Category Archives: John MacArthur
Do you think that the SBC will do something to address the sex abuse crisis in 2024? Probably not. Let’s speak of other things.
Continue readingIt is only true if Jesus spelled it out in detail. If it isn’t in Scripture, it isn’t true unless it is the commandment to vote for my candidate. In the meantime, women can get smacked around.
Continue readingCharles Evers says John MacArthur lied.
Continue readingLocal Santa Clarita journalists looking for information regarding John MacArthur and TMU
Continue readingWarren Throckmorton reviews a talk by John MacArthur and TWW readers helped change a life of a human trafficking victim.
Continue readingWhat does TMU’s #1 Choice Right Ranking really mean and have you heard about the newly released “Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel”?
Continue readingThe recording and other issues surrounding John MacArthur
Continue readingJohn MacArthur’s son in law appears to have a sweet gig. Also, we have MacArthur’s comments to his seminary students regarding the probation. Can anyone corroborate this information?
Continue readingThe title says it all.
Continue readingThis is all about Tom Chantry.
Continue readingGrace to You’s Phil Johnson and Fed Butler continue on the bullying behavior. Whatever happened to turn the other cheek?
Continue reading“I open the door and am shocked to see the stranger sitting there. I am starting to shake and sweat. Rick asks me to sit down by my rapist.” – Jane’s testimony in Do You See Me?
Continue readingI am 32 years old and I am taking my life back. My name is Jane. Do you see me?
Continue readingYou need to be protected by the church so you will be safe from….what, exactly?
Continue readingA new Crossway book recalls yesterday’s blog post. Thank you, Eagle.
Continue readingA groundswell of objections to the Strange Fire conference.
Continue readingJohn MacArthur causing global angst while Driscoll and MacDonald crash the party.
Continue reading“Slander cannot destroy an honest man – when the flood recedes the rock is there” Chinese Proverb Man at Wailing Wall-WikiCommons I apologize for the disjointed nature of this post. There are several competing stories within this thread and I will do my best to integrate them. Press Release From Pastor Chuck O’Neal At 11AM EST, The Wartburg Watch received … Continue reading