Phaedra Creed: Ms. Wheelchair International 2022 link
“Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.” C. S. Lewis
This is the beginning of a series of posts that will feature a group of brave women who are in their 50s-60s who are speaking out about their allegations of abuse at the hands of Pastor Joe Campbell (and his wife, Becky), who is currently the pastor of Morningside Church in Blue Eye, Missouri. This is the center for Jim Bakker’s PTL ministry. He was a pastor in the Assemblies of God denomination. I realize this story has many tentacles, which I will attempt to confront and discuss.
Phaedra meets Pastor Joe Campbell, whose past was hidden from the congregation by the deacons.
Phaedra Creed currently resides in Nashville, TN. She is the only victim whose story took place in Missouri. The rest were in Oklahoma. As a young teen girl, she lived with her grandparents. He father was not involved in her life, and her mother, with whom she is now close, was in and out of her life. Her grandparents attended another church, but her friends invited her to their church, Versailles Assembly of God church in Versailles, Missouri. She was 13-14 years old and excited to participate in their youth activities involving a youth group and youth camp. The church was about 13 miles away from her home.
Joe Campbell was the pastor of the church. The deacons knew he was on probation due to allegations of sexual abuse in his former church, Eastland Assembly of God church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The deacons did not tell the church about his history. This silence would prove to be harmful to Phaedra and, quite possibly, others.
Phaedra got very involved in the church activities. She started helping in the children’s church and would sing in the main sanctuary during the services. She said Joe was charismatic, and the people loved him. She now believes that they worshipped Joe more than God. (Let me interrupt here. Many people believe that pedophiles and molesters are creepy old me who are easy to spot. Instead, they are often charismatic individuals who attract their victims and fool adults.) In this circumstance and others, we will see that Joe was revered and quite popular, even amongst the other church leaders who did not seem to know any better. It appeared they would protect him even when he was “caught.”
Phaedra said that Joe often preached about demons and even participated in “praying out” the demons in others. I found this interesting, given Robert Morris’s seeming emphasis on demons.
As Phaedra spent more time at the church preparing for the choir’s Christmas program, Joe started to pay attention to her. He would talk to her about “everything.” He would also invite her into his office for discussions. Phaedra made an important observation. She realized her dad and mother weren’t around and felt that loss. She looked to Joe as a strong male figure.
Joe began to molest Phaedra.
Joe invited Phaedra to live in a foster relationship with his wife, Becky, and their family. She knew this arrangement would allow her access to better schools, which she would attend with her friends from church. Since she could visit with her grandparents whenever she wanted, they permitted this living arrangement. She found the home “amazing” and got along well with the kids. Becki and Joe were “so kind” to her. She quickly grew to love Joe since he was now the father or male figure she wanted. This relationship would only last for 4-5 months.
Joe spent more and more time with her and began to shower her with physical affection. He would hold her hand in front of the family in the car as she would sit in the back seat with the kids, and Becky would sit up front. He would ask her to lean over the seat and would pull her arm across his body so he could hold her hand. This was done in front of Becki, who appeared to ignore it. During this period, he promised her “the moon” and even suggested that he might buy her a house.
Phaedra would do anything that he asked. The physical affection moved from kissing to petting to complete intercourse. He would do this sometimes in the house when Becky was out. He also did this in the church office. She described a closet that opened up to a little back room. Phaedra had her period but was under the impression that Joe had a vasectomy.
The truth comes out, and the police and the courts get involved.
This behavior got so blatant that the youth pastor’s wife asked her what was happening. Phaedra told her the truth. She said that things got chaotic. The police were called, and she told them what happened. They gave her a lie detector test, which she claimed showed she was telling the truth. The authorities decided to prosecute Joe, and here it was when things got very difficult. During the trial:
- Phaedra was forced to testify with Joe and Becky in the courtroom.
- Members of the church came to sit on the side of Joe to support him, not Phaedra.
Phaedra was bullied by church members and friends, who accused her of lying and even worse.
Even worse, she began to be bullied by her friends.
- They laughed that she wore a white dress to court, trying to look like a little girl.
- Kids were throwing coins at her at school.
- They threatened her well-being.
- They said she was a liar and a tramp.
- They said she seduced Joe.
- They claimed she had demons.
Due to this stress, Phaedra refused to continue with the trial, so the case was dismissed. Thankfully, her grandparents supported her.
The Assemblies of God denomination in Springfield held an AOG trial and applied pressure for Phaedra to participate.
Apparently, the AOG holds (or used to have) trials when accusations of this kind arise.
This was when Phaedra met Kerri from Oklahoma, who introduced her to other victims in Tulsa. (I will tell Carrie’s story next.) Carrie was called to testify as well. This trial, as described, was handled poorly and heaped more abuse onto Kerri and Phaedra. This was presided over by a “bunch of men (20? 30?) who sat around a “huge “U” shaped table. She had to sit, being looked at by all of them. This included Becky and Joe, who were in the room. Kerrie told me they were promised they wouldn’t have to face their abuser, but that promise was broken.
Joe lost his AOG license to preach.
Phaedra heard that he was “kicked out.” However, as TWW readers know, he can’t preach in the AOG, but many non-AOG churches exist. Joe may have gone to other churches after that, but he eventually made his way to Jim Bakker’s Morningside Church.
Pastor Joe Campbell has been in full-time apostolic ministry for over five decades. He is the beloved Pastor at Morningside Church, gifted in a prophetic anointing of visions and dreams, and is called the “Pastor” to Pastors all over the world. He has helped start hundreds of churches and ministries worldwide, impacting communities and changing hearts back to the Father.
I will contact Campbell and Jim Bakker next week after I finish writing the stories of the women.
Phaedra’s struggle and victory.
Phaedra said she went through a very low period after moving back home and going through a period of rebellion. She became pregnant at 16 and raised her son. Until recently, she wouldn’t talk about what happened to her with Campbell. She is now ready to speak her truth. In 1996, a drunk driver hit her, and she was left paralyzed. Some people from her old church said it was her fault for seducing Joe. She moved away from Missouri and “never looked back.” In 2010, she became Ms Wheelchair USA. In 2022, she became Ms. Wheelchair International. She has a family, a good relationship with her mother, and many family members.
She says she is not mad at the church but is angry at the people.
Her essential question for Becky Campbell
She told me she was angry at Becky. Becky knew about what happened in Missouri. She also saw him holding hands with her. “Why did she let me move into the house with him?” That is a question I will explore as TWW looks at what happened in Missouri.
Final thoughts
- I am so impressed with the dignity and thoughtfulness that Phaedra exhibited as she discussed her molestation by Joe.
- When I told her I was so sorry she was paralyzed, she told me that her life is wonderful now. She was so upbeat.
- I cannot imagine a church that would allow a teen to be so poorly treated. Shame on all of those who went to support Joe at the trial. May God forgive them.
- May God forgive the AOG for the “trial” they put the teens through. I hope I will learn that they will never do anything like that today. I plan to find out.
- I am struggling with my feelings towards the church, the people in the church, and the church that allowed Joe to continue as a pastor. As the reader will find, he is a serial molester.
- Then, there is Camp Bell. More to come.
- I would like to hear what Jim Bakkers’ ministry says about this. Surely, they knew of his history. Of course, he has a jaded history as well.
- I believe Phaedra’s account and think it is time for the truth to come out.
I will post another story about another victim, Joe Campbell, on Monday.
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it always breaks my heart when I read these stories, these young people are so often struggling and really are vulnerable. To the right person, this is such a great opportunity to help them during a difficult time in their life or in this case take advantage of their life. Shameful!
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Bolsec in his biography of Calvin y Beza, reformeurs in Geneva, in his book in French wrote that Calvin boasted that, after a conférence Edith other reformeur,they would call him »the Teacher ». Here Campbell calls himself Pastor of Pastor. Same vibe
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With other reformeur.
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I’m left speechless after reading this. I feel such sorrow for Phaedra and Carrie. When I was a new Christian, I would pass joggers on my way to church on Sunday morning. I would think the typical Christianese thought of “sinners, you should be in church” as I passed them. Praise God I came off my throne and realized I was no better than them. Everyone has a story and church attendance can sometimes be more detrimental than a Sunday morning jog. I find walking in the woods and wondering on the beauty of creation to be much more rewarding than any Sunday service these days.
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Dee, thank you for continuing this difficult work! I applaud your dedication and how comforting you are during your discussions with victims/survivors
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Well said and so true!
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Thank you for your comment. Interesting.
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Cindy Clemishire,
I admire people who open up to me when telling difficult stories. Most have never heard of me, and I often imagine how hard it is to trust anyone after having been betrayed so terribly.
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From the main article up-top:
“May God forgive the AOG for the “trial” they put the teens through. I hope I will learn that they will never do anything like that today. I plan to find out.”
So what does ‘forgive’ mean aside from all the highfalutin platitudes and christianese mumbo-jumbo?
Not a goddang thing, except that when you (generic you) do bad $h|-|t, it sets forces in motion that ripple across the entire fabric of reality. And not in a good way.
This is the way the universe works, there’s no way around it.
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Cindy Clemishire,
Yes Dee, you’re doing a great thing. Thank you for helping so many people who were abused as children.
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A predatory wolf among the sheep by any other “pastor” title or name is still a wolf.
Time to put a purple dot or big bright red flag on this bad boy “pastor’s” file. He’s really a predator. Predator pastor, if you will. Predator in pastor garb. Cosplay. Masquerade. Monster behind the mask.
California had a Night Stalker. The church has her own brands of stalkers. Serialists. After boys, girls, women. While the men run the church and turn a blind eye. Then the church people fill the Courtroom benches in support of their serial church stalker. Their men.
In the case of the Night Stalker, after he was caught and went to Court, his fans wrote to him, sent him their photos baring all, and showed up in Court to support the guy who had violated and ended the lives of many. Go figure. Sick.
Mobs chose Barabbas over Jesus, and mobs are still doing the same today. Nothing new here.
As these Senior citizen women come forward with their stories from way back when that they never dared tell or were silenced, let us once and for all put to rest the myth of the Good Ole Days. There were wolves. Primarily men preying on boys, girls, and women while men ran the church. Even today, when these women come forward, what is the result?
Today, with internet exposure, is actually far better than the mythological “But I know better and MY church was the exception and I KNOW what went on there.” Today, we answer, “Really?” Truth surpasses myth, and it is taking time, courage, and technology to expose the myth.
God bless the women with the courage to tell. Keep sharing, and, Dee, keep posting.
The Good Ole Boys with their Good Ole Days will never do it for you. They embrace their myth. Women of yesteryear know better.
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“Pastr of Pastors”?
Is that anything like:
(Hallelujah, Hallelujah…)
(Hallelujah, Hallelujah…)”?
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AKA “Harley Quinn Syndrome”.
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Am I correct in thinking that the Bolsec you mention is Jerome Bolsec who was expelled from Berne for heresy and who took great delight in maligning Calvin wherever and whenever he could before returning to Roman Catholicism?
And as I’ve said before the Institutes started life as a primer for those interested in learning about this new, reformed faith, so in that respect (and only in that respect) Calvin was a teacher of teachers. Even so, he acknowledges that each city state will probably have its own catechism and that conformity to one only is neither necessary or desirable.
Finally, it has to remembered that Calvin had no desire to return to Geneva and did so reluctantly. In a letter to Farel – the chief instigator of his return – he reminds him that “ There are, as you know, two kinds of popularity: the one, when we hunt after favour from motives of ambition and the desire of pleasing; the other, when, by fairness and moderation, we gain upon their esteem, so as to make them willing to be taught by us”
(Bonnet, Jules. 2009. Letters of John Calvin. Vol. 1. Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.)
Hardly the remarks of a man who sought pre-eminence and it would be nice if for once he wasn’t blamed for every offence committed by people who had/have nothing to do with him or his teachings.
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That alone should have been a tip-off.
Remember what Boz T said?
In all his years as a prosecutor specializing in ChoMos, he had NEVER seen a church take the side of the underage victim. Always “RALLY ROUND THE CHOMO, BOYZ! GOD SAITH!!!”
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I find listening to doctrinally correct pastors on YouTube and studying the Bible for myself more rewarding than any Sunday service these days.
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Predators are experts at many things, including human behavior. They study and learn their victims; they choose carefully and know which lines not to cross. Campbell was brazen in the 80’s and protected by the ego of others. He preyed on children’s vulnerability and used scare tactics to bring children close to him for comfort. I don’t know about other denominational approaches, but AoG churches really loved scaring children back then. Looking back now, it makes me angry how things were done.
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Both of those options are where I am at the moment
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“I find listening to doctrinally correct pastors on YouTube and studying the Bible for myself more rewarding than any Sunday service these days.”
I understand.
Doctrinally correct…. hmmm… doesn’t seem like the height of arrogance to make that claim, though?
do you think those who differ in interpretation are dangerous? have nothing to learn from? will miss the heavenly cut?
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but more importantly, Phaedra I applaud your courage and stand with you. and am so deeply sorry for the $h|t you had to endure from such corrupt nincompoops (choosing polite words, but of course it’s too late for that)
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Like I keep harpin’, wait till a high profile court case against one of those good-old-boys hits the fan and sprays poo-poo far and wide. Said good old boy’s supporters will head for the hills faster that you can say ‘complicity’.
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Thank you, Phaedra, and The Wartburgh Watch! I’m sorry you had to endure these traumatic events. I too was a victim from an AOG “church.” The pastor let the man stay and I guarantee there were more incidents from others as the AOG allow way too much crap to occur, and they keep it hushed. It’s disgusting that you were treated so horribly! I pray that unburdening some of your experience and emotions will help to bring you some freedom. …God bless!
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Thank you Dee for sharing my story. It’s probably been 30 years since I’ve spoke about what happened. I was bullied, shamed, threatened, and made to feel so ashamed that for years I had wished I never said anything to anyone. Knowing that I was once again “alerting” people to the truth gave me all the same anxiety crashing down on my shoulders. However, when you APOLOGIZED to me. I felt years of tension be released. I finally felt that 14 year old me comforted.
I’ve been very blessed in my life to have strong Christian, family members that have kept me grounded in faith. I know that God didn’t do this to me. God’s church didn’t do this to me. It was a group of men plus one woman that allowed a man to do this to me.
Now, I’m ready to see his accountability. It’s time for justice. Not only for me, but for the many others who have also suffered from him.
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I know that Bolsec is rejected by the one of the Reform faith. But what I read by Calvinist they say that Calvin had no political power at Geneva and also that he had nothing to do with the burning of Servet. Well, a book have been written on that subject and Calvin was the one behind the arrest. We read that Geneva was worse than Rome. What does it means ? If everything was so good how was that calumnia told. Reina, the translator of the Spanish Bible, was in Geneva and would shed some tears every time he pass the place where Servet was burned. As soon as England opened he left Geneva and with him many, many people. So much as he was called “Moses”. Another Spanish reformer came to Geneva and soon left to Germany, where he was trapped by his own brother.
Bolsec tells another story, and says that Calvin wrote many letters pleading to come back. Geneva decided for him since they needed a Reformer.
Bolsec told us also that Bern did not reject him. But tired of the constant demands of Calvin, Viret and friends, they asked him if he could move to France. His life was spared because the christians in Bâle, Zurich and Bern, told the ones in Geneva to let him go.
Part of the book is based on letters found (by the government of Bern) at the office of Viret when he fled from Lausanne.
In one, Viret asked Calvin why he wrote a letter with much praise to himself by signed with the name of another person. Viret knew the hand writing and the style of Calvin. And he responded it was to help further the reform, and he would write also praises of Viret and Farel.
Nobody wrote anything against Bolsec when the book was published not so long after Calvin death. He lived he Lyon, not far from Geneva and many people knew the story about Calvin and were still alive at the time of the publication.
But it is not necessary to read Bolsec, others have written about his foul speaking of others. (because as I read Bolsec I was chocked and researched about Calvin).
Ruth Magnusson Davis, also demonstrate that Calvin says one thing and the contrary in his books. But it is so convulsed, nobody read till the end ! Ruth Magnusson Davis is doing the great job to update the Matthew Bible and it is not the Puritan Bible! To demonstrate it she thought that one chapter in the book she was writing would be sufficient. Two years laters, she published The Story of the Matthew Bible, Part 2 The Scriptures Then and Now. 547 pages !
To read Bolsec is hard because of the tremendous things, that happend in Geneva. I got depressed reading some chapters. The book is in old French. I read it first without problems but it needs help to understand it for a non-speaking French person. He talks about torture ! Hard read
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God is nowhere around ministers who abuse children, and those who cover and protect them. Any “ministry” they may have is sustained by the flesh not led by the Spirit … they lead the church with illegitimate authority.
So sorry that you experienced this Phaedra by someone you trusted in a place that should be safe for children. This was not ‘the’ Church. Jesus loves you.
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Yes to all three. Romans 16:17, Galatians 1:8,9 from the King James Bible
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I am so sorry that you experienced this, but happy for you that your faith remains and that you’ve had a supportive family.
God bless you as you move forward seeking justice. Many Christians unfortunately think that abuse is between the abuser and a particular victim and the solution is for one to say “Sorry” and the other to “forgive.” They don’t let themselves consider the need for justice which includes the protection of other vulnerable women and girls. Thank you for being willing to endure more trauma in order to seek justice and to protect others.
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From the readings for today:
CONTEXT: Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God’s chosen ones, and the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness, in hope of eternal life, which God, who can’t lie, promised before time began; but in his own time revealed his word in the message with which I was entrusted according to the commandment of God our Savior; to Titus, my true child according to a common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior.
PURPOSE: I left you in Crete for this reason, that you would set in order the things that were lacking and appoint elders or LEADERS in every city, as I directed you, if anyone is blameless, the husband of one wife, having children who believe, who are not accused of loose or unruly behavior.
For the overseer or LEADER must be blameless, as God’s steward, not self-pleasing, not easily angered, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for dishonest gain; but given to hospitality, a lover of good, sober minded, fair, holy, self-controlled, holding to the faithful word which is according to the teaching, that he may be able to exhort in the sound doctrine, and to convict those who contradict him.
For there are also many unruly men, vain talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, whose mouths must be stopped: men who overthrow whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for dishonest gain’s sake. One of them, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, and idle gluttons.” This testimony is true. For this cause, reprove them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith, not paying attention to fables and commandments of men who turn away from the truth. To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.
They profess that they know God, but by their deeds they deny him, being abominable, disobedient, and unfit for any good work. TITUS 1.1
And from Luke 17, also in the readings for today:
Jesus said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no occasions of stumbling should come, but woe to him through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, rather than that he should cause one of these little ones to stumble. Be careful. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him. If he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in the day, and seven times returns, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.”
Repentance requires restitution: both in the OT and NT: repay x 4. Fruits worthy of repentance. Forgive when there is FRUIT or restitution evidence of repentance.
Luke 19.4-10
Numbers 5.7
Exodus 21.37
Proverbs 6.31
Luke 3.8
Acts 3.8
Today’s readings have both the requirements for church LEADERS and the evidence of REPENTANCE.
Now, consider men like Robert Morris or this church leader Campbell.
The question for victims: Has there been repentance evidenced by restitution?
The question for the rest of us: Are these men God appointed, Holy Spirit filled Leaders?
The question for these Leaders’ supporters: Who or what are you supporting, God or evil?
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Careful, Supporters of these Leaders causing little ones to stumble.
If they are going down, you are going down, too. With your idols, your evil Leaders.
Supporters, Better if a millstone were around your neck as you are thrown into the sea.
Supporting these evil leaders is not playful with fire, it is fire. Nothing playful about it.
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Titus 1 may be what Max is quoting when he writes that a gift of gab, an aura of charisma, and a getup of skinny jeans with pricey sneakers is all one needs to *BINGO* land right up there on stage camera ready as a church “leader”.
We could list these guys, but we all know who they are. A few of them have outgrown their skinny jeans.
Hear tell, in Moscow, their cosplay is a cute little derby hat while nursing a big fat cigar over a single malt scotch at the local bro pub. How manly.
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and their cute spiky hairdos are now hairless shiny heads … I bet they hated to give that gimmick up
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“Never be in a hurry to ordain a man, or you may be making yourself responsible for his sins.” (1 Timothy 5:22 Phillips)
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Ever creative with cosplay, cover up, gimmicks, and camou (their specialty; after all, this group of “LEADERS” would never want their following to know who they really are behind the curtain of their Wizard of Oz masquerade on ginormous screen), they don the derby hat while nursing exotic grand cigars over single malt scotch at their local bro brewpub. Manly…
godly? The question.
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Ungodly, unholy, blasphemous
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There it is.
The $upporter$ with millstones around their necks, are sunk to the bottom of the abyss with their beloved evil leaders.
Supporters, take notice. These evil leaders you $upport will take you right down into the black hole of depravity with them.
Choices and consequences. Choose ye today whom you shall serve. God or money, moneyed leaders, with all the church that money can buy, or the free GIFTS of the Holy Spirit. (“free GIFTS” is redundant- how sad to have to remind that gifts are FREE or it’s not a gift).
In the NT, Jesus’ followers never amassed fortunes selling the Gospel. The leaders were hosted for meals and overnights, no more, no less.
The collections were for orphans, widows, and displaced peoples.
The 18 GIFTS of the Holy Spirit (Rom 12, 1 Cor 12, Eph 4) include pastoring and teaching. Who pays for a GIFT? If so, it’s not a gift, it’s a purchase.
Nothing about the Gospel is purchased or sold.
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IMO, the worst sort of supporters of pulpit bad actors are those who are called “elders”. We have talked a lot on TWW about elder boards who knew about “Pastor’s” past and hid it (the most recent example in the news were elders at Gateway). The lure of the Inner Ring has turned otherwise good men into yes-men accomplices of criminal behavior in the pulpit … they become good apples rotted by bad apples in the basket.
To those who know to do good but don’t, Scripture warns:
“If you fail to do what you know is right, you are sinning.” (James 4:17)
And besides sin … in the case of covering child abuse and protecting abusers rather than reporting it to authorities, it is a crime in all 50 states.
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So glad Cindy you came out to tell your story . You & all victims deserve to be heard… the “pastors”/ AKA
Wolf in sheep clothing deserve to never be in a seat of any authority in any church ever again! Prayerfully stay close to Jesus . He will have His final say .He is just and righteous!
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A live-in Commander’s Handmaid like Douggie ESQUIRE of Vision Forum?
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Once again: What is it with these guys and the Andrew Tate-sized cigars?
Goes with the Andrew Tate-style Attitudes?
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How un-American.
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Sonner or later they’re gonna’ get their Just Deserts.
If not in this world, then the next.
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You’re exactly right.
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You’re exactly right.
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I am so sorry that you were abuse by an AG pastor too.
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And then we can go back to all the warm feelies of how Christian we are.
More Christian than thou.
Without ever having to think of (much less experience) anything cold & prickly, only doublepluswarmfeelies.
Back to the 24/7 Praise Choruses and Pious Prayers.
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They’ve already anticipated you, Max:
“Laws of Men or WORD OF GAWD? GAWD or SATAN, Whose Side are YOU On?”
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Scaring them in what way? Threats of God’s Wrath, Hell and Damnation?
AOG is described as “an association of 170 Pentecostal denominations”. And Pentecostal usually means Dreams, Visions, and Tongues Tongues Tongues. Their theology sounds like Calvary Chapel with the addition of Gifts of the Spirit (which in practice usually means Tongues and Private Revelations).
My college roommate ended up drifting into the AOG around the time of his marriage in the early Eighties. THe two of us got along really well, but he’d occasionally go off on strange tangents involving low-end Private Revelations and once he did there was no talking him out of it; you had to wait and let it burn out by itself. And the weirdest one of these (the “Invisible Starship Incident”) in retrospect could have made a wild TV Sitcom episode. Put the two together and this does not bode well for the AOG.
And later on (don’t remember where), I heard a joke that “AOG” stands for “A-holes of God”, so the not-a-denom itself probably also had some sort of bad rep for exteemism.
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Phaedra Creed,
I’m glad you shared your story!!
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