Category Archives: C.J. Mahaney

I generally listen to my I-Pad as I retire for the evening. I select a YouTube video that interests me. I usually fall asleep in the middle of the program and sometime later in the night I wake up and turn it off, or don’t. This past Sunday morning I awoke to a church service playing on my I-Pad. I … Continue reading

“God may reveal Himself and give guidance to His servants any way He pleases. It is not for us to set limits on Him. But it remains a question as to whether or not we are entitled to expect ‘hotline’ disclosures on a regular basis. The correct answer is no. All the Biblical narratives of God’s direct communications with men are … Continue reading
Is T4G fracturing?
Continue readingThe purity era has ended.
Continue readingSincere apology or “my back is against a wall” deflection?
Continue readingAn insider look at the United Church of Christ of Dubai (UCCD)
Continue readingMy good friend, Deanna Holmes, takes us along as she protests SGM.
Continue readingTodd Wilhelm weighs in on Russell Moore’s Tweet regarding Bill Hybels
Continue readingChristianity Today issues a challenge to SGC and their response leaves little doubt that they will maintain the status quo
Continue readingRachael Denhollander responds to C.J. Mahaney’s sudden withdrawal from the T4G2018 Speaker Line-Up
Continue readingCLC just filed for a new trademark (Christ Church Metro) and has made a special request of congregants
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“I am asking SGC to support their recent claim that I am making “false accusation”, “mischaracterizing” and communicating things that “are not true and have never been true”, and instead show true care for the victims by finally dealing transparently with these concerns.” – Rachael Denhollander
Continue readingSuperhero Rachael Denhollander, who initiated the Larry Nassar take-down, goes after Sovereign Grace Ministries for its 30-year cover-up of sexual abuse
Continue readingWondering whether the current leaders of Sovereign Grace Churches are better equipped to deal with abuse…
Continue reading“I open the door and am shocked to see the stranger sitting there. I am starting to shake and sweat. Rick asks me to sit down by my rapist.” – Jane’s testimony in Do You See Me?
Continue reading“For giveaways and welcome gifts for visitors, prioritize brief and readable books than tracts. So many people I’ve known have come to faith though [sic] The Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney, or What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert.” – Mack Stiles
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