“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”― CS Lewis
(This is 1/2 posts for this evening.)
Years ago, I spoke with a famous attorney, Jeff Anderson. He is well known for defending those who have been abused by priests in the Roman Catholic Church and getting incredible settlements for his clients. He asked me why I was starting my blog and I told him that I had watched a former church which poorly handled a serious pedophile situation. I wanted to see if there were similar stories in the evangelical world. That was 10 years ago and I was naive about the extent of abuse in the greater Protestant church.
He asked me if I had a family member who was abused and was surprised when I said, “No.” He said that there are not many people who are willing to fight for the abused when they had not experienced it themselves. He gave me lots of good advice that day and said he was encouraged by my willingness to dive in and offered to help me if that time ever came. However, he said to do what he told me and I should be fine.
I have frequently thought about that phone call. Through the years I have met many people who willingly fight for the abused. However, the *Justice for Sankey* group are amongst some of the most selfless group of people I’ve encountered. They are deeply committed to a group of children (now adults) who had lived in the Philippines in a home for children needing support. (Sankey)
They have endured ridicule for not “letting it go.” They are best described as selfless, caring more for the children than they do for their own comfort. They are smart and organized. Their documentation is convincing and they are laser focused on exposing the truth. The more I spoke with them and saw their documentation, the more convinced I became that we should be listening to them.
I have a question for those who would attempt to criticize them. Why in the world would they go into this battle, knowing full well that they would be rejected by those who could not imagine that their leaders could be anything but wise and perfect? What is in it for them? I can tell you the answer. The only thing they get out of this is that they are seeking truth and justice, knowing the truth may bring them heartache and broken relationships.
I believe that Jeff Anderson would join me in thanking this group of people who are seeking justice and truth in spite of the negative responses they have received from those in their church.
For a concise overview of the situation, go to the home page of the website.
From the FAQ section of their website.
Please join me in getting the word out about this new website. To God be the glory!
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Such honorable people! I salute their bravery and determination
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Karma and her sister Comeuppance are relentless.
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I do applaud them – and I applaud Joe Mauk and his family for all they have gone through. My heart breaks for the abused, and to think they were in a place that was supposed to protect them, help them and all in the name of Jesus. I pray eyes get opened to CCC and what they have both done and failed to do. I don’t want to see innocent men or churches destroyed but I don’t think CCC belongs in that category. It has been 5 years – how much longer? How many more $ will CCC take in and use for their glory rather than God’s? Thank you for what you do to expose these truths for all of us – hard to believe how rampant evil is in our churches.
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I am so happy to see that these brave and determined people are standing strong in their search for truth and justice. May God bless their efforts, and encourage the faith of those who have suffered abuse and wonder if people can be trusted. Thank you, dear souls, for speaking for those who have no voice.
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I bet that’s the same Jeff Anderson whose firm is running endless ads on the radio in NY State because of the recent law change to allow a longer period for abuse survivors to sue. To be honest, they turn me off, because they’re so frequent, and done in a speeded-up voice that sounds hurried and uncaring. Also I wonder how abuse survivors feel being reminded all the time.
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I am so impressed by the Justice for Sankey group. This is what the church is supposed to be doing!! How can anyone object to this?
I remember many years ago my pastor was taking us through the old testament and we were learning about ‘the remnant’ who remained faithful even when the rest of Israel had gone astray. My pastor’s opinion was that it is no different in the church. With all I’ve experienced in church and all I’ve seen and read over the past several years, I believe this is true.
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Thank you for the thought-provoking comment. I’ve been mulling this over for the past hour. Those brash ads have some effect, as I now know about the new law in New York from your comment. Lawyer ads have always been tacky, but that technique must work for them, or they would have changed their approach decades ago.
As for reminders, I would imagine that the daily sight of abusive churches and clergy going about their business unchallenged is far harder to take than radio ads. I still have the same jangly pair of thoughts when I see my old church: I hope it recovered, and wish someone had actually brought the abuse to light. But that’s just my reaction, and others will feel differently.
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Any independent investigative reporters out there who would be willing to take this on? We are counting on you and the whole group is praying for someone to take this on. For the sake of all people in the world at risk for trafficking. This really is a big picture problem. Thankyou so much for your help!!!
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I think a more proactive approach is needed than counting on a journalist to be reading this blog.
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I think it’s important to remember that in fact the VAST majority of sexual abuse victims never get justice, as the perpetrators are never caught and held accountable.
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You’d be surprised who reads this blog. But we do realize the difficulties. The frustration of seeing all that we have seen and at times feeling powerless is very real. But that doesn’t mean we don’t work hard and also trust that the God who made us sees and knows all and that he is FOR truth, compassion, justice, and righteousness in the earth. He is not for evil, no matter how many church leaders seem to promote it. And we are his tools to do what is right and stop abuse. Clevin you seem passionate about this please contact me I want to hear your story.
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you miss my point with the Karma and Comeuppance metaphor, which is why I included a link to Johnny Cash’s song.
If not justice in this here and now, sooner or later God’s gonna cut em’ down.
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Maybe. Do you have some examples to share?
The Sankey summary website is nice, but it still seems like there could be a more proactive approach. It seems unlikely CCC leadership will voluntarily bring in an independent investigation, so is’t there something else that can be done? If there are suspicions of criminal activity, why aren’t law enforcement being summoned for this?
All the while, a potential abuser (CRIMINAL) roams freely at CCC in a leadership position, with power, influence, and access to potential victims. We’ve already talked about his ongoing grooming behaviors.
I feel like CCC has had their many chances to come clean and that hour has passed. If there is a pedophile in their midst, he needs to be removed immediately.
How can I contact you?
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Do you live in the area? Can you file a police report? My guess is that unless a minor within the city/county comes forward, the police won’t do anything (and even then it’s unlikely) but you may as well try. DHS has been aware since the beginning as they were part of the arrest/investigation. I believe the FBI has also been informed. Apart from that, if you go to the church you can also speak to the leadership and those you know there demanding action. They are accountable to you, after all.
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Given how they responded in emails posted on this blog, I think I’ll keep my head low. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a church leader say they are accountable to the congregation. In my experience, disagreeing with church leadership is the quickest route to ending your welcome at a church.
As for the other suggestions, I am considering them.
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Clevin my email is mycommunitytoo@gmail.com. I would really like to hear your comments and also discuss solutions. I am open to talking on the phone or whatever is easiest for you–I live locally and am publicly ‘out’ on this issue so I have nothing to hide. I do always respect the wishes of others in terms of how they want to be involved or not.
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Praying for those ministering to the victims of abuse at Sankey and for the victims. How I wish this work was not needed, but since it is, thank God there are people willing to serve others and take the repercussions of others.