We are talking past each other, and it’s hurting the church. The word “marriage” does not mean what we think it means when it comes to the public square. That matters.
Continue readingWe are talking past each other, and it’s hurting the church. The word “marriage” does not mean what we think it means when it comes to the public square. That matters.
Continue readingPatriarchy is good for women, good for children, and good for families. – Russell Moore
Continue readingHave you heard of the Nashville Statement? Three decades after the Danvers Statement was crafted, CBMW has a new position statement
Continue readingAfter being told to take down the former post, we write about Barnabas Piper one more time since he keeps talking.
Continue readingA one-sided explanation of the divorce of John Piper’s son. He seems to place the blame for the marriage demise on his ex-wife. We have some questions…
Continue readingLooks like the pastors at Heritage Bible Chapel have sought legal counsel and now realize they no longer have authority over Marie, who resigned from the church months ago.
Continue readingUpon reflection of the early years of married life, John Piper emphatically states he was a proud arrogant selfish jerk!
Continue readingWhat do you do when the church from which you resigned continues to pursue you?
Continue readingTrue or False – abuse, even physical abuse, is never biblical grounds for divorce. What are they teaching in seminary these days???
Continue readingGary Thomas dares to address the elephant in the room…
Continue readingHow successful is Reformers Anonymous at curing pornography / sex addictions?
Continue readingA reality check about the Duggars and their ‘quiver’
Continue readingJohn Piper’s views on divorce are unnerving and may not be Biblically based.
Continue readingCourtship? Dateship? Just another word for the same thing? Guest post by Tim Fall.
Continue readingFeaturing a guest post by Wade Burleson
Continue readingFurther bizarre comments from Kevin Swanson and associated homeschooling groups. Police and janitors in high school are encourgaing “fornication” in high school girls? Why do some homeschool groups allow this nonsense to continue?
Continue readingIf they play by the new rules, 1/3 of Christian women will not marry!
Continue readingWade Burleson expands on love versus need in marriage.
Continue readingTWW And Church Abuse “We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, ''Blessed are they that mourn.'' CS Lewis When we first started this blog, our intent was to follow current trends in the faith, offering analysis and commentary from our unique vantage point within the … Continue reading
The issues with young marriages.
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