Category Archives: Blogging and the church
This sort of hacking is not Biblical or endorsed by super dee dooper Reformed groups. I bet some leaders know who is doing this stuff.
Continue readingG.R.A.C.E. hired the lawyer who conducted the internal, friendly with the pastors, and ugly for everyone else investigation. Yep-it was my former church and I am deeply upset.
Continue readingLooks like the dudebros are afraid of bloggers who seem to have some authority and they don’t think it’s fair.
Continue readingAnother TGC screed on the evils of social media.
Continue readingSo, let’s consider getting some folks to start blogs. I will help!
Continue readingSo, what’s it like to be interviewed?
Continue readingThe Wartburg Watch, along with our good friends Spiritual Sounding Board, Watchkeep, Jules Woodson, and Ashley Easter featured in the Washington Post. More tonight as I process this.
Continue readingSuch sad news.
Continue readingThe birth of the renegade blogger.
Continue readingWow-Roys weighs in with some new revelations. I believe that James macDonald is making a mistake proceeding with the lawsuit and somebody need to get him some help if the anger allegations in the story are true. It is downright scary,.
Continue readingI find James MacDonalds’ reasons for biblically suing bloggers unimpressive.
Continue readingJames MacDonald is done a number of things in his ministry that could cause others to question his actions. I believe that this lawsuit is a mistake and will hurt his reputation.
Continue readingChallies does not believe that we should received bad reports about our Christian brothers and sisters. What happens when victims are overlooked? He doesn’t think it’s good time management to worry about this stuff.
Continue readingWhy did Patheos remove Warren Throckmorton’s blog?
Continue readingFrancis Chan and the problem with anointing and criticism.
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