Heather and April’s Story: Does Wendell Archie of Refuge Temple Ministry Blame Underage Girls for Their Sexual Abuse and Grooming

Proverbs 26:23-25A NIV

“Like a coating of silver dross on earthenware are fervent lips with an evil heart.
Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit.
Though their speech is charming, do not believe them,”

Readers navigating the following accounts may be tempted to say, “Why didn’t they just leave?”  In the following discussion, one woman said, “It was a cult.” This has been said to me on multiple occasions with others. I think this observation helps us understand why individuals continued to stay at the ministry when the pastor or other church leaders responded in what appears to be a highly inappropriate manner.

What is a cult?

I read some articles and found that most agree with some general observations. According to What Is a Cult? 10 Warning Signs,

  1. Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
  2. Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
  3. Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget
  4. Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions
  5. A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
  6. Abuse of members
  7. Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group
  8. Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough”
  9. A belief that the leader is right at all times
  10. A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation

# 7,9, and 10 jumped out as I reviewed the following accounts.

Heather’s Story

Heather and April suggested that if Wendell Archie had responded appropriately to Heather’s abuse, April’s story would not have happened. This abuser in this story is Victor, the son of a Prophetess at the church. He was a man who was always willing to help out by transporting the girls to church in his car. I was unable to contact Victor because he died (possibly of a stroke) about 5-6 years ago. He leaves behind two women he harmed when they were girls.

When Heather was around eleven, she and her sister Crystal accepted a ride from Victor, who was around 25. Crystal needed to get to the church for a performance, and Heather went along to watch. Victor was considered a “nice guy” by many in the church. The fact that he, an adult, was often willing to drive young girls back and forth to church should have raised some questions.

After Crystal went inside, Victor asked Heather if they could go to his home to pick up something he needed. She entered the house and sat on the couch, waiting for him. Victor, who was a big guy, joined her and began kissing her. He then pulled down her pants. She told him to stop, but he didn’t. He forced sexual intercourse on her, which caused her a terrific amount of pain. He said she was not to say anything about what happened and drove her back to the church to pick up her sister. Heather stayed quiet for two years; during that time, Victor didn’t approach her.

When she was 13, it happened again. Victor came by to take Heather to a church service for the youth and to pick up her sister, who was attending that service. Heather couldn’t find her, so she left with Victor and another student. Crystal returned home worried about Heather’s absence. The other girl who went with Victor was dropped off at home. She told Crystal that Victor had taken Heather “driving.”

According to Heather, he took her to an old football field in the woods, where he once again sexually molested her. He told her to lie about what happened and to tell everyone he took her to McDonalds.When she got home, she looked upset. Eventually, her family figured out what happened when her mother found semen in Heather’s panties. They called Victor’s mother the “prophetess,” who said that her son wouldn’t do anything like that. So they called the then Bishop Wendell Archie (He would later become the “Chief Apostle.”) who they called Uncle Wendell due to him being part of their family.

Wendell Responds

Heather and Crystal claimed he said:

  • Heather has a past.
  • All little girls have a past.
  • She was not innocent.
  • He even denied she was part of the family since she had a different dad.

Wendell then paid a visit to Heather’s home. He and an assistant pastor prayed for her.

The family said they would report this to the police, and they did. However, Wendell Archie reportedly told them he would get the church lawyer to defend Victor. He allegedly claimed he did not want the church to end up in the American Press, a local news source. The police reportedly told the family they had nothing to go on. They did not do a rape kit.

So Heather, Crystal, and the family “swallowed it.”  They continued to attend the church. At this time, the entire family believed that their salvation would be in jeopardy if they left. Victor continued at the church, and the family was told he had “repented.”  But as all regular TWW readers know, Victor was likely to molest again.

April’s story

April was 16 in 2014. Her mother grew up with Victor, who often visited their home and played games with the family. He would sometimes sneak into her room to watch as she slept, wearing her short pajamas with a crop top.

One day, Victor picked her up at school and brought her to the house she shared with his mother, the prophetess. He had bought her underwear with slits in the panties, and he said that it would “look good on her.” He tried to coerce her into going into the back room with him, but she refused. On another occasion, her mother went out of town, and Victor would stop by to “check up on them.”

Things finally came to a head. Victor approached her at church, grabbed her arms, and tried to kiss her. April’s brother saw it and demanded she say something to her mom. When she did, her mother was incensed and hit Victor on the head with a bottle. She was so mad that he had been bothering her. The family recognized it for what it was—grooming.

April became depressed due to Victor’s unwanted attention, and she received counseling. She claims she is progressing but still deals with depression.

The main point between the two stories.

If Wendell Archie had dealt with Heather’s abuse by making sure a police report was filed on Victor, April would not have been groomed by Victor. There may be more victims of Victor who have not come forward. It is worth remembering that many women do not report their childhood sexual abuse until they are in their 50s. Given Wendell Archie’s reproted response that girls are not innocent, it would lead me to doubt that anyone in his church, who wants his approval, would ever report their abuse. Sadly, it appears that Wendell Archie is afraid of bad press, which is something to consider. I beg Archie to care for the beautiful girls in his church who God loves very much.

Is Refuge Temple Ministries a cult?’

Four former members of that church have called it a “cult.” Perhaps those who attend should consider this question. Here is another article that might be helpful: Signs You’re In A Cult: Understanding the Psychology of Undue Influence. Also, please visit Church Diaries Unlocked. Latoyia Porter and Harry “Uncle Sonny” Simon have left Refuge Temple Ministries and understand the issues surrounding RTM.

Here is Heather’s story on Church Diaries Unlocked.


Heather and April’s Story: Does Wendell Archie of Refuge Temple Ministry Blame Underage Girls for Their Sexual Abuse and Grooming — 20 Comments

  1. Hearing Heather’s story is so hard for me. I remember when Wendell told me “you’re not innocent” those words haunted me for years. Now his unwillingness to protect children has fueled my drive to be their voice. With everything in me I won’t stop until every victim’s voice is amplified

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  2. I would not typically speak lightly of something as sobering as the Final Judgment, but I can’t help but wonder if Wendell Archie will stand before our Lord only to hear “You’re not innocent” before being cast into the pit of hell.

    It’s hard to imagine anyone more innocent than a little child who has been violated. In fact, Jesus reserved millstones for those who would try to steal a little child’s innocence.

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  3. Does Wendell Archie of Refuge Temple Ministry Blame Underage Girls for Their Sexual Abuse and Grooming

    It’s a CHristian MINISTRY.
    Did you expect anything else?

    Harry Simon:
    The sad truth is that every violated child at RTM is accused of having a past, being promiscuous, not innocent. This is the MO of Wendell Archie.

    Because “You Can’t Rape a Whore.”
    Just like Bill Got Hard when one of his interns (in Denim Jumpers… With Looong…. Waaavy… Haaairrr…) wasn’t a Pure Virgin.

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  4. Interesting to say the least that some of these so called knowledgeable teachers, preachers and leaders, are unable to simply define and work through things like, power-imbalance,
    exploitation,personal & professional boundaries, self-control, best practice pastoral care and servant leadership.
    Yet they are familiar in being all too familiar.

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  5. Ian Docker,

    “… unable to simply define and work through things like, power-imbalance, exploitation, personal & professional boundaries, self-control, best practice pastoral care and servant leadership.”

    seems to me ‘biblical’ and ‘pastoral leadership’ end up meaning all kinds of manipulative, mixed message, double-standard, self-entitled, control-freakish, discriminatory, harrassment-type things.

    (i mean, that was a short list)

    it all gets smoothed over with God-talk power words and the right tone of voice and facial expression.

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  6. As our former Pastor K. used to teach us, “Why are we surprised when dead people stink?”

    Our easy believism, the sinner gets to define sin rather than what the Bible says is sin being sin, our belief in 100% unconditional love being due to everyone regardless of their behavior, our focus on Jesus making your life better not saving your soul for eternity, have left us with a very sick church.

    It is a church of unbelievers who may profess faith, but have never actually repented of their sins, trusted Christ to save them, and been willing for Holy Spirit to clean them up.

    They are still dead in their trespasses and sins. That stinks. Only difference is now they feel free to commit those sins, maybe brag about them, and expect all the kudos of a saint while acting like the devil.

    When the church grows a backbone, returns to expecting folks experience a heart change and a life cleansing rather than just slap the cover of Jesus saves over the cess pool, then maybe these evil deeds will slow down. (Not stop, Satan will never stop trying to lead folks astray before the second coming.)

    But the spiritually dead stink, and not everyone who says they are a Christian is a Christian.

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  7. With respect to Dee’s quote:
    “Readers navigating the following accounts may be tempted to say, “Why didn’t they just leave?”

    I would like to add: I am an “old” male, WASP (I have done the geological research, and I am as WASPy as it comes), and I am still intellectually and emotionally working through “cult-like” training/thinking burned into me as teenager/early adult.
    Given my experiences, I understand why, or at least begin to understand, why it is so hard for people to leave cults and “cult-like” orgs.. Being a women, or member of a minority could make it even harder to leave such a group, especially if they negatively singled you out…

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