Does Todd Pruitt Support Sexual Abuse Survivors Unless the Abuser is His Friend?

Updated (twice) on 7/4/2023 My earliest recollection of Todd Pruitt was when I stumbled across “The Mortification of Spin,” a podcast hosted by The Allegiance of Confessing Evangelicals. The title was a takeoff on Puritan John Owen’s book, The Mortification of Sin. I am unsure of when the podcast started, but I believe I started listening in 2011. The podcast … Continue reading

Todd Unzicker Uses the Bully Pulpit of the SBC Convention to Rail Against Social Media Activists

“Paine arrived in the American colonies in November 1774, shortly before the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Though the colonies and Great Britain had commenced hostilities against one another, the thought of independence was not initially entertained. Writing in 1778 of his early experiences in the colonies, Paine “found the disposition of the people such, that they might have been … Continue reading