Links to the last six months of E Church services are on the right.
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Why bother with this EChurch?
In our three years of writing this blog, we have become aware that a fair number of people have been so hurt and disillusioned by the church that they have dropped out of attending church altogether. After reading story after story about painful experiences, we don’t blame them. We both have been there.
Yet, many of these folks want to be around other Christians as evidenced by the numbers who visit blogs. Most of these have maintained their faith, but some have walked away or are seriously questioning if this faith is real.
So we wanted to provide a place in which a reader could get some of the benefits of church without the requirements that are often inherent in church attendance. We look at this place as a kind of halfway point between no church and church.
Many churches have their entire services online. Why not refer to one of them?
This is a good question. In fact, Wade’s church service is entirely online as well. Most church services are dedicated to the life of that group of people so there are some some limitations due to these distinctives.
There is always the underlying plea to come to this church. Please donate money. Come to this church event. For those who have been wounded or those who are questioning, this may be too much, not relevant or off-putting.
We want to remove a few barriers. We hope that this enterprise, along with our regular blog, will help folks to discover certain characteristics that should be present in a healthy, well-balanced church.
Why do you refer to this as a “baloney free” zone?
We simply mean this. When you watch a service, you are free to disagree, rant, blow us off and you will still be cared about. We have no requirements. You don’t have to follow the order of service, pray or listen to the sermon. We will not ask you for money nor ask you to sign some paper. We simply want to provide some water for your soul should you want it.
Why Wade Burleson? Isn’t he a Reformed Baptist?
Yes, Wade is Reformed and his church community is part of the SBC. However, Wade has a unique ability not let his theology trump his love for others. He has made some stands, which have not enamored him to the either the SBC or to the Reformed community. He has no problem with being criticized and handles conflicts better than most pastors we have had the occasion to know.
Please read his column on how he handled a serious church conflict. It is titled Lessons in Dealing with Disgruntled Members. Link. It will help you to understand his underlying character. Those of you who have been hurt by a church (which includes both of us) should read this story and think back to your former churches. Ask how they would have handled such an event. The answer to that question might help you to understand why Wade is different than many.
What happens if I disagree with the sermons, prayer or music?
That’s OK. There will always be points of disagreement amongst people of good will. You are free to express your opinion and no one will “discipline” you for your thoughts. It is important to understand, however, that we approach this undertaking as those who adhere to orthodox Christianity and our theology will fit within the “pale of orthodoxy.”
Sermon via Vimeo
The sermon may take a couple of minutes to load. Also, we have had some technical issues with security codes. Hopefully they have been resolved. If for any reason it does not load, we will attempt to rectify the problem in a timely manner.
How do you choose the music?
We will try to find music that, over a period of weeks, will reflect a broad range of traditions from ancient through contemporary. You might even see a Gregorian chant! We will be limited by what is available through sources such as You Tube. We search everywhere for ideas. Because of the beauty of some of these videos, you may find it helpful to go to full screen.
For example, there is The Odes Project. Link “The Odes of Solomon, which some scholars have called “The First Christian Hymnal,” is in fact a worship anthology from one of the earliest Christian communities. The poems it contains were composed sometime before 125 C.E., and may have been used as chants in a church or synagogue.”
As the Newsboys once sang in “He Reigns”: (we have embedded the video at the end of this post)
“It’s the song of the redeemed, Rising from the African plain
It’s the song of the forgiven,
Drowning out the Amazon rain
The song of Asian believers,
Filled with God’s holy fire,
It’s every tribe, every tongue, every nation,
A love song born of a grateful choir
Let it rise about the four winds,
Caught up in the heavenly sound
Let praises echo from the towers of cathedrals,
To the faithful gathered underground
Of all the songs sung from the dawn of creation,
Some were meant to persist”
How do you choose the prayers?
Once again, we are limited by what may be reprinted. We will have prayers that span the ages from a variety of Christian traditions.
What sort of help is available to me?
Of course, our ability to help is limited by our distance from one another but we will make every effort to be of support to you.
You can always contact us at TWW through our contact information. Link
In addition, there is help and counseling available through Wade’s church, Emmanuel Baptist Church in Enid, Oklahoma..
- Phone number: 580.237.0602
- Email:
What is this about a Sunday school?
We thought it might be helpful to ask folks to limit the discussion in comments under the EChurch post to the subject at hand. So, for example, we could discuss the sermon, the music, the prayer or even suggestions for the format.
Who is Ruth?
TWW is deeply appreciative of all who spend their precious time visiting our site and leaving comments. You matter to us and we try very hard to be welcoming. However, we have experienced a tremendous upswing of visitor comments and emails and became concerned that we, inadvertently, might overlook someone who visits the EChurch site and leaves a comment.
Ruth is a good friend who served as a missionary to Germany for a number of years. She is a loving person who has a heart for people. We have asked her to be our backup, ensuring that we do not miss anybody who visits the EChurch and leaves a comment. Think of her as the Welcome Desk at a church. She will be sure to hound us if we get distracted. We want everyone who visits to feel both welcomed and valued.
Is this format sealed in stone?
No, in fact, we know that there will be major tweaking going on. We are in uncharted waters -some things may work, others may not. We are open to any and all suggestions. In fact, if you have a favorite prayer or song, please send it onto us, along with any links.
What do the two of you believe?
Dee comes from a broad evangelical tradition, which includes non-denominational, Lutheran, Congregational, SBC and Christian Reformed churches.
Deb’s experience has been primarily in the SBC along with some time in the Methodist camp.
We both adhere to the beliefs spelled out in the Nicene Creed (with a quibble about the line “He descended into hell). We get very testy when people insist on making secondary issues, “primary.” So, in this particular venue, we will not advance our views on creationism, eschatology, etc., beyond the general statements such as “God created the heavens and earth” or “Jesus is coming again.”
In the context of his sermons, Wade may venture to give his assessment of a particular passage. We want to assure our audience that he is not saying that you must believe as he does.
How can I find archived EChurch posts on the blog?
Each service will post chronologically, just like our regular posts. If you want to access posts of EChurch that you have missed, look to the right side of this page near the top for the most recent ones. And you can find all of them by picking EChurchATWartburg from the Catagory Popup List
A greeting from Wade Burleson to those visiting EChurch@Wartburg
Dear EChurch@Wartburg Viewers,
My name is Wade Burleson. Rachelle, my wife of thirty years, and I are friends of Dee and Wanda (aka Deb) at The Wartburg Watch. We are participating in the formation of EChurch@Wartburg because we have a heart for people who love Christ but have been hurt by the church. In a moment you might choose to watch today’s video message, and it is only fair that I tell you a few things about myself before you take the time to listen.
First, you will be joining the fourth Sunday morning worship service of the church I serve in Enid, Oklahoma. I realize that the visual of me wearing a suit and standing on a platform may trigger some bad memories. If I could, I’d be casual and relaxed sitting across a coffee table from you and we’d simply talk about Jesus, life, and the Scriptures. Try to ignore the venue. If it helps, grab a cup of coffee or a glass of tea and relax as you listen. I will personally welcome you and all the EChurch viewers at the beginning of this video because you are important to us.
Our church believes that people who have been burned by organized religion and have either opted out of going to church or are in transition are as important to Christ as faithful, dedicated members of any organized church. We would like to play just a small role in your healing process as you reorient to what is really important in your walk of faith.
Second, I am not a professional entertainer. I won’t use props or gimmicks to get you to like either the message or myself. May we find our source of life in Jesus Christ. I will go verse by verse through the Scriptures and talk of Him. Feel free to disagree with me! Yell and scream at what I’m saying if you feel like it!
I am nobody’s spiritual authority, nor do I have some special insight into spiritual things. I am just an ordinary Jesus-lover who believes the Truth will set you free. If you make it through the 30 minute message and come away knowing a little more about Christ and find Him a tad more satisfying, then I will have succeeded.
Third, we at EChurch@Wartburg are NOT trying to control you, fix you, change you, or get something from you. We just want you to know that somebody really does care for you. We are like you — we love Christ and His Word, but we believe the church and organized religion have a tendency to screw things up! If at some point you can enter into personal relationships with people in your area who share a love for Christ, we want to encourage you to develop those relationships!
Until then, we welcome you to EChurch@Wartburg for some spiritual refreshment and encouragement.
I just watched you for the first time. I am sick and can’t get to my church today. I have a regular church that I attend. I sat under you Dad for many years, and you remind me of him. I loved him, if fact he married us.
I went to school with Cherry, and my daughter went to school with Teri. Small world isn’t it? I love your message today and even though I have my own church in which I love I will still listen to you. It is like a young Bro. Paul all over again. And that is a compliment. I can’t wait until next week to hear you again. May God bless you.
Beth Profitt(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Thank you for weighing in with some history. We will make sure Wade sees this comment.
dee(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Hi Dee & Deb,
Seems I’m unable to view Wade’s embedded Vimeo videos using my mobile device. Any chance of a remedy for that?
Evie(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
When I had my Blackberry, I remember not being able to watch videos because I hadn’t updated it. Could that be the problem? Maybe GBTC can address this issue.
Deb(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Thank you Deb that helped! Apparently I needed to update my flash player 🙂
Evie(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Deb & Dee –
Thanks for doing this. Ms FSGP and I have totally disconnected from any church in the wake of our escape from the SG church we were part of. Ms FSGP threatens to find a church someday; I seriously doubt that I will and haven’t seriously looked for several years. It is nice to know that you have created an alternative.
All the best,
Former SG Pastor
FSGP(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Very minor quibble – the sentence “he descended into hell” isn’t in the Nicene Creed. It’s only in the Apostles’ Creed, and is at least part of the reason that Eastern Orthodox churches don’t accept the Apostles’ Creed. (They do accept the Nicene Creed.)
Kathy(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Thank you for this!! My family was threated by a pastor of our local SGM church that he would “call the civil authorites and have you arrested” if we continued to attend without submitting a membership application. Even though my wife and I had attended all 32 weeks of pre-membership classes, about to go thru a huge personal lawsuit and all we asked was for a few more months to sort things out before joining. They told us we would be arrested if we set foot into the place again because after three years of attendance we wouldn’t submit a membership application.
Jon Owens(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
What is a SGM church
Bonnie Pattisall(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Sovereign grace Ministries.
dee(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Jon Owens wrote:
What kind loving people. Just like Jesus.
Anon 1(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
@ Jon Owens: OMG! Would you like to write a story for our blog?
dee(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
A special Hi to Dee. Thank you for helping me see red flags! I didn't and still don't like what I Know to be true now but I now have much more. My life compared to the previous !! What on earth did I used to find to worry about! My son has been dragged through hell and I think they've only just begun really but I have told him I'm proud of him more times recently than I've ever thought possible. He has managed to keep going ….he has not lost But had everything taken from him. He now has nothing but he's strength to carry on. And it's that strength, that love for God, truth and justice which has made him a man to fight for his children and all those who also need to be free from KFC.
Sandra(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Hi, came cross your blog today, and only thought to mention…dissenting from cultish behavior which inevitable grows out of group environments is best fought by reading scriptures (not arguing them). How anyone would go for that discipleship movement with emphasis on submission to other human interference is beyond me. It’s entire premise is what animates the Catholic Church and its twisted. Likewise the money movement of the 1990’s. people’s hearts stray so far from God for drivel because they do not make knowing the Word the focus of their lives.
While that is sad, and I only read certain pages of your blog… But people are succumbing to the blame game. (Those awful misguided teachers are why “my cousins do drugs” and that “I am divorced”, etc etc… That approach won’t stand up in your day of judgement. What you did with your life you alone answer for. Read the book. Stupidity and willful ignorance won’t be an excuse for being asleep at the wheel. (I preach to myself)).
I applaud your reaching out to the wounded! Millions will never again step foot in a building. Hopefully you teach them picking at old wounds can make you lose a limb in the isnt better in the spiritual. The Word is the defense against being led astray. That AND knowing The Lord, not knowing OF Him!
Victoria(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Thank you! Since I have come to Jax, Fl. there are so many churches, but never have felt at home, in any of them, do not know why, either built on emotion and money, or so big you got lost in them. Or you have great teaching, but a not the freedom during worship. Choir singing, when I hear the words I was overcome with love and felt so compelled to surrender, in all of me, (not running up or down the isle) just wanted to stand up and reach my hands out. Yet nobody did,,, so either it was to much of that and to much of this, or being, there and leaving alone without connection with others.So I gave up. I had a great home church in S. CA great studies, great fellowship, never was ask to put my money in or reminded of what I owed to God. Just giving with a cheerful heart. Here in FL you are reminded, that you owe, I do not believe that as Jesus said give freely, when they talk about the tithe I feel obligated, and after all I am no longer under the law I am free because I have Christ now. I do not want to sin, I try to see people thru the eyes of Jesus, after all he said love another as I have loved you. It is not always easy. But he said pick up your cross and follow me. I understand now what it means.
Sabine Lednick(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
How sad that no one believes the apostles warning found in 2Cor. 4:4.
Ever wanted to know how Satan could deceive the whole world?
Here is the answer.
Billy D.
Billy D.(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
From your quote: We both adhere to the beliefs spelled out in the Nicene Creed.
Do you feel that the Church should have rejected the Jewish from associating with the Church? The Nicene Creed is harsh against one people group. Some consider it to be the first split in the Church.
Why were the Leaders at the counsel of Nicene were displaying blindness and contempt toward “the brother that you can see”
Should the Church repent for the declarations that were made against the Jews? It is obvious on all accounts that there were many Jewish believers at that time since the gospel was first delivered to the Jews and the Apostles were all Jewish. Thank you for your thoughts.
R(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
I am an elder in a reformed/Presbyterian church. I am an ex Jehovah’s Witness who was an elder for 24 years. I was saved in 1984. My first church was a charismatic church, where I was a member for over 4 years. I left because of wierd views that one is not saved unless he speaks in tongues, and multiple ‘prophecies’ that were bogus. This led me to search and come to reformed faith and my current church where I have been a member since 2001
I have come to the place where I believe in ‘elder led house churches’. (See the web site NTRF.ORG I believe this would be idea for those who have had some serious problems in their church. Meeting in homes is really what the early church did. I would say more but, just check out this site above for details. I would love to start an elder led house church in my area. If any live in the South Jersey/Hammonton, NJ area, I’d love to hear from you.
Pray for the salvation of my wife, JoAnn, who continues to be very devoted as a JW. We’ve been married for 54 years! Praise God for His mercy!
Our Lord is gracious!
Elder Ernie Zenone Sr.
Ernie Zenone Sr.(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Hi there. Just passing through. Keep up the good work.
Just passing through(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
This service for people who have been injured by abuse is a great work of mercy. I can vouch for the kindness and compassion of Wade Burleson for such people, and I am very grateful to God for Wade’s service on E-Church for the sake of those who have suffered. Wade’s theology and mine may differ (I’m Catholic), but I have the highest respect for his care and commitment to people who have been abused. May God give strength to the Deebs and to Wade for all they do for the injured ones being cared for.
Christiane(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
reformed baptist are the worst. I still love my brothers and sisters though
J JIM(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Please email us at
dee(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Wow. I didn’t know this existed. I need real Christian contact. My husband was put on “trial” by the men of the church when myself, my daughters, had a difficult time (understatement) over the unspeakable actions of one of my sons. Meanwhile, my husband was faithfully leading this small church plant and doing a faithful job. My husband was determined by the church that we were a plant under, that he was exactly the type of man the church needed but by then he’d been so drug through the mud, he has lost his desire to serve. When we needed compassion, we got attacked. Funny thing, it was the membership not the leadership. We’ve wandered from church to church trying to find a home. We sure need healing. There’s a good bit more.
anonymous(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
I am so heartened and appreciative to read of the existence of this ministry. Thank God there is still a faithful following who are after God’s heart and are no propelled by greed. This ministry deserves the support of all Christians.
Sheng(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Greetings. I am an autistic man and an idiosyncratic reformed Baptist. I am Scots.
I just made social media contact with my pastor and am preparing to return to church.
I stopped going right around the inauguration in 2016 after a fellow at Pastor’s Bible Study walked over and angrily confronted me about whether or not I had ever personally witnessed racism. He returned to his place and sat down when I told him my grandaughter is black.
I intended to remind my fellows of the climate crisis and that this election was a disaster for the poor around the world and everyone fighting to avert the worst, but after this tense episode I never returned. My theology hasn’t altered, but I am a total cultural misfit in my home church.
Scott(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
The article about Dale Partridge why is it all doom and gloom? Nothing positive was mentioned about this man how are the people that commented and wrote it any better than him?Dont we hv to exhibit love and care and help our lost brothers get back in line?Shd we not be our brothers keeper?
I thank God for all your lives and Dales and I pray that the Lord will use him and you all to make disciples,to set the oppressed free and to heal the sick in the name Of Jesus.
judah k(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
I am appreciative of what you are trying to do. I personally would make some adjustments to Wade’s letter. I am tired of the phrase “hurt by the church.” That phraseology is better served for minor offenses. Victims do not need one more patronization or minimization of what they have been through. Many people, especially those not attending any church currently, have not just been “hurt by the church” but nearly destroyed by it. Let’s call it like it is. Secondly, this sentence could use some amending: “Our church believes people who have been burned by organized religion and have opted out of going to church or who are in transition are just as important to Christ as faithful, dedicated members of an organized church.” I understand what he is trying to say, but it is poorly phrased. Those not attending church because they have been severely wounded and almost destroyed by the church ARE in fact often those who are MOST FAITHFUL TO CHRIST. They are outside the system only because those in the system ARE NOT FAITHFUL. They may be “faithful” little “f” to attend and participate in what Bunyan called a “town of morality”, a merely “religious” institution. However, both the leaders and the congregants show they are not faithful to Christ when what is evil is retained in “church” and what is righteous is put out. Be careful not to set up a false dichotomy of the dedicated faithful being on the inside. I would suggest that we would not have people outside church if those inside were truly faithful. Of course Christ feels those outside are “just as important”,because they are often some of his most faithful followers. They are the ones who have stood for truth, and called out unrighteousness, and as a result they have been silenced and thrust out. Let us not forget that Christ was crucified by religious men. His true followers today, those who are still overturning the money changers tables, are still being crucified by religious systems. Systems that look good, but inside are full of dead men’s bones. So it goes without saying that Christ considers those people important. He has compassion on them because he knows they are “harassed and helpless sheep without a shepherd.” If you want to shepherd such people you must submit yourself to listen and learn from their experiences and modify things they tell you are offensive. Thank you for your efforts.
Stacey(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Hi, I see that you wrote this posting back in 2018, but I’m just seeing it now & hoping to make a connection. I hope & pray that things are going better for you & your family now. God bless you, Hannah
Hannah(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Ernie Zenone Sr.,
I did look up that site. I’m pretty much in agreement with everything I read and watched on YouTube. I’m in the St. Louis area … would love to find more people interested in that approach to Church practice and polity.
Kristine Chrisltieb(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
what do you give back to the community
Margert Peggy Carrol(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Margert Peggy Carrol,
This service is free and we do not accept any money. My blog is my service to the community.
dee(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Hi, I don’t see anywhere where you can watch the online church? No links, nothing. Please help a sheep out. 🙂
Sandy(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)
Just go to the home page. It is at the top.
dee(Reply & quote selected text) (Reply to this comment)