The Remarkable Story of Latoyia Porter Who Overcame Sexual Abuse and the Silence of Wendell Archie’s Refuge Ministries to Help Countless Others.

“I know your deeds, your hard work, and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false”. Rev 2:2 NIV

One of the greatest growths I experience is when I tell the stories of those who have been abused. It causes me to look deeply into the lives of those bravely speaking the truth despite incredible odds. Latoyia’s story brought me to tears at times, sometimes sad tears and other times joyful tears. This is the story of a woman who overcame tremendous odds and is now considered Momma Toyia to many. This story requires more than one post.

Today, I will introduce you to Latoyia Porter and Harry Simon, “Uncle Sonny,” who witnessed what happened to Latoyia and the alleged actions of Chief Apostle Wendeel Archie and his Refuge Temple Ministries. Latoyia is a remarkable woman who has gone on to serve countless others.

I believe I will need to write another post exploring what constitutes an “apostolic ministry.” I am concerned about the background and training of “apostles.” Many involved in such ministries have little to no Biblical training but believe they have been “called” to lead ministries. For this post, it is helpful to understand that Archie’s ministry has successfully drawn many people into his orbit.

Latoyia and Harry helped me understand that, in their opinion, the ministry, which has several locations, acts like a cult. Archie is the anointed leader, and he must be obeyed. Given the trajectory of Latoyia’s story, I believe them.

Church Diaries Unlocked

Let’s start at the end before the beginning. Latoyia started a YouTube channel to document her abuse and to help others who she believes have been abused in the Refuge Temple Ministries. She not only uses it to discuss her abuse but also to help others understand when a ministry becomes abusive. I plan to use it in a follow-up post because it is a great resource. Much of what I wrote in this post was covered in these videos.

Refuge Ministries in Houston

Latoyia attended this church from ages 5 to 9. Wendell Archie’s first cousin, Archie Haywood, led the church. It was during these years that Latoyia alleges her stepfather began to abuse her sexually. Although he would not attempt full sexual intercourse until she was 13-14 years old, the actions were sexual, including digital penetration. Her mother went to the Sisters of the church, including Sisters Dorothy, Wendy, and Janice. They decided to do an “internal investigation.”

The following is difficult to read (Trigger Warning)

They told this little girl to lie down on the bed naked and spread her legs. Latoyia remembers feeling very detached from the proceedings. The sisters “determined” that her vagina was intact and declared that “nothing happened.” They also said Latoyia.  They ordered her mother to stay with her husband (Latoyia’s stepfather.) They were to never speak of it again. Since salvation was tied to obeying the church, her mother complied. Her husband was the leader of praise and worship!

And so the abuse not only continued, it got worse. She told me that she remembers the “orange chair” where he would abuse her. She still remembers watching The Jetsons as he molested her. He also began to abuse her physically. One time, he tied her to the chair using his necktie and began to beat her, saying, “I told you not to tell anyone.” Sadly, she thought she was the problem and apologized to him.

Lake Charles/ Refuge Ministries is “the mothership,” where Wendell Archie was the leader. (Trigger Warning)

Latoyia was in 6th grade when the family moved to this area and joined the church there. The mom was told to stay married to him but wanted him to stop molesting Latoyia. He accused Latoyia of “coming onto him.” (Editor: Many of the worst abusers use this tactic.) The abuse became full sexual intercourse when he was between the ages of 13-14, shortly after the following meeting with Archie.

This next part made me tearful. Latoyia went to a tent revival in New Orleans and found she was terribly itchy “down there.” She would later be treated for an STD. Her stepfather molested her in the car, digitally and orally, and then he went on to lead the service.

One night, the stepfather assaulted her in the bedroom. Latoyia knew her mother would come home and lay there until she came home. Her mother was upset and went to church leadership again. Wendell Arcie agreed to meet with them. So Latoyia went with her stepfather, mother, and Harry, “Uncle Sonny.” Latoyia was told to describe his genitals, but she didn’t use the “correct terms.” Archie tried to get the stepfather to tell him if he was circumcised, but he refused.

Wendell then said to the stepfather, “You did this?” He confessed that he had. The mom then said she wanted to go to the police. But Archie told her to wait and let him “have a meeting.” So, they went home, where the stepfather once again assaulted Latoyia. Archie later told her not to say anything to the police and not to divorce her husband.

A friend helped.

Brenda, a woman at the church, liked Latoyia and told her to come to her house. Latoyia spent a lot of time there, which made her stepfather mad because she was unavailable.

Latoyia ran away and finally got help from the authorities.

Latoyia had a boyfriend, and they decided to run away. The police found her and called in the local child welfare organization. She was removed from her home, and Brenda became her legal guardian. Her mother moved to a shelter and finally got her own apartment.

Her stepfather had a warrant for his arrest for molestation of a juvenile and forcible rape. He never showed up for his arraignment, and the case was dismissed after 6 years because the warrant was never entered into the database.

So, is that the end of the story? Not quite. Remember I said she was remarkable?

Remember, this church functions in a cultlike, authoritative manner. If Latoyia wanted to go to heaven, she had to stay with the church. When she went to school in Houston, she attended the Houston branch of Refuge Ministries. She started a Walk With Me Community Improvement Center, which would go on to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The founder of the Walk With Me C.I.C., Latoyia Porter, saw an immediate need in New Orleans, particularly in the New Orleans East community. In 2007 she and several members of her staff relocated to the area to begin their work helping rebuild and restore the community and the enhance the quality of life that is available to the residents of the community. In 2009 the doors of Walk With Me Community Improvement Center welcomed nearly 100 new families into its programs.

A decision to seek God, not men.

Things began to change with Refuge Ministries during Hurricane Katrina. She, along with Uncle Sonny, helped find homes for the victims. Wendell Archies told them to stop finding apartments for the victims of Katrina and give the apartments to church members. He was upset that Harru brought victims into his home and even brought broken people to the church. Wendell said he was evil and that the people in New Orleans were cursed. Harry’s eyes were opened, and he and Latoyia decided to seek God, not man.

Latoyia started Together We Stand Outreach and has become known as Momma Toyia.

Latoyia Porter is a survivor, activist and advocates for victims of child sexual abuse and trafficking.  She is the founder of Together We Stand Outreach which serves at-risk youth on the Northshore of New Orleans and surrounding areas.  In her community she is known by most simply as  Momma Toyia where she has become a Mother to many. In her her personal life, she has been married for 22 years to Kurt and together they have 18 children; 3 biological – 15 adopted and 13 grandchildren.  Latoyia works tirelessly in frontline street outreach providing escape and safe haven for victims of trafficking and sexual abuse. She is an activist that strives to hold governmental systems accountable by demanding transparency in delivering effective and efficient services to the most vunerable and often forgotten memembers of our population.

She has been married for 22 years and has three biological and 15 adopted children!!

Latoyia started Church Diaries Unlocked, dedicated to telling the stories of survivors who endured Church /Cult abuse. Harry is also involved in making the videos. Wendell Archie, through another person, told her to be quiet. She refused.


On Monday, I’d like to examine Church Diaries Unlocked and the problems with Wendell Archie’s apostolic ministry. That may need more than one post. I understand that other victims have come forward, and I am also willing to tell their stories.

I left a message for Wendell Archies asking if he would like to make a statement, but I have not heard back.


The Remarkable Story of Latoyia Porter Who Overcame Sexual Abuse and the Silence of Wendell Archie’s Refuge Ministries to Help Countless Others. — 17 Comments

  1. Extremely disturbing and depressing story to read, more so when it entails a defenceless and innocent child who had no voice.
    When a husband-spouse commits serious criminal and immoral acts, as is the case here, such criminal and immoral actions rescind the marriage relationship making it spiritually and ethically null and void. Full stop.
    Civil and administrative proceedings are not the sole indicator of who initiated and brought about a divorce, and no person should have shame and guilt imposed upon them for undertaking such proceedings.

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  2. elastigirl: You’re a star, Latoyia.

    I’m so deeply sorry for what happened to you. It’s beyond sickening, on so many levels.

    What you’ve done with your life, your resources, energy and time is amazing. but i can’t come up with a word that says it enough.

    Yes. Very well stated.

    Latoyia is a true thriver, embodying resilience in every aspect of her life. She shines as a superstar and serves as a beacon of hope for many, demonstrating kindness and compassion that are nothing short of saintly. Through her unwavering dedication, she has saved countless lives, becoming the hands and feet of Jesus in our world.

    Latoyia is an inspiring example for all of us to follow, reminding us that with strength and love, we can make a profound impact.

    God bless you, Latoyia. Thank you for sharing your story.

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  3. It never amazes me all that you endured friend.. it’s saddens me every time I hear or read or just think about it.. it’s ashame before God a child should have to go through something like this. But u survived even when u thought u wouldn’t.. God is good and faithful even through the bad things.. prayers for all little ones who have to deal with this. Love you always Toyia hugs Juanette

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  4. This horrendous account of abuse tracks with a lady we counseled for months and months.
    She had been raised in an “Apostolic” cult-like group.
    At about 4 or 5 she was raped by her step-father; mother was told to stay with the perv (disobedience or leaving meant one was going to hell); she was forced to marry someone at 17, by the leadership of this cult… On and on and on.
    After 30+ years she finally worked up the courage to leave; now, at 65 years of age, she finally has realized that she is truly loved by God and will never be enslaved by the “doctrines of men”.

    Keep exposing this stuff, Dee. This is the Lord’s work. He WILL have a Bride “without spot or wrinkle…”

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  5. Knowing LaToyia personally, I can attest to her strength, compassion, and unshakable dedication to helping others. She’s a woman who loves with all of her heart and channels her pain into a force for good.

    Your article sheds light on the horrific abuse she endured and the systemic failures that allowed it to persist. Despite this, LaToyia has chosen to rise above her circumstances. Her courage to speak out, create change, and support other survivors is awe-inspiring.

    Thank you for amplifying her voice and for committing to tell these critical stories. The world needs more advocates like LaToyia and people like you who help share the truth.

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  6. Thank you Dee so much for giving my voice sound to reach the nation. Its amazing how God protects us even in the most horrific situations. Someone once asked me after all I had been through how do I stil have faith in God instead of anger. And though I cannot explain it fully, even as a child I knew God would make every pain every tear have a purpose. Somehow even at 8yrs old sitting in the orange chair watching cartoons and being violated I knew God was there and everything would be alright. I don’t know where that resolve came from but I knew one day I would have beauty for ashes and joy for mourning. God restores! I’m a living witness to that ❤️. Thank you all for the kind words and support. Im still fighting this battle to hold those who are complicit in covering rape and abuse are also held accountable.

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  7. Since my first comment yesterday, I have read Latoyia’s story above.
    Her story checks every box on the Church Sexual Abuse/Holy Pedo checklist.
    Every one.
    If there was a Bingo card for it (as was an internet meme some years ago), it’d have the full 24 squares all filled in. Every grooming tactic, every DARVO tactic, every Godly “Rally Round the Pedo!” reaction, every Spiritual(TM) justification.

    Often hitting every checkbox on the list is a sign of a story that was fictionalized, BUT LATOYIA’S RINGS TRUE. Especially when compared to all the other Pedo Pastors and Mighty MenaGAWD who have come under scrutiny on this blog and others.

    Again, LATOYIA’S STORY RINGS TRUE. I’ve long had a tropism for “True Accounts of Paranormal Weirdness”, and over the years have learned to discern (in the original meaning of the word) between actual RL accounts and Creepypastas mistaken for true after the second/third retelling. And Latoyia’s has the ring of Truth.

    And being True, Latoyia has had one of the worst experiences journaled on this blog.

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  8. elastigirl:
    Headless Unicorn Guy,

    “it is often the dark and strong emotions (including pain & trauma) which put power into a narrative.”

    yeah….it’s what turns art from a saltine into something profound and complex, with truth in many layers.

    Personal experience: Whenever a story has burst into my mind demanding to be written, a picture demanding to be drawn (including the one which inspired my handle), the subject as usually been dark.

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