EChurch@Wartburg – 4.9.17

Welcome to a Gathering of EChurch@Wartburg Leaves

Here Is Our Order of Worship

A Palm Sunday Prayer link

On this day of great rejoicing, Lord Jesus Christ,
when we welcome You as our King and Savior,
we also walk in the shadow of Your cross.
Hosanna! we cry. Blessed are You who come in God’s name to save us.
Hosanna! Strengthen our faith on this Palm Sunday
so that when the time comes to carry the cross we might still call out to You with heartfelt praise.
Give us the grace and the courage to follow You this Holy Week from death to resurrection,
from darkness to the fullness of light.We need You, Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior. Hosanna!

OH LORD by Saint Ambrose of Milan link   

O Lord, who has mercy upon all, take away from me my sins,
and mercifully kindle in me the fire of your Holy Spirit.
Take away from me the heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh,
a heart to love and adore You, a heart to delight in You, 
to follow and enjoy You, for Christ’s sake. 

Scripture Reading: Luke 15:11-24 (NASB Bible Gateway)

The Prodigal Son

And He said, “A man had two sons. The younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of the estate that falls to me.’ So he divided his wealth between them. And not many days later, the younger son gathered everything together and went on a journey into a distant country, and there he squandered his estate with loose living. Now when he had spent everything, a severe famine occurred in that country, and he began to be impoverished. So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would have gladly filled his stomach with the pods that the swine were eating, and no one was giving anything to him. But when he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired men have more than enough bread, but I am dying here with hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me as one of your hired men.”’ So he got up and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion for him, and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his slaves, ‘Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet; and bring the fattened calf, kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.’ And they began to celebrate.

Benediction link

Loving Provider, 
you gather me in this upper room with your son, 
to be fed by your love. 
At that supper, Jesus told us to "love one another" 
and I know that is the heart of his gift, 
his sacrifice for me. 
I ask that I might find the source of my own heart, 
the meaning for my own life, 
in that Eucharist. 
Guide me to the fullness of your love and life.


EChurch@Wartburg – 4.9.17 — 32 Comments

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    always loved that phrase in the Gospel ” But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him …”

    I look at that and I think maybe it’s a metaphor for those of us who have been lost out in ‘the great empty’ and have turned towards home, sometimes taking small steps, and other times just being able to fall forward ….. and still God see us from that ‘long way off’

    talk about encouragement

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    Thank you so much for EChurch.

    I have a prayer request. A good friend of our family was just told today that his cancer is now terminal and his doctor also found leukemia. His family is naturally devastated, but they have strong faith. His doctor is also a believer and she’s been a great help to them. Please pray for him and his family – his name is Ben. Thank you.

    As always, I am keeping all of you in prayer. Much love to everyone.

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    @ Talmidah:
    I will definitely be praying for Ben and his family. So grateful you are enjoying EChurch!

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    Talmidah wrote:

    Please pray for him and his family – his name is Ben


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    *David/Eagle’s sweet mom died in California. Please pray for him and his family.
    They are heartbroken. She was a nurse. Her obituary:

    **Niteowl. Mother died last month. Also Niteowl has been in ill health and recently got out of the hospital.

    *Dee. Her health and pain level.

    *Sightseer. Return of her husband’s cancer. Sightseer and her family have been in ill health due to a virus.

    *Wayne/Uncle Dad. His wife’s cancer returned. Please pray for their family.

    *Harley. Recovering from shoulder surgery in Texas and pain.

    *Shauna and her son Billy in Texas. Thank you to all who donated to the GoFundMe account to pay for Shauna and Billy’s April rent and the 8% fee that GoFundMe charges.

    This has been a discouraging time for Shauna. Her part-time job at a grocery store was reduced to 13 hours. She met with human resources regarding problems, including being blocked from working at another store in the grocery store chain. The meeting seemed promising. Her managers retaliated against her when she showed up for her job. Shauna reports she was screamed at and later had an anxiety attack. Her son Billy has encouraged her to leave.

    Thank you to the donor who put $200 in the GoFundMe account to pay for some food, household items, and gasoline for Shauna and Billy.

    They continue to have needs, which I will post. Shauna reports that Billy is growing and needs more clothing and shoes. (I don’t know the sizes and I will ask her on the Open Discussion thread.)

    *Dennis. His brother Mike is lost in drug addiction.

    *Talmidah. Her health. And the health and financial needs of her family.

    *H.U.G. – his health.

    *Other regulars that we pray for here, as Talmidah reminded me last week:
    Daisy, OnlyEleven, numo, NMGirl.

    *Christiane – the recent death of her beloved sister-in-law. Please continue to pray for their family.

    *Syria. That situation is so sad with the chemicals being dumped on the people and killing them, including scores of little children. And those twins who died and their grief-stricken Papa held them in his arms in a photo that has gone viral. His wife and the rest of his family were also killed. Lord, please stop the Russians and everyone else involved in this evil.

    *Lydia – we haven’t heard from her in awhile and we hope that she’s ok.

    *Jeannette Altes. Health, finances, job. She puts regular updates on the Open Discussion thread and her GoFundMe link. A donation was made to pay for her rent. She needs food now.
    *If I have missed anyone’s prayer needs, please post them here.

    *Velour – my right shoulder and an injury to it that is several years old. I can barely raise my arm and I have to go back to the Sports Medicine doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.


    For anyone else who needs prayer, please post them here and we will pray.

    Thank you, friends.

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    I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

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    For Talmidah, Deb, and Dee — my Carolina ladies.

    Alison Krauss and Jerry Douglas doing a song in honor of James Taylor.
    “Carolina In My Mind”.

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    brian wrote:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

    Thanks, Brian.

    I hope you have a wonderful Sunday too.

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    There seems to be a group of us who are hurting physically. My prayer is for all to receive healing. Pain of any kind is no fun. Velour – I understand your pain as I am there with you. I got my stitches out this week from my shoulder surgery. Still in a lot of severe pain, but I am making progress. I have now gone down one level on the strength of my pain pills. PTL!! Have faith those of you who are in situations like me, there is light at the end of the tunnel. In our darkest hours, God is there for us and becomes real like never before.

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    Velour wrote:

    For Talmidah, Deb, and Dee — my Carolina ladies.

    Alison Krauss and Jerry Douglas doing a song in honor of James Taylor.
    “Carolina In My Mind”.

    Sweet song …. my mother always said that when she crossed the state line into Carolina that her blood pressure automatically went down ten points ….. that is one state that is so beloved by its people, yes

    we enter now into a week of prayer and observances among which are included the intentions of many who are in pain and suffering in other ways also;
    it is my hope that in His great mercy, Our Lord will hear us and come close to us all at this time

    Velour, thank you for organizing a list of those in need and for calling us into prayer for their sake. May the coming week bring blessing to many.

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    @ Harley:

    I am so glad that you are (slowly) on the mend, Harley.

    Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!

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    Harley wrote:

    In our darkest hours, God is there for us and becomes real like never before.

    So true. I’m glad you are seeing improvement, even if gradual.
    When things are at their darkest and things in the natural don’t make sense, that is when the relationship with our Father deepens and strengthens. He does not leave us. When we have done all we can see to do and people give up on us, He is still there and sustains us, bringing peace and hope. Praying for your quick and full recovery.

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    I will be praying for all these requests.

    I’ve been sick almost continuously since last June or so (when I had surgery + a load of antibiotics). I don’t have a very strong immune system to begin with, but I’ve been on antibiotics multiple times the past year, and it’s really torn up. I’ve had a cold for several weeks now that’s my third this year. I’m just tired of it.

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    @ ishy:
    Thank you for your prayers. Will be praying for you, too.

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    ishy wrote:

    I will be praying for all these requests.
    I’ve been sick almost continuously since last June or so (when I had surgery + a load of antibiotics). I don’t have a very strong immune system to begin with, but I’ve been on antibiotics multiple times the past year, and it’s really torn up. I’ve had a cold for several weeks now that’s my third this year. I’m just tired of it.

    I am so sorry you are terribly sick, Ishy.

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    Prayer request:

    Shauna requests prayer early Tuesday morning as she will have job testing (math, etc.) for a county job in Texas.

    Thank you.

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    @ Deb:

    Thank you!

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    Velour wrote:

    For Talmidah, Deb, and Dee — my Carolina ladies.

    Alison Krauss and Jerry Douglas doing a song in honor of James Taylor.
    “Carolina In My Mind”.

    Thanks *so* much for that song – I love it! I have something for you as well when I’m able to concentrate a bit better (I may not be able to post much for a few days). I woke up sick yesterday and I’m just about flattened. As soon as I respond to a few more folks on here I’ll probably have to lie back down.

    Your shoulder…ugh. I’m really sorry it’s causing you pain. My right one is aggravating me too – it felt like something tore in it a couple of weeks ago. You and Harley and I must have shoulder demons, heheh (but it’s not funny). May you be healed quickly.

    Love and hugs from NC!

    As always, thanks to you, my friend, for all the prayers and keeping us updated on needs.

    Big hugs from NC!

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    ^ Sorry about that messy post to Velour! My brain is so foggy.

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    @ brian:

    Hope you had a great day yesterday – and have a great week. I’m keeping you in prayer.

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    @ Harley:

    *Amen*, Harley, and may you continue to heal – bless you, my friend.

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    @ Christiane:

    I do love what your mom said, Christiane. Have a blessed week!

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    @ ishy:

    Keeping you in prayer – may total healing be yours. 🙂

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    Talmidah wrote:

    ^ Sorry about that messy post to Velour! My brain is so foggy.

    No worries.

    Thank you dear friend.

    Prayers for you, Talmidah.

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    Velour wrote:

    Prayers for you, Talmidah.

    The prayers are working, my friend – I’m coming out of it – bless you.

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    Shauna posted on the Open Discussion thread Billy’s clothing and shoe sizes.
    He is growing quickly and needs more, which on her limited income she can’t afford.

    Thank you for any help. I will ask Deb if she can provide Shauna and Billy’s mailing address for any of you who would like to mail some clothes (and possibly shoes) to Billy.


    Billy's sizes

    Jeans / pants: 30/32 he also fits 30/34 he’s 6ft tall now

    Shirts: Medium
    He likes the in style T’s but will be fine with anything you know how teens are.

    Gym Shorts: Medium – Large
    He likes Nike – keep in mind we are not requesting any name brands just letting you know what he wears. I always find killer deals at Ross on those clearance racks are the best.

    Shoes: Size 11

    Boxer briefs: Size 30-32

    Socks: men’s 9-11 he likes short and long

    Sweat pants / work out pants: Medium and large

    Anything is a blessing to Billy, and I know he will wear what he gets with pride like the last time.

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    @ Talmidah:

    I’m sorry to report that our family friend Ben is not doing well at all. He is preparing himself for whatever God has planned for him. It’s so sad, yet his faith remains strong.

    Please continue to remember him and his family in your prayers. Thank you all so much.

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    Talmidah wrote:

    @ Talmidah:
    I’m sorry to report that our family friend Ben is not doing well at all. He is preparing himself for whatever God has planned for him. It’s so sad, yet his faith remains strong.
    Please continue to remember him and his family in your prayers. Thank you all so much.

    Please tell Ben that I am continuing to pray for him, no matter what happens.

    Tell him that I am glad that he has a strong faith.

    Hugs from California,


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    @ Velour:

    I’ll pass this on to Ben and his wife, dear friend. Thank you so much.