Your Love Has Changed the Life of a Human Trafficking Victim: Here Are the Pictures.

There will be another post this evening.

I promised that I would provide before and after pictures of a human trafficking victim who had her teeth knocked out by her trafficker. As you will notice, this is a young woman. Imagine the pain of being embarrassed by your smile.

My son in law refused to accept any payment for his services so we only had to pay $480. The rest of the money will got benefit healthcare needs of other Project Fight clients. We will update how we used the money. Remember, 100% of your donations go to the victims.

My son in law took this pictures with the approval of this client of Project Fight. I have heard that she cannot stop smiling! Doesn’t that make you cry?



Thank you from Project Fight.

“On behalf of the entire Project FIGHT team and the client that these donations served, I want to thank you for your incredible generosity.  The trauma that human trafficking survivors have suffered, and the challenges they must overcome to heal and become independent, oftentimes can feel overwhelming. As case managers, we strive to partner with our clients to meet their most pressing needs, one at a time. Medical and dental needs are often first on the list, but expenses and lack of insurance coverage can be prohibitive. Your gift made it possible for one very special client to regain self-esteem, smile and speak with confidence, and find employment to support herself. What once was a reminder of her abuser is now a reminder of her potential to overcome and achieve her goals. We cannot thank you enough for your monetary gifts, as well as your continued prayers for her.”

Link to our fund for clients of Project Fight.

Since our assistance for the clients of project Fight will be ongoing, here is a link to our fund. 100% goes to the clients with no overhead taken out. Also, it is tax deductible! We will post on the blog exactly what the money is being used for.

For more information, please read our original post.

TWW Initiative: Help Us Bring Vital Health Care Directly to Actual Victims of Human Trafficking


Thank you, Scott for donating you time and services as well as your kindness ands love. You are the best!


Your Love Has Changed the Life of a Human Trafficking Victim: Here Are the Pictures. — 19 Comments

  1. I got a receipt from Salvation Army in the mail, and I could not remember why I had made that donation. But now I do! I am so happy to see the beautiful results! I had bad dental care as a child and I know the feeling of being self-conscious of my smile.

    Wear them well, sister!

  2. Oh my. My heart is so comforted and encouraged by this wonderful news and her beautiful smile.

    Would you please thank your dear SIL for his kindness and his generosity for me?

  3. So beautiful!! I am praying for this young woman. May strength, peace, and a blessed future be hers.

  4. It is nice to see something pleasant on TWW. While some of the outcomes of the posts on TWW are at least positive, this is a positive post from the beginning!

  5. Dee and Deb.
    You guys are Righteous Persons.
    No theology.
    No doctrine.
    No dogma.
    It’s just plain fact.

  6. I am so happy for her.

    Thank you Deebs and son-in-law and Project Fight. Thank you for your compassion and action.

  7. What a blessing to this woman! ‘The least you’ve done unto these…’
    God’s continued blessings on the Deebs & TWW!