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“Those who grant sympathy to guilt, grant none to innocence.” ―
In the next few months, some things may occur that will probably bring this blog to the attention of a wider audience. It came to me. It was not something I pursued. I believe good will come out of this for some victims. The Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, this blog will continue as it is now. I have no plans to change things because I like the community that visits here. Y’all keep me grounded. Think of it this way. More folks may be reading your comments soon.
Amy Smith at Watchkeep wrote Dallas pastor Chuck Adair is a lifetime registered child sex offender featured on America’s Most Wanted. I wrote about this last Friday. So, an “America’s Most Wanted” Child Molester Is Now “Over It” and Watermark Church Has Him on Staff. Did the Church Alert Their Insurance Carrier? Amy received the following mail from an apparent co-worker of Adair in ‘Regeneration (sic).’ Amy has permitted me to post it.
What is Regeneration, and what are its promises? This is a significant problem.
(ed. note: As readers may realize, any program has some serious flaws that promise a cure for issues such as same-sex attraction and eating disorders. This is not the focus of this post, but I plan to deal with it separately. I have it in a draft post.)
I was taken aback when I read the following on Watermark’s website. According to Watermark:
Find freedom from all struggles, including: anxiety/depression, pornography, fear, control, substance abuse, codependency, sexual abuse, same-sex attraction, eating disorders/body image, anger, obsessive thoughts, and any other struggle that has you stuck.
Using this list of ‘promises,” it would seem that they have no difficulty at all with curing him from a particularly violent form of paraphilia. This is born out in this email sent to Amy Smith, which she permitted me to reprint here.
Chuck Adair
Where I can appreciate your sincerity in keeping the public informed, l’d like to think that your blogs are meant to be informative and warning vessel for the public.
I serve in Regeneration with Chuck Adair and want to make it clear to you that you reopened old news with nothing new to inform anyone. There were some errors in your blog and the reason I contact you is your blog managed to do more than your desired information spill on Mr. Adair.
You managed to open old harms and hurt people. We all have heard his story, we all have heard his repentant heart and asking for forgiveness. Chuck is involved with doing God’s work here.
You have taken an angle that hurts those around Chuck that know his repentant heart.
A group of twenty plus volunteer leaders gathered last night to pray for Chuck, our ministry of Regen and for you.
I don’t condone past actions but I am a sinner as well and I trust in God’s grace and mercy to forgive me everyday.
l ask you to reflect on the possibility that Chuck is redeemed and no longer defined by his past as you are and as I am if you believe in Jesus as your Savior. Reflect that your story actually hurt Chuck and many of us as well. God alone is responsible for judgement not you or me.
Chuck spent 10 years in prison for his crime and is listed as a registered sex offender for life. That is man’s judgement for him. And yes, that story is used to help others.
I know Chuck as a person who disciples well and is loved by many.
None of us forget the past however our past can serve as a story of God’s true grace held for all men and women.
This is just my private message to you and where I feel you meant to inform people, you managed to inflict pain where it does not belong.
I know that many people wasted time making statements including the elders at my church, Regen leadership and friends of the Adairs.
That could have been avoided with some discretionary thought by you before blogging the old story.
I pray you take this message to heart. And continue your efforts in a more responsible way.
I speak for no one but myself Amy and thank you for taking time to read this message.
JF (name deleted to protect this guy from blowback)
The Jesus movement of the 60s and 70s reflects the naivete of JF and Watermark.
I get JF. The outgrowth of the Jesus movement was positive because it pointed people to Jesus. Where it messed up was the belief that lots of prayer would free people from all sorts of sins, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual addiction, etc. As the movement grew up, its naivete became evident. Jesus saves but does not promise freedom from many issues we know are difficult to overcome.
As time progressed, the promises of the Jesus movement were not realized. One only needs to read the stories of Lonnie Frisbee.
My point is this. Adair does not appear to have a simple sin here. He has a desire for young teens, which is abnormal and is evidence of a deep-seated psychiatric problem,
Chuck Adair appears to have a serious psychiatric problem.
I wonder if JF has studied the problems associated with paraphilias. Does he understand that it is abnormal for a man to want to have sex with a young teen? An adult male would normally seek to have sex with a consenting person. The girl he kidnapped could not consent to having sex with him. His urge to do so was so strong he had to kidnap her. These are not the actions of a typical male. He likely has paraphilia, which is like pedophilia, except it is directed toward young teens.
I am sorry I have to reprint this, but I do so in case JF or one of his untrained “re: generate” friends are reading. I beg you to do your research on paraphilias. Adair could possibly reoffend. Read the following. If he is being honest, he will confess this. He is willing to go to dangerous lengths to fulfill his sexual compulsions. This is not a simple “one and done.”
Here is a link at the National Institutes of Health: Paraphilia by Kristy A. Fisher and Raman Marwaha that explains this.
Paraphilias are persistent and recurrent sexual interests, urges, fantasies, or behaviors of marked intensity involving objects, activities, or even situations that are atypical in nature. Although not innately pathological, a paraphilic disorder can evolve if paraphilia invokes harm, distress, or functional impairment on the lives of the affected individual or others.
…The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for paraphilia states explicitly that the patient must have experienced intense and recurrent sexual arousal from deviant fantasies for at least six months and must have acted on these impulses. A paraphilia becomes a pathology, or a paraphilic disorder, only when this behavior causes significant distress and impairment of functioning to the individual or if the paraphilia involves personal harm or risk of harm to others
…However, due to the patient’s reluctance to seek treatment or the legal obligation to obtain treatment, psychiatrists are often forced to exceed the call of duty to the patient to reduce distress but rather focus efforts on protection against potential victimization.
Those with paraphilia are often reluctant to seek treatment. Even when they do, the counselor must focus on preventing harm to another victim.
Read the section called Prognosis. It appears that those with paraphilias are likely to reoffend.
Despite the psychological and pharmacological interventions designed to manage paraphilias and paraphilic disorders; an ultimate treatment or change has yet to be established. Existing interventions merely allow for increased voluntary control through self-management skills over sexual arousal and reduction in sexual drive, with the best-yielded prognosis only from those individuals who are actually motivated to change.[2] Those who do participate in either therapy alone or, ideally, the combined management of psychological and medicinal intervention show improvement with a marked reduction in the intensity and frequency of deviant sexual arousal and resultant behaviors.[18] However, the literature suggests that most sexual offenders are likely to re-offend.[2]
Takeaway point: Literature suggests that most sexual offenders will reoffend.
Back to the letter, which is written by a believer who appears to be ill-educated in both the faith and dealing with paraphilias.
“You managed to open old harms and hurt people. We all have heard his story, we all have heard his repentant heart and asking for forgiveness. Chuck is involved with doing God’s work here.” You have taken an angle that hurts those around Chuck that know his repentant heart.
JF has not heard his whole heart. He has heard what Adair has allowed him to hear. He has been around the church and knows the lingo. Be careful. Only God knows his heart. Also, just because he is helping out around the church does not mean he is “free” from his concerning psychiatric problem.
If Chuck were truly healed from his past, he would be open to having his past revealed in a public way. One pastor I know had a pedophile who wanted to come to church. He said that he would allow it with constant escorts. Then, he told him that he would post his picture throughout the church so that those attending would know who he was. They could then help keep him “honest.” This pastor knew if the pedophile balked, he had not accepted his past and wished to keep it hidden. As for the rest of Regen’s volunteers being hurt, why? Do the questions make them feel uncomfortable? If so, why? Are they so insecure that outsider questions make you feel bad? Maybe insecurity can be 100% cured by your program. You know, freedom from insecurity.
Remember, JF, you only know of his stated repentance. You do not know his heart, just like you know that others do not know your whole heart.
How did he ask for forgiveness? I hope it was from God because you cannot grant him forgiveness. Only his victims can do that.
A group of twenty-plus volunteer leaders gathered last night to pray for Chuck, our ministry of Regen, and for you.
Why did you feel a need to say this? If you believe in prayer, you would do so quietly and trust God to act. Why did you need to tell Amy you needed to pray for her? This reminds me of a phrase we use in the South: “Let’s pray for her, bless her heart.” It would also behoove you to stop using insider language like “regen.” We know you are cool and consider yourself an insider and a “volunteer leader.”
I don’t condone past actions but I am a sinner as well and I trust in God’s grace and mercy to forgive me everyday.
Here is the crux of your argument, and it fails. We are all sinners, but not all sins are the same. Here is an easy example. Some guy cuts you off and gives you the finger, and you think ugly thoughts about him. So you ask for forgiveness. Your sin only affected you. Now let’s talk about “Chuck,” as you call him. He sexually molested an underage girl and kidnapped her. Her family was scared. The girl is forever changed, something that I write about. The police needed to track him down. His sin affected far more people. Besides, it was not merely a sin. It was also a crime.
God forgives all of us if we confess our sins and repent. That does not mean a person has a “get out of jail free” card. There are consequences. Some of those consequences may be not serving as a pastor any longer. Did you know that a licensed counselor who has sex with a client can lose his license and even serve jail time? That means they cannot be counselors any longer. Yet, it appears that Chuck, who was a pastor when he abducted the kid, is still a pastor. My husband is a cardiologist at a major medical institution. If he had sex with a patient, let alone kidnap the patient, he would lose his license, go to prison, and get sued. He often says, “I can’t stand it when the church has lower standards than the secular world.”
l ask you to reflect on the possibility that Chuck is redeemed and no longer defined by his past.
‘He might be redeemed. That is not the argument. However, like it or not, Chuck will always be socially defined by his past when it comes to his unusual predilection for sex with a minor. He should not be a pastor. He gave up his pastor’s card the day he had sex with a kid in his youth program. He can live a decent life. He can get a job at Home Depot and faithfully serve in that capacity. He can volunteer at a substance abuse halfway house or even work with those convicted of sex abuse. If he is repentant, then God will forgive him. If he balks at this, why? Why does he need to have a job as a pastor in a church? Is it because people trust him?
God alone is responsible for judgement not you or me.
God is responsible for whether or not one is saved. He alone gets to say if one’s name is in the Book of Life. But JF, we ARE responsible to judge. Why does God give us a list of things we should and should not do? Look at the 10 Commandments. If someone commits adultery in the church, they will be disciplined. We must judge actions, or there will be anarchy. You tell your kid to stop hitting their sibling. Isn’t that judging an action? Chuck’s actions are out there to be judged. He needs to pull on his big boy pants and stop this nonsense of “being hurt” when someone critiques his previous actions. If he is still “being hurt,” something tells me he has yet to accept full responsibility for what he did.
you managed to inflict pain where it does not belong.
I don’t understand your program at the church. Most counselors (Christians included) would say that the individual has not accepted his past if he still experiences pain if his past is exposed. He should be at the point of saying, “Yep, that’s me.” You see, his victim and his victim’s parents still experience pain as they remember his despicable actions, which changed their lives. Why does Chuck think he is supposed to be pain-free?
That could have been avoided with some discretionary thought
And continue your efforts in a more responsible way.
Exposing predators (past or present) in our midst can be a Godly pursuit. Anyone considering attending your church should be offered the right to be told about such a person at the church. If Chuck is really free, he should be free to let people know about his past if they come across him at the church.
JF, I think you need to continue your efforts more responsibly. Take the time to research the long-term problems of paraphilias. You may be a “volunteer leader,” but you could learn to communicate more effectively.
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The irony of repentance in this case is that if he was truly repentant, we would not be here. This post would not exist.
His persistence to remain in public ministry is deeply disturbing.
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As a licensed psychotherapist and “recovering” SBC pastor (and the self-proclaimed unofficial therapist for TWW), I remain troubled how folks cannot create a solid boundary between sin and abnormal mental health.
Someone with a paraphilia requires lifelong therapy and monitoring. They have no place in ministry or church leadership . . . ever again. Can they be “forgiven”? Yes, but forgiveness does not mean restoration to leadership.
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As a Christian (not a victim), I would certainly like to see other Christians come to the side of victims rather than defending pastor-abusers – as we’ve often seen by church elders and members when ‘their’ pastor is exposed for abuse. How many times have we seen this over the years on TWW?!
As a Christian, I understand forgiveness for pastors who fall when they repent … but there are other places for the genuinely repentant to serve in the Body of Christ than in church leadership … a forgiven pastor-abuser should know that the fruit of repentance can be demonstrated without being a church leader again.
As a Christian, I understand the pain that comes from knowing the pain of having afflicted pain on others. As Dee notes “his victim and his victim’s parents still experience pain as they remember his despicable actions, which changed their lives.” I’m sure they would like to see these churches handle this situation from their perspective, where the victim becomes more important than the abuser.
The “Regen group” at Watermark needs to know that in Christian theology, regeneration is the process by which God gives a person new spiritual life through the Holy Spirit … not a church position.
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Why do people not understand that forgiveness does NOT equal forgetting! A crime was committed. According to the database, he is a moderate risk. Has the church allowed him to be involved with any children or teen groups? Have parents been notified he is actively involved in the church?
PS: does anyone know if he is under lifetime supervision or did that end?
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I am a “regen” graduate both as a lay leader and a participant. I voluntarily stepped down from my leadership role to work on my marriage problems. As I was working through my issues as a participant I my membership was revoked and was not allowed to even serve on the parking team. I continued working the program regardless and was even encouraged to return to leadership when I completed it which meant reapplying for membership. I finished and then left WM. My issue with Adair is that I do not believe he is qualified for any position of leadership or authority or teaching. He is welcome to work the parking team or the merch desk. I do believe he is forgiven and has a new life in Christ but, like all of us, he wrestles with the “Old Man” and will until he dies.
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I wish I could pay you. Then again, it would detract from the ethos here.
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I would never accept a dime from you!
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Because they’re Over-Spiritualizing.
Christian Monist wrote about it extensively on both his old and new blogs.
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I am so sick of sin leveling. We’re all sinners so we all deserve grace, forgiveness, unfettered access to children, no judgment, etc. My occasional gluttony is not the same as child rape. I’m the victim of my poor decisions and I face the consequences of my actions. It’s not the same thing! People like Adair send out ripples of harm to their victims and families, the harm can continue for generations. I’ve seen and heard this argument for years and it continues to enrage me each time. JF and the like never ask what the crime victim continues to deal with decades later but we can’t hurt Adair’s feelings? I can’t even…
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As a Southern Baptist for 70 years (I’m a “Done” now), I figure there is a great multitude of recovering SBC pastors who could use some psychotherapy. Among Southern Baptist numbers are some of the meanest people on the planet, who run their pastors through a wringer of manipulation and intimidation … spiritual abuse in SBC ranks is meted out by more pewsitters than pulpiteers … there’s a lot of truth to Demon-Deacons (as I’m sure you know from personal experience).
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Sin leveling is a sin, IMO.
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Agreed! I can’t even wrap my head around that kind of logic but it’s standard Christianese. I’ve heard it from the pulpit and the pew for decades.
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Kevin Martin,
I want to chat with you about regen. We can do it via email if you feel comfortable. I want to understand the “promise” of freedom as stated online.
If you have a moment, I will not ask you any personal questions. Let me know dee@thewartbirgwatch.com.
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On a similar note, I have been involved with the Celebrate Recovery groups, which I think are like regen.
I found in CR that the “bigger” the redemption story, the more it was promoted to draw others into doing CR.
Will never forgot watching a video “testimony” during one of our meetings. The guy had an outlandish story of rags to riches with Christ, and our group was so excited about his story. But all I could think of were several times he had married and divorced AFTER coming to Christ, events that he just skated past with no clarification, so we could get to the good, exciting stuff. His testimony was a clown show, but he was full of energy and tattoos, so everyone love it…
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Dee, Thx for this post and pursuing more interviews. It will be interesting to read what these guys have to say.
Kevin Martin,
Thx to all for sharing. Sharing is caring.
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I have run into so many Christians who live in a Christian la la land. They misinterpret the Bible and think that simple answers will solve complex problems.
To them, certain verses are like magical talismans in an Amazonian tribe that will easily make problems go away by simply waving the right verses around long enough.
Sounds like the Regen folks could be operating from this same mindset.
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In John Knox’s Book of Discipline, he writes the following regarding the Election of Elders and Deacons –
“Men of best knowledge in God’s word, of cleanest life, men faithful, and of most honest conversation that can be found in the Church, must be nominated to be in election; and the names of the same must be publicly read to the whole Kirk by the minister , giving them advertisement, that from amongst these must be chosen Elders and Deacons. If any of the nominated be noted with public infamy, he ought to be repelled; for it is not seemly that the servant of corruption shall have authority to judge in the Church of God. If any man knows others of better qualities within the Church than those nominated, let them be put in election, that the Church may have the choice.”
Further on he writes –
“If any Minister be reprehended in any notable crime, as whoredom, adultery , murder, manslaughter, perjury, teaching of heresy, or any such as deserve death, or that be a note of perpetual infamy, he aught to be deposed for ever.”
(He then says that some may be deposed for a time until they show signs of repentance but these are for lesser breaches like drunkenness, brawling, slander, sowing discord).
Works of John Knox, vol 2, p233-236
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Dangerous ground … “Hurry, Hurry, Hurry, Step Right Up To The Greatest Show On Earth!”
Seems like everyone has a tattoo now … I used to have to pay to see those at the carnival when I was a kid … the church needs to look for a new gimmick to reveal that someone has a “past”
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To the woman caught in adultery, Jesus said “Go and sin no more” … to those who harm children, Jesus “It would be better to be drowned in the sea with a millstone around their neck”
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“Touch Not Mine Anointed”, remember.
Upon Pain of GAWD’s Righteous Wrath.
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What I came to call “FIVE FAST PRAISE-THE-LOOOOOOOOOORDS WILL FIX ANYTHING!” and if it doesn’t it’s because of your Secret SIN! SIN! SIN!
(Told to you with wagging fingers by Job’s Counselors who are Utterly Without Sin)
One-verse Verbal-Component Magick Spells from the leather-bound Brimoire.
And you must recite these Incantations word-for-word in an ancient Magickal tongue (Kymge Jaymes Englyshe) or the Spell will Fail or Backfire.
I have some long-lost correspondence that explained this Magickal Grimoire approach as a result of the Reformation’s shutting down of all that Romish Idolatry of Saints, Relics, and Devotions. i.e. all the Folk Religion of the common folk. In its place, only intricate Theology and “naked Faith” where the only thing left was SCRIPTURE. Which got glommed onto as Magickal Protection in place of all the Folk Religion practices.
And with “Evanescent Grace” where you could never be sure of your Salvation (“Are you Sure? Are you Certain you’re Sure? Are you Sure you’re Certain you’re Sure? Are you Certain you’re Sure you’re Certain you’re Sure? Are you Sure you’re…”) Things just got completely psychotic.
To the tune of “Psycho Killer” by Talking Heads:
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Dee–spot on! One of your best, most articulate and exactingly accurate posts yet!
Thank you for the work you are doing, and for explaining ONCE AGAIN that forgiveness does mean no consequences for our actions.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
If you read occult publications you’ll see that the heyday of these books in Europe was between 476-1453 before the good old KJV Bible appeared. Looking further afield the grimoires were written in the languages of the countries in which they appeared.
Regarding Puritan times, you’ll see that a distinction is made between folk remedies and “devilish spells” (somewhat prevalent in those times). William Perkins’ “A Discourse on the Damned Art of Witchcraft” in volume 10 of his Works covers things well, whether or not you agree with him.
The only instances I know of where endless repetition of words or sentences were used to break spells or cast out demons come from the RC faith or more excitable charismatic churches that I’ve visited.
The appearance of the word ‘evanescent’ in your post suggested to me that it was perhaps an attempt to bring my pal Calvin into the discussion. lol! (I do like Talking Heads though)
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Thanks Max for your reply. The tattoo thing for me is everyone has a story, but not everyone displays their story. I want folks to ask about my story, without me providing a visual ice-breaker.
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Ava Aaronson,
Thank you Ava!!
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Oh, good Lord! Please tell me that Watermark is not New Calvinist on top of everything else!
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“The guy had an outlandish story of rags to riches with Christ, and our group was so excited about his story. But all I could think of were several times he had married and divorced AFTER coming to Christ, events that he just skated past with no clarification, so we could get to the good, exciting stuff.”
reminds of after 9/11; i saw some pasors giddy with excitement behind a tragedy face. seeing it all as getting closer to the so-called end times, potential rapture, etc. they said so.
it made me sick.
sort of like religious thrill-seeking.
whereas things like patience, being consistent in faithfulness, caring (in relative obscurity) for others are boring to christians.
it’s all gotten so very silly. like teen-age frenzy over their favorite celebrities, and wanting to be famous themselves.
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Kevin Martin,
“I continued working the program regardless and was even encouraged to return to leadership when I completed it which meant reapplying for membership. I finished and then left WM.”
did you leave because of what you described?
(lots of controlling, rigid, perfectionist, pedantic, nonintuitive rules… i’m sure there are even more words we could use)
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“I couldn’t go beyond the first couple paragraphs because it’s so twisted and it’s so arrogantly indifferent,” said Chris O’Leary, an advocate and survivor of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. “As a survivor, it’s very hard to read that statement.”
“It puts the focus on everyone but the truth and victims,” Smith said. “It wants you to feel sympathy for the offender, but yet they omit what his offense was, that he abused and sexually assaulted a child.”
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… where The Great God Entertainment sits on the throne. A.W. Tozer put it this way:
“Religious entertainment is in many places rapidly crowding out the serious things of God. Many churches these days have become little more than poor theatres where fifth-rate ‘producers’ peddle their shoddy wares with the full approval of evangelical leaders who can even quote a holy text in defense of their delinquency. And hardly a man dares raise his voice against it.”
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I first heard of sin-levelling during the Sovereign Grace mess. I thought it was the most horrible thing I had ever heard from religion.
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From the article:
“I think the easiest way you can describe it is they’re applying some very cheap grace to the situation”
No doubt about it.
“Cheap grace means grace sold on the market like cheapjacks’ wares. The sacraments, the forgiveness of sin, and the consolations of religion are thrown away at cut prices. Grace is represented as the Church’s inexhaustible treasury, from which she showers blessings with generous hands, without asking questions or fixing limits.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
Scary to think that Watermark has reached mega-status, with followers feeding on cheap grace rather than following the costly Grace of Jesus. It’s another gospel which is not the Gospel at all.
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And it’s a steaming pile of bull-manure.
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There is nothing “new under the sun”…. Bonhoeffer was quite prophetic…. But then so was/is passages in the OT
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Dang, my ex-pastor (Robin Rose of Adat Shalom Dallas) could have written that letter. It sounds exactly like him.
All these church leaders are the same.
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What may be new under the sun are churches restoring disqualified pastors to the pulpit so easily. I doubt that the 1st century church would have restored child abusers to the ministry … while some corners of the 21st century church don’t seem to have a problem with it. In my humble, but accurate, opinion a “pastor” who sexually abuses a child should be permanently disqualified from ever serving again in Christian ministry. For the truly repentant, there are other places to serve in the Body of Christ … but they should never have contact with children, never be on church staff, and should be monitored continually. Just as there are consequences to society when a man is convicted of such sin/crime, there should be consequences in the church. To ignore this, is to operate in cheap grace. Costly Grace demands so much more.
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Kevin Martin,
Thank you, Kevin, for your insider perspective on this issue. It’s unfortunate that Watermark leadership does not share your view. May God bless you and your family as you look to Him, not Watermark, for healing.
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My experience in Fringe Literature is a little bit later than that.
I do NOT touch actual Grimoires.
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Anyone still sin levelling must not have read Luke 12.
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Ah, the tired, old “over 20 yrs ago” or “it’s an old story” type of defense…
As if that makes it not significant or less harmful or should just be forgotten about.
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“Reflect that your story actually hurt Chuck and many of us as well.” No, that is deflection. Chuck hurt himself and his reputation. People who stick up for him also put themselves on the line. She did nothing to them except let others know the truth. People who want to remain in the limelight or public eye, how can they be mad when others talk about them? Or tell their story? He had the right after his jail time to go away and live a simple and quiet life out of the public eye. To write a blog or have a youtube channel where he didn’t have to interact with others. But, no. He had to go back to work for a church and now he doesn’t want brought up what his victims have to live with every day. Is anyone surprised people quit going to church? Not loving and following God, but going to church? I still attend but I am not surprised by that decision of others.
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Which switches to full on once the statute of limitations runs out.
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I fully believe that the fastest growing segment of Christianity in America are the “Dones” … done with organized church, unspiritual church leaders and their shenanigans, but not done with Jesus.
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The whole of Scripture does not support sin leveling.
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Seems like ‘Cheap Grace’ in more ways than one is in ample supply these days. Seems also that would-be ‘lay leaders’ who allow certain people to ‘retool’ and ‘reinvent’ themselves are too stupid to see that they are complicit in willful sin.
Aware that the ‘good old days’ were not so good. Nonetheless, one must miss those previous periods where some people did contend with geniune shame and responded accordingly.
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“Do not hurry to lay hands on anyone ordaining and approving someone for ministry or an office in the church, or in reinstating expelled offenders, and thereby share in the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.” (1 Timothy 5:22)
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From 2006 to 2019 I had a strange person living next door to me. Claimed to be a Christian, but partied hearty (drugs and booze) and brought home groups of women to carry on all night. He’d give me a sorry and a little sermon every now and then. I complained to the mobile home park manager a couple of times, but nothing was done. Then, he moved in a girl friend with a steady drug habit and really whacko behavior (used power tools in the middle of the night to “remodel” their double-wide.) I complained again, nothing was done. He continued to mouth Scriptures at me.
Fast forward two more years-I heard something about him (turned out his parents and sister attended my church, and a hint was dropped), so I went online and found he was a registered sex offender for raping a 14-year old in a Christian counseling home! We also had a change of management, new manager saw all the complaints, and she looked him up. He couldn’t even live in the park because we had a playground, and there was a school right down the block. He had lied on his form about his past. He and the girlfriend were gone in a month,and I was so relieved.
His sister at church (who didn’t know I knew) kept telling me what a “nice” guy he was and how unfair people were to him. How his sins were all forgiven and he just needed a fresh start. All I could think of was violating parole, using drugs and partying, and the weird girlfriend. Forgiveness is such a gift to the Christian, but it needs to be used wisely and gratefully. It means owning up to the past and truly changing one’s habits. I hope, wherever he is, that he is not causing problems there. If he had lived a quiet life and behaved himself, no one would have been the wiser and he might still be my neighbor.
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Perhaps Watermark needs to be reminded and SF needs to ask tenured staff about a single adult pastor that worked there not many years ago.
He also had a GREAT redemption story, could talk eloquently about his faith, how God saved him and served as though his ego depended on it, because it did. The Church knew of his past addictions and behaviors including infidelity in his first marriage, yet he was allowed to work (without question) over single adults including single parent families which included many, many vulnerable females. They were made aware of neglect in his marriage and too much time spent in ministry but had a very passive response to it because after all, look how much he was doing for the church! (And with mega churches it can be all about the show).
Yet, pull back the curtain and you guessed it…less than two years after the warnings he was caught in a full-blown affair with one of his volunteer leaders.
These churches involved and SF are irresponsible to think this is just about a crime or putting grace on trial or judgement. It’s a condition of the heart and mind and NO ONE truly knows if someone has a repentant or transformed heart. People will follow the rules while others are watching, but what happens when no one is? They are only as accountable as they want to be. They may even think they’re a changed person, but will we care how many pretty words they use and how much repentance they claim to have, when the day comes a stressor presents itself, old temptations arise, conscience fails and ‘the repentant’ acts and does the unthinkable… again.
It’s a shame the church is willing to risk that for a good story.
A genuine repentant heart will exhibit humility that does not include expectations they will be put back in to ministry.
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And, thus, not worth taking the risk of putting someone on church staff with a criminal past … in this case, child sexual abuse committed while he was on church staff elsewhere! “Putting grace on trial” too often backfires when cheap grace is applied to restoring the fallen to Christian ministry. Some corners of the American church have become so open-minded about “grace” that their spiritual brains have fallen out. What they often find is that their interpretation and application of grace is not really Grace at all.
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Nueva Vida,
Because pew sitters, in the end, or in some cases children, are just “cannon fodder” for the leaders… it is all about the success of the “ministry”.. so what there is road kill on the side of the road, if our “ministry” becomes a hugh success…. sigh..
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And Christians (without any modifiers) are suckers for a Spectacular/Juicy Conversion Testimony.
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And claims of Private Revelation and Prophecy (“The LORD Revealed Unto Me…”) don’t count.
No way to verify.
And a lot of Christianese Culture and upbringing tends to freeze moral development at the Toddler/Small Child level. And much of the Bible was written by an Honor/Shame culture, and that type of cultural morality can lead to “If No One knows of my sin, I Am Not Shamed” and its corollary “And Dead Men Tell No Tales”.
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And the ManaGWD’s Appetites.