Mark Dever Is Stopping Young Women From Leaving the Church, Along with Updates on Andy Savage, Sons of Patriarchy and Doug Wilson, and More.

An aurora from the ISS. NASA

“It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad”. C. S. Lewis

Our family is celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow. My husband is on call, and my son is working. So, tomorrow is the day I serve dinner at 1 PM, and I am up to my eyeballs tonight. So, here are some things from around the internet. I review news for about 45 minutes each day and keep a list of things I find interesting. On Monday, I plan to present some exciting changes to the law in Oklahoma when it comes to sex abuse and little girls. Some folks in recent posts may be in trouble, and some victims may have some recourse.

9Marx via Mark Dever and Capitol Hill Baptist Church will prevent young women from leaving the church and becoming atheists.

This article was written by a young woman at Mark Dever’s church. Why Young Women Are Leaving the Church and How Pastors Can Help.

Andy Savage, who molested Jules Woodson, appears to minimize Sexual abuse. What a surprise…

Pastor Andy Savage criticized for minimizing sexual abuse of Jules Woodson as a ‘valley.’

One young man escaped abuse at Kamp Kanakuk and wrote about it.

Former K-Kountry camper tells his story in prose

Have you listened to any of the Sons of Patriarchy podcasts?

This one is on Doug Wilson, and I’m sure there is fuming in Moscow, Idaho. Doug Wilson is The Apostle to the Patriarchs.

What in the world is a Pastor of Guest Experience?

It sounds like a cast member at Disney… New Leadership Role for Churches: The Pastor of Guest Experience, With Lee West.

Have a good weekend.


Mark Dever Is Stopping Young Women From Leaving the Church, Along with Updates on Andy Savage, Sons of Patriarchy and Doug Wilson, and More. — 76 Comments

  1. Oh for crying out loud.
    Pastor of Guest Experience.
    American Christians are slow learners, aren’t we? After all this nonsense in the American church, why have we not just gone back to having little neighborhood churches with run-of-the-mill worship services and real pastors who know their small congregations?

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  2. Elizabeth Hance gently holds our hands to hurl us down the Jamesian slippery slope, from, it’s only abuse of complementarian – ism that is offputting to such women, to, it’s not even or really that anyway because look how they are all as bad as these pagans I describe. And gently back again as if we had awakened from a nightmare. She should try to score sentimental tunes instead.

    Objectively (in the real God’s eyes) churches that don’t unequally yoke with the TGC could better invent their own thing that they might call complementarian – ism, but we can’t unyoke from TGC as that means going against TGC culture: note that their culture is that their Bismarck-like organisational grip precedes the nature of any content.

    This gives the lie to their priority claim of ownership of God’s plan.

    Personnel in foyers should keep their fingers well clear of newcomers, preferably behind their backs so they aren’t tempted (they can even hide their handcuffs that way). Stand at least six feet back and beam nicely. It might even convey the message, we have got room for you!

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  3. “Mark Dever Is Stopping Young Women From Leaving the Church”

    “Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1)

    Run, girls! You are free in Christ to ignore Mr. Dever and chart your own Christian journey. Don’t allow him to chain you down with New Calvinist rules and regulations. If he excommunicates you, congratulations!

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  4. “What in the world is a Pastor of Guest Experience?”

    Makes sense to me … church as entertainment needs to make sure guests get their money’s worth! “Hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up to the greatest show on earth!” shouts the Pastor of Guest Experience.

    Don’t know if this is a NeoCal thing, but the young reformers did coin other titles used across America … “Lead Pastor” and “NextGen Pastor.” The latter simply refers to a position which makes sure reformed indoctrination occurs with the next generation (if you can change a generation in belief and practice, you can change the church). A lot of the Lead Pastors in my area are young whippersnappers right out of seminary who don’t have the maturity to lead anything.

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  5. I’m always amazed when I read articles like TGC.I never realized how miserable and unhappy i am because I pursued several different careers, never married, never had children, made all my own decisions (good and bad) about my body, my sexuality, my education, my friends, my religious beliefs,etc.

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  6. And the thing is, the message of the church SHOULD be choose life or choose death. Life in Christ, destruction outside of Christ.

    It doesn’t matter a hoot in hades what the “guest experience” is.

    And no pastor can stop anyone from leaving his church. Not by force, not by shunning, and certainly not with focusing on a better guest experience.

    And sometimes you have to leave the church if you want to hang out with Jesus, because these days He isn’t often welcome there.

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  7. Max,

    “Coming to Christ Through Complementarianism”
    “Complementarian theology played an important part in Anna’s conversion.”

    Ahhhh, salvation for a woman through committing her life, her very soul, to trusting, obeying, and serving a fallible, mortal man.
    This “theology” renders Jesus totally useless to women


    “Pastor of Guest Experience“

    Uhm, is this their idea of God’s version of the Nielsen ratings for a tv show, or is it more more like a Biblically customer survey for a new set of Gotham Steel cookware?
    So, what do they do if the guests say the experience was horrible?

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  8. Nancy2(aka Kevlar): “Coming to Christ Through Complementarianism”
    “Complementarian theology played an important part in Anna’s conversion.”

    This “theology” renders Jesus totally useless to women

    Funny, Scripture doesn’t mention that route of salvation at all! Let it be known to all theo-dudes and women influenced by them … teachings/traditions of men and pet theologies are not necessary for anyone to come to Jesus. Only through a personal encounter with the living Christ can you truly be saved.

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  9. From Elizabeth Hance:
    Women have been taught not only that they rule their own bodies and lives but that they have the power to decide who lives and dies. Why would women see a need for God when they’ve functionally become gods?

    So when men rule their own bodies and lives, does that mean they too have rejected God and have functionally become gods?

    What we have here is, aside from more brainwashing, is the usual double standard, only we’re suppose to buy it now that it’s written by a woman. Okay Elizabeth, go enjoy your religious prison; when you’ve outlived your usefulness to the patriarchy and get kicked out for asking one question, there’ll be a community waiting to welcome you as an equal. Toward the end of my church membership, an angry pastor once asked me, “Do you think God is pleased with you and your decision to not obey me?” I answered, “I think God is pleased with me for using the brain He gave me.” The Church will be stronger when we all use the brains He gave us, instead of hiding them in a closet because insecure men feel threatened and try to use the approval of God as a weapon against women.

    More times than not, submission to men does not equal submission to God.

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  10. Elizabeth Hance wrote the first article linked to in Dee’s post. She has been attending Mark Dever’s Capitol Hill Baptist Church for 7 years. At the end of her article Hance wrote:

    “The famous failures of a few pastors may push some women away from the church, but God could use the faithful care and leadership of many pastors to draw women back in.”

    I believe at this point to say “failures of a few pastors” is unwarranted by the facts. Further, if Hance believes Mark Dever is included in the list of “faithful care and leadership of many pastors,” which I believe she does, she has lost all credibility with me.

    Mark Dever strongly endorsed C.J. Mahaney and has never retracted his endorsement. He also endorsed former intern Anthony Moore, the senior pastor at the Fort Worth campus of the Village Church who was fired for secretly filming his assistant pastor while showering at Moore’s house. And there’s more, much more. I hope to write about it in the future.

    Hance would be well advised to find a different church, but she is unlikely to do so.

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  11. Todd Wilhelm: Hance would be well advised to find a different church, but she is unlikely to do so.

    The problem with deception is that you don’t know you are deceived because you are deceived. NeoCal indoctrination is a form of brainwashing … it’s hard to escape if you can’t see it for what it is. That bubble will break someday; false theology always runs its course … a great multitude of NeoCal faithful will be left confused and disillusioned.

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  12. Max: The problem with deception is that you don’t know you are deceived because you are deceived. NeoCal indoctrination is a form of brainwashing … it’s hard to escape if you can’t see it for what it is.

    “This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it.”

    “Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.”
    — Reichsminister Goebbels, AKA Adolf Hitler’s Spinmeister

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  13. The Church will be stronger when we all use the brains He gave us, instead of hiding them in a closet because insecure men feel threatened


    I agree. I was raised in an SBC church…..(IHA! I grew up and still live about a 50 minute drive from Mark Dever’s hometown!)

    I was a 36 year old high school math teacher and an SS and VBS teacher (from kindergarten up through high school) when the BF&M 2000 was adopted. I was very active in church. So, Please believe me when I tell you that things were not always the way they are now.

    (Side note: By 2011, the person in the church who was giving me the most grief because I was teaching a mixed gender SS class full of teenagers just happened to be a man whom, two years prior, I had spent my Saturday mornings tutoring through his college adv. algebra classes so that he would qualify for a higher paying job. Go figure.)

    In Feb. 2016, I stopped attending church. I faced up to the fact that the church left me long before then.

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  14. Nancy2(aka Kevlar): when the BF&M 2000 was adopted

    … it was the turning point in SBC life … the open door for New Calvinism … the exit of evangelism and mission in Jesus’ name … the proliferation of another gospel which is not ‘the’ Gospel at all … a field for folks like Mark Dever to control, indoctrinate and prosper … yep, the SBC is done; it just hasn’t quit yet

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  15. “I have come to see that many wrongs occurred in 1998. The first was my inappropriate relationship with Jules, which was not only immoral, but meets the definition of abuse of power since I was her youth pastor” (Andy Savage)

    I guess Mr. Savage hasn’t yet “come to see” that his sin/crime should have been permanently disqualifying from ministry. If he is truly repentant, the church should forgive him but not restore him to ministry. He may have went through a “valley”, but Ms. Woodson went through hell for years. Only cheap grace would put him back in the pulpit at Grace Valley Church.

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  16. Max: “I have come to see that many wrongs occurred in 1998. The first was my inappropriate relationship with Jules, which was not only immoral, but meets the definition of abuse of power since I was her youth pastor” (Andy Savage)

    Dear Andy,
    “Wrong,” “inappropriate,” “relationship,” and “immoral” are the weakest conceivable words to describe your crime.
    These words could apply to fudging my taxes.
    “Meets the definition of abuse of power” is about as watered down as a homeopathic medicine.
    “Second degree pastoral grooming and rape of a minor with coverup, gaslighting, and spiritual abuse” works for me Andy.

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  17. Nancy2(aka Kevlar): (Side note: By 2011, the person in the church who was giving me the most grief because I was teaching a mixed gender SS class full of teenagers just happened to be a man whom, two years prior, I had spent my Saturday mornings tutoring through his college adv. algebra classes so that he would qualify for a higher paying job. Go figure.)

    I am so sorry to hear this Nancy, and it pisses me off to no end.
    Some men have zero conscience and zero integrity.
    And for what?
    Some Greek letters all run together on crumbling parchments?

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  18. Why are young women leaving the church? Let’s see, it can’t possibly be because they are capable of evaluating scripture for themselves and realizing that reasonable Christians can disagree and deciding that the non-complementarian interpretation is more faithful to the Scripture and the Gospel. Because, according to complementarianism, obviously women can’t do that, they need to ask a man to explain Scripture to them. They are so easily led astray, brainwise, and scripture-wise. That’s why they need men, according to complementarianism. And this reasoning is in no way circular. We can never critically evaluate complementarianism!

    No, no, these women who are leaving are selfish and brainless and just want freedom from God’s lovingly ordained plan that they be second class citizens in his kingdom. Also, the problem is that they don’t realize how great it is to trade in their brains for the life of a tradwife! Look! Here is one woman who discovered her personal kinks cause her to enjoy mixing a submissive role with religion! We just need to make sure more women know how gratifying it is to live as a submissive!! I mean, a submissive Christian wife.

    So, in conclusion, to prevent women leaving the church, we need to double down on complementarianism and just do a better job of making it prettier, girls like pretty!! We need to do better at gaslighting women into being duped into saying “I do” to getting stuck in a complementarian marriage.

    And this same logic where we tell women why they are leaving instead of listening to them and considering their input like they are full humans is in no way indicative of why these women have given up on trying to be the difference they want to see in evangelical Christianity and are leaving.

    -my summary of the article on women leaving the church

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  19. R: why have we not just gone back to having little neighborhood churches with run-of-the-mill worship services and real pastors who know their small congregations?

    Because those can also go sour, just they go sour in a different direction.
    Remember all those tiny independent IFB churches?
    Or the “Just Us Four, No More, AMEN” independent house churches all on their own without a reality check?

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  20. Ariel: More times than not, submission to men does not equal submission to God.


    I appreciated your whole comment.

    I’d say submission to men doesn’t exist where God is concerned.

    Except for law enforcement, I truly can’t think of any human being I would submit to or have ever submitted to.

    In my own professional and personal development I make myself accountable to those with more knowledge and skill, so I grow and progress.

    (Higher education, teachers, trainers, employers)

    I don’t submit to them; i reserve the right to choose differently re: the structure and information they give me. And own the results/consequences.

    Goodness, this word “submit/submission”…. This was never ever a thing growing up Christian (in the 70s and 80s).

    In my context, it’s as new and silly and totally unnecessary as my car making decisions for me.

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  21. Max:
    Doug Wilson?What more can be said about him?!

    Sith Lord, Emperor Sheev Palpatine… (Star Wars villain)…. wannabe.
    (I’m a Star Wars fan, especially the original Trilogy and The Force Awakens.)

    I’m afraid we have a lot of those movie villain stereotypes trying to control people and gain fame and fortune through Christianity™️.

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  22. Max:
    “Mark Dever Is Stopping Young Women From Leaving the Church”

    “Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:1)

    Run, girls!You are free in Christ to ignore Mr. Dever and chart your own Christian journey. Don’t allow him to chain you down with New Calvinist rules and regulations.If he excommunicates you, congratulations!

    And, as Dee has pointed out (she has a whole post on this), no church can force you to stay. Even if they reject your request to be removed from the rolls, you have a right (both as a human and as an American citizen/resident) to stop attending/supporting that church. If they want to pad their rolls with absent members, that’s their (stupid) choice.

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  23. Elastigirl: Goodness, this word “submit/submission”…. This was never ever a thing growing up Christian (in the 70s and 80s).

    While various authoritarian patriarchal church cultures have proliferated in the last 50 years with that message, the resurgence of Calvinism (via New Calvinism) has definitely turned on the heat to submit/submit/submit or else!

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  24. Pastors could definitely help young women from leaving church by publicly holding the men in their church accountable for their rotten, immoral, abusive bad behavior, and unholy attitudes toward women. Since that is not happening in complementation churches the young women will continue to leave.

    BTW I don’t believe for a minute that story about “Anna” coming to Christ because of complementarianism is true. No women in her thirties who has had a career is excited about becoming some man’s emotional and physical inferior.

    “But we love our women!” they say. Yeah right. You love them subject to you.

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  25. Max: While various authoritarian patriarchal church cultures have proliferated in the last 50 years with that message, the resurgence of Calvinism (via New Calvinism) has definitely turned on the heat to submit/submit/submit or else!

    When are they introducing Religious Police with Whips?

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  26. Bridget: Fisher: BTW I don’t believe for a minute that story about “Anna” coming to Christ because of complementarianism is true.

    If this is true, she certainly came to Christ for the wrong reason.

    I remember several years ago (in the UK?) about some women converting to Strict Islam because of its equivalent of Complementarianim. The background of these women was upbringing and living in an “anything goes” environment & attitude and burning out from it. So they’d flip into the most strict form of Complementarianism to get away from all that. It was a relief for them to enter an environment (in their case, the Strictest forms of Islam) where they didn’t need to decide or choose or even think, just obey the Holy Books/Word Of God where everything was spelled out in detail.

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  27. Fisher: “But we love our women!” they say. Yeah right. You love them subject to you.

    Your personal Property with Benefits on Demand (nudge nudge wink wink know what I mean know what I mean). All justified by “GAWD SAITH!”

    Problem is for me, there can be NO companionship with a cooker/cleaner/breeder/sex toy.

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  28. nmgirl: I’m always amazed when I read articles like TGC.I never realized how miserable and unhappy i am because I pursued several different careers, never married, never had children, made all my own decisions (good and bad) about my body, my sexuality, my education, my friends, my religious beliefs,etc.

    I have to admit that right now, when I read articles like this, I question whether I really want to get married in January. (Why yes, I’m getting married in January to a guy I’ve known since the 1980s.) Then I remember that my fiance is not that way at all, and in fact he’s been concerned about the simmering anger I have towards fundamentalism. So then I’m not worried.

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  29. R,

    Aggree R, By ‘small’ a christian faith community can be up to 250 to 500 regular attendees/gatherers with a small paid and lay pastoral team if it prioritises ministry time & resources to such things as, expository preaching through books of the bible, intentional pastoral care and visitation, small groups, children and youth groups and preplanned services that focus on worship not personalities and entertainment. Community programs and services also need to be prioritised around no more than one ir community needs with the understanding that peoples autonomy be respected and that a loving presence speaks louder than words. Of course this kind of ministry and church life doesn’t sound overly original but at least its endevouring to be faithful to the gospel of Christ which enhances credibility.

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  30. After reading the article, I’m still trying to figure out how Mark Dever is stopping women from leaving the church.

    Obviously he is not.

    Is Capitol Hill everybody’s cup of tea? No

    Is any member free to leave? Absolutely

    Ah, but this is TWW who despises complementationism which believes God created men for some roles and women for others though their spiritual value is absolutely equal.

    Dee won’t be happy until 50% of all Evangelical churches has a women as head pastor.

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  31. Ian Docker: By ‘small’ a christian faith community can be up to 250 to 500 regular attendees/gatherers with a small paid and lay pastoral team

    The Southern Baptist Convention, to which Dever is affiliated with, is the largest Protestant denomination in America. Touting 15 million members, the SBC has 47,000+ churches. The overwhelming majority of those churches have 200 members or less, most in rural areas. There has been a move over the past 20 years by New Calvinists to take over the denomination (with elder-rule governance, complementarianism, aberrant theology, etc.) – a mission largely accomplished as NeoCal leaders now control all SBC seminaries, home and foreign mission agencies, church planting program, publishing house, and a growing number of once-traditional (non-Calvinist churches). Prior to the NeoCal movement, SBC was distinctly non-Calvinist in belief and practice for 150 years … until Mr. Dever’s bud Al Mohler decided to drag the SBC back to its pre-Civil War Calvinist roots, without asking millions of non-Calvinist Southern Baptists if they wanted to go there. It’s the darnedest thing I’ve ever seen!

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  32. Muff Potter:

    Those guys (fundagelicals) hate and despise human freedom of any kind.

    Is that any surprise?

    The Fundagelical God hates humans and human freedom with a perfect hatred. That means You, Me, Everyone except his Special Pets.

    Look at their Revenge Jesus at Armageddon, who Shall Rule With a Rod of Iron. Forever.

    Heaven (NOT Olam-ha-ba) as nothing but worship bots endlessly repeating “PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD!” like an MP3 loop. Cosmic North Korea – Dance Joyfully with Great Enthusiasm before Comrade Dear Leader – FOREVER.

    The two Author Self-Inserts in Left Behind: Volume 13 (set AFTER the Second Coming) going to and fro throwing their weight around as God’s Special Enforcers. At the very end of Volume 12 (the actual Second Coming and Judgment), they received a New Arda (if not a New Ea) from the hand of Iluvatar Himself, and all it meant to them was “Now we can have a Truly CHRISTIAN Nation.”

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  33. Andrew Bartlett:
    “New Leadership Role for Churches: The Pastor of Guest Experience, With Lee West.”
    Good to know that in these polarized times there are still plenty of Americans with a sense of humor.

    Just in an Age of Extremes like today, you never know if it’s a sense of humor.

    In an Age of Extremes like today, as over-the-top crazy as you go for spoof and parody, there will be some True Believers out there twice as over-the-top, twice as X-Treme, twice as crazy, and DEAD SERIOUS.

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  34. Max,


    Understand your valid concerns and have experienced the dogmatism, and sadly arrogance, of those who adhere to this strong calvinist world view.
    Yes, there is a systematic covert infiltration here too among mainline churches and denominations, with some clergy I’m told even concealing their cards to church boards and councils when negotiating a new pastoral position. Disturbing when christian ethics are dismissed because the end justifys the means.
    Interesting to note too that some aren’t always convicted enough by their new, and not so old theology, to walk away from church assets and property if disagreements arise.
    Oddly enough I provided interim ministry to a church where many moons back Arthur Pink once served. Arthur – who authored ‘The Sovereignty of God’ and whose personality and strong calvinist stance apparently wasn’t well received, is now vogue.
    The troubling thing about all this, is that Grace is the unique aspect of historical and bibical Christianity.
    Sadly, this world view/theology when overtly pushed in word and deed is so ungracious.

    Ps apologies for any typos – big fingers small phone

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  35. Ian Docker: there is a systematic covert infiltration here too among mainline churches and denominations, with some clergy I’m told even concealing their cards to church boards and councils when negotiating a new pastoral position. Disturbing when christian ethics are dismissed because the end justifies the means

    Much has been written on TWW and elsewhere about the stealth and deception used by the New Calvinists to takeover SBC non-Calvinist churches. I personally know of some congregations in my area where pastoral candidates lied to search committees about their theological leaning in order to gain the pulpit. I suppose the new reformers felt that this was justifiable for the good of the NeoCal movement – to restore the ‘true’ gospel (Calvinism) to the American church and capture churches and assets for their cause. They certainly have a passion about their mission, but it is a misplaced passion and has nothing to do with the Great Commission nor the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God will hold their leaders (Dever, Mohler, others) responsible.

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  36. Ian Docker: Oddly enough I provided interim ministry to a church where many moons back Arthur Pink once served.

    Is this “Arthur” the A.W.Pink who achieved the ultimate theoretical end state of Protestantism, the “One True Church of One”?

    i.e. He was the Only True Christian of all time (with the Only Perfectly Parsed Theology) and everyone else were all Counterfeit Apostates and Heretics?

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  37. Max: this was justifiable for the good of the NeoCal movement – to restore the ‘true’ gospel (Calvinism) to the American church and capture churches and assets for their cause.

    I can’t help thinking that 60-100 years ago these same guys “raised up for such a time as this” would have been on-fire for The Cause of Communism instead of Calvinism.

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  38. Max: In New Calvinism, it’s all about grace-this and grace-that, but there is no Grace in their method and message.They use the very word “grace” to deceive churches … blasphemous!

    “Grace” in such a context should be approached as you would “People’s Democratic” in the name of a Third World country.

    Where the more adjectives about Democracy there are in a country’s official name, the nastier a Dictatorship it is.

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  39. Complementarian theology played an important part in Anna’s conversion. For years, she’d watched abuses of authority bring harm. But through our pastors’ example, she saw how good authority—rather than throwing off all authority—serves as a corrective. Our pastors aren’t perfect, but they strive to serve, they’re quick to repent, and they promote healing as they lead. They offered Anna a new, powerful example of the Good Shepherd’s care—and God used it to save her.

    For years, I’ve watched Mark Dever write abusive crap and parade his ego all over Youtube, so I have to question the truth of this statement. I’ve also watched dear friends up close because enamored with his theology and turn into horrible people who abuse the people around them. It’s not just complementarianism, though the assumption that there can’t possibly be any other interpretation of the Bible is arrogant in itself, but the core of New Calvinist theology that talks about people being irredeemable but puts male leaders on a pedestal with no accountability and acts like their own theology doesn’t apply to themselves. Their beliefs are elitist and downright wicked.

    Moreover, I’ve been in churches where what was really going on is not what members saw. Or, members had built up an image of their pastor which was nothing like who the pastor was. I mean, I can come up with a huge list of pastors who were talked about like gods by their members or other average Christians, who turned out to be nothing but criminals and phonies. I know this woman is writing to their brainwashed ones, but ugh.

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  40. Headless Unicorn Guy,

    Yes, Arthur Pink, who was UK born,
    served a number of congregations in Australia and though he had a pastoral heart his zealotry for calvinism – from the pulpit and through articles – apparently overshadowed his pastoral ministry. Something that Zealotry tends to do.
    He has been an obscure figure, but from time to time referred to due to his concentrated form of calvinism.

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  41. Max,

    And the dudes are not male friendly either because the females are increasingly “content” to deny us teaching on how to do good works. Weaponise women against men (Gadhafi style) as per Divinely Inspired Grudem 3:16. They are pitching us headlong into the race to the bottom. They will not rest unless we become seven times worse than them!

    Ian Docker,

    Mega grateful Ian for this headsup. Theosophy boss in waiting (grooming experience), via the materialistic Moodyists (propagating memes – see Tim Gloege), carefully tried his hand in just enough “pastoring” without traceable continuity or vicinity, tells lies about the God-given logic of the real predestination, mixes his equivocating (a word I got from Gresham Machen) with just enough halftruths to gain faint commendation from even an MLJ (who must have read something better into it), media personality foremost, model for modest self-induced breakdowns, enough volte faces to cement his veracity, surname that tickles me. Picked over by revisionists and re-revisionists.

    Virtues: music (somehow), philately.

    I choked on an elder’s wife’s otherwise good pasta arrabiata, when asking why home groups (which seemed to be full of interruptions) were brand-named with the G-word (which beats the dated L-word), and told something like “we weren’t like the other filthy authoritarians”.

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  42. Michael in UK: They stole our vocabulary: christianity, marriage, belief, meaning, care . .

    I refer you to my previous epistle on Semantics, specifically the redefinition of the Enemy’s words into their “diabolical meanings”. Nowhere to we corrupt so effectively as at the very foot of the Enemy’s Altar!
    — Screwtape

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