“Ignorance of God and of ourselves is the great principle and cause of all our disquietments; and, this ariseth mostly not from want of light and instruction, but for want of consideration and application.”

John Owen-Puritan

Yesterday, we discussed the role that politics and land grabbing played in the accusations during the Salem Witch Trials. Yet, there were other factors that cannot be ignored. We understand the brevity of our assessment does not do the subject justice and will provide links at the end for those wanting to research the matter further.  In these resources, one will find that our assessment regarding motivation and cause in these trials is universally accepted and any disagreement tends to be focused on which of these issues, if any, were primary.

Historical synopsis:

As the saga unfolds, nine year old Betty Parris and Abigail Williams (Betty’s twelve year old cousin) were in the care of Tituba, a slave purportedly purchased by Samuel Parris in Barbados.  Tituba supposedly shared stories of the supernatural from her native land. (This story is now suspect).  Betty began to experience severe “epileptic fits”, hallucinations, outbursts, and sensations of being pinched.  A local doctor said there was no evident physical cause for these fits. Abigail and other young girls in the village began to demonstrate other strange symptoms.

These young girls began to accuse women, and later men, in Salem Village of being witches. At first their accusations centered on nonconformists such as a homeless woman and a widow lady who rarely attended church.  In the months that followed these troubled girls (who were likely enjoying the sudden attention) accused well established and admired members of the Puritan community.  One of the saddest accusations was against a little four-year-old girl, Dorcas Good, who confessed simply because she wanted to be reunited with her imprisoned mother.  Imagine this tiny child watching her mother being taken away from her and led off to be executed. It is said that Dorcas went insane.  Remember, we are talking about a Puritan society here.

The girls’ accusations increased, along with their varied symptoms such as sudden immobility, the ability to see into the spirit world, etc. Many of these subsequent strange symptoms make little sense in light of today’s medical understanding and can probably be chalked up to hysteria, fear of discovery of lies, parental manipulation (accusing familial political enemies or owners of land), etc.

One of the first magistrates to begin the imprisonments was John Hathorne. His grandson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, added a “w” to his name to distance himself from his infamous grandfather, demonstrating how quickly these trials were viewed as shameful events in Puritan society.

Much of the so-called “proof” regarding how to decide if someone was a witch came from the writings of Cotton Mather, who published Remarkable Providences in 1688, and attempted to revive the trial with his 1692 book Wonders of the Invisible World, and in general encouraged witch hunting zeal. Mather was educated at Harvard and was considered to be a highly credible minister. His father, Increase Mather, who was even more respected in Massachusetts, would eventually come to write and disagree with his son on some of these supposed “signs” of witchcraft.

Many were forced to admit they were witches. Tituba agreed to call herself a witch and then started pointing fingers as quickly as possible at other supposed witches. One poor man, Giles Corey, refused to admit he was a witch. He did not want his land to be confiscated by the state. So this elderly man (thought to be around 80 years old) was pressed to death. They placed Corey under some boards and continued to pile rocks on top of the boards as torture, hoping to get a confession. It is reported that Corey held out for two long days and died without confessing, demonstrating what a brave individual is capable of enduring.

Many silently opposed the Witch Trials, but they failed to protest for fear that they might be falsely accused and sent to the gallows.  One man who did speak out, John Proctor, was executed for witchcraft.  His wife was also found guilty of witchcraft, but was allowed to live until after her baby was born.  By that time, much of the hysteria had died down, and she was never executed.  To read the sad saga about what happened to the Proctor family and their property, go to this link:

Finally, doubt and reason began to take hold, and the trials were stopped although many languished in jail due to an inability to “pay” for their trials and politics due to land grabs. Very few of the magistrates, ministers, and accusers apologized for their disgusting lack of regard. Only one accuser, Ann Putnam, did so.


A superstition is a false notion or an irrational belief.  Superstition is a particularly sad state for Christians who base their faith on the One who called Himself the Truth. On Thursday, we will apply this to today’s church.

Cotton Mather and other ministers made up lists of signs and symptoms that could “prove” that someone was a witch. At this point, these ministers were “discovering” things on their own, and the blame for this “witch hunt” can be placed squarely on their shoulders for judgments that would be made during the trials. It’s extremely important to point out that these books were written by Puritan men, clearly demonstrating that men were just as capable of being deceived by Satan and that they can be considered equally gullible, to boot.  Of course, the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood would never admit to this.

What is so surprising are the “extra-Biblical beliefs” the Puritans added to the Bible. Their reformed background should have led them to the Biblical authority for their beliefs. There is nothing in the Bible that would point to some of the “proof” that a person is a witch.

Some of these beliefs and findings include (but are not limited to):

– A belief that people had to give permission to the devil to allow for a spiritual apparition to haunt and torment another person. That apparition then had the face of the one who gave Satan permission for the apparition.

– Witches had at least one extra “witches teat” from which to suckle one’s familiar (demon). These teats were, unlike real teats because they were insensitive spots. So, the examiners would pinch the extra teats (which were moles, nevi, etc). Unfortunately, moles and nevi usually have a low degree of sensitivity, so these moles were declared witches teats, and the person was declared to be a witch.  Talk about extra-Biblical!

– Witches could send fits and immobility into the bodies of their victims. When blindfolded, their hands could be made to touch afflicted individuals, the fits and other symptoms would return into the bodies of the witches, and the person would be cured. The teenage girls obliged this nonsense by moving and acting well when touched by an accused witch.

– Witches, upon appearing, would force an innocent person to sign the Devil’s book indicating that they belonged to the Devil.


Tituba was a slave. It is evident that the Puritans, in general, treated their slaves well. Yet, they were slaves, nonetheless.  There is a myriad of information on the reasons for their acceptance of this institution. These included a belief that they were God’s elect, and black people were not; that they were the “New Israel” and would use slavery to Christianize the heathen, and so forth. It is interesting to note that Cotton Mather was reportedly against the institution of slavery, yet owned slaves himself. However, some attribute the coming teachings of Jonathan Edwards of the First Great Awakening that would lead the Puritans to support the abolishment of slavery.

Theological Missteps

It never ceases to amaze me how people can use the Bible to justify almost anything. The Puritans believed in the reality of the spiritual world.  The Devil was thought to be behind everything that appeared to be bad. A child who fell sick for no “understandable” reason, was declared to be afflicted by the Devil.

Oddly enough, they seemed to negate the possibility of man’s own sin nature in their hunt for witches. The possibility that the children and other accusers were lying was not discussed in any credible fashion. Was it possible that they were afraid to admit their own sin nature and found comfort in blaming it all on Satan? Did they actually believe that the daughter of a minister would somehow be more truthful than an average member of the community? Hmmm, where have we seen this tendency before?

Puritans were devoted followers and studiers of the Scriptures. Did they ever question why there were no major “witch trials” in the Bible? Did they ever ask why God was not powerful enough to keep them safe from these supposed witches? What failing in their faith structure led to the belief that there were demons, etc., that could easily be blamed for every difficult  circumstance?

Ministers were the ones consulted to “explain” various phenomena if a doctor couldn’t figure things out. Since ministers were “men of God”, they somehow were capable of determining strange phenomena, and they did so with reckless abandon. How a “man of God” could use his position to come up with a theory of “witches teats” demonstrates the essential problem of gullibility on the part of all people, including pastors.

The Bible, while speaking against it, does not define what constitutes witchcraft, sorcery, mediums, astrology, diviners, etc. specifically, nor does it give exact specifications on how to “prove” one is a practitioner of the dark arts. Scripture also speaks strongly that followers of God can overcome the spirits of the evil one. The fear of witches harming Christian individuals in physical ways shows a lack of understanding of Scripture.

Finally, ministers often held political positions in that day as well. To exclude one’s minister from the typical failings such as greed, self-centeredness, arrogance, superstition, etc. that beset all of mankind is both dangerous and unbiblical. Nathaniel Hawthorne would eventually make that point in his marvelous writing The Scarlet Letter.

Interestingly, the Puritans believed in the priesthood of the believers and wanted all to be educated so that they could study Scripture for themselves. Yet, few Puritans were willing to challenge the theological errors in the position of the church leaders. Perhaps the Puritans were conformists in this area as well.


In some of the Greek words from which the word “witchcraft” is derived, one finds the word “pharm” which essentially means “drug”. This translation could prove to be prophetic in the case of the Salem Witch Trials. I have described the poor farming land in the area of Salem. Wheat was not grown in this area for another 100 years. Instead, rye grew well in this area and was the basic grain staple. However, rye has an interesting fungus which would grow particularly well when rye was stored for long periods of time.

In 1976 Linda Caporael theorized in a prestigious journal known as Science that the initial symptoms exhibited by Betty Parris could be explained “by a disease called “convulsive ergotism” brought on by ingesting rye–eaten as a cereal and as a common ingredient of bread–infected with ergot.  (Ergot is caused by a fungus which invades developing kernels of rye grain, especially under warm and damp conditions such as existed at the time of the previous rye harvest in Salem. Convulsive ergotism causes violent fits, a crawling sensation on the skin, vomiting, choking, and–most interestingly–hallucinations.  The hallucinogenic drug LSD is a derivative of ergot.)”

 Since that time, further research has been done on this interesting angle and is now considered a highly probable cause of the symptoms of Parris and other people of that day. This does not explain the accusations and symptoms of some of the other children and adults, but much of that can be attributed to hysteria. It is possible that ergot started the ball rolling and other factors contributed to the extent of the hysteria.

It is obvious that the reasons for the Witch Trials are numerous and complex. I believe that, at the heart of this, was the issue of sin. This sin involved ministers putting words in God’s mouth, greed, poor leadership, and people fearing to stand up for the truth. On Thursday, we will develop this theme a bit further, bringing the Puritans into today’s churches.

If you’d like to learn more about the Salem Witch Trials, we strongly encourage you to watch these installments of a broadcast that aired on the History Channel.

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

Part Five:



  1. I hope our readers will watch the videos. They are extremely informational. I have seen them twice, and I still can’t get over what happened in Salem. So glad that we have a Redeemer whose name is Jesus Christ!

  2. Good stuff. Thanks for shining the light. I am seeing this focus on authortarianism rising in Christendom. It can only lead to no good when some seek to speak for God instead of encouraging every believer that they must seek the guidance of the HOly Spirit.

  3. And I want to say that is why I am so thankful for the SBC of bygone days that drilled Priesthood of believer into our heads. And the fact the pastor was just another sinner saved by grace and to be Bereans. Those days are sadly gone. Now, so many seek to follow celebrity Christians.

  4. Lydia
    Thanks for your kind comment. Why can we not accept that all of us are prone to sin? Women are not more gullible than men. History proves this. Instead this is all about greed, power, arrogance, superstition, theological missteps, etc, today as well as yesteryear.

  5. Agreed! The “gullible and more easily deceived” label for women is absolutely ludicrous.

    Women have a sixth sense called intuition. It’s too bad that many Christian women are not allowed to use their God-given ability within the body of Christ.

    Devout Christian women also have far more compassion than most men which has won many a lost person into the Kingdom.

  6. LOL that’s actually what I was thinking of as I read this post, though I thought it might not be appropriate to say so, given the seriousness of the subject matter. All the same, gotta love Monty Python.

  7. Junkster and Amanda:

    Hysterical. Sometimes humor teaches better than serious palaver. In fact, we shall include this today with proper recognition of Junkster’s insight.

  8. Deb,

    Not disagreeing but can you support your sixth sense/discernment theory from scripture? We hear this mentioned at times but I have never seen a thesis written on it.

    OT, NT, Did Jesus, Paul, Peter teach on it?

    Also your comment about compassion comes across as us against men. Why would that comment need to be made in that tone? Are we both, men and women apart of the same body? Do we need to elevate ourselves above men in a area to prove our worth to God and others? Women have shown great compassion and the gospel changed hearts, men have shown compassion and the gospel has changed hearts. To both we can say, “To God be the glory!”

    Jesus- FULLY man, showed great compassion!

  9. Intuition is not based on some unproven supernatural gift such as ESP. It is similar to saying that a mother has eyes in the back of her head. My comment stems from years of experience, along with relevant facts.

    My comment about compassion has to do with the trend in some reformed churches that women are viewed as “gullible” and “easily deceived”, thereby marginalizing their roles within church functions. It is generally accepted that women are the nurturers, and it is my belief that if women were more involved in the governing structures of churches they would add a distinctive that is often not readily apparent in men.

  10. Lydia,

    What do you think is the underlying source of this polity shift from the Priesthood of Believers to Authoritarian Leadership in churches?

  11. I respect your opinion (“years of experience”)(“relevent facts”) as that. I was just asking if you could validate scriptually your opinions. If the answer is no to either of your opinions (“my belief”) I understand.

    That is why I had asked how you supported your opinions. Quick thoughts little research and no biblical support.

    For now I going to stay with a higher source but please know that I appreciate and respect your opinions but I wish claims like your were found from more reliable sources.

  12. Anonymous

    You may not have understood the intent of Deb’s remarks. She was defining what constitutes intuition. Intuition is not some spacey, esp reception of thoughts. Intuition is based on years of experience, Biblical study, and facts that, when put together, give an understanding of a situation.

    I am a nurse in background. One time, as a visiting nurse,I had a patient complain of pain in the back of her knee. Within 2 hours she was in the operating room, having her life saved by stopping a serious blood clot. Due to my nurse’s intuition, based on knowledge of symptoms, the unique nature of this individual who was not a complainer, and something else which I call a subconscious evaluation of the situation presented along with a healthy dose or reliance on the Lord, I went into action. I called an ambulance, overruling the objections of the daughter and a doctor on the phone who said I might be overreacting, and had her carried out to the ambulance and did not allow her to walk which frustrated her since she was capable of doing so.

    I later received a call from the emergency room that said my decision probably saved her life. Her surgeon also called me to ask how I knew that this was so serious since her symptoms was minor. Intuition is not based on stupid mumbo jumbo. Good intuition is based on such factors that I have outlined.

    It is widely accepted that mothers tend to be the nurturers. In fact, in a good marriage, children are raised by both mother and father. When a child falls and cuts his knee, it is usually, not always, the mother who is kissy kissy and covers up the bandage and it is the dad who tells the boy to stop whining and get back on the playing field.These characteristics together contribute to a healthy child.

    Many men today are advocating that women should remain silent in church and have little say in church governance and teaching. IMNHO, I believe it is like the boy being raised by a father alone. It is possible with hard work to do well but the child will miss the input of a mother.

    And I, along with Deb, rely fully on The Lord and His Scripture.

  13. Anonymous,

    Let me explain my previous comment about devout Christian women having more compassion (in general) than men.

    I have been following the latest revelation of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, and it has brought back a flood of memories of a similar situation I know about which happened at a Southern Baptist church in my area. A pedophile seminary student sexually abused some young teenage boys at that church. The perp is currently in prison. The pastors offered NO professional counseling to these victims.

    Several years later, the mom of one of the minor victims approached a female friend in the congregation and confided to her that her son had never been offered professional counseling by their church. Said female friend enlisted a tiny group of men and women to address this serious matter.

    To make a long story short, the victims were FINALLY offered professional counseling (at the church’s expense) after an extreme amount of pressure had been placed on the church leadership. Had it not been for the compassion of this godly woman and others on her tiny committee, the matter would have remained “under the rug” where it had been swept. The victims in this local church would be languishing in their pain just like the victims who are finally coming forward in the Catholic Church.

    I am also reminded of a time when I defended my pastor who was about to be ousted by the elders of the church. It was an extremely painful situation, and I demonstrated deep compassion toward him and his wife for an extended period of time.

    I am basing my previous comment on personal experiences within the church. This blog is the result of the tremendous compassion Dee and I have toward those who have been spiritually abused in the body of Christ. And who is responsible for the abuse in these “authoritarian” churches? Well, it’s certainly not women!

    There are scriptural references to support my position. The first one that comes to mind is Luke 19:25. Three women (Jesus’ mother, His mother’s sister, and Mary Magdalene) and just ONE disciple held vigil by the cross as Jesus suffered and died. Where were all the compassionate disciples whom Jesus had chosen? Perhaps this topic would make a good blog post in the future.

    I do appreciate your comments.

  14. Thank you Dee for you kind response. I so much respect the years of experience but experience is just that – personal to each of us.

    Because of your full support of scripture – I was asking what that might be in regards to the 6th sense or leadership in the church? ie- OT,NT ect.

    You mentioned that “men are advocating”. We could be on here all day talking about different men and what each say about a variety of topics — seems exhausting;)

    Concerning Debs concerns. What does scriptures teach? “6th sense”? “Compassion – far more than men”? I felt she held scripture in high regard I was just trying to ask beyond her opinion which scripture on the topics she brough up.

  15. Thank you Deb. I will let this die after this post. The main reason I had asked was it seemed that the comparison was written as if it is women against men.

    “Devout Christian women also have far more compassion than most men which has won many a lost person into the Kingdom.”

    I am sorry if I am reading this quote and others as if this is a woman vs man type blog. Their seems to be a lot of negativity which might be a personal lens in which you two see life which is fine.

    Would there be anyone or churches that you would point us to that are doing it right for future posts?

    Scripturally I wasn’t asking for one verse that points to a women showing compassion but rather scritural support for two of your underlying premises. 6th sense (this could be a fun study if you really feel scripture supports this) and “more than men”.

    Please know that I would never doubt your willingness to show compassion. I was just trying to get beyond personal experiences and personal opinions and personal biasis that we all have.

  16. Anonymous,

    There are some extremely compassionate men out there, and I’m married to one of them. He could really teach the modern day patriarchs A LOT about how to treat a lady. Today is his birthday, and my daughters and I are taking him to Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse to celebrate.

    I’m not sure we are understanding each other, but thanks for trying to explain your position.

  17. Anonymous

    One thing that is most frustrating to me is when a few folks complain about “negativity” expressed on this or other blogs.I find danger in being rosily positive to a fault. In fact, some groups claim if you express a negative thought then you are being bitter, gossipy, causing division,etc.

    Sin is a negative topic. Yet all of the folks we have featured on this blog would admit to being sinners-some might say that they “are the worst sinners” vying for a dubious title.

    I strongly believe in the Scripture of sanctification. However, in order to be sanctified, we need to find out what is both the positive that we must strive for and the negative that we must avoid. We learn by one another’s successes and failures.

    I prefer the historical stories of the fallen hero-those who did both good and bad. Why? because that is exactly what we do-both good and bad. It is important to understand what the great things are that Thomas Jefferson did for the founding of this great country. But, as I am sure you know, he was neither an orthodox Christian and he probably have had a baby with one of his slaves.

    HIs story teaches me the value of guarding against hypocrisy in my own life and to be cautious of taking advantage of those who may be in a subordinate position to me. I admire many of his views on this great country. Why not study both? And what is so bad in focusing on the sin? We all freely admit our sinful status, so why not talk about it?

    Yet when I read of many Christian leaders, such as Mahaney, Mohler, Patterson, I usually get some boring drivel about their positives. Yeah, the positives exist, but so do the negatives. Patterson, for example, in the past, has advocated for women to return to physically abusive marriages-we have provided the transcript of his bragging about this decision. We must be aware of this attitude and attempt to combat such nonsense. Why not present these leaders as those who are screw ups as well as leaders? Are we just afraid that the world might see us how we really are, unmasked and fallen?

    I am currently reading G K Chesterton’s book, The Man Who Was Thursday. It is amusing and thought provoking novel in which he deals with the unmasking of people and how strangely God might be viewed. I don’t believe that I am a negativist. I believe that I am a realist and that by doing so, I can expect the best from people but neither be flummoxed by nor despairing of their weaknesses and failings.

    I don’t know about things like ESP or a 6th sense. You are correct in alluding that they are not specifically addressed by Scripture. But I do know that God intervenes miraculously and thus can suspend what we believe are the constant laws of nature. However, since it is God who created these laws then perhaps He hasn’t suspended anything.

    From a scientific view, we know that we do not fully utilize our brains. So were we created with abilities that we do not use at this time? Or, over time, will we discover ways to use these parts of our brain? I don’t know but wonder a whole lot about these things.

    The Bible tells us many things about our nature but it doesn’t tell us lots of things about our physical world. We have discovered the human genome that God used to knit us together. We have discovered germs and antibiotics.There are wonders yet to be discovered and wonders to be discovered even in the new heavens and earth.

    Finally, God created both male and female. Together, utilizing our gifts and strengths we better reflect His goodness and mercy. When we marginalize either sex, we incompletely see our Creator.

    If you perceive that we are on a rant against men, then I would urge you to give us a chance. Unfortunately, there are many men featured on our blog because it is the men who have been the most visible reflecting, perhaps, the current state of leadership in the church. If more women were so highly visible and affecting the state of affairs in churches and movements like T4G, then more of them would be in our sights. Remember, we did take on Joyce Meyer!

    Both of us are married for many years. I have a son who I adore.Some of my dearest friends in my circle are men and I love them very much. None of these guys would warrant a look from us, thank heavens.

    Nope, this isn’t a man versus woman thing. It is a theological look at some church leaders and they happen to be, for the most part, men.

    Thank you for your thought provoking comments.

  18. Wow, you are angry. You can’t even pay your husband a compliment on his birthday without swinging an axe – “Modern day patriarchs”

    I will use my sixth sense and agree with anonymous.

  19. Bev
    You are soooooo wrong about this. She meant that he is the opposite of a modern day patriarch and I can attest to this myself. She complimented him by what she said.They have a wonderful marriage and she is an exemplary wife.

    Please read what she said more carefully and don’t jump the gun so quickly. I am responding since she is obviously out to a wonderful dinner with her incredible family.

  20. The point is her anger still brings in “modern day patriarchs” just compliment your husband. NO need to keep bashing.

    Maybe I will see you next week at school. Boy were they right about not knowing people. Glad I was told about your blog. It says a lot!

  21. sin, laziness and ignorance.

    It has always been around but it has become institutionalized mainstream with a backlash against post modernism.

  22. Bev,

    Since my mom reads everything on this blog, I’m giving you a pass on your comment. I would ask that you to read it again and then review what you wrote.

    So glad people at school are reading here. We are trying to educate our brothers and sisters in Christ about what’s really going on within Christendom, and we document what we post.

  23. Egads, Bev, you are way off base. How much do you know about the patriarchal movement? Do you know that there are some within the SBC seminaries who are advocating this movement?

    Since you have harshly judged Deb, why don’t you tell us about what she meant by the patriarchy comment? And both of us would be happy to speak to you at school next week. So, since you seem to know us, identify yourself to us and speak up. We are not ashamed of what we write

  24. Look for an upcoming post on the 21st century “patriarchs”. And just who are they?

    Doug Phillips
    Scott Brown
    Geoffrey Botkin
    Doug Wilson
    R.C. Sproul, Jr.
    Russell Moore

    This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are quite a few patriarchs masquerading as complementarians and some of them have CBMW connections. Sadly, they are causing much harm within the body of Christ. Much more to come…

  25. Bev,

    As Dee suggested, since you obviously know us, why don’t we meet for coffee and discuss “biblical patriarchy”? It’s a topic I have thoroughly researched. I’d love to hear what you know about it. For example, I’m sure you know that some who label themselves as “biblical patriarchs” don’t believe women should be allowed to vote. Here’s an excerpt from an article written by an authority on biblical patriarchy:

    “In regards to a woman’s right to vote; if husband and wife are truly “one flesh” and the husband is doing his duty to represent the family to the wider community, then what PRACTICAL benefit does allowing women to vote provide?”

    Here’s another quote which can be found at the above link:

    “And does it really make economic sense to invest tens of thousands of dollars for a woman to get an advanced education (often having to go into debt to finance that education) that she will not use if she accepts that her highest calling is to be a wife and mother?”

    The patriarchs to whom I referred in my previous comment don’t believe women should be allowed to vote or hold any kind of position outside the home. They believe women are to get married, have lots of children, and be stay-at-home moms. Period! Now don’t get me wrong – I believe that staying at home to take care of your family is an honorable calling. I stopped working when my husband and I married, and I am an extremely happy stay-at-home wife and mother. It’s the mandates of these patriarchs that really bother me.

    I’d love to talk with you about this, and I highly recommend that you read the above article on Biblical Patriarchy. By the way, do you know anything about Dominionism?

    Instead of listening to gossip from others about Dee and me, why don’t we meet face-to-face? I’d love to discuss these issues with you and answer any questions you may have.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  26. Lydia

    You read Bev right. This is most likely personal. She is angry and that anger is directed at us. I think she has a grudge that she is still carrying, ‘right’ly or wrongly. Poor thing. Providentially, we have a pretty good idea what is going on and all is well.

  27. You know, an interesting post might be why women support patriarchy if they know what it means? Do they think their husbands will answer for their sin at J-day? Some women really do believe that.

  28. Dorothy has been described by Patterson protege’s as equal parts arsenic and old lace.

    If you have not read her bio page, you have missed out. How many patriarch wives do you know who have been to a midnight buffet with Yassar Arafat?

    Of course, it is different if you are the wife of a powerful patriarch.

  29. Lydia,

    I’ve read way too much on Dear Ole Dorothy, including her bio. Here’s a link to a Christian Ethics Today article, along with an interesting excerpt:

    “Dorothy Patterson was questioned by a reporter about female submission in the amendment she helped frame: “As a woman standing under the authority of Scripture, even when it comes to submitting to my husband when I know he’s wrong, I just have to do it and then he stands accountable at the judgment,” she replied.

    Think about that statement. For a wife to claim that she is not accountable to God for a decision required by her husband, but only he is responsible, is close to theological heresy! This viewpoint contends either the husband knows best, or if not, he alone will answer to God.”

    Absolutely incredible!

  30. “Think about that statement. For a wife to claim that she is not accountable to God for a decision required by her husband, but only he is responsible, is close to theological heresy! This viewpoint contends either the husband knows best, or if not, he alone will answer to God.”

    That did not work for Sapphira.

  31. Hi Dee,

    Regarding the Salem witch trials, you might enjoy Kathleen Kent’s “The Heretic’s Daughter”.

    It’s an horrific tale in historic novel form of a young girl’s experience with the Puritan theocracy of Massachusetts in the 1690’s.

    What I like about Kent’s writing is that she dispenses with the tedium and gets right down to brass tacks.

  32. Lydia,

    I just read the article containing Dorothy’s ridiculous comment. It was over a year ago that I first came across it in my research. I hope others will read it. The priesthood of every believer has been eliminated in the SBC by a self-selected group. So sad…