“The way you can spot a false system is that the leaders require the place of honor. It is our belief that the less secure a leader is, the more important titles will be to him or her.”
― Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse, The: Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority Within the Church
I once had a pastor tell me that he wanted to sit down and get me to define spiritual abuse. I realized that I could speak at length about “spiritual abuse I have known,” but I knew it would be hard to determine precisely what spiritual abuse looks like. Lianna Chong wrote a post at Substack: Spiritual Abuse is Hard to Prove. When I saw that title, I had to agree with her. Spiritual abuse can be hard to prove. I can give specific examples from my own life that are spiritual abuse, but the problem is in defining ahead of time so that folks looking on can say, “Yep, that was spiritual abuse.” Lianna said:
The reality in our Christian world is that most people don’t understand how spiritual abuse works. “They lied to you?” becomes “it was all a miscommunication” or “he didn’t mean it that way.” The abuser offers an explanation for his or her behavior, and we are quick to explain away their offenses. Why?
We tend to give our spiritual leaders the benefit of the doubt. That puts the people who try to speak up about being spiritually abused on trial. It becomes their job to “prove” that the leader is abusive. They must provide evidence and airtight explanations of what they’ve experienced, only for it to be analyzed and picked apart by a body of skeptics. It’s one of the most frustrating and demoralizing aspects of spiritual abuse.
I remember when folks at my former Southern Baptist church told me they couldn’t believe that pastors wouldn’t tell the truth. They couldn’t believe that an elder would lie and say, “Their marriage is in trouble” because he is such a kindly, well-regarded individual. The elder did apologize to my husband, but he didn’t apologize to all the people he told. It was said in haste because we had discovered that the church leaders may have known about some abusive behavior the year before the pedophile was caught.
Years later, one woman saw me at an event and said (With little warning or lead-in), “I’m proud of my church.” I muttered something about a bunch of molested teen boys who weren’t,” but her mind was made up. It was too much for this woman to accept that her church leaders screwed up the handling of a horrific molestation of young teen boys at the church.
Lianna speaks a mouthful in the following statement: How many times in the last 15 years have I been told this when we tell the stories of victims?
Even well-meaning people will respond, “there’s two sides to every story,” or “she didn’t mean it that way,” or “Jesus tells us to forgive.”
We need to focus on defining the behavior of leaders in the churches.
Lianna hopes to define abusive behavior in leaders. With her background in organizational psychology, she is equipped to begin to examine what this entails.
- Behavior is separate from intentions
- Behavior is observable
- Behavior can change
I just finished taking a survey by Lianna on the effects of spiritual abuse on my life and suggest that the reader do the same. It caused me to realize the effects of a church dispute 16 years ago still affect me today. Please help Lianna by filling out the survey.
I also took a look at two other surveys that are geared toward defining abuse in the church setting.
The Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire by Dr. Kathryn Hope Keller: Go to pages 188-191
Spiritual Harm & Abuse Scale (SHAS) Clinical Screener. Click on the two PDFs listed.
Please give 1-2 examples of spiritual abuse in your comments. I will be sure Lianna sees this.
Many who visit here have been through horrific experiences with various forms of abuse in the church. I want to focus on the more subtle form of abuse in this post. If you look at the surveys, you might get an idea about your situation. I think it’s time for us to be able to define what we all know exists: spiritual abuse. Your answers will also help me as others ask me to explain this.
Here is one post that might be an example. On the devastating life-long effects of Spiritual Abuse.
A secular response to the abuse I experienced (this is just a sample of some of it) would be to tell me to just leave it all alone, have nothing further to do with churches or faith groups. Yet this is something I cannot do. Spirituality is a thread running through me from earliest childhood; to cut and remove that thread is to cut the warp on which my being is strung. Just as sexuality is at the core of a person, so too is spirituality. Like other abuse spiritual abuse is about power and control, often masquerading as concern for the well-being and soul of another person. It was watching the documentary on Bishop Ball that made me realise that what had happened to me was abusive; I had internalised much of it, unconsciously seeing it as being my own fault. I spoke at length to the safeguarding officer but at this point, too much time has elapsed. Continuing further would potentially destroy my mental health, such as it is. Many of us are left in this position of knowing there can be no justice, no reparations, no changes.
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Any form of spiritual subordination, other than to God, is spiritual abuse.
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My church used to allow questions during the annual budget meeting (held on a Sunday evening). One year they stopped the question time, and we were offered instead a chance to sit down with elders during a meeting on the Wednesday night before the budget meeting.
Isolating those with questions is spiritual abuse. Not allowing everyone at the Sunday meeting to hear questions is spiritual abuse.
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Chris Webster,
Divide and rule. Make your peer (God’s gift to you) invisible to you.
I have a technological problem with Survey Monkey but have also enquired why these deep observations can be statistically reduced to about 20 scientific questions. We all have a compass and a scale, therefore the sum total of all our scales will always be of the supreme value.
If it’s overtly meant to be only a partial tool it could do good, especially if it jogs our memories to look more realistically about what’s been going on. I think it’s for our use among ourselves and I wouldn’t expect an organisation to recognise themselves in the mirror. (This is the old minima vs. maxima question.)
Nearly all doctrine these days is church order / canon law (this contrives to denigrate God in the process). Being told what these doctrines are however, is gossip. Thus one doesn’t have a handle on one’s hoped-for interactions with ones peers. Its relation with real meanings of real Scripture passages is tenuous. The animators and under-animators themselves don’t understand, as they are the products of the system.
One can have a decent minister who isn’t an instigator of micromanagement, and good sermons, excellent services. If elders imply that we have to await their permission to pray, or circumscribe the scope of prayer, or their permission to mix, we will be at the top of a downward spiral. We can start by praying that a good minister – if we have one – will rumble them and appeal to wider and deeper meanings. If they brought one in to cement their system, time to be on the alert.
A bad idea I’ve noticed in one big international denomination is when its own heads impose their own dumbed-down canon law definition (do as you would not be done by the police). Pew goers are the ones that should be in charge of church morals, and we don’t need to paint ourselves or our peers into corners formally once we have uncaged Scripture meanings – just be frank when the occasion demands.
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In effect the short read goes like this: the very large number of nicest churches have the nicest ways of saying “you’re out of line because we say God says you’re out of line”.
This is the decoy which is already the biggest evil. Don’t wait till a more than averagely devious more than averagely messed up authority does some actually headline lurid thing.
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Jackie V nailed it.
I first experienced spiritual abuse when a covert calvinist became pastor of our SBC church about 30 years ago. I had often taught SS, and was teaching a ladies Bible study in my home. He set out to disagree with, denigrate, and just generally be quietly on a mission to run me off. He knew I knew my Bible better than to swallow his teaching. I stayed nearly 2 years. The last straw was being called a heretic from the pulpit on a Sunday morning because I had voiced support for a church that was, ahem, not in his theological circle.
After I left I witnessed him horribly verbally abuse his own wife in the grocery store. Today his kids associate with her, not him, although to my best knowledge she has stayed married to him. He rose high in the SBC, and then finally repudiated calvinism and fell to low service just as quickly. He has repented and publicly apologized. His own background was one of abuse, and he seemed so hungry to be told he was “good enough.” He got that from being a church leader. Today he still fights that, but is much more humble and I do expect to be seated near them in heaven, lol.
NO ONE is ever in spiritual authority over another human being!
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The Chapel Hill Bible Church did this too! They stopped allowing most questions/discussions at their member meetings in lieu of a barely advertised budget meeting earlier in the week that elders and pastors didn’t even attend! At that meeting the Office Administrator (Emily Williams then later Greg Omland) would dodge questions about finances and require YET ANOTHER MEETING for individuals to get even partial financial information.
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I was going to say somthing about how it varies from person to person, etc, etc..
But then, I further reflected on Jackie V’s comment, and she might just be putting forward the best definition…
The problem is, if I were to confront some of my “spiritual abusers” of the past with Jackie V’s comment, namely “Any form of spiritual subordination”, my abuseres would wip out a specific verse, hit me over the head with it, and say, “So, you are just disagreeing with G$d’s word”???”
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IMO, “spiritual abuse” is the wielding of control over others by an unspiritual church leader through manipulation, intimidation, and domination. It has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit … it is an exercise of pure flesh and illegitimate authority.
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There has been an outbreak of that in SBC! The New Calvinists are now firmly in control of all SBC entities: seminaries, mission agencies, publishing house, church planting program, and takeover of a growing number of once-traditional (non-Calvinist) churches through stealth and deception. Unfortunately, millions of non-Calvinist SBC members are not discerning enough to realize this and continue to bankroll the New Calvinist movement within their ranks.
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All abuse is a misuse of power. Spiritual abuse is the misuse of spiritual power/authority to harm people. The Westminster Larger Catechism gives a long list of potential sins that harm in questions 129-151. Especially applicable to spiritual abuse are the sins related to the 5th commandment (questions 129, 130, and 151).
One resource that may be helpful to your readers is the PCA DASA report, which was co-authored by Diane Langberg, Darby Strickland, Anne Maree Goudzwaard, Rachael Denhollander, and several others. There is an entire chapter in that report/book on Leadership Abuse.
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1-2 examples? I could write a book just with examples from small churches in my small community. Here’s a recent one. Pastor and his BFF “planted” a new busin… er… church 5 years ago. Following the Moses model, entrepreneur/sole proprietor Pastor appointed 4 elders including his BFF elder1. A man we’ll call Ralph gave generously of his time talent and treasure, not just to the church but to Pastor and Elder1 individually. For example, Elder1’s son “needed” a home and Ralph made him a personal loan. But Pastor would take advantage of Ralph in various ways and not even apologize or try to make things right. So Ralph got fed up and left the church. Things seemed good to the flock except for little hiccups like pewsitters being given no clue as to where their giving was going. Pastor and his family were gone about half the Sundays traveling about the world, where he might baptize someone and then expense the vaca… oops ministry trip.
A couple weeks after Ralph left, Pastor demanded a 200% raise since god was telling him to go full-time. The elders balked at this, so he “fired” the unpaid elders. BFF Elder1 soon gave in and was kept onboard. Then Elder2’s wife didn’t want to lose her status so he caved in and stayed on. Elder3 left the church. The oldest elder #4 thought he could stay and make a difference, so he was put out to pasture with a nice “thanks for your service” service and kept attending while expressing his concerns. Pastor’s wife then stopped attending— basically boycotting services because Elder4 hadn’t gone away all quiet-like as he was supposed to have done. Finally things were so uncomfortable that Elder4 left. There were sermons about unity and dissenters. A couple weeks later Ralph tried to visit the church. Maybe he wanted to ask Pastor some hard questions. Maybe he just missed seeing his former friends. Elder1 met him outside with a couple other large armed men. Ralph wasn’t welcome and was given the left boot of disfellowship because he hadn’t been attending there for 8months. Ralph’s heart was broken. The next Saturday he suffered a heart attack. A couple weeks later I drove past on a Sunday morning. The parking lot was overflowing onto 2 streets. Greed sells!
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“Please give 1-2 examples of spiritual abuse in your comments. I will be sure Lianna sees this.”
It’s subtle. Laced with plausible deniability. you feel like you’re going crazy.
but you believe these feelings are satan’s attack and further confirmation that it means you’re on the right track. the narrow road.
and you try to ignore these crazy, sick feelings – which continue to be further confirmation of something actually good and heroic on your part. (an abominably sick cycle.)
My husband and I were asked to lead the music dept. It was an exciting prospect at first. We said sure!
Then after discussing it all with the pastor and his wife, it became clear that we were expected to do everything they said exactly as they said to. No questions asked.
Of course, they didn’t come out and say it like that. but it was clear.
it was clear that i was going to be a puppet controlled by them. used by them. my thoughts, feelings, creativity, initiative, autonomy, and sheer freedom to be a human being were not part of the job.
i suppose like a slave. no longer human.
although I couldn’t articulate these things at the time. but something just felt very wrong.
i remember going on a hike the day after, and feeling absolutely sick (without any symptoms) – as utterly unbearable as being nauseated, without the nausea.
Not unlike my memory of smelling formaldehyde in 7th grade, and not being able to get the smell out of my nose.
and feeling doomed and completely trapped.
…a further sign of the abusive nature is that it didn’t occur to me that I had the right to change my mind and decline. i had been conditioned to ‘obey’, i guess.
(it’s unbelieveable to me now – i’ve never been a person who obeys. i hate rules and happily rebel.)
many people had complained about the controlling nature of the pastors. that they couldn’t think their own thoughts. Many had left.
but the leaders criticized them as immature complainers and whiners who just ‘take their ball and go home’ in a bratty huff because they didn’t get their way.
the leaders positioned themselves and those who fell in line as the spiritually mature, as the ones who were truly pleasing God, as the gold standard.
so i had been conditioned to believe things like ‘if Jesus went through all he did, who am i to complain?’; and ‘DO MORE!’, ‘BE MORE!’ ‘don’t be like those whiners and complainers who are such embarrassing disappointments’.
and if i didn’t, i would be the weak link that would bring it all down.
and God was at stake. it would be my fault – a crime so horrible i would forever wear some kind of scarlet letter – i’d never out live the shame of it.
(again, i couldn’t articulate it with these words at the time – i was conditioned not to think my own thoughts – but it’s my best attempt to describe it all now)
so how did it all work out?
as to leading the music dept., somehow we found a way to appease the situation by still being involved, just not wearing the official ‘leader’ hat (what would have been a puppet hat).
some years went by. people left. more people left. people kept leaving. it got so demoralizing. i ended up cleaning the church, teaching kids sunday school, planning the music, doing rehearsals, playing, singing….
there weren’t enough people left.
finally we told the pastors we were done.
the church folded at that point.
for months afterward i had what i’m sure was PTSD.
I couldn’t make any decisions.
I second-guessed myself even when deciding what clothes i’d wear on a given day – (what socks i’d wear!) thinking surely this was a wrong decision and i had something gravely wrong somehow.
in looking back, church hijacked my life. stole my life. used me. controlled me. for its own purposes that benefited the leaders.
by playing the God card. what a failure and disappointment to God i would be if I did otherwise.
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Gawwwwwd, it’s like scientology.
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I think that an element that is often present in abusive exercise of the authority that congregations ascribe to their leaders is the treatment of people as means rather than as ends in themselves. IIRC, Michael in UK has in past posts commented on this, using the language of “instrumentalism”.
I think that it is very common for pastors to regard their congregations as instruments for the fulfillment of the pastors’ ministry vision; if that’s right, then by the above criterion, spiritual abuse in the churches may be pervasive.
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Good leading article and valid defintions and examples.
My internal alarm generally goes off when I’m sensing – in others & yes too myself – that God/Christ, the things of God/Christ and the life & role of the Church, are in one way or another being unethically utilised as ‘tools’ to bring about a desired result, with the results often being about – control, power, enhanced status, sex, & money.
As Thomas A Kempis said, “few flames ascend without smoke”, so underlying motives and whether respect is being shown towards God/Christ and other peoples autonomy, always needs to be honestly questioned and not simply rationalised.
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Samuel Conner,
A collary to this is pastors “taking themselves to seriously”.. I tend to have antenna for this, and it really gets under my skin.. in “secular” as well as “spiritual” types..
How many preacher boys have we read about here on TWW that do not even want to meet the pew peons, have special “tunnels” to the pulpit, etc…
Good old “Deep Throat” Driscoll comes to mind..
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Have heard many a sad story related to spiritual abuse, with one brief melancholy comment from a victim I meet which still comes to mind.
“I left church to save my faith”
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Curious to know if anyone has seen Brent’s latest post on his site. I do not feel like I am gossiping since he posted it and one of the readers here will see it eventually. I know Todd knows him.
I am starting to think this is some alternative reality I am witnessing. Part of me feels for Brent…. He had gone through a lot…. It is not my intent to judge.
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First, I can summarise the cricket by saying that Ben Stokes has declared after Joe Root was caught behind just after making his 36th Test century. The Kiwis will chase 583.
Back to the matter in hand, one example of spiritual abuse is the unpaid internship.
There are different kinds – many Wartburgers will be aware of the notorious internships conducted by the Stockstill family at Bethany Church in Louisiana, for instance. The internship I personally did, here in Scotland, was rather different from that. It was a part of the “GO-Team” program run by the CMI group of churches. The idea was that young people would give a year of their (read, our) lives to work full time in a team of around 8 for a new church plant within the CMI network, from September to August – that is, following the academic year. Not only were we unpaid, but we actually paid to take part – fees were around £5000 adjusted for inflation.
Wartburgers may be curious as to why even 21-year-old me thought this was a good idea. My answer is that that’s a long story, that I don’t want to go into here. Maybe in a later comment.
There were 8 GO-Teams the year I did it, all around the UK (2 in Wales, 1 in Scotland and the rest in England). Some of the teams had reasonably good experiences in their local churches, but even so, there’s a basic problem with the whole premise. In all cases, team members were expected to be at the service of the churches in which they were stationed, exactly in the manner of employees. But Jesus (echoing the rest of the biblescriptures, TBH) was explicit that the workers are worthy of their wages. We had no pay, no pension and gained next to nothing in terms of marketable employment skills. For me, being autistic and badly underskilled at the art of competing in the job market, GO-Team was the start of a gruelling 8 years of McJobs and unemployment, Cambridge degree notwithstanding. And we did NOT have a positive experience. The CEO of the church business in which I was placed explicitly told us that as GO-Teamers we had given up our right to say no. Not to God, by the way, but to him. We were there to serve, end of.
I could say a lot more about GO-Team, but it’s instructive to reflect on how GO-Team affected the lives of people on it. A very few found that it led to some form of long-term role in some church or other. But I’ve lost count over the years of the number of ex-GO-Teamers I’ve heard about who left the faith entirely not long after. Few of us gained much from our time on team, and if we did, it was generally despite and not because of it.
The basic hallmark of abuse around these internships goes, I think, something like this. Come and serve us, and maybe God will bless you via someone else. Meanwhile we’ll just cream off whatever results we get from your labour.
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New Zealand 59-3, BTW.
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Jackie V,
I think this is it, too. A human trying to control another human in the name of God.
I don’t think more is needed, but this controlling behavior is often for the benefit of the abusive, too, and that’s just another sign it’s abusive.
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I forgot to give examples. I have maybe thousands, but there’s a few that stick out as being pretty obvious.
A pastor who lives in a mansion, constantly begging his members for more money, claiming it’s for the church, but a significant part of it goes toward his own use. Adding insult to injury is when many of those members are living paycheck to paycheck. I have seen churches claim they exist to reach out to their communities, but most of their money goes toward the pastors and getting more people to join and give to the church.
Here’s a shocking example from my own life: A church hiring a private investigator to threaten members into not telling police about an admitted molester in their church. The investigator told those members he was a detective and he would arrest them if they told. Just when I was putting together my evidence to submit a tip to the police, the person got caught in a porn sting that revealed what he’d been doing. The church then pretended like they had no idea. I sent in the information I had anyway, though I only got a stock response.
I wish this story was fake. It’s outrageous. But I have at least ten other stories that are just as outrageous about spiritual abuse.
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= taking God’s name in vain
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Nick Bulbeck,
Sadly, I think this lay church worker exploitation has been quite common thoughout the church. Some years back I observed a very manipulative autocratic “pastor” make this type of abuse – in HIS church – somewhat of an art form.
Rarely gave advice, let alone intervene in the life of other churches. Nevertheless, did let one ‘used up’couple know that for the sake of their marriage, family and spiritual well-being, it would be best if they fellowshiped elsewhere.
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Oh how the mighty have fallen. I really think Brent would benefit from a licensed therapist. I say it wit no irony and I hope he finds help.
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We’re off to the 9am meeting in a minute, so I’ll give a proper cricket report when we get back. (England won by 323 runs in the end but, of course, there’s more to be said than that!)
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Nick Bulbeck,
Have any of their churches / churches you started continued, and left CMI? Have any of them now joined a “presbytery” equally as controlling as CMI?
I see their reach is in India and four countries in Africa but not Britain; when they were over here they must have been after something other than what they said. Thank you for daring to be so frank.
Spot the lie on their doctrine page: the five fold don’t belong to the bosses: the fivefold (as well as the ninefold and the 55 fold) belong to all of us, unvetoed, since Ascension (whatever our “churchmanship”).
What distinguishes churches of all “styles” since at least the 1980s is that your or my effortfully expressed word is not to be recognised as language, like a bird is oblivious to a passing lorry.
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I remember when the preacher I mentioned above told us his job was to listen to God, and our job was to listen to that pastor.
NOT. We beat feet that very week
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“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35)
Spiritual abuse is a form of hate. Church leaders who abuse others in any way are not disciples of Christ, no matter how you spin it. Manipulation, intimidation, and domination are not fruit of the Holy Spirit. “From such turn away” (2 Timothy 3:5).
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The ‘church’ didn’t say a goddang thing when cattle cars full of Jews were headed East
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“Any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17)
“He that turns his ear from the cry of the oppressed will also cry out and not be answered” (Proverbs 21:13)
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Michael in UK,
It turns out that there are many more CMI’s than I thought! That whereof I wrote was Covenant Ministries International, which was originally called Harvesttime and often referred to as “Restoration”. It was led by Bryn Jones and, I think to a lesser extent, his brother Keri.
Bryn held to an extremely hierarchical theology; he taught, for instance, that in Acts 14 when Paul and Barnabas visited the churches and “appointed elders for them”, “them” meant “themselves” – that is, elders in a local church are subordinate to the ruling apostle(s) and are there to do their bidding and ensure that the local churches support (and, inevitably, fund) the dreams of the apostles.
With Bryn’s death in 2003, CMI as it used to be effectively ended; there were several offshoots, at least one of which (based on the testimony of people I know) is much less controlling, and much more healthy.
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The president of a Bible college I attended in the late 70s, a name that appears here often, asked me if i had said anything to a wealthy donor about some of his policies I disagreed with. He informed me that if I had, that would be the be the ultimate a betrayal, and that “treachery in Nazi Germany was punishable by death.”
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I believe you, but I gotta’ speak on behalf of the people who remain in abusive churches.
Most of their lives and identities are wrapped up in those places to where they would have no idea about how to continue life if they left.
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A link?
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Such a strange dynamic … preachers who abuse, elders who protect them, and pewsitters who tolerate ungodly behavior … nothing Christian about the whole mess.
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Spiritual abuse you say?
Drove me from church groups altogether.
I had to keep faith.
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Nevermind. I found it, unfortunately.
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Brent Detwiler – never could move on. If you wish to read his confession, it’s brentdetwiler dot com
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Abuse and church/faith are incompatible.
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However, spiritual abuse is as old as the Bibie…. Nothing “new under the sun”…
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My family attended an Anglican Church for a very long time. Two years ago our son almost drowned during our small group gathering. Spiritual abuse happened to me when our priests found out immediately- one of them was present during the accident- but did nothing to create environmental safety moving forward. That negligence was spiritual abuse. When I brought my concerns to them about how my son’s accident was handled, the Rector replied, “But what kept you from speaking up and asking for the safety changes you needed?”. That abdication of responsibility was spiritual abuse. My priests were so blind to their own power and how they misused it.
Love protects, it even protects others from one’s own self-defensiveness.
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This reminds me of an old joke:
— What do you get when you play a country song backwards?
— You get your house back, your wife back, your dog back, your truck back…
More seriously, if you leave, you risk losing EVERYTHING….your spouse, your house, access to your grandchildren, your job, your “friends”, your business connections, etc. Some people make a choice to stay. The price can be high indeed.
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The Mormon church is a prime example…… I think with all of “official revelation” about Mormon church history may be “lightening up” the consequences of leaving Mormonism, they were famous for their cutting off family members who left the church…. Another example of spiritual abuse..
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Jehovah’s Witnesses as well.
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You can add New Calvinism to that list
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Funny how all those Real True Christians who are always denouncing the JWs as a CULT1 CULT! CULT! do exactly the same thing. Except for the Theology (in Christianese, the only definition of a CULT!), they act exactly like the JWs.
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That’s why so many churches push this Christianese Counterfeit Culture of “Just like Fill-in-the-Blank, Except CHRISTIAN(TM)!” knockoffs of everything on the Outside. So you have NO contact with anything outside the four Thomas Kincade-decorated walls of your Church/prisom.
What pulled me out of that End-of-the-World “Christian Fellowship” in the mid-Seventies was making Outside connections – contact with SF litfandom and discovering Dungeons & Dragons. I had an outside link and a bolthole. In the Alternative Reality of Christian Counterfeit Culture, you DON”t have ANY contacts or links to the Outside; you’re inside the Event Horizon of a Christianese Black Hole.
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See above comment.
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In Jewish thought, Doing Evil in the Name of God is the original definition of “Taking the LORD’s Name in Vain”.
Convenient how it has been redefined to mean cussing and only cussing, Eh, My Dear Wormwood?
I refer you to my epistle on redefining the Enemy’s own words into their “diabolical meanings”.
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Headless Unicorn Guy,
Unfortunately, HUG is correct in many cases… It is, to some extent, a matter of “degree”… My independent, Fundamentalist Baptist, (GARBC) was like that, but not as isolating as typicaly “Cults”.
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From Brent’s post “Yet, I have brought reproach upon this endeavor through my hypocrisy and various enemies (e.g., those who have committed crimes and covered up crimes) will use it to discredit me and my work. This produces great regret.”
Let me “fix” this for him.
Yet, I have brought reproach upon this endeavor through my hypocrisy, which I deeply regret. My enemies didn’t make me do it! The devil didn’t make me do it! I did this to myself!
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The Brent situation is so much worse then just an accidental fling- this really should be covered in full as Brent appears to be as abusive as ever.
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Michael in UK,
More on the abuse here
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I never say much about Brent as he has made friends on this site. Not me, mind you, as I found him as abusive as the SGM leaders he ratted out. You seem to see things as I have. Now his most recent bull$$it is revealed.
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Most church folks don’t get this. “Pastors” who commit the abuses reported on TWW are carrying the name of Christ in their ministry hypocritally and ineffectually. They are not ambassadeurs for Christ. They will be judged for using the precious name of Jesus to gain the trust of believers they then abuse in various ways. They are treading on dangerous ground.
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Brent’s attitude towards SGM Survivors always rubbed me the wrong way too- but I’ll leave it at that since I really think his own words and actions speak for themselves.
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Although there is quite a difference between what Brent conveys about the affair and what the offended family conveys.
I know whom I believe.
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The good guys are not always good guys. TWW reports on wolves in shepherd’s clothing daily. The problem with deception is that you don’t know you are deceived because you are deceived.
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Yes. I’ve kept quiet about my thoughts on Brent since early on. I never thought he was a good guy in the SGM world. I’m convinced he thought he was though. I believe he was self deceived in many ways. He may even have narcissistic characteristics. I’m not a doctor, so those are just my observations as a nobody.
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I’ve been reading all evening about this – the most detailed account of clergy sex abuse I’ve ever read. And right now— past 1am back east, Brent is going back and forth with the woman’s daughter on the Old Reepicheep blog and making all sorts of accusations and threats—- while the woman is defending Brent to Tim, the blogger../…..which defense Tim is not buying.
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What I have witnessed usually took the form of extra-biblical ‘hobby horse convictions’ that can manifest as anything between forceful pulpit declarations, to subtle and ‘winsomely communicated’ expectations of community behavior, parroted by blindly loyal elders.
A pronounced de-emphasis on the ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit, consequently revoking the believer’s liberty in Christ, and binding their freedom of conscience.
Despite awkwardly strained efforts to apply ‘the gospel’ as a magical incantation buzzword …such devilish usurpation of the Spirit, is in essence, a functional denial of the Good News …which exchanges unmerited grace, for a burdensome legalistic yoke of unscriptural ‘rules taught by men’.
My wife and I endured things like: Dress code for OBEDIENT Christians (in or OUTSIDE of church): Women can’t wear pants, men don’t wear shorts, or ‘effeminate’ pink colored attire …and must wear a tie if teaching Sunday school.
Every Sunday when I hear the term ‘Tithes & offerings’ …I wince, as I cannot find the biblical support for a New Covenant ‘tithe’ …as defined by the OT.
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“Meanwhile and unrelated, Brent would continue to receive reimbursements from our mother for the checks he was writing for rent each month.”
But he was there rent free, so he says. The mother was doing well, and why did he trick her into this? Maybe God’s original idea was that BD should save several hundred dollars for an actual need he would be in. God’s economy isn’t something one can buy ones way into by the means of Magog (Gyges the usurper, in Plato), however much the preachers said it is.
Lack of logic = lack of honesty. Thus, people who complain about the same people he complains about are necessarily wrong. He needed a council of reference or a circle of support (like some probationers have) from outside religion to make him keep it simple. Then most of this wouldn’t have ensued.
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Lots of my leaders said that, but they knew we weren’t listening. Until we did listen – except me.
The job of an archbishop is to call out colleagues’ mental reservations in order to protecct the public.
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The stuff that cults are made of. Beware of anyone who says “Thus saith the Lord” unless you hear it too through the Holy Spirit within you who will lead you to all truth.
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In my humble (but accurate) opinion, there is a tithing heresy taught in much of the organized church.
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The content of BD’s account of the erratic tergiversations of “Advance” didn’t surprise me. We need a lot more information on all that because of the welfare of a great many people. I know people who dropped out of “Advance” after I dropped out of one of the other NF branches.
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Especially if they pronounce “Lord” with caps lock and multiple “O”s.
If they do, remember that “Lord” can also be a translation of “Ba’al”. And these More Christian Than Thou types whose every other word is “The LORD! The LOOOOORD! The LOOOOOOOOOORD!”… Well, remember the priests & prophets of Baal-Melkart facing down Elijah atop Mount Carmel – “BA’AL! BA’AL! BA’AL!”
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You will find no scriptural support in the New Testament for a 10-percent tithe in order to please God. There are no instances of the apostles teaching New Testament believers to give a certain percentage of their income. Instead, Christians are instructed to give freely from the heart, not under pressure to obey the rules of men:
“Let each one give thoughtfully and with purpose just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift.” (2 Corinthians 9:7 AMP)
Church leaders don’t want you to know this, of course. They are more comfortable teaching “Give 10-percent or else!” rather than allowing a believer to decide in his heart how much and where to give. For me and my house, we prefer being cheerful givers as the Lord leads, rather than letting others be cheerful taking our money to use it however. If there’s anything we’ve learned on TWW, you can’t just trust any old pulpit these days to do the right thing.
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That’s putting believers back under OT law. By Grace, Christ set us free from such rules and regulations. But, I suppose if a church member feels led by the Spirit to give 10-percent and be cheerful doing so, it’s an OK thing.
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If you’ve not already done so, be sure to click on the additional comments! It was surreal last night seeing a fresh comment by the adulterer appear— straight from his keyboard to my eyes. Breathing out threats and accusations against the adulteress’s daughter, her husband, her stepfather, and the pastor as if they were CO2. Likely from the same keyboard the adulteress’s daughter gave him so he could do the looord’s work. Meanwhile, the adulteress is standing steadfastly by her man— not her husband but the adulterer.
I sincerely the adulterer will reach out to Todd and answer the questions the adulteress’s daughter has posted on her blog. And Todd can post the answers right here so we’re sure to get both sides of the story.
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I GREATLY appreciate your affirming feedback! Sometimes I feel isolated in my sentiments regarding the YRR way of ‘doing church’ in this nation. So, maybe I’m NOT crazy (or rebellious?)
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Yeah, there is an undeniably biased, conflicting interest regarding how a pastor handles ‘tithing verses’ and ‘cheerful giving of what one has purposed in their heart to contribute’. In 40+ years of Church attendance, I can only recall a Calvary Chapel specifically rejecting the ‘sacred cows’ of NT tithing and formal membership process.
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This glaring issue makes it difficult to join one of the Church’s ‘home groups’. If I believe I’m appropriately matched with the group’s collective vibe …I’ll want to ‘be real’ and discuss pressing issues that relate to Christian liberty, matters of conscience and personal conviction.
However, you know the rest of predictable story …when you broach sacred ‘third rail’ topics, the wagons are reflexively circled around the leadership, and you’re branded a contentious brother sowing division! Yes, I’d like an intimate circle of fellowship …but when you feel the consequences leave no alternative to binding YOUR OWN conscience and self-censoring your conversation …the alleged unity of Spirit, is nothing but a a travesty of the GENUINE article.
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You’re NOT crazy or rebellious … you’ve got your spiritual head screwed on straight in regard to the YRR. The new reformers are certainly passionate about the NeoCal movement, but it is a misplaced passion. Their aggressive and militant mission to restore the “gospel” to the American church (Calvinism = Gospel), is a rebellion against the real church and the true Gospel. There is nothing Christlike about the YRR method and message; they preach another gospel which is not ‘the’ Gospel at all. I hope to live long enough to see their movement join the long line of other aberrations of faith as they fade into obscurity.
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I agree with MAx
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“I never thought he was a good guy in the SGM world. I’m convinced he thought he was though.”
it only takes a little encouragement for some to self-inflate along those lines.
and my, how unimpressive they are.
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Whoa. The comment by Brent to the woman’s daughter is just over the top. He’s picking apart how the family handled the situation. The nerve of Brent is beyond . . .
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Also, Brent was divorced when his wife passed? I had no idea. I was under the impression that he was still married. Did I miss something, or did he leave that out from his dozens of posts?
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You can always count on Brent to leave out less than flattering details when it comes to himself.
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Well, in one of the latest comments by this gentleman, I must stand corrected, and call him something else. Just what, I’m not sure. He says “I did not commit adultery! I broke no laws but your stepfather did. Charges could be brought against him. It is against the law to video infidelity in Florida.”
So the canoodled husband apparently illegally filmed “infidelity” (of a serious but “limited” variety) taking place in his own home. He couldn’t have filmed adultery, of course, since no one committed any of that stuff. I’m so confused…….
I think only HUG can answer this one…
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So the mother who didn’t reckon on publicity precipitated by BD, didn’t realise he was looking for people to be codependent on him, and as for money he must have been depressive not to have taken the initiative to do some part-time shelf stacking, after he left that church. I just researched how some people don’t think Josh H is a genuine agnostic after all. That shower sold their products on English High Streets until not long ago. They are still mega powerful on all continents, frazzling brains in all denominations through TGC lookalikes. If they don’t want publicity they shouldn’t “influence”.
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In nine words:
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Never underestimate the Arrogance of God’s Special Pets.
It’s literally impossible.
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The leaders of my church recommend tithing as a RECOMMENDATION, not a Requirement, not a Command.
Their actual recommendation is to split this between the church itself and a separate non-church charity.
And if you’re in hard times, not more than you can afford; if you’re in bare-bones Survival Mode, not at all — take care of your own needs and your family’s needs first.
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Including sermons about those who did NOT tithe and how God sent them misfortune and destruction.
“…INTO A CHRISTLESS GRAVE!” — Jack Chick tract (panel where a Scoffer’s car is going over a cliff)
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Idunno, Max.
With all the Prophets, Seers, and Revelators that have been coming out of the woodwork for the past eight years with Dreams, Visions, and Revelations where the Holy Spirit constantly mistakes Donald J Trump for Jesus H Christ…
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Perfect summary!
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I just tell em’ to eat poo-poo and die.
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They must think they have their own bogey-man-enforcer that they can command and control.
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People like what their church is doing to them, because their personal cod theology aligns with the church’s cod theology – until they don’t.
I was nearly always at least semi-sceptical about some details and some big pictures. The times I wasn’t, were my worst times, and the best times of unworthy leaders (those were the times it was out of fashion to be semi-sceptical).
I’ve reverted, but the unworthies have got cross because a proportion of their clientele have semi-rumbled them. The more or less worthy ones seem fewer or less prominent, sadly.
One doesn’t have to push doctrines considered extreme, to spoil Christianity with a heavy hand.
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In both Pennsylvania Dutch “pow-wow” lore and the Appalachian fantasy fiction of Manly Wade Wellman, Witches, Sorcerers, Witch-men, Conjure-men, Hexerai, and similar types “who know more than how to bake bread” routinely extort money and goods from people they control by Threatening them with “boogie-man enforcers”. The Witch-man’s Familiars or Conjured/Summoned/Controlled Spirits and Supernatural Forces.
Remember the basic difference between Religion and Magic(k):
In Religion, the Supernatural beings and forces are the ones in charge (or at least independent).
In Magic(k), the mortal Sorcerer/Conjurer is the one in change, and the Supernaturals do his bidding.
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The thing about spiritual abuse from church leaders is that the Holy Spirit within you lets you know that’s what you are experiencing … it’s a check that warns you that you need to be getting the heck away from them.
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My apologies for my delayed reply….
I, too, had no idea that Brent Detwiler was divorced before he committed adultery.
And when I read through some of the comments on Tim Meshginpoosh’s post — I didn’t bother finishing them all….people were still commenting quite quickly, and Brent Detwiler and Jane (the woman he committed adultery with) were waxing vitriolic in the typical “Christian” and Christian” church way. Spouting the usual stuff that Wartburgers are so used to reading and hearing about: libel, slander, “possessed by the devil”, “mental health issues”, they’re both (individually) going to write about and reveal the REAL truth, blah, blah, blah….
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I don’t think I can stomach any additional Brent Detwiler self-righteous vitriol.
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I recently left a church that I describe as “accidentally” spiritually abusing members. By that I mean the leadership were basically good people and had good intentions, but drove people so hard that the effect was like abuse. They inundated people with volunteer requests, meal requests, cleanup requests, teaching requests, constant cries for help, and on and on. They planted a daughter church, started a charity, encouraged sick people from out of town to move there, had services with other churches, etc. Not bad things exactly but they spread themselves so thin that they neglected the basics: kids ministry, meeting with members, and the like. Result was SO many demands on members that people got burned out and left. Then duties fell on an even smaller group in a spiral until collapse.
Now why this is abuse instead of just a strategic error is that they taught a strict doctrine of “dying to self” with zero room for taking care of oneself, to the point of teaching classes against it. Result was a culture of burnout and stress, and no tolerance for anyone being tired. So people like new parents with newborn babies got slammed with guilt for exhaustion right when they needed help the most.
It was hard to leave because I do believe they meant well. They believed all that that they shoveled. And to be clear there was no physical abuse, yelling, etc. It was just a slow build pressure cooker. But we hit a limit and had to go. It collapsed not long after that.
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“a strict doctrine of “dying to self” with zero room for taking care of oneself, to the point of teaching classes against it. Result was a culture of burnout and stress, and no tolerance for anyone being tired.”
sounds like Scientology
you aren’t allowed your own boundaries.
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Yeah though they didn’t mean it like that. They never explicitly tried to control or order around, never went to your house or creepy things. Instead they got carried away with the idea that people should be selfless, about putting others before yourself, about considering the needs of others. They really put that at the core of their thinking. Selflessness *sounds* good at first and is countercultural, but they took it too an unhealthy extreme. They often let good theories get in the way of practical reality.
For example: they INSISTED that the best way to do service was to have kids in the main service, regardless of age. Kids needed to sit with parents. Ok, but then they would not budge AT ALL on making the service relatable for kids. They insisted on long services that ended at 12:30pm, cutting into lunch. They hard rock hard pews in a big echo-y room. They had a section on prayer where an elder would pray for 15-20 MINUTES. Imagine keeping kids settled during that. And if you disagreed at all, the implication was that you just needed to try harder. Of course, the decision was always in the hands of old men who left their wives and daughters to do the work.
They got this way because leadership failed to expand itself with people who think differently than them. For the first few years we were there, there was a mix of people in leadership with a diversity of views. But over time the more “emotionally intelligent” people moved out of town for one reason or another and their seats were filled by people all of one particular point of view.
Ultimately they destroyed themselves. Probably 2/3 of the church left and only a tiny core group of diehards remains. I wish them well but I cannot go back.
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To summarize: they got so focused on doctrine that they forgot to love people.
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“Just like Scientology, Except CHRISTIAN(TM)!” is NOT a good sign.
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So SPIRITUAL(TM) they have sealed themselves off from Reality.
“God Lives in the Real World.” — Rich Buhler
And a lot of Christians DON’T.
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Then, you couldn’t call them Christian … “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35)
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theologically-wrong, rather than eternally-right
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“Let these men alone; leave them to themselves. For if this teaching or movement is merely human it will collapse of its own accord” (Acts 5:38)
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“Yeah though they didn’t mean it like that.
They never explicitly tried to control or order around, never went to your house or creepy things. Instead they got carried away with the idea that people should be selfless, about putting others before yourself, about considering the needs of others.
…And if you disagreed at all, the implication was that you just needed to try harder.”
in religious environments especially, implicit messages are just as powerful as explicit messages.
if you wear the pastor hat, you can control people by implying all manner of things without actually saying them.
it’s baked into the christian pastor leadership industry.
(many) pastors simply emulate and parrot manipulative and controlling stuff from the culture they are immersed in because it’s just the done thing.
in the scenario you’re describing, it makes co-dependency a so-called ‘gospel issue’
…(a term which means absolutely nothing, but again the implicit meaning is it is a sin to do otherwise, and you risk losing God’s favor/respect, your christian peers’ favor/respect, perhaps your eternal status, your salvation,…)
all in all, christian church culture erodes objectivity.
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“to summarize: they got so focused on doctrine that they forgot to love people.”
makes me think of a contortionist.
twisting yourself into as unnatural a pretzel-y shape as possible as the object of the exercise.
and calling it godly and the condition for being in the eternal in-group.
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A few (13) years ago I made a comment on a post about SGM, which now needs an update. The previous post was about how BD had been “defriended”, and included a list of acronyms including IHA for I Hate Acronyms. But people who were familiar with that “family of churches” understood my acronyms. FF stood for Friendly Fire, a former SGM pastor.
Let me try, just using initials, get this straight. Consider I’m writing a novel and asking, “would this be believable?”. FF founds SRC. He brings up MC in the faith and makes him his young protege. In a nearby city, LT and CJ found CLC and later PDI, which would become SGM. They bring BD and JL in as young proteges (amongst others). FF thinks they’re his friends, and joins in. Instead, BD degifts him, makes him janitor, rustles the mutton, and installs MC as FF’s boss. FF goes away quietly, but now sometimes wishes he’d blown the whole thing up. Eventually CJ degifts LT, JL takes over at SRC, JH becomes CJ’s young protege and eventually boss at CLC, MC degifts BD, who does NOT go away quietly, JH states this may be God’s discipline, and now may leave SGM and take CLC with him, CJ goes away briefly but may well end up at SRC, CJ invites, then disinvites, LT to a reconciliation conference, gives a speech there to say he was wrong to say he was wrong, and to publicly mark divisors like BD, and MC unfriends BD. Last and least, I friend BD, just to be contrary.
BD posts his most recent FB article, a nice piece honoring veterans. He forgets to post anything about some “serious, but limited” improprieties he’s been doing with another man’s wife, with which he’s been confronted a week earlier. He’s still forgotten to update his FB friends. And so….
I unfriend BD……..
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Three years ago we left an ARBCA church because of spiritual abuse. In my experience I would say spiritual abuse is very very subtle. We had no idea how bad things were.
We were like frogs slowly boiling in a pot of water. What we thought was “respecting the role of the Pastors” was really them trying to be our Holy Spirit and controlling us. The leaders did not want us to think on our own so indirectly demanded this unspoken respect like they were popes. They wanted to do the thinking for us. I remember a quote from one of them “Are you questioning the wisdom of your elders?” when we asked a question they didn’t like. Soon they were twisting the Scriptures to fit into their agenda so that they could control people and situations. When we left, it felt like we jumped out of a boat, into the waves of the sea, where Jesus was. And Jesus caught us and pulled us up and held us. It was the biggest relief of my life to get out from under that. We were suffocating and we felt the chains release us when we left. And now they don’t talk to us. They consider us unbelievers because we left. They blame us for dividing their church when they divided their own church. In my opinion, that is a form of spiritual abuse.
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Sorry, one more comment. I woke up in the middle of the night regretting that I commented on this post, worried that I was doing something wrong. Then quickly realized that is the conditioning I have had for years. I realized that is the fear that still lingers in me of those men who call themselves pastors. I did nothing wrong commenting but wrote of my experience. And it is okay. You are so correct in your blog, spiritual abuse is extremely hard to define. Thank you for posting! It has actually helped me process this a bit more.
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There is nothing wrong with expressing your thoughts, and, raising questions in the Church… Christ entertained many questions… In fact he seemed to like them!!
My fundamentalist upbringing also did not like “questions”… yet, they pounded the importance of reading and knowing the Bible… now, I see the wisdom of independently knowing the Bible… you can more easily see the bad teaching of these “so-called” pastors..
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i understand.
i mentioned above that my experience with a very controlling church environment resulted in me second-guessing everything i did. every decision, even down to which socks i chose to wear. feeling agitated and stressful fear and doom that surely i had somehow done something very wrong.
such a sick church culture.
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It truly is a sick culture. And a very sad culture since that is not what the Gospel is about. I feel like the longer I am out of it, the more layers of the onion I am discovering that need to be peeled off.
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Thank you for explaining your experience. You are not alone. My family had a similar situation.
And you are absolutely right. If it helps, 1 Tim. 5:19-20 says “Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.” It sounds like from your description that there were way more than two or three witnesses. So now you are SUPPOSED to call them out in the open. Explaining it in an open forum like this is the RIGHT thing to do. Being brave and giving your testimony is how we’re supposed to solve these problems.
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Just like the Communists of the last century.
Except they called it “Purity of Ideology”.
Ask any survivor of the Killing Fields of Democratic Kampuchea.
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Where the Wrong Choice could put into Eternal Hell.
Especially when whichever way you choose, it WILL be the Wrong Choice.
And everything has been elevated to Literally Cosmic Importance, GOD or SATAN.
It’s like this illustration from local morning drive-time radio:
“Everything’s Political. Don’t believe me? Next break, I’m going to the bathroom. The MEN’s Room. That’s making a Political Statement!”
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Maybe Believable using another set of initials: L. S. D.
“The difference between fiction and reality is fiction has to make sense.”
— attr to Mark Twain or Tom Clancy
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Works especially well with the Christianese Conditioning to take everything Jot-and-Tittle Literally. Semantics, My Dear Wormwood.
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I never felt more free in Christ Jesus as when I left the organized church setting!
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Yes. Definition of insanity if you ask me.
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Jesus even entertained questions from the Pharisees, while they plotted in their hearts how to get rid of Him. Many Wartburgers have felt the pain of discipline, shunning and/or excommunication simply for questioning the belief and practice of today’s church “pharisees.” Oh, some will appear to be listening to you, while rejecting any concerns you may have. The pharisaical spirit is alive and well in the American church … you will find no congregational platform for a theological/ecclesiological exchange between clergy and laity in such churches.
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When the blind man healed by Jesus told church leaders the truth about his healing, they threw him out of the church! Scripture records that Jesus went looking for him! It’s better to be out of church with Jesus, than in church without Him.
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Thank you for saying this!
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Thank you for the encouragement! I replied wrong and forgot to hit the quoted reply so my other reply to you was in response to this too. You are right. The problem of spiritual abuse won’t be solved if we aren’t putting these problems in an open forum and discussing them. I’m sorry for what your family experienced too. It’s tough.
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My big red flag for abuse is the inability to get a simple question answered by church leaders or elders – especially about money such as pastor salaries.