Daystar Television Network Is Removing All of Robert Morris Programming and Broadcasting

Things are happening rather quickly. So gald Daystar responded in this way.


Daystar Television Network Is Removing All of Robert Morris Programming and Broadcasting — 91 Comments

  1. I see that they still have James Robison on their programming lineup. Apparently he committed clergy sexual abuse against a teenage employee of his ministry around 1980. Daystar, please remove this programming as well. Robison himself was apparently a sexual predator who then became complicit in the Morris coverup.

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  2. And so the erasure of Morris from the Evangelical Industrial Complex begins. Robert Morris Who? Just like Paul Pressler Who? They were all in when he was bringing in the money and publicity, but now not so much. He will end up being erased from photos like loyal Communists who rubbed Stalin the wrong way.

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  3. <strong>Ed.note: Another comment by a person who is not trauma informed, facts informed, and who supports a person who confessed to molesting a 12-year-child.

    I totally disagree. He dealt with his sin and God has redeemed him. Our God is a God is restoration. He never denied what he did.

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  4. Dale Rudiger:
    I see that they still have James Robison on their programming lineup. Apparently he committed clergy sexual abuse against a teenage employee of his ministry around 1980. Daystar, please remove this programming as well. Robison himself was apparently a sexual predator who then became complicit in the Morris coverup.

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  5. annonymous:
    I read a comment somewhere that said Mr Morris wife talked to the girl and told the girl she forgave her? Forgave her for what? Is this true? The girl was a victim not someone who had to ask forgiveness. I dont understand this if its true.

    For supposedly seducing her husband… at 12 years old! Blame was immediately placed on the victim.

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  6. annonymous: I read a comment somewhere that said Mr Morris wife talked to the girl and told the girl she forgave her? Forgave her for what? Is this true? The girl was a victim not someone who had to ask forgiveness. I don’t understand this if its true.

    It’s part of gaslighting manipulation to deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender (DARVO) … to distort reality and force the victim to question their own judgment. Sick.

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  7. Kathy Noll: He never denied what he did.

    Distorting facts with mistruth and half-truth is a form of denial about what really happened. The victim was a child, not a “young lady.”

    Kathy Noll: Our God is a God is restoration.

    Will God forgive the truly repentant? Certainly!

    Will God restore a child abuser to Gospel ministry? There are no examples in Scripture where He did that … only Scriptures that talk about consequences on those who offend little ones, which we are seeing now.

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  8. Kathy Noll,

    I read your comment on the previous post, too.
    Adults who use or abuse minors sexually are criminals – it is a CRIME.
    So, you think we should save some tax dollars but doing away with the entire criminal justice system. No more jails, prisons, police, lawyers, judges, trials, etc…..
    If an arsonists burns down your house with your dog in it, or a drunk broadsides you at an intersection and seriously injures your daughter, or a mugger hits you on the head with a bat and takes your purse, or a casual acquaintance forces himself on you sexually …… you’re saying you’ll forgive and forget???…. that we all should???

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  9. Ok…But Daystar & Joni Lamb still continue to follow Robert Morris’s social media pages. That is the Lamb family’s church and they called Morris a very close friend.
    Tony Evans was booked to speak at Gateway in July. He outs himself (probably not by choice) then Morris gets outed….there is much more to this story and happening in these circles than we know or think. Suzy Lambs Instagram is exposing and interesting.

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  10. Kathy Noll,

    The church substituted the word accountability for the word restoration. Church leadership must remain accountable to the teachings of Jesus Christ. I believe ministers and all staff should have a contractual agreement that if they knowingly engage in sexual immorality, they will be fired immediately. Let God forgive them. But their restoration will be after joining the ranks of the unemployed.

    If you ask the wrong question you never get the right question. The question is not one of forgiveness. The question is one of how did the church get to this place and what can be done to restore the concept of holiness before God?

    It begins with holding all leadership accountable. If you want to whore around, do it wearing your Pizza Hut uniform. But don’t do it as church leadership. You have violated a trust.

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  11. Tamera Swofford,

    “The question is one of how did the church get to this place…”

    it’s quite obvious in too many of the commenters this week.

    all the conviction of right and wrong of a flaccid sea cucumber.

    Let alone the courage to take a stand for it and insist on stellar integrity and consequences & accountability for leaders who choose otherwise.

    that is if ‘above reproach’ means anything at all.

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  12. Kathy Noll,

    first of all, robert morris lied, deceived, misled everyone.

    redemption & restoration are fully compatible with accountability and consequences.

    criminy, my atheist, agnostic, muslim and hindu friends and family have far superior integrity to any christian leader i’ve observed.

    because shoddy character in christian leaders is accommodated by their followers and christian culture at large.

    it’s pathetic.

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  13. Several years ago, this happened to me. Different church.. different “man of the cloth”.When this was discovered,the church, a very large one, sent me away because they were afraid of what he would do to me. He had done the same thing in SEVERAL churches. No one was told. They fired Hime and offered HIM counseling. I was fired and COMPLETELY ostracized. Now pastors another big church. Not only these people…took me a LONG time to recover

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  14. Kathy Noll,

    Dear Kathy,
    I see from your previous post you have been sexually abused more than 1 time. I am hoping that you have not confused forgiveness with enabling. You sound like you have forgiven the people who have done this crime towards you, but have you given them freedom to commit the same crime on someone else? If your past trauma ever comes to the surface…we will be here for you. It’s what we do here. Dee is our Robin Hood and we are her Merry Men/Women. We forgive, we just don’t want crimes to happen again…on our watch!

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  15. Kathy Noll,

    You’ve been making these comments on several posts lately. Serious question: why is it so important to you that a man who exploited trust and abused power to harm a child for his own gratification continue to be seen as a spiritual authority figure?

    Would any business or institution hire an accountant who confessed to past embezzlement, repentant or not? Or a maintenance worker with an arson record? Heck, would you hire a pet sitter who had a record of cruelty to animals? Why should a pastor-a spiritual shepherd whose influence can extend to the most intimate parts of congregants’ lives-be subject to a less rigorous standard? Does God need him that much?

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  16. We must all have discernment to put our faith in the Rock of Jesus Christ and not on the pebble of a man. We have not seen or heard a broken or repentant heart from RM or GW elders. All we have seen is how can we salvage what we have left of our image. When you believe you are the model church for all other churches, you better walk the walk.

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  17. Donna: We must all have discernment to put our faith in the Rock of Jesus Christ and not on the pebble of a man.

    “Discernment” in the original meaning of seeing the reality beneath surface appearances?

    Or “Discernment(TM)” as in its “diabolical Christainese meaning” of smelling out DEMONS! and WITCHES! in every closet, under every bed, and in every set of D&D dice and Goodwill sweaters?

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  18. Donna: We have not seen or heard a broken or repentant heart from RM or GW elders

    They can’t do that now … they are in damage control mode. That would be admitting wrong and would cast doubt on their leadership as they are trying to maneuver out of this mess. They’ve even hired a crisis management legal firm to help mitigate the financial loss and salvage their reputation. Nope, can’t repent now … too much at stake … the gravy train must keep moving!

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  19. Headless Unicorn Guy: “Discernment” in the original meaning of seeing the reality beneath surface appearances?

    Or “Discernment(TM)” as in its “diabolical Christainese meaning” of smelling out DEMONS! and WITCHES! in every closet, under every bed, and in every set of D&D dice and Goodwill sweaters?

    So many Christians I have met over the years said they had the so-called “Discernment” but were completely oblivious to the frauds, hucksters, unqualified pastors and ministries they supported (like Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland for example). Every once in while their discernment light bulb would go off and they would see something correctly. But then even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then.

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  20. CMT: seen as a spiritual authority figure

    These characters don’t have “spiritual” authority … they simply have a power differential over the congregation. Instead of following the divine plan to be a servant to the Body of Christ, too many “pastors” and “elders” have taken on the role of overlord … and that springs from a totally different spirit than the Holy Spirit.

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  21. Tamera Swofford: The church substituted the word accountability for the word restoration. Church leadership must remain accountable to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    Those who “restore” use the following Scripture to justify their actions:

    “If any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual, who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit, should set him right and restore him” (Galatians 6:1 AMP)

    Problem is, after doing church in America for over 70 years, I can count on one hand the number of pastors/elders that I thought were “responsive to and controlled by the Spirit” … most were controlled by the flesh as evidenced by their life Monday-Saturday. Southern Baptists call them “demon-deacons” … others call them what they are “reprobates.” I once knew a deacon who offered up flowery prayers on Sunday mornings, then cussed business associates out through the week. You didn’t want him restoring any dudebros!

    When a child abuser is “restored” to ministry, the restorers are not being “accountable to the teachings of Jesus Christ” … in my humble, but accurate, opinion.

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  22. Max: Those who “restore” use the following Scripture to justify their actions:

    “If any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual, who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit, should set him right and restore him” (Galatians 6:1 AMP)

    Problem is, after doing church in America for over 70 years, I can count on one hand the number of pastors/elders that I thought were “responsive to and controlled by the Spirit” … most were controlled by the flesh as evidenced by their life Monday-Saturday.Southern Baptists call them “demon-deacons” … others call them what they are “reprobates.”I once knew a deacon who offered up flowery prayers on Sunday mornings, then cussed business associates out through the week.You didn’t want him restoring any dudebros!

    When a child abuser is “restored” to ministry, the restorers are not being “accountable to the teachings of Jesus Christ” … in my humble, but accurate, opinion.

    Also, any legitimate restoration would be a restoration to the fellowship, not getting your old job/position/title back if your fall means you are no longer biblically qualified to be a pastor, elder, or deacon. Morris can be a lay person just like all the rest and with fruits of repentance, he may even be allowed to work in the parking ministry as an attendant.

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  23. What repentance really looks like:

    But then it was written by David French, so all the hardcore Trump supporters will immediately dismiss it.

    But everyone knows the story of the Prodigal, but here is a key point from the passage

    “I’ll get up, go to my father, and say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I’m no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired workers.”’ (CSB)

    Read the latter bit. Notice that the prodigal son does not ask for his former position, place of power, authority, prestige, and honor. Just a broken man wishing only to be a hired hand.

    Who is like the prodigal son? Is it the famous pastor who apparently believes that six months in the wilderness is long enough and then he can get back into the pulpit? Or pastors with other “restorations”?

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  24. R’as al Ghul: The best thing that a minister or a leader with a “changed heart” can do is to go away.”

    When the Apostle Paul was converted, he disappeared into the Arabian wilderness three years before he began his public ministry. I’m not recommending that for Mr. Morris, however … he just needs to disappear – his appearing has caused the church enough grief.

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  25. Max,

    Restored to right standing with God and family. Yes. But I do not think that particular verse is in context of leadership. God established forgiveness at the Cross. But He also set in motion cause and effect, sowing and reaping.

    I am merely noting that for leadership, accountability first. For any situation there is immediate and ultimate responsibility. It is a binary process which works well. This means that the one culpable is made to assume immediate responsibility for their actions. And there will be an ultimate responsibility punted to the one who did not cause the issue, but who is in an overwatch position. Crimes must be dealt with swiftly and with immediacy. And within chain of command or a lateral chain of command such as a church governing board, the ultimate responsibility to deal with an immediate situation belongs with someone or some established organizational entity. It is a failure of duty not to step up to the plate.

    By example, the higher my rank when in the military, the greater the onus was on me to be an example to those under my chain of command within any department, or for that matter, exemplary within my detachment and command. I never betrayed that oath. It is no different in the church. A senior pastor has the greater burden of ethical behavior than the member in particular. This is the price paid for leadership.

    Regarding Mr. Morris, his particular crime – the recidivism rate can be noted on page three of this document.

    For those involved in possession and distribution of child pornography, recidivism is also high.

    I choose government statistical assessments because a Biblical parable takes note that the children of the world can be wiser than the children of light. The data is depressing regarding recidivism.

    Don’t pet the snakes. Smoke ’em out.

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  26. Juni: Several years ago, this happened to me. Different church.. different “man of the cloth”.When this was discovered,the church, a very large one, sent me away because they were afraid of what he would do to me. He had done the same thing in SEVERAL churches. No one was told. They fired Hime and offered HIM counseling. I was fired and COMPLETELY ostracized. Now pastors another big church. Not only these people…took me a LONG time to recover

    That’s just horrible!! There needs to be a registry for Clergical Offenders. So they don’t hop from denomination to denomination.

    My cousin’s Ex was a U Methodist preacher who cheated on her. My sweet innocent cousin. Cognitively incapable of hurting a fly. Next thing you know he’s pastoring another church, same denomination!

    Marriage vows meant nothing. “In sickness and in health”

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  27. tammy swofford: Restored to right standing with God and family. Yes. But I do not think that particular verse is in context of leadership. God established forgiveness at the Cross. But He also set in motion cause and effect, sowing and reaping.

    Exactly. Forgive Mr. Morris if he genuinely repents (yet to be seen)? Certainly. Restore him to ministry? Absolutely not! You will find no reference in the New Testament of a pastor being restored to the pulpit who failed morally … only rebuke. Consequences.

    Sowing and reaping? You reap what you sow, more than you sow, later than you sow.

    tammy swofford: A senior pastor has the greater burden of ethical behavior than the member in particular.

    To whom much is given, much is required.

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  28. tammy swofford:

    Restored to right standing with God and family. Yes. But I do not think that particular verse is in context of leadership.God established forgiveness at the Cross.But He also set in motion cause and effect, sowing and reaping.

    I am merely noting that for leadership, accountability first. For any situation there is immediate and ultimate responsibility. It is a binary process which works well.This means that the one culpable is made to assume immediate responsibility for their actions.And there will be an ultimate responsibility punted to the one who did not cause the issue, but who is in an overwatch position. Crimes must be dealt with swiftly and with immediacy. And within chain of command or a lateral chain of command such as a church governing board, the ultimate responsibility to deal with an immediate situation belongs with someone or some established organizational entity. It is a failure of duty not to step up to the plate.

    By example, the higher my rank when in the military, the greater the onus was on me to be an example to those under my chain of command within any department, or for that matter, exemplary within my detachment and command.I never betrayed that oath.It is no different in the church.A senior pastor has the greater burden of ethical behavior than the member in particular. This is the price paid for leadership.

    Regarding Mr. Morris, his particular crime – the recidivism rate can be noted on page three of this document.

    For those involved in possession and distribution of child pornography, recidivism is also high.

    I choose government statistical assessments because a Biblical parable takes note that the children of the world can be wiser than the children of light.The data is depressing regarding recidivism.

    Don’t pet the snakes. Smoke ’em out.

    I have family members in the military and they understand perfectly. Also, one can delegate authority, but never responsibility. That is why a Navy CO of a ship is beached permanently if his ship has a collision or grounding (even if he is asleep in his rack and the duty officer issued the order).

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  29. Kathy Noll,

    Are you aware that Morris preaches a sermon series twice a year on his personal testimony? In his testimony in front of about 10,000 people he implies the extramarital affair was consensual with an adult. Living a lie for 24 years from the pulpit is ongoing, deliberate sin. Not an old sin wash by the blood, thrown as far as the East is from the West.

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  30. Ed. Note: Perhaps your faith is built on sinking sand and not the full counsel of the Scriptures. This was not just a sin but a crime. The Scriptures told us we are to honor the laws of our country unless they disagree with God’s law. Morris should have spent time in prison. Then, as a church member and even more so as a pastor he needed to confess his sin and show true remorse. he did not.There was a young girl whose life was shattered by a pastor who conned her. It has affected her life. Morris wouldn’t even pay her counseling bills and even called her flirtatious in 2005 through his attorney. You have been groomed by a master groomer and I am sorry. Find a good church and revisit your faith. Do you know the authentic Jesus?

    “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.” What happened to forgive those who trespass against us? Thirty plus years ago, he came forward and took responsibility and “society” set his path to redemption. Thirty plus years later and the church (of all entities) and his accuser continue to castigate Pastor Robert. Unlike everyday life there is no second chance in the church, of all places. It is issues like this that lead me to sometimes doubt my faith.

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  31. Rebecca Wilhite: The James Robinson you told about is not the one on T.V.

    ? … what other “James Robison” meets this description, as presented in the article:

    “Robison is one of the nation’s best-known TV evangelists. His broadcasts are aired on more than 100 stations in the United States and Canada from his ministry’s headquarters in Euless, a city between Dallas and Fort Worth.”

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  32. Harold:
    Ed. Note: Perhaps your faith is built on sinking sand and not the full counsel of the Scriptures. This was not just a sin but a crime. The Scriptures told us we are to honor the laws of our country unless they disagree with God’s law. Morris should have spent time in prison. Then, as a church member and even more so as a pastor he needed to confess his sin and show true remorse. he did not.There was a young girl whose life was shattered by a pastor who conned her. It has affected her life. Morris wouldn’t even pay her counseling bills and even called her flirtatious in 2005 through his attorney.You have been groomed by a master groomer and I am sorry. Find a good church and revisit your faith. Do you know the authentic Jesus?

    “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.” What happened to forgive those who trespass against us? Thirty plus years ago, he came forward and took responsibility and “society” set his path to redemption. Thirty plus years later and the church (of all entities) and his accuser continue to castigate Pastor Robert. Unlike everyday life there is no second chance in the church, of all places. It is issues like this that lead me to sometimes doubt my faith.

    He took responsibility for an affair, not pedophilia. Not the same. Then tried to blame it on a child. I believe that is the description of a narcissist. There is forgiveness of sin, with repentance.

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  33. Sad that Christians in the USA( can’t comment about elsewhere as I’ve only lived here in USA)have NOT learned the lesson to just lift up JESUS. Jesus said it Himself, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me”(all of mankind) we lift up Pastors, leaders, ministries, singers, rappers, etc., but NOT Jesus. I feel like the whole religious system of American Christianity needs to collapse and the Lord Himself does a great move and then bring on the Antichrist and all other aspects of Bible prophecy to finish this world for the Millenial Reign of Jesus from Jerusalem and then Eternity future after that.

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  34. Harold: Thirty plus years ago, he came forward and took responsibility and “society” set his path to redemption.

    “Society” had nothing to do with it! A small band of elders at Shady Grove Church made a wrong decision to restore rather than permanently disqualify Mr. Morris from ministry. Responsibility? … those church leaders failed their mandated responsibility to report child abuse to the proper authorities. I’ve read nothing of Mr. Morris taking responsibility for this horrible offense against a child … until he was recently exposed.

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  35. There is an interesting blog post referencing Bob Hamp, the former executive pastor of pastoral care at Gateway Church from 2005 to 2014 at

    I don’t know what position Gateway Church as an institution will take, but one former pastor is not pulling many punches. Based on the prose, I would say Hamp had this post tee-up and ready to go for a while.

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  36. Dave,

    It makes no sense to me why BH is being platformed so much this week given what’s been reported in the comments here regarding him. I don’t know if all that was written about why he left GW has been confirmed, but the discipline on his license is publicly available and easily accessible. Not to mention someone posted a direct link somewhere in the comments here a few days back. Why didn’t these investigative reporters find that info or if they did why are they still giving him so much positive press?

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  37. elastigirl,

    I disagree. Your talking about televangelist, who have probably long forgotten God and his laws. Many are multimillionaire living in estates and have their own airplanes and pilot on staff. They’re overwhelmed by greed in every way and can quote scripture at the drop of a hat but feel no love of God or His Word.
    In our individual churches, many of our pastors don’t receive a salary and spend much time preparing for their weekly services. They work for the Lord in and out of church. They’re known and respected in every facet of their lives. Of course, there are always exceptions to these rules, but I’m of the belief that the majority of it pastors are humble servants and Good examples of Christian leaders

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  38. Ed. note on original comment. We are called to judge. Morris molested a child. That is wrong and that is a judgement. It is Scriptural. God wants us to judge actions and that is why we have the Law to guide us. However, when we repent, truly in our hearts, there is the Gospel. What we must not judge is the salvation of another. That is in the hands of He Who is at a Higher Pay Grade than we are. If your child disobeys you and stays out late drinking, you are to judge her actions and discipline her. That is a judgement. be careful when you speak about “judge not.” Put it in context. Where was Jesus and to whom was He speaking.

    Watchman on the Wall:
    I wonder if any of the elders of this church or even his wife would be so forgiving if it was their 12 year old child who had been molested?I think not!

    We are in a rough time. God is exposing what we try to hide or have moved on from. Part of the test is remembering that Jesus said where are those who condemn you? Jesus does not condemn but offers redemption. The relationship with God is personal. While we don’t like certain sins we hear about, God still tells us to judge not and to forgive. It’s a rough time. If you believe… you follow what the Lord says.

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  39. Kathy Noll,

    UM…Robert Morris is a CRIMINAL PEDOPHILE! WWJD???? “if you hurt ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES, it would be better for you to have a mill stone hung around your neck and you be thrown in the sea to drown!” Jesus advocated the death penalty for pedophiles and the like…interesting that the Governor of Tennessee just signed into law the death penalty for anyone raping a child! You people that “claim” Christianity and then reject the VERY WORDS OF JESUS are a disgrace!

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  40. annonymous:
    I read a comment somewhere that said Mr Morris wife talked to the girl and told the girl she forgave her? Forgave her for what? Is this true? The girl was a victim not someone who had to ask forgiveness. I dont understand this if its true.

    Yeah Robert Morris said that in one of his many lying statements about his sexual abuse of her.

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  41. annonymous,

    What makes sense is that Mr. Morris most likely distorted the facts of the situation to his wife to make himself the victim possibly stating the girl came onto him. Therefore, the apology Mrs. Morris gave to the victim, Cindy, would be more plausible in her forgiveness journey. Unless Mr. Morris states whether this is true, we will all continue to draw conclusions. The situation is horrible though no matter what was or was not said by the Morris’! In the end, judgement is between God and Mr. (Pastor) Morris.

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