Category Archives: Patriarchy
Patriarchy is good for women, good for children, and good for families. – Russell Moore
Continue readingUpon reflection of the early years of married life, John Piper emphatically states he was a proud arrogant selfish jerk!
Continue readingDecember 23 is fast approaching! If history repeats itself, Marie will soon be declared an ‘unbeliever’ by the elders at her former church, which erroneously believes it still has power over her.
Continue readingWhat do you do when the church from which you resigned continues to pursue you?
Continue readingTrue or False – abuse, even physical abuse, is never biblical grounds for divorce. What are they teaching in seminary these days???
Continue readingA reality check about the Duggars and their ‘quiver’
Continue readingJosh Duggar, who ‘courted’ his wife Anna, allegedly takes a walk on the wild side via an online cheaters’ website
Continue readingTaking a look at the Duggars and their associations
Continue readingThe patriarch from Moscow, Idaho chimes in on the Doug Phillips debacle
Continue readingGraphic allegations against a giant in the patriarchy movement
Continue readingWhy did Doug Phillips REALLY resign?
Continue readingTaking a look underneath Gothard’s ‘umbrella of protection’
Continue reading"So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10 (ESV) Allow me to introduce you to my faithful blogging companion Coconut, a female Maltese who is the youngest (and arguably the cutest) member of our household. Now I'd like to acquaint you with a … Continue reading
"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Courgeous – The Movie When the movie Courageous first hit theaters last October, I got what we call The Wartburg Tingle. It was a … Continue reading
"Mars Hill men, you had better wake up. A revolution is taking place. Women in your church are waking up to the biblical truth that they are created as much in the image of God as you are. They are realizing they possess the same gifts of the Spirit as you men. They are arousing to the knowledge that when … Continue reading
"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…" Ephesians 5:25 (ESV) John Piper, one of the foremost authorities on complementarianism, recently addressed ways in which women can lead/serve at a “Let the Nations Be Glad” seminar organized by the Desiring God ministry. Not surprisingly, he began by explaining why men, and … Continue reading
"A house divided against itself cannot stand." Abraham Lincoln Church in French Countryside (Taken by Deb) Family integrated churches are beginning to garner some attention in the Christian community, and it appears this is due, in part, to self-promotion. The documentary "Divided" is a case in point. This video plays the blame game regarding why youth are leaving the church … Continue reading
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. " Mark Twain The Louvre (Taken by Deb) We are navigating away from the Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Ministries debacle for the time being and beginning a series of posts on another hyper-authoritarian group that is wreaking havoc in some corners of Christendom. As Mahaney undergoes a time of reflection, we marvel … Continue reading