Idiot Sheep or Beloved Children of the Shepherd King?

"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd." Matthew 9:36

US Sheepherding Experiment



Recently, TWW was criticized from the pulpit of a well-known mega-church regarding a post from over 2 years ago in which we believed that a pastor was misusing a metaphor about sheep. Said pastor made sure (in a rather loud voice) that we now understand that he considers himself one of the “idiot” sheep. We are gratified to hear that said pastor counts himself amongst the idiots out here but that is not the only point we were trying to make.

We do not believe that the metaphors of sheep and shepherd in the Bible were meant to convey that God thinks we are a bunch of idiots. In fact, we do not see any Bible verses in which God’s dearly loved children are called dumb or idiotic sheep. The Scripture is replete with verses of how a concerned and loving shepherd will guide his sheep. In fact, He will run after even one sheep who has gone astray.

When my son was about 18 months old, he preferred to run, not walk. Consequently, he would often would trip and fall, necessitating trips to doctors along with a fair number of stitches. I would try to keep up with him, often failing miserably, to protect him from his inevitable bangs and bruises.

One day, I laid him down for his nap. My 4 year old daughter and I were in the next room, playing some music and exercising. I heard the child alarm go off and found my front door wide open. That often happened on my windy street and I assumed I had not shut the door tightly. As I walked back upstairs, I peeked in on my son and, to my horror, discovered that he was not in his crib. I realized what had happened. I ran hysterically outside, screaming his name. There were so many dangers-homes being built, pools being filled. I did not know which way to turn.

As I ran inside to get my car and call the police for help, my phone rang. A dear friend, who lived two streets over, found my son, merrily running around her cul du sac in his t-shirt and diaper.

He was safe! I ran to get him, bawling my eyes out. When I got to him, did I call him dumb or an idiot? Of course not! I picked him up, covered him with kisses, marveling that he was devoid of any cuts or bruises. I loved on him and was so grateful that he was alive and unharmed.

Theoretically, he did something stupid but he was only a small child and did not understand the dangers. And that is how I believe God responds to each one of us who recognize Him as “Abba”, “Father,” “Daddy.”

I think many may be unaware of the dubious origin of the dumb sheep metaphor. Did you know that it has its roots in the discredited shepherding movement of the 70s? This movement was known for its excessive and abusive authoritarianism. The idiot sheep symbol had a devious purpose back then. It was used to elevate the shepherd, also known as the pastor, and to demean and control the sheep(the rest of the congregation).

Dr. Steven Lambert has written extensively on the Shepherding Movement and its harmful effects on the flock. The following is what he wrote about the “sheep” in an article called “Charismatic Captivation”. Here is the link.

“Finally, there were the “sheep” themselves. All of the former (referring to the leaders) comprised the superior class of “Shepherds,” while those submitted to their care in their churches were the “sheep.” In many cases, this metaphorical moniker attributed to the saints of God was not used in the same affectionate sense as it is used in the Bible and even by Jesus Himself to describe the very special personal and caring relationship between a shepherd and his sheep that typically exists among nomadic sheep-herders. 

Rather, many of the Discipleship/Shepherdship adherents came to maintain a very condescending and demeaned view of believers as “just dumb sheep,” as many came to call them, dumb sheep, whose ability to reason was next to non-existent, which prevented them from knowing what was best for them. Therefore, it was the role of the shepherd, under this widely-held concept concerning “underling” believers, to tell the dumb sheep what to do, where to go, and to basically make their decisions for them, because the sheep were just too stupid to be able to do all this for themselves.”

Did this belief die away with the shepherding movement? Considering the fact that CJ Mahaney, a friend of this unnamed pastor, has ties to the old shepherding movement, it is not unreasonable to assume that this influence still exists today. In fact, CJ Mahaney is a good friend of Al Mohler and has given quite a bit of money to Mohler’s Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.You might be surprised to learn the following bit of information.

Tom Rich, of FBC Jax Watchdog, sent TWW a kind note the other day. Here is what he had to say about current day “shepherds.”

“This goes back to the view that these men have been taught at the SBC seminary…Al Mohler let the cat out of the bag at the FBC Jax pastor's conference earlier this year. The pastors are NOT dumb sheep, we pew sitters are the imbeciles, as Al Mohler said:

"…we believe that those who teach and preach the word of God are God-appointed agents to save God's people from ignorance." Al Mohler, FBC Jax, Feb 2011

As you know, Al Mohler is the rock star leader to the Calvinistas in the SBC. How much clearer can it be…they actually believe that we need them, that the God of the universe specially appointed them to come here and save us from our stupidity. They are not "us" – they are special, they have special connections to God.”

There is a crassness associated with today’s authoritarian leaders. They present mankind as a bunch of slimy worms who are barely tolerated by a Jesus who hangs on the Cross, angry that He has to sacrifice Himself for such beings. It is almost as if they present Him saying, through clenched teeth, “I can’t believe I have to do this for such ingrates.”

They present a mean view of God. Dare I say that they, too, in their pronouncements can sound rather mean as well? In fact, Taylor Swift says it quite well in this song.



You see, most people I know are all too well aware of their faults, sins and failings. In Jesus, they find a loving Savior who forgives their sins and kindly shepherds them through this world and into the next. This is called grace.When I became a Christian at the age of 17, I was already familiar with my own failings. I was excited to find a Savior who wanted a loving relationship with an awkward teenage girl who lost herself in Jane Austen and science fiction. Had I been told that I was an idiot who was “lucky” that she was one of the elect, I would have run in the opposite direction.

In fact, there could also be a dangerous side to constant condemnation of the “sheep.” Jonathan Edwards, a hero of today’s Calvinistas (a group to  which the unnamed pastor and Al Mohler belong), preached a hard Gospel during the First Great Revival. This quote is from George Marsden’s book found on Wikipedia.

“Over the summer of 1735, religious fervor took a dark turn. A number of New Englanders were shaken by the revivals but not converted, and became convinced of their inexorable damnation. Edwards wrote that "multitudes" felt urged—presumably by Satan—to take their own lives.

At least two people committed suicide in the depths of their spiritual duress, one from Edwards's own congregation—his uncle, Joseph Hawley II. It is not known if any others took their own lives, but the suicide craze effectively ended the first wave of revival, except in some parts of Connecticut." (George Marsden, Jonathan Edwards: A Life (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2003), p163-168)

I have read one too many stories of people deeply hurt by current day churches. Some of these people have found their way to TWW- tired, questioning, broken down and beaten up by one too many leaders who treat them as if they are pond scum. They are told they are lucky to be saved as well as blessed to be informed just how rotten they are by egotistical preachers and leaders. 

To these dear people, we are here to proclaim a wonderful Gospel. Jesus not only offers you unlimited grace and total forgiveness, He pursues each of you because He deeply loves you. He is the Great Shepherd and He willingly gave His life for His beloved sheep. Never, ever will He call you idiots.



Lydia's Corner: Nehemiah 9:22-10:39 1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13 Psalm 34:1-10 Proverbs 21:13


Idiot Sheep or Beloved Children of the Shepherd King? — 59 Comments

  1. Dee,

    “Abba” is more akin to “dada” than “daddy”. It is a child’s first attempt to call a father by name, just as “mama” is easier than “mommy” or mother. In almost every language and culture, a baby’s first attempts to say daddy or mommy come out as a simpler construction.

    In context, it conveys a non-manipulative naivete and a total dependence on God. BTW, the bible does refer to a dumb sheep, as in the prophecy that Jesus would be like a sheep before the shearer and not speak (hence “dumb”) against those who would crucify him. Would that we could all be dumb in those circumstances.

    Our relationship with God should be one of love, not terror, and of repentance. God has love us enough to adopt us as his children and give us an inheritance with him.

  2. Arce
    Thank you fro that explanation of Abba. I, too, had seen that verse with the use of the word dumb meaning silent. It’s funny, until the last few years, i had never heard pastors use the word idiots when it came to the sheep. Being a sheep, in terms of following my Master, coupled with Psalm 23, gave me such peace and security. It all seems so strange these days-an anger and derision directed towards the people of God by some of these leaders. It appears foreign to the faith I have known.

  3. Pingback: They’re starting to sound like me … | Civil Commotion

  4. You watch Mohler and all I see is someone who gives firm, rational and sound reasons why a person should be an atheist. I mean who wants to be assiciated with a faith so cold, an anal?

    I assume Mohler et al are Truly Reformed Calvinists?

    You know what these guys and their Theology keep reminding me of? Communist Party Ideologists. Purity of Ideology, Purity of Ideology, Purity of Ideology. No matter how many eggs (like you or me) get broken to make the Perfect Theological/Ideological Omelet.

  5. P.S. Shepherding Movement — a control freak’s wet dream. I was on the fringe of that for a while in the Seventies, and the only way I can describe it is classic brainwashing. Total Joyful Submission to Comrade Dear Leader or else.

    And the God and Christ in whose name it is done get splashed with the mud and blood, leaving an image of Christ as Cosmic Kim Jong-Il and the Kingdom of God as a never-ending North Korea. All Proles Dance Joyfully With Great Enthusiasm Before Comrade Dear Leader — FOREVER.

  6. Appalled
    I doubly like you now. He is, and always has been, my favorite composer. I love his stuff with John Michael Talbot, as well. I particularly like The King of Love My Shepherd Is! No endless repeating choruses with this guy.

  7. Headless

    You said this well “And the God and Christ in whose name it is done get splashed with the mud and blood, leaving an image of Christ as Cosmic Kim Jong-Il and the Kingdom of God as a never-ending North Korea. All Proles Dance Joyfully With Great Enthusiasm Before Comrade Dear Leader — FOREVER.” There is some stuff coming out from some in this movement, like the Eternal Subordination of Jesus (Code name for men in charge of women for eternity). Seems a bit of an over reach. It is stuff like this that will prevent them from “taking over” all churches. Subtlety is sorely lacking.

  8. Eagle

    I think that all men are born with an innate sense there is something more to the universe than mere naturalism. Lewis said that we all have this thing inside us that causes us to think there is something more. Many of us, who look at the pain and suffering in this world, sense something is just not right but at the same time seek goodness, mercy, truth. Lewis says the reason for this is that we were created for that something more-another world where beauty, love and justice are normative.

    The God of the Bible is far more than an Oriental despot. I have little reason to hope in the intelligence of mankind. Thousands of years of advances and we still have wars, poverty, child abuse, cruelty. I see the effects of the sinfulness of man-both in my own life and in the lives of the rest of mankind.I think the Bible is correct. One day, a final invasion by the Shepherd King will bring that dream world into a joyous reality.

  9. hmmmm… reading the bible and one’s experience of God are somewhat like an optical illusion, but with MANY (rather than just 2) different images that are simultaneously apparent yet focussed on individually.

    At present, concerning US and HIM, the sum total of decades of reading the bible has yielded rich texture of information — but a few bright and sparkling things have caught my eye:

    *Jesus makes a point of calling the disciples FRIENDS (as opposed to underlings, certainly opposed to idiotic sheep)

    *Human beings seem to be spiritual VIPs in a way, intended to have a high position in the spiritual realm (definitely opposed to idiotic sheep)

    I’ve put down some of the verses that these conclusions are based on. Don’t have time to defend & justify it all in the all-important context(s) — but my thinking is that these verses are truths in and of themselves. (no doubt someone somewhere could parse this all to smithereens)

    “No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15

    “Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?” I Cor. 6

    …”Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully,…searching…To them it was revealed that…they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you…by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things which angels desire to look into.” 1 Peter

    “we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” Romans 8:16-17

    “…angels…Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1

  10. Great verses and conclusions, elastigirl!
    Now my prepared discourse:
    Jonathan Edwards sang “Sunshine”.
    I’d like to purposely twist his meaning to bring it round to the suicidal thoughts in the other Edwards’ day.
    “He can’t even run his own life– I’ll be damned if he’ll run mine.” Some may think this refers to Nixon, or “the man” of the “establishment”, but I apply it to anyone who teaches that we ought to believe Determinism (scientific or theological). He has no freedom to choose, but wants to choose for me, and if I submit, I may conclude I”m damned. “Everything is fixed, and you can’t change it” in the words of superstar to Pilate. 
    There was some sci-fi show where folks got a vision of themselves doing something  bad in the future, and the more they tried to avoid it, the more they brought it to pass. Then someone realized the only way to change things — suicide.
    To conclude, another line from the modern Edwards: 
    He says in love and war all is fair
    But he’s got cards he ain’t showing

  11. Let me say this about that, and make one thing perfectly clear… Determinism may not have been the most accurate term above… Fatalism perhaps? I just wanted to paint with a broader brush than hyper-Calvinism, and say non-theists can go that way as well.

  12. Dee,

    Excellent post. The story of your son reminds me of last Christmas. We were at my brother’s house for our family get-together. In the chaos and confusion of so many adults and children, my 2-year old escaped through the front door. I had taken note of the door, because he had been known to figure things out and get out our gate/fence at home. But I didn’t think he would have the strength to turn the handle on the door, and I thought he was still playing with some of the other children upstairs. Just like you, I became frantic when we searched the house and he wasn’t there. Several of us ran outside and searched the yard and street, while I was crying and praying and yelling his name. My teenage nephew found him on the adjoining street and carried him to me. He was all smiles and had no idea what the fuss was about. In fact, I don’t even think he knew there was a fuss. I kissed and hugged and loved him and was so grateful that he was OK and we’d found him. It would have never entered my mind, nor my husband’s mind, to punish him or consider him a stupid idiot. However, my Calvinista preacher brother made sure my husband heard him exclaim harshly to his own 9-month old son: “You would have gotten a spanking, if you’d done something like that!” Of course his infant had no clue what he was talking about. This exclamation was made strictly for our benefit.

    Incidentally, his response to Paige Patterson and John Piper’s counsel to wives with abusive husbands is this, and I quote: “I would rather die in my pursuit to please God than live to displease him.” Of course Piper and Patterson are two of his heroes.

    By the way, thank you and Deb for your ministry here at TWW. I have been so hurt by abusive church leaders, including my brother, and I appreciate a safe place to discuss these issues and heal from these wounds.

  13. Elastigirl –

    Love those verses 🙂

    And when I think of Jesus, I don’t think of a sour puss either. Why would people follow him all over and track him down to be with him if he was glub and dreary and borish? He was the Son of God in the flesh! People wanted to be with him. He was exciting and alive and vibrant. Yes, he went to the cross but he asked his Father if there was some other way. But the cross nor the cave would hold him. Our Jesus is at the right hand of God, seated on a throne, interceding for us. What love!

  14. Great post, Dee! I agree that too many preachers are presenting an inaccurate picture of who God is and how He relates to people. I think that if you want to know what He thinks about people, the best place to start is by reading the Gospels and observing Jesus’s thoughts and words and actions towards people. Jesus wasn’t this angry being who couldn’t stand being around sinful people. He loved them and was kind to them and respected them. Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being”. So it makes sense to me that if there’s something I believe about what God is like that doesn’t line up with what I read about Jesus in the Gospels, then my conclusions must be incorrect. It’s been a wonderful, freeing process learning to see how my Father sees me and how great His affection is for me.

  15. “…He was safe! I ran to get him, bawling my eyes out. When I got to him, did I call him dumb or an idiot? Of course not! I picked him up, covered him with kisses, marveling that he was devoid of any cuts or bruises. I loved on him and was so grateful that he was alive and unharmed…”

    You too write a convincing word picture Dee. Did you ever once in those moments feel that your child was guilty of some horrible original transgression and in need of punishment in order to appease a sense of justice and get satisfaction?

  16. Anonymous 2:49

    Did he say “You would have gotten a spanking, if you’d done something like that!” in his very preacher voice. You know, a lot of these guys are into very severe, almost abusive punishment of children. We have written about this here. The Puritans were not known for their their “softness.” Many of the Calvinistas recommend books in which corporal punishment, frequent, swift and hard, is encouraged. Some even believe in depriving underweight babies of frequent feedings because babies must live disciplined lives.

  17. Dee,

    Yes, in his very preacher voice, and with a definite harshness in tone. As I’ve mentioned before, the Puritans are his heroes, so their encouragement of severe punishment is probably rubbing off. I didn’t know some in the Calvinista set believe in depriving babies of frequent feedings because they must learn to live disciplined lives. That is fascinating information. I remember my brother and his wife discussing the baby’s schedule and how she was only going to nurse him at set times, instead of nursing on demand. I don’t know for sure if a strict feeding schedule was depriving the baby or not, but I’m suspicious. At his check-ups, the pediatrician was concerned that he wasn’t gaining weight or growing, although he weighed over 9 1/2 pounds at birth. This went on for several months, and he was given supplements by the doctor. My mom was very worried for a while.

  18. Wendy said:

    “I remember my brother and his wife discussing the baby’s schedule and how she was only going to nurse him at set times, instead of nursing on demand.”

    What is wrong with these parents? Pediatricians strongly recommend ON DEMAND feeding. These parents need to Google Ezzo and read with discernment.

    We have written several posts on Ezzo here at TWW.

  19. Eagle,
    Just wanted to say that I don’t blame you at all for your suspicion and your deep concern with “organized” religion. I really, truly don’t. I get your perspective. I myself am utterly appalled that I could have been so blind, so brainwashed as to give so many years and so much money to a shepherding travesty like SGM. I feel like I fell for the old finger to the chest trick: “Hey, what’s this…” “huh?” [look down,boink in the nose]. It hurts like hell. I feel like such a fool. I blame only myself, by the way. Praise God for people like Dee and Deb…my goodness, it’s like finally coming up for air just before drowning.

    (Aside: Ha, ha…two WOMEN, preaching from HOME, who’ve never been to seminary! I love it; just like God to use people like them; THAT’S why I continue to believe in Christ; I, mean, what other god uses such means to shame the world’s wise?! It is so just like OUR GOD to use these women, and these abused and discarded, un-seminaried bloggers over at SGMSurvivors and Refuge, and even agnostics, and atheists, and snarky trollers (Seneca,no offense) to spread the truth of His love and Grace…but I digress).

    Praise the Lord, I don’t blame God for me being such an SGM tool (and yes, I mean it that way…”tool”, you heard me, and I mean it in the conventional vernacular). I don’t because I don’t read anywhere in the Bible that it is okay for churches to operate with such tyranny. [sigh] Hindsight is 20/20, I suppose. But I look and look in the Bible these days and I don’t find anywhere where it says that CJ Mahaney or his yes-men “stand in the very stead of God.”

    Anyway, don’t mean to preach; just wanted to say I thank you (again…I’ve thanked you before I think) so much for your perspective and that I respect you and I respect the reasons you have for your beliefs. And I agree…this modern push towards hyper-authoritarian protestant papacy where men and their words are to be worshiped as though they are God’s proxies (God = special revelation to and therefore submission to = SGM pastors, ergo: God = SGM Pastors) is certainly not helping anyone on the fence about Jesus hop down and join the party.

  20. Dee and Deb…I hope nothing in my previous post came across as offensive. I certainly did not mean to imply or infer (whichever…I get confused) that you two are not wise. Oh contrar!! I just meant that I find it easy to continue to believe in my blessed Christ because I see Him working through the meek, the oppressed, the discounted, the disrespected, the “foolish” things of the world (to the calvanista elites)just as he said He would in His word and just as He always has.

    Anyway, just wanted to make sure I didn’t come across as derogatory.

  21. Argo
    What a nice thing to say about us. I still remember wondering if anyone would be interested in what we had to say. All I knew is that i had to get some things off my chest .I am so glad you are along for the ride.

  22. Argo,

    I loved your comment so much that I just read it to my husband. So glad that the dialogue here is helping you.

    As far as your involvement in SGM goes, don’t beat yourself up. You were deceived, and it’s not your fault. You trusted these so-called men of God to be above reproach.

    It takes a while to de-program, and I believe you will move forward with a stronger faith because of what you’ve been through.

    I have enjoyed reading your comments over at SGM Survivors.

  23. Just another view on the shepherd/sheep metaphor: According to Middle East Christian scholar, Kenneth Baily, in his book “Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes”, in first century Palestine, shepherds were poor and rabbinic traditions label them as “unclean”. They were considered “lowly and uneducated”. Which makes the visit by the angels to visit the new born King even more telling. Remember that when reading the NT.

    Keep that in mind next time some comfy upper middle class pastor proclaims himself your shepherd.

  24. former MH pastor Mike Gunn gave a long sermon on Ps 23 a few years ago where he pointed out that shepherds were despised by other livestock owners because a bad shepherd who doesn’t keep the flock moving lets the animals ravage the soil by eating everything in sight. Even in the OT eras shepherds were widely considered the equivalent of dumb, lazy redneck types. It’s this kind of prejudice God warns Samuel not to work from in assessing the sons of Jesse.

  25. The rabbinical tradition did not allow testimony by a shepherd in legal matters, because they were considered to be dishonest, thieves, ceremonially unclean, etc. Jesus calling himself a shepherd was another of his alignments with the poor, the outcast, etc., rather than the wealthy and powerful.

  26. WtH
    I love it. I think this gives fuel to my fire that metaphors can be carried in directions that were never intended. As I said to one pastor, sheep are one day going to be slaughtered. Should we add that to the dumb sheep story as well?

  27. Arce
    I am learning so much about the shepherd side of things. Isn’t that interesting that pastors fixate on the sheep and forget about the shepherd angle. Wow. This is why I love to blog. I learn so much!

  28. I loved this post! Isn’t it telling how things are the opposite of how Jesus modeled as our Shepherd? He is the Shepherd who cares for His flock. He was lowly in status, fortune and power while here, and He cared for people. We are the important ones to Him. He guides and leads and tends to our needs. Don’t we see the opposite in so many churches? The supposed shepherds are too busy to tend the flock. They may have to counsel or help a few…or assign that to others…but they themselves are promoted while we are encouraged to serve them, their visions, and their desires for their “church.” They have degrees and status and praise from others, and it seems our job is to make them look good and submit-obey-be silent-like a good sheep-just show up when expected and go along, or get out.

    One special thing I remember reading about, when looking into how shepherds took care of their sheep back in the Lord’s day, was that if a sheep continued to stray, the shepherd would actually break its leg and carry the injured sheep around his shoulders while it healed…think about how lovely a picture that is of the Lord caring for us who frequently stray.

  29. Diane
    You are right! I forgot abut that-how a leg was broken to prevent a habitual strayer. But, unlike the authoritarians of today, who believe in breaking a a “leg” by booting people out of the church or by pursuing them with the sheriff (See FBC Jax Watchdog), a real shepherd picks up the broken sheep and carries them as a loving parent. Somehow, I think I need to do another post on this topic, adding all the things the astute readers of this blog are sharing. Awesome!

  30. Wendy said:

    “I remember my brother and his wife discussing the baby’s schedule and how she was only going to nurse him at set times, instead of nursing on demand.”

    What is wrong with these parents?

    Reality must bow before Purity of Ideology.

    Like I’ve said before, these Calvinistas remind me of nothing so much as Communist Party Ideologists.

  31. Headless Unicorn Guy,

    It’s SCARY that these Calvinstas are doling out advice on breastfeeding infants and such in the resources they recommend.

  32. I think this gives fuel to my fire that metaphors can be carried in directions that were never intended. As I said to one pastor, sheep are one day going to be slaughtered. Should we add that to the dumb sheep story as well? — Dee

    I’m sure a lot of Calvinista pastors would, as long as they get to run the slaughterhouse.

  33. Deb, Dee, Headless Unicorn Guy, and others,

    I’d suspected that they were taught and bought into Ezzo’s Babywise. Apparently, the reason they didn’t stop the strict schedule when the baby failed to thrive is because they were convinced this is God’s way and will make the child a better person. Of course that’s only speculation, but it has run through my mind.

    A Christian friend who has become very dogmatic in her doctrines/beliefs, believes true Christians don’t vote for Democrats, posts Driscoll links on her facebook, etc. talked me into trying Babywise with my first child, who is now 9. She was much less outspoken, dogmatic, and judgmental back then, and I respected and trusted her. So, we got the book and put our infant on that ridiculous schedule. During the time she was “supposed” to be sleeping (Ha! Sleeping was never her forte!), she screamed in her crib, and I literally sat outside her door crying. It was traumatic for both of us. That schedule lasted half a day, and I felt horrible for 2 reasons: 1) that I’d put her through it; and 2) that I’d failed at this thing that was being touted as the way for good Christian parents to raise their children. On the other hand, I had to go with my gut about what was right.

    It scares me, too, that Calvinistas are giving out this kind of feeding and parenting advice. Headless Unicorn Guy said, “Reality must bow before the Purity of Ideology.” Perfect explanation. And I think part of that ideology is listening to NO one, other than those who are approved.

    When I was pregnant with our first baby, we had a childbirth instructor and doula who is somewhat of a hippy type and naturalist. She is a huge breastfeeding and natural childbirth advocate, and we soaked up everything she taught us. I had 4 babies, completely naturally, and breastfed them all. 🙂 At the class reunion after the babies were born, I mentioned Babywise to her. She was horrified that I’d even tried such a thing, but she was respectful and tried to understand.

    I hate to admit it, but I remember standing there thinking, “She isn’t a Christian and doesn’t understand parenting from a biblical perspective and I probably shouldn’t agree with her.” But I did agree with her. And I trusted what she knew of Ezzo and the dangers of his teachings. People who put the purity of ideology before reality (truth) won’t allow themselves to agree with and listen to those who aren’t Christians and don’t align themselves with their “brand” of Christianity.

  34. Wendy,

    Thanks for sharing your personal testimony regarding Ezzo. So glad you trusted your gut as a mother. Bonding is SO IMPORTANT during those early years, and scheduling infant feedings is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of!

  35. So many interesting comments today about shepherds! Thanks to all, I love learning new things. 🙂

  36. Hi Ellie!

    Glad you are enjoying the post and the discussion. Those who do not learn from the past are destined to repeat it. Let’s not corrupt a younger generation with abusive shepherding tactics!

  37. It scares me, too, that Calvinistas are giving out this kind of feeding and parenting advice. Headless Unicorn Guy said, “Reality must bow before the Purity of Ideology.” Perfect explanation.

    Like I’ve said before, that attitude reminds me of nothing so much as classic Communists.

    And I think part of that ideology is listening to NO one, other than those who are approved.

    “Ees Party Line, Comrades.”
    (Usually in combination with “Two Plus Two Equals Five!”)

  38. the thing about breaking the leg of an animal is (imo) really horrifying!!! For many reasons – one of them is the amount of pain being inflicted and then suffered as the animal healed – how many sheep could survive this kind of drastic “treatment”?

    That whole story is the exact opposite of “comforting” to me!

    [commenter wishes she’d gone to vet school]

  39. I got alot of scheduled feeding advice from my Italian mother in law. She was quite adamant that I follow her every 4 hour feeding schedule for my baby. Almost to the point of being obsessive. She became very pissed off when I ignored her advice. And she is a Catholic.

  40. Thank you all so much for the info on the Shepherd. Maybe the story was not so much about the sheep as the Shepherd. Maybe that was the focus. I cried as I read these posts because a light bulb went on and I really felt God directing these comments to help each of us. God Bless you all.

  41. One special thing I remember reading about, when looking into how shepherds took care of their sheep back in the Lord’s day, was that if a sheep continued to stray, the shepherd would actually break its leg and carry the injured sheep around his shoulders while it healed…think about how lovely a picture that is of the Lord caring for us who frequently stray. — Diane

    The picture I get is of a lead pipe being brandished.

  42. HUG – yep, you got it. One of the commenters on compared it to viewing Christ as a Mafia don…

  43. Actually, I like this comment from one of the Snopes links:

    Stephen King’s Misery

  44. HowDee YaAll,



    You astutely said with great wisdom:

    “…The God of the Bible is far more than an Oriental despot. I have little reason to hope in the intelligence of mankind. Thousands of years of advances and we still have wars, poverty, child abuse, cruelty. I see the effects of the sinfulness of man-both in my own life and in the lives of the rest of mankind. I think the Bible is correct. One day, a final invasion by the Shepherd King will bring that dream world into a joyous reality.”


    The Lord has rightly declared His purpose: to be all in all. To rule with both righteousness and mercy. To redeem many for His house of the fallen race of Adam. The day of man’s service to self and the fallen angel will one day end with the brightness of His (Jesus’) coming. There is a parable that seems appropriate for this TWW post; the one where He, the Lord, comes and throws the bums out, in the light of His coming. He will bring righteousness and mercy, as only He can. In the MEAN- time we muse, we pray, we trust and and we act, depending upon the Great One who sits upon the throne. We are assured His promises are true, that He will come just as He said He would & vanquish all who stand in His Father’s way. 

    Little men that like to stand in the stead of God will be no match for Him, when that day comes… And it will come.  God is not mocked, and His word returns not void!

    Come Lord Jesus, your bride has prostituted itself, just as you said it would…

    (Blind guides leading the blind, will they not both fall into the ditch?)

    However, Thy word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path!

    Lord, please take care of the little ones who remain. Out of Your hands can no man take!


    Sopy ;~)
    Travis – Writing To Reach You

  45. RE: numo on Wed, Nov 30 2011 at 11:49 pm:

    I’m with ya on this one 110% For way too long now humans have been deaf and blind to he suffering they inflict on critters. It has often been aided and abetted by well meaning religionists and Biblical expounders.

  46. Some clarification on Hebraic roots. I was regarding more of the calendar issues not kosher laws. For example, resurrection Sunday was celebrated always after the Passover never prior or a month later. There was some debate whether the resurrection of Christ was to be celebrated three days after Passover on the Feast of Firstfruits but the compromise was to allow the Sunday after Passover to be acceptable. I am convinced that this obsession within the constructive patriarchialism and landmarkism has a lot to do with not understanding how laws were passed like starting 364 AD forbidding reflective worship of Christ in connection with feasts and festivals.

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