God’s sovereignty never ceases to amaze us!  Last Monday I was enjoying my visit to the Big Apple, while Dee posted her timely article “A LIAR FOR A SEMINARY PRESIDENT”.   Unbeknownst to either of us, Focus on the Family aired a broadcast THAT VERY DAY featuring Ergun Caner called From Jihad to Jesus.  God’s timing is incredible! 


In preparation for today’s post on Ergun Caner, I spent some time yesterday conducting research.  I was absolutely stunned to discover that Focus on the Family had featured Caner in its April 26, 2010 broadcast – ironically, the same day Dee called for his resignation (see below):

TWW calls for Ergun Caner to resign his presidency due to his lies and failure to respond adequately to the allegations and repent.”


You can read Dee’s entire post at this link:



I wanted to listen to the Focus on the Family broadcast featuring Caner.  Unfortunately, I ran into a problem… 


I pulled up recent broadcasts on Focus of the Family’s official web site, and From Jihad to Jesus is missing!  All the other broadcasts can be accessed at the site.  Caner’s message has vanished as though it was never aired!  Check it out for yourself at this link: http://www.focusonthefamily.com/popups/media_player.aspx?Tab=Shows&subcategory=FocusOnTheFamilyDaily


Then I tried to locate Ergun Caner’s message in the Focus on the Family archives at this link: (http://listen.family.org/daily/A000001724.cfm)


Here’s what I read on that web site’s page for From Jihad to Jesus:

“The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.  Please contact the website administrator.”


Yep, there was an "unexpected error" all right!  It’s called an error in judgment! 


We at TWW believe Focus on the Family should conduct due diligence on those whom they promote; otherwise, they may face accusations of being complicit.  A simple Google search of Ergun Caner would have avoided this embarrassing blunder.  Dee and I applaud Focus on the Family for their decisive action to remove this broadcast from their web site; however, we believe they need to provide an honest explanation for why they removed the Caner broadcast.  Furthermore, we believe they should issue an apology to their loyal listeners for promoting a religious leader who has recently been exposed for not being truthful about a number of serious matters.  We believe this would be the Biblical thing to do.   


I absolutely LOVE the internet!  It’s incredible how much this wonderful technology has simplified the investigative process.  Through my research, I have been able to access Focus on the Family’s From Jihad to Jesus broadcast and have now listened to it three times!   


If you’d like to hear Ergun Caner’s Phony Baloney, here’s the link (scroll down to recent posts and find the 4/26/10 broadcast):



It has become clear to us that Ergun Caner is an opportunist who used a national tragedy (9/11) for his own fame and financial gain.  As far as we can determine, no one knew anything about him before September 11, 2001.  Suddenly, he’s the expert on Jihad, writing books on the topic and gaining notoriety from appearances, especially within the Southern Baptist Convention. 


In this Focus on the Family broadcast, Caner is speaking at Prestonwood Baptist Church shortly after the terrorist attack.  It was incredible to listen to his message, knowing that much of what he shared was pure fabrication.


For evidence regarding Caner’s “little white lies”, we encourage you to consult the following web sites which contain some eye-opening information:


Ergun Caner’s Secret Biography can be found at this link:



A recent commenter here at TWW has done an excellent job tracking down documents to disprove Caner’s claims, and we highly recommend that you check out the May 1, 2010 post Ergun Caner:  Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire as well as the related posts that precede it.



It appears that the programming directors at Focus on the Family got temporarily out of focus and forgot that Al Mohler – modern-day crusader for the Calvinists — serves on the Focus on the Family board.  Ergun Caner is staunchly opposed to the move toward Calvinism (ergo his connection to Paige Patterson).  


Tomorrow, we will wrap up our series on Ergun Caner.  You’ll not want to miss the conclusion…





  1. Didn’t realize it was a parody at first (or is it a satire?) I didn’t find it all that funny though, if only because it’s too depressing…


    This comment leads you to a spoof. We do not know who posted as Caner but the comment originates from Virginia. TWW has been aware of these spoofs and have watched several of them during post prep.

  3. Garland,

    I watched the parody for the first time last night. I wonder who produced it. I especially liked the comment “I moved to America when I was four……teen years old.” Pretty clever!

    The guy posing as Caner may have a future as a comedian.

  4. A Reader

    Thank you for your input. It is amazing to me that they would pick this time to yank it. Truth is truth and it will be exposed. Unfortunately, they seem to be waiting until the secular press really gets people fired up. I believe that will happen soon. So sad and quite preventable.
