The Park Street Church Petitioners Continue to Fight for Justice

Park Street Church 2014

“We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.” ― C.S. Lewis.

For Gateway folk: this is another story I’ve covered for a long while. It has little to do with your situation.

Things are getting ugly at PSC. Three pastors have left without any expression of gratitude from the leadership. This is highly unusual and speaks to the situation. It appears to this observer that there is a concerted effort to ignore the pain that is evident to many. I am shocked how this once glorious church has turned into just another same old-same old church with an obvious split between the leaders and church members. Mark Booker appears to be one problem, but the elders and other church leaders appear to be unable to address the concerns. This leads me to believe that a church takeover was planned, and PSC will become less and less congregational as time passes. As always, TWW offers these blog pages to help continue the conversation amongst the concerned.

I may update this page with further information as I receive it. I wish I was there among you.


PS Where are mark Booker’s credentials? I now believe something is wrong or he is playing an unfortunate game.

Dear Vicinage Council:

We are writing on behalf of a concerned constituency of numerous Members of the Park Street Church to to call upon you to cease and desist from taking any further action with respect to the Church until the question of your mandate, if any, is determined by a Special Meeting called by 105 Members of the Church to review and potentially modify the decision by the Board of Elders, communicated to the congregation on June 7, 2024, to re-engage the Vicinage Council to further assess the spiritual disqualification of the Senior Minister to remain in his position.  The petition for a Special Meeting is attached and has been duly prepared in accordance with Article IV, Section 1.A.ii of the Church’s Bylaws, which provides in relevant part: “The Board of Elders is responsible to the congregation. As such, its decisions are subject to review and modification at any duly convened business meeting of the congregation.”

The events leading up to the Board of Elders’ June 7 decision also make it quite clear it would be inappropriate for the Vicinage Council to re-engage in any work on behalf of the Board of Elders at this, or any other, time.  As you may know, on June 2 a Special Meeting of the congregation was convened to review and possibly modify the July 30, 2023 decision of the Board of Elders that “there is no evidence of disqualifying sins, as described in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, of such severity that they call for the Senior Minister to be disqualified from pastoral ministry.”  A majority of the Members present for that Special Meeting, in a binding vote, voted not to affirm this decision by the Board of Elders.  In refusing to affirm this decision, it is abundantly clear that a majority of the Members at the Special Meeting were not persuaded by the prior work of the Vicinage Council (done at the behest of the Board of Elders) that concluded that the Senior Minister was fit to hold his position.  Given that the prior assessment of the Vicinage Council has already been rejected at a Special Meeting of the Members, it is improper for the Vicinage Council to repeat this process, and it is a violation of the congregation’s clear authority to provide oversight of church governance. We cannot stand idly by and let that happen.

If the Vicinage Council were to move forward at this time, despite the fact that a majority of Members at the June 2 Special Meeting rejected its prior assessment of the Senior Minister’s fitness, and despite the fact that the Board of Elders’ decision to re-engage the Vicinage Council to repeat this process is currently subject to review during a duly noticed Special Meeting of the Members, it would provide further support for the conclusion that the Vicinage Council is not the proper party to conduct the assessment of the Senior Minister, and is simply doing the bidding of the Board of Elders in a manner that disregards the rights of the Members and in violation of the Park Street Church’s Bylaws.

If, despite the pending petition for a Special Meeting and this communication, the Vicinage Council intends to proceed on any additional work on behalf of the Church or Board of Elders, please respond to this email in writing by no later than June 21, 2024 so that the Members can further consider their legal rights and remedies with respect to such an unauthorized and imprudent action.


The Park Street Church Petitioners Continue to Fight for Justice — 32 Comments

  1. Dee, thank you so very much for your commitment to covering PSC, even amidst all the continuing intensity of bringing Cindy Clemishire’s story to light & the fallout at Gateway Church.

    Mark Booker should have announced his resignation on June 9, the Sunday after he was disqualified for pastoral ministry by the congregation.

    Tom Petter, one of the 7 pastors on the Vicinage Council, is on sabbatical until July 13. I hope this doesn’t interfere with the petitioners’ June 21 deadline.

    PSC’s treatment of these 3 highly valuable, faithful pastors who’ve resigned with no call – Damian Long, Ray Kam & Julian Linnell – is cold and heartless.

    I’m so glad that this GoFundMe effort is raising needed financial support for them.

    Here’s the link again:

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  2. So beautiful when people stand up for the victims. When they seek justice for those who were so badly hurt. When they want to stop people from doing this again and having the world look at the God’s church like this. 1 Corinthians 6 guides us on this. Thanks for the good reporting. How you care for us enough to warn us about certain ministers.

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  3. Richard Basham:
    Ed. note: The courts? The law? It is against the law to molest a child. How’s about that for the first stone? Do you guys read your Bible?

    We have all sin and come short of doing what is right at times.Who can cast the first stone?

    This is the most common thing that good church people say when they condemn those who point out that their pastor is NOT Biblically qualified, who is accused of systematic abuse, who appears serious deficits in character that disqualify him from the ministry.

    I am a successful corporate whistleblower. In my case, there were only two people who were not involved in the corrupt activities of my former employer, but who became privy to damming information. The other lady was married with children. If it wasn’t for the strong support network I had in New England, I wouldn’t have been able to whistleblow (and advise the other lady on the risks of whistleblowing–that she wasn’t in as good of a position to do it and stay safe as me). I am grateful to the people who stood beside me, who supported me. Many of my supporters are people I met afterwards (because it was not safe). I strongly agree with the sentiments expressed by JJallday.

    I would hope that someone makes arrangements to honor the three pastors who just left with a farewell luncheon. I made farewell gifts that we gave to the Thorns. I would be happy to supply a farewell scarf to each of the pastors who left. (There are now many Park Streeters who will now know my identity, based on this offer.) If info on this could be posted and a sign-up be created, I would certainly go.

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  4. Richard Basham,

    “It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, ‘You must remove the evil person from among you.’” I Cor. 5:12-13 NLT

    As they say, read the whole thing. Sometimes it seems like some of the posters here have only been exposed to a couple out of context verses about stoning and judging. Conveniently for nefarious leaders. Please, fellow Christians, read your whole Bibles. I Cor. 5 would be a good place to start.

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  5. Richard Basham:
    We have all sin and come short of doing what is right at times.Who can cast the first stone?

    Wanting a Senior Minister to resign because of spiritual abuse, is the very opposite of wanting to execute someone (and only the female, not the male) for consenting, sinful sex.

    A Senior Minister resigning is a step towards life. It loosens the grip of idolatry that such an abuser has for power & platform, instead of humble service for God’s Kingdom.

    It loosens the grip of the congregation that idolizes such a pastor, “We NEED Pastor X in order to do great things for the Kingdom!” No, you don’t. You need people who are filled with the Spirit, growing in Christlikeness, and eager to participate in God’s redemptive work in the world.

    Most importantly, it begins to disentangle victims from lies that they have been taught about God.

    These are steps towards abundant life! Not death.

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  6. Richard Basham,

    Mr. Basham,
    Hebrews 4:13
    Nothing is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (e.g. Mark and his elder board should never think that they operate the vacuum, and even the walls have ears.)

    Matthew 18:15-18
    “If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. “But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector.” (many ministers whom have long established trust with this church, and Elders, too, whom have now stepped down from the board, are speaking out against Mark and his ethical and unbiblical behavior IN WRITING. The math is not on your side, Mr. Bashan, nor is the bulk of scripture, but even the devil can use scripture to his devices, as can a man who is deceived. You have abundant evidence of this man’s wrongdoing, and that he is unfit to leave this church. The only thing that could possibly be holding you in your defense of this man, is your blind loyalty.

    Matthew 10:16
    “Be as shrewd as a serpent, but innocent as doves.”
    The petitioners, the ministers, the former ministers, former Elders, and congregants like myself, Joel and Ruth Luna, and many others have brought evidence and sound arguments against this man. It’s time you started listening. God doesn’t just speak through senior ministers and the power in a congregational church, which, in spite of Mark’s best efforts, Park Street still is, “is ultimately in the power of the congregation in the voice of the congregation.”
    You may ask Ron Hamilton , Director of the CCCC yourself. The quoted text represents his exact words.

    Remember Mr. Bashan, your loyalty should be first to God, not Mark Booker.

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  7. Revising another typo: You have abundant evidence of this man’s wrongdoing, and that he is unfit to lead this church.

    In the case of sexual immorality, which is not Mark’s issue, but proof that God does not tolerate sin within the church as much as you may think: 1 Corinthians 5:5 states: “Then you must throw this man out and hand him over to Satan so that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved on the day the Lord returns.”

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  8. Richard Basham,

    Ironically Mark preached on Lev 21-22 a few years ago why priests and pastors should be held to a higher level of accountability. Obviously that isn’t being applied to Mark here – or rather, they would say it is and Mark hasn’t done anything that bad. I can say based on public accounts and what I’ve heard, Mark himself actually doesn’t believe he has done anything wrong and has not made a real effort to reconcile with those who have felt sinned against. Unrepentant sin and narcissism in a church leader is a big problem.

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  9. nmgirl: Richard Basham:
    We have all sin and come short of doing what is right at times.Who can cast the first stone?

    This shtick is getting as old as using David to excuse sexual abuse.

    I remember Seneca used to be really good at this exact pious shtick.
    (And still is, over at Wondering Eagle where he camps out these days.)
    Has anyone traced this Richard Basham’s IP address to see if it’s the same as Seneca’s?

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  10. The leadership of PSC claims to have listened, learned, and changed their authoritarian, anti-Congregational ways. Here’s the evidence. Mark and Jason paid a surprise and unsolicited visit to a recent missions committee meeting. Some would call it a courtesy. However, given the current mood of the church, others may call it an intrusion. The committee made the mistake of openly and honestly discussing the possibility of holding their own version of an executive session i.e. no pastors or elders. Given recent events, that seems like a reasonable strategy. What was the response from the new policy of listening and consensus building? The entire committee was told that if they met without these leaders present, the elders would seriously consider completely disbanding this group of faithful servants. They were also informed that Mark is now the “Pastor to Park Street Missionaries.” Who spread that vicious rumor that Mark wanted to take over the missions committee?

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  11. BTA:
    The leadership of PSC claims to have listened, learned, and changed their authoritarian, anti-Congregational ways.Here’s the evidence. Mark and Jason paid a surprise and unsolicited visit to a recent missions committee meeting.Some would call it a courtesy. However, given the current mood of the church, others may call it an intrusion.The committee made the mistake of openly and honestly discussing the possibility of holding their own version of an executive session i.e. no pastors or elders. Given recent events, that seems like a reasonable strategy. What was the response from the new policy of listening and consensus building?The entire committee was told that if they met without these leaders present, the elders would seriously consider completely disbanding this group of faithful servants. They were also informed that Mark is now the “Pastor to Park Street Missionaries.”Who spread that vicious rumor that Mark wanted to take over the missions committee?

    I think their mission agencies and other supporting churches might have something to say about MB usurping their relationships with these missionaries. Unless they are only supported by PSC (which might apply to some) he cannot pronounce himself their pastor.

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  12. BTA:
    The leadership of PSC claims to have listened, learned, and changed their authoritarian, anti-Congregational ways.Here’s the evidence. Mark and Jason paid a surprise and unsolicited visit to a recent missions committee meeting.Some would call it a courtesy. However, given the current mood of the church, others may call it an intrusion.The committee made the mistake of openly and honestly discussing the possibility of holding their own version of an executive session i.e. no pastors or elders. Given recent events, that seems like a reasonable strategy. What was the response from the new policy of listening and consensus building?The entire committee was told that if they met without these leaders present, the elders would seriously consider completely disbanding this group of faithful servants. They were also informed that Mark is now the “Pastor to Park Street Missionaries.”Who spread that vicious rumor that Mark wanted to take over the missions committee?

    This totally tracks with what I’ve heard —

    Mark has successfully put every leadership committee under his control: the Personnel Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Board of Elders, the Membership Committee, and the sub-committee of Deacons.

    But the one part of the church that Mark doesn’t yet control is the Missions Committee. He is “rabid” to get control of it & the multi-million dollar budget.

    In that light, it’s interesting to look back at Julian Linnell’s reasons for resigning, from his May 31 letter:

    “Despite how much I value my ministry at Park Street, it has become clear that I can no longer continue under our present leadership. Despite bringing my concerns to VOCA, the Vicinage Council, and our present leadership, I have not seen movement towards a healthier community. When I have communicated alternative viewpoints, particularly over issues of right and wrong, these have been consistently met with defensiveness and rationalization rather than a genuine effort to listen, or they have been ignored and dismissed altogether. I have witnessed a violation of the law of love in the treatment of God’s flock, the sheep of his pasture, who have earnestly desired honest conversation and places to be heard and understood. Furthermore, there has been an inability to do the hard work of resolving interpersonal conflicts, a pattern of saying one thing publicly yet doing something differently afterwards, and a violation of several bylaws by the Board of Elders without accountability. Given this environment, I cannot be an effective minister who cares for the congregation, equips the saints for ministry, and expands the Gospel.”

    I wonder what Julian’s “alternative viewpoints” over “right and wrong” would have been?

    To me, it sure looks like Mark & pro-Mark leadership are happy to play fast & loose with right and wrong. As long as they get control. It’s the only “right” that they know.

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  13. Former Boston Girl: I think their mission agencies and other supporting churches might have something to say about MB usurping their relationships with these missionaries.Unless they are only supported by PSC (which might apply to some) he cannot pronounce himself their pastor.

    I sure hope some of them speak up.

    A whole lot of stinking rot can be shoved under the carpet, under the triumphalistic claim of great mission work being done for the Kingdom.

    Just look at the SBC. Yikes.

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  14. Elizabeth Klein,

    I just perused the membership handbook and it seems that since 1997 PSC has 30 or so missionaries who are solely supported by them. So I guess technically MB could be their pastor. Without a missions pastor does this make MB also their supervisor? Are they considered staff and subject to the same loyalty oaths and dismissal threat that other staff have endured and been victims of? Or does PSC donate to their agencies in their name as their sole means of support? I’ve done a cursory search for the names of these missionaries but have come up empty. The membership handbook also mentioned other types of missionaries who may receive only partial support. Perhaps some Park Streeter more in tune with how this works could enlighten us.

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  15. Former Boston Girl:
    Elizabeth Klein,

    I just perused the membership handbook and it seems that since 1997 PSC has 30 or so missionaries who are solely supported by them. So I guess technically MB could be their pastor. Without a missions pastor does this make MB also their supervisor? Are they considered staff and subject to the same loyalty oaths and dismissal threat that other staff have endured and been victims of? Or does PSC donate to their agencies in their name as their sole means of support? I’ve done a cursory search for the names of these missionaries but have come up empty. The membership handbook also mentioned other types of missionaries who may receive only partial support. Perhaps some Park Streeter more in tune with how this works could enlighten us.

    the 2023 Annual report may have more info on this. I think in the past, the funds were distributed via the specific sending agencies. In addition to the current missionaries that PSC supports, I think there are several retired missionaries that receive a small monthly donation from PSC as well – which I truly appreciate (James 1:27 … to look after orphans and widows…)
    Not sure if that provision will continue if the budgets are being sliced

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  16. mle bire: In addition to the current missionaries that PSC supports, I think there are several retired missionaries that receive a small monthly donation from PSC as well – which I truly appreciate (James 1:27 … to look after orphans and widows…)
    Not sure if that provision will continue if the budgets are being sliced

    Boy, how sad if those provisions for the retired missionaries are cut. One of the many tragedies in the ugly tentacles of this whole PSC mess.

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  17. A little birdie told me that MB, Jason, Goeff, & another elder have “requested” to meet the chair of the Missions Committee urgently. I believe the meeting is tonight. The chair has fought hard for the truth & the missions program and could be hanging on by a thread. Has the takeover of the MC begun? I hope not. One long standing member of the MC was also removed by the BoE in the past few days. Are more to come?

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  18. I’m not sure of all the particulars, but at least some of the missionaries are also supported by other organizations and churches. Mark is taking over pastoral care for the missionaries in lieu of Julian. I wouldn’t be surprised if his position is just eliminated. The budget will be a big issue with the trajectory they are taking. Some bigger donors have already indicated they will no longer be giving to the church. Last year’s budget shortfall was $500,000. I would expect this year to be $1mil or more less than the budget unless they can get some big donations. Difficult decisions are going to have to be made and staff positions and missionary contributions will have to be eliminated. There’s not much that can be done about that. But only an insider would know what giving is like right now, and they sure are not going to be open about any shortcomings.

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  19. Observant Outsider:
    The budget will be a big issue with the trajectory they are taking. Some bigger donors have already indicated they will no longer be giving to the church. Last year’s budget shortfall was $500,000. I would expect this year to be $1mil or more less than the budget unless they can get some big donations. Difficult decisions are going to have to be made and staff positions and missionary contributions will have to be eliminated. There’s not much that can be done about that.

    Given all this, why oh why are the elders, with the help of VOCA & the VC, insisting, “BUT WE NEED HIM!!!!!”

    I don’t get it. Not only the “bodies behind the bus” human toll that Mark’s ministry has caused, but the $.

    Churches often ignore bodies behind the bus. They totally shouldn’t!! But they do. As long as their reputation looks clean and the $ is good, then that (to them) justifies the bodies behind the bus.

    But at PSC, you’ve got a bodies behind the bus problem, AND a $ problem.

    So what makes Mark THAT special? So special, that the elders must cling onto him almost like he’s God in the flesh, come to save PSC, while every other human is expendable?

    I just don’t get it. And I say this, having observed a whole lot of Christians happy to defend abusers if those abusers are personal friends, and/or seem successful in their ministries, doing “great work” for the Kingdom (always defined as butts in the pews and $$$$, never simple, quiet growth in Christlikeness).

    But Mark has so obviously unleashed chaos at PSC, so he can’t even claim $$$$ “Kingdom” success!


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  20. Elizabeth Klein,

    “For there is hope for a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that its shoots will not cease.” Job 14:7

    You have to understand that there is a cult-like affinity for Mark among a group of PSC leaders. Mark has been chosen by God to lead the church and everything that’s been happening is the work of Satan trying to destroy him. I don’t think they expected the church to vote that way and for the “sustained resistance” to go on this far. They’re making a calculation that they convince enough people to stay they can survive. They WANT people to leave the church at this point. I think they don’t realize how much it will cost them.

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