foreign lands to “serve the Lord and save others from imminent destruction.

    Let me guess…

    Judging from his emphasis on Tough Muscular Christianity, in person is Piper himself a short, skinny, whiny little man?

    I’ve seen the pattern in fandom so many times — the skinny whiny loser trying to convince everyone how Tough and Muscular he is. “I’M REALLY A NINJA! I COULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW WITH JUST MY LITTLE FINGER!”

  22. @ Tim:
    I could not make your link die in a hail of police bullets’ work. Either that or during the attempt I was caught in an ambush and I went down in a blaze of glory with my last breath being “Gain!” provoking John Piper to jealousy. Pretty sure that didn’t happen though, thanks!

  23. You know, it just ocurred to me after seeing, reading, hearing these pronouncements from John Piper, he is a drama glutton as well. He uses a different type of drama than Driscoll, who prefers in your face drama. Piper seems to prefers the very emotional, flowery words, heart grabbing video bites type of drama. Both of them use (abuse) emotionalism to draw people in to their fold.

  24. @ Tim:

    The mother was preparing her son to be shot by police!? Who says that?

    I would have thought Piper would have felt proud of the boy who may have been a male prodigy, showing early promise of ignoring female directives and taking matters into his own, more capable male leadership hands!

  25. Julie Anne wrote:

    dee wrote:

    I am amazed at the effectiveness of both blogging and twitter.

    No kidding. And don’t forget the screenshot!

    And Google Search! Both The Wartburg Watch and Spiritual Sounding Board, with the massive number of comments on every post, dominate the search engines on many keywords.

  26.   __

    CalvinGate: “Challenging The New Calvinist Gospel, Perhaps?”


      Video or removal of video, any self-respecting Muslim, has apparently, by now?, got Reverend John Piper’s silly message…


    What about the rest of us?


    This ‘b-movie’ called Global  Christian “Religious” Terrorism? (GCRT)

    …coming to a ‘church’ near you?


    Could b



    Upon His Son, Jesus – The Rock, God Almighty shall build His ‘church’, and the proverbial gates O’ hell shall not prevail..?

    mmm mmm …mmm!

    b-e-l-i-e-v-e it…


    Cavinesta…bedder run.



    Comic relief: Foreigner – ‘Double Vision’

  27. Evie wrote:

    Oh, but can’t you feeeeeel it? Just read it. Linger over it. Re-watch it. Then share it with family and friends. Ahhhhhh. Ohhhhhh. So amaaaaazing. Transcendent! If only it were more than just a glimpse! Astonishing! Enraptured! Rewind. Replay!

    Evie, that sounds like someone getting off on Porn.
    REALLY getting off on Porn.

  28. Bridget wrote:

    You know, it just ocurred to me after seeing, reading, hearing these pronouncements from John Piper, he is a drama glutton as well. He uses a different type of drama than Driscoll, who prefers in your face drama.

    Maybe he could title his autobiography “The Drama Queen Diaries”?

  29. Tim wrote:

    @ Headless Unicorn Guy: He certainly wants parents to throw their weight around disciplining their kids. Otherwise, he predicts their children will die in a hail of police bullets.

    Doesn’t that Prophesying(TM) sound a lot like Pronouncing a Curse?